IRC log for #maemo on 20101024

00:00.24DocScrutinizerand we wrapped all that into a vm to make you really happy
00:00.43*** join/#maemo Dompie (
00:00.47NightShift79Could one of you plz tell me what hildon-desktop, hildon-home and  modest versions/mods you use on your N900 with PR1.2. and where I can find the actual files to download.
00:02.25*** join/#maemo KotCzarny (
00:02.34SpeedEvili uninstalled modest
00:02.41KotCzarnycan i reset dsp from cmdline?
00:02.45KotCzarnyother than reboot?
00:03.12KotCzarnyon n800 to be exact
00:03.39DocScrutinizerapt-cache search might help, NightShift79
00:04.04DocScrutinizerot for modest though, possibly
00:05.19intelinsider'modest' is the mail client?
00:06.37*** join/#maemo LiraNuna (
00:06.48NightShift79so is MohammadAG's hildon-desktop_2.2.138-1+0m5_armel.deb the one to go with untill PR1.3?
00:07.01hawaii_That depends on what you want.
00:07.19intelinsideri search a solution to save transmitted messages directly on the server...
00:07.33DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: :-o
00:07.44hawaii_Hey, whatever happened to my 3-task patch? :P
00:08.04MohammadAGhawaii_, was too busy on psfreedom
00:08.12MohammadAGand its 2AM in the morning
00:08.22hawaii_This is me not caring.
00:08.26hawaii_j/k mate.
00:08.28DocScrutinizerwhat happend to the hostmode kernel?
00:08.46MohammadAGtoo tired really :P
00:08.50NightShift79Im just looking for you Gurus that found time to fix some of the bugs in hildon
00:08.56MohammadAGcan't even watch south park properly
00:09.03MohammadAGwe didn't really fix them
00:09.09MohammadAGwe only backported them
00:09.17NightShift79I see..
00:09.23DocScrutinizerheh? backported??
00:09.29MohammadAGPR1.3 has a fix  for mce it seems
00:09.34MohammadAGfix for*
00:09.38*** join/#maemo SpeedEvil1 (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
00:09.44DocScrutinizer1707.h madness has no backportable fix
00:10.04MohammadAGthe portrait flag works properly now, placing the phone flat does not return the app into landscape mode
00:10.33*** join/#maemo aloisiojr (~aloisio@
00:10.33MohammadAGwhich fixes Facebrick, PSFreedom, my modest and settings patch
00:10.46MohammadAGinstrinctiv, and whatever uses the flag with stacked windows
00:10.49DocScrutinizergiven the fact lis302dl driver is somewhat borked, that'S a great news actually
00:11.14MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, so the driver might've been fixed?
00:11.49DocScrutinizerinstrintivly I'd say "maybe, maybe not"
00:12.06MohammadAGanyways, it behaves, unlike in PR1.2
00:12.17NightShift79hmm.. where can I find the download of your newest hildon-home, hildon-desktop, modest, pulseaudio files ?
00:12.24MohammadAGI always thought it was a coding problem, since microB's rotation just works
00:12.48MohammadAGmy pulseaudio package needs kernel-power, it reduces but doesn't prevent stuttering
00:13.15MohammadAGthe PR1.3 pulseaudio reduces stuttering a lot (but I've encountered it twice under very very heavy load)
00:13.20MohammadAGfor the rest, #maemo-ssu
00:14.18hawaii_I'm working on a solution for that "hardware call buttons" thread right now.
00:14.32DocScrutinizerhw call what?
00:14.43MohammadAGhawaii_, which is?
00:14.49NightShift79Ah. okay. thanks so far. I just wanna test your stuff out. but don't know where to download... I'll check #maemo-ssu
00:14.57DocScrutinizerfix for thread: delete it
00:15.19hawaii_You posted in the thread recently, MohammadAG
00:15.30hawaii_with a split screen window overlay solution.
00:15.32MohammadAGhawaii_, I know :)
00:15.42MohammadAGhawaii_, yes yes, what's your solution?
00:16.09hawaii_volume keys.
00:16.18DocScrutinizerdudes, I think I don't wanna know what you're after
00:16.48MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, someone's complaining the answer/reject keys are two small
00:16.48hawaii_using hardware keys for answer/hangup
00:17.04MohammadAGI suggested a whole window only for answer/reject
00:17.06korhojoaaccelerometer to answer
00:17.08KotCzarnyaren't them just FX keys?
00:17.09DocScrutinizerwell, you got my suggestion for this since months
00:17.11MohammadAGhawaii_, wants to use the volume keys
00:17.12korhojoashake to answer
00:17.24MohammadAGkorhojoa, never works in real practice
00:17.25KotCzarnyjust listen for keys from x events
00:17.37MohammadAGaccelerometers don't work for this stuff
00:17.53korhojoawell. at least i tried
00:18.03hawaii_volume keys is the best option. I am sh-scripting it right now.
00:18.04KotCzarnywrite accelerometer daemon that will be spawned, listens for shakes, then generates proper keys
00:18.15MohammadAGhawaii_, C, please!
00:18.16KotCzarnysend me n900 then i'll write a patch
00:18.22DocScrutinizerohyeah! nice while jogging
00:18.24hawaii_F C.
00:18.28ieatlintwindmills do not work that way
00:18.37MohammadAGhawaii_, F U :P
00:19.04MohammadAGaccelerometers fail for stuff like this
00:19.17DocScrutinizerthe concept sucks
00:19.21MohammadAGa lot
00:19.25DocScrutinizerlis302 is just fine with that
00:19.38KotCzarnywrite a feature, make it configurable
00:19.40KotCzarnyproblem solved
00:19.51DocScrutinizerwhich problem???
00:19.58DocScrutinizerthe problem of jogging?
00:19.59KotCzarnywe are on open platform (kind of)
00:20.27SpeedEvilThe accel has a hardware mechanism to detect taps.
00:20.39SpeedEvilThis is not implementedinthekernel driver
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00:20.43DocScrutinizerbtw we got just one accelerometer, though 3-axis
00:21.14ieatlintwell, you could do some simple gestures with the accelerometer that would be unlikely to suffer false triggers
00:21.16DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: even double-taps
00:21.36ieatlintsuch as inverting an axis for just half a second
00:21.50DocScrutinizerand the feature is *easily* to integrate int lis302 driver
00:22.17MohammadAGis off
00:22.24KotCzarnyanyone knows how to reset dsp?
00:22.38DocScrutinizernot even Nokia it seems
00:22.45ieatlintbut trying to write anything in an sh-script is more of a joke than reality :P
00:23.23DocScrutinizerieatlint: eh?
00:24.02ieatlintjust strikes me to write a daemon to monitor accelerometer data in an sh script is a joke
00:24.27KotCzarnythen write it in c
00:24.40KotCzarnyand generat x events
00:24.43KotCzarnyor dbus events
00:24.44ieatlinti've no interest in it
00:24.46KotCzarnyor anything
00:25.02DocScrutinizerthat's actually BS, as g-meter has *hardware* to do this. Monitoring is really *BAD*, eats lots of cpu cycles and battery, and is slow
00:25.13hawaii_It's not a daemon.
00:25.34KotCzarnyif hardware supports it, use it
00:25.49hawaii_I don't want to use the accelerometer.
00:25.50KotCzarnymine doesn't
00:26.07hawaii_That's automation that I don't want.
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00:26.56KotCzarnywrote a visualizer
00:27.11DocScrutinizeras mentioned before, lis302dl driver doesn't support all the nice features of g-meter chip, but it's *simple* to fix that
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00:36.33*** part/#maemo KotCzarny (
00:36.43ieatlinti want to create a new social networking service and call it misanthropy
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00:38.40*** part/#maemo intelinsider (~insider@unixboard/users/intelinsider)
00:39.54lolloois it easy?
00:40.32DocScrutinizerhonestly, a proper g-meter based orientation sensor framework needs a central instance servicing process, that propagates state changes aka events e.g via dbus, much like e.g. liblocation does (though not via dbus, regrettably). It seems mce has control over lis302, but how do you ask mce about orientation events?
00:41.00*** join/#maemo pw (
00:41.01javispedroit works the way you're describing it.
00:41.12javispedrowatch the system bus :)
00:41.56DocScrutinizereeew, watch means you can't specify which class of events you're interested in
00:42.17javispedrono, not really
00:42.42javispedro_watch is actually the ubercomplex sniffer method where you can add all-crazy filters that nobody uses save for debugging/monitoring
00:42.45DocScrutinizeri.e. you can't tell mce wich moves and shocks to ignore and save power, and which to report
00:42.54javispedrooh, that's true.
00:43.05javispedrobut that's a quite high level of filtering.
00:43.34javispedroyou can subscribe for orientation change events, or you can subscribe for full accelerometer data at whatever freq it is these days
00:44.11DocScrutinizerhmm, which means "devels were too bored or too lacy to come up with a proper concept and API spec"
00:44.20javispedrofor some reason these days I know the freq the Pre polls the accel but not the freq the N900 polls the accel =)
00:44.34javispedro4Hz, with a flag goes up to 30Hz.
00:45.23DocScrutinizerhehe, because lis302 isn't supposed to be polled. It's IRQ driven, that's the whole trick of it
00:45.34javispedroDocScrutinizer: If you try to spec this it quickly gets the size of the wiimote gesture detection middleware
00:45.48DocScrutinizeryou set threshold and filter parameters and get an IRQ when those are tripped
00:46.24DocScrutinizerand that's exactly what I'd expect from a mce bbus resource query method as well
00:47.23javispedrowell, I do agree in that if the hardware has some kind of gesture detection feature it should be exposed  at least
00:47.35DocScrutinizerthen mce just does a logical AND of all those parameters, and filters out the mire sensible ones to not signal them to the clients that called for coarse ones
00:48.58DocScrutinizerbut lis302dl kernel driver as is now not even makes use of differential mode, means it detects *absolute* position changes, and it does it in a relatively silly way
00:49.31javispedronotes his beloved thread about palm pre games is going to convert into yet another thread about flash
00:49.56infobotrumour has it, tmo is, or too much off-topic, or not ~t-mo
00:50.21javispedrowill fire his ICBMs to the next poster who talks about flash on that thread
00:50.22quanttromI am trying to create a new custom welcome video and for some reason I can never get the image to work. Sounds works fine but the screen stays black. Any idea how I should be encoding the videos?
00:50.38javispedroquanttrom: the builtin media player should be able to play it
00:50.51DocScrutinizerhands over the remote for the MTHELs to javispedro
00:50.59quanttromjavispedro: kk I will check if it can
00:52.30DocScrutinizerfrom : >>/etc/X11/Xsession.d/10hildon_welcome = shaking-hands-video<<
00:53.03javispedroI used the source code of that application to try and understand gstreamer yesterday
00:53.09javispedroquite a powerful tool
00:53.42quanttromjavispedro: works like a charm in the built in media player ..
00:53.59javispedroquanttrom: then, no idea. check if size is 800x480, etc.
00:54.04DocScrutinizertzz, /usr/bin/maemo-invoker
00:54.14javispedrono, not that one
00:54.19javispedrohildon-welcome iirc
00:54.42javispedromaemo-invoker is just some maemo-launcher specific workaround
00:54.48DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-02-8:/sys/class/backlight/acx565akm# file /usr/bin/hildon-welcome
00:54.50DocScrutinizer/usr/bin/hildon-welcome: symbolic link to `/usr/bin/maemo-invoker'
00:55.03javispedroDocScrutinizer: actual binary is in hildon-welcome.launch
00:55.04quanttromjavispedro: VIDEO:  [XVID]  800x480  12bpp  29.970 fps  718.6 kbps (87.7 kbyte/s)
00:55.09quanttromlooks like it
00:55.43DocScrutinizerWTF is maemo-invoker doing?
00:55.44javispedroDocScrutinizer: maemo-inovker/launcher is evil, I know. but someone here told me "the speedup is worth it"
00:55.57DocScrutinizerooh, lol
00:56.16DocScrutinizerfork wizardry
00:56.25DocScrutinizerand preloaded .so
00:56.50DocScrutinizerouch that hurts
00:56.55javispedroand the reason all stock applications inherit the environment of the maemo-launcher daemon instead of that of the current shell
00:57.50DocScrutinizerso is actually a maemo-invoker killer? XP
00:58.12DocScrutinizernah, not exactly
00:58.28DocScrutinizerfeels sick
00:58.33javispedroit gets proper env vars for non-launcher applications specially on sdk
00:59.54*** join/#maemo bdogg64 (~bizzle@
01:01.53DocScrutinizerwonders how much speedup we could get from reducing swapping by freeing ram from all those speedup abominations
01:03.12DocScrutinizerwaves at nox-
01:03.21nox-bye DocScrutinizer
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01:09.37DocScrutinizerjavispedro: I bet hildon-welcome has a pretty couple of ugly hacks
01:10.02DocScrutinizer#1: it doesn't playback the video when called from a rootshell
01:10.20DocScrutinizerpossibly doesn't coexist with matchbox
01:12.41DocScrutinizertakes notice to get a bottle of good wodka on monday
01:12.55TermanaDocScrutinizer, it was in water long enough to cause discolouration to the screws
01:13.14DocScrutinizereeeer WHAT?
01:13.37TermanaWell, I thought I'd take the back screws out
01:13.41DocScrutinizeryou got screws that are painted by water colors?
01:13.43TermanaThey are partially green
01:13.56TermanaNo, I mean. No.
01:14.23TermanaIsn't water suppose to turn the metal a different colour before it rusts?
01:15.19DocScrutinizerthose screws are all black finish, some kinda chemical treatment. They shouldn't change color in water
01:16.20DocScrutinizerI seem to remember some green or blue loctite on the threads though
01:17.59DocScrutinizerpartially green - if it's not loctite - means severe electrolytic corrosion
01:18.23DocScrutinizeror it wasn't water but maybe battery acid :-P
01:19.29DocScrutinizerin which case you should have rinsed it with clear clean water (preferably demineralized) some days ago, not now
01:20.33TermanaSliders making a strange noise as well
01:20.52DocScrutinizerthis definitely wasn't clear water
01:21.00TermanaWell I mean
01:21.03TermanaDon't kill me
01:21.15TermanaI had it in rice, so I think it's just rice caught in there
01:21.24DocScrutinizeryou'll do that youraself it seems :-P
01:21.27*** join/#maemo aloisiojr (~aloisio@
01:21.50DocScrutinizerrice, what a nonsense
01:23.00DocScrutinizerare you rubbing your burns with oil?
01:23.23DocScrutinizerand read future from tealeafs?
01:23.26TermanaWell, I know you said it doesn't work
01:23.32TermanaBut desperation does this to a man
01:24.03DocScrutinizerI suggest you try a sledgehammer
01:24.09DocScrutinizer*might* work
01:24.49DocScrutinizeror sacrifice a virgin
01:24.59ieatlintthat works actually
01:25.20javispedrobut, will the rice and the n900 blend?
01:25.27TermanaDocScrutinizer, at least I haven't chucked it in the oven
01:25.43TermanaBut I suppose you're going to tell me that's a great idea
01:25.48DocScrutinizeroven @ 60° C is just fine
01:25.59javispedromicrowave it! =)
01:26.08DocScrutinizerdo that!
01:26.13TermanaOk brb
01:26.14DocScrutinizertake a video of it
01:26.16javispedrograb your camera first thought!
01:26.36*** join/#maemo ZogG (
01:26.45ieatlintbut is the water gone?
01:26.54javispedroTermana: that's because you DID NOT GET THE CAMERA!!!
01:27.01DocScrutinizerplus you got a nice video now, don't you?
01:27.29*** join/#maemo mirr0r (
01:27.53TermanaDocScrutinizer, before I didn't have video on my n900 because the water stopped it all working. Now I have video on my n900... being fried in a microwave.
01:28.25TermanaCan't I sue you guys for not saying that you disclaim all liability?
01:28.42TermanaI can get over 9000 n900s!
01:28.48DocScrutinizerTermana: see, the gap between a chip and PCB is0.00xx mm. if there's some water in there, it takes ages to evaporate, and it will not give a flying F if there's some rice outside the case or next room or where else
01:29.26pupnik_lol DocScrutinizer
01:30.13TermanaDocScrutinizer, so why does everyone recommend rice?
01:30.28pupnik_a vacuum with mild heat over the course of a month perhaps :)
01:30.30DocScrutinizerbecause everone's always been an idiot
01:30.48DocScrutinizerI know him for long, so I can tell
01:31.33pupnik_a lot of areas in these devices have wicking-action to water, pulling it into crevices, afaik
01:31.50TermanaSo how can I speed up the evaporation?
01:31.58DocScrutinizeryep, exactly my point pupnik_
01:32.09DocScrutinizerheat to 60° C
01:32.41TermanaSo how long do I bake it for Chef DocScrutinizer?
01:32.45DocScrutinizerthis will both speed up the evaporation of water and reduce realtive humidity of the air
01:32.49*** join/#maemo ebzzry (~ebzzry@
01:32.58DocScrutinizer2 weeks as I told ya before
01:33.05javispedroTWO WEEKS
01:33.14DocScrutinizerto be sure yes
01:33.15ieatlinttwice the heat, half the time
01:33.23javispedrothis is quite interesting cuisine
01:33.33ieatlintworks for cooking
01:33.36TermanaIs it just me that isn't feeling good about this?
01:33.44DocScrutinizerno, place it on your heating, monitor, TV or whatever
01:33.55TermanaEven my emoticons aren't feeling good
01:33.57javispedroTermana: clearly we don't understand fine cuisine
01:34.27Termanajavispedro, Shall I ask if I need to shove some stuffing up it's arse?
01:34.48DocScrutinizerTermana: chinese eggs take much longer, ans see you don't need to eat your N900 :-P
01:34.50javispedroN900 + fines herbes
01:35.09ieatlintTermana: aside from the time, the fact that metal elements in the oven could exceed the 60c or similar would worry me :P
01:35.10javispedrothat's it
01:35.19javispedroI have a nice idea to make myself a million bucks
01:35.26javispedrostart a "Will it bake?" youtube channel
01:35.38*** join/#maemo aloisiojr1 (~aloisio@
01:35.50DocScrutinizerieatlint: I actually didn't suggest oven
01:36.07ieatlintbah, you're too nice then
01:36.35TermanaDocScrutinizer, TV/monitor, like the CRT types?
01:36.41DocScrutinizeryou got an electric pad?
01:37.03TermanaI had an old laptop that zapped you when you had it plugged in
01:37.10TermanaDoes that count as an electric pad?
01:37.29ieatlintdude, that guy needs to degrease that pan
01:37.42javispedrohey, I also had a laptop with that problem
01:37.46DocScrutinizeractually a PC at ventilator outlet counts as a nice gentle heat source
01:37.47javispedrogoes see if oven is big enough
01:38.07pupnik_i kind of wish they could seal these electronics in goop before assembly
01:38.28pupnik_paint, whatever..
01:39.16*** join/#maemo TermanaDesire (~AndChat@
01:39.25DocScrutinizerwell, from an engineering pov it's nice. From a RE pov it's W*T*F?!?!
01:39.44DocScrutinizerwe still wouldn't know about bq24150
01:40.03TermanaDesireAnything important said after the PC ventilation?
01:41.36TermanaDesireKnocked my 3g stick and got disconnected :p
01:41.56DocScrutinizerI wish they just would build better cases that aren't virually open
01:43.04*** join/#maemo nikosapi (
01:43.08DocScrutinizerthe upper half of kbd part - the one that is always covered by the screen, is completely open to the chips and PCB
01:44.09DocScrutinizerI actually wonder how long it'll take until case is completely filled with dust, lint and all kinds of debris
01:45.46DocScrutinizerand quite obviously water intrudes easily there
01:46.29DocScrutinizerif you hold the device right, you can collect rain on kbd and it will sore up in case
01:47.29javispedrojust get enough debris into the case until the debris makes it completely water-proof
01:47.39DocScrutinizergood point
01:49.33javispedrois tempted to post "there's no salvation! abandon ship!!" in one of these "meego will be a tragedy" threads
01:49.48DocScrutinizerwill be??
01:50.48yohomerdon't worry; OS/2 still lives.
01:51.12DocScrutinizeroscar-half :-D \o/
01:51.16cehtehhaha anyone ported amiga-os to the n900 yet?. .. not the emulators i mean :)
01:51.39jacekowskicehteh: impossible
01:51.41ieatlinti think it's funny that the first meego device was a tablet, and there isn't even announced plans to have a tablet ux for meego
01:51.43cehtehmhm wasnt riscOS on arm? :)
01:51.55javispedrohaiku on the n900!!
01:51.59cehtehjacekowski: not impossible, but hard to do
01:52.18ieatlintjavispedro: i think there was actually some basic discussion of that one
01:52.21jacekowskidifferent cpu
01:52.23jacekowskiapps will not run
01:52.27jacekowskieven if you port kernel
01:52.35cehtehi saied 'port' not recompile
01:52.38javispedroieatlint: there was a gsoc project actually
01:52.42jacekowskiand emulation as you said is out of the question
01:52.43DocScrutinizerjacekowski: partypooper
01:52.57lcuk_moblinux does not have a kernel, it has a group of bearded midgets working in concert within the old a500 box
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01:53.04lcuk_moberrr amiga
01:53.07ieatlintgoogle wasted money on that? :P
01:53.19cehtehacquire the source, write a BCPL compiler from scratch to get the low amiga system ported
01:53.32jacekowskiapps will not run
01:53.40cehtehwhat apps? ...
01:53.42jacekowskiunless you add other cpu emulation
01:53.43jacekowskiall apps
01:53.48lcuk_mobcehteh, problem with original amiga is less cpu - its more the chipset
01:53.50DocScrutinizerlo lcuk_mob
01:54.12cehtehlcuk_mob: yeah you have to port some things rather hardcore
01:54.32lcuk_mobDocScrutinizer, mobile, i have spent today out and about
01:54.54lcuk_mobi could have REALLY done with maps
01:55.13DocScrutinizeragnus, denise, copper - \o/
01:56.25cehtehdoes the n900 have some reprogrammable logic? dsp maybe?
01:56.36cehtehor all etchd in silicon?
01:56.57DocScrutinizerdsp makes for a nice copper/blitter I guess
01:57.15cehtehyes, of course needs really heavy lifting
01:57.34lcuk_mobmisses maps from n810
01:58.15DocScrutinizerI nver considered those particularly useful
01:58.38javispedronavicore is at least _complete_
01:58.48javispedrounlike ovi maps for the n900
01:58.57lcuk_mobDocScrutinizer, it would have rerouted me to where I needed instead of following the wrong diversion after a motorway closure earlier
01:59.05jacekowskijavispedro: i think it's complete
01:59.12lcuk_moband above all, its driver oriented mapping
01:59.12jacekowskijavispedro: they don't plan to implement any more features
01:59.16javispedroa complete disaster, that is.
01:59.23javispedro(ovi maps :) )
02:00.10*** join/#maemo Do-m-pie (
02:00.21DocScrutinizerI want my tangoGPS, no navi but at least decent maps and direction
02:00.30DocScrutinizerand tracking
02:00.46DocScrutinizerand POS
02:01.55DocScrutinizeranybody noticed contacts Address is linked to ovi maps (now?)
02:02.15javispedrosince PR1.2 iirc
02:02.25DocScrutinizerI seem to recall pr1.1 didn't do this
02:02.28javispedropreviously, it had a maps icon but you tapping on it did nothing
02:03.30DocScrutinizerso maybe with pr1.5 we get lat/lon fields in contacts even :-P
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02:04.29javispedrowow, the eMMC _is_ slow
02:04.59DocScrutinizermaemo/meego resembles KDE3 vs 4. When it starts getting reliable and useful, it's abandoned
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02:05.09javispedroDocScrutinizer: same thought
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02:07.44DocScrutinizerjavispedro: the eMMC isn't slow, I got sustainable writes @ 12MB/s
02:07.58DocScrutinizerthe driver sucks
02:08.40cehtehlike my laptops hdd :P
02:09.10cehtehext4 gives a noticeable performance boost btw
02:09.56DocScrutinizerhmm, ass rage mode worked great, even on VFAT (what else :-P)
02:11.22DocScrutinizerbut concurrently accessing eMMC and uSD locked my device
02:11.38DocScrutinizerboth via ass rage and by direct cp
02:12.31cehtehi had that on my first device, extremely high io loads make it stuck and eventually reboot by watchdog
02:12.45cehtehdidnt tried with the current one
02:13.08cehtehusually i just use rsync with --bwlimit and be patient
02:13.36cehtehhas the benefit that the device still runs smooth while doing some bulk copy/backup
02:13.46DocScrutinizermeh, I jus bufferd the whole pile'o'shit on external media, and that worked
02:14.18cehtehso either 20 minutes unusable device which may eventually crash or 1 hour without noticeable interruption .. make your choice
02:14.55DocScrutinizerhmm, I copied 13GB of mp3 to eMMC in like 25min
02:15.12DocScrutinizerthis is without prev read from uSD though
02:15.52DocScrutinizerand you can look up my bitching when I tried to do this on device by a cp -a
02:16.00DocScrutinizerin chan logs
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02:16.35DocScrutinizerbrother, I was pissed
02:16.44cehtehuse rsync :P
02:17.03cehtehshould symlink 'cp' to 'rsync' :)
02:17.37DocScrutinizervim /usr/share/local/bin/cp
02:18.50cehtehwell and VFAT is the next nail on the coffin
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02:19.17cehtehanyone of you tried how btrfs behaves on meego/n900?
02:19.37cehtehi dont expect too much yet, but still
02:19.44DocScrutinizerheard it acts up somewhat, on #meego-arm
02:19.58cehteh(what kernel does the meego build use?)
02:20.25DocScrutinizerthink they got even two flavours
02:20.45cehtehi tested btrfs sometimes.. nice features, reasonable but not completely stable, has some weak spots stoll
02:20.50DocScrutinizeror was this shr
02:21.47cehtehbut ehm you really dont need btrfs for its features on a smartphone
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02:22.07DocScrutinizerfeels like shouting at the TV, for chillout
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02:23.04DocScrutinizer5199 chan of BS to choose from
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03:27.18pupnikand kotczarny are playin with his new CA-lab
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04:52.17trip0has anyone tried anything with QML on fremantle yet?
04:58.43vdvhow can i increase history size for terminal commands? will "export HISTSIZE 500" in /etc/profile for example do what i want?
04:59.56cehtehexport HISTSIZE=500     possibly
05:02.29vdvah, yes, equal sign
05:04.06vdvi had to reflash my n900 yesterday, it didn't want to boot, on of changes which i've made before was adding HISTSIZE in /etc/profile (with equal sign), can that be the reason?
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05:17.58DocScrutinizerI'd doubt it
05:19.08DocScrutinizerI assume you tested your changes by sourcing /etc/profile
05:19.30DocScrutinizerrsp si,ply starting a new shell
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05:29.06pwwhat means 'AutoDisconnect' with the 'Auto switch 2G/3G-Dual' Modes "3G - switch last 2" or "Dual - switch last 5"?
05:31.52pwis that a 'time window'?
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05:37.41logisistis there any sort of allowed call list by group feature in Maemo?
05:37.55logisistdepending on profile I'd like only certain people to make it ring, otherwise it's silent
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05:46.06DocScrutinizer51per contact ringtones
05:48.23DocScrutinizer51the profile settings would/had to change a symlink from a group specific ringtone name to either a arbitrary audiofile or a silent file
05:58.12trip0my qwebkit page has black background with grey text
05:58.20trip0is this because of the theme?
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06:01.30vdvlol, "reboot"-ing n900 from terminal resulted in "Device Malfunction. Reboot in 10 sec" message :)
06:01.36RST38hOr, maybe, a laptop mike
06:01.52RST38h<sorry, that was a stale keyboard buffer>
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06:16.07vdvis it possible to add custom global shortcut in maemo5 ?
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06:16.51RST38hWhat is customglobal shortcut?
06:17.07vdvi want to remap Ctrl+Space to call some script
06:17.28vdvor maybe other key sequence
06:17.42vdvfrom any app
06:18.23RST38hYou want to fix physical keyboard switch on a device with EURO1 keyboard?
06:19.38vdveight-level thing doesn't work correctly for me, it switches between own language and latin
06:19.56vdvbut i want to switch between german and russian
06:20.39vdvi've changed rx-51 so that "setxkbmap de" and "setxkbmap ru" does what i want
06:21.20vdvnow it would be good if i could to map both to keyboard shortcuts
06:21.53vdvsome packages in extras-devel for phonetic layouts are evil
06:22.13vdvthere's one for russian phonetic
06:22.55vdvbut it implies setting eight-level layout in Settings so that Ctrl-Space will work
06:23.47vdvand also has unusual layout
06:24.09RST38hvdv: Ok
06:24.16vdvcan't i setup some system-wide shortcuts? :)
06:24.37RST38hvdv: The solution is to set it to Russian/Cyrillic Kb and then modify the rx-51 file
06:25.06RST38hvdv: I have it modified, sent to me by another guy. Want a copy?
06:25.28vdvdon't think so
06:26.04vdvi've configured "ru" section of my rx-51 for my specific needs
06:26.39vdvand i want that in Settings keyboard language will stay german
06:27.15vdvoccasionally i will switch to "ru" layout to type cyrillic letters
06:27.21RST38hKinda impossible given the HIM bug that Nokia refuses to fix =(
06:27.45vdvwhat's impossible?
06:28.11RST38hImpossible to have two keyboard layouts enabled and switch between them with Ctrl+Space
06:28.41vdvyes, i know, that's why i've choosed to do everything with setxkbmap
06:29.30vdvbut typing everytime that command from terminal to switch layouts is a bit cumbersome
06:30.26vdvi wanted to change Ctrl+Space call some another script instead of do standart thing
06:30.48vdvor, if that is not possible, then some other key binding
06:32.06vdvFn+Shift+R -> "setxkbmap ru", Fn+Shift+G -> "setxkbmap de"
06:33.16vdvcan't i bind some global actions on some keys or key sequences?
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06:35.27TermanaI just found this beauty on t.m.o:
06:35.35Termana"BTW, the gps locks to satellites in a matter of seconds with a wife or cellular connection"
06:35.48TermanaAnyone connect their n900s up to their wife?
06:36.05vdvwife? :)
06:37.14cehtehmeant wifi
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06:42.09ieatlintmy favourite was when someone typoed "how do i set the phone into fight mode?"
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06:44.38DocScrutinizer51vdv: check matan's modified hildon desktop, and dbus scripting
06:44.56vdvyeah, i'm reading now
06:45.09DocScrutinizer51I'm not
06:45.42DocScrutinizer51it's tmo and I don't like looking at that this time of day
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06:46.40vdvwhat's wrong with tmo?
06:47.06TermanaDesireDocScrutinizer51: I'm eating phoned rice
06:48.22ieatlintmmm, rice
06:48.37TermanaDesireN900 rice
06:48.51TermanaDesireI hope that's not poisonous
06:48.55Myrttimushrooms or acid this time?
06:49.39vdvhmm, modified-hildon-desktop is a binary...
06:55.45DocScrutinizer51Myrtti: just hangover from a hoax or urban legend or mass stupidity
06:57.00DocScrutinizer51a dude called everybody convinced termana of drying his drowned N900 in rice
06:57.51ieatlintyeah, he should've used silica
06:58.12DocScrutinizer51warm air
06:58.31DocScrutinizer51or warm vacuum :-P
07:00.03ieatlinti could suggest snake oil again
07:00.25TermanaDesireI'm thinking of just buying a new one somehow
07:00.55TermanaDesireWe'll see what happens with this one
07:00.55ieatlintsucks :(
07:01.12DocScrutinizer51but thinking about it again, TermanaDesire also seen green screws and heard weird noises. So maybe Myrtti is right
07:01.51TermanaDesireNoise is gone. I crunched thhat rice out
07:03.15DocScrutinizer51also listening to everybody probably needs some acid, as everybody is notorious and nobody sober would listen to him
07:03.28TermanaDesireDocScrutinizer51: I'll never listen to that Guy again
07:04.21ieatlinti've got beer instead of acid
07:04.33TermanaDesireAnyhow anyone want to tell me if the rice is dangerous to eat? :p
07:04.52DocScrutinizerso beware of everybody and his weird ideas :-D
07:04.53ieatlinthave you eaten any?
07:04.56TermanaDesireBefore I eat it preferably
07:05.48ieatlintthe only way it would be unsafe is if your phone were covered with bacteria... but as it sounds like you just washed it, it should be fine
07:06.01TermanaDesireieatlint: depends which answer will make you answer truthfully
07:06.07*** join/#maemo RobbieThe1st (
07:06.14RobbieThe1stHi all
07:08.07TermanaDesireieatlint: since I put the battery in the rice I was more worried about potential battery acid
07:08.44TermanaDesireHello RobbieThe1st
07:09.01RobbieThe1stTermanaDesire: Sorry for breaking in, but were you talking about a N900 battery?
07:09.35iliusvdv: can you modify german layout to add cyrillic letters?
07:09.44DocScrutinizerTermanaDesire: DON'T EAT IT! it's contaminated by microwave radiation. Ask everybody, he will confirm GSM and WiFi and microwave oven radiation is almost the same
07:10.00RobbieThe1stUm... what?
07:10.13TermanaDesireDocScrutinizer: ha
07:10.18ieatlintuh, if the battery is damaged, you should be more wary of it than the rice
07:10.23ieatlintDocScrutinizer: it's true!
07:10.42ieatlintyour rice has definitely been exposed to many types of radiation
07:10.48ieatlintand we know radiation is dangerous
07:10.53RobbieThe1stTermanaDesire: It's a Li-on battery, it doesn't have acid. It's a lot more toxic, and there's a good reason why it's inside a sealed package
07:10.55vdvilius, not enough place for cyrillic letters
07:11.15RobbieThe1stNote that the package is -not- the one you see, but a metallic/metallic-looking one inside of that
07:11.37ieatlintwas wondering.. i didn't think li-ion bats contained acid
07:11.38iliusvdv: do you really use all combinations of keys with Shift and Fn?
07:11.40vdvilius, i've placed some special symbols on levels 3-4
07:11.42RobbieThe1stBut yea, I'd probably not want to eat the rice after using it to dry out my N900...
07:11.42ieatlintwasn't sure though
07:12.24vdvilius, yes i use symbols such "|", "^" or "{" intensively
07:13.11iliusvdv: hmmm, another solution is to use virtual keyboard
07:13.12vdvi've solved my "problem" by making "ru" layout as a diminished "de"
07:13.35iliusvdv: I thinks that is unlimited to add new letters
07:13.56TermanaDesireDocScrutinizer: everybody confirms your suspicion
07:13.57vdvi.e. "ru" is almost copy of "de", but filled on levels 3-4 with cyrillic letters
07:14.18TermanaDesireDocScrutinizer: do I trust him?
07:14.32iliusvdv: hmmm, good :)
07:15.19RobbieThe1stInteresting fact: You can, actually, mount your MyDocs partition on your N900 as readonly -while- its also mounted on your PC... But you won't see any changes to the FS until you umount/remount
07:15.23vdvilius, so i can use "ru" if i'm not in terminal or other app which needs fast access to special symbols
07:15.57DocScrutinizerieatlint: I'm not sure what electrolyt LiIon contain, but for sure the Litium isn't healthy by itself
07:16.01vdvotherwise i have to do "setxkbmap de"
07:16.17vdvor it's alias simply "de" from terminal
07:16.18iliusvdv: hmmm
07:16.30ieatlintcome on, lithium is a commonly prescribed medicine.. how dangerous could it be? :P
07:16.32iliusvdv: custom desktop icons may also help
07:17.05RobbieThe1stAnswer: very
07:17.08iliusvdv: copy a file from /usr/share/applications/hildon/*.desktop and edit it
07:17.15ieatlintnotes that everybody writes wikipedia articles
07:17.21ieatlintand you can't trust that
07:17.58RobbieThe1stIn -most- cases it's close if not dead on
07:18.03ieatlintbut about here is where the conversation strays into how easily you can convert a li-ion battery into a small explosive to use on a plane
07:18.16iliusieatlint: wikipedia knows Maemo (and also Moblin) as deprecated after MeeGo
07:18.30vdvusing desktop icon is almost so "difficlut" as opening terminal and typing "ru" or "de"
07:18.53DocScrutinizerieatlint: yeah, and water is even needed to stay alive, still you can drown and you'll even die of osmosis shock when drinking >5L of it
07:18.56vdvilius, and terminal is almost always open
07:19.08iliusvdv: :-D
07:20.01vdvilius, new keyboard shortcut would be best solution, but don't want pollute system with modified-hildon
07:21.00vdvhad to reflash device yesterday, because messed up everything with all those "extras-devel" apps
07:21.11TermanaDesireOnce you guys have made up your mind then I'll decide weather or not to drive to the nearest hospital. In the mean time I'm going to enjoy this potentially deadly yummy rice
07:21.14vdvgood that i had a backup on pc
07:21.42vdvanyways, reflashing n900 doesn't erase /home/user/*
07:21.50vdvthat's good
07:22.05RobbieThe1stTermanaDesire: Worst that'll happen is you get sick. Probably nothing though, assuming the water that got into your N900 wasn't contaminated in the first place
07:22.51iliusis it possible to copy whole /scratchbox folder from a desktop ubuntu to another desktop ubuntu?
07:23.04iliuswhitout any problem?
07:23.15TermanaDesireRobbieThe1st: water contamination? I just thought that was rice flavouring. :p
07:23.24ieatlintDocScrutinizer: i laugh at how many people learn drinking too much water can kill each year
07:23.27DocScrutinizer51TermanaDesire: was it bright enough so the rice could actually *see* the N900?
07:24.23RobbieThe1stHm... So, then, the recommendation to drink 8 glasses of water a day... IT'S A CONSPIRACY!
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07:24.51iliusvdv: but reflashing reset some configuration of hildon-desktop, and I dont know what
07:25.00TermanaDesireDocScrutinizer51: what? :p have you been talking with everybody?
07:25.04iliusvdv: whay that happen
07:25.07ieatlintor don't use 1L glasses
07:25.47ieatlintthey say you should have 2L of hydration/day, but that also doesn't mean chug water... fruits and such for instance have a bit, and so forth
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07:26.37DocScrutinizer51TermanaDesire: everybody pointed me to the fact the rice couldn't know it's been near N900 if there wasn't enough light so the rice can see the device
07:27.16RobbieThe1stieatlint: I know.
07:27.36ieatlintRobbieThe1st: Ok.
07:28.33RobbieThe1st"IT'S A CONSPIRACY" in all caps... Yea, I *must* be being serious.
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07:29.10vdvilius, because hildon-desktop config data is not under /home/user (or maybe not all data is there)
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07:29.41vdvilius, rsync-ing from backup to new flashed device works fine
07:29.52iliusvdv: then where is that?
07:30.12vdvilius, i don't know exactly, that's just assumption
07:31.27ieatlintRobbieThe1st: it's unfortunate that you distrust everyone so
07:31.34ieatlintbut warranted.
07:31.41vdvilius, i was afraid that rsync won't work correctly, but yesterday i've saw that restoring works pretty fine
07:32.01RobbieThe1stI assume you couldn't tell that I was being sarcastic in that last comment
07:32.40ieatlintsarcasm is often used to mask true sentiments
07:32.59vdvso i run rsync every time i've made major changes on device
07:33.50RobbieThe1stWhatever. In this case, I was trying to point out that my first comment wasn't being serious
07:33.54iliusvdv: rsync rootfs with card?
07:34.05Myrttiwell, that was fun
07:34.05vdvthinks that doint such backup in cron is nothing but paranoia
07:34.35RobbieThe1stHave you ever -restored- one of those backups?
07:35.34ieatlintRobbieThe1st: i guess some people just have trouble detecting insincerity and sarcasm
07:35.42ieatlintbut i try to cut them some slack
07:35.44vdvilius, rsync -av --exclude=<some_dirs_i_dont_want_backup> / user_at_pc@pc:/data/n900
07:36.42RobbieThe1stI don't know what to say to that, honestly. I -do- have trouble if there are no real "clues".
07:36.49iliusvdv: thanks
07:37.04ieatlintjust don't take it so seriously :)
07:37.25vdvRobbieThe1st, yesterday was first time, and it really worked
07:38.00RobbieThe1stWorst problem is that, in your case, I couldn't tell if you just didn't understand me, or were making your own comment
07:38.18RobbieThe1stvdv: Great. Did you use rsync to restore, or make a new rootfs and flash it?
07:38.21ieatlintwell, i didn't mean to actually upset you or anything
07:38.37RobbieThe1stieatlint:Nah, it's fine
07:39.40ieatlintmmm, beer
07:40.21vdvRobbieThe1st, first flashed, then installed rootsh+openssh+rsync+usb_networking, then rsync-ed everything from pc back to device
07:41.48RobbieThe1stCompletely off all topic here, but I'm curious: With today's video cards, high quality cinematic clips can be rendered in real time at greater than 24fps on a decent computer. Why don't we see any movies/short clips made using such techniques(i.e. rendered on the end user's PC, vs pre-rendering it and shipping the final product)
07:42.44ieatlintbecause the engines are often proprietary, and require more power than a pc can normally do still
07:43.44RobbieThe1stWell, I mean using normal fast polygon techniques versus raytracing
07:43.45ieatlintwhen you add in the size of the engine, models, and the control data, it would almost definitely be larger than a pre-rendered copy as well
07:44.07tank-manRobbieThe1st, some people do that, they are called demos. they try to make the smallest executable file
07:44.10wmaronethat and not everyone has the same graphics card
07:44.28RobbieThe1stHm, demos still exist these days? I thought they sort of disappeared like 10 years ago?
07:44.41vdvmost integrated cards can't do that
07:45.02vdvalmost all laptop users use integrated cards
07:45.08vdvwhich are pretty basic
07:45.16RobbieThe1stLook at any game these days.
07:45.32ieatlinti wouldn't say almost all use integrated graphics
07:45.57ieatlintmany do, but a very sizable amount use ati/nvidia
07:46.05vdvonly expensive one's not
07:46.31ieatlinti've got 5 laptops sitting around me, and only 1 has integrated graphics, a netbook
07:46.56RobbieThe1stThe idea is that you could, using a game engine, create your movie as a series of camera/character motion. Would -everyone- be able to play it fast enough? No. Would everyone play it at 4xaa, 60fps, with highest detail levels? no. But, it could produce a better-than-bluray quality at far less than 25GB. Though, it'd only be suitable for PCs
07:47.39wmaroneRobbieThe1st: which is precisely why you go the pre-rendered route. If the video plays, it looks the same on all systems.
07:47.47wmaronebarring that, you just do an in-game cutscene
07:47.49ieatlinti think you grossly underestimate the amount of data used
07:48.15wmaroneand that, it's a lot of extraneous, one-use data
07:48.28RobbieThe1stTrue, I suppose...
07:48.39ieatlintthe idea is legit, and something we'll perhaps see in a decade
07:48.40wmaronehell even blizzard pre-rendered clips that were animated using the world of warcraft engine ;)
07:49.24RobbieThe1stWell, in my favor, I remember halo and it's game-engine-rendered real-time cutscenes. It wasn't perfect, but it was nice. Especially with next-generation computers and 4x AA
07:50.52DocScrutinizer51haha, Volkswagen adoped Amarok
07:50.55ieatlinteh.. even the nicest video games graphics can't beat movies like toy story (circa 1995) or final fantasy (that shitty one with shittier than toy story graphics from 2001)
07:51.35ieatlintthey don't approach the range of motion or detail to appear truly lifelike
07:52.26RobbieThe1stI certainly recall noticing many oddities with FF7:AC... Like the cloak which appeared tattered, but waved like a solid object
07:52.49ieatlintalso, beer is good
07:53.29RST38hread it as "segment 0xFF7, offset 0xAC"
07:53.29RobbieThe1stBut, point. "realistic" interaction... probably not. Making a TF2 movie, for instance... with cartoonish 3D etc... I could see it being possible
07:54.29RobbieThe1stRelated: AMD Dragon platform video:
07:55.38RobbieThe1stAanyway, it sort of answers my question. Not currently done, unless I can find something in the demoscene
07:57.59ieatlinti didn't know was still around
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08:03.16TermanaDesireieatlint: you are not an ordained Google master then I see
08:04.14ieatlintno, i'm afraid not
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08:08.59TermanaDesireAll my data r belong to Google
08:09.38ieatlintyes, the benevolent internet dictator
08:09.43RobbieThe1stThat's for sure
08:09.53RobbieThe1stAh well, I can't believe Google
08:10.02RobbieThe1st's any worse than, say, MS
08:10.42RobbieThe1stStill, I believe in distributing information across many accounts and sites - any one site having all information's not a good idea nomatter what
08:11.39ieatlintmeh, i trust google as a company
08:12.31ieatlintthere's nothing too incriminating on my google account either... embarrassing, sure
08:12.41ieatlintbut i'm not going to worry too much about that
08:13.10ieatlintplus google is adding two-factor authentication, it's already in place for business customers
08:13.12ieatlintwhich is awesome
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08:25.16ebzzryHi! How can I numlock when using OO.o Calc (Easy Debian)?
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08:33.44MohammadAG51why is QMaemo5InformationBox shit
08:39.12ieatlintwhat's wrong with it?
08:39.38ieatlinti use it without any issue
08:39.53MohammadAG51it shows a black bar then paints the yellow colour and text
08:40.11MohammadAG51plus it's not the same size as the bars used in C
08:40.27ieatlintuh, i don't have either of those issues
08:40.44ieatlintand as i understand it, that's just a qt wrapper class for the c code
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09:25.44vdvis there any "timetable" app for maemo5?
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09:44.01ieatlinti think that guy might win, as he actually defends the waffen ss, insisting they were just serving their country
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09:45.19hahlowhat filesystem is on n900? is it diffrent in / /home and rest?
09:46.12ieatlintubifs, except for /home/user/MyDocs which is vfat
09:46.35RobbieThe1stEr, not so much. the 256mb rootfs (/) is ubifs
09:46.47RobbieThe1stthe home/opt partition, mapped to /home/ is ext3.
09:46.58ieatlintooh, didn't know that :)
09:47.02hahlook thanks
09:47.02ieatlintok, what he said
09:47.04RobbieThe1stThe MyDocs partition (/home/user/MyDocs) is fat32
09:47.33RobbieThe1stYou can get information on all of them by opening a terminal and typing "cat /etc/mtab"
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09:48.26matti_hautamekiis someone here using qtnx on the n900
09:51.45RobbieThe1stWhat is it?
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09:52.07matti_hautamekiits an  remote desktop protocol lite rdp
09:52.12vdvalarmed's plays music as alarm even if phone is in silent mode! :)
09:52.34matti_hautamekiit works fine except the keyboad
09:52.47RobbieThe1stWhy not just use VNC?
09:52.48matti_hautamekilike in lxde i cant write
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09:53.01matti_hautamekibecause nx is much faster
09:53.15RobbieThe1sthm... Can't you run X over ssh..?
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09:53.27matti_hautamekian it can start an session, for example gnome
09:54.00matti_hautamekisure i can, but my whole environment is built upon nx
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09:54.29RobbieThe1stHuh, no idea then
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10:05.32hahloRobbieThe1st: did older maemo use ubifs too or was it some other packed fs?
10:06.04RobbieThe1stUm... Jffs2 IIRC
10:07.41hahloyes that sounds familiar
10:08.00RobbieThe1st <- you might find that interesting
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10:18.39vdvhow can i change n900 alarm-clock signal from terminal?
10:20.44alteregodo you mean sound?
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10:23.06Corsachmhm, is angry birds available somehow on n810?
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10:23.54TermanaDesireAh no
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10:27.48MrPingouinhello world
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10:29.24iliusMrPingouin: hello Pingouin!
10:30.09MrPingouinhowdy ilius  ?
10:31.01iliusMrPingouin: tnx
10:31.27iliusieatlint: is it possible to add AA feature to N900?
10:31.37iliusAA = Anti Air :-D
10:34.12MrPingouinI don't think n900 is a quite effective weapon versus mutalisk
10:34.43MrPingouinor maybe... throwing it
10:34.58ieatlintilius: as long as there are no follow-up questions, yes. absolutely.
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10:35.25ieatlintespecially if you're referring to the macbook air
10:35.28MrPingouinieatlint: throught micro usb ? :)
10:35.44MrPingouin"connect your bfg-9k to the micro usb B port"
10:35.48ieatlintsorry, that's a follow-up question
10:36.01MrPingouin"ensure that you're n900 is fully charged"
10:36.10MrPingouinwhoa, morning
10:36.25ieatlintbut there should be a "fight mode"
10:36.48ieatlintpreviously, i saw it decided that fight mode should just consist of some awesome fight scene music to play in the background
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10:36.56iliusieatlint: :)
10:36.57MrPingouinunfortunately there's only the flight mode
10:36.58ieatlintnot so much the "control an AA battery"
10:37.04MrPingouinthe fight mode is announced for PR 1.8
10:38.14MrPingouinis it possible via pymaemo to access data from contact list and stuff ?
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10:39.39Termanaieatlint, fight mode could just consist of you pounding out some Perl code on the n900. POW! FIGHT MODE
10:40.14iliusMrPingouin: see the module api
10:40.18ieatlintonly i view perl to be this nasty patched hack
10:40.59MrPingouinilius: i'm currently parsing it
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10:42.55ieatlintpyside-mobility-contacts is part of pymaemo and sounds promising
10:46.02peb_sorry for jumping in .. isn't perl working on the N900 (haven't tried yet)
10:47.06ieatlintuh, well perl is on my n900, and i don't recall installing it, so i assume stock
10:47.31ieatlintperl 5.8.3 if you care
10:49.27peb_just checked ... seems to work out of the box.
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10:52.06psycho_oreosShapeshifter, ping
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11:00.14D-manHey guys. Has anyone managed to install winexe or any other psexec alternative on N900?
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11:18.26pupnikwhy is there no 'degree' symbol on a nomral keyboard?  (e.g. degrees celsius)
11:18.45SpeedEvilbecause decisions have to be made.
11:19.26RobbieThe1stProbably because it wasn't in ASCII
11:20.17kerioyou mean ℃?
11:20.57SpeedEvilThere are more important glyphs anyway.
11:20.57MrPingouinno, he means °
11:21.04MrPingouiniso !
11:22.12keriofun fact - ℃ and °C look identical both in times and in helvetica
11:23.57SpeedEvilTo be fair, that's not a very fun fact.
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11:30.57MrPingouinSpeedEvil: I found this very funny.
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11:35.14jacekowskiD-man: i did
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11:37.14MrPingouinanyone here uses the matchbox window manager on his n900 ?
11:37.22SpeedEvileveryone I think.
11:37.26SpeedEvilWell - it's a fork
11:37.35MrPingouina fork of what ?
11:37.45SpeedEvilThe stock wm is a fork of matchbox.
11:37.48MrPingouinof the black/flux stuff ?
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11:37.57SpeedEvilOr I'm confused again.
11:38.10MrPingouinhmmm, I'm going to try it
11:38.46SpeedEvilremember to make any scripts you use one-shot, so they can't bootloop the device
11:39.10SpeedEvilfor example, first thing you do in the script is copy the original script back over the script
11:39.23MrPingouinhuh ?you're talking about matchbox ?
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11:39.52MrPingouinI don't get you
11:39.58SpeedEvilIf you alter the startup scripts, there are vartiou swatchdogs that may kick in
11:40.06SpeedEviland rebootr the device
11:40.19MrPingouinoh, I was about to run it only once
11:40.37MrPingouinoh you mean, I have to do somehting like /etc/init.d/gdm stop (I know there's no gdm here, but it's for the example)
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11:40.59SpeedEvilwell - if you run it, it will simply exit with 'display already managed'
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11:41.27SpeedEvilyou need to terminate the existing wm, and get it to fork and load your wm if you want X to stay up - typically
11:41.39SpeedEvilotherwise you need to restart X with your wm
11:41.54MrPingouinI see, and if I don't specify a good line (wrong path for example)
11:41.58MrPingouinit's an epic failure
11:42.13MrPingouinno ^C for this ?
11:42.19MrPingouinI mean, that would allow me to use vim to edit my scripts ?
11:42.25MrPingouinwhy the hell is that ??
11:42.47SpeedEvilBecause the watchdogs are all designed to do mostly sane things for the normal user.
11:43.04SpeedEvilIf you're breaking startup scripts, then they cause problems.
11:43.11SpeedEvilAnd may cause reboot loops
11:43.20MrPingouinwatchdogs ? I never heard of that
11:43.46SpeedEvilSoftware processes that monitor the state of various hardware and software, and restart the device
11:43.59SpeedEvildsme and friends
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11:45.42MrPingouinthanks a lot
11:45.56MrPingouinso, except this tricky thing, you use matchbox on an everyday basis ?
11:46.11SpeedEvilThe default WM is as I understand it a fork of matchbox.
11:46.18SpeedEvilSo in a way, everyone does.
11:46.25MrPingouinyou mean, hildon ?
11:46.39SpeedEvilhildon  is the whole UI - the wm is one small component of this.
11:46.51SpeedEvilAnd is as I understand a fork of matchbox
11:47.06SpeedEvilI could be confused though.
11:47.11SpeedEvilGood luck - AFK
11:47.47PontusOhmanAnyone in here that have ported an app from android to maemo?
11:49.31jacekowskiandroid apps are java based
11:49.46jacekowskiyou would have to rewrite it from scratches
11:50.15PontusOhmanjacekowski: It's not impossible ^^
11:51.19jacekowskithen read what it says
11:51.46jacekowskiit's quide where to start when you are rewriting app to QT
11:51.59MohammadAG51i like it when people think Qt automagically allows porting
11:52.23MohammadAG51tbh, I see Qt as a wrapper
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11:54.18PontusOhmanBut now I was only asking IF someone have ported... Not HOW to port O_o
11:54.31kerioMohammadAG: well, you won't have to rewrite your application logic when porting a qt application to maemo/meego
11:54.47alteregoMaybe the UI though :d
11:54.55kerioalterego: well, no shit
11:55.08keriodifferent control paradigm requires a different UI
11:55.29alteregoI'll be doing some research on writing rich UIs for both plain Qt and MeeGo touch
11:55.40kerioi thought you should use qt mobility
11:55.52alteregoThey both have Qt Mobility
11:56.16alteregoThat offers different services. I'm talking about the presentation layer
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12:03.18alteregoMohammadAG51: how are you getting on now then?
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12:04.59MohammadAG51alterego, hmm?
12:05.09alteregoWith you ps3domui
12:05.19MohammadAG51kerio, i know, that's why i see it as a wrapper
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12:05.40kerioi like tkinter :3
12:06.19MohammadAG51alterego, i released the update yesterday
12:07.08pupnik  you thought platform games were dull?  'kirby's yarn' gives them a whole new look
12:07.17pupnik(great candidate for portables)
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12:07.45keriokirby's epic yarn is game of the year 2010
12:07.53keriotrue story
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12:11.49alteregoMohammadAG51: oh yeah, you told me I forgot :D
12:11.57lirakisnokia is stupid, they treat their customers like crap, they have a shit for brains marketing department, and they have no for site of the mobile market.  Having been a n n810, and n900 user (ditched them for my nexus one) and dealt with nokia's shit - I hope they stick with meego so I can watch the product totally bomb and hopefully they will lose a lot of money too.  serves them right for being ass holes to their customers
12:12.03lirakisok bye bye
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12:13.00D-manjacekowski: How did you do it?
12:13.04alteregoNice of you to drop in just to tell us that lirakis
12:13.14infobotSunday is the day all trolls swarm to #debian, avoid at all cost to remain sane.
12:13.43jacekowskiD-man: with a compiler
12:14.12jacekowskiD-man: download sources and it compiles in scratchbox without any problems
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12:14.22alteregocontemplates on what he should do now.
12:14.47plonkeralterego: port bitlbee for maemo ? :)
12:14.59MohammadAGalterego, I'm a bit bored too,
12:15.10MrPingouinthis dr launch is pretty cool
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12:15.33MrPingouinwhy not use bitlbee on public servers ?
12:15.49alteregoMohammadAG: :D
12:15.54alteregowth is bitlbee
12:16.06alteregoscratchbox, I should really download that too.
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12:16.17plonkerMrPingouin: 'cos I want my own with my own irssi
12:16.17Myrttiirc to im gateway
12:16.39alteregosounds lame
12:16.55plonkerwfm ;)
12:16.59alteregowth uses irc anymoew anyway
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12:17.11keriofuckin nerds
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12:18.09alteregoMohammadAG: you should play with Qt Quick iss fun :)
12:18.12MohammadAGalterego, indeed, the Qt Simulator is shit
12:18.14MrPingouinjpinx-eeepc: irc over ssh screen ?
12:18.33MohammadAGalterego, ftw
12:18.37alteregoMohammadAG: I know, I always run on device :/
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12:19.03alteregoMohammadAG: yeah, saw that yesterday and it made me want to setup scratchbox again :D
12:19.20jpinx-eeepcMrPingouin: I run my irssi/bitlbee in a screen in achroot atm 'cos bitlbee won't install natively
12:19.27D-manjacekowski: thanks, will try.
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12:20.21MohammadAGnotices a UI glitch in his app
12:20.44MohammadAGmaking the progress bar appear/disappear causes the page to move -> clicking wrong links
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12:21.34jpinx-eeepcget your viagra from  musca ;)
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12:23.58MrPingouindoes anyone know an alternative to the contact app ?
12:24.39alteregoNot having any friends?
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12:25.27pupnikworks for me
12:26.06MrPingouinalterego: talking to ME ?
12:26.08MrPingouinwait, I have to shave my head first before saying that
12:26.50MrPingouinwell, one thing I don't understand is why the contact app has the A-Z column on the right in portrait mode and not in landscape mode
12:27.32MrPingouinor why, sometimes some contact dones't display the "sms" button ("alors que" in english, I don't know how to translite it) the contact has it
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12:39.07MrPingouinwoah, transition control is cool
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12:40.00smokuwho is maintaining ?
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13:10.33khertanHi !
13:11.31psycho_oreosbahaha, figured out how to set profile between general and silent through cli via dbus
13:12.12khertanit s documented in
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13:17.43psycho_oreoskhertan, bleh, under phone control right? oh well
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13:21.11MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, you really should take a look at phone-control :P
13:21.48psycho_oreosMohammadAG, <-- that right? :D
13:22.05MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, no, phone-control is my package :P
13:22.13psycho_oreosoh :o
13:22.31MohammadAGit's just a quick way to use the stuff in the phone control page
13:22.38psycho_oreosMohammadAG, btw I tried giving aptitude a run, it actually died
13:22.56MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, segfault
13:23.22psycho_oreosMohammadAG, yeah, trying to reproduce the error
13:23.33MrPingouinpsycho_oreos: what is "cli" ?
13:23.49psycho_oreosMrPingouin, command line interface.. stuff through shell
13:24.04psycho_oreosMohammadAG, Ouch!  Got SIGSEGV, dying.. | Segmentation fault (core dumped)
13:24.10MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, doesn't compile properly
13:24.20jpinx-eeepcme installs Phone-control - thanks MohammadAG :)
13:24.23MrPingouinpsycho_oreos: kay, I didn't know the acronym, thx
13:24.24MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, running as root right?
13:24.36psycho_oreosMohammadAG, bleh... nah I'll try it as root
13:24.40MohammadAGjpinx-eeepc, np :)
13:24.41psycho_oreosMrPingouin, np
13:25.29psycho_oreosMohammadAG, yeah it dies even as root, hmm I'll give libcwidget3 a go I suppose
13:26.03jpinx-eeepcMohammadAG: is there a version for SMS yet? -- I am dying for the ability to copy a text file into an SMS
13:26.05MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, the problem is with that library
13:26.15MohammadAGif it's fixed, aptitude will work
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13:26.39MohammadAGjpinx-eeepc, like opening a window in conversations with the text pasted?
13:26.48psycho_oreosMohammadAG, ahh ok, I suppose its a deps issue somewhere on the line? have you successfully compiled it in sb? :D
13:27.11MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, aptitude worked for me for a while, now it doesn't (after I reflashed)
13:27.12jpinx-eeepcMohammadAG: something like that
13:27.46psycho_oreosMohammadAG, when you say you flashed, its when you switched across to pr1.2 I suppose?
13:28.04jpinx-eeepcMohammadAG: I spend a lot of time ssh'd into the n900 and I'd like to write sms's as plain text files and send them
13:28.08MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, hmm, can't really remember
13:28.15psycho_oreosMohammadAG, fair enough, thanks :)
13:28.23MohammadAGjpinx-eeepc, you mean from terminal?
13:28.41MohammadAGjpinx-eeepc, that would need python as a dependency, or I need to write a CLI C app :)
13:28.47jpinx-eeepcMohammadAG: yes - if that's what it takes
13:29.01jpinx-eeepcMohammadAG: or an editor like leafpad
13:29.38MohammadAGjpinx-eeepc, you really lost me :P
13:29.49MohammadAGdo you want a CLI to send SMSs, or a CLI that opens text in a conversations window
13:30.05jpinx-eeepccli to send and receive would be good
13:30.20jpinx-eeepcso I can control SMS's from my laptop
13:30.27D-manjacekowski: Is there any chance, that you still have compiled binaries lying arroung?
13:30.36keriojpinx-eeepc: dbus dat shit
13:31.59jpinx-eeepckerio: que?
13:32.18kerioyou can send smses with dbus
13:32.25kerioi would assume you can also read them
13:33.03jpinx-eeepckerio: irl of a how-to?
13:35.40MrPingouingood day everybody
13:35.45alteregodownloads scratchbox
13:35.48MrPingouinto infinity and beyond !
13:35.54*** part/#maemo MrPingouin (
13:36.07MohammadAG sending
13:36.19MohammadAGalterego, not scratchbox2 right?
13:36.32alteregoNo, not scr4atchbox[D[C2
13:36.39alteregoUrgh, not 2
13:36.50MohammadAG1337 t41k?
13:37.19alteregoYes, I am uber l33t I embed control codes into my text
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13:46.16alteregoThinking about it, I should probably only need the scratchbox maemo runtime setup, so that saves me some bandwidth throguh my phone.
13:49.55alteregoThat is, to use scratchbox and Qt Creator :D
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13:56.48MohammadAGalterego, you probably don't need the closed nokia-binaries
13:56.58MohammadAGexcept for hildon-theme-alpha, if that's closed
13:57.28DocScrutinizerwho's maintaining tmo styles? please... 02-09-10, 07:09 AM puzzles the shit out of me, can we PRETTY PLEASE get a sane YYYY-MM-DD HH(b24):MM TZ date format there
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13:58.41MohammadAGandrewfblack I think
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14:00.26alteregoI agree, I don't like the Us date format ...
14:00.31alteregoSt00pid default
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14:06.23DocScrutinizersomebody explained to me recently this isn't even a proper US format
14:06.50DocScrutinizerit's a mere brainfart
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14:09.29MohammadAGalterego, :)
14:12.38DocScrutinizer(tmo date) see and
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14:12.54Creteilhi all
14:13.04xDaReaperxwhat the how do you get that in your ubuntu ?
14:13.35MohammadAGget what...
14:13.48CreteilI have a shortcut to an url on my N900 desktop, where I can find the properties file of this shortcut in the console ?
14:13.49xDaReaperxemulate the browser in Ubuntu
14:14.08MohammadAGthat's my browser, not microB
14:14.19MohammadAGand it's not being emulated
14:14.31MohammadAGmaemo 5 (or part of it anyways), runs natively on X86
14:14.36infobotfrom memory, maemosdk is
14:15.13xDaReaperxOh okay
14:16.41*** join/#maemo Rarok (
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14:23.16CreteilI have a shortcut to an url on my N900 desktop, where I can find the properties file of this shortcut in the console ?
14:23.41CreteilI have to change the url in the properties file ...
14:23.59CreteilSomeone have an idea ?
14:24.45*** join/#maemo jpinx-eeepc (
14:25.03SpeedEvilopen shortcut.
14:25.10SpeedEviledit url in browser
14:25.11DocScrutinizeranother tmo madness that constantly drives me nuts: why the heck are single posts like ALL CENTERED?
14:25.27SpeedEvildelete, and add new shortcut
14:26.47DocScrutinizerruns throwing up due to watching this [CENTER]*[/CENTER] mess
14:27.18*** join/#maemo Bash (
14:28.55xDaReaperxTime to start begging my mom to get the N8 , is it possible to install N900 apps in it ?
14:29.06CreteilSpeedEvil, and don't want to use this method, I want to edit the created file ...
14:31.48DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ??? open bookmarks, clickhold bookmark to edit, select "edit" from context menu
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14:32.41DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: nope
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14:32.50DocScrutinizerit's sybian
14:32.55xDaReaperxsymbian *
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14:33.16jpinx-eeepcMohammadAG: I've listed teh basic additional commandss that you might be able to add to phone-control -- where would you like me to post them ?
14:33.19xDaReaperxi hate touch screen typing though //
14:33.36MohammadAGjpinx-eeepc, the thread will do :)
14:35.12xDaReaperxwhat that you can plug in your USB on the N8 ?
14:35.51alteregobored, bored, bored
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14:36.06xDaReaperxok i'll stop talking about it then .. back to Maemo
14:36.14alteregois waiting at the train station for his women to arrive.
14:36.34alteregoUnfortunately I miss calculated journey time and I have to wait half an hour.
14:36.44DocScrutinizeraaah now it all makes sense... midlife crisis
14:37.12alteregoisn't any crisis a midlife one?
14:37.20*** join/#maemo gregoa (
14:37.38DocScrutinizerno, mine is a geriatric crisis
14:38.52jpinx-eeepcyou're not old enough to have geriatric anything ;)
14:39.01alteregoDo we need a custom kernel for iptables on the N900
14:39.39DocScrutinizerpower will do
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14:41.56alteregoghey, don't really want a custom kernel.
14:42.24DocScrutinizerwho does?
14:42.53alteregoHrm, maybe I could get around this by using ssh socks proxying
14:43.02DocScrutinizerit'd be so nice if Nokia shipped a proper feature-complete stock kernel
14:43.26alteregoBasically I want to route through usb networking to n900 wifi
14:43.38alteregoI can probably use ssh proxying to do this
14:43.51alteregoNot exactly nat but still :D
14:44.29*** join/#maemo aloisiojr (~aloisio@
14:45.31pupnikDocScrutinizer: could a userspace app switch battery power from internal pack to external (via charging port)?
14:45.54DocScrutinizerpupnik: please elaborate
14:45.58MohammadAGprobably, not
14:46.32pupnikcan n900 run from external power only (no internal battery)?
14:46.35*** join/#maemo PhonicUK (~PhonicUK@pdpc/supporter/student/phonicuk)
14:46.37alteregoDoes it matter?
14:46.43alteregopupnik: no :P
14:46.51DocScrutinizerpupnik: charging/bat-mgmt is complex
14:46.57alteregoYou always need a battery inserted.
14:46.58DocScrutinizerpupnik: yes
14:47.11DocScrutinizermodulo cellmo
14:47.11pupnikso it would be possible to hot-swap battery
14:47.24pupnikwasn't there an article on that
14:47.24*** join/#maemo e-yes (~e-yes@
14:47.42MohammadAG~hotswap is
14:47.42infobotMohammadAG: okay
14:47.44DocScrutinizerMohammadAG to the rescue
14:47.50MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, too late
14:48.06MohammadAGAwesome bar <#
14:48.40alteregoWe need a decent 1t based MeeGo touch browser Mohammad ;)
14:49.10alterego1t based ...
14:49.17alteregoFreakin' hell
14:49.20alteregoQt ..
14:49.41DocScrutinizeroh, thought "WTF 1000kg??"
14:49.46MohammadAGthis browser works on Ubuntu and Maemo for now
14:49.46alteregoPressing meta rather than shift :)
14:50.01*** join/#maemo TeringTuby (
14:50.04MohammadAGso I guess it should work on MeeGo
14:50.09MohammadAGbut it lacks history
14:50.34MohammadAGand no "http://" in URL bar handling
14:50.44alteregoWell, it's not meego touch, which kis what we want really
14:50.47pupnikwell guys it looks like you only have 30 seconds to swap, meaning you couldn't just switch to an external pack for power
14:50.52MohammadAGbut it has portrait mode, ha!
14:51.01pupnikat least not with that particular method
14:51.05MohammadAGalterego, I'm referring to mine :P
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14:51.40MohammadAGpupnik, anything that works like an external charger and provides enough power should work
14:53.43pupnikbut recharging the internal battery is wasteful
14:54.39pupniknokia should realize what a cheap and easy win it could be to add hotswap battery capability
14:55.06pupnikor am i being stupid
14:56.27pupnikI've found that if something seems like a 'no-brainer' to me, I just haven't put enough thought into the question...
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14:59.17alteregoI don't think you're being stupid, if Nokia are serious about this mobile computer thing then they should do it, after all I can do it with my laptop amirite? :D
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15:03.45DocScrutinizerpupnik: actually I operated my device some hours without battery
15:03.53jpinx-eeepcpupnik: you have a point - I hoptswap the battery in my eeepc
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15:07.28DocScrutinizerhotswapping of battery just works. If I'd feel like it I'd create a fancy shellscript 3-liner to push charge end threshold to bare minimum and tickle bq24150 watchdog, so you could hotswap even more comfortable and without concerns about screenblanking and brightness. Anyway any 'external pack' seems needs at least 4V to work reliably during swap - see folloup posts on above mentioned thread
15:09.23DocScrutinizerpupnik: also keep in mind you CAN NOT operate modem without battery
15:10.05jpinx-eeepcDocScrutinizer: yea - that procedure for hotswapping just needs scripting
15:10.21DocScrutinizerthere are several hw reasons for this restriction, which aren't simple to work around in sw
15:11.54DocScrutinizerjpinx-eeepc: basically that particular procedure is so complicated because it doesn't need scripting. As mentioned above a close controlling of bq24150 can remove a lot of the clumsy steps in this procedure. I refer to it as method-2
15:11.54jpinx-eeepcDocScrutinizer: did you try it with one of those emergency charging packs instead of the wallcharger?
15:12.17DocScrutinizershould work though
15:12.25jpinx-eeepcor what about while usb charging from a laptop?
15:12.48DocScrutinizerplease read the thread completely
15:12.56jpinx-eeepcok ok :)
15:13.10jpinx-eeepcit's sunday night ;)
15:14.30lcuk_mobset it to a small font and speed read :P
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15:17.35pwwhat's wrong that i can't connect to wlan networks on channel 13? in Europe? its that right?
15:17.55jpinx-eeepcbookmarks these threads for reading when able to concentrate...
15:21.06pwi can't switch to my neighbours wlan ;)
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15:22.00XhindeHello people
15:22.06*** join/#maemo kuuntelija (
15:22.22XhindeSomeone used irreco in here before?
15:22.38Venemo_N810yes, I did
15:22.41*** join/#maemo FireFly (~firefly@unaffiliated/firefly)
15:22.53XhindeIt never started up and then shut down for you, did it?
15:23.40Venemo_N810for me, it worked okay
15:23.51Venemo_N810that was a few months ago though
15:23.55Xhindeyeah, worked ok for me as well until a few secs ago
15:23.59DocScrutinizerirrecor o|
15:24.12Xhindewanted to start it, i see it briefly and then it shuts down
15:24.20Venemo_N810and now my N900 is in repair so I can't help you
15:24.33Xhindeah damn ^^
15:24.37XhindeThanks for the offer though
15:24.57XhindeDocScrutinizer, isnt it without r?
15:25.12DocScrutinizerno problems here, no r, no updates lately
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15:25.34xDaReaperxWhat if there were an N900 with Amoled sceen ?
15:25.37xDaReaperxscreen *
15:25.53DocScrutinizerif pigs had wings...
15:26.01XhindeHmm, already tried restarting, reinstalling
15:26.02xDaReaperxwould there be more clarity and less scratches ...
15:26.04XhindeI am out of ideas :D
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15:27.01Venemo_N810xDaReaperx, then that N900 would have a barely legible screen
15:27.51Venemo_N810xDaReaperx, amoled is not good outdoors
15:28.10xDaReaperxwhy less brightness ?
15:28.29DocScrutinizeruninstall, rm ~user/.irreco ~user/MyDocs/irreco /etc/lircd.conf -r /etc/lirc
15:28.49DocScrutinizerXhinde: ^^^
15:29.02XhindeNot via the fapman?
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15:31.15phrykIs there a guide to sdk installation for non-debian linuxes except suse? o_O
15:31.15DocScrutinizerXhinde: also recall what you did yesterday, as 'I don't know what you did last... " err
15:32.16Venemo_N810phryk, the GUI installer worked for me on Fedora
15:32.23XhindeUhm, my brain cant comprehend that sentence
15:32.29Venemo_N810phryk, of course you'll have to disable SELinux
15:32.58DocScrutinizerXhinde: rememebr what you did to make it stop work (sorry for me trying to be funny)
15:33.19XhindeAh, just didnt get it ;)
15:33.31XhindeWell, i just played around with it
15:33.48Xhindeclosed it, tried toopen it. bam
15:33.56DocScrutinizerdownload new remote?
15:34.03Xhindethat too yeah
15:34.22DocScrutinizerprobably that remote cam with an undefined lirc backend
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15:35.08DocScrutinizeror other kinda glitch in config
15:35.20DocScrutinizerso remove the config files as suggested above
15:35.39Xhindekk :)
15:35.42DocScrutinizer(sorry they are so scattered all over the place, not my invention)
15:38.04Venemo_N810does the N810 have IR too?
15:38.19DocScrutinizerXhinde: starting irreco from xterm gives hellofu debug output, so you might want to have a look
15:38.41DocScrutinizerVenemo_N810: no
15:39.08Venemo_N810DocScrutinizer, k
15:39.45Venemo_N810okay, place your bets,,,, will the N95 disconnect me on the metro or not?
15:40.35XhindeI cant even issue the last command in the terminal? Oo
15:40.57DocScrutinizeras it's been buggy, Xhinde
15:41.11Xhindei will give it a shot after uninstall :)
15:42.14XhindeI could kiss you DocScrutinizer ^^
15:42.17DocScrutinizerXhinde: rm -r  ~user/.irreco ~user/MyDocs/irreco /etc/lircd.conf /etc/lirc
15:42.43XhindeAll is reset
15:42.55XhindeNow just to find the right settings for my TV ^^
15:43.01DocScrutinizerrecalls that little girl character in Charlie Brown
15:43.53XhindeThe one who always takes the football away?
15:44.11Xhindethanks :)
15:44.24DocScrutinizerthe one that shouts for iodine and hot water :-P
15:46.57DocScrutinizer(find the right) yeah, this database is an unmaintained mess
15:47.40DocScrutinizerwhere every noob and idiot and troll can upload arbitrary files in realtime
15:48.24DocScrutinizermuch like extras-devel XP
15:48.34Xhindei could make my own? ^^
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15:49.07DocScrutinizerI did, you'll find it under TV LG jr*
15:49.32*** join/#maemo djdm (~deejaydee@
15:49.48DocScrutinizer(another idiot who uploaded his crap ;-D )
15:50.06XhindeSay what? Oo
15:50.12DocScrutinizeryou can take and edit it
15:50.42DocScrutinizeror build your own from scratch
15:53.17*** join/#maemo ToJa92_ (
15:54.01Xhindeyeah, cant i just scan my remote somehow? ^^
15:54.03DocScrutinizerthe most important part is "download from LIRCdb"
15:54.24DocScrutinizernot on N900, read LIRC webpages for that
15:56.40*** join/#maemo SmilybOrg (
15:56.54lcuk_mobi was offline and needed a manpage
15:56.57lcuk_mob1:0 to you
15:57.33DocScrutinizerapt-get install mandb-n900
15:57.45lcuk_mobwhich part of offline did you not get :P
15:57.54lcuk_moband does that install the manpages for existing packages
15:58.08DocScrutinizerfool, I'm suggesting to do it *now*
15:58.33lcuk_mobi am still offline
15:58.39lcuk_moboh, wait :P
15:58.40DocScrutinizerand yes, it comes with a default manpages pkg
15:59.11DocScrutinizeras maemo pkgs never come with docs
15:59.54lcuk_mobDocScrutinizer, which repo
15:59.55DocScrutinizer~lart docpurge
15:59.55infobottakes a big bite out of docpurge's jugular vein
16:00.05Xhinde17:54 DocScrutinizer • the most important part is "download from LIRCdb" <--- nothing on the list reminds of my model name :D
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16:00.36DocScrutinizerXhinde: check the model name of your remote control, not of your appliance
16:00.52XhindeWhy didnt i think of that :)
16:02.06DocScrutinizermaybe because irreco database is free of such a sensible thinking
16:02.30DocScrutinizerlcuk_mob: (repo) no idea
16:02.51DocScrutinizermaybe pkg is named slightly different, apt-cache search mandb will help
16:03.00jpinx-eeepcis there an application that will display the day/date in the toolbar as well as the time?
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16:05.06DocScrutinizerthrows a bag of cookies over to MohammadAG51, for listening to the Doc and building mandb
16:06.04lcukMohammadAG51 just wanted men on his n900 :P
16:07.03DocScrutinizerdreams of a community repo with all the right packages in it
16:07.32lcukthats called maemo extras :P
16:07.46lcukbut for other stuff, yeah something should hopefully emerge
16:09.43DocScrutinizerevery package in that awesome repo would come with a *-doc package, and several would also have a *-debug. You could do a SSU and get MHD, and hostmode, and whatnot, all without giving it a brain
16:09.53oshinfabien is probably laughing somewhere as we are promoting his neat software endlessly
16:10.04RST38hlcuk moo
16:10.09lcuk\o RST38h
16:10.24DocScrutinizeroshin: who's fabien?
16:10.37DocScrutinizerwhat's 'his software'?
16:10.41oshinDocScrutinizer, stellariumobile
16:10.53RST38hah that....The Drama!
16:11.14oshininvolved, too bad.
16:11.16DocScrutinizerorrery FTW
16:11.31oshinand for the battery
16:11.49Noobmonk3yhmmmm how do i join 2 stringlists in c++ into one string? (ie concatenate?)
16:12.07*** join/#maemo D-man (
16:12.11oshinDocScrutinizer, did you try stellarium mobile?
16:12.15RST38hwhat is a stringlist?
16:12.26lcukNoobmonk3y, duct tape class
16:12.33oshini love orrery but i think it's quite different purpose.
16:12.46oshinlike this is more for entertainment.
16:13.04*** join/#maemo djdm (~deejaydee@
16:13.06lcukNoobmonk3y, kathy smiled at you and had nothing other than kind words about you yesterday :)
16:13.18Noobmonk3y - basically i am doing that twice, so want to join the variables :)
16:13.28Noobmonk3yawwww, Kathy's lovely :) :)
16:13.50Noobmonk3ywasn't hard to spot her at the meetup even though i had no idea what she looked like lol
16:14.03lcukit mightv been made more difficult
16:14.06xDaReaperxWhere can i download Indian language packs ?
16:14.09lcukhad there been anything tall in the way
16:14.12xDaReaperxlike is there Hindi Language ?
16:14.13lcuklike a shoe box or something :P
16:14.15xDaReaperxor some other
16:14.16Noobmonk3ylol very very true!
16:15.20RST38hNoob: this is not C++, this is Qt
16:15.25Noobmonk3ymeh meh
16:15.28Noobmonk3ytis all the same to me
16:15.31Noobmonk3y(waits for abuse)
16:15.49lcukwhy wait? just go and tell mrs Noobmonk3y you won't do the dishes :P
16:15.59Noobmonk3ylol lcuk!!  hehehe
16:15.59RST38hNoob: You can traverse your QStringList with a loop, adding all elements to a single QString
16:16.08Noobmonk3yooo that sounds clever RST38h  :)
16:16.15RST38hNoob: This requires you to understand what "loop", "traverse", and "add" is, of course
16:16.57Noobmonk3ythinks i got it hold on
16:17.26phrykthe gui script for skd installation tells me i wouldn't have python-qt4
16:17.32phrykwhich i just installed
16:19.10phrykah found the problem
16:19.23phrykat least one…
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16:23.58D-manCould anyone compile this source for N900 for me? This sdk is just too much for me.
16:24.11dylanso, I'm having the "facebrick pops up a modal dialog". Is there a way of booting the n900 with just a terminal or something so I can apt-get remove facebrick?
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16:24.32PontusOhmanHow long will it take to extract the Easy Debian package?! An hour or more?
16:25.00dylanI tried ctrl-shift + x, but the facebrick modal intercepts keyboard input. :(
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16:25.14lcukdylan, eek!
16:25.22Noobmonk3yPontusOhman: took me 305 mins ish
16:25.25lcukis your wifi enabled at this point
16:25.41dylanit happens on boot, before wifi can be turned on
16:26.03dylanI can get a terminal open, but there's not enough time to type anything before the modal starts
16:26.25dylanIs there a way of getting at the rootfs? XD
16:26.29lcuktechnically, (and I am not sure how effective this may be)  would it be possible to install meego on the external mmc, boot it (by flashing a kernel)
16:26.48lcukthen from within meego, mount the normal maemo rootfs and alter/remove the file
16:26.58lcuk(purely hypothetical)
16:27.06PontusOhmanNoobmonk3y: Ahhhh... Mine is now 35 min so will see whats happens next :p
16:27.14Noobmonk3y:) :)
16:27.16PontusOhmanNoobmonk3y: Thx homie
16:27.32Noobmonk3yhehe, lol - it does seem to randomly differ for people though - some have said up to an hour
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16:31.19phrykCan one of you tell me which device in /dev the gsm device is?
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16:36.06DocScrutinizerdylan: powerbutton menu ->kill current task ?
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16:51.14xDaReaperxa duck ate my N900 what do i do ?
16:52.02trumeexDaReaperx: eat the duck. lol
16:55.12Venemo_N810xDaReaperx, kill it, take n900 out
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17:02.13oshincan duck eat n900?
17:02.20oshinbig duck?
17:02.29oshincarefully typed.
17:03.13Venemo_N810oshin, I think he was joking
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17:04.09Venemo_N810~seen MohammadAG51
17:04.19infobotmohammadag51 is currently on #maemo (2d 3h 58m 18s) #meego (2d 3h 58m 18s). Has said a total of 9 messages. Is idling for 4h 58m, last said: 'alterego, i released the update yesterday'.
17:05.50DocScrutinizerMyrtti: now what alarm is due for that?
17:08.18DocScrutinizerphryk: none. There's phonet0 and errr gprs0(?) in ifconfig
17:10.19*** join/#maemo RevdKathy (
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17:12.02Moodiedoes /home/user use NFS in any way? :o
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17:12.39Moodiei get ls: ./MyDocs: Stale NFS file handle
17:12.45Moodiein /home/user
17:13.07SpeedEvilthe NFS is a lie.
17:13.15Moodielooks like it
17:13.19Moodienever saw any nfs
17:13.24MoodieFS borked?
17:13.51SpeedEvilIt may mean the fs has been mounted/unmounted from that dir
17:14.16Moodienea it gives it on files too
17:14.21DocScrutinizer51stale NFS is fs drives ultimate ratio error msg when the fs is fubar
17:14.26Moodiels: ./ Stale NFS file handle
17:14.53DocScrutinizer51try to fsck.vfat it
17:15.01Moodieit's vfat?
17:15.10Moodieseems to be ext3
17:15.21DocScrutinizer51err sorry, yes
17:15.42Moodietried that, only that doesn't work when apps are running ;) but yeah. just wanted to be sure before i moved on.
17:15.50DocScrutinizer51on vfat there's no such thing like NFS inodes anyway
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17:22.22DocScrutinizer51BUG: no fsck of any kind involved in system init, no matter if fs is clean, can mount without problems, or has gone years without checking
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17:24.20Moodieany way to mount this thing on a host machine as flash disk?
17:24.23Moodie(using usb?)
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17:26.40MohammadAG51Venemo_N810, ?
17:27.38Venemo_N810I pm'd you
17:27.44MohammadAG51100s lag, so excuse me
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17:29.51Venemo_N810MohammadAG51, I asked, were you able to solve the qt resources issue?
17:31.14alteregoI think he sorted everything out in the end, did an updated release yesterday
17:31.22alteregoHave you looked much into my code?
17:31.43Venemo_N810not much, but I have looked into it
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17:32.19alteregoThere's a bug in my fullscreen toggle and menu buttons that doesn't show the background opacity properly.
17:32.28alteregoNot really had a chance to look into it.
17:34.40*** join/#maemo Wamanuz3 (
17:35.00Venemo_N810well, as my N900 is at repair,  I haven't really done any development for it lately
17:35.15Venemo_N810but when I get it back, I'll try your stufff
17:35.53*** join/#maemo tilppis (
17:37.04alteregooh yeah forgot you're without at the moment :(
17:37.37alteregoI plan to setup scratchbox with Qt Creator integration tomorrow, when I've clean installed ubuntu 10.10
17:40.07Venemo_N810anyways, I have to go now
17:40.13Venemo_N810goodbye guys :)
17:41.45*** join/#maemo evil|Jonne (~jonne@
17:45.18DocScrutinizerencounters massive telnet connect tries from Turkey and Egypt (mainly)
17:45.53DocScrutinizertimely correlated bursts from several IPs. Looks like a botnet
17:47.50DocScrutinizeralso some - our wellknown spammers in Taiwan
17:49.11*** join/#maemo Robotnixon (~robitnixo@
17:49.47Robotnixonhey is there anyway to print from the n900 if I have a wifi printer??
17:50.06Stskeepsno printing function in n900 standard os :/
17:50.11DocScrutinizerI think there's cups
17:50.20MohammadAG51Venemo_N810, yeah, forgot :/images/ at the start (even when prefixed)
17:50.26DocScrutinizerStskeeps: s/os/apps/
17:50.49MohammadAG511k second lag
17:50.59StskeepsDocScrutinizer: true
17:51.11Robotnixonhmm interesting
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18:04.10trip0anyone have any ideas why my qt webkit view thingy appears with black background
18:04.18trip0i wonder if that is the qt system theme...
18:04.50Stskeepshandset ux?
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18:07.34trip0nah, this is maemo
18:08.21trip0i'm playing with a qml app on maemo
18:10.56alteregoQml is fun :)
18:11.20trip0ahh, passing -style=qt to qmlviewer fixed it
18:14.40*** join/#maemo heavyside (~Chris_Ben@
18:15.01VladNistorMoodie, you can use to mount everything you ever wanted :)
18:15.11VladNistor(on a host machine)
18:17.06trip0passing -opengl to qmlviewer makes everything crawl
18:17.22trip0well, make qml crawl
18:18.53alteregotrip0: yeah, don't do it :P
18:19.01tybolltStskeeps: what is up in meego land recently?
18:19.16alteregoI don't think you need to anyway, should already be composited
18:19.46trip0if i run without, will it be hardware accelerated?
18:20.19*** join/#maemo florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
18:20.42alteregoI believe so, it certainly performs well enough regardless.
18:20.50alteregoIt looks better too.
18:21.12alteregoantialiasing seems better for some reason.
18:22.45trip0tybollt, meego 1.1 should be out next week
18:24.28*** join/#maemo RevdKathy (
18:24.55oshinanyone know app that can have blocks of commandline and can have parameter adjust, assign icons for blocks or a single invocation. collecting them as tools?
18:25.18alteregooshin: I have no idea what you mean :)
18:25.36alteregoBy blocks do you mean a script?
18:25.58oshinhehe, i know i need to rephrase that.
18:26.11alteregoYou're free to write scripts and write a .desktop file to make that script runnable from the applications menu
18:26.27oshinalterego, like, some gui tools that can help you write some scripts
18:26.41Stskeepstybollt: release on wednesday..
18:26.48oshinencapsulate a script into a block, with assigned icon, these blocks can be shared among users.
18:27.27*** join/#maemo D-man (
18:27.28oshinlike.. [block to find all images] -> [block to send a collection of file to my machine]
18:27.49oshinso user can visually program a script themselves w/o getting into terminal
18:28.08SpeedEviloshin: you may want to see
18:28.16SpeedEvilthough it does not do tht
18:28.24DocScrutinizerVladNistor: thanks for the useful pointer :-D
18:28.32oshinSpeedEvil, yeh, i like that.
18:28.46alteregotmo search is so crap :(
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18:29.04oshinSpeedEvil, I am thinking if I want to start one, something that can do that and also a front end to graphicsmagick.
18:29.18oshinso user can use it to manipulate their photos.. sorta..
18:29.22dylanlcuk: okay, so I'll fash my phone with the meego kernel, boot from mmc, somehow remove facebrick, then how do I get the maemo5 kernel back?
18:29.42DocScrutinizeroshin: zenity comes to mind
18:30.04oshingoogles zenity
18:30.13alteregodylan: why flash? you can just get the N900 to boot the kernel without replacing any maemo bits
18:30.35dylanonly because the howto said to.
18:30.46alteregoOh :/
18:30.56alteregoWell, wrong howto :
18:30.57dylanI'm not at all interested in meego, I just want to unbrick my phone.
18:31.02DocScrutinizerdylan: see VladNistor's link!!
18:31.13alteregodd image to mmc
18:31.15oshinDocScrutinizer, may be that and something like Blender's node, you can have node represent a command line, do one thing, and trigger sibling nodes through a DAG
18:31.20oshina graph
18:31.30alteregothen flasher-3.5 -l -b -k kernel
18:31.37VladNistorlink is
18:31.40oshinand you can collapse a collection of nodes into one tool.
18:32.02oshinand you can further treat a tool as node.
18:32.05trip0alterego, doesn't he want -f instead of -l ?  or does he not want to perminantly unbrick his phone?
18:32.13oshingood bad idea?
18:32.33alteregotrip0: I dunno,
18:33.19DocScrutinizertrip0: he wants to run fsck on /home
18:33.20oshina find node wrapper can take a few inputs and arrange them for gnu find command.
18:34.17dylanthanks a lot. :)
18:34.26DocScrutinizertrip0: so what VladNistor came up with is *exactly* what dylan needs
18:34.47Noobmonk3yfrals: alive?
18:34.49dylanwell, very nearly.
18:34.57fralsNoobmonk3y: aye
18:35.05fralsNoobmonk3y: playing wow thou so keep highlighting me :p
18:35.08oshini think it's like os x automator
18:35.15dylanWhat would be best would be mounting it to an arm vm so I could chroot into my phone's rootfs and apt-get remove facebrick
18:35.15Noobmonk3yooo wow, just thought i'd say hi! as i haven't properly done it in w while!
18:35.18Noobmonk3yooo ahhhhh wow!
18:35.38Noobmonk3yfrals, surely if i keep highlighting you i will pi$$ you off, and you will screw up wow?
18:35.40fralsNoobmonk3y: yeah i was clean for 18 months but now im hooked again :p
18:36.10DocScrutinizerdylan: it's not optimum (which would be a rescue shell builtin to maemo ala 'init -s'), but it's comprehensive, nondestructive, and clearly described how to do it
18:37.27VladNistorI found that link on the wiki about repartitioning the internal memory, so credit goes to the wiki writer :)
18:38.01VladNistorthere is the T option for recovery terminal, i've never used it though
18:38.02oshinanyone know i could do well with qt mobile/javascript binding?
18:38.16oshinlike if anyone could do well.
18:38.19*** join/#maemo millenomi (~millenomi@
18:38.51oshini don't do python
18:39.01trip0use qml?
18:39.21DocScrutinizerdylan: (apt-get remove) ops, so now I mixed up your problem with the fubar ext3 fs "stale NFS"
18:40.09oshintrip0, thanks, looks good
18:40.14DocScrutinizerdylan: didn't the sugested powerbutton-menu work for killing of "current task" which happens to be facebrick?
18:40.34dylanDocScrutinizer: it's a modal dialog and thus not a "current task"
18:41.06DocScrutinizeraiui 'kill current task' terminates the process
18:41.17dylanit does not see facebrick
18:41.20DocScrutinizerincl all modal and whatnot windows, requesters etc
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18:41.46dylanif I start terminal (ctrl-shift-x)
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18:41.57dylanthen it can kill current task (= terminal)
18:42.08dylaneven though I can't really see the terminal or interact with it
18:42.27DocScrutinizerso pondered starting facebrick nstead?
18:42.27trip0how do i force an app into portrait mode?
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18:42.46dylanDocScrutinizer: is there a way to do that without being able to see or do anything?
18:43.28trip0DocScrutinizer, in the desktop file
18:43.42trip0or is that a enironment varable?
18:44.17DocScrutinizerdylan: not really, your best bet is to use the above intitrd and log in via USB terminal to a normal shell. There you can do whatever apt-blah you want
18:44.26DocScrutinizeror kill processes, whatever
18:44.50*** join/#maemo Khertan_Khrowser (5c9be5ea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:44.58Khertan_KhrowserHi !
18:45.07DocScrutinizertrip0: that'S a QObject property (yes, it's incorrect statement - I'm no Qt devel)
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18:45.45Khertan_KhrowserIt s funny to see that QtWebkit seems faster than Microb
18:45.56DocScrutinizertrip0: I dunno if there's any way to force an app into portrait from .desktop or the like
18:46.09Khertan_Khrowserand it s support well undernet webchat
18:46.34dylanDocScrutinizer: USB terminal?
18:46.45trip0Khertan_Khrowser, it's not surprising that qtwebkit is faster than microb being based on mozilla
18:47.08Khertan_Khrowsertrip0: mozilla is a fast engine too
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18:47.13Noobmonk3yMohammadAG = Guest93339 ... freakydeaky
18:47.17trip0not as fast though
18:47.26trip0in fact, firefox is a pig
18:47.39DocScrutinizerdylan: >>
18:47.41DocScrutinizerStart recovery terminal (T)
18:47.41trip0i stopped using it when chromium came out
18:48.06dylanI can't see anything on the screen
18:48.12dylanit's like the brightness is at 0
18:48.21Noobmonk3ycan you plug it into the tv?
18:48.27Noobmonk3yand use the tv out :
18:48.36DocScrutinizerNoobmonk3y: meh
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18:48.37dylancan I unplug it from usb now?
18:48.43Noobmonk3ymeh meh?
18:48.55DocScrutinizerNoobmonk3y: can you stick your finger into the mains outlet?
18:48.58Noobmonk3ydid i just say something clever? or should i go back to sleep?
18:49.00oshini think firefox is faster when more pages were open?
18:49.25oshinwebkit went downhill over multiple tabs in my past experience.
18:49.36Khertan_Khrowseroshin firefox is faster when you want to block ads :)
18:49.39VladNistor-mobdylan, unless you mounted your memory on the pc you should be able to unplug, yes
18:50.15VladNistor-mobotherwise unmount and then unplug
18:50.16trip0webkit has nothing to do with tabs
18:50.28trip0it's a webkit vs gecko question
18:50.41oshintabs means many pages open at once
18:50.59trip0that's a browser detail, not a rendering engine detail
18:51.06VladNistor-mobuses chrome, likes it beter than gecko
18:51.11oshinif the engine manage memory right or share mem better.
18:51.14VladNistor-mobi mean webkit
18:51.29oshinor reused preallocated resource.
18:51.44trip0oshin, maybe, but again, webkit has no concept of tabs so sharing is out of the question
18:51.47DocScrutinizerdylan: check initscripts/events & xsession to find where facebrick gets started
18:51.54trip0and it's up to the implementation to cache stuff
18:52.04oshintrip0, it's not a tab i meant
18:52.17oshinbut threads
18:52.18DocScrutinizerstart up maemo without facebrick modal madness
18:52.37dylanDocScrutinizer: I just moved the executable
18:52.43dylanhoping that works
18:52.50DocScrutinizer:-P should work
18:53.07trip0at any rate, chromium is loads faster than firefox for me... regardless of how many tabs i have open.
18:53.25trip0i don't care much about memory on my desktop cuz I have loads of that
18:53.43oshinwebkit also load much faster than firefox
18:53.55oshinwell, since chromium use a forked
18:53.58dylanI used to have a cronjob to kill -9 firefox every night at 4am, so that it would be "fast" the next day
18:54.12trip0oshin, true
18:54.41dylanwoo! I have my phone back
18:56.41VladNistor-mobgald to hear that :P
18:56.49VladNistor-mobglad i mean :P
18:57.03dylanThanks, ValdNistor. ;)
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19:00.25*** join/#maemo MohammadAG51 (~MohammadA@Maemo/community/contributor/MohammadAG)
19:02.58oshinwhat does maemo-select-menu-location do?
19:03.10MohammadAG51nothing on m5 it seems
19:03.33oshinMohammadAG51, I installed graphicsmagick from biadlo and i need to get rid of that from post-install
19:03.44oshinshould that be safe?
19:04.14RST38hnice typo though
19:04.38oshingraphics magick, you can convert images, manipulate, mix 2 images etc etc with it.
19:04.55oshinat command line
19:05.06*** join/#maemo fuz_ (
19:05.09oshinvery good tool no idea why nobody want to port it.
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19:07.09MohammadAG51oshin, it's available for diablo and not fremantle?
19:07.22oshinMohammadAG51, just diablo, no fremantle.
19:07.25xxtjaxxIt appears that mmcblk0 is a 3 partition flash disk internal to the n900 which shows me I/O errors all the time breaking applications and breaking normal working with the device did anybody of you see this before?
19:07.51MohammadAG51oshin, it might only need compilation
19:07.55oshinbut installation is just fine, just have to remove the line. the old package seems to have a few object code archive and headers around.
19:08.05MohammadAG51xxtjaxx, defective device
19:08.09oshinno use but good for development.
19:08.29oshinMohammadAG51, i think so. I never build a package though.
19:08.47oshinlike not in 5 years
19:09.03xxtjaxxMohammadAG51: Its still in guarentee so getting it replaced will be a no-brainer right?
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19:09.20MohammadAG51xxtjaxx, yep, should be done on the spot
19:11.11xxtjaxxThanks and have a good evening folks!
19:11.15pwoh no
19:11.16oshindigs qml
19:11.24pwi think i have a problem with python
19:11.24*** part/#maemo xxtjaxx (~andreas@kde/developer/marschke)
19:11.32pwshit :(
19:12.12oshinanyone want to help me with a front end for graphics magick and other commandline tools that will be done with qml are welcome
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19:12.46pwoshin: for mutt? ;)
19:12.54pwi'm onboard :>
19:12.55oshinpw, sorry i don't read mail :)
19:13.04oshinmutt the mail client right?
19:13.15oshini used that long time ago
19:13.36*** join/#maemo swc|666 (~x00@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
19:14.07oshini am starting qml a couple minute ago want to do app that can encapsulate a command line tool as a reusable gui node block that can be put in a DAGraph
19:14.09MohammadAG51_DocScrutinizer, can you disconnect my znc?
19:14.16MohammadAG51_pull the plug on it
19:14.32DocScrutinizersure, np. Why?
19:14.43pwi like znc ;)
19:14.48MohammadAG51_It's lagging a lot, i've missed a lot of PMs today
19:15.01MohammadAG51_so I got a closer one
19:15.11MohammadAG51_lag is between me and your server, not me and freenode
19:15.22DocScrutinizerso you like to permanently cancel that account?
19:15.45MohammadAG51_either that, or temporarly disable it
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19:16.08DocScrutinizercan't you simply log out?
19:16.27MohammadAG51_hmm, how?
19:16.35MohammadAG51_i can't query *status, it doesn't reply
19:16.40DocScrutinizererr, *status help
19:16.50MohammadAG51_yeah, too much lag
19:17.08DocScrutinizerk, I'll comment out your account and restart it
19:17.16*** join/#maemo Robotnixon (~robitnixo@
19:17.39pwand i can't transmit or receive mms on the n900
19:17.46MohammadAG51_i want to shoot the guy who made floodbot
19:17.59MohammadAG51_<FloodBot1> MohammadAG51, you've changed your nickname, so I'll have to ask again: How much is 2 plus 1 (2+1)?
19:18.08*** join/#maemo Finnish (
19:18.09MohammadAG51_<MohammadAG51> 3 you stupid bot, I'm cloaked
19:18.12pwoshin: use you mms? ;)
19:20.22*** join/#maemo SmilyOrg (
19:20.37pwokay nice i can see errors
19:20.54*** join/#maemo DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
19:21.09oshinpw, mms?
19:21.31pwoshin: 'multi media messages' with fmms?
19:21.46oshinpw, I don't know, I mplayer mms://something eventually
19:21.56oshini don't know much about this broadcasting thing.
19:22.09pwthat's not the same :D
19:22.19oshinheheh i see
19:22.34*** join/#maemo hcm (
19:22.43fralspw: you have the wrong APN in settings
19:22.52oshini know it now
19:23.00fralspw: it shouldnt be the name of the access point but the actually access point name.. check
19:23.00oshinlike sms
19:23.17oshinno, i dont use it.
19:23.43oshinit's late, i just didn't have that in my head for some reasons
19:24.04oshini used to use it when i was using ericsson t68
19:24.11oshinpeople are still using that?
19:24.32DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51_: your lag is probably caused by some mossad biological NAT/FW falen asleep, so deep packet inspection to hetzner IPs is laggy
19:24.44oshini thought push mail should kill it
19:24.44fralshave about 700k downloads of fmms so i recon someone uses it still
19:25.06pwfrals: hmm
19:25.58Stskeepsfrals: do you have fmms CC'ing you on all incoming mms?
19:26.02oshinchecks fmms
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19:26.24fralsStskeeps: sccch! ;)
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19:30.53pwfrals: i can't see the fault
19:31.53fralspw: You have: "Access point name: T-Mobile MMS", you should have: "Access Point Name:", see
19:34.52*** join/#maemo smooph (
19:36.59pwfrals: ah okay, now i have '' try to success
19:37.59pw'downloading mms...'
19:38.17pwor waiting for timeout :)
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19:39.57lcukRevdKathy, not really here, but hiya \o
19:40.34lcukis v tired after long sleep last night
19:41.05RevdKathyNow you're just trying to make people gossip! Not my fault if you didn't sleep!
19:41.06lcukkhertans bugtracker never accepted any of hte hundred bugs we attempted this morning
19:41.24RevdKathyNot surprised. It can't do basic arithmatic!
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19:49.04RevdKathyGoodnight all
19:49.53pwgood night RevdKathy :)
19:50.00*** join/#maemo MadViking (~user@
19:50.13RevdKathyneeds a yawn smilie
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19:52.50mavhcmy n810 OS is bust, I was going to install onto an SD card anyway, can I do that straight from windows/linux?
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19:59.12pwfrals: nice i can send me a mms and i became a 'push
19:59.27pwbut it downloads now over 10minutes
19:59.55lcukpw, isnt that related to the connection
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20:20.58pwto send a mms you need more than >5minutes
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20:26.22pupnikWikileaks data on IED attacks in afghanistan mapped to 1:30 video
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20:47.56pwworks slowly but it works
20:49.40pwhm delete old mms there i can't receive...
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21:35.09oshincould these qt libs in extra-dev required for playing with qml cause trobles installing pr1.3?
21:36.41DocScrutinizercan't see why
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21:49.56sivang1.3 is released?
21:50.03sivangand no note on MLs?
21:50.07sivangDocScrutinizer: ^ hey :)
21:50.36alteregoNo, 1.3 isn't released yet, I'm hoping it'll be out in the next couple of weeks.
21:50.46alteregoWould be nice if it coincided with the MeeGo 1.1 release.
21:50.55alteregoThough there's no reason for that to actually happen ^.^
21:51.43sivangalterego: right :)(
21:51.53sivangReading the backlog, there has been some interesting discussion going on here
21:52.03sivangbiological weapons of mass destructions, etc
21:52.16alteregoCan't say I've been paying much attention to be honest ;)
21:52.31sivangfrals: have you set a mms gateway for your app? :)
21:52.40sivangfrals: given Stskeeps 's remakrs.
21:52.55sivangis just being silly
21:53.23sivangalterego: my python key value store prototype passses all tests, I'm now setting up lenny chroot for packaging
21:53.42sivangalterego: do you remember how python stuff are packages these days in debian by any chance?
21:53.46sivang(terribly off topic)
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21:54.32sivangalterego: last I did that it had only python-central
21:54.34alteregoCan't say I used anything special to generate my backages.
21:54.48alteregoJust cp'd them in my debian/rules file to where they were supposed to be.
21:54.51sivangalterego: well, you sort's have to wire into python's setuptools
21:55.04javispedroconcludes that, at this point, tmo is still worth it.
21:55.13alteregojavispedro: why now?
21:55.16javispedroI think SNR has slightly improved since the crazy days
21:55.22sivangalterego: hmm, so the proper way is to have this setuptools deal with it, and only call it from debian/rules
21:55.39sivanganyway, I'm off to #debian@ oftc
21:55.46alteregoCheck out someone elses package, like one of the pymaemo guys.
21:55.57sivangcheer all, see you later when I'vefinished my little project.
21:56.03*** join/#maemo smooph (
21:56.14javispedroalterego: let's say I've got quite useful PMs, and slightly above the SNR I expected on the preenv thread.
21:57.07alteregoGood for you :)
21:57.14javispedroit has remind me of the first days of drnoksnes, and back then, while there was still complains about the decaying SNR on tmo, I would not have said it was "awful"
21:58.03javispedroyou still have to avoid flamewar topics like the plague, though.
21:58.18javispedrobut the worst offenders have already gone to "greener" pastures I say.
21:58.23alteregoI can't, I'm like a fly to a flourescent ^.^
21:58.35alteregoYeah, heh
21:59.17*** join/#maemo smooph1 (
21:59.32alteregoattempts to build mtf
21:59.41javispedroalterego: which target?
21:59.49*** join/#maemo Dompie (
21:59.53alteregojust my laptop
22:00.18javispedrox86, debian-like?
22:00.42javispedrowell, tbh my knowledge is rusting a bit already :(
22:00.51alteregox86_64 ubuntu 10.04
22:01.02javispedrogood luck :)
22:01.07*** join/#maemo swc|666 (~x00@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
22:02.18alteregoCan't be that hard? :P
22:02.40javispedrowhen I first tried it it seemed unsurmountable
22:02.54javispedroI submited some patchs to make it build on x86_64..
22:03.30javispedrooh, all ahve been merged.
22:03.35*** join/#maemo bergie (~bergie@
22:04.13alteregoWill probably take a while though ..
22:04.30javispedronaa, 0.01% the time needed to built qt itself.
22:04.31*** join/#maemo SpeedEvil (~user@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
22:05.00pupnikok do you guys let women act like tv show queens?
22:05.23pupnikdo you actually let women whip you around like they do on the telivision?
22:05.39DocScrutinizer51tv show queen, what a paradoxon
22:06.09pupniki think the television makes women think they can act like children, DocScrutinizer51
22:06.26alteregopupnik: probably
22:06.31*** join/#maemo crashanddie (~slauwers@Maemo/community/contributor/crashanddie)
22:06.47DocScrutinizer51~trout pupnik
22:06.47infobotACTION slaps pupnik around a bit with a large trout!
22:07.08DocScrutinizer51~attack pupnik
22:07.08infobotACTION grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing pupnik
22:07.08pupnikwell what do you guys think about carol
22:07.08spinningcompasspupnik: Carol who?
22:07.08pupnikmy girl
22:07.08alteregocarol who?
22:07.10pupnikcarol chen
22:07.19alteregoDon't know her.
22:07.31alteregoAnyhow, g'night bed time for me ..
22:07.46pupnikshe got all upset because i chose to fix my furnace instead of drive 320km to pick her up from the airport
22:07.55*** join/#maemo trumee (
22:07.55spinningcompasspupnik: Why are you telling us this?
22:08.08pupniki think women who act like kids should get outed
22:08.23trumeeanybody tried/using sygic?
22:08.33*** join/#maemo bigbrovar (~bigbrovar@
22:08.36spinningcompasspupnik: Why are you expressing that opinion in an IRC channel whose purpose is in contemplation and furtherance of Maemo?
22:08.56*** join/#maemo MadViking (
22:09.02pupnikthis is a dead end channel of old farts
22:09.14trumeewas wondering whether sygic lets mediaplayer play in the background?
22:09.16spinningcompasspupnik: You've mistaken this channel for your mother's bedroom. Sorry...
22:09.27DocScrutinizer51ohnoes, sheduled event: pupnik getting philosophical
22:09.46pupnikjavispedro: try kotczarny's new osc program! it is fun!  #liqbase
22:10.31javispedropupnik: linkie?
22:10.39trumeealso, since sygic runs fullscreen is it possible to goto home screen without invoking hardware keyboard.
22:12.12trumeewas wondering whether mediaplayer could skip a track by pressing camera button.
22:12.37trumeewill be quite useful while running sygic.
22:13.39trumeeunfortunately cant find a car mount which can take my otterbox. so cant use keyboard if i run sygic maps.
22:13.56trumeenot many sygic users here i guess.
22:13.58*** join/#maemo kakashi_ (~kakashi_@nltk/kakashi)
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22:20.00javispedrotrumee: no, I do not have sygic. Does it mute the media player really?
22:20.40trumeejavispedro, it was a question :)
22:20.54javispedroah :P
22:21.04*** join/#maemo Ian-- (Ian--@
22:21.14mavhcgah, now my touchscreen is deadish, damn you n810
22:21.43trumeejavispedro, but guess it should mute it otherwise voice navigation would be tricky.
22:22.24jacekowskiwell, using phone as satnav is PITA anyways
22:22.36jacekowskijust use tomtom
22:22.48trumeeadvantage is that it is portable
22:23.04jacekowskitomtom is portable as well
22:23.15*** part/#maemo Tupis (
22:23.15jacekowskiit's probably even lighter than n900
22:23.32trumeetomtom i agree is better as sat nav
22:23.59jacekowskiand cheaper
22:24.08trumeebut i carry my N900 in my pocket but dont carry tomtom everywhere i go.
22:24.42*** join/#maemo Jucato (~jucato@kde/developer/jucato)
22:24.42jacekowskiwell, but why you need voice navigation when you're not in a car?
22:24.57trumeejacekowski, walking?
22:25.23jacekowskicar navigation for walking
22:25.36jacekowskinot very efficient
22:26.02trumeejacekowski, most satnavs can suggest routes for walking
22:26.49*** join/#maemo smooph (
22:27.01trumeeeasier to look into a phone for map than carry a tomtom in a hand
22:27.15jacekowskinot sygic
22:27.30trumeeless of embarrassment on the street :p
22:28.42javispedrosygic doesn't do routes for walking?
22:29.01javispedrounbelievable. even ovi maps does.
22:29.23kerioovi maps does stuff? since when? :O
22:29.43jacekowskionly advantage of sygic over ovi maps is voice
22:29.58jacekowskiwhich is why i don't understand why nokia is not planning to add it
22:30.06javispedroroute recalculation? not requiring stupid internet to search for pois?
22:30.21javispedros/requiring stupid/stupidly requiring
22:30.23jacekowskithat's minor problems
22:30.27*** join/#maemo wazd (~wazd@
22:30.36jacekowskieasy to fix
22:30.41javispedrolike voice.
22:30.46jacekowskinokia just abandoned it apparently
22:31.15DocScrutinizer51HAH, voice guidance is sooo simple
22:31.35DocScrutinizer51if you don't need a decent just in time guidance
22:31.36javispedroeven if were über rocket science (which it isn't) they already have it in the form of symbian ovi maps!
22:31.37*** join/#maemo jylan (
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22:32.28trumeejacekowski, has it been abandoned?
22:33.04trumeethere was a blog from nokia that they were working on it for maemo.
22:33.17DocScrutinizer51but when I was involved in developing GPS guidance at Siemens automotive, it wasn't exactly simple to schedule the announcements accordingly
22:33.21javispedroso sure about that.
22:33.34jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: i mean, they already did it for another platoforms
22:39.03*** part/#maemo jylan (
22:42.37jacekowskii'm still tempted to be able to dualboot tomtom software and maemo
22:42.56*** join/#maemo mhmh (
22:43.29jacekowskipretty much all required stuff is already there in kernel
22:43.52*** join/#maemo MOUD (~chatzilla@
22:44.25DocScrutinizer51@nice idea
22:44.31DocScrutinizer51a *
22:44.36*** join/#maemo benh (
22:45.10*** join/#maemo doc|home (~doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007)
22:47.49MOUDI installed Cisco VPNC but i cannot find the program in my phone, where can i find it?
22:48.24trumeejacekowski, wow is that possible?
22:49.03trumeejacekowski, can tomtom binaries run on N900?
22:49.36jacekowskiinstruction set is compatible
22:49.52jacekowskiin terms of binary compatibility
22:49.58jacekowskibut tomtom is using framebuffer
22:50.08jacekowskiand n900 gps is connected to rapuyama
22:50.34jacekowskiso it it wouldn't be plug and play sort of style
22:50.46jacekowskibut somebody ran it on other linux based pda long time ago
22:52.00MOUDis there any sql client that can be used and connect to a database via VPN?
22:52.19jacekowskidepends on database
22:53.08keriowhy is the fact that's a vpn important?
22:53.29*** join/#maemo Rarok (
22:54.32MOUDI use cisco VPN to work from home
22:54.55kerioa vpn is another network interface
22:55.11*** join/#maemo scoobertron (~tom@
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22:57.08MOUDbasically what i want to do is... connect to cisco vpn and then run my sql queries using a sql program
22:58.21kerioso do that
23:03.20Maceranybody know the cyanogen # ?
23:03.27*** join/#maemo etrunko (~edulima@
23:03.36Macerwant to se if i can get it installed on a cliq
23:03.38pupnikwe need an app to track politicians
23:04.03pupnikanybody who sites one of those cocksuckers enters the location to an openstreetmap database
23:04.12Macerpupnik: cnn doesnt have an app?
23:04.25pupnikwe need an app to track every politician
23:04.35pupnikreal time
23:04.50Macerlike i said... cnn ;)
23:04.58pupniklet's do it
23:05.20pupnikany foss facial recognition software?
23:05.31pupnikthe submissions would need verification
23:05.45pupnikfor e.g. politician getting out of car in front of ritz hotel
23:06.00pupnikyou'd need to be able to flash those satanic lizards
23:06.08pupnikand then do a shazam-type lookup
23:06.15pupnikto match their skin mask
23:06.36pupnikwe could also do a genocide game
23:06.40pupnikfor maemo
23:07.15pupnikbecause we just loled at genocide for the past 20 years
23:07.50*** join/#maemo hardaker (
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23:08.45Macermy gf has my n900 and i have her cliq
23:09.07Macerwhy do i feel like she is driving around in my corvette while i have a pinto?
23:09.45*** join/#maemo MOUD (~chatzilla@
23:10.29*** join/#maemo SpeedEvil (1000@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
23:10.31MOUDso, how can I do that?
23:10.34jacekowskipupnik: opencv
23:11.36jacekowskipupnik: and you could hack cctv network
23:11.42jacekowskipupnik: or mobile phone network
23:11.51*** join/#maemo djdm (~deejaydee@
23:11.54jacekowskior oth
23:12.13pupniki'm up for talks
23:12.21pupnikthese pompous asses
23:12.27pupnikwho pretend to have 'authority;
23:12.28ieatlintMacer: you have the pinto, but i'm not sure i'd call the n900 corvette
23:12.36pupnikare just the fucktards from grade school
23:12.43pupnikdo you want to let the stupid kids rule you?
23:12.52ieatlintlet's call it a delorean... it's got some cool stuff, but ultimately is an underpowered niche joke with no support
23:13.20jacekowskiieatlint: but it's a time machine
23:13.32pupnikpompous asses should be made fun of
23:13.34ieatlintjacekowski: oh yeah, it's also fucking awesome like that
23:13.42pupniklike in soviet times
23:13.47pupnikwe are in the same times in the west
23:13.57pupnikthe usa hires a million people to spy on the world?
23:14.03pupnikinsane soviet idiocy
23:14.06jacekowskiyou've chosen them
23:14.08pupnikit will be self destructive
23:14.09jacekowskiit's only your fault
23:14.14jacekowskiand you are only to blame
23:14.35ieatlintare you on some sort of meth high?
23:14.37jacekowskii don't vote
23:14.47ieatlinthyperactive and paranoid == awesome
23:14.48jacekowskito protest against government
23:15.12*** join/#maemo kakashi_ (~kakashi_@nltk/kakashi)
23:15.34pupnikieatlint: i'm way ahead of most idiots in the tyranny analysis situation. and i've been proven right for 17 years.  and nobody disproves anything i say.
23:15.57pupnikyou're a scared little momma's boy who doesn't want to observe wider flows
23:16.07jacekowskipupnik: because it's all the same thing
23:16.12jacekowskipupnik: for 17 or more years
23:16.17jacekowskijust under different names
23:16.31ieatlintpupnik: i'm surrounded by people like you far too often, and despite your self-proclaimed clairvoyance of politics and life, the thing you seem most dense to perceive is that the rest of us a don't give a fuck
23:17.21pupnikieatlint: you don't understand why people care about maemo
23:17.43pupnikand please keep showing us how you take the horse thing up your cloaca
23:17.45ieatlintpeople don't care about maemo :P
23:17.51SpeedEvilI do.
23:18.07ieatlintpeople in general don't, i mean
23:19.14*** join/#maemo `0660 (
23:20.05pupnikwhat would you do if you lived in nazi germany?
23:20.12pupnik"i would stop the murders!@!!!@!#"
23:20.17pupnikwell you live in nazi germany now
23:20.23pupnikmillions are being killed
23:20.30pupnikand you don't even notice it
23:20.36pupnikthat's how fucked in the head you all are
23:20.49pupnikall of ou
23:20.51ieatlintthat's a loaded question, i don't live in nazi germany and i can't hope to guess how i would handle such circumstances
23:21.31pupnikyou watched 2 million people be killed
23:21.39pupnikand said nothing
23:21.49ieatlinti somehow don't recall that
23:22.02pupnikthat's this insanity thing
23:22.02ieatlintprobably because you're talking out of your ass
23:22.11pupnikno because reality is that bent
23:22.20asjieatlint: ignore pupnik, he gets drunk and goes off like this once a month or se
23:22.24pupnikwe just had a genocide
23:22.32pupnikand we all talked about video games
23:22.45ieatlintasj: fair enough
23:22.46DocScrutinizer51pupnik: stop ihsulting people
23:22.49pupnikwe just had a genocide
23:22.50pupnikand we all talked about video games
23:23.48pupnikand the murderers are plotting a new genocide
23:24.00pupniktime to work on open-source anti-missile projects
23:24.16pupnikand networked airspace observatoin
23:24.24*** join/#maemo smooph (
23:24.28pupnikanything to prevent these motherfuckers from terminator mode
23:24.40GAN900Wrong number from ANOTHER credit collection angency.
23:24.52pupnikstfu GAN900
23:24.56GAN900will murder Linda Klempz.
23:24.57pupniktopic is serious
23:25.01GAN900pupnik, nou.
23:25.08pupnikyou goin jew on us?
23:25.10*** mode/#maemo [+o DocScrutinizer51] by ChanServ
23:25.45DocScrutinizer51pupnik: I warned you not to offend or insult people!
23:25.56*** part/#maemo pupnik (
23:26.16ieatlintwell, now that that's over, i can go back to my genocide
23:26.28*** join/#maemo benh (
23:27.10*** join/#maemo C-S-B (~csb@
23:28.01javispedromid-life crisis, they say. I'm too young to understand it either way.
23:28.08javispedroDocScrutinizer51: you can hide the banhammer now :)
23:28.24DocScrutinizer51not sure about it
23:28.39DocScrutinizer51and it's tedious on N900
23:28.48DocScrutinizer51to switch
23:29.28*** mode/#maemo [-o DocScrutinizer51] by ChanServ
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23:38.17mavhcmy n810 is dying, what should I replace it with?, around same price, no contract
23:38.22*** join/#maemo e-yes (~e-yes@
23:39.39SpeedEvilDyning how?
23:39.45SpeedEvilwlso - where ar eyou?
23:40.01mavhctouchscreen is going, battery charging is messed up
23:41.17oshindon't want to consider an N900?
23:41.34SpeedEvilAre you sure it's not just needing a nrew battery?
23:41.36*** join/#maemo mitsutaka (
23:41.39mavhctoo expensive
23:41.42SpeedEvilAlso - I think you can get touch panels
23:42.14mavhcapparently I could replace the connector cable, but that's tricky, and they're not cheap
23:44.35oshinwill china make multitouch resistive screen for n900?
23:45.22SpeedEvilA clone display/screen is easy
23:45.39SpeedEvilA panel adding new functionality is hard, as it would require actual work.
23:45.44SpeedEviland drivers
23:46.23oshini won't want a capacitive screen.
23:46.26oshini am a painter.
23:47.36*** join/#maemo MadViking (~user@
23:51.58*** join/#maemo smooph (
23:52.55ShadowJKand a new touchscreen controller
23:54.09*** join/#maemo smooph1 (
23:59.05*** join/#maemo olebrom (

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