IRC log for #maemo on 20120131

00:01.03*** join/#maemo crashanddie_ (~crashandd@Maemo/community/contributor/crashanddie)
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03:37.48*** join/#maemo kurt__ (6a47ad4d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:38.41kurt__is anyway i can force a OTA update on my n900?
03:39.27SpeedEvilWhat revision are you on?
03:39.43SpeedEvilThe latest was Nov? A trivial diginotar-- fix
03:40.41SpeedEvilFirst I'd try simply asking the app-manager to update
03:41.09kurt__wants me to connect to my pc, lost usb cabling so.
03:41.26SpeedEvilAny mini-b cable will work
03:41.31kurt__and it wouldnt update via nokia updater on my pc anyways.
03:42.00*** join/#maemo beford (~fercho@unaffiliated/beford)
03:42.58kurt__so there is no way to force a update?
03:43.11SpeedEvilIt's possibly an idea to ask 5-10 hours ago, when the channel is more active
03:43.30SpeedEvilOr in another few, when more have woken up
03:44.27nox-i think one reason for it to ask for using pc is too little free space, so you could try uninstalling some bigger apps
03:44.32*** join/#maemo merlin1991 (~merlin@Maemo/community/cssu/merlin1991)
03:44.46nox-(if you installed any yet...)
03:46.01*** join/#maemo mavhc (
03:47.04nox-games are often big-ish
03:47.52kurt__well im going through them now and its like maybe 60 mb combined of just widgets and a couple games.
03:54.00kurt__eh didnt work.
03:54.10*** join/#maemo drussell (
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04:04.33nox-check `details'
04:04.34nox-on the updating error
04:04.53nox-maybe its something else than free space
04:05.24nox-apt needs root, but id say you better let the packagemanager do it
04:07.14kurt__hmmm ill have a look around there has got to be a way to force it.
04:07.49nox-or maybe the combined updates since your old version just need too much free space...
04:08.30kurt__most likely but i can find my micro b cabling, sigh
04:08.52nox-hm well they're not expensive...
04:09.28nox-anyway, bbl
04:09.38kurt__cbf going in town, live 15 minutes out, and i know its around here somewhere.
04:09.44kurt__thanks for help though
04:10.04*** join/#maemo Roomerlol (
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04:28.50oilinkiany recommendation for application for N900 which could make POI's for the location?
04:29.14oilinkifor some reason I could not find the functionality on the default Maps application
04:34.55*** join/#maemo z4chh (~zach@
04:38.56SpeedEvilThere are a few geocaching apps
04:39.01SpeedEvilsearch for gps apps
04:42.21oilinkiI have the adcanced geocaching tool, I'll check it out
04:42.51oilinkiI'm looking for the feature to record where I'll put a new cache
04:43.40oilinkinow installing maemomapper (mappero) which at least on n910 could save the pois
04:59.37*** join/#maemo RST38h (
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08:34.55Macermarble is pretty nice
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08:50.10RST38hmacer: Yohoho!
08:53.18Maceri just hope it isn't another AI Touchbook fiasco
08:53.28Macerwhat a total piece of shit that thing was
08:53.57RST38hMacer: What? You have not ordered Pandora then? =)
08:54.24Macerhey... it might not be vaporware ;)
08:54.28Maceri thought the touchbook was until it was released
08:54.41Macerbut then it came out and was a total let down
08:55.00Maceromg that thing was awful
08:55.14Macerthe asus transformer was the a touchbook done right lol
08:57.26Maceri wonder if i could put kde active on my transformer
08:57.31Macerthat would own
09:00.10*** join/#maemo alehorst (~alehorst@
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10:36.09user__nick kurtisgood
10:36.51kurtisgoodcan anyone help me with any of the qtlockscreen stuff having troubles importing other lockscreens
10:38.16*** join/#maemo dos1 (~dos@unaffiliated/dos1)
10:48.18*** join/#maemo niloy_ (~niloy@
10:48.43niloy_hi, is it possible to read sim info via command line for N900?
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11:33.33jonwilanyone here know anything about QT programming on the N900?
11:42.51*** part/#maemo fw190 (
11:43.42dhbikerhi there guzs
11:44.06dhbikerumm... i installed bash 4.x
11:44.18dhbikerand now i'm wondering how to start it
11:48.49*** join/#maemo mesx (
11:49.29dhbiker-sh: bash: not found
12:02.24dhbikermmm beef <3
12:05.13*** join/#maemo Milhouse (~irc_milho@Maemo/community/contributor/Milhouse)
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12:08.05ecksundhbiker, bash4
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12:11.03dhbikerty ecksun
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12:18.30niloy_hi, is it possible to read sim info via command line for N900?
12:18.48*** join/#maemo etrunko (etrunko@nat/ibm/x-lbgowtctrmjpppjm)
12:21.34andre__what do you mean by "sim info"?
12:21.55andre__ ?
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12:43.27*** join/#maemo Pali (~quassel@unaffiliated/pali)
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13:53.00*** join/#maemo Pali (~quassel@unaffiliated/pali)
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14:03.13*** join/#maemo vi__ (
14:03.20vi__hey I have a zany idea
14:03.37vi__what about starting asterisk on your n900.
14:03.51vi__dialing into your own server (on the n900)
14:04.07vi__setting n900 as an access point
14:04.28vi__allowing other people to dial into your asterisk server
14:04.50vi__then a conferance call
14:13.11*** join/#maemo valdyn (
14:15.52*** join/#maemo Lantizia (
14:16.06Lantiziahey I've been out of the look for a while - whats the latest maemo for n900?
14:17.18Lantiziamy phone reports - 21.2011.38-1.203.1  i'm guessing that is 1.2?
14:18.26Palinot, it is 1.3.1
14:19.12Lantiziaso i'm on the latest already?
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14:27.42Lantiziaok has there been any luck porting MeeGo/Harmattan to n900?
14:28.34Lantiziaor maybe has Mer been revived?
14:29.46merlin1991Lantizia: mer is alive
14:29.53merlin1991and has a ux for n900 (nemomobile)
14:37.01vi__But it still sucks.
14:39.39*** join/#maemo M4rtinK (
14:42.17Lantiziamoblin, maemo, mer, meego, tizen
14:42.23Lantiziaat least they stopped with the m's
14:43.27Lantiziawell i've no interest in a html5 only platform (tizen), no interest in anything using rpm's (tizen, _new_ mer, meego)... which leaves only maemo, _old_ mer and meego/harmattan
14:43.54Lantiziaif maemo/harmattan isn't 100% open source then i suppose i can't have that on my n900 (i thought meego _was_ supposed to be 100% open source however)
14:44.21Lantiziain which case what happened with the rumour that nokia were open sourcing the rest of maemo!  i like maemo just the way it is!
14:44.38*** join/#maemo NGNUton-BC (
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14:54.19vi__THere was no rumor about nokia opening maemo
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15:13.32Lantiziavi__, ok then was there an effort to re-implement all the bits that are proprietary?
15:14.59Lantiziainstalls cssu testing
15:15.00vi__There still is.
15:15.10Lantiziais that the cssu?
15:15.57vi__But Nokia refuses to help.
15:15.57vi__Installing CSSU is HIGHLY recommended.
15:19.11*** join/#maemo NishanthMenon (~nmenon@nat/ti/x-rxyicboommtdstsx)
15:22.34oilinkihmm.. what the CSSU will bring?
15:22.44*** join/#maemo iDont (
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15:24.42Lantiziaoilinki, so far...
15:25.38oilinkiLantizia: I was just reading that.
15:25.51oilinkibasically screen rotation?
15:26.11Lantiziaoilinki, no these too ..
15:26.15Lantiziageneral fixes for all sorts
15:26.35oilinkiok. that sounds more important for me.
15:27.05*** join/#maemo beford (~fercho@unaffiliated/beford)
15:27.05oilinkiI'll try with stable
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15:35.21oilinkiand thanks for the idea
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16:28.54RST38bis!seen wazd
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16:32.47*** join/#maemo Pali (~quassel@unaffiliated/pali)
16:35.51Palimerlin1991, kernel-power-settings package is not fixed!
16:36.04Palilast version 0.13 is missing!
16:36.28merlin1991was 0.13 in -devel?
16:37.16*** join/#maemo APTX (APTX@unaffiliated/aptx)
16:40.51freemangordonPali, could you try to increase version number and put it in -devel again
16:41.31freemangordonAIUI all the database was manually cleaned, maybe the man just missed to re-add tha latest version
16:42.58vi__FYI, KP50 is making me an epic boner.
16:43.37freemangordonvi__, well, it still has some edgesh to be polished
16:46.56*** join/#maemo keithzg (
16:47.21vi__edges to be polished? Enough about my boner.  Tell me about KP50.
16:48.22freemangordonvi__, some users report broken video playback with some videos and stock DSP codecs. And there is one user report for kernel oops in WLAN driver :)
16:49.13vi__freemangordon: the problem is the quality of the reports.
16:49.15freemangordonboth reports ar for KP49 aof course, but still not fixed in pre50
16:49.34*** join/#maemo kW_ (
16:49.59vi__When only 1 user out of >500 have a problem, you can conlude they have in fact broken somthing on their own.
16:50.08freemangordonwell, I have video that is reported to crash DSP, not tested it though
16:50.16*** join/#maemo disco_stu_droid (~wrt54gl@
16:50.34freemangordonvi__, there is mtd oops for wlan driver, so there is something bad in kernel ;)
16:50.46freemangordonit is not only a report
16:50.58freemangordonthere is a backtrace
16:51.06vi__well, good luck contacting lxp.  He cares for maemo not anymore.
16:51.25vi__ooh, backtrace is like DNA at a crime scene!
16:51.46freemangordonI was hoping for some help from lxp.
16:52.08vi__freemangordon: Well I do not know that for CERTAIN, however he only released the 'bleeding edge' driver to recoup the loss he made from programming it.
16:52.24*** join/#maemo fer__ (
16:52.28vi__He was to be payed by the original backtrack mobile people,
16:52.35vi__and they failed him.
16:52.43freemangordonyeah, I know the story
16:52.55vi__I think he recovered most of his losses.
16:53.13vi__So one can assume fixing some bug will be quite low on his list of priorities.
16:53.13*** join/#maemo rm_work (~rm_you@2605:2700:0:3::4713:9326)
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16:53.24freemangordondamn, we need at least one more man involved in kernel-power
16:53.38freemangordonbut seems noone is interested
16:53.48vi__freemangordon: People are interested.
16:53.57vi__They just do not have the skills/time to help.
16:54.03freemangordonyeah, but not in chasing bugs
16:55.41*** join/#maemo arno0ob (
16:55.46vi__freemangordon: are you referring to a particular bug?
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16:56.02freemangordonyeah, the wlan bug.
16:56.11freemangordonthe kernel oops
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16:57.02freemangordonit shoulkd be relatively easy to be found, as it is a segfault in memcmp . null pointer or something
16:58.17freemangordonand I really was hoping the author to help, as he is familiar with the subsystem. Anywa pali sent him a mail, lets see if he will respond.
16:59.52vi__freemangordon: I hope so.
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17:02.51freemangordonpali, ping
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17:16.16Palipong, freemangordon
17:16.43freemangordon[18:37] <freemangordon> Pali, could you try to increase version number and put it in -devel again
17:16.45freemangordon[18:38] <freemangordon> AIUI all the database was manually cleaned, maybe the man just missed to re-add tha latest version
17:17.00freemangordontahat is for kernel-power-settings
17:17.07Paliok, I can try it
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17:19.45RST38hmoos evilly
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17:20.15RST38h!seen wazd
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17:21.57RST38h~seen wazd
17:21.57infobotwazd <> was last seen on IRC in channel #harmattan, 66d 3h 9m 38s ago, saying: 'Venemo: wazzup? :)'.
17:22.02RST38h~seen vasvlad
17:22.02infobotvasvlad <~vlad@> was last seen on IRC in channel #meego, 117d 8h 34m 28s ago, saying: 'I've uploaded the new version of Meecast (0.3.31) to repository. See details here'.
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18:17.31Palimerlin1991, freemangordon: kernel-power-settings is in extras-testing!
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18:18.17PaliI pushed version 0.13 and promoted to extras-testing without problem
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18:49.30DocScrutinizermoos frozen
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19:39.01DocScrutinizermgedmin: ping
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19:43.30mgedminDocScrutinizer, pong?
19:44.31DocScrutinizermgedmin: xchat maintainer?
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19:46.36mgedminI've no idea who maintains xchat
19:48.03DocScrutinizer   Maintainers: Marius Gedminas, Marat Fayzullin
19:48.54mgedminyes, I  just noticed
19:49.12mgedminwhat was I doing back then... ?
19:49.19DocScrutinizernfc :-D
19:49.38mgedmincall it NMU'ing :)
19:49.59mgedmin2.8.4-diablo0mg2 is mine
19:51.11mgedminI think RST38h was the one who uploaded later versions?
19:51.16mgedminping him ;)
19:51.24DocScrutinizeryes, prolly.
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19:54.19mgedminhm, from HOW DO I GET TO THE SOURCE?
19:59.35mgedminxchat is not present in
19:59.52mgedminis violating the GPL or what?
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20:00.55MohammadAGhow do I forcibly kill a process?
20:00.59MohammadAGkill -11 isn't workin
20:01.27derfkill -9
20:01.32derfIf that doesn't work, reboot.
20:02.01DocScrutinizerkill -SIGKILL <process-id>
20:02.08DocScrutinizeris the genuine way
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20:02.36DocScrutinizerthough POSIX says SIGKIL *has to* be 9
20:03.05DocScrutinizerso kill -9 is the short form
20:03.13mgedminuninterruptible sleep sucks
20:03.43DocScrutinizera process that doesn't die on SIGKILL is probably a fake process instantiated by a rootkit
20:04.21NIN101or a zombie
20:04.42DocScrutinizeryeah, but zombie age passed wince some 5 years now
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20:05.06DocScrutinizeractually you hardly ever see a zombie process nowadays
20:05.23DocScrutinizerthanks to improved kernel
20:07.08mgedminzombies are processes that died and their parent did not call wait() on them
20:07.09mgedminit's POSIX
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20:07.28mgedminhow can the kernel do something about that?
20:07.41MohammadAGstill get zombies every now and then
20:09.33DocScrutinizermgedmin: afaik kernel force-cleanout zombies after a while
20:10.10mgedmin[citation needed] ;)
20:10.32DocScrutinizerformerly when a zombie's parent died, the zombie 'lived on' forever, no?
20:11.21DocScrutinizernow the zombie is inherited to process #1 and immediately vanishes - all AFAIK and <arbitrary other disclaimer>
20:13.00mgedminno, it was always like that -- parent dies, children get reparented to init, init reaps all zombies
20:13.24DocScrutinizerhmm, NFC then, maybe I dreamt something ;-D
20:15.24DocScrutinizeranyway I've not seen any zombie for yeras now, except that one sucker always creared by HPLIP
20:16.03mgedminmy collectd graphs show 2 zombies on one machine
20:16.11mgedminone day I'll find some time to investigate
20:16.19mgedminwhile they're not multiplying I'm not worried
20:16.35DocScrutinizerzombies hardly have sex
20:16.40mgedminnow back in 1999 zombie fetchmail processes brought down my desktop
20:16.46fizzieCFEngine sometimes goes all zombie-infestation-mode sometimes.
20:17.25mgedmin(process table full, couldn't start anything -- including /bin/ps)
20:17.42DocScrutinizermgedmin: yeah, nasty
20:18.05DocScrutinizerwonders if exec top in a shell would work
20:18.32mgedminit had X running, so I closed some xterms and could run one process in the other xterms ;)
20:18.43mgedminat least for 5 minutes, until the next cron-scheduled fetchmail run
20:18.56mgedminand kill is a shell builtin
20:18.58DocScrutinizersince posix threads are in fact processes for all that's relevant to process table, it got even worse I guess
20:19.12mgedminso is echo, and while
20:19.31CorsacDocScrutinizer: it does work
20:19.59mgedminwhich means you can echo /proc/* and get a poor-man's ps
20:20.05mgedminand poor man's cat
20:20.27DocScrutinizercat /proc/*
20:21.02DocScrutinizerecho proc/* is a bit useless, except for poor man's ls
20:21.13Corsacps you mean
20:21.50DocScrutinizerjr@halley:~> echo /proc/*
20:21.52DocScrutinizer/proc/1 /proc/10 /proc/10430 /proc/10745 /proc/10746 /proc/10776 /proc/1093 /proc/11 /proc/11229 /proc/11301 /proc/1138 /proc/11608 /proc/11832 /proc/11924 /proc/12 /proc/1207 /proc/1212 /proc/1213 /proc/1217 /proc/1218 /proc/1226 /proc/1227 /proc/13 /proc/1304 /proc/1309 /proc/1318 /proc/1320 /proc/1328 /proc/1329 /proc/13604 /proc/1365 /proc/1367 /proc/13686 /proc/1369 /proc/1371 /proc/1396 /proc/14 /proc/1418 /proc/14920 /proc/1497 /proc/
20:21.53DocScrutinizer1498 /proc/15 /proc/1561 /proc/1569 /proc/1572 /proc/1575 /proc/1599 /proc/16 /proc/1612 /proc/1625 /proc/1628 /proc/16551 /proc/16553 /proc/1667 /proc/17 /proc/17087 /proc/17149 /proc/17153 /proc/17211 /proc/1733 /proc/1771 /proc/18 /proc/1813 /proc/18686 /proc/1871 /proc/1881 /proc/19 /proc/19464 /proc
20:22.20DocScrutinizeroops, not complete, but still more than I planned to c&p
20:22.22fizzie(Or, to be fair to CFEngine, "did go"; they had some file-descriptor leak bug, and also another bug which would leave an un-wait()d child when it ran out of file descriptors, at a rate of one/15 minutes. Had over a thousand accumulate. Though the "zombie attack" comments admittedly made the issue tracker more lively.)
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20:23.12DocScrutinizerjr@halley:~> echo /proc/*|wc
20:24.09DocScrutinizerjr@halley:~> type cat
20:24.11DocScrutinizercat is /bin/cat
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20:26.07DocScrutinizerjr@halley:~> type -t echo cat ps
20:27.22DocScrutinizerfizzie: slomo fork bomb
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20:29.21DocScrutinizerI had a brilliant fork bomb on maemo, when I had the brillinat idea to keep simple shellscript in /etc/dbus-scripts.d/*
20:30.17DocScrutinizerhildon and maemo still *somewhat* worked
20:30.26DocScrutinizerbut sloooooooooow XP
20:31.31DocScrutinizerI guess OOM daemon kicked in, trying to keep system alive
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20:40.30DocScrutinizerwonders wtf he got THREE processes "/usr/sbin/omap3camd -d /dev/video1"
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20:42.04DocScrutinizernm, mixed up my htop settings for "show threads"
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