IRC log for #maemo on 20090812

00:00.00*** join/#maemo elninja_ (
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00:01.18zerojayPCoh yeah. Heh.
00:06.08javispedro"Mobile Office"?
00:06.08zerojayPCGAN800: - Consider yourself a star now. ;)
00:06.47GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, :D
00:07.04GeneralAntillesI'd counter with the karma page, but I'm just too lazy in my preening. ;)
00:07.17javispedrozerojay, that's some bug they might call a "feature"
00:07.47GeneralAntillesneeds another product or something to jump out in front of Tim again.
00:07.51zerojayPCjavispedro: It's a feature that the nick is incorrect only in join messages for strings of capital letters at the start of someone's nick? :)
00:08.03javispedroclear intentional
00:08.10javispedro*clearly intentional
00:08.27zerojayPCUm.. alright. You'll have to explain that one to me. :)
00:08.46javispedrothey were probably thinking in random msn users with ALLCAP nicks destroying that beautiful serenity of the builtin chat application
00:08.48GeneralAntillesEvery bug is a feature in Maemo.
00:08.56GeneralAntillesIt's the rough edges that make us love it, right?
00:09.15*** join/#maemo gogol (
00:09.16GeneralAntillesForgot about the 360 update today.
00:09.24zerojayPCMaemo would different if I was working over there. lol
00:09.45GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, unlikely.
00:09.46zerojayPCWell... the rough edges would mostly already be gone anyways. ;)
00:09.53GeneralAntillesUnless you're talking high enough up. ;)
00:10.18GeneralAntillesWe've got plenty of dedicated people in Maemo SW, but management seems (perhaps fatally) clueless.
00:10.20zerojayPCjavispedro: Haha.
00:10.23qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: No "Freemantle" bashing in your latest post? ;O
00:10.26javispedrowith Maemo you're never bored. there's always something waiting for you to fix it.
00:10.37GeneralAntillesIt's taken Ari waaay too long to start getting open source. . . .
00:10.38javispedrotake that iphone!
00:10.50zerojayPCjavispedro: Here I was thinking all the good stuff was already gone. ;)
00:11.02javispedroi could pass you a list ;)
00:11.12javispedrodue to my limited brain RAM it's only sized for one element
00:11.19GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, I'd try to correct people if a half-dozen idiots and trolls (YoDude at the forefront. . . .) didn't jump down my throat every time.
00:11.20javispedroactually: fix dead keys in QT
00:11.41javispedrowill probably give it a try when I get bored of mario kart
00:11.45zerojayPCHave them send me the new tablet... an emulator. I want to tear it apart and find all these stupid little bugs before it goes public. I don't like feeling embarrassed by this shit.
00:11.54GeneralAntillesHypocrites are exciting.
00:12.09qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Heh :\
00:12.11GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, they're probably already in maintenance by now.
00:12.23zerojayPCGeneralAntilles: Yeah, I know, and that bothers me.
00:12.38javispedro(true though :P)
00:12.48GeneralAntillesI'm ready to help timeless out with a replacement string set after release, though.
00:12.56GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, have you used his replacement strings?
00:13.13zerojayPCNo, I hadn't heard about it at all until this past week.
00:13.45zerojayPCIf there's someone I would trust doing that, it's him.
00:13.49qwerty12_N810would install them again but they're US English. I can't comprehend US English :-(
00:14.40GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, they're so much better.
00:14.49GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, make your own EN_gb shit, then. :P
00:15.09*** join/#maemo pupnik (n=pupnik@unaffiliated/pupnik)
00:15.10zerojayPCGeneralAntilles: I don't doubt it.
00:15.24pupnikwhat was the simple way to set up a 770 on a stereo and stream audio to it
00:15.30qwerty12_N810Haha, they'd almost certainly be worse or full of swearing
00:15.34GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, you happen to have a link around?
00:15.38GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, ping?
00:15.39pupnikprobably redirecting through esd
00:15.48qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: They should be in -devel
00:15.54zerojayPCAlways feels like we're a few steps behind when it comes to stuff like that and I'm getting really annoyed by it.
00:16.28zerojayPCIt may say Nokia on the hardware, but this whole thing is as much mine as theirs as far as I'm concerned... and I want in on being able to fix and file bugs ASAP.
00:16.37zerojayPCcommunity pride!
00:16.54GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, think those are old.
00:16.56pupniknice find qwerty12_N810
00:17.16qwerty12_N810Oh, he made newer ones?
00:17.26GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, yeah, if only that feeling were closer to reality in how things worked right now. :(
00:18.50zerojayPCYeah... that's why I wanna push the localization of the strings being open ASAP.
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00:18.55zerojayPCAnd I hope more will follow.
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00:19.18qwerty12_N810If he put out newer ones, they'd most likely be in: (somewhere...)
00:20.01GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, sadly the strings are too confidential.
00:20.31qwerty12_N810msgunfmt anyone?
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00:21.33zerojayPCGeneralAntilles: Yes, we all know how important it is to keep "Are you sure you want to delete want to this email?" from the public. ;)
00:21.50zerojayPCI'm joking but yeah, I know what you mean.
00:23.31pupnikcats like string.
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00:23.36pupnikwonder if that's where 'cat' came from
00:24.30GeneralAntillesNetflix party viewing is genius.
00:25.00javispedroI assume they fear "Are you sure you want to enable the ultimate ray gun secretly present on our super-secret device every indonesia resident knows about?"-like strings
00:25.52javispedrobut can't think of any like that in current diablo, so I guess you're right...
00:26.59GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, well, things relating to cellular voice. ;)
00:26.59GeneralAntillesOr any of the other unannounced features.
00:27.45zerojayPCI'd sign an NDA.
00:27.54zerojayPCthrows it on top of the pile of others.
00:28.25zerojayPCBut yeah.
00:31.57gogolirc makes wifi get down and suck it
00:32.23gogoljiggle tonsils for reconecting
00:33.12gogolsuk nickserv till he blow
00:33.40gogolok i should logout enuf whiskey to make ur mom sick.
00:34.30AStormpoor guy... can't get proper wifi
00:34.57AStormmy home AP is weak in places too, I blame electrical wiring and door frames
00:35.28AStorm*electric actually
00:36.14AStormand the cheapness of it, some DLink junk
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00:37.26AStormas for the strings, I guess they're afraid that the feature set is out too soon
00:37.39AStormlike, say, their new GPS app, GSM app and so
00:38.20zerojayPCWhat is the "Groups" part of the karma calculation?
00:38.32zerojayPCWhere does that come from? What does it measure exactly?
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00:47.53GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, Garage projects.
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00:51.24javispedrowins 50cc mushroom cup in mario kart in his n810
00:51.27javispedroso it is definitely playable
00:52.15zerojayPCWin Special Cup on 150cc. Then you can tell me it's playable. ;)
00:52.15pupnikyou fixed the ai?
00:52.55pupniki'm guessing you don't want to use xsp pixel doubling hack :)
00:53.08zerojayPCjavispedro: I'm interested in seeing how fast you've got it if you've got a package available.
00:53.21pupniksee mplayer, fms libs or liqubase lib for that screen-res change thing
00:53.43zerojayPCDoes it take advantage of the SNES Advance speedhacks database?
00:54.31javispedrof*ck modest in the background
00:54.45MaceN810just out of curiosity...
00:54.59javispedropupnik, yes, I fixed the AI
00:55.03javispedrooops pause button is not working
00:55.07javispedroheh lost anyway
00:55.20MaceN810is the driver/app that contrils the blimking led on an n8x0 closed too?
00:55.50pupnikyou can control it manually - from shell
00:56.04zerojayPCjavispedro: If you don't know about the speedhack database, it's basically a list of ROM checksums that the emulator can check against and then apply the code patches to the ROM after loaded into RAM.
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00:56.17zerojayPCjavispedro: Made specifically to speed up games that are far too slow normally.
00:56.19javispedropupnik, it was my initial plan to use xsp
00:56.33javispedrozerojay, snesadvance.dat?
00:56.39pupnikxsp works well enough if you detect app losing focus
00:56.56javispedroI was wondering how's performance going to be
00:56.58javispedroif I write
00:57.10javispedrosome fixed scalers in arm for common resolutions
00:57.47pupniksdl updates 800x480 at up to about 22fps
00:58.00javispedropupnik, it goes up to 60fps at the mario kart title screen
00:58.01pupnikiirc - on n8x0
00:58.08pupnikgood stuff
00:58.09javispedro(no scaling, orig snes resolution)
00:58.25javispedrodo you have n810?
00:58.27pupnikit should really run snes games (w/o coprocessor) fullspeed
00:58.41zerojayPCjavispedro: That's the one.
00:58.49pupnikhelpful to have that keyboard :)
00:58.59javispedrogood, cause for now I only have barebones hardcoded key mapping :)
00:59.16zerojayPCOn PS3 Linux, we have absolutely no acceleration at all... 2d or 3d.. not even X acceleration.
00:59.49zerojayPCSo what I do is run all games at their original resolution and use a scaler program that runs on a separate SPE unit on the PS3 to upscale to 1080P.
01:00.02javispedrozerojay, will definitely be interesting to implement snesadvance.dat support (afaik it's the only way to play sa-1 games)
01:00.04zerojayPCOffsets the cost of scaling from the CPU... more speed.
01:00.21javispedrothere's some code from a (spanish btw) random guy floating around some random forum
01:00.24pupnikhow bout you leave your build as is, and have someone make a frontend to symlink chosen game to ~/test.smc :)
01:00.46javispedropupnik, i will _not_ write a single GUI line in C, so that's the plan ;)
01:01.47pupnikwell you can take a cmd line game :)
01:01.47pupnikbut the symlink would be funny
01:01.47zerojayPCLuke-Jr: Yeah, it's crap.
01:01.47javispedroyep, currently taking disable audio, show fps and rom name from cmdline
01:02.01zerojayPCLuke-Jr: I compiled all the mesa and Gallium3D and cell drivers and there's barely any noticable help yet.
01:02.38zerojayPCLuke-Jr: I can run glxgears at 195fps with that. :/
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01:02.56javispedropupnik, ingame the mario kart performance is more like 20 fps though (according to the snes9x autoframerate code I blatantly copied)
01:02.56zerojayPCLuke-Jr: It's gonna be a year or so before it might be decent.
01:03.07javispedrothough mariokart uses dsp1 so it don't know if you consider that a "without accelerators" game.
01:03.39Luke-JrzerojayPC: o rly? I'm getting 200 fps in UT3
01:03.45javispedrohum, going to try without sound
01:04.03javispedrooh, god. hangs on quit.
01:04.06zerojayPCLuke-Jr: You aren't running UT3 on your PS3 through PS3 Linux.
01:04.14Luke-JrzerojayPC: yes i am!
01:04.31pupnikyes, dsp1 is fairly heavy from what i read
01:04.43zerojayPCLuke-Jr: You're not using something like StreamMyGame, are you?
01:04.48pupnikthe other heavy stuff is the 'gpu' and layering with effects
01:05.11Luke-JrzerojayPC: no, running Linux UT3 on PS3 Linux
01:05.16javispedrosa-1 being one of the heaviest (unfortunately one of my favourite games, kirby superstar, uses it)
01:05.33zerojayPCLuke-Jr: I'd love to know how you're doing that with no 3d acceleration. :)
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01:05.52Luke-JrzerojayPC: like that link says, there's 3D acceleration now
01:06.03zerojayPCLuke-Jr: Now I know you're full of crap.
01:06.10zerojayPCThere's not.
01:06.19zerojayPCThat link MASSIVELY jumped the gun.
01:06.20Luke-Jrshrug, works for me
01:06.30Luke-Jrit's not "full of crap"
01:06.36Luke-Jrit's "pulling your leg"
01:06.58*** part/#maemo MaceN810 (
01:07.27javispedrowell, talk is cheap, going to upload the code and call it a day
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01:09.01javispedrozerojay, i know nothing about dsps at all ;)
01:09.14javispedrospecially about the n8x0 one
01:09.38javispedromy old creative sound card has one, but the dev environment is soooo easy
01:10.22ilovemistakeshi all. i am writing an app using liblocation. can i distribute it under gpl?
01:10.23zerojayPCI can't say I know any more than you do. :)
01:12.06Luke-Jrilovemistakes: you can, since you're the author. nobody else can.
01:12.19Luke-Jrilovemistakes: you could distribute it under a GPL-with-exception-for-liblocation
01:13.46*** join/#maemo dieb_ (n=dieb@
01:13.54javispedroah, that faq link is mostly propaganda (no offense, I love the FSF, but was expecting something more serious)
01:14.45javispedrobut I guess liblocation can be classified as a "system library".
01:15.58ilovemistakesthank you
01:15.58javispedrobut isn't liblocation lgpl? that would be a nice question
01:16.26javispedrothat last question about lgpl made no sense  ;)
01:16.37javispedroneed to sleep :)
01:16.41ilovemistakesthat is the point - i cant find any useful information about liblocation
01:17.16javispedroit's just "closed source"
01:17.50ilovemistakesand it is licensed to me under Nokia's SDK License
01:18.15ilovemistakesso, the Purpose is only to port or develop apps
01:18.44ilovemistakesthat's what i am worried about
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01:19.04javispedroyou're developing apps ;)
01:19.06javispedrothey allow you to "use" it under their conditions. your problem is if the standard gpl allows you to release your program under it.
01:19.51javispedroto which I say: yes, cause it falls under the "system library" exemption (see thousand of windows apps)
01:20.04javispedroeither way, IANAL.
01:20.30qwerty12_N810That shouldn't be abbriviated...
01:20.38javispedroI Am Not A Lawyer, sorry, it's common on slashdot
01:23.00ilovemistakesso i can just put my software under gpl, link it with liblocation and distribute it freely (in the means of gpl). right?
01:23.55javispedroi'm sure there's already  gpl software out there dynamically linking with liblocation, I'm wrong?
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01:24.59ilovemistakesi don't know, unfortunately i have no tablet, only poor sdk :)
01:25.35javispedroask the forum for confirmation if you wish, but I still say "yes".
01:25.45ilovemistakesthank you very much
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01:45.46javispedropupnik, zerojay, the code ;) :
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02:06.25pupnikPutting together a PC?   Power-Supply Calculator:
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02:21.41pupnikPutting together a PC?   Power-Supply Calculator:
02:21.48pupnikboo @ netsplit
02:22.00MaceN810sure wish you could add a channel as a contact in rtcom
02:22.33MaceN810powersupply calculator?
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03:09.27MaceN810microb sure doesnt render wordpress that well
03:10.53MaceN810maybe tear can
03:11.29GeneralAntillesAh, trolls.
03:11.50MaceN810/nick MaceN810
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03:12.33MaceN810wtf happened to my nick?
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03:14.35qwerty12_N810That's why RTCOMM and IRC don't mesh...
03:15.30qwerty12_N810grumbles at not being able to cancel builds. I've sent the Diablo autobuilder into a loop :rolleyes:
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03:20.08MaceN8x0ok. weird
03:20.18MaceN8x0had to rm the acct and readd it
03:20.27MaceN8x0to  fix my nick.. blah
03:25.01JaffaMorning, all
03:25.42GeneralAntillesHello, early Jaffa.
03:25.51qwerty12_N810Hehe, hi Jaffa
03:26.44Jaffaup to catch a flight to Stockholm. Gotta get to Heathrow by about 0600 (95 mins from now)
03:27.02JaffaâMrs Jaffa's made me a bacon butty for breakfast :)
03:27.48qwerty12_N810Don't tell lcuk :)
03:28.08pupnikenjoy jaffa
03:29.55MaceN8x0and now it is broken again
03:30.09MaceN8x0i keep losing my capital letter
03:30.37MaceN8x0well. guess thnis rtcom isnt so cool afterall heh
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04:12.07zerojayPCMace_N8x0: Your nick was fine.
04:12.12zerojayPCIt's the bug I filed.
04:12.27zerojayPCIt makes people joining look like their names start with lowercase.
04:12.40zerojayPCJust on the tablet.
04:12.44zerojayPC[23:54] <MaceN8x0> wtf
04:12.45zerojayPC[23:54] <MaceN8x0> and now it is broken again
04:12.46Mace_N8x0wordpress is killing microb
04:12.47zerojayPC[23:55] <MaceN8x0> i keep losing my capital letter
04:12.48zerojayPC[23:55] <MaceN8x0> well. guess thnis rtcom isnt so cool afterall heh
04:12.58zerojayPCWordpress is fine for me on microb.
04:14.10divide_by_zeroi wish we could use GOPHER more...
04:14.25Mace_N8x0my nick is fine now heh
04:14.25Mace_N8x0wordpress is kiling me
04:14.31Mace_N8x0the editing is beyond slow
04:15.14Mace_N8x0and the cursor jumps arounf wehn trying to edit stuff
04:15.23zerojayPCUse Maemo WordPy.
04:15.26Mace_N8x0like if i hit bold
04:15.54Mace_N8x0damn. didnt think about that
04:16.02GAN800Wordpress is JS hell.
04:16.10Mace_N8x0wordpress client
04:16.35Mace_N8x0anything that doesnt use python?
04:17.45*** join/#maemo caotic (n=caotic@
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04:19.13divide_by_zerojust found out fennec actually supports gopher, HORRAY!!! down with the microb, mammals are the best!
04:20.29Mace_N8x0microb is such a speedwhore
04:24.36*** join/#maemo kozak (n=subbu@
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04:34.54Mace_N8x0is there a way to view this without the http stuff?
04:35.59divide_by_zerowhat stuff?
04:36.42Mace_N8x0like to view it like the browser editor?
04:39.30Mace_N8x0ah well, this will have to do til now
04:39.49Mace_N8x0guess i will just put the stuff in by hand
04:40.25zerojayWhat stuff?
04:40.44pupnikdon't encourage this zerojay
04:45.17*** part/#maemo zerojay (
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05:16.13divide_by_zerohow do I create an icon to run a python script, or at least execute if from the file manager?...
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05:52.51divide_by_zeroanswering myself, Personal Menu seems to be the way to go...
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06:06.36timelessgan: ok so
06:06.49timelesscolloquy is unhappy
06:07.05Stskeepsmorning timeless
06:08.09timelessgan: i think the latest strings i have are either in some zip somewhere (probably indeed on webwizardry) or in a .hg thing that i gave to stskeeps
06:08.24timelessalthough  the .hg thing is more for fremantle
06:10.11Stskeepswe have the mer strings on now (work in progress for later transifex stuff)
06:10.47timelessooh, cool
06:10.56*** join/#maemo timeless_mbp (
06:11.06timelessare you committing things in my email address?
06:12.11timeless_mbpif you're committing my strings, the committer should really say :)
06:15.28Stskeepsif we can in git, -- we committed a new tree structure so
06:16.13timeless_mbpwonders if gitorious doesn't like ohloh
06:16.34Stskeepsyou are obviously in copyright notice
06:17.52timeless_mbpwell that's good, but oddly i'm more interested in looking good in ohloh than i am in having a proper copyright notice :)
06:19.38Stskeepssure, - find a way to alter who committed - i invited you for the discussion when we were working on it :)
06:20.54timeless_mbperr, on irc or by mail?
06:21.17Stskeepswas a short discussion
06:21.50timeless_mbpsorry i missed it
06:22.07*** join/#maemo alexga (
06:22.09timeless_mbpso.... from a debian perspective...
06:22.21timeless_mbpgiving each package its own repo "is proper"
06:22.30timeless_mbpfrom my perspective, it's mostly a pain in my ass :)
06:23.05timeless_mbpi suppose that if git has a forest manager it might be more or less ok
06:25.17Stskeepsanyway it's not the final layout -- i can find the log for the discussion if you want
06:26.02timeless_mbpyeah, i probably should read it
06:27.48Stskeepsscatchup on bottom of
06:28.04Stskeepsaround 21, me and tomaszd
06:29.53timeless_mbpyou don't use ? :)
06:29.57timeless_mbp(colorized !)
06:30.09timeless_mbpoh, it's mer not maemo
06:31.22*** join/#maemo trickie (n=trickie@
06:34.19timeless_mbpoh, you did it for ACL
06:34.56Stskeepsand transifex matching structure
06:35.22timeless_mbpshould probably read about transifex
06:36.53*** join/#maemo jpereira (n=jpereira@unaffiliated/jpereira)
06:37.28timeless_mbpfwiw, the gtk20 l10n that nokia had was at least somewhat influenced originally by nokia
06:37.34timeless_mbpi.e. they managed to screw it up
06:38.04timeless_mbppersonally, i'd rather the engineering english be on a branch of its own
06:38.19timeless_mbpinstead of in engb
06:38.21timeless_mbpbecause we're going to want to support a real engb
06:38.31timeless_mbpand it won't relate to engineering english
06:39.02Stskeepsyeah, i think i noted it too
06:39.15Stskeepsen_EN? ;)
06:40.39timeless_mbpit isn't English :)
06:40.59timeless_mbpbut the problem is that ....
06:41.14timeless_mbpMicrosoft and Nokia are going to announce something today?
06:41.50Stskeepsoffice for smartphones or something equally insane
06:42.05*** join/#maemo geaaru (
06:42.07timeless_mbpdumbphones :)
06:42.16timeless_mbpsmart phones don't do symbian
06:43.32*** join/#maemo stemosco (
06:43.35Stskeepsthough honestly, if rover could run some edition of office, it would beat all other competitors hands down :P
06:43.49Stskeepsno matter how unrealistic it is
06:53.25*** join/#maemo Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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06:54.53timeless_mbpby 'office', you mean 'microsoft office' ?
06:55.05*** join/#maemo L0cutus (
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07:01.48chxgiven that gtalk works on my tablet but irc has connection issues and that i have servers does not this sound like a good idea to get irc?
07:07.15RST38hSts: Google online apps should work
07:08.10StskeepsRST38h: offline apps too
07:08.30Stskeepsso it doesn't need data often
07:09.32qwerty12_N810X-Fade: ping
07:09.38*** join/#maemo milos_ (n=milos@
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07:17.56X-Fadeqwerty12_N810: Bastard ;)
07:18.11X-Fadeqwerty12_N810: Uploading the .tar.gz as .dsc file ;)
07:18.56qwerty12_N810Bastard I am, but the Extras Assistant did say it was OK...
07:18.58X-Fadeqwerty12_N810: It seems it doesn't like a 4MB binary file when it expects a text file.
07:19.35X-Fadeqwerty12_N810: Hmm interesting..
07:20.05X-FadeIt should have rejected based on the md5sum in .changes
07:22.02X-FadeAnyway, you can submi it again. I removed it from the queue.
07:22.03qwerty12_N810Please don't tar and feather me again
07:22.09qwerty12_N810Thank you
07:22.18timeless_mbpqwerty12_N810: you'd prefer to be tar and zipped?
07:22.57X-Fadeqwerty12_N810: Are you coming to the summit?
07:23.09qwerty12_N810No :)
07:23.27qwerty12_N810Although this doesn't sound encouraging...
07:23.27X-Fadeqwerty12_N810: You really need to age faster ;)
07:24.15qwerty12_N810And get a passport it seems :)
07:24.32X-Fadeqwerty12_N810: id card not enough?
07:24.39*** join/#maemo sergio (
07:25.03qwerty12_N810If an 16+ bus pass counts as one...
07:25.14*** join/#maemo Milhouse (
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07:25.17X-Fadeheh ;)
07:25.45X-FadeSo basically you need somebody to adopt you for the summit ;)
07:28.46X-FadeAh! Found the bug in the assistant code.
07:29.50*** join/#maemo lbt (n=david@
07:30.07timeless_mbpqwerty12_N810: you don't have a valid id for traveling to the content?
07:30.55qwerty12_N810No :\
07:31.50*** join/#maemo t_s_o (
07:32.25RST38hJust get a passport...
07:32.27X-FadeDid anybody see this gmail app for Maemo already?
07:33.44*** join/#maemo slonopotamus (n=slonopot@
07:33.49RST38hX-Fade: This is iPhone UI
07:34.02X-FadeRST38h: Yep.
07:34.08RST38hX-Fade: Somebody is running GMail Mobile with iPhone or S60 UI enabled. You can do it too :)
07:36.14RST38hX-Fade: I think you do not need that Agent string, some argument in the URL should work just as well
07:36.46X-FadeRST38h: possibly.
07:36.52RST38hlet me check...
07:36.54*** join/#maemo simboss (
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07:38.13RST38hX-Fade: iPhoneish iGoogle:
07:39.48RST38hX-Fade: All mobile URLs:
07:40.26*** join/#maemo lcuk (
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07:57.01Meizirkkihi flx-usr-dst
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07:58.27flx-usr-dstI'm new here, can I ask a technical question about maemo?
07:59.06andre___flx-usr-dst, don't ask to ask. just ask.
07:59.38*** join/#maemo svillar (
07:59.57flx-usr-dstWe have just bought a Nokia N97 and I'm wondering if I can install Maemo on it
08:00.15andre__heh. i don't think so.
08:00.41flx-usr-dstthats a pitty
08:01.18*** join/#maemo calvaris (
08:01.24X-Fadeflx-usr-dst: Just wait a little longer, the upcoming device looks quite like the N97 but with better specs.
08:02.01flx-usr-dstwhat is the upcoming device?
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08:13.30t_s_oit seems that the forum is very unreliable these days...
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08:59.48Mace_N8x0msging in  rtcom doesnt work bydouble clicking the nicks
09:01.12Mace_N8x0great.. now i have a messed up nick again heh
09:01.35Mace_N8x0mace_n8x0: great
09:02.43*** join/#maemo svillar (
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09:16.50X-Fadelol, dutch news paper showing that weird screenshot/mockup:
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09:24.59aquatixX-Fade: heh :)
09:25.04*** join/#maemo rkirti (n=oespirit@
09:25.11aquatixX-Fade: what do you think, it's the telegraaf ;)
09:26.08*** join/#maemo The_Tall1 (
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09:29.04X-Fadeaquatix: Yeah.
09:32.57*** join/#maemo zimmerle (n=zimmerle@
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09:44.22RST38hJust ONE person? :)
09:44.55roopeiAm, therefore iPhone.
09:45.00*** join/#maemo wazd (
09:45.20wazdhello all
09:45.21RST38hehlo, wazd, people here can no longer be trolled by mentioning iPhone
09:45.24RST38hCan you believe it?
09:47.02wazdRST38h: nowai :)
09:47.04RazumihiniPhone :(
09:47.42*** join/#maemo florian_kc (
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09:53.32RST38halterego: the comments there are weird
09:54.30*** join/#maemo pupnik (n=pupnik@unaffiliated/pupnik)
09:55.27pupnikwonders how much work it would be to get FLTK2 running on tablet (for next dillo browser)
09:56.36pupnikdillo is just sooo light
09:57.07pupnikusually my first choice for opening those suspect irc links
09:57.54*** join/#maemo danielwilms (
10:00.55alteregoHah, I didn't read any comments.
10:03.40*** part/#maemo fr01b (n=fr@
10:05.03RST38h(not photoshopped, in case you wonder)
10:08.49timeless_mbpNSFW either...
10:08.58*** join/#maemo jrocha (
10:09.43wazdRST38h: sure bout the link?
10:10.19wazdRST38h: I just have various "ads" :D
10:10.30RST38hwazd: shows up for me
10:10.44RST38hThe "ads" have been taken care of by AdBlock+
10:14.45*** join/#maemo fr01b (n=fr@
10:16.01pupniki don't get it - i see an ad for forbes, and this (imho lame) flash video of some woman in short skirt
10:17.46*** join/#maemo javispedro (
10:18.09pupnikwb javispedro
10:18.49javispedro(a bit late to say that though)
10:19.00javispedrodoes pop3s gmail still work for you?
10:19.18javispedroi don't know what's going on this week but every morning something breaks in my NIT
10:20.30javispedrothe ssl cert check is (according to modest) failing due to bad signature
10:22.24wazd <- wow, just wow
10:26.22*** join/#maemo timeless_mbp_ (
10:27.17javispedroah, gmail suddenly works again. must've been some google network thing
10:27.52javispedrowazd, interesting indeed :)
10:27.52_berto_javispedro: don't know about pop, but at least gmail imap does work
10:35.00wazdjavispedro: yeah, an we care bout how pretty UI transitions are :)
10:35.23Andy80javispedro, gmail/pop3 works fine from my N810
10:36.06javispedroyep, it started working again, so good I didn't accept the "broken" cert.
10:37.06*** join/#maemo jpereira (n=jpereira@unaffiliated/jpereira)
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10:42.01*** join/#maemo zerojay (
10:45.03zerojayPCMacer: As I told you last night, your nick was NOT actually messed up. Check out bug #4905.
10:46.27lcukpupnik, videos of ladies in short skirts is never lame :D
10:47.32timeless_mbp_javispedro: google was having issues w/ mail for about 8hrs recently
10:47.56lardmanobviously I should have signed in earlier ;)
10:48.27lcuklol lardman, nahhh you will prolly already have these in your collection :p
10:48.37lcukand they have all kinds of diseases anyway
10:49.14lardmanwonders what diseases one can catch from an mpeg
10:50.54pupniksundry bad memes
10:51.04pupniki woke up the past two days with songs by the Pixies playing in my head
10:51.17pupniki'm not complaining though.  good tunes.
10:51.21lardmanah, I see the problem now :)
10:51.40lardmangood tune becomes bad tune if it's playing 12h/day though :)
10:52.21*** join/#maemo alex-weej (
10:52.57slonopotamuskvalo, ping
10:53.10*** join/#maemo lizardo (n=lizardo@
10:53.12lbtwazd: great link
10:55.28kvaloslonopotamus: pong
10:56.28lcukwazd, ive seen that video before somewhere, but i recall it having more bacon in it last time
10:56.57slonopotamuskvalo, is there a reason why stlc45xx-cal works different from cx3110x wlan-cal?
10:57.50slonopotamuskvalo, the thing is that i rewrote wlan-cal as oss from scratch, but i guess it isn't usable with stlc45xx driver
10:57.52kvaloyeah, there is. but I can't say much, if any.
10:57.57RST38hlcuk: Somebody ate that extra bacon since the last showing? =)
10:58.16lcukheh, mightv gotten sucked down a black hole!
10:58.29lcukswirling round and round
10:58.40slonopotamuskvalo, can you at least say why it has to be different?
10:58.47lcukom nom nom
10:59.07lcukdo you think black holes burp and get indigestion
10:59.21lcukand if so - what color would it be
11:00.54zerojayBlack holes burp rainbows. Everyone knows that!
11:01.00kvaloslonopotamus: wrong format in cal. but talk with christian lamparter (p54 maintainer), I'm sure he knows the details and he doesn't have any ndas :)
11:01.08pupniklcuk, lard[tab] (shit) ... it was a song about the pioneer of aerodynamics, eric eiffel -
11:02.00kvaloslonopotamus: Christian Lamparter <>
11:02.04slonopotamuskvalo, 'wrong'? why it's ok for cx3110x but wrong for stlc45xx?
11:03.01kvaloslonopotamus: talk with christian
11:03.19slonopotamuskvalo, okay. thanks anyway
11:03.50kvaloyeah, sorry. my hands are tied with this. if I were able to talk about it, the tool would be open anyway.
11:03.59*** join/#maemo mgedmin (
11:05.49zerojayPCHi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...
11:07.33pupnikwho u callin
11:08.09zerojayPeter@Maemo is trying to calm down fears of Maemo replacing Symbian on Twitter.
11:08.31*** part/#maemo zerojay (
11:09.10aolit's pretty silly rumor anyways
11:09.28aolbut I can see why people with limited information on things make these conclusions
11:09.45aolI mean maemo running on low end devices like nokia 5-series?
11:09.47aolha ha
11:10.35RST38hzerojay: url?
11:10.58lardmanI thought one of the compaints against the N97 was that Symbian wasn't really designed for touch screens?
11:11.03javispedrobut I can't find who is he replying to.
11:11.16pupnikthere was a rumor in a german online 'news' site
11:11.29aolthe flagship phone really needs to be maemo in order to compete with iPhone etc
11:11.44aolbut the low end smart phones, maemo just does not make sense
11:12.21pupnikMicrosoft Reaches Deal With Nokia on Mobile Version of Office
11:12.26*** join/#maemo tonikitoo (n=tonikito@
11:12.32pupnikwhoah ...
11:12.35lardmanhmm, interesting
11:12.38javispedroit would be great to see MS writing Maemo code, but doubt it :)
11:12.55aolprobably will be Qt :)
11:13.24javispedrothat would be great too. which means I doubt it too.
11:13.26aolI can't see them writing symbian code either :D
11:13.48javispedroprobably some random browser crap.
11:13.49*** join/#maemo _matthias_ (
11:14.00lcukshit - guys do any of you know where i can walk in a shop and get aa charger for my x41
11:14.01aolwhat is the office app in nokia's now? that company must be pissed now?
11:14.06RST38hjavis: thanks
11:14.24javispedrozerojay went to work ;)
11:15.31javispedroif it's some random javascript crap that company does not have anything to worry about
11:15.41RST38hlcuk: Any corporate place that standardizes on Thinkpads and has loose security
11:16.03lcukcharger snapped this morning
11:16.18lcukand its my only scratchbox install
11:16.22RST38hSee, you are not the first one facing this problem
11:16.41RST38hBTW, Nokia already ships its phones with an MS Office solution
11:17.03RST38hThe product name is QuickOffice and it is rather decent, given hardware limitations
11:17.30javispedrodamn I still own a license from them
11:17.43qwerty12_N810even had that on an N-Gage.
11:17.43javispedroPalm m130 days..
11:18.22javispedrowas pretty nice in his day and age (they used HTML 3 as format!)
11:18.32javispedrobut they stopped supporting it quickly
11:18.43javispedroand the last palm version is still full of bugs.
11:20.14javispedrowhat's wrong is that Android already gets QuickOffice but Maemo doesn't.
11:20.45javispedroeven though it would've been probably easier to port to Maemo (cause I know the QuickOffice codebase is C/C++)
11:20.48aolsales potential ?
11:21.21aolwe cant assume everyone would think Maemo as a phone platform right now
11:21.50aolnot many developers seem to know how big it's going to be
11:23.04pupniknot having crystal balls would be a reason
11:24.28*** join/#maemo stemosco (
11:24.28aolbut todays MS Office annoucement probably doesn't engorauge them to develop the maemo version
11:24.42*** join/#maemo secureendpoints (
11:24.47wazdI cant look at WSJ page without smile :)
11:24.55wazdShut up! :D
11:26.08*** join/#maemo zimmerle_ (n=zimmerle@
11:26.23lardmanhmm, need to go into work, drat!
11:26.26lardmansee you all later
11:30.11*** join/#maemo ssvb (
11:30.13pupnikIf RX51 has that FM transmitter, that will be the wedge to open my wallet...
11:30.58pupnikeven though FM frequency response craps out at what... 12khz?
11:31.28wazdpupnik: 64 I think
11:31.31pupnikand the flush screen looks like a real design "win"
11:31.38pupnikhehe not 64khz :)
11:31.56wazdI wonder if there's a compass :)
11:32.06aolFM transmitter is a standard N-series feature nowadays ... so no suprise
11:32.27X-Fadewazd: I wonder about that too.
11:32.33pupnikFM radio is restricted (by FCC regulation) to a frequency response of 30-15kHz
11:33.50aolN97 has compass right? I guess this should not be worse :)
11:34.03javispedroN97 has compass?
11:34.20javispedrowow, it's true.
11:34.22javispedrook i'm sold.
11:34.32RazumihinEvery phone that features motion sensors have the possibility for compass.
11:34.40X-FadeThere are N-series phones with compass.
11:34.44X-FadeRazumihin: No?
11:34.46aolcompass is done with a magnetometer
11:35.01aolaccelerometers cant do this
11:35.11alteregoThey can tell you which way is down though :)
11:35.16javispedroneeds to publish something to then ask for dev unit ;)
11:35.19aolalterego: sure :)
11:35.22X-Fadealterego: Not even that.
11:35.26alteregoEvery device should know which way is down.
11:35.27RazumihinI thought they use accelerometers parts for that.
11:35.52aolyeah accelerometers tell which way is down IF you're not otherwise moving... on a car in racetrack you cant :)
11:35.53RazumihinBut yes n97 has a compass, haven't played with it lot but seems to work.
11:35.54X-FadeRazumihin: There is no way to know where you started then.
11:35.56alteregoIt would be pretty impossible to use an accelerometer for that.
11:35.57javispedroacceleromters can't detect orientation other than up->down (they use earth gravity for that)
11:36.04wazdRazumihin: they measure acceleration, thats all
11:36.12javispedroanswer overflow :D
11:36.30*** join/#maemo zerojay (n=zerojay@
11:36.33Stskeeps'lo zerojay
11:36.38pupnikNokia 9300i had a *swank* keyboard
11:36.45aolI'd wish there would be gyroscopes too
11:36.53pupnikand look, a little dpad that probably would work great with emus
11:37.16aolbut I guess it's bit too far fetched .... but gyroscopes would be great for my app... and games :)
11:37.19Razumihindn97 could have better keyboard though...
11:37.20javispedromaybe we're looking at a shot of the rx-71? ;)
11:37.25wazdpupnik: well, arrow pad is good too
11:37.39wazdpupnik: I'd rather bind wasd for arrows
11:37.46Razumihinit's better than n810 but lot worse than 9500
11:37.47wazdpupnik: cause it's on the left
11:37.59aolE90 keyboard would be good enough for me
11:38.16javispedrowow compass. yet another cool feature. hope it's true.
11:38.17Razumihin(and scandinavian letters don't have their dedicated buttons and that really sucks)
11:38.17aolI hate the N97 kb :(
11:38.43Stskeepszerojay: so my nickname just shows blank or just white? :P
11:38.53RazumihinIt's not that bad really. I've got used to it pretty well. I just hope it would be just a little bit faster to type on.
11:39.19*** join/#maemo timeless_mbp (n=timeless@
11:39.35pupniki wonder what gps would cost if it were privately funded
11:40.00zerojayStskeeps not now... Someone else this time.
11:40.08zerojayPerson before pup.
11:40.12zerojayWho is it?
11:40.15RazumihinWorst thing in n97 is the instability and missing ctrl and escape keys :)
11:40.35javispedroyou mean him ^^^ ?
11:41.13zerojayWho is that?
11:41.25*** join/#maemo b-man` (
11:41.31zerojayGot a screenshot
11:41.31RazumihinGreat my nick is enlightened.
11:41.32javispedrofirst char upper case, like Stskeeps
11:41.35JaffaMorning, all
11:41.57zerojayMight be the trigger.
11:42.03pupnikmorning Jaffa
11:42.35*** join/#maemo melmoth (n=pamadio@
11:43.58pupnik"Qt is also a good move for Maemo. The old GTK+ apps will still run, but Qt has much better cross platform support. It means that a developer can write for Qt and have her/his app run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X on the desktop, and on Symbian S60, Windows Mobile and Maemo in the mobile space." - influenza from engaget comments
11:46.14javispedroI suck at threading. Only two threads and I am already causing loads of deadlocks
11:47.16SpCombthe fewer threads the better
11:47.44*** join/#maemo blassey (
11:47.51javispedroSDL_Audio forces me to one gfx thread and one audio thread, which (knowing how esd works) may be a good thing
11:48.11*** join/#maemo setanta (n=setanta@
11:48.12Veggenjavispedro: I am prone to thread starvation, because I tend to prioritize what delays others, especially when it takes me relatively short time.
11:48.47Veggenoh, you didn't mean on the personal plan? ;P
11:48.59javispedroI didn't :P
11:49.10*** join/#maemo qwerty12_N810 (
11:49.56zerojayHere's what I saw earlier:
11:51.28zerojayRaz just IS the channel, lol
11:52.12pupnikjavispedro: you needed to add a sound backend to drpocketsnes?
11:52.42RazumihinI'm not that good ;)
11:53.27RazumihinHave you checked that it hasn't got limit in nick length also?
11:53.46RazumihinIf it has some const char[] as nickfield.
11:54.03zerojayNo, but it's not constant.
11:54.25zerojayStskeeps was the same way yesterday, not now.
11:54.31zerojayOr is he?
11:54.37javispedropupnik, I did, the original was using oss in a complex way I didn't understand
11:54.42zerojayStskeeps: speak!
11:54.42*** join/#maemo jpereira (n=jpereira@unaffiliated/jpereira)
11:54.54javispedro(and in fact used pthreads already)
11:54.56RazumihinHi has also got long nick and first letter capitalized.
11:55.00*** join/#maemo parazitus (
11:55.12zerojayCrap, who was that?
11:55.30RazumihinRaz still.
11:55.35pupnikjavispedro: yes indeed.  this is very interesting work U doin for a couple of stalled gp2x ports
11:55.49zerojayI'll test it out deeper when i get home tonight.
11:56.46javispedroI'm looking at the DrPocketSnes code, best way to exit a thread ever made: gp2x_sound_thread_exit=1; usleep(500);
11:56.46pupniki'm running a oss-alsa wrapper to start those, and it doesn't always work
11:57.10*** join/#maemo MiskaX_ (
11:57.14javispedroat least they don't have to debug why f*sck pthread_cancel hangs
11:58.41RST38hOh yess:
11:59.17RST38hjavis: This is actually a very traditional way to do it
11:59.32RST38hjavis: If it is an audio thread
12:00.57*** join/#maemo halves (n=higor@nat/
12:01.29javispedroeither way I don't have that many options, the thread is managed by SDL
12:03.00RST38hjavis: The reason why they do it is because the audio threads are known to hang
12:03.25RST38hjavis: So you can't really rely on that thread terminating on its own, you can only tell it to stop and hope for the best
12:03.35javispedrointeresting knowledge you have there RST38h, will interrogate you later ;)
12:04.32RST38hMeizirkki: Has he already asked Ian McKellen for approval? =)
12:04.33timeless_mbpyet another round lost trying to make non lame strings for fremantle
12:04.57timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: i'll definitely worry about getting workable strings soon
12:05.05timeless_mbp(say w/in 6months)
12:06.18zerojayHow stupid, really. Ugh.
12:06.51zerojayLet me know when you'll start. I want to help.
12:07.03timeless_mbpit won't start until after launch
12:07.08timeless_mbpat least, i won't let you know until then
12:07.12timeless_mbp(for obvious reasons)
12:07.14zerojayYeah, i figured.
12:07.21timeless_mbpand i don't know when the launch might be :)
12:07.24timeless_mbpnor do i want to know :)
12:07.37timeless_mbppoints to a large Someone Else's Problem field
12:07.56zerojayJust hope it'll be better than Diablo.
12:08.11zerojayThe defaults, that is.
12:08.16Stskeepsyou'll be hiding in a bunker when nokia manages to insult the whole of north korea by accidentially translating "Browser" into "Kim Jong Il's Wife Is Loose"
12:09.19zerojaySounds like a plan to me.
12:09.43RST38hSts: Only if North Koreans get at least one N900
12:09.55zerojayHah, good point.
12:10.10timeless_mbpstarts reading another thing
12:10.14timeless_mbpwhich has some odd features
12:10.23timeless_mbpit looks like it was designed for a totally different device
12:11.17timeless_mbp~When you want to know more about something, see the document you're reading now or ... ~
12:11.36timeless_mbpif i wasn't working here, i wouldn't believe that someone would write something like that
12:11.44*** join/#maemo qwerty12_N810 (
12:13.40zerojayFinnglish is interesting.
12:14.00zerojayAnd pissing me off.
12:14.53MyrttiI'm sorry in behalf of the whole nation
12:19.25zerojayAww, that's sweet.
12:19.47zerojayBut i think your music makes up for it.
12:24.31mikkov_this is real Finglish
12:24.38*** join/#maemo hannesw (
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12:35.58divide_by_zeroRtcomm works! Unbelivable!
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12:38.08divide_by_zeroNow I can have all kinds of useful conversations at IRC!
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12:42.31zerojayIt's the only way i can be on irc from work.
12:42.53zerojayUbisoft firewalls are hardcore. :(
12:43.42divide_by_zeroWhy?    I have something in my firewall at my office tha prevents irc bu allows msn...
12:44.02zerojayMsn is allowed.
12:44.39zerojayWe used to have an internal irc server.
12:45.05divide_by_zeroBut rtcomm goes through the firewall or what?
12:45.06Veggenof course. Can't disallow Mission-critical software from respected software vendor....
12:45.40GeneralAntillesPeter can't even spell Mer correctly.
12:45.48zerojayNo, i'm tethered through my cell.
12:46.07divide_by_zeroOh, ok then
12:46.18StskeepsGeneralAntilles: url?
12:46.42StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i don't blame them sometimes, we do say MaEmo Reconstructed :P
12:46.43GeneralAntillesWait, nevermind, that's YOU Stskeeps!
12:46.53andre__Mre *is* a complicated word.
12:47.00GeneralAntillesdoesn't use Twitter
12:47.05GeneralAntillesWell, somebody wrote that, anyway.
12:47.13StskeepsGeneralAntilles: yeah, that's me, on friggen day 1.. :P
12:47.18Stskeepsi already have nerves on
12:51.37Stskeepsalso, nokia isn't replacing symbian with maemo ;)
12:52.54pupnikhehe i thought i was #100
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12:53.22zerojayIf i keep saying it, it will come true!
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12:54.52Stskeepszerojay: i wouldn't be surprised if they move symbian to consumer phones and then maemo in on the professional ones
12:56.31timeless_mbpandre__: Mre is military rations, no?
12:56.50timeless_mbp(Meals Ready to Eat)
12:57.34Stskeepsandre__: if it was difficult to make it should be difficult to say! ;)
12:57.53zerojayIronic considering the lack of pim. ;)
12:58.20Stskeepszerojay: fremantle probably has pim, all sources point to it :P
12:58.37andre__dunno. my meals ready to eat are normally called p.i.z.z.a. and such
12:58.42zerojayWhat sources would that be?
12:58.56Stskeepszerojay: "calendar-backend" and such? :)
12:59.22Stskeepssync stuff, etc
12:59.59*** join/#maemo jpereira (n=jpereira@unaffiliated/jpereira)
13:00.16zerojayDidn't know about that. Cool.
13:00.54Stskeepsif it's a phone, a N-series one, and it fails to have PIM, no sane N-series users will want it :P
13:01.07Stskeepsso many people use calendar sync, email, etc on them
13:02.34jeremiahWhat is this nonsense? ->
13:02.55*** join/#maemo javispedro (
13:02.56zerojayThe http protocol. :)
13:03.15joelmaherjeremiah: it is the way of the future
13:03.27jeremiahYeah, I doubt that.
13:03.31zerojayProbably office to nokia phones.
13:03.36jeremiahIs MS going to use Qt?
13:03.55jeremiahThey're are going to have to open a bunch of code GPL then.
13:04.23Stskeepswho came up with the "please check this box to say you understand and agree that this isn't nokia software"
13:04.25divide_by_zeroNokia will sell maemo to bill gates, an they will rebrand it as Open Xenix
13:04.52zerojayThat reminds me.
13:05.01zerojay/Me files bug.
13:05.13Stskeepsbecause that's a lot more annoying than the previous legalese crap
13:06.00*** join/#maemo jpereira (n=jpereira@unaffiliated/jpereira)
13:06.13zerojaySafe to say it's still there in fremantle?
13:06.17javispedrozerojay, was that /Me thing intentional? does RTCOMM support /irc commands ?
13:06.25Stskeeps -> jaffa, zerojay
13:06.30Stskeepsand probably qwerty12_N810 too :P
13:06.47javispedrogood to know
13:06.53zerojayIt does when /me but not /Me
13:07.12divide_by_zeroI love it the the popup you must read for actual Nokia software is LARGER than the 3rd party one...
13:07.35javispedrolol über popup
13:07.45javispedrodid they accept that suggestion to show it only once?
13:08.17*** join/#maemo briglia (n=briglia@
13:08.25javispedro"or even harm this product". there goes your warranty
13:09.49*** join/#maemo GAN800 (n=ryan@
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13:10.05Stskeepswell, at least we're sure they aren't insisting on signed crap
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13:10.39qwerty12_N810Stskeeps: that's even more annoying than the Diablo (if it is shown repeatedly, and it looks like it would)
13:10.50Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: yes, it is
13:10.58Stskeepsthank god it's OSS though
13:11.05Jaffajavispedro: They accepted it, but no one provided a patch. There is a patch which qwerty12_N810 and I wrote which turns it off with a red-pill-mode setting
13:11.06qwerty12_N810I didn't remove the first one for nought ;)
13:11.09zerojay/mE test
13:11.18zerojay/ME test
13:11.35JaffaHowever, it should be fairly easy to build a patch which remembers the value once checked.
13:11.39javispedroxchat accepts it no mather the case
13:11.56qwerty12_N810XChat > RTComm
13:12.11jeremiahirssi > XChat > RTComm
13:12.29javispedroqwerty12_N810, well, to tell the truth, I'm tempted by the integration rtcomm offers...
13:12.58divide_by_zeroirssi rulzzz!
13:13.05zerojayRtcomm integration beats all the small issues to me.
13:13.41javispedroirssi is a curses client????
13:13.47Stskeepssure, and it works fine :>
13:13.51qwerty12_N810But it is rather buggy... Don't get me wrong, I love RTComm for all the other services it provides but when I tried using it as an IRC client, it just drove me crazy
13:14.13zerojayI'm trying to fix that. :P
13:14.16javispedroI knew you all were crazy :P
13:14.42qwerty12_N810rtcomm's source repo is the best ;)
13:14.50zerojayCrazy like a fox!
13:15.21divide_by_zeroMust hit the road, see ya
13:15.28*** join/#maemo fiferboy (n=quassel@
13:16.27zerojayAnd ms is not allowed to sell word now.
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13:17.23zerojayBarred from selling software using custom xml
13:17.26javispedrowonders if garage is going to accept a request for hosting a "snes9x license" project
13:17.42*** join/#maemo alecrim (n=alecrim@
13:18.25RST38hWhat is snes9x license?
13:18.43Stskeepsdear god, webkit debug symbols are 106mb?
13:18.47lcukIIS, APACHE, and MAEMO and everything in between  must also stop since they allow production of xml documents
13:18.51javispedrotranslated from legalese: "You can do as you wish but sell it"
13:18.56RST38hSts: Was it unexpected?
13:18.58*** join/#maemo ideamonk (n=ideamonk@
13:19.02lcukinfact, fuck it - shut down your computers fellas
13:19.08RST38hjavis: Oh you mean license wise
13:19.12*** join/#maemo flavioribeiro (n=avaty@
13:19.18RST38hjavis: I do not think garage will mind
13:19.33qwerty12_N810Stskeeps: you enabled dh_strip --dbg-package?
13:19.56Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: i'm trying to chase down the webkit bug, it seems it mainifests itself with the older tear too
13:20.43*** join/#maemo sergio (
13:20.48zerojayLcuk: just reporting what i read.
13:20.49Stskeepsit's a double-free
13:21.00Stskeepshence why it works with valgrind but not glibc :)
13:23.00*** join/#maemo jpereira (n=jpereira@unaffiliated/jpereira)
13:23.13javispedrolol, banned in all the states?
13:23.42lcukzerojay, yeah i know
13:23.46qwerty12_N810predicts a rise in BitTorrent/Rapidshare traffic...
13:25.56javispedrothis at least confirms microsoft has not any kind of "big red emergency button", since they've started losing market share, profits, and now this, and the world has not ended yet.
13:27.44*** join/#maemo hugopl (n=hugo@
13:27.58fiferboyI get around double-free problems by not freeing anything :)
13:28.24mgedminfiferboy: why are you against freedom?
13:28.36RST38hfiferboy <-- bad, bad coder
13:28.41fiferboyIf you free things too many times, it kills them :(
13:28.48RST38h(unless of course he does not allocate either)
13:29.36fiferboyMy programs don't use any variables at all
13:31.13javispedrosees one of the most difficult questions he has ever faced: "SCM? SVN or Git? You won't be able to change it after submitting the project".
13:31.56zerojayWhat does git have over svn?
13:31.59fiferboyAlthough, haven't I heard some people have problems with git and garage?
13:32.08javispedroplease discuss :D
13:32.27jeremiahzerojay: Are you joking_
13:32.31fiferboycoldboot: Where is your "git versus everything" link
13:32.44jeremiahGit is distributed - Svn is central
13:32.53zerojayNo, i'm not. I've never used git.
13:32.53Stskeepsjavispedro: i'd take svn and then get a gitorious account
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13:32.54jeremiahThis is a huge difference in philosophy
13:32.58mgedmingit has sweet command-line ui
13:33.06jeremiahGit is distributed - Svn is central
13:33.09*** join/#maemo vivijim (n=vivijim@unaffiliated/vivijim)
13:33.14mgedmine.g. git log spawns a pager for long output by default
13:33.25jeremiahThis means that you don't need to have a 'committer bit'
13:33.34jeremiahbecause you just clone repos
13:33.56jeremiah^^ great resource
13:34.28jeremiahWritten by Linus Torvalds to replace Bitkeeper, git has become the SCM of choice for a lot of projects
13:34.33javispedroStskeeps, not a bad option, but If I take svn I'll end up using svn (lazyness and all that ;) )
13:34.35jeremiahLike the linux kernel
13:35.08javispedrois the having problems?
13:35.11*** join/#maemo koan (n=koan@unaffiliated/koan)
13:35.24javispedrothe server, I mean.
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13:39.23RST38hjavis: Probably SVN
13:39.39RST38hJust because it is well integrated with Windows desktop
13:40.26lcukthe biggest git of all actually MADE the windows desktop
13:40.56lcukdoes agree tho, git is better than svn
13:41.06*** join/#maemo aloisiojr (n=aloisio@
13:42.04pupnikso if i reflash now.  what should i put on the n810.
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13:42.14pupnikto be in sync with the cool kids in october
13:42.14Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: heh, 256mb ram isn't enough to host the webkit debug symbols :>
13:42.59qwerty12_N810hannesw said they were useless because they'd crash gdb when he tried to use them :P
13:43.39javispedro I liked the local repo idea, so I guess I'm choosing Git (also, what the he**, i want to try it at least).
13:44.07Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: same
13:46.54GAN800pupnik, Diablo? Then stick Mer on an SD partition?
13:47.11pupnikthat sounds good
13:47.24Mekthe cool kids will have rovers in october :P
13:47.41coldbootAs you type on the hildon keyboard with your stylus, after a while it randomly executes "filterKeyPress", even though you haven't pressed a real key.
13:47.55GAN800Mek, let's hope so.
13:48.08GAN800Mek, gonna be an awfully shitty Summit if not.
13:48.30coldbootIs Antonio back from vacation yet?
13:48.49pupnikwhat are 'rovers'?
13:49.11Stskeepswhat rock have you been hiding under? :P
13:49.16Jaffapupnik: The RX-51
13:49.45pupnikah ty
13:49.57pupnikstrange name
13:50.12JaffaCould just be a codename, like Soyuz
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13:51.47n6pfkWhen I play videos with mplayer they are not rendered properly unless I click on "play order" and while the dialog box is shown the video renders nicely?
13:52.05n6pfkWhen I play videos with mplayer they are not rendered properly unless I click on "play order" and while the dialog box is shown the video renders nicely?
13:52.44fiferboycoldboot: I have seen a few emails from Antonio in the last few days, so I think so
13:54.30*** part/#maemo ideamonk (n=ideamonk@
13:54.54coldbootfiferboy: When you hit a keyboard key, the widgets are getting converted to native widgets.
13:55.02coldbootfiferboy: A physical keyboard key, that is.
13:55.29fiferboycoldboot: That is strange, I thought that was just to use the on-screen keyboard.
13:55.29coldbootfiferboy: s/native widgets/native X windows/
13:55.40coldbootApparently not.
13:55.46javispedroin Diablo at least all key presses should be filtered by HIM
13:55.51qwerty12_N810Stskeeps: does OBS let you override the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS that are used? Seeing as it's there, you may as well enable the maemo-launcher support if you get Tear working... :P
13:55.55javispedrocause e.g. the Chr key could be down
13:56.07fiferboyjavispedro: Ah!
13:56.09Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: not yet :P i think
13:56.50rkirti\/nick rkirti|afk
13:57.21coldbootjavispedro: fiferboy: So I need to know where to set the HIM Proxy when a keyboard press hildon command is being sent. Also, as you type for a while on the screen keyboard, eventually it sends a keypress in the same way it sends it when you press the physical keyboard. Which causes the same bug as the physical keyboard does.
13:58.58fiferboycoldboot: If the hardware keyboard sends the commands through HIM, you shouldn't have to differentiate between hardware keyboard presses and on-screen keyboard presses
13:59.34coldbootfiferboy: It doesn't send them through exactly the same, I think.
13:59.55fiferboycoldboot: That could well be
14:00.21coldbootfilterKeyPress() gets called when you press a keyboard button, or when the screen keyboard decides to be a real keyboard -- randomly.
14:01.25lcukkeypressed from the realkeyboard need special handling because of the stickykeys implementation
14:01.33*** join/#maemo Ryback_ (n=ulisses@enlightenment/developer/ryback)
14:01.35lcukso you dont have to hold down FN to do numbers
14:01.57fiferboycoldboot: How can I try to reproduce the problem you are seeing?
14:01.57javispedroor the Chr key, which is one of the weirdest cases
14:02.26javispedroafaik (i know about qt, but tried to understand the gdk flow a bit): sw key sends only him commit events,
14:02.27lcukafiak its got the function in which keeps track of the state of the key lock  and  stuff as well as translating
14:02.34javispedrohw keyboard sends keypress events but him filters them.
14:02.45coldbootfiferboy: Open up shopper and press a physical keyboard key when a LineEdit has focus.
14:02.54javispedro*I know _nothing_ about qt, should read ;)
14:03.13lcukjavispedro, me neither lol, but we have all apparantly been rummaging around the same code
14:03.24coldbootfiferboy: You might see some flashing. But in our app, it breaks focus for a widget that has taken over the event loop.
14:04.59Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: i think i found it! did bundyo add database stuff recently?
14:05.28Stskeepsfor local app storage or something
14:05.49qwerty12_N810Yes, AppCache or something on the request of rmt
14:07.44Stskeepsif /media/mmc1 doesn't exist, it crashes
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14:09.14pupniknice icon for 'mer' whoever did that
14:09.24Stskeepspoints to wazd
14:09.44Stskeepsit's actually a really really bad bug
14:10.46Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: want a lesson in things not to do? :)
14:11.05qwerty12_N810Hey, it's Bundyo's work :P
14:11.14Stskeepsyeah, still a good example of something people don't think about
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14:12.33Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: - tell me what's wrong here
14:12.39Stskeepsand no, it's not that it's /media/mmc1
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14:13.49qwerty12_N810Fuck if I know
14:14.11Stskeepshint: strings aren't dynamically allocated
14:14.33Stskeepsas in, constant strings :P
14:14.36javispedrolol :) i didn't notice it either
14:14.36pupnikdoes a test for set database dire...
14:15.17Stskeepswhich is why everyone likes to use languages where you don't have to free() by hand :P
14:15.26javispedrolike well done C++
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14:15.31JaffaStskeeps: +1
14:15.39aolstskeeps: not really , java sucks :)
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14:15.53Jaffaaol: Yes. It "sucks"
14:16.06JaffaWhereas C++ "doesn't suck"
14:16.27Mace_N8x0can someone version me?
14:16.34aolok ok :)
14:16.58Jaffagives up his high paid career in Java server applications and goes and writes crashing code by accidentally freeing something because the ownership isn't clear.
14:17.08qwerty12_N810Mace_N8x0: "VERSION telepathy-idle 0.1.2 Telepathy IM/VoIP Framework"
14:17.25aquatixJaffa: :)
14:17.29Mace_N8x0ok. thanks
14:17.35JaffaOh, and tell our customers that we'll be writing C++-based CGI scripts which'll run on exactly one OS and probably won't have any buffer overflows. Oh no.
14:17.35javispedroin fact, that code snippet would probably require a quick look at the manual
14:17.37Mace_N8x0was just curious
14:17.50javispedrocan you free databaseDirectory after passing it as a parameter to the setDBDirectoryPath call?
14:17.57aquatixmumbles something about just having installed his first self-written android app
14:18.01aquatixnow i will be glared at
14:18.14aolJaffa: haha, don't get offended :)
14:18.20Jaffajavispedro: It'd depend on what setDatabaseDirectoryPath did with it; so relies on it having good docs
14:18.21Mace_N8x0want to work more on my dev tablet
14:18.33Jaffaaol: I'm not offended; just feeding the troll ;-)
14:18.33Mace_N8x0too lazy
14:19.07Mace_N8x0qwerty, i have a question about busybox , is it just a collection of bins?
14:19.07aolJaffa: btw, I'm sorry about your day job :)
14:19.38aolbut I guess mine is worse, I do Symbian, Windows Mobile and iPhone apps for living :)
14:19.40qwerty12_N810Mace_N8x0: "One bin to rule them all" =)
14:19.53Jaffaaol: Beats writing C++, and gets me to fly to Stockholm to watch a client install a prototype EJB in WebSphere whilst I type on IRC ;-)
14:19.55qwerty12_N810(Everything is a link to busybox)
14:20.00Mace_N8x0i see
14:20.14Mace_N8x0so all the commands just call one one thing?
14:20.52Mace_N8x0so what happens when i replace the bins that busybox uses?
14:21.05Mace_N8x0like. build them and replace the busybox.. links?
14:21.24aolJaffa: I actually love writing c++ a lot, but hate my clients
14:21.47Jaffalikes this client, likes writing Java (most of the time) and hates writing C++.
14:21.59JaffaSounds like we're both in well suited jobs ;-)
14:22.08aquatixwrites in both languages
14:22.14Jaffaleaves memory allocation fun to when he's writing ARM assembler at weekends
14:22.15aquatixand hobbies in python
14:22.25aquatixJaffa: ooh
14:22.45Mace_N8x0qwerty, i'm just a little curious on how difficult it would be to get rid of busybox from maemo
14:22.46aolI've ported some C++ stuff over to Java, and I really miss the ability to define own types
14:22.48qwerty12_N810Mace_N8x0: Busybox won't get used for that particular command. Say you replace /bin/ls with a real ls from coreutils, then the one you just installed will be used. Busybox will still be used for other commands that you have not replaced the links for
14:23.07aolbut aside from school and that I havent done much with Java
14:23.21Mace_N8x0so why is the coreutils pkg so damaging to maemo?
14:23.33aolbut of course I'd never think of writing web/server stuff with c++ :)
14:23.38aolI guess Java is the right tool there
14:23.44Mace_N8x0why must it remove a thousand things to install itself?
14:23.49javispedroi'm thinking busybox may still try to use its builtin commands from its own ash shell
14:24.20Mace_N8x0javispedro, so can't you just chsh to bash and not use ash?
14:24.44StskeepsMace_N8x0: went insane yet?
14:24.45javispedrodepends on if busybox-isms exist or not ;)
14:24.54Mace_N8x0Stskeeps, naw.. i've just started
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14:25.00Mace_N8x0insanity comes a few months later
14:25.05qwerty12_N810Because busybox (packaging wise) says it conflicts with a 1001 things. If you're a machoist, then edit dpkg's status file and remove the conflict with coreutils
14:25.09Mekprobably why the coreutils package is so damaging, is that you can't have multiple packages installed that contain the same file; so to install coreutils you have to uninstall busybox, and everything that has busybox as a requirement
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14:25.49qwerty12_N810But be warned: The coreutils package from the SDK repo isn't good to use on a device. I'd have things like "ls -l" segfaulting
14:25.50javispedroa good question is why maemo enters a reset loop when using bash and coreutils instead of busybox
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14:26.03Mace_N8x0javispedro: does it?
14:26.04javispedroprobably due to what qwerty said ;)
14:26.09GAN800Mace_N8x0, prepare for reboot loops in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .
14:26.26Mace_N8x0qwerty, is it possiblet o build it on the tablet?
14:26.32Mace_N8x0and test the new bins
14:26.37Mace_N8x0then repackage ?
14:26.37GAN800javispedro, Busybox-isms in init scripts.
14:26.56Stskeepsbusyboxism is a new one
14:26.59michaelmi am having some serious issues that I am hoping someone here can help me find a solution
14:27.08Mace_N8x0Stskeeps, hurry and tm it ;)
14:27.15pupnikat what stage of startup do most reboot-loops occur?  or could it be anywhere?
14:27.17javispedroI though busybox was no-frills
14:27.22michaelmI have a 810 that is in reboot loop
14:27.34Mace_N8x0speak of the devil
14:27.38Stskeepsjust like Mace_N8x0 soon will ;)
14:27.46javispedroand there could be possibly no extension to busybox not in bash or some other über shell
14:27.47qwerty12_N810Mace_N8x0: perhaps, but I just replace bins as required. When I was running dpkg-buildpackage, I just replaced everything that busybox couldn't handle
14:27.57Stskeepsmichaelm: let me guess, and you'd like to get your data out?
14:28.10michaelmno, i actually can get my data
14:28.15Stskeepsah, then just reflash
14:28.16michaelmmy problem is this
14:28.22Mace_N8x0qwerty, so to get a working coreutils in place of busybox.. i'd be starting from scratch?
14:28.42Mace_N8x0and have to pkg everything by hand against a billion libs
14:28.47michaelmthe device boots, stays at the desktop for a min the screen then becomes unresponsive then the device restarts
14:28.48coldbootWhat's a good way to debug on the device? Running gdb crashes and restarts the nokia n810...
14:28.58javispedrocoldboot, add swap
14:29.00Mace_N8x0so i'm guessing the best way would be to make my own repo
14:29.05qwerty12_N810Mace_N8x0: I'd guess so... I never bothered replacing it entirely
14:29.08Mekrunning gdb and tell it not to load all symbols by default
14:29.12coldbootjavispedro: Add a swap partition?
14:29.18Mace_N8x0qwerty, sounds like a lot of pkgs
14:29.20javispedroit is probably a out of memory issue
14:29.22StskeepsMace_N8x0: and you end up at the Mer approach, saying "fuck it all" and start reconstructing things the right way.
14:29.26Mace_N8x0is there a list of which bins busybox uses?
14:29.30Mekcoldboot: so only load symbols of the libraries of which you really need it
14:29.42Mace_N8x0Stskeeps, yeah.. but i want to do it in maemo 4
14:29.44pupnikyou can add swap in the system control panel thinyg under 'memory' coldboot
14:29.52qwerty12_N810Mace_N8x0: run 'busybox'? =)
14:29.54michaelmif it is out of memory, how do i see whats causing it?
14:30.24StskeepsMace_N8x0: noone stops you from taking the source packages for maemo4, building the open source parts and remix your own image
14:30.27javispedrouf, thread confusion :)
14:30.49qwerty12_N810When I finally did get an N800 capable of running dpkg-buildpackage, ukki just gave me an SSH account anyway :P
14:30.58StskeepsMace_N8x0: except you end up at the funny situation noone else will benefit from your work and your steps will be too difficult to reproduce :P
14:31.06Stskeeps(as you can't distribute the result)
14:32.04michaelmanyone have any ideas? don't want to confuse the thread anymore
14:32.26Mace_N8x0qwerty haha
14:32.27Stskeepsmichaelm: do you have fanoush's bootmenu (or the deblet/mer one) installed?
14:32.33Mace_N8x0no .. coreutils in busybox
14:32.39Mace_N8x0except not the pkg'd one
14:32.47Mace_N8x0which obviously has issues
14:33.02javispedroscratchbox uses bash, so at least there are no "busyboxisms" in the osso-af scripts
14:33.10Mace_N8x0Stskeeps, haha
14:33.21Mace_N8x0well. that is why i'm blogging it step by step on
14:33.27javispedroMace_N8x0, you could also try another approach and build a better, bigger busybox
14:33.30Mace_N8x0i'm trying to be as detailed as possible so i don't forget
14:33.32qwerty12_N810The tablet boots up fine with /bin/bash symlinked to /bin/sh
14:33.36javispedroalso wait until debian fixes its bashisms
14:33.45javispedro(which is something they're trying to do afaik)
14:33.46Mace_N8x0javispedro, lol, i thought about that
14:33.57qwerty12_N810dash on the other hand... god, that sucked more ass than busybox's ash
14:34.06michaelmstskeeps: no..its actually a fresh flash with the latest image. Installed 1 application then after a few hours it starts acting up
14:34.06Mace_N8x0but why do that when i can just work on individual bins
14:34.14StskeepsMace_N8x0: what application was it?
14:34.22javispedronick confusion ;)
14:35.25michaelmstskeeps: it is one that was written at my office a simple gui using airodump as the back end
14:35.41Mace_N8x0but yeah. i'm trying to log every step i take
14:36.24Mace_N8x0and hopefully make my own repo with 1 pkg you can run to get it all working to the point where you can build and pkg
14:36.48Mace_N8x0cups support for all!
14:36.53Stskeepsmichaelm: right, there might be a problem of airodump or something causing a watchdog reboot
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14:37.00michaelmi have attempted adding the "--set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard"
14:37.14michaelmand that doesnt do anything
14:37.21Stskeepsthere's a omap wd thing too
14:37.23javispedrolifeguard would be useful in case hildon-desktop was crashing
14:37.45michaelmthis is where my question is:
14:38.09michaelmwhat do I have to do to see what is causing a watchdog reboot?
14:39.18javispedrokernel crash? :P
14:39.29Mace_N8x0did you install coreutils?
14:39.48qwerty12_N810Doubt it'd get that far :P
14:40.24michaelmMace: u talking to me?
14:40.35Mace_N8x0michaelm, sorry... was just a bad joke
14:40.42qwerty12_N810michaelm: if you have a way of mounting /dev/mtdblock4 outside of Maemo:
14:41.04Mace_N8x0i have to figure out how replacing bins affects busybox
14:41.21Mace_N8x0and see if it's not calling on its own bins when i replace the old ones.. i would figure it wouldn't but who knows
14:41.36javispedroit's calling its own bins
14:41.38javispedroeasy to test
14:41.40javispedroinstall on debian
14:41.51javispedrotry grep --random-crap-parameter-only-in-gnu
14:41.52Mace_N8x0i know the busybox grep didn't pass an abiword configure
14:41.54javispedrosee it fail.
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14:42.21Mace_N8x0that seems like... a tedious way to do it
14:42.22michaelmhow do I go about doing this on a device that restarts all the time? should I reflash and hope that it acts up again?
14:42.57qwerty12_N810You knew what you were letting yourself in for :)
14:43.01javispedromichaelm, if you reflash and it acts up again you're fscked, I guess.
14:43.29michaelmyeah that I know. but I need to know whats causing this contstant restart!
14:43.40Mace_N8x0qwerty, well, hopefully i can log it all and allow people to reproduce it
14:43.58Mace_N8x0i'd love to see the tablet being used as a sttandalone dev box
14:44.12Mace_N8x0just so it feels more like a computer.. except i want it to do it in maemo
14:44.34Mace_N8x0maemo: "The anti-Mer"
14:45.18Mace_N8x0how much is the new tablet supposed to cost?
14:45.56pupnikprobably at the high end of phone range
14:46.01zerojayAnyone that knows can't say.
14:46.08Mace_N8x0so... $900
14:46.17Mace_N8x0heh too
14:46.33pupniki mean look at what they're packing into it
14:46.35Mace_N8x0nokia isn't really known for its cheap phones
14:46.40Andy80900?! O_o
14:46.40javispedrowe last determined it costed both kidneys, first born son, a for-life contract with t-mobile and being reincarnated as a windows xp admin
14:46.42Mace_N8x0pupnik, i agree
14:46.52Mace_N8x0javispedro, hahaha
14:47.17Andy80I don't think will cost more than other similar devices :)
14:47.19Mace_N8x0javispedro, people will pay that
14:47.35Mace_N8x0Andy80, how much was an N810 when it first came out?
14:47.43javispedrowell. more than $500 for a phone is still something I consider amiss
14:47.44Mace_N8x0like.. $600?
14:47.50RST38hbets on $600-$700 sans the contract
14:47.54Andy80Mace_N8x0, about 480€ (in Italy)
14:48.05RST38hAnd $250-$350 with the contract
14:48.13Mace_N8x0javis... look at the e90
14:48.20Mace_N8x0which is what it basically is
14:48.25Mace_N8x0with better and more hardware
14:48.27Andy80btw... why are you talking of contract?
14:48.36javispedroI could buy a OQO instead
14:48.45RST38hAndy80: It is coming out on TMbile network in the US, apparently
14:48.53Mace_N8x0javispedro, buy a touch book
14:48.56RST38hjavis: Or 3 N810s
14:49.01Mace_N8x0i preordered mine... rumor has it.. it's next week
14:49.04Mace_N8x0or next month
14:49.05RST38hMacer: Have you got yours?
14:49.09Mace_N8x0or next year when it's coming out
14:49.13Mace_N8x0rst, no
14:49.17javispedroI will wait until they confirm rovers' price
14:49.24Mace_N8x0nobody has gotten them yet
14:49.28javispedrothen wait a year more cause my n810 is too young yet
14:49.28coldbootWhen I go to "Control Panel" > Memory > Virtual, it says I've got no internal memory card...
14:49.32qwerty12_N810Someone's been getting lessons from Pandora people
14:49.34Andy80I'll wait for developer discount or nothing ;)
14:49.37Mace_N8x0there would be a lot more buzz on the internets if they did
14:49.41coldbootAlso I get notifications saying the internal memory card is corrupted or unformatted.
14:49.43michaelmi am trying -set-rd-flags=no-retu-w to see if it stops the restarting
14:49.51Andy80RST38h, ah, you mean data contract... yeah...
14:50.01Mace_N8x0qwerty, yeah. preordering vaporware seems the cool thing to do when it comes to arm hardware
14:50.28CorsacI already ordered my touchbook
14:50.30javispedroto arm hardware only?
14:50.35michaelmok that forced it to turn off
14:50.51RST38hMacer: Then do not suggest people buy theirs =)
14:50.52javispedromichaelm, what? it did turn off instead of rebooting?
14:50.52Mace_N8x0javispedro, well.. i think they released the mips based netbook
14:50.56Mace_N8x0with the usb key thing
14:51.01Mace_N8x0forgot what it was called
14:51.07RST38hqwerty: BTW, is Pandora out?
14:51.18coldbootNevermind, fixed it.
14:51.28Mace_N8x0RST38h, maybe if people preorder enough of them they will see the simulated viable profit
14:51.34Andy80going to preorder an iPhone 4G... :D
14:51.43qwerty12_N810RST38h: I heard something like 10 people got them but no pics...
14:51.44michaelmit turned off after i added that flag (no-retu-w) it booted, was able to get to xterm, did a ps -ef then when i was scrolling up it shut down
14:51.47Mace_N8x0and click the "go" button on the fabricator
14:51.52qwerty12_N810Dunno if that changed, however.
14:52.05Mace_N8x0qwerty, wow. talk about power manufacturing
14:52.16Mace_N8x0they sure broke the mold
14:52.19RST38hqwerty: ehehehehehe
14:52.58qwerty12_N810They've been frontin' about it for a year now. It's not even funny anymore :/
14:52.59Mace_N8x0maybe they sent it to be fabricated at the place that made the x3 phenoms
14:53.13Mace_N8x0qwerty, touch book has been since march
14:53.30Mace_N8x0was supposed to come out in "summer,..... june..... end of july...... now..."
14:53.47Mace_N8x0they SAID they were shipping
14:54.01Corsacwell, Gregoire is kind-of alone on that :)
14:54.05Mace_N8x0nobody has gotten them yet though, i think they sent them via horse driven carriage
14:54.11CorsacI imagine him going to USPS with the boxes
14:54.14Mace_N8x0through the grand canyon from california
14:54.17javispedroI would need good brainwashing in order to buy a +$600 phone
14:54.17coldbootMek: How do you tell gdb not to load all symbols by default?
14:54.26Mace_N8x0Corsac, hahaha
14:54.44RST38hOhmygod they ported Maemo to N95!!!
14:54.44qwerty12_N810javispedro: Nokia'll arrange it for you =)
14:54.53StskeepsRST38h: i wouldn't mind a bootloader + kernel for n95 ;)
14:54.55Andy80RST38h, nice fake ;)
14:54.55RST38h(anyone willing to post this picture to ITT?)
14:55.00CorsacI'm shipping him my brother-in-law to help him at AI so maybe I'll get some news
14:55.09Andy80RST38h, it's a FAKE!
14:55.25Mace_N8x0Stskeeps, you will never get the cam working in Mer
14:55.30Mekcoldboot: I don't remember... I have used it once a long time ago to debug some kde stuff on a n810...
14:55.33Mace_N8x0on the n95
14:55.44Mace_N8x0closed src
14:56.31Mace_N8x0they could have at least made sure the widgets were centered on the screen in the fake pic
14:56.45Mace_N8x0instead of being chopped off at the end
14:56.50javispedroand they could have used a btter maemo screenshot and not the first wikipedia one they could find
14:56.56coldbootMek: Did it take forever to start up?
14:57.03qwerty12_N810And a date that did not say "2008"...
14:57.26javispedrocoldboot, it is very slow indeed with only sdl symbols, so I guess it will be slow as hell with whole Qt and use 150% of the memory
14:57.41Mekcoldboot: no, I don't think so; when you tell gdb not to load any symbols, it should start quite quickly
14:58.13Mace_N8x0qt ftw
14:58.27RST38hMacer: It was a quick port no time to adjust the widgets =0
14:58.57Mace_N8x0RST, they adjusted the status bar at the top
14:59.14Mace_N8x0oh wait.. no they didn't
14:59.22michaelmit turned off after i added that flag (no-retu-w) it booted, was able to get to xterm, did a ps -ef then when i was scrolling up it shut down
14:59.24Mace_N8x0virtual hildon desktop ?
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14:59.44Mace_N8x0michaelm, you sure hte hardware isn't broken
14:59.55RST38hMacer: But it has got a DPAD!!!
15:00.14michaelmnope. because once i reflash and dont install my application and just leave it stock its fine
15:00.32javispedroso it's "your" application ?
15:00.34Stskeepsmichaelm: sure airodump isn't doing something fucky? :P
15:00.38javispedroor one of its dependencies?=
15:00.45michaelmso i would assume that it has to be in my app thats causing the problem, but i need to figure out what
15:00.45qwerty12_N810So, er, check what this application is doing?
15:00.46Mace_N8x0Ok.... WTF
15:01.22michaelmi used this app on the 800 (it was modified for the 810) and it never caused this error
15:01.42*** part/#maemo Mace_N8x0 (
15:02.17Stskeepsand there's the sanity and walking right out the door
15:03.12javispedrohis "N8x0" probably exploded in a busyboom-like firework show
15:04.35javispedroMacer, is your N8x0 still alive? should we call the firefighters? ;)
15:04.43pupnikcoldboot: did you reseat the micro-sd card?
15:04.57pupnikoops, was stuck in scrollback
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15:08.44Mace_N8x0that was wierd
15:09.32Mace_N8x0my kb was only doing caps
15:09.43Mace_N8x0shift was lower case
15:09.48Stskeepsnah, your mind must be playing tricks on you
15:10.06Mace_N8x0damn beta software ;)
15:10.30javispedro"Sony Makes New Li-Ions: Recharge in 30 Minutes, Catch Fire in 90 Minutes, Last Ages"
15:10.30javispedroI tried one in my netbook, and I can attest that the craters left are at least 50% deeper! Go Sony!
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15:12.22Mace_N8x0new marketing word!
15:12.28Mace_N8x0+1 sony
15:17.21Mace_N8x0wonder if those pics are real most of the time
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15:29.50alteregoRight, just done 50% of that project. Think I'll relax and have a coffee before I head into town and to the pub.
15:30.11alteregoOops, wrong channel ...
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15:35.36Stskeepsah, i was wondering what motivation might be
15:35.53Stskeepsuh, what is that photo..
15:36.11qwerty12_N810It really says a lot when MS needs to form with Nokia because they can't do it with their own WinMo devices...
15:36.27Stskeepsone thing i must say about WinMo..
15:36.32Stskeepsat least it had friggen sync and PIM
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15:36.55javispedro"online versions." meh.
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15:37.07Stskeepsjavispedro: coupled with offline storage and 3g it wouldn't be bad.
15:37.35pupnik  ONN News: Google Opt Out Feature Lets Users Protect Privacy By Moving To Remote Village
15:37.48Stskeepsjavispedro: it's even more interesting from the perspective Nokia is a webkit and gecko shop
15:38.08javispedroSymbian's webkit and I'm sure MS has Symbian in mind.
15:38.18javispedronot any "potentially winmo overthrowing" mobile OS.
15:38.34Stskeepswe'll see
15:38.55Stskeepsbusiness users will be pissed off if a flagship N-series can't do office if the symbian ones can :P
15:38.56javispedropupnik, the best news network ever :D
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15:44.59javispedro"while the macbook wheel won't hit the shelves yet for another 3 to 15 months" :D
15:45.02pupnikWish microsoft had less success with their 'open' document spec
15:45.16pupnikmacbook 'wheel'?
15:45.27javispedrofresh from the ONN: ;)
15:45.29pupniki could picture that
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15:46.39javispedro"also the computer is unbreakable, unless drop or hit" lol
15:48.07GAN800I like Sony's retarded piece of shit.
15:50.08zerojayHm.. What to put for primary community project on my registration...
15:51.01javispedro"new Iphone application alerts users to imminent sidewalk collisions with other iphone users"
15:51.33Stskeepszerojay: "proofreading squad"?
15:51.46Stskeepswe have the bugsquad so:P
15:51.47Jaffazerojay: Community documentation
15:51.59zerojayGood ones.
15:52.03JaffaSounds like a super-villain ;-)
15:52.33zerojayFits perfect then.
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15:58.13zerojayDunno if "dude that edits shit and yells at us all the time" is good enough for sponsorship, but why not try anyways, right?
15:58.47qwerty12_N810FinglishFixer? =)
15:59.21sp3000-> fifi -> poodle
16:00.10javispedroSound: 2 Hz, 37 channels lol already borked SDL_Audio
16:00.14sp3000but that would get obscure
16:04.14zerojayI can't see sp3000's name shown now. So much for caps triggering it. :(
16:04.29*** join/#maemo Luke-Jr (n=luke-jr@2002:46bb:1a76:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
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16:05.09zerojayWonder if i've got enough bugs reported for bugsquad, hehe
16:09.46GAN800zerojay, Andre's the only one really working at the moment. ;)
16:10.20andre__currently it's just a silent period
16:10.28andre__SDK2 out, waiting for SDK3 or a final release
16:10.32andre__not many bug reports...
16:10.50Stskeepsyou're saying you want more? ;p
16:11.15andre__honestly, i feel better when i'm stressed (that means lots of bug reports)
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16:11.22andre__looking forward when the final release is out
16:11.34andre__my doctor disagrees though :-P
16:11.59zerojayMe too.
16:12.09zerojayI'm gonna go nuts.
16:13.11GAN800andre__, I'm going to get every WalMart newb who buys a T-Mobile device to come and start reporting bugs for you. :P
16:13.30GAN800"my n-900 wont start????"
16:13.38zerojayAnd they'll all be dupes. ;)
16:13.53GAN800"need help"
16:13.54andre__GAN800, i'm fine with that. i even have a stock answer for those. two clicks, done :)
16:14.08javispedroand you also get a free n900!!
16:14.12javispedroremember to hide the bodies
16:14.27andre__i was gnome evolution bugmaster. i'm used to "cant sent mail. plz help!!!!!" reports.
16:14.40zerojay"Should not reproduce"?
16:14.48GAN800Double-tap, not two clicks. :P
16:14.57andre__that get answered by a polite(tm) "this is not a support forum" -> RESOLVED INVALID comment :)
16:15.06andre__for me it's one click and one Return key
16:15.36zerojayPoor yerga felt his wrath.
16:15.54*** join/#maemo ziyourenxiang (n=ziyouren@unaffiliated/ziyourenxiang)
16:16.04javispedrothis can't be true
16:16.12javispedronow it crashes if I DISABLE optimizations
16:16.32javispedrothis toolchain is nuts
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16:17.30GAN800zerojay, you missed out on the fun andre__ and I had with freejazz
16:20.01yergaI had some kind words in my email too :)
16:20.30GAN800"im going 2 murder u u fukin nerd!!!1!!"
16:21.54*** join/#maemo Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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16:30.40pupnikis there something like fraps for X11?
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16:35.12javispedrothis sucks.
16:35.24javispedro^^^ crashes when built with g++, but not when built with gcc
16:35.37javispedro25 lines long.
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16:38.09GAN800zerojay, search for freejazz in reporters on bmo.
16:38.25GAN800zerojay, some insane idiot who spammed us with death threats.
16:39.25pupnik:/ javispedro.
16:39.30pupniki learned what a callback was, once
16:39.36GAN800I'll forward you some of the emails if I still have them.
16:39.48javispedroit's not a callback problem though
16:39.49zerojayLol, please do.
16:40.00javispedroit crashes while SDL tries to cancel the audio thread
16:40.02pupniksomething deep and weird i bet
16:41.50GAN800I wish I had saved that itT post from the guy who said Texrat and I loved Nokia so much we'd go to Iraq for them.
16:41.51pupnikjavispedro: your work here could be used to fix sound in gp2x NES emu, GemRB, uhh... Snes9x - some other wonky OSS projects
16:42.28zerojayShit, i missed out on all that?
16:42.48pupnikI'd go to redmond first
16:43.54zerojayMaemo summit 2010: the occupation
16:44.09zerojayRedmond, wa
16:44.20zerojayBe there!
16:47.01*** join/#maemo aquarius (
16:47.38ShadowJKjavispedro, so either SDL includes or your program isn't C++? :)
16:48.13javispedrothe g++ linker puts in some code SDL does not like
16:48.46javispedroas usual I'm not alone...
16:49.31javispedrohah. first hit mentions "a user of the nokia n810"
16:49.37javispedromy bet: broken libgcc_s on diablo.
16:49.42ShadowJKwtf is that google logo tonight?
16:49.57mgedminShadowJK: you know you can click on it, right?
16:50.01ShadowJKOh right
16:51.24mmu_screenoh unwind...
16:51.40javispedro-static-libgcc fixes it
16:51.45mmu_screenbtw I had probs the other day after rebuilding gcc for Haiku...
16:52.11mmu_screenoh, interesting
16:52.27mmu_screenhad to add some stuff to the bootloader ldscript and a fake abort()
16:52.48mmu_screenfor the arm port, I mean
16:53.01javispedroHaiku arm port??
16:53.07mmu_screenyes for GSoC
16:53.41ShadowJKwhich one is haiku again..
16:53.50zerojayOh boy, this freejazz guy...  Haha
16:54.18ShadowJKah, beos thing
16:54.30javispedrowould be very cool :)
16:55.27pupnikahh "recordmydesktop"
16:56.01ShadowJKI seem to remember there was this other non-unixy OS project too, but I can't remember what it was called
16:56.04ShadowJKand im not thinking of qnx
16:56.57ShadowJKoh that might be it
16:57.43javispedroSyllable also has an API that reminds me of BeOS
16:58.16*** join/#maemo blassey (n=blassey@nat/mozilla/x-a9b8041aba1da4ff)
16:58.27javispedrowonder wheter to file yet another diablo WONTFIX bug about this libgcc_s thing...
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17:09.22GAN800zerojay, I wonder how many more of those nuts we'll get with Fremantle. . . .
17:10.00RST38hMoo all
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17:10.24RST38hN900 to have a TV tuner!
17:11.11StskeepsRST38h: DVB-T might be neat :P
17:11.47aolDVB-H is useless .... DVB-T might be cool but not too realistic with the reception problems and all ?
17:11.49GAN800RST38h, yeah, Hava + 3G. ;)
17:12.44ShadowJKreception problems? Well, the broadcast network is designed for receivers hooked up to big directional antennas...
17:13.04zerojayWhere did you hear that it will have a tv tuner?
17:13.41aolShadowJK: DVB-H is designed for mobile devices, more robust transmission etc
17:13.55aolbut there is just no DVB-H channels
17:13.59ShadowJKyeah, I was referring to DVB-T
17:14.29aolyes, but as you mentioned DVB-T is designed to be received with a proper antenna
17:14.51Stskeepshmm, MS deal .. OneNote integration for tablet = <3
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17:23.49coldbootIt seems `dpkg-buildpackage -b -nc` actually cleans in sb1...
17:24.11coldbootfiferboy: javispedro: I fixed the bug, just had to add HIM Proxy code to sendKeyEvents()
17:24.55fiferboycoldboot: So there is no conversion to natvie X windows when inputing now?
17:25.10coldbootfiferboy: At least not in those two cases.
17:25.31coldbootfiferboy: We're releasing on Friday, and this is good enough for now, so I gotta build it.
17:25.38fiferboycoldboot: Excellent
17:25.58javispedrogood to know :)
17:25.59fiferboycoldboot: You are releasing based on qt 4.5.0?
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17:30.49coldbootfiferboy: Yeah.
17:31.12coldbootfiferboy: We don't have resources to make sure 4.5.2 or whatever the latest is doesn't have bugs.
17:31.20fiferboycoldboot: How are you distributing your modified libqt4-gui package?
17:35.09coldbootfiferboy: I make a new package with a new version number by editing debian/changelog, then we push the libqtgui*.deb package to some server that everyone downloads from automatically when they sync data.
17:35.16coldbootIt's actually not retarded, I was impressed.
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17:35.52fiferboycoldboot: Cool
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17:36.41VDVsxX-Fade, ping
17:38.20StskeepsVDVsx: would hidd --connect allow me to connect constantly with bluemaemo or do i need to do something better? :P
17:38.32Stskeeps(i have a media center pc i want to use with bluemaemo and often be disconnected)
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17:40.23VDVsxStskeeps, the connect is canceled if you leave the devices without any activity for a certain period, but you can reconnect from the n8x00 side
17:40.47VDVsxactually you only need to use HIDD one time
17:41.40VDVsxfor register the device, next connections can be done only in the n8x0 side
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17:43.03zerojayIs there something extra that needs to be done for ps3?
17:43.12zerojayI never got it to connect.
17:44.30zerojayAlways would error out during pairing.
17:44.38VDVsxthere's some hits in tmo
17:44.40VDVsx1 sec
17:46.50zerojayYeah, same method, but didn't work. Thanks anyways.
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17:47.15VDVsxzerojay, a new one or a old one ?
17:47.16Passelififerboy: what do you mean "some server"? is it installed as repository that contains new version of libqtgui ?
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17:47.52VDVsxit also depends in the firmware version, afaik
17:48.05Passelidid mention to coldboot
17:48.12fiferboyPasseli: That was coldboot that said that, but I think they are using something other than a repository
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17:51.28Passelicoldboot: can you explain in more detail the delivery method of your custom qt library?
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18:01.43coldbootPasseli: A debian package gets put on some server, the client software on a computer downloads those updates, when the nokia tablet connects to the computer, the computer puts those packages on the internal sd card, then the nokia checks for updates on the card and installs them.
18:02.07coldbootPasseli: So we can push any update as a debian package, and it will get pushed to the nokias whenever they're hooked up to a computer.
18:02.29coldbootIt's not a debian repository, this server.
18:02.36coldbootIt's just a webserver.
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18:37.53zerojay - opinions, please.
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18:40.16Stskeepszerojay: count Mer in
18:41.51GAN800zerojay, no camel case.
18:41.58GAN800Add a space in there.
18:42.10GAN800Hum, did I ever give you admin access?
18:42.20zerojayDoubt it.
18:42.46GAN800Ah, crap, phone's dying.
18:42.51zerojaySo just underscore between?
18:42.53Stskeepstime to get a N900
18:43.26GAN800zerojay, yeah.
18:43.42Stskeepszerojay: we have a set of part-mer-part-fremantle strings, en_US (by timeless), zh_CN (by dalin) and pl_PL (by tomaszd) on
18:43.44GAN8006 hours of 3G
18:43.54Proteousnot bad
18:44.13Stskeepszerojay: which we will gladly participate in experiments on :)
18:44.48VDVsxGAN800, 5800 ?
18:44.54zerojayGreat, i appreciate that.
18:45.02GAN800Yeah, 5800.
18:45.11GAN800zerojay, all permissioned up.
18:45.25Stskeepszerojay: we were originally going to do a similar thing but didn't find a person to push it through the process
18:45.35VDVsxGAN800, see, not everything is bad :P
18:45.49zerojayI'm not letting it die, i promise.
18:46.07zerojayGan800: thanks
18:46.38Stskeepsi scaringily feel comfortable with the en_US strings in Mer.. they just feel more comfortable :P
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18:49.23zerojayIs there anything else I should do before throwing it into the task proposals or is it good enough as is?
18:49.43coldbootHow long does a build of qt-maemo take for you guys on ARM in sb1?
18:50.06coldbootfiferboy: Did it take long for you?
18:50.32fiferboycoldboot: To get to what point?  I have never done a full build...
18:50.58fiferboycoldboot: I think you can check the OBS logs for the mer build, or the build logs for maemo extras
18:50.59coldbootfiferboy: Ah you just built* and copied it over, right? I'm trying to dpkg-buildpackage.
18:51.05fiferboycoldboot: Yes
18:51.13coldbootIs there a way to build only libqtgui4*.deb?
18:51.31Stskeepszerojay: it could be interesting to see if Transifex guys want to help out too
18:51.38fiferboycoldboot: Not really.  You can disable some stuff like WebKit in the config line, that would help
18:51.40Stskeepsthey might have a professional interest in this on their resumes.
18:51.51Stskeeps(in required)
18:51.52zerojayThey appear to.
18:51.57zerojayAs i said below
18:52.00coldbootfiferboy: When I tried doing that before, it broke the build process...
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18:54.24fiferboycoldboot: What did you take out?
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18:55.13coldbootfiferboy: When I put `-make libs` and stuff in the ./configure params, it broke.
18:55.27coldbootI kept adding more -make lines to try to get it to work, but it kept failing.
18:55.45fiferboycoldboot: Ah.  I'm not sure what effect taking out WebKit would have, but I am going to try it sometime
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19:09.31Luke-Jrthat's what she said!
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19:17.36timeless_mbpanyone here have the latest fremantle sdk installed?
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19:31.45zerojayWould if i could, but i don't run debian. :(
19:32.12timeless_mbpinstall virtualbox
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19:45.21VDVsxtimeless_mbp, beta 2 here
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19:46.39Andy80hi all
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20:57.07woglindehe javis
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21:11.28jeremiahcd / rm -rf
21:11.52javispedroonce that focus stealing thing happened to me, and I typed "exit" into a pidgin window
21:11.58javispedromy friend replied "exit: Cannot exit"
21:12.10zerojay/nick test
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21:15.57johnsqjeremiah: da fehlt ein ;
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21:16.35woglindejohnsq nö
21:21.26zerojayFinally going home.
21:21.58woglindehm seems tested the t91 with the wrong driver for the poulsbo
21:24.49johnsqwoglinde: too expensive, too unusable.
21:25.04woglindeyeah to expensive
21:25.08jeremiahjohnsq: Eh?
21:25.22woglindebut the poulsbo can play flash with outproblems
21:25.29jeremiahVad snackar du om?
21:26.11johnsqjeremiah: pc t91, ~ 450 euro, not usable outside, not usable keyboard, ...
21:27.01javispedro"Embedded" 120 MiB-ish graphics drivers.
21:27.12jeremiahjohnsq: Ah. I see.
21:27.17jeremiahMakes perfect sense.
21:27.47woglindejavispedro hehe its because of eclipse
21:28.21woglindejohnsq and you cant replace the slow internal 16gb ssd
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21:29.23johnsqhow long last the battery?
21:29.54woglindeor longer becaus of the z atom with 1,3 ghz
21:30.04woglindeup to 7 hours
21:30.06woglindeI bet
21:30.31johnsqthat would be a plus point
21:31.17johnsqno only 3 1/2 hours, last side
21:31.36woglindemy 901 can live up to 6 hours
21:31.52Mace_N8x0my aspire1 lasts 5hrs
21:32.04Mace_N8x0of use
21:32.17johnsqmy samsung q1 with big battery pack lasts ~8hours
21:32.51Mace_N8x0my vaporware touch book lasts 16 hrs
21:32.51zerojayN810 & mugen battery?
21:33.26woglindemacer when will you get it?
21:33.39woglindeare you on the first batch?
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21:36.14woglindejo florian
21:39.01woglindewow iegd is now at xerver 1.5
21:39.54RST38hMorrrre vuuuups
21:42.10johnsqis there a xserver which joins two computer displays?
21:42.42javispedro ?
21:43.49johnsqjavispedro: this more like x2x. I think about two n810 which have a joint display = window spans both displays
21:44.02pupnikjavispedro: i am not aware of what you do normally... besides this awesome thing.
21:44.12pupnikare you going to amsterdam?
21:44.28pupniki just wonder who this guy is
21:44.36woglindewhat awesome thing?
21:44.52javispedrothe snes emu I guess :P
21:44.59pupnikthe gp2x super nintendo emulator.  he did it sensibly.  not like what i tried.
21:45.22woglindeah okay
21:45.32pupnikor 'is doing'
21:45.35javispedroyou asked me yesterday if I remember well... it's early for me to tell
21:45.55woglindedoesnt run the emu on the n810?
21:46.25johnsqa good emulator would be another good use of the n810.
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21:48.03javispedroi'm starting my last academic year in a month, so it's gonna be fun
21:50.51Proteousa good snes emulator on the n810 would be much improved if they keyboard and d-pad didn't suck for playing games.
21:51.14johnsqProteous: use a wii mote
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21:53.41javispedroi personally want a good super mario kart playing machine :D
21:54.06johnsqjavispedro: with multiplayer support
21:54.07woglindehm n810 with bluetooth controller
21:54.28javispedrojohnsq, plausible, code is there but disabled.
21:54.52RST38hjavis: Buy a Mini
21:55.47javispedroMini as in the car? You want me to get arrested ? ;)
21:55.49zerojayGet a used psp.
21:56.02woglindeget a pandora
21:56.07woglinde*duck and hide*
21:56.09RST38hjavis: Only if you drive Koopa off the road
21:56.37*** join/#maemo dforsyth (
21:57.05javispedrowould buy a DS if he knew he'd use it for more than an hour.
21:57.19RST38hjavis: One word: Castlevania
21:57.30johnsqjavispedro: you can install linux on the nds
21:57.55javispedrolol it has SDL.
22:03.53javispedrois osso-games-startup worth the effort?
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22:32.04pupnikgovernments are fucking satan
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22:32.21derfI hope he's enjoying it.
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22:34.52chxOn tablet
22:35.03chxOh joy
22:36.16woglindechx why not?
22:37.06chxIt failed quite a few times
22:38.44javispedroas usual, the tablet battery fails middle flower cup
22:39.35woglindegood nite
22:41.29pupnikok.  i am not renting anything for the maemo summit.  i will sleep in my car and donate the savings (200 EURO) to
22:41.48*** join/#maemo dieb__ (n=dieb@
22:42.15pupnikand quim, i WAS the 100th to join the summit
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23:10.42pupnikyou know what rules?
23:10.46pupnikno maemo summits in USA
23:10.53javispedrolol :D
23:10.54pupnikno arrests, no stealing of laptops
23:11.48javispedroi'm looking at the whole snesadvance.dat thing
23:12.03javispedroseems they make "idle loops" shorter or things like that
23:12.32z4chhhow does maemo autostart daemons at boot? e.g. sshd?
23:12.54javispedrothinks about the possiblity of replacing those idle loops with some invalid opcode trapped by the cpuemu and sleep()
23:13.00javispedro(like the mac emulator does)
23:13.23javispedroz4chh, sysvinit. like your desktop debian mostly.
23:13.49javispedro(in fremantle it is is replaced about upstartd which I know nothing about)
23:14.14z4chhrofl @ the bot
23:14.16zerojayPCjavispedro: Yeah, it's mostly stuff like that.
23:14.26pupnikcool javispedro
23:14.43pupnikbut don't let cpu governor drop to low mhz :)
23:14.48javispedrodocumented here:
23:15.00javispedrovery well written
23:15.24pupnikyep read it.  absorbed maybe 10%
23:15.28zerojayPCThe PSP version of SNES9x allowed you to use the snesadvance speedhacks as well and for the most part, they work great.
23:16.19pupniki am under the impression that the gp2x guys put in a lot of work to make snes9x run fast under ARM
23:16.39javispedroseems so, and according to their notes they've gotten it faster than what I currently get
23:17.13zerojayPCYeah, PSP has most games at 45-60fps.
23:17.52javispedrowhich emu zerojay?
23:18.25javispedrooh, PSP is MIPS
23:19.06zerojayPCOne of the SNES9x ports.. can't remember the name offhand.
23:19.46zerojayPCI scrobble all the music I listen to.... and I go to the site for the first time in months and I have 20 or so friends requests.
23:19.59zerojayPCEvery single last one of them is from someone living in Germany.
23:20.25zerojayPCThat wouldn't be all that odd if I lived there but I'm Canadian.
23:21.53pupnikmy music friends tell me what to buy, and give me ftp and streams
23:22.06pupnikbut is kind of the new napster, isn't it
23:22.40*** join/#maemo dieb__ (n=dieb@
23:23.04zerojayPCMainly about creating a profile and seeing what you listen to and getting recommendations. Also does streaming radio.
23:23.54ProteousI was attempting to hack a bluetooth keyboard into a NES controller but I couldn't come up with enough space for the keyboard circuit board and a battery pack that would fit in the controller body
23:24.15Proteoushave to make an external batterypack or something.
23:30.26*** join/#maemo straind` (
23:31.54Proteoushmm, or make a bus powered version that connects via USB
23:32.08Proteousalthough a bluetooth one would be more usefull with other devices
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23:46.47Mace_N8x0zerojayPC, you might want to tell them the names list is broken too
23:47.19zerojayPCWhat's wrong with the names list?
23:47.19Mace_N8x0you cant msg ppl using the rtcom names list
23:47.19zerojayPCI almost always turn that off.
23:47.22zerojayPCYeah, I did notice that.
23:47.24Mace_N8x0nor can you scroll down
23:47.27zerojayPCI will.
23:47.32Mace_N8x0and click on someone
23:47.43zerojayPCI was able to scroll, but when you click on someone, it pops you back up to the top.
23:47.45Mace_N8x0because it just goes back to the top of the list
23:47.53Mace_N8x0yeah heh
23:47.58zerojayPCI'll enter them after I'm done with this one.
23:48.13Mace_N8x0other than those little things
23:48.16*** join/#maemo aloisiojr (n=aloisio@
23:48.21Mace_N8x0this is pretty awesome
23:48.21zerojayPCGuess I should add myself to Bugsquad, huh?
23:48.41zerojayPCYeah, RTCOMM is pretty great in general... just a lot of rough edges.
23:48.56Mace_N8x0you might ask
23:49.11Mace_N8x0that they add irc #s to the contact list
23:49.27Mace_N8x0so you dont have to go through ten things
23:50.01Mace_N8x0and using the irc net as the name instead of the nick would help too
23:50.13zerojayPCWell, telepathy-idle won't be a part of Fremantle anyways as far as I know, so... unless there's another RTCOMM release, it won't matter anyways. :/
23:50.34zerojayPCBut yeah, I'll suggest them anyways.
23:50.50Mace_N8x0well, we can only hope they stick with maemo4
23:50.55zerojayPCYou never know what may or may not be happening behind the curtain, so it's just better to report them anyways.
23:51.09Mace_N8x0otherwise im going to have to learn how to code haha
23:51.18*** join/#maemo nickar (n=nickar@
23:51.35Robot101zerojayPC: we (Collabora) are planning to update the 3rd party telepathy backends for fremantle
23:52.31Mace_N8x0Robot101, are you ditching diablo? :)
23:52.45Mace_N8x0can you fix those things first haha
23:52.50zerojayPCRobot101: Are you going to be at Maemo Summit?
23:53.05Robot101zerojayPC: we'll probably send some people, yeah
23:53.10Robot101we should probably, er, plan that a bit more
23:53.17zerojayPCBecause if you are... and if I get sponsorship... I'm going to kiss you, sir.
23:53.24Robot101we're kinda busy working on fremantle atm though :)
23:53.28GeneralAntillescan never remember if it's one l or two. . . .
23:53.40Mace_N8x0sounds like a bunch of maemo ppl discussing nuclear proliferation
23:54.00GeneralAntillesMace_N8x0, who says we aren't?
23:54.04zerojayPCYes, Maemo with Quim Jong Il. :)
23:54.28Mace_N8x0if diablo isnt supported, we are launching!
23:54.53GeneralAntillesMace_N8x0, I could care less about Diablo.
23:54.57GeneralAntillesMer is important now.
23:54.58*** join/#maemo dl9pf (n=dl9pf@opensuse/member/dl9pf)
23:55.25zerojayPCGeneralAntilles: Any sort of official knighting needs to be done for me to join Bugsquad?
23:55.52Mace_N8x0shoves his n810 into a drawer next to his Atari Lynx
23:56.00GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, stick your name on the Bugsquad wiki page, make sure you have editbugs and go for it.
23:56.24Robot101zerojayPC: I'd be more interested in pushing Empathy and Telepathy into Mer than working on diablo, yeah
23:56.27zerojayPCPretty sure I've had editbugs for a year or two already.. cool.
23:56.37zerojayPCRobot101: Makes sense to me.
23:56.53Robot101unfortunately we're pretty busy so our interns have been stolen onto other projects right now
23:57.08GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, triaging-streamlining comment templates are available on the Bugsquad pages.
23:57.43zerojayPCGeneralAntilles: Yep, I've already looked through them earlier.
23:57.54GeneralAntillesAlthough I never use them myself.
23:57.56Mace_N8x0not the!
23:58.24Robot101Mace_N8x0: well we tend to put interns on community projects, and keep the paying work for full-time staff
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23:59.03lcukthat sounds like a good strategy Robot101 :)
23:59.38Robot101it has a slightly awkward side-effect of making our community stuff kinda unmaintained just after it gets good
23:59.42Mace_N8x0Robot101, well tell one of the interns to fix the bugs before you leave diablo :)
23:59.49zerojayPCRobot101: Just hearing that you guys are working on telepathy for Fremantle has made my day. I hope that maybe the bugs I'm entering on some of the telepathy packages, IRC (idle) in particular, will be looked at.

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