IRC log for #maemo on 20130930

00:14.41DocScrutinizer05jonwil: pong
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02:52.47jonwilbtw DocScruitinizer05, what you were saying the other day about replacing the contacts/addressbook app, that would involve replacing osso-addressbook, libosso-abook or both.
02:52.58jonwillikely libosso-abook (which does have a -dev package btw)
02:53.39jonwilI am seeing now which functions osso-addressbook and libosso-abook call that we have no documentation for
02:56.03jonwilThe only dbus interfaces osso-abook deals with are (which it exposes) and (which it talks to)
02:59.22jonwiloh wait it also talks to
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03:21.13jonwil'ok, the only function osso-abook calls that we have no definition for is AsConfigAccountExists
03:21.19jonwilchecking libosso-abook now
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03:38.36jonwilok, so its just the one undocumented function
03:39.42jonwiland AsConfigAccountExists looks simple in what it does (takes a string and returns an int or bool)
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06:10.14Palijonwil: are you going to RE abook?
06:13.12jonwilno I am not
06:13.30jonwilI just investigated the details in case there was something undocumented that might need documenting if someone wanted to write a replacement
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06:24.24jonwilis there something you can think of that I should be looking into?
06:25.07jonwilI would dig further into pulseaudio-nokia but I know nothing about pulseaudio, nothing about sound systems and nothing about the kind of audio processing pulseaudio-nokia is doing
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09:06.09XATRIXHow can i tune my browser, to make it report mobile user-agent ?
09:06.13XATRIXOr something like this
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09:10.09wndset about:config -> general.useragent.vendor , perhaps
09:11.52XATRIXhm...any userfriendly way ?
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09:29.20zammyis there some finger print app?
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10:55.49troulouliou_devhi IS t planned to release a few neo900 mobo to those people that want to port maemo5 to it ?
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17:30.10*** join/#maemo tomreyn (~tomreyn@megaglest/team/tomreyn)
17:31.59tomreynhi there. i'm running maemo with community ssu  21.2011.38-1Tmaemo8.2 on an n900 and for a while now i'm having trouble with incoming calls and SMS not making the phone ring *sometimes*
17:32.18tomreynis this a known problem, or is this specific to me?
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17:36.23Sysaxedtomreyn, hmm, I feel like I had this problem several times
17:36.29Sysaxedbut I am not sure
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17:37.20tomreynSysaxed: i bet you would know if it happened to you as regularly as it does to me
17:38.28tomreyn(that's unless you're no longer using it and it's a while ago)
17:38.44Sysaxedhow can I know if it is my phone? Maybe it's just that I'm deaf
17:39.47Sysaxedand I love to ignore calls... Maybe I simply don't remember that there was a call that I ignored?
17:40.06Sysaxedn900 is the last thing that I would like to blame..
17:40.20tomreynwell, i repeatedly missed calls and sms because of this while i know i was sitting next to the phone which was lying on the table, and the battery was fine.
17:40.34tomreynoh and the call indicator light does flash
17:41.01tomreynalso the screen activates, just audio is missing
17:41.23tomreynand vibration, too
17:41.47tomreynso neither sound nor vibration works then
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20:07.06DocScrutinizer05tomreyn: *might* be related to some obscure pulseaudio "bugfixes" that recently got introduced to CSSU
20:08.21DocScrutinizer05OR to mce and accelerometer and "mute by turning screen downwards"  (would assume that you have enabled that option)
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20:10.46DocScrutinizer05in Samsunng OMNIA I had a funny problem that caused mp3 audio via BT headset to show unbearable dropouts whenever I wlaked with device in pocket. It turned out the mute-when-face-down function muted the mp3 BT playback on every step I did, since device thought it was oriented screen-down for a few milliseconds X-P
20:28.33tomreynDocScrutinizer05: can you point me to where to find the "mute by turning screen downwards" option?
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20:31.09tomreyni would expect to find it in profile settings but there is no such option there
20:31.23M4rtinKOOPS, looks like modRana 0.43.3 didn't really have all the commits that should have been there (about two weeks of commits didn't make it in due to packaging glitch)
20:31.47M4rtinKupgrade to 0.43.4 is therefore recommended :)
20:33.44dos1for all of you with facebook accounts:
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20:50.40DocScrutinizer05tomreyn: wow, I must have been dreaming
20:51.10DocScrutinizer05tomreyn: I can't spot any option to select or enable/disable "mute when face down"
20:52.16tomreynyeah i cant remember ever hitting it either
20:53.08tomreynthanks for trying to help, though ;-)
20:56.23DocScrutinizer05well, it just means you can't disable that function, which makes it a tiny bit more likely to be the culprit for the erratic behaviour you observe
20:57.24DocScrutinizer05what you could do: check ypur accelerometer with a tool like spirit level or accelerometer tester
20:58.42DocScrutinizer05in memoriam Gary Birkett
20:59.43xestomreyn: DocScrutinizer05:
21:02.16DocScrutinizer05xes: right, it won't silence a call when it already *is* (thinking it's) face-down
21:02.35DocScrutinizer05so my idea of an explanation won't fly
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21:04.47tomreynhmm yeah it's just for snoozing during incoming call least is a good starting point ;)
21:06.12tomreyni was thinking maybe it's surveillance and they 'just' fail to do it properly. but that'd be a lot of failure.
21:06.34tomreynyes thanks for digging up that post.
21:10.07DocScrutinizer05if you need more "useful hinting babbling": taking long term protocols of d-bus (use dbus-monitor) plus syslog should reveal what's going on
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21:51.15DocScrutinizer05tomreyn: do you have any "per contact ringtone" extension installed?
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21:58.08tomreynDocScrutinizer05: none
21:58.29DocScrutinizer05well, "good" then it can't be that either
21:59.18DocScrutinizer05it most probably as well can't be PA since that wouldn't explain missing vibrator
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22:00.46tomreyndo you know whether the information on whether an incoming call / text message has been received and whether to sound the ring tone / sms received signal are passed down from the baseband module to the OS separately?
22:02.15tomreynand thanks for heelping me rule things out :)
22:03.00DocScrutinizer05no, the modem only talks to linux-land that an event occurred
22:03.50DocScrutinizer05it's so called "unsolicited messages"
22:04.34tomreyni get those by e-mail all the time
22:04.44DocScrutinizer05it's like "RING: <phonenumber>"
22:05.07tomreyni see. does this go into some system log?
22:05.22tomreynwhat about text messages?
22:05.36DocScrutinizer05depends on a few config settings, mainly around CSD
22:05.42tomreyn"TEXT: <phonenumber>"
22:05.49DocScrutinizer05SMS all the same, basically
22:06.18tomreynhmm but the phone has to ring until the caller hangs up (or the call is received)
22:06.28tomreynso actually more info needs to be passed, no?
22:06.50DocScrutinizer05it's a tad more complicated with SMS since they can get stored inside modem until the AP side is fetching them
22:07.45DocScrutinizer05with calls there is another unsolicited msg that tells AP that modem inboung call quit
22:08.37tomreyni see, thanks for explaining
22:08.44DocScrutinizer05you can watch all this on d-bus
22:09.01tomreyni'm not really into d-bus
22:09.13DocScrutinizer05check out dbus-monitor
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22:10.33tomreynwill do soon
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