IRC log for #maemo on 20090522

00:06.23GeneralAntillesI wish we had some sort of timeframe for implementing Extras QA
00:08.20*** join/#maemo joelmaher_ (n=joelmahe@
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00:15.37*** join/#maemo BogdanR (n=Bogdan@
00:19.15GeneralAntillesNokia and their goddamn charger notices.
00:19.31GeneralAntillesThese things make me want to never buy Nokia products again.
00:27.53*** join/#maemo punkass (n=punkass@unaffiliated/punkass)
00:28.14*** join/#maemo EspeonEefi (i=eefi@SAFFRONCITY.MIT.EDU)
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01:05.13LiraNunaNokia better speed up, apple has a netbook coming soon
01:05.34LiraNunadamn I hate apple hype so bad
01:08.13shaprWill the next internet table charge from usb? Would make my life easier.
01:08.44*** join/#maemo matt_c (
01:08.57LiraNunanot much is known about the next tablet
01:09.07derfshapr: You can get an adapter for the current ones.
01:10.12LiraNunawould be nice if Nokia started some sort of survey about the next device
01:10.49LiraNunathough it's nice to be able to browse the sources and get an impression about what is speculative
01:13.40timelessgenerally hardware features in maemo devices are similar to other average nokia products as we share purchasing
01:13.45shaprLiraNuna: Next tablet uses an OMAP3430, will probably have an FM transmitter, I forget the rest.
01:14.01LiraNunashapr, I know, 3G was also 'announced'
01:14.15LiraNunaas well as a memory slot and opengl es 2.0
01:15.05LiraNunabut not much details are known
01:15.31LiraNunaI saw a post on maemo forums about the keyboard layout
01:18.57*** join/#maemo timeless_mbp (n=timeless@
01:20.54GeneralAntillesshapr, yes, USB.
01:21.30infobothmm... rx-51 is
01:21.37GeneralAntillesBasically everything we know.
01:22.02GeneralAntillesAlthough some stuff I left out (since it seemed obvious to me) and some stuff we've found out since (like the USB transceiver part ;)).
01:27.16LiraNunaI hope it'll be an N810 lookalike, I really like the way it looks and fells
01:45.13*** join/#maemo ktk_ (n=ktk@
01:52.57*** join/#maemo AndrewFBlack_ (
01:55.26timeless_mbpLiraNuna: aww, you mean you don't want the hardware designers to have a job?
01:55.38LiraNunatimeless, haha
01:55.52LiraNunatimeless_mbp, well, I meant no radical changes ;D
01:56.19timeless_mbpok, no Elephant shaped tablets
01:56.23timeless_mbpi guess we can live with that
01:56.41timeless_mbptigers ok? :)
01:57.03timeless_mbpsorry, i'm in a strange mood, starving again
01:58.33LiraNunanothing's wrong with a little humor :)
02:02.12*** join/#maemo christefano (
02:08.57GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, refrigerators are wonderful pieces of tech.
02:09.14timeless_mbpoh, i probably have some food at home
02:09.18timeless_mbpbut it's damp outside
02:09.58GeneralAntillesWhat, you a witch? :P
02:10.06GeneralAntillesIt's been raining so much here our pool overflowed
02:13.23*** join/#maemo xnt14 (
02:19.08timeless_mbpyou have a pool
02:19.13timeless_mbpWhat, are you rich? :P
02:19.21derfHe lives in Florida.
02:19.27derfEveryone has a pool.
02:19.37derfI don't think they make houses without them.
02:23.44Macerthey're sending bio-robots to the roof of chernobyl in order to clear the radioactive graphite from it :)
02:23.58*** join/#maemo pcfe` (
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02:25.18Macerdon't space suits protect against radioactivity?
02:28.06GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, well, my parents do and I'm home for the summer. ;)
02:28.45timeless_mbpthere was a movie like that recently
02:28.50GeneralAntillesBut, yes, Florida.
02:28.51timeless_mbpBad Boys 2?
02:29.02timeless_mbpthe one where the pool kept flooding :)
02:29.32*** join/#maemo ustunozgur_ (
02:31.21timeless_mbpbtw, how the heck do people read blogspots w/ archives that seem to be hundreds of screens long?
02:31.51*** join/#maemo Bobbe (
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02:36.52Bobbethe mascot topic at itt should be
02:39.24timeless_mbpghostbusters 3??
02:41.36timeless_mbpSlashdot just slashvertised the n810
02:43.36GeneralAntillesBe nice if Nokia could work out some sort of Ovi store deal with Amazon for ebooks.
02:44.44BobbeGeneralAntilles, I don't think they're giving away Kindle monopoly for any reasonable amounts of money (or a lot more than reasonable, I suppose)
02:45.05GeneralAntillesBobbe, sure, but one can wish. ;)
02:45.22timeless_mbpBobbe: amazon released a reader for the ipod
02:45.38BobbeGeneralAntilles, sure thing
02:46.36Bobbetimeless_mbp, yeah, but the MO is completely different
02:47.47Macerthey were showing deformed chernobyl babies
02:48.20GeneralAntillesAny way to get the 5800 browser to download an image?
02:49.59Bobbeno idea
02:50.04Bobbewhat happens when you click and hold?
02:50.15GeneralAntillesAbsolutely nothing.
02:50.31GeneralAntillesTap'n'hold works in a disappointingly limited number of places.
02:51.59Bobbewhat other browsers do you have for the N800? does opera mini work fine in it?
02:52.13GeneralAntillesDidn't bother to try.
02:52.23GeneralAntillesBrowsing is way inferior to my N800.
02:53.04Bobbeis it faster to load pages?
02:54.28BobbeGeneralAntilles, do u use the boxwave screen protector?
02:54.39*** join/#maemo z4chh (
02:55.01GeneralAntillesBobbe, yes.
02:55.10GeneralAntillesBobbe, faster to load, easier to use.
02:55.18GeneralAntillesMuch more functional.
02:55.35Bobbeyou mean the N800 is
02:55.36GeneralAntillesThe S60 5th's browser interface is the dumbest shit I've ever seen.
02:56.04Bobbein the s60 3rd browser you could press 1 to bring an on-screen menu
02:56.19Bobbenow try and find 1 in the browser
02:56.45timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: did you try skyfire?
02:56.59timeless_mbpBobbe: heh
02:59.26BobbeInvisible shield 50% off
02:59.33Bobbebought his boxwave already, but tempted
03:00.54GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, no.
03:01.04GeneralAntillesBobbe, invisible shield isn't as good
03:01.11GeneralAntilleswell, it's different anyway.
03:01.20GeneralAntillesI like a protector I can move from unit to unit as needed.
03:01.57*** join/#maemo ustunozgur_ (
03:01.57BobbeWas it 100% re-usable? Did it come off and back in easily?
03:03.21Bobbewell worth the buy then. Off with IS
03:04.09BobbeGeneralAntilles, you wouldn't happen to have a case to recommend it, would you? Not one of those silicon ones, more like a pouch where I could put cables and mmcs and stuff
03:05.46Bobbe<lyndak>: I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code.
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04:07.16LiraNunaoh wow
04:07.23LiraNunaPVR SGX GPL drivers
04:07.40LiraNunawhat's stopping them from giving the MBX drivers then?
04:12.41GAN800Different chips, different agreements.
04:12.49LiraNunaI know, it's just sad :<
04:12.58*** join/#maemo shapr (
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05:14.46thuxusually mini laptops have atom, but hp got that via model, is it as good/bad as atom ones?
05:20.02tank-manmost likely worst
05:21.05thuxok then i pass just would be cheap now
05:21.06RST38h[state-of-factly] Get a laptop with a real CPU
05:21.18luke-jryeah, none of that x86 crap
05:22.27RST38hluke-jr: What CPU is in the computer you are currently using?
05:23.12RST38hWhat computer are you using?
05:23.49thuxi got sempron and turion laptops, but my mini is asus 701 and would need better
05:23.51RST38hCan your N810 play a movie in DVD quality? Or play a semi-advanced game?
05:24.07luke-jrRST38h: if TI wasn't jerks? :p
05:24.23RST38hluke-jr: You really think it has anything to do with TI?
05:24.59luke-jrI do know that Samsung competitor SoC has hardware acceleration for h.264 decoding
05:25.13luke-jrI'd be surprised if TI's OMAP didn't
05:25.36RST38hOk, so you have got h.264 acceleration
05:25.45RST38hHow about a game of WoW?
05:25.59luke-jrWoW is a Win16 virtualization layer for WinNT ☺
05:26.11luke-jrWoW32 is the same, but for Win32 on Win64
05:26.11RST38hIt is mostly a generic computation task, mind you
05:26.54luke-jrkinda like WINE
05:26.56RST38hAh, do not fake ignorance
05:27.00luke-jrbut WoW-- Windows on Windows
05:27.27Macerhey! wine is not an emulator!
05:27.38luke-jrI care not for stupid proprietary games that idiotly overlap existing acronyms
05:27.43thuxis any mini lap better than others or all same?
05:28.00luke-jrthux: handheld, or netbook?
05:28.14luke-jrMacer: nobody said it was
05:28.47tank-mandefine better
05:29.09Maceri was just messing around
05:29.35Maceralthough i personally consider calling something an intepreter just a different word for emulator
05:29.48thuxbetter hmm like is asus or acer netbooks same or one better than other
05:29.49luke-jrMacer: WINE isn't an interpreter either
05:30.03luke-jrthux: define better
05:30.11Macerit's not?
05:30.14luke-jrthux: do you mean faster? more reliable?
05:30.18luke-jrMacer: not at all
05:30.20Macerwhat is it then?
05:30.24luke-jrMacer: WINE is just a collection of libraries
05:30.29luke-jrand a PE loader
05:30.30thuxyes faster
05:30.57thuxfastest netbook
05:31.20*** join/#maemo jaem_N810 (
05:31.24jaem_N810hey folks
05:31.25luke-jrMacer: with WINE, Windows apps are running the same way they do on Windows
05:31.39jaem_N810quick question
05:31.48luke-jrjaem_N810: no, I will not join your cult.
05:32.00jaem_N810luke-jr: I don't have one
05:32.26jaem_N810but I do have some pamphlets you might be interested in
05:32.29Macerluke-jr: then why do they run so crappy?
05:32.35*** join/#maemo djcb (
05:33.01jaem_N810Macer: Wine == dereenigne Windows
05:33.10jaem_N810therefore bugs
05:33.10luke-jrMacer: they don't
05:33.24luke-jrMacer: many apps run better in WINE than on Windows
05:33.36Macerwhen they run? :)
05:33.44Macerso what prevents them from running?
05:33.44jaem_N810Macer: exactly
05:33.50luke-jrMacer: any standard Win32 app should run fine
05:34.01luke-jrthe problem is mainly with apps that go beyond simple Win32
05:34.06*** join/#maemo x29a (n=x29a@unaffiliated/x29a)
05:34.13luke-jreg, perhaps internal NT native APIs
05:34.17luke-jror DirectX
05:34.18Macerwhy should it be a problem if it just uses win libs?
05:34.25jaem_N810I have a wgotten dump of sequentially numbered JPEGs from a webcomic
05:34.35Macerisn't directx just a collection of libs used to work with apis?
05:34.38luke-jrMacer: if it just uses Win libs, there is no problem
05:34.49RST38hMacer: No
05:34.53jaem_N810the stock Maemo image viewer sorts by standard alphanum, and therefore the comics are out of order
05:34.56luke-jrMacer: DirectX is a collection of special-purpose libraries
05:35.31tank-manjaem_N810, easy solution is rename your jpgs
05:35.35jaem_N810is there anything that will sort them numerically? (e.g. 2 < 10)
05:35.56RST38hMacer: It actually goes pretty deep into the system, the "libraries" are just the interface to the whole iceberg
05:35.56Macerwell. i think wine is around 30% success rate for me
05:35.57jaem_N810tank-man: there is that, but my other apps do it properly
05:36.25thuxRST38h: thanks,
05:36.29RST38hMacer: Started as a kind of SDL but as everything with Microsoft did not stay that way
05:36.41jaem_N810it's bedtime here, and I was looking for a quick fix... I'm not good at shell scripting
05:37.10jaem_N810it's on my list of "to-learn"'s
05:37.24luke-jrMacer: back when I used WINE, it was pretty much perfect with any app I cared about
05:37.59luke-jrwhich was like, VirtualDub, Sub Station Alpha, and Myst
05:38.24Macergoing to the way back when
05:38.32luke-jrMyst made CD-ROMs a success :p
05:38.38luke-jreveryone loves Myst
05:38.40Macerspeaking of myst. i should try playing a newer one
05:38.48Maceri haven't played myst in forever
05:38.50luke-jrMacer: they remade the original
05:38.57luke-jrsmooth 3D instead of snapshots
05:39.19jaem_N810night, folks
05:39.21*** part/#maemo jaem_N810 (
05:39.22Macerwoah really?
05:39.24Macerwhat's it called?
05:39.27luke-jrthat remake has a few glitches in WINE tho
05:39.38Maceri have a win box
05:39.40luke-jrof course, being 3D, it's not strictly Win32 ;)
05:39.49Maceri want to play myst. how old is it?
05:39.59Macerintel 945 is kind of a crappy gp
05:40.01luke-jrthe original or remake?
05:40.06Macerthe remake
05:40.28*** join/#maemo eichi (
05:40.32luke-jrMacer: Nov 2000
05:40.37thuxabout gaming, does dosbox run on tablet?
05:40.44luke-jrrealMyst: Interactive 3D Edition was a remake of Myst released in November 2000 for Windows PCs, and in January 2002 for the Macs. Unlike Myst and the Masterpiece Edition, realMyst featured free-roaming, real-time 3D graphics instead of pre-rendered stills.
05:40.55luke-jrthux: no, dosbox isn't an emulator either
05:41.06luke-jrI think
05:42.05thuxi personally would need dosemu on tablet, cause got one useful dos program which i use
05:42.26luke-jrMacer: Myst for PSP was released in 2006
05:42.30RST38hDBaseIII? =)
05:42.48luke-jrthux: Commander Keen?
05:43.06*** join/#maemo KurtKraut (n=ktk@unaffiliated/kurtkraut)
05:43.07thuxno this is like calculator
05:43.25luke-jrMacer: Myst for iPhone was literally JUST released :P
05:43.49*** part/#maemo SportChick (i=essy@freenode/staff/sportchick)
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06:18.43LiraNuna is down?
06:18.50LiraNunanvm it got back
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06:35.33BobbeGuys, my battery status icon keeps selecting itself all the time. It interrupts other programs, probably drains my battery little by little, and is fairly annoying in general. Is anybody having the same bug as I do?
06:36.17Myrttimy bf has that
06:36.48x29athe default powerapp or the "advanced" power applet?
06:37.19BobbeDefault toored pill modeVai no gerenciador de aplicativos e manda adicionar um repositrio novo ()
06:38.13Bobbemy vnc is bugged too =(
06:38.24BobbeI didn't install any advanced power monitor apps =)
06:38.48x29ahmm, works for me, sorry
06:38.58x29ado you have any settingspage open still in background
06:39.23x29aor which services are running? is it comming to the foreground because it thinks there is a plug installed (hw issue)?
06:40.42Macerwell. now gibbs quit
06:40.44*** join/#maemo havan (n=havan@
06:40.45Macerwtf ncis!
06:40.52Macerfirst you kill kate then make gibbs quit!
06:42.04*** join/#maemo Wikier (
06:42.12StsN800shush with the spoilers
06:42.13Bobbeconnecting the charger doesn't select the icon
06:42.43*** join/#maemo hannesw (
06:43.39Bobbehow can I tail the system log to see what happens when the icon auto-selects?
06:43.55MacerStsN800: are you actually watching it? :)
06:44.22Maceri figured not too many non-military people watched ncis
06:44.26StsN800Macer, not actively since i dont have a tv anymore
06:44.34StsN800its on tv here
06:44.50Maceryou don't have a computer?
06:45.40StsN800i do, and i have a media center, but ncis isnt one of the series i actively get
06:47.47Macerah . i see
06:59.55*** join/#maemo alexga (
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07:02.12MyrttiI wish that telepathy would give a bit better error information >__<
07:03.54*** join/#maemo simboss (
07:03.55StsN800"What Happen?!" type of errors?
07:04.48MyrttiStsN800: "Network Error" isn't exactly informative
07:04.59Myrttileaves me in the state of "D'oh"
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07:18.27Macerhm. that was somewhat odd
07:18.40Macerthis 1GHz artigo works well as a shell server
07:18.45Maceramongst a few other things
07:19.31Macermaybe a web server but it might be a tad bit too slow for anything serious
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07:47.40t_s_ook, that was scary. was doing some updates and the dpad led blinked, then the tablet rebooted, and next to the nokia logo it came a message about recovering a software update...
07:50.35Stskeepsyeah, those moments are kinda like the moments where you notice your baby is sitting in the window :P
07:51.06x29a_or even worse, michael jackson is holding it out of the window
07:51.16Stskeepsyeah :P
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07:58.44JaffaMorning, all
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08:01.35Stskeepsmorning jafffa
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08:05.58Stskeepsmorn timeless_mbp
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08:28.01RST38h  <-- a rare look into modest internals =)
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08:43.58Stskeepsheh, that's a funny bug
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09:08.32RST38hSts: From the way those comments sound, it is quite possible that Modest will not show counts of new messages for each account at the top UI screen
09:08.41RST38hUnless Quim talks sense into these guys of course
09:12.38StsN800thats lousy really
09:13.11StsN800i would continue using claws then
09:13.27*** join/#maemo florian_kc (
09:16.06*** join/#maemo andrei1089 (n=andrei10@
09:17.00aquatixas long as Modest doesn't mark read email as read on the imap server, i can't use it
09:17.13aquatixit seems it only does so when stopping the session
09:17.17aquatixand that's... never
09:17.25aquatixas it backgrounds
09:18.52*** join/#maemo _berto_ (
09:23.28suihkulokkiaquatix: bugnumber?
09:23.54RST38hsuihkulokki: It is irrelevant as none of Modest bugs will be fixed.
09:27.43*** join/#maemo mardi__ (n=mardi_@nat/ibm/x-adc070a35fbad029)
09:30.23suihkulokkiaquatix: you manage the dovecot server?
09:30.28RST38hmoo lardman
09:30.34aquatixsuihkulokki: yep, it's on my VPS
09:31.43suihkulokkiaquatix: you might want to try dovecot with the rawlog plugin to see what exact imap commands get sent and when:
09:33.27lardmannice page:
09:33.29suihkulokkiaquatix: I also think you mixed dovecot and exim4 version numbers in your bug comment :)
09:33.41aquatixmight be, it's been a while
09:34.01aquatixsuihkulokki: what i understand is that modest optimises network traffic
09:34.23aquatixit queues imap commands till it thinks it's done, like at the end of a session
09:34.35aquatixexcept that only happens when you stop its service
09:34.44aquatixor break the connection, but then it's too late
09:36.18roopeThat's weird. I thought I've seen the email message numbers on the default screen.
09:36.26suihkulokkiaquatix: that's a conclusion built on anecdoctal evidence
09:37.12suihkulokkihaving systematic evidence (such as logs) is better =)
09:37.35aquatixwell, i remember checking traffic/logs then
09:37.49aquatixwill true that rawlog
09:39.06*** join/#maemo zs (
09:40.56RST38hroope: maybe I misunderstood the comments in that bug
09:42.30roopeThen again, I've tried only one account at a time.
09:42.42roopeBut hmm.
09:42.56roopeAnyways, it's a lot nicer than anything previously. :)
09:43.28RST38hroope: only matters if it is nice enough
09:43.39RST38hthe Diablo version is not usable by any means
09:48.22*** join/#maemo eichi (
09:49.57timeless_mbpRST38h: which app?
09:50.02roopeI think it's pretty usable now.
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09:52.30RST38hroope: Oh I tried many times, it is not
09:52.44roopeHmm, that's weird.
09:52.48RST38hroope: I can go over the list of concrete problems but it is purely academical now
09:52.51aquatixhm, doesn't modest have a `refresh' folders option?
09:53.09RST38haquatix: It does but it does not work if background process failed to connect some time in the past
09:53.37RST38hFurthermore, for my POP3 account it does not seem to work at all now
09:53.43roopeok, I'll say this way: I've been using it now for the past weeks and ... I haven't encountered any showstoppers.
09:53.50roopebut your mileage may vary. :)
09:54.26RST38hroope: You may be using it in a very much controlled environment, perfect connection, IMAP server, verison of IMAP server is the same as the one they tested it with, etc
09:54.36aquatixah, restarting the client refreshes the folders
09:54.42roopePerhaps. I'm using gmail imap.
09:54.50RST38hroope: Believe me that in the wild it just never works
09:54.58RST38hYea, GMail access is semidecent now
09:55.39RST38hUnless you have intermittent WiFi (then it seems to hang until restart) or try to open virtual "folders" with hundreds of items
09:55.51lcukRST38h, thats always the way, but full on testing and usage as primary system has to account for some confidence
09:56.09*** join/#maemo bilboed-pi (
09:57.36lcukroope, why arent you using it with nokia ovi servers anyway - i wouldv thought gmail was a swear word :p
09:57.50roopeNo, it's not a swear word. :)
09:58.32roopemy email is on gmail, so it's pretty natural of course.
09:58.42lcukthe harmattan ovi cal looks really cool btw :)
09:58.57*** join/#maemo matan (n=matan@
09:59.21RST38hdoes not see what the purpose of so many "social" apps is though
09:59.33RST38hOr maybe I just don't have any friends :)
09:59.46lcukheh rst
10:00.20RST38hThe whole thing does start looking more and more like comlogs from Hyperion though
10:01.01RST38hMaybe Nokia should just license the name and adapt it for their devices, given how awkward "multimedia computer" sounds
10:02.46lcukRST38h, you could add infobot and povbot! :D
10:02.51lcukthat way you could have updates
10:02.57MyrttiI wouldn't do a day without
10:03.07lcukhiya Myrtti \o
10:03.16*** join/#maemo x29a (n=x29a@unaffiliated/x29a)
10:03.49RST38hlcuk: that reminds me of a joke where a passerby sees little girl in the sandbox, tearing head off a teddy bear
10:03.56Myrttilcuk: ohai
10:04.09RST38hlcuk: So the guy asks "Why are you doing this? Do you hate teddy bears?"
10:04.45RST38hlcuk: And the girl answers "Well, I am not that fond of humans either..."
10:06.05x29ai suspected a punchline referring to the sandbox
10:06.29*** join/#maemo tbf (n=mathias@
10:07.30lcukheh x29a me too
10:07.43lcukMyrtti, which country are you in today then?
10:08.13Myrttilcuk: Finland
10:08.24Myrttilcuk: bought flights to uk though already
10:08.41RST38hchecks out, does not find anything useful... well, mostly
10:08.44aquatixRST38h: ooh, comlogs
10:09.05lcukexcellent is this for another short holiday or for longer this time
10:09.13Myrttilcuk: month or so
10:09.21Myrttiand no holidays :-P
10:11.15BogdanRWhat file(s) should I remove from OS2008 to make the initial wizzard appear?
10:12.14*** join/#maemo murrayc_ (
10:12.50t_s_otry control panel -> menu -> tools -> clear device or restore original settings...
10:14.13BogdanRI am interested in doing it from the CLI
10:14.27t_s_ono clue there, why from the cli btw?
10:14.43BogdanRI want to rebuild the image
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10:16.10t_s_oon that modest thing earlier, from what i can tell, modest is not really supposed to background itself, but one can get the same effect by having a connection get triggered that somehow never times out...
10:16.37t_s_obasically, modest is sitting there, trying to connect to the mail server, but never giving up for some odd reason...
10:17.23t_s_oalso, one can get the impression that it backgrounds itself by it having a bug ignoring the "do not check mail at a interval" setting...
10:18.53*** join/#maemo simon_ (
10:19.02aquatixhm, Ovi looks rather nice
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10:24.26aquatixso harmattan is fremantle+1? it will likely be an upgrade for rx51?
10:25.18lardmanI imagine sp
10:25.32aquatixas there's a lot of talking on harmattan now
10:25.42aquatixwith its widgets, ovi stuff and such
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10:29.23lcukMyrtti, all work and no play isnt good
10:29.30lcukwhats after harmattan?
10:29.51Myrttilcuk: Quim was asking for names in Jaiku months ago
10:30.03MyrttiI still think Ilmatar would be nice
10:30.05lcuki mean content lol
10:30.10lcukdont we have an app list already
10:30.31Myrttilcuk: pink unicorns, muffins and cotton candy
10:31.55lcukffs at least we will still have a stylus
10:32.08lcukotherwise unicorns would just be horses
10:34.42lcukneeds more cpu power
10:34.42lcukand more memory
10:34.50lcukand more test data
10:34.52aquatixcompiling stuff?
10:35.32lcuknahhh i did something last night and it works a treat,  i am just on the ragged edge of whats practical on device
10:35.51aquatixah right :)
10:36.23lcukit works really nicely but if i put all the bits in i want it gets a bit of lag - especially when loading the first subset
10:37.03lcukhmmmm thats changable just by the way i do ...
10:37.05lcukahhhhh :D
10:37.56*** join/#maemo amr (
10:38.02amrmy n810 just arrived, with a lock code
10:38.10amrits not the standard '12345' and i dont have the cable to flash it
10:38.12amradvice? :s
10:38.38Myrtti"return to seller"
10:39.07amrthe seller sent me an email saying "forgot the cable, ill forward it later today"
10:39.13amrjust awaiting his reply regarding the lock code
10:39.21StsN800try 0000?
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10:39.35amrand 1234, 12345
10:39.38amr5555, 55555
10:39.47amroh wait
10:39.49amrit was 55555
10:39.57aquatixnice :)
10:40.02amrwell, i better run
10:40.05amrcheers :)
10:40.22StsN800i would verify if it was stolen though
10:41.38*** join/#maemo calvaris (n=calvaris@
10:49.28aquatixhm, if i close modest, it suddenly marks the mail read
10:49.32aquatixso it queues
10:50.35*** join/#maemo doc|work (n=doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007)
10:51.28RST38hit should mark mail read when you open it for reading
10:51.46RST38hwhose idea was it to queue this stuff?
10:52.21RST38h(and is there a gconf key to disable this "helpful" feature? =))
11:04.14aquatixRST38h: yeah exactly
11:04.23aquatixi think it's a feature in the library it uses
11:04.31aquatixto optimise the amount of traffic used
11:04.34aquatixbut still...
11:12.54RST38hloudly wonders if anyone will fix this stuff
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11:37.06lcukis there anything built directly into maemo to upload a file to ftp
11:37.32*** join/#maemo eichi (
11:40.14t_s_onot that comes to mind
11:40.26t_s_otho there are ftp clients to be found...
11:40.42BogdanRI asked earlier what you have to do to see the startup wizzard
11:40.49BogdanRI found that out
11:41.16BogdanRYou have to create to files one in tmp and another one in /home/user
11:41.22lcukt_s_o, i have a file i want to upload back home and the only pathway i have is via ftp
11:41.39lcukBogdanR, i wouldnt go through all that, id just reflash
11:41.52lcukproblem  solved
11:42.08BogdanRit's a 30 seconds operation and maybe sometimes it comes in handy
11:42.17lcukeither that, or if i were mega rich, id just buy a new device every time i wanted to see startup screen
11:42.49*** join/#maemo VDVsx (
11:42.53lcuki cant even remember what it looks like heh
11:43.22BogdanRI am testing Mer now and I can't figure out how to close the calendar once it is opened
11:44.13lcukmer isnt maemo, and the first boot wizard does other things - like creating a user account..
11:44.44BogdanRTotally different
11:44.57BogdanRMaemo was 30 minutes ago and now I am testing Mer :)
11:48.55BogdanRHow can I install applications to Mer?
11:50.38JaffaBogdanR: apt-get for random Ubuntu stuff, or the Application Manager as on Maemo
11:51.40BogdanRYes, but in the application manager the catalogues are empty
11:51.50BogdanRCan I use catalogues from Maemo?
11:52.41JaffaBogdanR: There's a Mer repo which should contain some stuff, I believe. And you can try Maemo Extras - some things may not work straight off though
11:53.26BogdanRThe Mer repo that is installed in the Application manager seems to be empty
11:54.34*** join/#maemo alehorst (n=alehorst@
12:01.33BogdanRI added the link to the extras repository in the application manager and nothing shows up
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12:26.14lcuklardman, any further with pvr
12:26.40lcukand is it possible to break it into the function sized blocks  and let distributed conversion occur
12:27.00lcukso whether its you alone  or  if people want to join in and help they can
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12:36.51t_s_ohrmf, how come finefm never wants to install on mer-VM?
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12:39.51t_s_oand on that note, i cant get the fremantle style dialog windows to behave. no amount of clicking outside their area makes them close. only hitting esc on the keyboard seems to do the trick...
12:41.16aquatixanyone know whether fremantle can sync with ovi?
12:41.53Corsac(what's ovi?)
12:42.05Corsac(it'd be nice if fremantle had real sync and pda capabilities :/)
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13:11.23fiferboylbt: Are infinite loops that delay the start up of all Qt programs indefinitely desirable?
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13:44.34murrayct_s_o: You should really put a small-as-possible test case in bugzilla then.
13:45.41murrayct_s_o: About the dialogs not closing.
13:46.50rkirtiMay I know what replaces libgpsbt and libgpsmgr in the latest maemo versions ?
13:46.58t_s_ohow about this, open up app manager, open up catalogs dialog, try to click outside it, nothing happens...
13:48.28danielwilmst_s_o: have a look here
13:48.55t_s_odanielwilms: wrong person ;)
13:49.29danielwilmshaha ups...damn copy and paste :D
13:49.46danielwilmsrkirti: have a look here
13:49.52danielwilmsahhh :)
13:51.04rkirtidanielwilms, GAN800 : thanks. I couldnt find the source/bin. blob in the diablo repo, maybe I should be looking somewhere else
13:51.37GAN800rkirti, Diablo arguably isn't 'latest'
13:52.02GAN800Whether you're after Diablo or Fremantle is important.
13:52.23VDVsxand liblocation is not OSS atm
13:52.31rkirtiGAN800:  fair point. my fault there. I am building stuff for diablo (to get started with)
13:53.45danielwilmsyep...liblocation is a closed component
13:56.42*** join/#maemo amr (
13:56.44amrhello :)
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14:02.44rkirtiok. this sounds really silly, but 'it' (== the binary and/or devel headers of liblocation which a full build of diablo should contain) doesnt seem to be in the main diablo or extras-devel repo...
14:04.05*** join/#maemo amr- (
14:04.36amrn810 is cool.
14:05.38rkirtioops. somebody has asked the same question before. Its not in the repo.(wonder why devel-headers cant be in the repo)
14:05.47danielwilmsrkirti sorry, I've overread that you are developing in diablo...liblocation api is new in  fremantle
14:06.12rkirtidanielwilms: I see. thanks for that info.
14:06.56danielwilmsrkirti no problem...and now I will go into the weekend :) bye bye
14:07.12*** join/#maemo lopz (n=gentoo@unaffiliated/lopz)
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14:11.33amris it just me that has problems accessing the maemo site on a tablet?
14:11.39amri did on my 770 and now i am on my n810
14:11.53amrtotally different connections & places
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14:17.39GAN800amr, 'problems'?
14:17.48amrwell, it doesn't load
14:19.24GAN800It doesn't connect? It shows a blank screen? It throws an error?
14:19.27*** join/#maemo lmoura (n=lauromou@
14:20.11amrone sec and ill try again
14:20.15amrim fairly sure it just doesnt connect
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15:21.39andrewfblacksure is quiet today
15:21.48amrim playing with my new n810 :)
15:22.37andrewfblackexciting when you first get it isn't it :)
15:22.42amryeah, very
15:22.52amrinfinitely better than my broken 770
15:23.08andrewfblacklol yeah thats am upgrade alright
15:23.13*** join/#maemo t_s_o (
15:23.41amrwell that was weird
15:23.44amrmy macbook just logged itself out
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15:37.59coldbootHow can you partition the /dev/mmcblk0p1 device on a nokia n810 device?
15:38.15coldbootWith cfdisk I get "fatal error; Bad primary partition 0: partition begins after end-of-disk"
15:39.19n6pfkHi, I get know audio alerts using chat.  Is there a fix?
15:41.55amrhmm, i hope this is my wireless being funky in my room
15:42.04amri cant seem to connect to anything besides standard http requests
15:42.07amron port 80
15:44.27jeremiahn6pfk: Did you change your settings on your device? You can turn off and on different types of notification.
15:44.42jeremiahamr: Hard to diagnose from here. :P
15:45.54amri'll use the property uni wireless later
15:45.58amrsee if it's the same problem
15:47.27jeremiahIt sounds to me as if someone is blocking ports
15:47.42jeremiahBut if you can get a shell you can do some telneting.
15:48.16amrwell what im doing is sharing the wired internet in my room
15:48.21amrthrough my laptops wireless
15:48.27amrand its being flakey
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15:51.12jeremiahamr: Ah.
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15:56.14n6pfkYes I set the alerts in settings.
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16:02.18amrtring to install rootsh
16:02.28amrstuck @ 50% on preaparing
16:02.33amrwont advance
16:03.56amroh, after 5 minutes it progresses :p
16:04.04amri wonder what took so long
16:08.15nomisamr: one possible explantation might be, that it generated the host key and that the entropy pool was exhausted.
16:13.08coldbootI've got scratchbox 2, and in the armel target it's not using the optimized compiler, it's using /usr/bin/gcc which is really slow.
16:13.14coldbootHow would I fix that?
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16:14.46jeremiahcoldboot: Hmm, good question. I don't know the answer off the top of my head. Did you change your target in scratchbox?
16:15.00coldbootjeremiah: Yeah I'm in the armel target for sure.
16:15.08coldbootThis is scratchbox2 remember, it's very different from 1.
16:15.14jeremiahcoldboot: Which OS, diablo or fremantle
16:15.38coldbootjeremiah: Diablo
16:15.47jeremiahYeah, I am just going to confuse your more since I don't know the answer.
16:16.02jeremiahBut I remember reading somewhere that the optimized compiler should be the default
16:16.25coldbootWell yeah. ;)
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16:30.34jasonlifeI'm wondering what people normally do with N810..  After a few months of purchasing nokia, i'm not kind of really into it anymore.. :P
16:30.52jasonlifeWhat do you do with your nokia guys?
16:32.26*** join/#maemo StsN800 (
16:32.41ProteousI use mine for a gps in the car
16:32.42coldbootjasonlife: To be honest, I think it really sucks.
16:33.13ProteousI listen to a ton of podcasts on it in bed
16:33.33coldbootIt's big, clunky, heavy, has crappy disk capacity, the interface doesn't really have any advantages over Blackberry or iPhone, it doesn't have a cell radio...
16:33.39ProteousI'm ircing on it right now since my computer is off
16:33.49coldbootThe keyboard is one of the worst I've ever seen on a mobile device, even worse than the fake iPhone keyboard.
16:34.03coldbootNot many people develop for the thing.
16:34.20ProteousI'm pretty quick on the keypad
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16:34.31RazumihinIt's not that bad really
16:34.35Proteousfaster then on an iphone anyway
16:34.54RazumihinAnd I use n810 for small journal notebook replacement.
16:35.01Proteousbut I @9$?5 92$ !$ 80/9$3
16:35.02Razumihin(and also read ebooks)
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16:35.44Proteoussometimes I press the func key twice and get gibberish
16:35.53Proteousit's exciting
16:36.14RazumihinYeah. That happens.
16:36.42Proteousmy soon to be ariving n97 will replace my n810 as an in pocket device
16:36.44RazumihinMy biggest complaints for n810 is still the keyboard and cpu speed.
16:36.57jasonlifehmm.  can't find really good killer apps on it..
16:37.04RazumihinEverything i've used have too small screen.
16:37.12Proteousssh is my killer app
16:37.13Razumihinvim/emacs :)
16:37.27Proteousthat and tversity upnp streaming
16:37.28Razumihinalso firefox with vimperator ;)
16:37.28jasonlifewhat do you do with vim? I wonder
16:38.08RazumihinPretty much everything. Editing small parts of text usually.
16:38.09GAN800jasonlife, GPS, ebooks, podcasts, movies, remote TV streaming, web browsing, email, mobile games, mobile IRC.
16:38.41GAN800coldboot, you, apparently, haven't used many Blackberries or iPhones.
16:38.46ProteousI wish the n810 had a better dpad for games
16:38.47Razumihinn810 is more eeepc replacement than smartphone replacement for me.
16:39.03Proteoussine it's not a phone...
16:39.09jasonlifeIs firefox working on n810?
16:39.16RazumihinWith debian yes.
16:39.22GAN800jasonlife, default browser is Gecko.
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16:39.28RazumihinSomewhat slow, but enough for me ;)
16:39.29dev-zerohi everyone
16:39.33jasonlifeyes,, I'm using Gecko now..
16:39.36coldbootGAN800: The blackberry keyboard is the best.
16:39.49RazumihinThere's no better than Nokia 9500
16:39.50coldbootGAN800: I've had a blackberry for 2 years, and I've got an iPod touch.
16:39.57Razumihin(i'm still ysing)
16:39.58GAN800coldboot, UI-wise.
16:40.08GAN800iPod can't multitask.
16:40.10dev-zerodoes somebody know whether it's possible to have a PAN connection with the N770 over bluetooth (doesn't matter what firmware, just one)?
16:40.19coldbootGAN800: Yeah that does suck, I really hate that about the iPhone.
16:40.20*** join/#maemo mavhk (
16:40.34coldbootGAN800: I can get so much done so quickly with the blackberry, though, as long as it's not media related.
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16:40.45ProteousI've done DUN on my 770
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16:41.19RazumihinBut nowadays maemo is still more nerdish gadget. It hasn't got flashy menus like iPod touch, but for cs guy like me it's lot better.
16:41.22Proteousbut my phone doesn't do pan
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16:42.19ProteousI don't do anything on my 770 anymore due to the WSOD
16:42.38coldbootI think the platform's going to die.
16:42.53ProteousI think you are going to die
16:43.21jasonlifeevery platform's going to die
16:43.48Proteousmaemo.. m a e m maaaaemoooo
16:43.59coldbootFor the pedantic, I meant the nokia Internet tablets are going to die out very soon.
16:44.08Proteous(sung to the tune of lola)
16:44.10GAN800Razumihin, seen the Fremantle Modest screencast?
16:44.15coldbootOr just remain in obscurity for a while.
16:44.18coldbootAs they are now.
16:44.20RazumihinGAN800: Nope
16:44.44GAN800coldboot, considering Nokia is likely to replace S60 with it in their high-end phones I think you're confused.
16:44.50RazumihinYes tablets are going to die and they will grow phone capabilities :)
16:45.06RazumihinGAN800: Oh, it spoke about that.  Yes I read the interview from nokia.
16:45.07yergaThe aliens are coming in this same instant to kill Maemo
16:45.23GAN800Check it out, there's a link to YouTube from the Ars article on the beta SDK.
16:45.41RazumihinAnd yes, maemo is lot better than S60
16:45.45coldbootGAN800: That does look more promising. But that S60 thing is huge.
16:45.51Razumihinfor users and codes alike.
16:45.52Proteousnokia stopped making the n810 and took a 90percent profit drop, I think they learned thier leason
16:46.09Razumihincoldboot: Nobody really WANTS to program anythin to s60
16:46.14Razumihinit's just pure shit.
16:46.28RazumihinMaemo on the other hand is quite pleasant to develop
16:46.29ProteousMMMMmmm pure shitt
16:47.09StsN800Razumihin, but could be nicer
16:47.51RazumihinStsN800: Yes, but it's lightyears away from symbians.
16:47.58RazumihinSo I don't complain :)
16:48.50RazumihinI love that it uses normal arm linux, lot easier to port desktop applications.
16:49.06RazumihinHope that they put more processing power to the next model.
16:49.20JaffaOMAP3430. Lots more juice
16:49.27amr<nomis> amr: one possible explantation might be, that it generated the host key and that the entropy pool was exhausted.
16:49.27amrsay what
16:50.47StsN800sounds correct
16:50.52RazumihinYes. Those new omaps look promising
16:51.16RazumihinI wouldn't like to have those intel atom chis inside it.
16:54.14*** join/#maemo briglia (n=briglia@
16:57.18Mikhowould somebody know how could I run a program inside scratchbox, from terminal, without using
16:57.38Mikhoif my program requires the dbus operates properly
16:58.19Mikhorun-standalone seems to connect my program to some other dbus than the one running inside scratchbox
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17:16.47coldbootHow do you install fdisk on the nokia n810 in Diablo?
17:17.19coldbootIt says it needs util-linux, which says it needs sysvinit, which won't be installed.
17:19.03coldbootcfdisk seemed to start working now.
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17:44.32andrewfblackis bored
17:45.25lcukandrewfblack, you seen the moblin overview thingy
17:46.06RST38hmoo all
17:46.12lcukhi there rst
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17:48.13RST38hheya lcuk
17:48.50lcukyou got anything more planned for your ti range
17:48.59lcukor have you exhausted that product line
17:49.23RST38hwell, I am planning on getting ti83+se, ti84+, and ti84+se working as soon as I get the firmware (Stskeeps, you promised)
17:49.38andrewfblacklcuk: yeah I've seen it
17:49.40RST38hAnd TiLink emulation for loading software
17:50.09lcukcool, in progress or next on the todo
17:50.31RST38hTiLink I have partially implemented
17:50.41RST38hAbsolutely out of time though, too much other work
17:50.45lcukandrewfblack, what do you think
17:50.53lcukRST38h, same with everything
17:51.06lcukwhats on your plate then
17:51.29lcukhas about 10 gazillion things as well
17:51.53RST38hcontract work
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17:54.21lcukthats a good thing :)
17:54.41oDudahello hello hello...
17:54.59RST38h"Exposure to radio waves causes item to type at high speed any information being transmitted over said radio waves."
17:55.08andrewfblackGot to figure out what to do at work now that I'm done with Minimalist theme again
17:55.16lcukoDuda has been kicked : excessive flood on greeting
17:55.29oDudawhat ?
17:55.40oDudaits serious ?
17:55.46lcukRST38h :D that sounds wicked
17:55.53lcukshame oDuda didnt last long
17:55.58RST38h"Item was approached by group of ten (10) scientists, at which point all keys began typing frantically in an unknown language."
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17:57.22oDudalcuk hl
17:58.13oDudalcuk hl=abreviated form of
18:01.28lcuklol oDuda
18:01.33fiferboylbt: Hi?
18:01.41lcukhiya fiferboy \o
18:01.47lcukisnt lbt tho
18:02.30fiferboyOkay, it took (a lot) longer than I thought it would, but I have added FingerScrollBars as a property that can be overridden on a widget-by-widget basis, or globally on QApplication
18:02.46lcukvery nice!
18:03.11lcukadding a global feature to anything thats got years of preexisting api expectance is tricky
18:04.17coldbootFor some reason I can't set partitions in fstab to mount "auto". When I try to mount them, it says mounting failed when the "auto" option is present.
18:04.28coldbootThis is on a nokia n810, any ideas why it can't mount auto?
18:04.50StsN800ext2.3,jbd, etc not loaded
18:05.57coldbootStsN800: You mean during boot?
18:06.16oDudacan i use maemo theme to create (from) theme to mer ?
18:06.22StsN800no depmod active
18:06.33coldbootStsN800: But even after I've booted, it won't mount with the auto option present.
18:06.57fiferboylbt: Email with source files sent
18:07.05lcukoDuda, the theme is linked to the positions of the stuff around the desktop (mantlepiece?) and so not directly
18:07.11lcuki think anyway
18:07.39oDudalcuk ty - what theme can i use to start from ?
18:08.19lcuki dunno, ask in #mer or StsN800 here lol
18:08.39oDudaoh yeah !
18:10.56oDudaStsN800 - where can i get a Mer theme to make (change) a new one ?
18:10.56oDudaty boy !
18:10.56lcukheh Sts
18:10.56lcukyou need merbot to just mirror stuff you say
18:12.30coldbootStsN800: Do you know how to get it to automatically mount partitions on boot?
18:14.45StsN800coldboot, not using maemo .. add insmod of ext2,3,jbd,mbcache in a init script and mount there
18:17.10coldbootStsN800: In an rc*.d script, you mean?
18:18.04StsN800i dislike parts of maemo
18:18.21coldbootWhat about in /etc/modprobe.d?
18:18.41StsN800not used afaik
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18:20.10coldbootStsN800: I'm trying to remount /usr on the 2 gig sd card that's stuck in the device, since the stupid thing only comes with a 256mb main drive.
18:20.25coldbootThat's why I'm trying to do this, so I can remount /usr somewhere else.
18:20.30coldbootIs there a better way to do this?
18:20.38StsN800compressed. honestly, clone to sd instead
18:20.50StsN800its well proven solution
18:20.50coldbootClone to sd?
18:21.09coldbootWhat do you mean?
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18:26.35coldbootStsN800: This: ?
18:26.49yergais previewing the first fremantle hot discussion on -developers
18:31.37RST38hStskeeps: 84+ BIOS?
18:32.29StsN800RST38h, not at home sorry
18:32.38StsN800200km away from it
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18:33.20RST38hah, I have almost forgotten
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18:47.13coldbootThis nupgrade script is awful.
18:48.03StsN800pengunbait console tools might be better
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18:52.02coldbootStsN800: Do you have a current guide for cloning to the SD card?
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18:52.26lcukcoldboot, wiki
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18:54.52coldbootYeah it doesn't work, says it can't find a device with a linux(83) partition on it.
18:55.03coldbootIt's also trying to access /dev/mmcblk1, which doesn't exist on my device.
18:55.13coldbootThe script just makes a bunch of assumptions.
18:56.17*** part/#maemo stv0 (
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19:01.19coldbootThere's a bug in the nupgrade script.
19:01.25coldbootReally crappy search and replace employed in there.
19:02.19RST38his going to hack 5800 into installing the latest firmware
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19:10.13VDVsx@maemo-devel -> "You can use the keyboard to copy and paste. There are shift and arrows keys."
19:10.16VDVsxd-pad :P
19:16.15StsN800yay dpad
19:19.14Maceri am watching kung fu the legend continues
19:19.26Macerit is like a flashback to the early 90s
19:19.34Macerno. i love older stuff
19:20.11Macerolder stuff cracks me up. what makes it even worse is that you can tell they just started to use video encoding when it was encoded
19:20.17Macerit's like super low res and blocky and shit :)
19:25.20RST38hAhhhaa! It found an update!
19:25.26coldbootHave you guys got gdb running successfully on the nokia n810?
19:26.06RST38hprays to the Tentacled One to finish the update successfully
19:27.01mgedminI remember a wiki page explaining about gdb...
19:27.22mgedminyou need to rebuild the stuff without frame pointer optimizations or some such to get reliable backtraces
19:27.48coldbootHow about getting it to simply execute the application? It just sits there for several minutes for me without doing anything.
19:28.17coldbootZero pages that match "gdb" on maemo's wiki.
19:29.25coldbootOkay the Maemo wiki's text search is completely broken.
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19:34.00RST38hHmm...update succeeded but bluetooth still does not work
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19:34.42coldbootWhere is the script?
19:35.44coldbootNevermind, it's in scratchbox.
19:36.03coldbootHow do you get gdb running on an n810?
19:36.09coldbootHave any of you ever done it successfully?
19:36.41mgedminthere's a tools repo that has gdb
19:37.15mgedminI have it installed, I don't recall ever using it
19:37.33mgedminthe "you need to rebuild stuff with different compiler flags" stops me :)
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19:37.45coldbootI wonder why this all can't be simple.
19:37.57mgedminbecause you have to work to make things simple
19:38.03coldbootDeveloping for this thing is a pain in the ass.
19:38.09matanis away: I'm busy
19:38.32mgedminUbuntu *almost* has it: everything they ship is built from sources on their build machines; the build process produces debug symbols in separate .deb packages
19:38.47mgedminto debug stuff, you add a repo, apt-get install the necessary -dbgsym packages, and start gdb
19:39.06mgedminwhere this breaks down: you have to manually figure out *which* -dbgsym packages you need (for the app and all the libraries)
19:39.17coldbootThat's not that bad.
19:39.24mgedminalso they have -updates, -proposed, and -backports repositores that often don't have -dbgsym packages
19:39.24coldbootThere should be a script that does it automatically.
19:39.27mgedminnot to mention PPAs
19:39.28coldbootLike apt-get build-dep
19:39.31coldbootThere should be apt-get debug-dep
19:39.49coldbootBut for me, on this stupid nokia device, gdb just sits there when asked to run a program that runs fine without gdb.
19:40.12mgedminI wouldn't mind a patch to gdb saying "you're missing debug packages for libfoo, libbar, libbaz.  Do you want to install those? [y/N]"
19:40.28coldbootmgedmin: User friendlyness is not gdb's philosophy.
19:40.34coldbootBut yeah, that would be great.
19:40.52mgedminbut it is Ubuntu's philosophy, that's why I said "a patch" :)
19:41.10mgedmin suggests looking at
19:41.45mgedminthe maemo_launcher stuff also makes debugging harder, which is a cost for optimizing app startup time
19:41.53mgedminI'm all for optimizing app startup time
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19:42.15StsN800and mem usage
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19:43.42parigaudihow do i install the maemo sdk on a NON-debian based linux distro (e.g. mandriva) ?
19:44.41parigaudiisn't there some distribution-independent generic installer available?
19:44.53mgedminI think there is, but I don't remember
19:45.09StsN800theres a guide on it afaik
19:46.58parigaudiwhat i found looks more like there WAS in some earlier version of the sdk, but this one not:
19:47.18mgedminwhich SDK version do you want to install?
19:48.32RST38hparigaudi: if you want things to work, you need to use one of officially supported distros
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19:49.41parigaudi... being: debian and derivatives only?
19:49.50RST38hmore or less
19:51.36parigaudiwow. that kinda sux. i mean, i do understand that it's easier to not have to deal with multiple distros, but this kinda forces most of the linux developers to install a second distro just for that or not develop for maemo
19:52.02StsN800i'm with you on tthat one, parigaudi
19:53.52parigaudias a side reference: even windows mobile development (including the ms device emulator) works fine from any linux distro
19:54.04coldbootI'm amazed.
19:56.08StsN800parigaudi, part reason why i started the mer project
19:57.41mgedminis surprised to hear that only debian+derivatives are officially supported
19:58.29coldbootThis link:
19:58.39coldbootIs broken, and the Scratchbox 2 install script depends on it.
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19:58.53coldbootThe maemo-sdk-installer, that is.
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19:59.49coldbootWhat happened to ?
20:02.58matanis back (gone 00:24:48)
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20:18.21coldbootIs anyone using Scratchbox 2 here?
20:19.37mgedminI tried it a while ago
20:19.50mgedminwell, more specifically, I tried maemo-sdk-plus or whatever it was called
20:19.59mgedminit was based on scratchbox 2
20:20.10mgedminyou couldn't run apt-get install anything inside it, which was a downside
20:20.13mgedminmaybe it's been fixed since then
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20:21.52coldbootIt has.
20:22.07coldbootBut my scratchbox 2 is running the native arm gcc, which is slow as hell.
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20:48.23Myrttiwould you like to switch your internet service providings to a providings that provides your internet service providings better than your current internet service providings?
20:49.14mgedminwas that a spam?
20:49.17lcukMyrtti, :) do you wanna see what ive been doing
20:49.23lcukoooh and you mariua :D
20:50.04Myrttilcuk: sure?
20:50.34lcukheh i would normally post on jaiku but ive moved out :$
20:51.12crashanddieMyrtti, it's "internet service providER"
20:51.41Myrtticrashanddie: why are you bullying me?!
20:51.54crashanddienot bullying, just correcting
20:52.00lcukcrashanddie, complain at the vid itself and listen to it
20:52.04Myrtticrashanddie: FAIL!
20:52.27mgedminMyrtti: if you put quotation marks around quotes, people wouldn't assume it was you who said them :-)
20:52.39Myrttimgedmin: but that would RUIN the fun
20:52.51mgedmin"I can speak English just fine-ings" :-)
20:56.01parigaudibtw, do you guys have any info on when the n810 successor (n900? rx-51?) will come out and how much it will cost?
20:56.34ShadowJKI'm guessing September and 600
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20:56.39mgedminlcuk: the zoom in/out effect is sweet!
20:56.42ShadowJKthere's a forum thread for making bets :)
20:56.49ShadowJKthough I haven't participated
20:57.09crashanddiethere's actual bets
20:57.22ShadowJKi don't remember..
20:57.41crashanddieor just a win-a-day-of-fame kind of bet?
20:57.53parigaudi$600 ouch that would hurt
20:57.57ShadowJKcrashanddie, probably
20:58.25ShadowJKparigaudi, depends what you mean by "how much" too... these things drop in price continously after release..
20:58.49parigaudiindeed. the n810 is at a nice price now
20:58.57lcukmgedmin, :)
20:58.59crashanddiehow many years after release?
20:59.09parigaudithat's the prob
20:59.41crashanddieI don't care, if it comes out and Nokia proves again it's not confused about making it a phone, I'm game and buy it whatever the price
20:59.44ShadowJKand the N97 has been dropping in price even before the release heh
21:00.11ShadowJKMy guess is no regular gsm/3g voice :-)
21:00.38Macerkung fu the legend continues came out 17 years ago
21:00.55Maceri feel old :(
21:01.16parigaudiwhy not regular gsm/3g voice?
21:01.26crashanddieparigaudi, because it would be absolute shite?
21:01.35parigaudihow that?
21:01.42crashanddiespeak englese?
21:02.11Macerhm. just out of curiousity the new tablet will have an hspda modem correct?
21:02.14ShadowJKparigaudi, I am guessing they don't want maemo to "take over" from symbian yet.
21:02.26ShadowJKMacer, yes it's believed so
21:02.29crashanddieShadowJK, I don't want a bloody phone in there
21:02.34ShadowJKsince nokia has code for it
21:02.38Macerhm.. so it can make direct phone calls?
21:02.43ShadowJKMacer, not necessarily?
21:02.45crashanddieMacer, nope
21:02.48parigaudii mean, nobody forces you to use that feature if it has it, and having hdspa without being able to phone kinda forces you to have two devices with you where you could have all in one
21:02.50Macerwell. that sucks :)
21:03.01ShadowJKI mean, go buy a huawei modem and see if you can figure out how to make it do a regular call
21:03.02crashanddieparigaudi, ok, lemme get this straight
21:03.02mgedminhad crashanddie's reaction to bloody hardware keyboards, and changed his minds 15 minutes after getting a n810
21:03.08Macerso you pop a sim into it just to have something that can't be used for voice?
21:03.10mgedminum, his mind
21:03.13Maceri mean there's always skype but still
21:03.14mgedminI only got one
21:03.18ShadowJKMacer, yeah like on laptops with 3G
21:03.23ShadowJKthat just give you internets
21:03.36crashanddiemgedmin, actually, I still think the keyboard on the n810 is shit
21:03.38MacerShadowJK: hm. usually that would require a seperate acct/payment
21:03.47mgedmincrashanddie: do you have one?
21:03.52parigaudithe fact of having to carry around two devices (which are close to the same hardware-wise) is kinda pointless
21:03.54crashanddiemgedmin, yup
21:03.55Macerah well :)
21:04.00ShadowJKdunno, I can get 4 parallell sim cards to my primary account :)
21:04.04mgedmindo you think the n810 would be a better device without it?
21:04.09MacerShadowJK: i never tried that
21:04.12crashanddiemgedmin, probably
21:04.13Macerwonder if tmob does it
21:04.21mgedminall I can say is: I admire your principles
21:04.33Macerthen again though. if android gets a little better there won't be a need for the newer tablet
21:04.42Macerlike if it had cups
21:04.55crashanddiemgedmin, less bulkier, no slider, so we could probably have had a bigger battery or GPS antenna
21:05.03Maceri want cups on my damn phone :)
21:05.21ShadowJKI don't find android attractive at all to me.. atleast not with the current tivoized devices and java-only :)
21:05.22lcuki have refound the power of the n810 keyboard :)
21:05.45ShadowJKI love maemo because most of the regular desktop software I use works on it
21:06.03crashanddiemgedmin, and also: I was probably in a fanboi mode 15 minutes after getting the n810, truth be told, I booted my n810 for the first time in months yesterday
21:06.05MacerShadowJK: heh well... it has some linux stuff on it also ;)
21:06.13parigaudiShadowJK: exactly that pseudo-open java-only not-so-really-linux is kinda the total shit about android
21:06.48crashanddieparigaudi, pseudo-java as well
21:06.49mgedmincrashanddie: if I weren't reading e-books on mine, it'd probably also be lying in a drawer for months
21:06.50Macerparigaudi: haha
21:06.51ShadowJKparigaudi, agreed
21:07.00parigaudicrashanddie: indeed
21:07.06MacerShadowJK: but it can be used on a phone ;)
21:07.15Maceronce it gets androffice and cups it will be awesome
21:07.19crashanddieparigaudi, though, iPhone isn't any better, with all the obj-C going round
21:07.21Macermaybe a few more apps
21:07.32parigaudiMacer: that's the one big plus: you don't have to carry around _two_ devices
21:07.40Macerparigaudi: yeah
21:07.41ShadowJKI wonder how long until someone makes Mer able to do calls on the Freerunner :)
21:07.48Macerparigaudi: well. you need a bluetooth keyboard
21:07.50crashanddiethough, people, we have to agree on something: people insisting on developing a whole app in Python on a 400 Mhz CPU? Seriously, they're just being masochists
21:07.56parigaudicrashanddie: and apple holding developers in an iron grip
21:08.12Macerbut i would rather carry a bt keyboard and G1 than a phone bt keyboard and tablet
21:08.15parigaudiMacer: why the bluetooth keyboard?
21:08.22Macerparigaudi: for the office app ;)
21:08.27Maceri was using my n800 for school
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21:08.37Macerso i didn't have to carry a laptop. everything would fit in my pockets
21:08.43ShadowJKrarely carries his N800 and N810 anywhere
21:08.44crashanddieI don't know what kind of work you guys are doing, but I could never use my n810 for work...
21:08.51Macerwould even make pdfs of my books so i wouldn't have to carry those either
21:08.53ShadowJKbut I use them heavily, mostly at home
21:09.12Macerespecially after it got cups
21:09.21Macercups was awesome on the n800. i could just show up at home and print over wifi
21:09.34crashanddieyou've got a cups server at home?
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21:09.50Macerer...i have a wifi laser printer .. cups supports it
21:09.54parigaudime neither, i want a device that goes into a pocket, not an office system (when i want to do office stuff, i have a computer, when i'm mobile i wan't something really mobile)
21:09.56crashanddieoh man, and I thought I was a geek
21:09.59Macerthe n800 had cups on it for the printing
21:10.16Macerparigaudi: well.. the n800 was good for that for the most part
21:10.51ShadowJKwhen I'm mobile I make do with putty on my E70 :/
21:11.00parigaudiyeah well, i can live without cups on a mobile device
21:11.02Myrttin800 <3
21:11.27lcukn800 would be perfect if it had a keyboard :P
21:11.48lcukwhy would you want to put your cups on device ? wont you spill stuff on it?
21:12.19crashanddietimeless, I'll give you a free ticket to London if you get SA or 2FA to work on maemo ;)
21:12.29Macerlcuk: :-P
21:12.39Myrttilcuk: ;-)
21:12.48Myrttihearts her n800
21:13.01Macern800 was good but well.. the lack of qwerty
21:13.04lcukhave you give nyour 770 any love recently/
21:13.07Macerit drove me nuts pecking at it
21:13.09crashanddietimeless, SC support is a requirement though, I'll recompile AC to work as middleware on it :P
21:13.23lcukhas no bandage on :O
21:13.30crashanddieAAAAHHHH ZOMBIE
21:13.48lcukit is
21:14.03Myrttilcuk: it's on the windowsill back in Warboys, waiting for an inspiration to come and tell me what to do with it
21:14.03lcukthe skin all peeled off before - i couldv literally given the police my fingerprint
21:14.15crashanddiefor some reason I'm pretty sure nobody understood what I said to timeless
21:14.25crashanddietimeless, awesome dude, we can talk in coded messages!
21:14.25lcukMyrtti, if it runs os2008 stabily for you try bluemaemo
21:14.32lcukmake it a remote control/keyboard for 800
21:14.34Myrttilcuk: doesnt
21:14.42parigaudiunrelated question: what's the status of Qt for Maemo? i believe Nokia/Qt announced they would port it but still haven't?
21:14.58crashanddieparigaudi, I can tell you this much:
21:15.00StsN800it's ported
21:15.01lcukits available
21:15.02Myrttiwill prolly put Mer on it and let bf do funky stuff with it and the home automation system
21:15.04lcukbut unofficially
21:15.11Macerparigaudi: i've used qt3 on it. with kde 3.5
21:15.16Macernever tried kde4
21:15.23StsN800qt4.5 too
21:15.25lcukinstall the 770 in him and control him from 800
21:15.34parigaudiyeah well i don't care about kde, just qt, but i  need qt 4.5, not qt3
21:15.41lcukyou would be in heaven lol
21:15.44lcuk"do the dishes"
21:16.19Maceri hate doing laundry
21:16.19Myrttilcuk: but I can tell him over gtalk with my n800 to do the dishes downstairs already - he has n800 himself
21:16.25Macernext time i think i will just take it somewhere
21:16.31parigaudiStskeeps:  do i understand correctly that it was ported, but not by Qt Software, but other guys (presumably those who wanted kde on the n810)?
21:16.33MyrttiI don't mind laundry, I hate the dishes
21:16.48MacerMyrtti: laundry is a pain. at least you can knock out dishes in one movement
21:16.56parigaudiStsN800:  do i understand correctly that it was ported, but not by Qt Software, but other guys (presumably those who wanted kde on the n810)?
21:17.00Macerlaundry takes multiple trips and waiting
21:17.09crashanddie"Why did she kick you?" "I wanted a fellatio but the wifi died before it transmitted "job""
21:17.10lcukparigaudi, no, those wanting qt on tablet
21:17.14lcukgo visit the project and see
21:17.15parigaudisorry, tab completion on quassel sux
21:17.30parigaudicool thx guys
21:17.36Myrtticrashanddie: mrhmgh
21:17.41Myrtticrashanddie: you fail in funneh
21:18.12crashanddieMyrtti, and you fail in life, kiddo, now go back to your cave and learn yourself some English
21:18.19lcukcomically challenged ;)
21:18.20lbtparigaudi: some people use the Mer port of Qt on Maemo. Also there's no current plan to stop the Diablo branch AFAIK
21:18.26Macerkung fu the legend continues is so pseudo 80s :)
21:18.31roopeQt is cute.
21:18.42Maceryou know the early 90s where they were making that transition away from the 80s
21:18.45lcukoi crashanddie you are an overtired cranky git
21:18.47crashanddielcuk, better than a touch-based UI designer who gets his fingers chopped off :P
21:19.00Macerlike the highlander show with the purple versaci suits
21:19.02crashanddielcuk, yeah, probably true there
21:19.06Myrtticrashanddie: you fail in sarcasm. Also, extra brownie points for telling a non-native to go learn English.
21:19.19Myrttisarcasm-dar broken ahoy
21:19.25crashanddieMyrtti, I ain't native, dumb fuck
21:19.49crashanddieand that's not the first time I told you that
21:20.03crashanddiewhy is it people think the fact they weren't raised with a language is an excuse to make mistakes?
21:20.14Myrtticrashanddie: then it might not be the first time that I've told you I'm not *EITHER*
21:20.16crashanddieanyway, have a nice evening everyone, I'm out
21:20.24parigaudibetter yet: i ain't NO native (to be pronounced with a heavy southern Georgia dialect)
21:20.44Myrttigoes to fiddle with
21:21.00roopePeople fail at being not easily annoyed.
21:21.15crashanddieI'm always afraid when I hear fiddling followed by a website... I've been traumatised by
21:21.23lbtwanders off to a nicer channel...
21:21.44lcukseb fuck off till you are more sociable
21:21.55crashanddieaye, take care
21:22.37coldboothaha lemonparty
21:22.46*** join/#maemo danilocesar (n=danilo@
21:22.59coldbootDoes anyone know how to get scratchbox 2 running the x86 native arm compiler?
21:23.10coldbootI think my sb2 is running the arm arm compiler, which runs really slow.
21:23.10lcukroope,  ive got an update :)
21:23.15coldbootI have the x86 toolchain set...
21:25.27roopelcuk: it looks very smooth.
21:25.42lcukyeah it feels it too
21:26.15lcukpieces of it will fall over at any second, but im gettin into my mojo with it
21:27.56*** join/#maemo krutt (
21:28.37lcukroope, did you see the searching?
21:28.47roopeyes, looks sweet.
21:28.56*** join/#maemo amr (
21:28.57amrsup yo
21:29.20Myrttiwohoo, leveled up to level 5 \o/
21:31.57lbtX-Fade: when you see this... :)   How do I get empowered to manage Mer bugs?
21:34.21*** join/#maemo mgedmin (n=mg@
21:36.56Macerdamn i'm on load #9
21:37.03Macergoes to find something productive to do
21:38.27Maceri just found a flaw in the zimbra ypl licensing :) if you use their login you are forced to use their giant ZIMBRA logo
21:38.34Macerbut if you use a different portal.. you are golden
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22:56.33tank-manbad things can happen if is use "chsh" to change my login shell?
22:58.14tank-manforget it, I like to be safe
23:00.17tank-manmy /etc/shells file contains lines to shells that don't exist ... sounds bad
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23:33.36GeneralAntillesCan somebody have lbt ping me or Andre whenever he's back on?
23:35.35lcukit will be morning now i assume
23:36.03lcukhave you seen the video yet gan? :$
23:42.13*** join/#maemo dieb_ (n=dieb@
23:42.26GeneralAntilleslcuk, too lazy to click the link.
23:43.07lcukyou are in it :P
23:43.36lcukin your pimpin costume :D
23:44.01GeneralAntilleslcuk, just so you know, I'm bringing a set of bolt cutters to the Summit. :)
23:44.07GeneralAntillesGonna finish the job Nokia started.
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