IRC log for #maemo on 20081016

00:04.43*** join/#maemo profoX` (n=wesley@
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00:18.24*** join/#maemo Tuco (n=Y@unaffiliated/tuco)
00:23.21Pavlovanyone heard anything about beagle boards with more memory?
00:23.23*** join/#maemo rsalveti (n=salveti@
00:23.27Pavlovcoming out? ever?
00:29.36*** join/#maemo MoRpHeUz (n=morphbr@unaffiliated/morpheuz)
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00:34.39GeneralAntillesPavlov, the Beagle guys are interested in shipping a 256MB RAM PoP with no NAND.
00:34.46GeneralAntillesThey haven't actually shipped one yet, though.
00:35.10GeneralAntillesIf it's likely to happen, it seems likely that it'll be sometime in the next 3-4 months.
00:35.22GeneralAntilles#beagle is really the better place for Beagle Board-related questions, though. ;)
00:35.55Pavlovtries that out
00:36.03Pavlovoh i'm there too
00:36.18GeneralAntillesThough they tend to be active mostly during business hours.
00:36.41Pavlovk cool
00:36.55*** join/#maemo gentooer (
00:41.16*** join/#maemo Paulius (n=Paulius@unaffiliated/paulius)
00:42.00PauliusHey guys, small question. I have a 770 and bluetooth compatible cellphone. I want to do so that I could send SMS messages through my 770 (that is, compose on there and have my phone send it). I've searched forums and saw a few ways of doing it.
00:42.14PauliusWhat's the most recommended and possible simplest/foolproof way to achieve this?
00:43.43mgedminyour question assumes there is one
00:43.52mgedmintried PhoneLink, but had no luck with it
00:44.03PauliusYeah PhoneLink was one of the first choices there.
00:44.18PauliusI just wanted to get your opinions because it doesn't seem like they're actively distributing it for OS2006.
00:44.41PauliusCertain phones aren't compatible with the SMS sending. But I've just tried it out with my Mac and this software and it worked.
00:44.54PauliusMeaning that now I just need to find software on the 770-end of the equation.
00:50.02PauliusSpeaking of which...
00:50.10PauliusDo you think that OS2008 is viable on the 770?
00:50.29mgedminthere's a hacker's edition
00:50.33mgedminpersonally I wouldn't risk it
00:50.35Pauliusyes I know.
00:50.41PauliusI used to run it but it was terribly slow.
00:50.44GeneralAntillesWorks fine for me.
00:50.46mgedminbut then I'm rather conservative when it comes to software
00:50.50PauliusNow I'm reading some forum threads and people say that it works "fine"
00:50.55PauliusGeneralAntilles: What about the speed?
00:51.10Pauliusmgedmin: I can't stand the stability in OS2006 and I want access to newer software.
00:51.30GeneralAntillesEh, I cut my teeth on OS2005. ;)
00:51.47GeneralAntillesWith MMC booting, a 48MHz kernel and swap it wasn't too bad.
00:51.47PauliusWould you recommend upgrading the OS?
00:51.52PauliusWhat's your performance like.
00:52.07GeneralAntillesAdmittedly, I don't use my OS2008HE 770 as a primary device.
00:52.08PauliusDo you have any tutorial links for the 48MHz kernel?
00:52.19GeneralAntillesThere's a thread on itT by bunanson
00:52.22GeneralAntillesShould be easy to find.
00:52.25PauliusSo should I assume that it's still terribly slow?
00:52.44GeneralAntillesIt really depends on your threshold for slow.
00:52.49GeneralAntillesI find it to be acceptable
00:52.51GeneralAntillesothers may not
00:53.01PauliusIs it similar to browsing on OS2006, though?
00:53.07PauliusOS2006 loads a page in about 5 seconds.
00:53.09GeneralAntillesOS2007HE is a reasonable compromise between OS2008HE and OS2006.
00:53.28PauliusWhen I tried out 2008 and even 2007 some time ago (unoptimized, though) it took me about 15 seconds to load a page.
00:56.37PauliusI don't understand the MMC thing.
00:56.46PauliusSo the flash card is supposedly faster than the built-in flash?
00:57.04GeneralAntillesAt the very least, it isn't running a compressed filesystem.
00:57.16Pauliusoh, and it normally is?
00:57.30GeneralAntillesjffs2 is compressed.
00:57.34PauliusBut I'm presuming that the default 64MB card isn't enough then.
00:57.53PauliusHow much do I need/want?
00:58.02GeneralAntilles1GB is about right
00:58.07GeneralAntillesor 2GB if you can find one cheap enough
00:58.10Pauliuswow that much?
00:58.26Pauliusand most importantly... where do I find MMC memory...
00:58.34GeneralAntillesThe internet
00:58.54Pauliusyeah but shipping costs = teh fail
00:59.14GeneralAntillesBuy yourself a couple new harddrives off newegg while you're getting the card or something
00:59.20PauliusI'm in Canada.
00:59.26PauliusWe don't have good retailers such as newegg.
00:59.28GeneralAntillesnewegg ships to Canad. ;)
00:59.35PauliusYes but pricing is terrible.
00:59.39PauliusWay more expensive than retailers here.
00:59.52Pauliusbecause they charge for customs and stuff
01:00.46GeneralAntillesIf the card is too expensive, you might just as well try to find yourself a used N800.
01:00.57GeneralAntillesThe N800 is lightyears ahead of the 770.
01:01.17Pavlovsd cards are like $30 for 8gb
01:01.26PauliusPavlov: Not SD. MMC.
01:01.32PauliusI got tons of SD cards in my house.
01:02.01Paulius1GB DV RS MMC MEMORY
01:02.07PauliusThe heck does DV and RS stand for.
01:02.12GeneralAntillesReduced Size
01:02.18PauliusIs that what I want?
01:02.20GeneralAntillesProbably dual voltage
01:05.56mgedmina n8x0 is worth it
01:06.03ProteousI mean no
01:06.07Proteousworth it for what?
01:06.15Proteousmine was worth it
01:06.21Proteousbut yours might not be
01:06.25GeneralAntillesWorth it over the 770.
01:06.43mgedmintired and not comprehensible
01:07.03mgedmincpu and ram size alone are worth the switch
01:07.55PauliusYeah but I got better places for my money to go at the moment.
01:08.00PauliusAnd the 770 works for what it does.
01:08.04PauliusMinus the small annoyances.
01:08.31Proteousone word "KEYBOARD"
01:08.33povbotProteous: Error: "!!" is not a valid command.
01:08.41povbotProteous: Error: "!ERROR" is not a valid command.
01:08.53Proteous!ERROR not a valid command
01:08.53povbotProteous: Error: "ERROR" is not a valid command.
01:09.13povbotProteous: Error: "ERROR"" is not a valid command.
01:09.20PauliusI was thinking of getting an iPod touch... but the app store is terrible.
01:09.23povbotProteous: Error: "/"" is not a valid command.
01:09.33PauliusNo useful free apps, and don't feel like paying for an app that a teen did when he was bored.
01:09.46Proteousjust say no to bored teen apps
01:09.52GeneralAntillesmgedmin, any chance you could switch povbot's trigger?
01:09.54PauliusJust saying, I prefer OSS.
01:10.03mgedminpovbot, do you want me to switch your trigger?
01:10.03povbotmgedmin: Error: "do" is not a valid command.
01:10.04PauliusMy plan is to wait for the N810 prices to go down.
01:10.09PauliusIt's about 370$ right now.
01:10.26mgedmin$360 in amazon; someone said he saw it for $340 somewhere else
01:10.28ProteousI got mine open box from amazon for $325
01:10.40GeneralAntillesWhy wait for N810?
01:10.41Paulius370 at
01:10.42Proteousbesides missing the USB cable it was perfect
01:10.43GeneralAntillesN800 is cheap now.
01:10.54Proteousno KEYBOARD!!!!
01:10.54PauliusGeneralAntilles: yeah but N810 has some nice features
01:11.03Pauliuslike the keyboard, outside screen, GPS, etc.
01:11.12mgedminGPS sucks
01:11.13PauliusAnd I hate how the N800 looks.
01:11.14mgedminkeyboard rules
01:11.17GeneralAntillesN800 actually has storage
01:11.18mgedminn810 is pretty, that's true
01:11.20Pauliusmgedmin: Better than no GPS.
01:11.28whodatare there any articles on disassembling an n810
01:11.29mgedminPaulius: agreed
01:11.37mgedminyou don't have to use it
01:11.38mgedmin(but you have to pay for it)
01:11.45mgedminwhodat: I assume a large hammer would suffice
01:11.47PauliusThere are times when I wish I had a GPS.
01:11.50PauliusEven if it's crappy.
01:12.00GeneralAntillesThat's what Bluetooth GPS units are for.
01:12.03whodatmgedmin: word
01:12.08mgedminthe GPS is so bad I'm manually tracking my position in the maemo mapper
01:12.15PauliusGeneralAntilles: Well that's an extra cost.
01:12.16mgedminfrom the airport/bus station/whatever
01:12.16GeneralAntillesWay, way better than the N810's built-in chip.
01:12.23GeneralAntillesPaulius, yeah, so's an N810. :\
01:12.29PauliusI'm not an american, I don't buy shit just because it's cheap or that I might need in the future.
01:12.42mgedminI'm not an american
01:12.49mgedminI buy shit because it's awesome and I have spare cash
01:16.18*** join/#maemo harryl (n=kcome@
01:16.49whodatlol, very nice n810 docking station:
01:18.20whodatand didn't know the n810 had a serial port
01:18.48povbotmgedmin: Error: "!!" is not a valid command.
01:19.04mgedminhates supybot sometimes
01:20.23GeneralAntilleswhodat, they all do.
01:20.41povbotProteous: Error: No closing quotation
01:21.01povbotProteous: Error: "/"" is not a valid command.
01:21.16povbotProteous: Error: "/" is not a valid command.
01:23.52*** join/#maemo povbot (
01:23.57mgedmin! so there
01:24.08Proteouspovbot !!!!
01:24.14povbotProteous: Error: "!!!!" is not a valid command.
01:29.50*** join/#maemo cars__ (
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02:05.23lcuklobs a cup of tea @ mgedmin
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02:34.03mgedminducks and the cup misses him
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03:24.35cyrus___This may be a more complicated answer then what I am expecting but if someone has a chance, can they look at My question is, this code compiles just fine on my Gentoo system but not within scratchbox. It is complaining about _gtk_image_set_from_file_scaled which is defined in the file misc.c (not on some external library). So why would it compile just fine on Gentoo but not maemo
03:25.03*** join/#maemo secureendpoints (
03:28.36*** part/#maemo cyrus___ (
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03:30.08whodatgetting 'proxy authentication error' when trying to use the internet call, any ideas on this?
03:33.25*** join/#maemo Pebby_ (
03:41.27*** join/#maemo bef0rd (n=befr0d@
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04:50.08Proteousprobably some sort of proxy auth error
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05:50.29RST38hYouTube has rejected John McCain's request for special treatment when his campaign videos are hit with DMCA takedown notices
05:56.27*** join/#maemo bef0rd (n=befr0d@
06:05.14doc|homehow long before he introduces some sort of tax on being involved or using google?
06:05.54*** join/#maemo gomiam (n=magao@
06:06.41RST38hlong enough - I hope he loses the elections
06:07.16RST38halthough the guy does have long memory.
06:07.43*** join/#maemo mardi__ (
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06:14.39*** join/#maemo Khertan_n810 (n=khertan@
06:14.46Khertan_n810Hi !
06:14.55Khertan_n810maybe someone can help me
06:15.15*** join/#maemo bilboed (n=bilboed@pdpc/supporter/active/bilboed)
06:15.31Khertan_n810i ve a problem with mmc1 on my n810 swithching constantly in read only
06:15.38Khertan_n810and i don t why
06:15.41Khertan_n810nor i see why
06:15.51qwerty12Check if the card is corrupted
06:16.07Khertan_n810to understand if a log is  made somewhere
06:16.17*** part/#maemo peteblack (
06:16.23johnxthere's a kernel log available with dmesg
06:16.37Khertan_n810the problem seems related after a heavy metalayer crawler scan
06:16.58johnxprobably a corrupted card with errors being triggered by lots of I/O
06:17.16Khertan_n810i don t see anything in dmesg log
06:17.28Khertan_n810anything suspect about io
06:17.30johnxnothing about remounting?
06:17.46johnxYou should still try fsck'ing it
06:17.50*** join/#maemo juergbi (
06:18.03Khertan_n810remounting by unloading card
06:18.08Khertan_n810and reinsert it
06:19.13johnxbut dmesg doesn't say "remounting" anywhere?
06:20.32Khertan_n810give me right to write for 5 minutes
06:20.32Khertan_n810no fsck on n810
06:20.35Khertan_n810ping ?
06:21.12johnxheh, broadcast ping?
06:21.22bef0rddo you have a computer near? plug it in, and fsck it from there
06:21.31johnx^what he said^
06:21.37johnxor find e2fsprogs from somewhere
06:21.54qwerty12~curse C++
06:21.55infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, C++ !
06:22.23bef0rd~curse infobot
06:22.24infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, infobot !
06:22.35qwerty12~curse bef0rd for cursing infobot!
06:22.36infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, bef0rd for cursing infobot! !
06:22.58bef0rd:p limited cursing
06:23.14qwerty12yeah :P. I prefer lart
06:25.27Khertan_n810sorry the network connection is lagging
06:25.27Khertan_n810(phone data connection in train)
06:26.02johnxKhertan_n810, e2fsprogs is in extras
06:26.17johnxerr...but your card is FAT I bet
06:26.19johnxlet's see
06:26.51johnxyou want dosfstools in that case
06:27.02Khertan_n810yet FFat
06:27.02Khertan_n810Fucking FAT
06:28.06qwerty12Nokia in their infinite wisdom already included dosfstools with the tablet :)
06:28.17qwerty12fsck.vfat etc is already present on the tablets
06:29.11qwerty12oh shit, remove legal warning patch v2 actually works
06:30.06Khertan_n810dosfstools is already here
06:30.06Khertan_n810but i don t found commands
06:30.16qwerty12become root
06:31.21Khertan_n810There are differences between boot sector and its backup.
06:31.33Khertan_n810qwerty12: yep :)
06:31.44Khertan_n810i see that by myself
06:31.45Khertan_n810is a noob
06:32.01Khertan_n810Reclaimed 163 unused clusters (667648 bytes).
06:32.13Khertan_n810i will make a backup before
06:32.18johnxyes, corrupted was the right guess :)
06:32.29qwerty12had to run fsck recently too :). Untarring dd-wrt sources on mmc2 with N800 wasn't good idea
06:33.06Khertan_n810yep but this is strange that dmesg doesn t show anything  about mounting it in read only
06:36.42Khertan_n810i still don t understand also why everything and everybody and so many products use vfat fs for sdcard as it corrupt itself frequently
06:37.00*** join/#maemo geaaru (
06:37.01qwerty12it's all about windows :)
06:37.49Khertan_n810window can read other fs
06:38.12*** join/#maemo Wikier (
06:38.21Khertan_n810is it easier to implement ?
06:38.46qwerty12Not by default and I don't think support want to spend many hours in the end explaining how to get ext2 support for example on windows
06:39.09*** join/#maemo mrp (i=d4d5dbe5@gateway/web/ajax/
06:39.15Khertan_n810not by default ?
06:39.39Khertan_n810hum maybe it s the network administartor which enable it at work
06:39.48*** join/#maemo Dar (n=Dar_K@nat/sun/x-ad8f34168060139f)
06:39.55Khertan_n810sorry i m not a windows expert
06:40.03Khertan_n810use it only at work
06:41.35*** join/#maemo benh (
06:42.04Khertan_n810is there any  reason to not use ext3 on maemo for the sd card ?
06:42.40benhKhertan_n810: other than not mounting it on a !linux machine ?
06:42.41Khertan_n810i mean for advanced user not using windows
06:43.09Khertan_n810benh: not a problem ffor me
06:43.16benhI guessed
06:43.27qwerty12You usually use ext3 for sd card boots. For some odd reason, if the first partition on the memory card is ext3, it gets classified as corrupt as the app manager :/
06:43.37qwerty12s/app manager/file manager/
06:43.38Khertan_n810what i mean is with maemo can it made any problem
06:44.11Khertan_n810so file manager doesn t read it
06:44.27Khertan_n810any other app have problem with it ?
06:45.31Khertan_n810pictures viewer for examples ?
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06:48.11qwerty12Khertan_n810: probably. it does use hildon file selector.
06:48.45qwerty12You could make another ext2/3 partition, leaving the 1st one as FAT and store important data on there
06:50.39Khertan_n810yep but i use important data many times a day with hildon file selector
06:51.04Khertan_n810so if hildon file selector don t see the card it ll be a problem
06:51.43Khertan_n810is there a bug in bugzilla
06:52.32Khertan_n810anyway thx for help
06:52.35mrpanybody managed to get deblet port to 770 work?
06:52.40Khertan_n810i ll keep vfat
06:53.25Khertan_n810but i ll backup it and reformat it :)
06:54.20bef0rdI don't like hildon file selector :/
06:54.45Khertan_n810yep me too
06:55.00Khertan_n810but gtk one on maemo is difficult to use
06:55.10bef0rdtrue that.
06:55.18Khertan_n810i m arriving at office
06:55.23bef0rdbye Khertan_n810.
06:55.26Khertan_n810have a good day
06:55.33Khertan_n810and again thx for help
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07:05.56baabaerf, where do i get theoradec for gstreamer again?
07:10.53baabai was pretty sure it came with some dep for ogg-support but apparently not :(
07:18.08kulveit did in the past
07:18.48kulveI dropped all extra from the latest release because I had troubles to get even that working
07:27.57*** join/#maemo _pcfe_ (
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07:30.18JaffaMorning, all
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07:48.25RST38hmoo, Jaffa
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10:17.22mikkov_solmumaha: duke cd version and shareware levels are now in extras-devel
10:20.01solmumahagreat, i'll test them today
10:21.05solmumahai wonder if shadowwarrior is good enough for extras
10:21.10mikkov_I haven't tested cd version at all
10:22.46solmumahayou own duke3d?
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11:14.00lcukapt-get uninstall tooth
11:14.37lardmanapt-cache search dentist
11:14.50lardmanapt-cache search pliers
11:19.41MangoFusionshutdown -h now
11:24.40Jaffaalso undentists. Still got all my teeth, but concern over "small ulcers" on gums in my otherwise good mouth.
11:25.38lardmanJaffa: not enough alcohol to kill any bacteria in the mouth ;)
11:25.40lcuk[ESCAPE] [ESCAPE] [CTRL+f4] [poserkey]
11:25.55Jaffalardman: I like that idea :)
11:25.58johnxah, the poserkey?
11:26.04Jaffais migrained up at the moment, so probably won't help
11:26.23johnxpresses the poserkey, is suddenly dressed like a boyband member
11:29.13aquatixlets some of his female friends scream hyterically at johnx
11:30.06johnxpresses the button again, disables PoserLock
11:30.26aquatixah, not interested in groupies?
11:30.43johnxjust leads to awkwardness, and VD O_o
11:35.14lcukjohnx, tsk tsk groupies are fine as long as you install a firewall andrun a virus scan occasionally
11:35.49aquatixmight grow boring after a while, but it sure is fun for a while ;)
11:35.57johnxeven the best firewalls will get 0wned by a sufficiently skeery virus
11:36.06lcukonly boring if you stick to the same groupie
11:36.29macoute_johnx: ... though I havent seen a real-life example of that happening to iptables :P
11:36.38lcuklike fine wines, you should take a sip from lots of glasses
11:36.59johnxlcuk, aren't you supposed to spit afterwards?
11:37.15lcukno, but she can
11:38.03johnxpictures lcuk's female partner spitting on him :P
11:38.20macoute_johnx: have you, btw?
11:38.23lcukhey - i marked that album as private!
11:38.54aquatixlcuk: indeed you did
11:39.39lcuki actually dont understand that mentality you know: having an online photo album but setting it as private.  if you dont want people seeing your pictures, dont upload them in the first place
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11:39.56macoute_lcuk: :) thats kinda true
11:40.26macoute_and you shouldnt upload yor private pictures to a place with such an EULA as those places usually have
11:40.46johnxeh, I just set pics of other people as private in my flickr album
11:41.17johnxI don't see it as 100% security so much as avoiding being the low hanging fruit
11:41.39lcukjohnx, but havent most of these photo sharing websites had hacking incidents where their albums become public
11:41.40johnxmacoute_, no btw, due more to luck in my younger days than anything else
11:41.41aquatixlcuk: why not? maybe such software has login functionality, so you can share pics with family/friends and such?
11:41.53aquatixlcuk: fair enough
11:42.09lcukheh aquatix, its not just a silly thing
11:42.16johnxlcuk, sure, but and if that happens I'll shrug. I don't expect 100% privacy, just reasonable measures
11:42.20johnx<- pragmatist
11:42.22RST38hehlo, lcuk, johnx, aquatix
11:42.23lcukthere was a huge archive of myspace photos recently wasnt there
11:43.23aquatixhey RST38h
11:43.32lcukjohnx, i think you use it not for privacy, but for common courtesy - its people that upload actually private images of people in compromising situations
11:43.34lcukhiya RST38h
11:43.35johnxRST38h, ohai
11:43.47aquatixif i want to share private pics, i show them on one of my devices, or burn a dvd-r
11:43.48johnxlcuk, essentially yes
11:43.52aquatixor cdrom
11:44.02johnx"privacy" is a big grey area
11:44.26aquatixlcuk: yeah, they could better sell those pics to those `amateur nude' sites
11:44.46lcuki just encode pics as base64 and push to random irc channels
11:45.34aquatixoh, so that's that random line noise you're spewing
11:45.49lcukheh yeah
11:45.56lcukthats why my word count is so high
11:45.57aquatixthought it was english
11:46.31johnxaquatix, I think english is largely indistinguishable from line noise for the most part...
11:46.42lcukyeah, well i use ascenography :)
11:46.46aquatixjohnx: so true
11:48.41lcukso whats happenin scene wise then, anything new and exciting to look at?
11:49.05lcukquite likes the idea of this video streaming thingy
11:49.43RST38hwonders whether he should debug the remote play feature to liven things up
11:50.42lcukremote play - of the movie thing, or your games?
11:51.36lcukwicked, by remote play do you mean ip to ip
11:51.47RST38hit is already implemented too
11:51.51RST38hjust needs debugging
11:52.04lcukyeah, but dont firewalls and general NAT type problems get in the way
11:52.21RST38hthey do: at least one side has to have a valid open ip address
11:52.24johnxlcuk, that's what she said
11:54.28RST38hOIL $68.50 hehe
11:54.41johnxisn't that down a bit from a while ago?
11:55.22RST38hYea, like 50% down
11:55.40RST38hexpects cheap airline tickets now
11:55.41johnxah the wonders of supply and demand
11:55.49johnxgah. I already bought mine :/
11:56.15RST38hDelta owes me a free ticket from Europe to US and back
11:56.28johnxjust googled for a handy oil prices chart and got linked to an article from 2000 about oil prices soaring to $30
11:56.37Sts|officejohnx: my beagleboard finally works \o/
11:56.43Sts|office(now to put deblet on it..)
11:56.49johnxSts|office, w00t!
11:56.57johnxI'm looking at gpe/matchbox
11:57.04Sts|officeturns out it was a cable problem
11:57.05johnxit flies on my n800 since it frees up so much RAM
11:57.14johnxah the best kind of problem
11:57.34Sts|officeseems like my old mobo connector was miswired, so
11:58.17ShadowJK_miswired how?
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11:59.21Sts|officeShadowJK_: up/down switched or something
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12:01.48RST38hjohnx: ah, that was the time...
12:02.21johnxRST38h, I drove so. damn. much. in the summer of 2000
12:03.38johnxSts|office, up/down switched? did you have it upside down? :P
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12:04.58Andy80hi all
12:05.14johnxhi Andy80
12:05.34RST38hjohnx: so, it was YOU who caused the spike in demand for the oil? =)
12:05.58Sts|officejohnx: well the electronics workshop here rewired my connector, it seems
12:06.00Sts|officenot sure what they did
12:06.09Andy80since os upgrade is totally broken (flash plugin, maemo documentation ecc...), I've to re-flash the device. The latest available firmware is this: RX-44_DIABLO_4.2008.23-14_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin, isn't there any newer firmware?
12:06.25Andy80do I have to install that and then use the OTA upgrade?
12:06.28Sts|officeoh, right, nm
12:06.29ShadowJK_does beagleboard have reverse polarity protection?
12:06.31johnxRST38h, nah. I was driving an 82 honda accord(ian). I was getting 30 miles/gallon :P
12:06.42Andy80Sts|office: I've N810
12:06.59Sts|officeAndy80: windows updater may have more recent one
12:07.03RST38hweeps remembering '82 Accord
12:07.08RST38h[never drove it though]
12:07.12Sts|officeShadowJK_: no clue, it i didn't break it
12:07.22johnxRST38h, fond rememberance? or utter hate?
12:07.35Andy80Sts|office: if I don't want or I cannot use windows, can I install 2008.23 and then use the OTA upgrade?
12:07.37ShadowJK_beagleboard looks cute, I want one, but I don't know what I'd use it for :)
12:07.57johnxAndy80, yes. normally the upgrade process works fine.
12:08.17ShadowJK_are there any gl drivers for linux for beagle...
12:08.22RST38hjohnx: rather fond rememberance: it was produced *before* all those idiots decided that all 90s cars should look like Ford Taurus
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12:08.44RST38hSo, '82 Accord still looked like a car, not like a mobile sofa
12:09.27NeoWatchmorning guys... my n800 seems it has a hardware issue... it keeps scrolling down by it self so i guess i have to send it to the waranty right?
12:09.50RST38hSounds like the directional pad is broken
12:09.55johnxShadowJK_, I believe so, opengl es2
12:10.08gomiamNeoWatch: ? that has happened sometimes. Have you tried clicking all the arrows repeatedly ;-)
12:10.08johnxRST38h, yeah, I loved that thing. it never died either...
12:10.08NeoWatchRST38h talking to me bud?
12:10.22NeoWatchwhich arrows gomiam ?
12:10.29Andy80johnx: can you load this page: ? it's empty for me :(
12:10.35RST38hjohnx: neither Hondas nor Toyotas die. They wear out like slippers.
12:10.51solmumahaAndy80: refresh it
12:11.01RST38hAlthough you can probably kill a Honda if its timing belt breaks...
12:11.02johnxempty here too
12:11.12johnxRST38h, ek1 wasn't interference, IIRC
12:11.16aquatixRST38h: slippers wear out pretty fast here ;)
12:11.34Andy80solmumaha: I'm trying but it doesn't load, it's a blank page
12:11.50gomiamNeoWatch: well, the buttons that you use to move around.
12:11.53RST38hjohnx: they added this (mis)feature later?
12:12.11solmumahaAndy80: worked for me
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12:18.32NeoWatchgomiam hold on let me try
12:18.48gomiamNeoWatch: ok
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12:21.32NeoWatchwhat pisses me off is that i just bought it 2 month a go and i got to the point that i depend on it so much that i feel like a drug addict now without it
12:21.43NeoWatchhmmm weird... i turned it on and looks fine now
12:24.04gomiamMurphy's law corollary: some random person who is just passing by will find the solution to the problem after everybody else has spent hours thinking about it ;-)
12:24.17NeoWatchi think the repositories are very limitted and the device too... hopefully someday it will develop more features
12:24.36gomiamare the repositories limited? How so, NeoWatch?
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12:25.09Sts|officeNeoWatch: maybe your screen protector is applied in the wrong way
12:25.14Sts|officei had similar issue
12:30.26Sts|officejohnx: btw i found methods we may use to determine how bad deblet is at keeping battery, - ondemand cpufreq keeps statistics over how long time it spends in each cpu freq, and also using iostat and such
12:30.34Sts|officei have some stats waiting to be analyzed
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12:32.50Sts|officeand vmstat, since it counts idle cycles
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12:53.13sampois it possible somehow to change font size inside gtk combobox ? if is, how ?
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13:07.27inzsampo, static void _smaller_text(gpointer cell, gpointer user_data) { g_object_set(cell, "scale", (gdouble)0.75, "scale-set", TRUE, NULL); } ... GList *cells = gtk_cell_layout_get_cells(GTK_CELL_LAYOUT(combo)); g_list_foreach(cells, _smaller_text, NULL); g_list_free(cells);
13:07.33inzsampo, or something similar might work
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13:33.13JaffaBTW, anyone who was sponsored for the summit: have you been reimbursed yet?
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14:47.23GeneralAntilleslardman, ping.
14:49.49whodatgetting 'proxy authentication error' when trying to use the internet call, any ideas?
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14:57.20Jaffawhodat: Silly question - are you behind an authenticated proxy?
14:58.33whodatyeah, but i entered the proxy user/pass
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14:59.23JaffaAnd browser works?
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14:59.37JaffaCould be a bug in the Internet Call app not handling proxy auth properly
15:00.04Robot101I didn't even realise that was an error
15:00.11Robot101whodat: when does it happen specifically?
15:00.17Robot101whodat: are you using SIP or GTalk?
15:01.27whodatyeah i think its a bug, doesnt like this proxy server or something
15:01.53whodati use the same user/pass on another SIP client, it works
15:03.00whodatrobot: i saw the error after you told me how to turn logging on a few days ago
15:04.25StskeepsJaffa: the irony is that the flash thing is so horridly horridly easy I don't understand why noone has done it yet.
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15:05.00StskeepsJaffa: (it works under deblet, enough said?)
15:05.59JaffaStskeeps: :)
15:06.56qwerty12Hrm, anyone want to fix a dodgy patch?
15:13.33GeneralAntillesI wish we could have just one more line in the application menu.
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15:19.22qwerty12Here's what I've got so far. . I can save and load the value successfully, but my problem comes in with the way I'm integrating that value when it comes to the actual install part. But I can't program anyway so if I cant figure it out, I don't give a shit :)
15:19.34GeneralAntillesHa. . . .
15:19.58GeneralAntillesWhat about Red Pill and the settings dialog?
15:20.19JaffaIsn't that the Red Pill settings dialogue?
15:20.40qwerty12That is the red pill settings dialog. I figure it would go in nokia's favour if a person has to do a "hack" to disable it
15:20.41GeneralAntillesThe settings dialog doesn't appear under Blue Pill anymore in Diablo.
15:20.46JaffaIf so, using Red Pill mode to hide the setting is going to encourage *more* Red Pill use, when we're trying to minimise it ;-)
15:21.13qwerty12Shouldn't be hard to bring it back, I figure even me (who isn't a programmer) can bring it back :)
15:21.30GeneralAntillesThe Red Pill check needs to be moved from the dialog to the individual settings.
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15:30.47GeneralAntillesMore nonsense from tz. . . .
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15:32.44Sts|officeGeneralAntilles: you basically put in a uimage + linux kernel on fat partition and did standard linux boot when you did deblet on beagle i assume?
15:33.06GeneralAntillesI was using TI's reference kernel
15:33.15GeneralAntillessince it's the only one that works reliably with OTG at the moment.
15:33.39GeneralAntillesJust yanked Ångstrom's bootargs and changed the partition.
15:33.42GeneralAntillesWorked fine.
15:34.00GeneralAntillesYou'll also need to put the appropriate MLO on the card.
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15:35.20Stskeepsglances over at the beagleboard
15:35.24Stskeeps-finally- got a serial conn
15:35.43Stskeepsturns out those yanking from mobo about connector doesn't always work :P
15:36.22GeneralAntillesWell, you can just move pins around on the DB9 port.
15:37.20Stskeepsyeah, the electronics shop at uni patched it up (had someone else do the initial work stuff to get cables and such :P)
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15:40.42Stskeepsi saw earlier that atom boards are cheaper than beagles.. that was kinda frightening
15:40.57Stskeeps(with cpu
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15:44.11Stskeepsok. play with two very cheap ipaq 3630 i got, beagleboard, or 770 port problems.
15:44.34Stskeeps.. or deblet
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15:48.06NeoWatchguys where can i get more repositories for my n800 ?
15:49.32Stskeepsextras and maybe extras-devel (and tools) are all you should optimally need
15:49.47infobotit has been said that extras is
15:49.51qwerty12Having more repositories will not make your n800 more pimped. The question you should be asking is where can I find a package if it's not in extras or extras-devel
15:49.54GeneralAntillesStskeeps, well, economies of scale and all that. ;)
15:50.10GeneralAntillesAtom is essentially a really shitty x86, while OMAP3 is a top-of-the-line ARM. ;)
15:52.11GeneralAntillesBesides, an Atom doesn't have any awesome factor.
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15:53.25Stskeepswe might switch on work to that (sadly) as we hoped to be able to do wifi ap using usb or the likes.. powered usb didn't matter, but current support in linux is .. shite, SDIO was also an option
15:53.42Stskeepsthere's libertas but can't find any actual sdio with it on
15:55.11Stskeepswe're basically trying to create a low cost infrastructure for pervasive computing in the home, for healthcare purpose
15:55.39GeneralAntillesWhy not just an off-the-shelf router?
15:55.45GeneralAntillesGotta be cheaper than rolling your own.
15:55.50NeoWatchqwerty12 i see... the thing is i find the N800 like too simple... like when u have a some food and its missing salt and pepper... the food is in there but its missing that nice extra taste
15:56.04infobotextras is, like,
15:56.23NeoWatchi am about to throw this damn itouch trought the windows... it connect online everywhere except home
15:56.33StskeepsGeneralAntilles: yeah, but we're hoping to include stuff like s-video for training videos and such too..
15:56.34GeneralAntillesor if you want screenshots
15:56.38Stskeepsand that's better in same box
15:56.47Stskeepsand we did start out with off the shelf routers
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16:02.21johnxNeoWatch, for excitement look up extras and extras-devel and then start lurking on ITT in the apps section
16:02.58johnxStskeeps, rolling your own router-ish thing? it just needs wifi AP and s-video out, right?
16:03.02Robot101whodat: hm?
16:03.17Robot101whodat: can you save the whole tp-sofiasip log into a file and put it somewhere?
16:03.37Robot101whodat: mikhailz on #telepathy might be able to help you with it (he's the tp-sofiasip lead dev)
16:03.42tiagoOMDoes anyone know how to browse available services of a bluetooth connection on maemo? I want to do the same as 'sdptool browse $MAC' does on Ubuntu. Is there sdptool for Maemo? If yes, in which package?
16:03.43Robot101(oh he's offline atm)
16:03.52whodatrobot101: yaeh.. i have it on pastebin already but i forget what the url is lol... cant seem to find a way to search for it
16:03.52johnxStskeeps, I assume you've heard of the neuros OSD?
16:04.47whodatrobot: okay I will try to hit him up tonight after work.
16:04.49qwerty12tiagoOM: sdptest is in bluez-utils-test
16:05.10Stskeepsjohnx: wifi AP, s-video and .. maybe usb
16:05.14Stskeepsusb important
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16:05.46whodatthx robot
16:05.55johnxStskeeps, and have you found an acceptable wifi adapter that can be plugged into usb?
16:06.07Stskeepsjohnx: not that works with wifi ap mode :P
16:06.12Stskeepsthe usb is for 3g really
16:06.22Stskeepswell it exists but the drivers are shady
16:06.27johnxcompletely by accident my wifi cf card has host ability
16:06.41GeneralAntillesStskeeps, find a way to get the company to pay for developing some real drivers? :P
16:07.07StskeepsGeneralAntilles: mm
16:07.38Stskeepsjohnx: looks interesting though
16:08.01johnxjust one more community to follow, and one more gadget to learn about :P
16:08.13Stskeepshey, i'm already in many boats :P
16:08.22whodatdoes anyone make a usb adapter for the n810 with the female end.. without having to use a long cable..
16:09.34Stskeepsjohnx: fully hackable box?
16:09.48johnxpretty hackable, yeah
16:09.55johnxI think there might be a closed driver or two?
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16:21.58tiagoOMthanks qwerty12
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16:47.36smoei'm a new user of the N810 and i have problems installing openssh via deb-files
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16:47.51qwerty12It's in a repo :)
16:47.54GeneralAntillesJust grab it from Extras.
16:47.56infobothmm... extras is
16:49.42smoehere i have no wlan, so i downloaded the deb-files and copied them via usb on the nokia. when i doubleclick the file openssh-common... it says "application incompatible.." or so
16:50.05qwerty12dpkg -i them. you'll need root
16:50.06GeneralAntillesdpkg -i <path to .deb>
16:50.12infobotrumour has it, rootsh is an easy way to get root and it's found here:
16:50.30smoerootsh ... ok i try
16:50.31qwerty12also, I think they depend on each other so install the debs at the same time with the one dpkg line
16:50.58smoeno, when i try openssh-client is explicitly says 'depends on openssh-common'
16:51.24qwerty12exactly. install openssh-common and openssh-client at the same time
16:52.11smoei cant without root privileges and i need internet for installing rootsh (?) and i need openssh for internet via usb :-/
16:52.42qwerty12lol... save this one to a memory card: . Install via application manager
16:53.05smoeok, thanks :) i 'll try..
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16:54.34johnxare you sure you need openssh for usb networking?
16:55.29smoeso the howto says
16:55.47johnxthis one?
16:56.17qwerty12nay, no ssh mention there
16:56.22smoeoh, an new one...
16:56.23GeneralAntillesnominates qwerty12 to clean up that article.
16:56.56qwerty12GeneralAntilles: I honestly would offer but I don't even use USB Networking as I can't get it to work. I'm a g_serial fan
16:57.15smoewhat the...
16:57.16GeneralAntillesThanks for the other cleanup, by the way. :)
16:57.46slonopotamusso. i've built svn with deps on my n800. in right world that would be enough. however. for various reasons packages fail to build on autobuilder. so i need to continue hacking. this is ugly. main package goal is to work on device, not to build in broken emulator.
16:58.40qwerty12GeneralAntilles: No problems, thanks :). I'll try and add appropriate things where needed, though I don't know much (read: any) wiki syntax and my grammar can be dodgy :/
16:58.44slonopotamusgood emulator - emulator that is indistinguishable from original device
16:59.36GeneralAntillesqwerty12, bookmark:
16:59.46slonopotamusthis makes me sad
17:00.03GeneralAntillesI still think they should get some Beagles or overos for the autobuilder.
17:00.07qwerty12GeneralAntilles: Ah! A quick look tells me this will be very useful indeed, thanks!
17:00.29GeneralAntillesstill mixes up internal and external link syntax.
17:01.05johnxGeneralAntilles, heh...that's what debian does
17:01.26GeneralAntillesFor their builder?
17:01.36GeneralAntillesWhat Mojo does.
17:01.50johnxGeneralAntilles, yup, all debian autobuilders are real machines
17:02.03johnxGeneralAntilles, they have the m68k port built on millions of little m68ks
17:02.29slonopotamusone day i'll port gentoo on n8x0 and sdk hell will end.
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17:03.17johnxGeneralAntilles, it's halfway between funny and insane. The poor little m68ks have real issues keeping up with people uploading new source
17:03.54johnxslonopotamus, or you could just use debian ... and not have to worry about things constantly needing to be compiled
17:05.27slonopotamusi'm ok using gentoo on desktop and servers. maybe using it on tablet is not-so-bad idea? :)
17:05.55johnxslonopotamus, sure, depends on how much time you have on your hands and whether you want to use your tablet or watch it compile things
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17:07.53ShadowJK_maybe it could compile in a background xterm
17:08.06ShadowJK_and suspend compiling if not on external power
17:08.50johnxwhich doesn't solve one of my core requirements: instant gratification. :)
17:09.35slonopotamusi spend much time away from desktop, but with tablet. so destop sdk is a poor choice
17:09.59johnxthen debian on the tablet is a perfect choice :)
17:10.20Stskeepsslonopotamus: <- person who tried gentoo on tablet :P
17:11.09slonopotamusmaemo xchat sucks. no copy/paste
17:11.18GeneralAntillesCopy/paste works fine here. . . .
17:11.48slonopotamusit copies on selection
17:11.54slonopotamussorry then
17:12.26ShadowJK_can anyone else copy from the address line in microb? I can't, I can select it, but when I lift stylus, selection goes away :)
17:12.35ShadowJK_It used to pop up with the address selected :/
17:13.53johnxStskeeps, interesting. I didn't know anyone got that far
17:14.01slonopotamusselecting is enough. it's in clipboard.
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17:14.41ShadowJK_slonopotamus, not with microb
17:14.51Stskeepsjohnx: think he went slowly mad if you read it closer
17:14.58Stskeepsbut it's still interesting
17:15.14johnxStskeeps, yeah, it is. "There but for the grace of god..." and all that
17:15.51qwerty12Gentoo drives you to the point of madness. That's why there is debian. :)
17:16.38slonopotamusi'm not mad
17:17.01bematic1i'm currently trying to chat using irc protocol with my n810
17:17.22*** join/#maemo booiiing (n=[
17:17.26bematic1i'm currently using rtcom beta
17:17.39GeneralAntillesXChat from Extras-devel is better.
17:17.45johnxqwerty12, I didn't hear of it until after debian, hence my current allegiances
17:17.47bematic1i'm connected to freenode
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17:17.53Stskeepsjohnx: then again, he would have a fully optimized dist :P
17:17.57bematic1but i can't configure a contact to chat with
17:18.08bematic1do you know an issue for ?
17:18.14johnxStskeeps, gentoo is madness. check out angstrom before that
17:18.29slonopotamusStskeeps, that man is strange. why does he need scratchbox at all?
17:18.30johnxStskeeps, or poky
17:18.31Stskeepsjohnx: i have seen gentoo completely and utterly wreck a server, so, not again
17:18.45Stskeepsslonopotamus: cos building on your qemu emu is not fast
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17:19.05Stskeepsi really should try with a matching gcc distcc + qemu
17:19.08Stskeepsand see how sane it is
17:19.28qwerty12cross compiling the "normal" way drives me mad :)
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17:20.22Stskeepsqwerty12: capn_fish or someone came up with the idea of taking a qemu armel box, and DISTCC'ing to a codesourcery chain in PATH on a desktop machine
17:20.38Stskeepsacheiving faster compiling but true emulation too
17:20.45Stskeepsso no scratchbox insanities
17:20.56slonopotamusStskeeps, why qemu at all? crosscompile base system, boot and build everything on tablet directly
17:21.17qwerty12slonopotamus: compiling on tablet is slow. sometimes, watchdog jumps in tood
17:21.18johnxha! then you could renice qemu to make it behave :)
17:21.48Stskeepsslonopotamus: what qwerty12 said
17:21.54johnxqwerty12, with enough swap, you'll never see watchdog, but yes, terrifyingly slow
17:22.03Stskeepsi prefer a qemu cos it's like 50% faster than my tablet
17:22.10johnxslonopotamus, I think you vastly underestimate how slow we're talking about
17:22.23Stskeepsslonopotamus: though, if you distcc, you -could- do it on tablet
17:22.39Stskeepsso it takes the hard cc jobs other place
17:22.46johnxconfigure, linking, installing would still take a long time
17:22.47slonopotamusman, i saw your qemu running 200x slower then my n800 on libdb build
17:22.47Stskeepsslonopotamus: but then there's the whole "sdk packages don't belong on tablet"
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17:23.03GeneralAntillesslonopotamus, we're not :)
17:23.19bematicyes it's working
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17:23.44Stskeepsslonopotamus: i'm not speaking of scratchbox qemu insanity
17:23.55Stskeepsi'm speaking fully emulated qemu
17:24.03Stskeepsnot running apps, but a whole os
17:24.03slonopotamusi _don't_ have much time at desktop. wife, children, etc. so slow is better than nothing.
17:24.29slonopotamusand slow is better than broken emylation
17:24.30johnxslonopotamus, if you had a choice would you take fast over slow?
17:25.05slonopotamusfast or compatible but slow ;)
17:25.11Stskeepswhile on the fly you could always unset your DISTCC variables
17:25.21slonopotamusi prefer compatibility
17:25.40Stskeepsslonopotamus: i'm not sure what your argument is
17:25.59johnxslonopotamus, debian is faster and more compatible :)
17:26.23johnxespecially if you have to start with an armv4l distro
17:26.50johnx(in gentoo I mean)
17:27.17slonopotamusbuilding and running in one env is more stable than having two envs, one for building and one for running
17:27.37qwerty12lcuk: btw, if I could get screenshots of liqbase, would you be interested?
17:27.48slonopotamusi'm building fresh cross-system
17:27.55johnxslonopotamus, I'm booted into debian on my n800 *right now.* I totally agree with you
17:28.12Stskeepsslonopotamus: if you find a good way to optimize base debian system i'm all ears
17:28.55slonopotamusStskeeps, what optimizations you need? size?
17:29.09slonopotamusjohnx, deblet?
17:29.13Stskeepsslonopotamus: armv5/v6 optimization, not armv4t
17:29.16johnxslonopotamus, yup
17:29.23Stskeepsso see if it works better
17:29.33slonopotamusjohnx, can it build?
17:29.37johnxslonopotamus, oh yes
17:29.40johnxvery much so
17:29.56*** join/#maemo lopz (n=gentoo-d@unaffiliated/lopz)
17:30.36johnxhaving done several days worth of compiles I am in a unique position to imagine how long it will take to bootstrap gentoo on one of these things
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17:31.32slonopotamusStskeeps, forget about armv4t. i'm going to do fresh crosscompile.
17:31.53Stskeepsi'll be interested to see if it really have any benefits
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17:32.06slonopotamusmaybe  i'll fail. but i have a right and will to try ;)
17:32.11johnxslonopotamus, if you'd turn on VFP at the same time, that would be interesting too :)
17:32.19Stskeeps(ignoring 770s for now..)
17:32.23johnxI think that's where the biggest speed-up is to be had
17:32.33johnxStskeeps, 770s are well served by debian eabi
17:32.55slonopotamusjonhx, what option enables it?
17:33.14*** join/#maemo orangey (
17:33.18orangeyhey all!
17:33.23johnxhi orangey
17:33.35orangeyI'm having significant trouble getting SIP to work on an n810. Any help pages on configuring various services?
17:33.38slonopotamusjonhx, i'm thinking of arm-none-linux-gnueabi target.
17:33.47orangeyfor example, neither callcentric nor wengo are working out for me.
17:34.06trickieslonopotamus: you gonna build a stage1 on the tablet?
17:34.50trickieslonopotamus: if you do, can i have one? :)
17:35.15slonopotamustrickie, first goal is to crosscompile bootable stage. if i do that, everything will be possible on tablet
17:36.26qwerty12_N800slonopotamus, -mfpu=vfp as a cflag
17:36.27trickieslonopotamus: have you got very far? a toolchain?
17:36.28johnxslonopotamus, this seems relevant:
17:36.28trickiei tried with a toolchain i built with crossdev, and didn't get very far
17:36.32Stskeepsslonopotamus: feel free to steal any tricks from deblet to get stuff showing (.. credited obviously), all source is at
17:37.02Stskeepsif you succeed in compiling :P
17:37.29slonopotamustrickie, i have almost complete 'system' (without perl). gonna try to boot on this weekend.
17:37.36Stskeepsslonopotamus: if it's gentoo you're going for.. debian optimized is still interesting though
17:37.46trickieslonopotamus: nice
17:37.54slonopotamusjohnx, thanks for link
17:38.43slonopotamustrickie, anyway, if i'll have any progress, will post on itt
17:39.55NeoWatchguys where i can get a good radio application for my n800?
17:40.01Stskeeps"fm radio"? :P
17:40.09Stskeeps(which is decent, imho)
17:40.50qwerty12_N800prefers mediabox. fmradio has more features but at least connecting a bluetooth headset still works
17:41.08NeoWatchis it only mine or the n800 use the headphones as antenna? cuz i cant get any reception
17:41.27trickieslonopotamus: ok, cool... good luck!
17:41.34GeneralAntillesHeadphones are antenna.
17:41.41NeoWatchohh ok
17:41.54NeoWatchi need to get me a small keyboard and a bluetooth headset for it
17:41.57slonopotamusqwerty, 'Looks like the default for -mfpu is vfp and the default for -mfloat-abi is soft.'
17:42.09slonopotamusqwerty, so defaults are ok?
17:43.15qwerty12_N800slonopotamus, yep. they seem to be used by everyone & maemo policy manual mentions them
17:43.38GeneralAntillesNeoWatch, the Apple keyboard is nice if you don't need folding.
17:43.53GeneralAntillesNeoWatch, and I like the Plantronics headsets.
17:43.59Stskeepsjohnx: btw 770 port is progressing nicely, seems like the steps are correct somewhat
17:44.17orangeyanybody have maemo running successfully with callcentric?
17:44.49slonopotamusqwerty, then i'm building with vfp enabled
17:45.14johnxStskeeps, sounds great! I bet gpe/matchbox would be nice and light for it
17:46.27orangeywhat's RTCOMM?
17:46.34orangeyis that the stock SIP software with Maemo?
17:47.05slonopotamusi think i'll be able to use restriicted packages
17:47.23GeneralAntillesorangey, the communication framework.
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17:47.49slonopotamusbecause gentoo doesn't bundle them into ebuilds, so they will be downloaded from nokia repo
17:48.00orangeyGeneralAntilles: I'm trying to figure out where to get some help with regards to my sip accounts.
17:48.15orangeywhat should I be searching for? rtcomm? sofia?
17:49.25GeneralAntillesorangey, did you try the rtcomm beta?
17:49.45GeneralAntillesIt adds a lot more account presets.
17:50.35orangeyOK, I'd like to do that. Let me look around to see how to install the beta. brb
17:51.28GeneralAntillesThe meta-package should be in Extras-devel.
17:51.51orangeywhat's red-pill mode, btw?
17:51.53NeoWatchhmm i installed the extra-devel and all my repositories dissapeared
17:52.18johnxorangey, it removes some restrictions on installing packages
17:52.55johnxorangey, so it sounds like "expert mode" but it can cause the app manager to choose the wrong packages if you leave it on while doing a system upgrade
17:54.20orangeyok. so I hve to be judicious, it sounds like
17:54.23GeneralAntillesGuess not everything is in Extras-devel yet.
17:56.24slonopotamusanyone wants svn & deps  almost-buildable-in-scratchbox source packages? :)
17:56.51orangeyso, does rtcomm support ICQ and so on, then?
17:58.03lcukqwerty12_N800, how?
17:58.22qwerty12_N800lcuk, n800 emulation
17:58.35orangeyGeneralAntilles: cool.
17:58.50orangeyGeneralAntilles: a last question, then. is this sufficient:
17:58.54orangeyor must I really do the beta?
17:59.00lcuki was talkin to hrw at the summit and the emulator was not a total emulation and did not support xv
17:59.10GeneralAntillesGrabbing haze from the Collabora repo should do you.
17:59.23qwerty12_N800lcuk, shit :(, my bad
17:59.38X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I managed to get a bunch of repos removed from gronmayer btw. And more to come.
17:59.42lcukdont worry, ill just have to write the png export, its required anyway
17:59.47qole_so how do I take stuff out of  the repos? What's the opposite of dput?
18:00.16X-Fadeqole_: Ehm that is: "Mail the maintainer" :)
18:00.22GeneralAntillesX-Fade, keep on fighting the good fight. ;)
18:00.35X-Fadeqole_: Or tell me to do it ;)
18:01.11slonopotamusStskeeps, what did you mean by 'to get stuff showing'?
18:01.22lcukevenin qole_ X-Fade btw
18:01.27X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I really need some help on the categories battle. Can the council help me please? :)
18:01.28lcukand gen+qwerty lol
18:01.34X-Fadehi lcuk.
18:01.44qwerty12_N800lol, hi lcuk
18:01.47qole_Well, it's my package. I can upload stuff with dput, but what if I want to erase a package?
18:02.04GeneralAntillesX-Fade, I'll rally the troops and make a blog post.
18:02.09GeneralAntillesSee if that gets anything rolling.
18:02.09slonopotamusqole_, then you lost :)
18:02.35X-FadeGeneralAntilles: >
18:02.40GeneralAntillesqole_, don't upload it in the first place. ;)
18:03.10X-Fadeqole_: Removing packages must be seen as a last resort.
18:03.26Stskeepsslonopotamus: console, .. i can strongly recommend using my linuxrc bootmenu
18:03.27qole_GeneralAntlles: helpful as always
18:03.34Stskeepsslonopotamus: it makes things a lot easier :P
18:03.39X-Fadeqole_: And only to be done for broken packages or things that violate someting.
18:03.42GeneralAntillesqole_, well that's the truth.
18:04.06slonopotamusStskeeps, what's the problem with console?
18:04.23Stskeepsslonopotamus: well on tablets console doesn't appear immediately but i think it's documented in that blog
18:04.31Stskeepslike, you have to load fbcon and such :P
18:04.36Stskeepsand set fb update modes
18:04.52Stskeepsthen there's some tricks with avoiding some initfs crap
18:04.58Stskeeps(i recommend looking at deblet-boot-basics)
18:05.02qole_X-Fade: so the repos just accumulate every version of every app ever uploaded?
18:05.11slonopotamusStskeeps, ok, will look
18:05.17slonopotamusStskeeps, thanks a lot
18:06.08X-Fadeqole_: Currently, yes. But normally there would be some automatic cleanup too.
18:06.43X-Fadeqole_: The idea is to have a few versions (2 or 3) in the repo and remove the older ones.
18:07.56lcukqole_, what did u upload?
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18:08.20qole_I broke extras-devel for a few hours last week with a broken package, it would have been nice to be able to delete my package
18:08.52lcukheh :D
18:09.03lcukthat was when you told it to install the world wasnt it
18:09.11trickieStskeeps: or you can just build a kernel with the fb turned on and manual updates off
18:09.19X-Fadeqole_: Well, it shouldn't have ended up in the repo.
18:09.31X-Fadeqole_: We plan to do more tests and checks.
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18:09.33qole_I found I could fix it by re-uploading a fixed pkg with the same version
18:09.54X-Fadeqole_: No, that breaks it too. But in a different way.
18:10.17GeneralAntillesAlways, always, always increment your version number.
18:10.25X-FadeThat can cause the 'Size mismatch' errors.
18:11.31qole_Long story, but I'm uploading my .deb to non-free because I have binary bits and some vala code from bundyo
18:12.27X-Fade3v1l non-free
18:12.42qole_I needed to fix my mistake; extras-devel was unusable; re-uploading fixed the repo
18:13.15X-Fadeqole_: Yeah, for non-free there are other scripts as you bypass the autobuilder.
18:13.28GeneralAntillesqole_, talk to X-Fade if you break things.
18:14.16X-FadeBut good that you started with extras-devel as that one is expected to break sometimes.
18:14.24qole_since then, I've been incrementing the version, and my package is a good citizen :)
18:15.33qole_of course I started with extras-devel; I'm ignorant enough that I was sure to break something!
18:16.24X-FadeThat is the problem we have with non-free. If we offer it things can break more easily, if we don't: people go elsewhere.
18:16.59X-FadeSo we must hope that people care enough to not break things all the time.
18:17.19GeneralAntilleskonttori still needs to be harassed about UKMP
18:17.28qole_so the official position on removing a package by myself is, "you can't"?
18:17.32GeneralAntillesHe seems to have missed my email.
18:17.36slonopotamusStskeeps, that guy's  main problem is that he started from an ancient stage i think.
18:17.52X-Fadeqole_: Yes. For now.
18:18.12johnxslonopotamus, I think he was under the impression there wasn't a more recent one
18:18.58qole_X-Fade: I suspect you'll be hearing from me, then :D
18:19.23Stskeepstrickie: yeah, but that breaks horridly occasionally :P
18:19.36X-Fadeqole_: You know where to find me.
18:19.43qole_how do I fix my nick w/  maemo xchat?
18:19.53slonopotamusjohnx, where i can find a list of all gcc-supported cpus? all these arm,  armeb, armv4t, armv5t?
18:19.53qole_stupid _
18:20.11johnxslonopotamus, that's a good question :)
18:20.51slonopotamusjohnx, maybe there's even armv6t?
18:21.26slonopotamusjohnx, and what's that 't' at all...
18:21.38johnx"thumb" I believe
18:21.41johnxdon't quote me
18:22.53slonopotamusi can't google the list :(
18:23.33johnxmaybe I can find something
18:23.35johnxI saw a list once
18:23.50johnx(and I'm waiting for builds anyways)
18:24.55lcukbangs head on wall @ crashing nokias - why dont same devices all act the same
18:24.55Stskeepsjohnx: - ondemand stats on how much time spent in each state (y), x (time in minutes)
18:25.03Stskeepsjohnx: kinda interesting cos 266mhz/333mhz is hardly used
18:25.48Stskeeps(i should really do that graph with deltas
18:25.54lcukStskeeps, not really, at 166 it realises it needs more oooomph so ramps right up
18:26.08lcukor at least a log scale
18:26.32johnxlcuk, in your experiment with leaving it in performance mode, it didn't make much difference in idle power usage, right?
18:26.53lcukits not an experiment, its a way of life
18:26.57lcuki barely ever change down
18:27.00Stskeepsliving in the fast lane?
18:27.04Stskeepshow's your battery performance?
18:27.36lcukno problems - it still very rarely dies overnight, but it has done that from day 1 and i think thats related to network chip more than anythin
18:27.46lcukand it lasts perfectly long enough
18:27.50johnxStskeeps, in idle mode the cpufreq mode doesn't really matter I believe
18:27.53lcukfor my usage anyway
18:28.09lcukjohnx, even at 400 the cpu sleeps
18:28.30lcukits only if its stuck in a 400 loop it will drain faster than if it was stuck in a 166 loop
18:29.08Stskeepsjohnx: so i guess the problem isn't cpu usage
18:29.09johnxwell, it's a different sleep then most of us are used to thinking about
18:29.13Stskeepsi guess
18:29.16trickieStskeeps: not really i use it in my mamona kernel
18:29.23Stskeepsmaybe the idle vs cpu cycles will be more interesting
18:29.40johnxStskeeps, debian is probably full of timers
18:29.57trickieStskeeps: you disable CONFIG_FB_OMAP_MANUAL_UPDATE and enable CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE
18:30.19Stskeepstrickie: i know, though, but manual is needed to have a speedy X :P
18:30.55slonopotamusPermissible names are: `arm2', `arm250', `arm3', `arm6', `arm60', `arm600', `arm610', `arm620', `arm7', `arm7m', `arm7d', `arm7dm', `arm7di', `arm7dmi', `arm70', `arm700', `arm700i', `arm710', `arm710c', `arm7100', `arm7500', `arm7500fe', `arm7tdmi', `arm7tdmi-s', `arm8', `strongarm', `strongarm110', `strongarm1100', `arm8', `arm810', `arm9', `arm9e', `arm920', `arm920t', `arm922t', `arm946e-s', `arm966e-s', `arm968e-s', `arm926ej-s', `arm940t', `arm9
18:30.57slonopotamustdmi', `arm10tdmi', `arm1020t', `arm1026ej-s', `arm10e', `arm1020e', `arm1022e', `arm1136j-s', `arm1136jf-s', `mpcore', `mpcorenovfp', `arm1176jz-s', `arm1176jzf-s', `xscale', `iwmmxt', `ep9312'.
18:31.11slonopotamusarm cpu vendors are crazy
18:31.29solmumahamikkov_: dukes seem fine, only the config in sw version differs a little
18:31.46slonopotamuswhich one n8x0s have?
18:32.03johnxslonopotamus, one of the arm11
18:32.09solmumahami maybe you should also change the startup script so that it tells the controls if config is not yet copied
18:32.37mikkov_solmumaha: should I put same config to sw than in cd version?
18:32.46trickieStskeeps: yeah true, but if you are trying to bootstrap gentoo, i would rather  not be stuffing around and lose some X performance while i do it
18:32.47slonopotamusjohnx, i thought armv6
18:32.51solmumahamikkov_: yes
18:32.54trickieStskeeps: then enable it again
18:32.55johnxslonopotamus, armv6 = arm11
18:32.57Stskeepstrickie: true
18:33.04johnxslonopotamus, don't think about it too hard
18:33.10slonopotamusjohnx, o_O
18:33.15mikkov_solmumaha: ok I make the changes and then promote
18:33.25johnxslonopotamus, well v is the roman numeral for five
18:33.29solmumahacontrols can be hard to figure out without the readme
18:33.42slonopotamusjohnx, you broke my mind
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18:33.46johnxslonopotamus, has to do with the difference between an instruction set and a physical CPU core I believe
18:33.51solmumahaso can you make it come up before the config is copied?
18:34.27GeneralAntillesarmv6 is the instructionset, ARM11 is the hardware.
18:35.02johnxI think technically the arm11 is a family of CPU designs
18:35.19slonopotamusjohnx, i think arm-none-linux-gnueabi will be ok for the first try :)
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18:37.27mikkov_solmumaha: shouldn't be a problem
18:38.56slonopotamusto `arm1176jz-s' or to `arm1176jzf-s'... that is the question :)
18:39.09slonopotamusjz = jazelle?
18:39.41GeneralAntillesWow, that didn't take tim long.
18:39.43slonopotamusit is disabled?
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18:40.05solmumahamikkov_: great, must remember to tell pupnik to update the itt post too, you could bump it with the extras info
18:40.21slonopotamusGeneralAntilles, that was a joke?
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18:40.54johnxslonopotamus, is your name tim?
18:41.02GeneralAntillesI sent an email to -community about the package categories, I was saying it didn't take timsamoff long to get crackin'.
18:41.27slonopotamushmm... i thougth it is a typo for 'him'
18:41.45johnxI read it that way at first too :)
18:41.58johnxI was just curious if GeneralAntilles had guessed your name
18:42.13slonopotamusnope, he didn't
18:42.47johnxand yes, jz probably stands for jazelle, but you can never be sure...
18:43.19slonopotamus:) gcc opts are a great mystery
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18:46.02trickieslonopotamus: did you see
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18:49.20Stskeepstrickie: but indeed, mamona has many interesting things
18:49.29Stskeepsyou develop on it or what did you say?
18:50.28trickieStskeeps: yep, prefer OE to scratchbox
18:51.00Stskeepsoh, i meant, you work on it/develop Mamona?
18:51.14trickiea little bit yes
18:51.21Stskeepsokay - how's the power usage?
18:51.27trickiemade some kernel recipes and a few other small things
18:51.38Stskeeps(on tablets)
18:52.07birunkotrickie don't be shy... you are a mamona developer! ;)
18:52.52trickiebirunko: he he well ok
18:53.03macoute_btw. which would be the best pdf-reader for maemo?
18:54.21trickieStskeeps: well I do not use it as a 'day to day user' and i do not use wifi as I have a different kernel, but with some tweaks i can leave it idle for at least a few days
18:54.39GAN800macoute, Evince or the built-in one.
18:55.26macoute_the built-in one is terribly slow with pdf-ebooks
18:55.34macoute_that is, bigger pdf:s
18:55.47trickieStskeeps: I would say it is not any worse than maemo, as it has a smaller footprint, but thats based on absolutely no research :)
18:55.51macoute_evince would be something to test
18:56.03Stskeepstrickie: *nod*
18:56.29Stskeepstrickie: i'm seeing 12 hour when idle running debian (no x, no wifi, no bluetooth), so it's curious :P
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18:56.39Stskeepsbut then again there might be ways to fix that
18:56.54GeneralAntillesmacoute_, I didn't have any trouble with it with Harry Potter VII
18:56.59GeneralAntillesAdmittedly that was text-only, though.
18:57.00trickieStskeeps: do you have a idle timeout to dim/blank display?
18:57.04Stskeepstrickie: ofcourse
18:57.07trickiethat will suck you dry
18:57.15Stskeepsyeah, if you don't have it obviously
18:57.22Stskeepswe communicate with DSME to handle it for us
18:57.32macoute_GeneralAntilles: mine are too, but they are slow... maybe a problem then with the files or something.
18:57.43trickieStskeeps: i don't use dsme
18:57.47macoute_changing a page takes 3-4 seconds
18:57.58trickieStskeeps: but sometimes i run my own initfs also
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18:58.11Stskeepstrickie: ah, - i like dsme cos it does do some useful things once in a while :P
18:58.11trickieStskeeps: or boot straight to sdcard
18:58.21qolemacoute_, evince is very nice for ebooks
18:58.23Stskeepson tablets? how do you do that anyway?
18:58.31Stskeeps(i heard rumour it's possible)
18:58.42GeneralAntillesmacoute_, honestly, I'd try to convert the pdfs to something FBReader can use.
18:58.42Stskeepsso loading kernel from sd as well?
18:59.03macoute_GeneralAntilles: is there tools for that?
18:59.22macoute_fbreader seemed ok when i tested it
18:59.25GeneralAntillesI don't recall what I used in the past.
18:59.30GeneralAntillesBut if you can get them to HTML. . . .
18:59.32trickieStskeeps: nup
18:59.40Stskeepsah, ok
18:59.50GeneralAntillesFBReader will be a lot faster, better formatted and easier to navigate than any PDF reader.
18:59.54trickieStskeeps: nup hardcoding it in the kernel .config
19:00.30trickieStskeeps: gotta run, but see for more info, he is booting linux-omap, but you can do the same otherwise
19:01.04cyrus___In scratchbox, I am trying to install pyxdg which seems to require root privleges. How do I accomplish that in scratchbox?
19:01.23johnxcyrus___, fakeroot
19:01.46qoleWell, formatting is PDF's strong point, it can be hard work converting to good HTML for fbreader
19:01.48johnxtry fakeroot and see if that fixes it
19:01.50Stskeepstrickie: yeah, i know all of that :P
19:01.55cyrus___johnx - ok..thanks
19:02.15ShadowJK_what's /sys/class/leds/cover ?
19:02.52cyrus___johnx - still got error: could not create '/scratchbox/tools/lib/python2.3/site-packages/xdg': Permission denied
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19:04.04cyrus___johnx - i ran fakeroot and id says my uid is root, but I still can't write to that folder
19:04.19lcukwill get round to implementing pdf decoding one day
19:05.38lcukqole, :D heh
19:05.52johnxcyrus___, well, it only solves the problem if you didn't really need root.
19:05.57lcukwatches you type
19:07.08RST38hYou know what, gentlemen? Bug #3641 is back!
19:07.18orangey(and ladies)
19:07.29qwerty12_N800RST38h, really? drinks on me!
19:07.35RST38hand ladies too, if I can interest any ladies at all in Modest bugs
19:08.18RST38hqwerty: Save 'em for Modest maintainers, until they finally fix the @#$%ing bug
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19:09.40qolelcuk: hope it is ok...
19:10.34qolepleads for pdf in liqbase
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19:14.22Stskeeps <- APT dependancy graph for maemo mapper
19:14.39Stskeeps(zoom in.)
19:14.55Stskeepsand that ladies and gentlemen, is how the maemo platform looks like :P
19:15.24ShadowJK_can't zoom in more than 400% :)
19:15.29lcukqole, advertise for me like that every day and ill add it :P
19:15.37RST38hSts: This looks like an open N810, when looking from the side
19:16.05RST38hbut yes, once you zoom in it looks like...mhmmm...maemo platform
19:16.34johnxStskeeps, I think I saw one of those clogging the drain once O_o
19:17.38RST38h  <=== Photoshop?
19:18.22johnxRST38h, zombie
19:18.46zaphehe, was watching same pic now
19:19.05zapRST38h: its not photoshop, it's real
19:19.53|rt|I just got a n810 and was curious if anyone has sucessfully tethered it to a blackberry device via bluetooth
19:20.55zapwhen it becomes oboious you're a loser, all you can do is to pretend you're a clown
19:22.02johnx|rt|, I believe so. check on for people who have
19:22.15johnxzap, nah, he's just a zombie
19:22.29zaphe has to die first :)
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19:23.14johnxzap, I think he must have. if he was alive he'd be like a million years old, right?
19:23.59zapperhaps he was killed in the Vietnam prison, and now he's a K.G.B zombie
19:24.11|rt|johnx: thanks for the link
19:24.35|rt|is there a pptp vpn client out there anywhere?
19:25.17|rt|I see there's a cisco ipsec client....which I suppose I could use but we typically only use ipsec at work for perminate vpn tunnels
19:27.12RST38hwhy is he sticking his tongue out so much ? =)
19:27.42RST38hthere is an alien inside, yessss, my precioussss...
19:27.46|rt|RST38h: for the same reason that Palin can't help but say the word Maverick
19:28.12|rt|and McCain has to start every sentence with My friend
19:30.21RST38hPalin probably has one of those huge alien birds inside her
19:30.55RST38hrt: Yes but only when he is angered
19:31.00lcukshe IS one of those huge alien birds
19:31.12RST38hlooks American to me.
19:31.29lcukmy point exactly :) from this perspective anyway
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19:32.26RST38hlcuk: Ah come on, you just have to have a local equivalent! Is there one?
19:33.05lcukwell, now you mention it we DO have a local breed of cow that reminds me of her
19:33.39lcuktbh thou she reminds me kyles mum
19:34.11GeneralAntillesToo thin.
19:35.09lcukyeah i suppose, but if you imagined kyles mum with more weight then it would work
19:36.39GeneralAntilles_Kyle's_ mom with more weight? :\
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19:58.53lcukwhy does sjgadsby's picture on planet look like hes shirtless  ?   *shudder*
19:59.15qwerty12_N800i thought the same thing 30 mins ago :p
19:59.17GeneralAntillesI had the exact same thought when I first saw it.
19:59.39lcuki got to the bottom of the page and was scared
19:59.44GeneralAntillesIt's probably one of these, though:
19:59.58lcukthe worst part is maemo crapped out and i cant click older
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20:01.44lcukdo you think i should be worried about these odd random glitches that are experienced with liqbase?
20:02.42lcukcos currently i feel pretty low about it - ive crashed it myself a few times, but thats just the same with big pcs and stuff
20:03.30RST38hlcuk: you should
20:03.44RST38hif it crashes, users will notice it and will not use it
20:04.05RST38hyou don't really want to be compared to Modest =)
20:04.12lcukyeah, but users crash things all the time
20:04.17lcukheh, im not
20:04.34lcukmy machine crashes if i play half life for too long
20:05.17lcuki agree though RST38h and ive worked around or removed everything i can now - the silly coding mistakes that segfault are one thing
20:05.48lcukbut its when x itself craps out and locks up - when im simply rendering bitmaps
20:06.07GeneralAntillesThen go file a bug report. :P
20:06.14lcuknothin i can do in code, nothin i can do to continue
20:06.18lcukheh GeneralAntilles i agree
20:06.50lcukand on that score GeneralAntilles once i am as certain as possible its not my code i will be filing
20:06.53melmothregular app should not be allowed to kill X, shouldn they ?
20:06.59lcukits like xv when rotated has a bug
20:07.07lcukmelmoth, no but it can do
20:07.38melmothideally, building a small test case before filing a bug
20:07.55lcukheh, if i can reproduce it i can do something
20:08.19lcukbut when i run the exact same code tohusands (millions) of times over the last few months and nothing has reproduced itself how can i do that
20:08.26melmothtalking about crash and stuff.. i am afraid there is no way to use gdb and stuff on the scratchbox sdk in armel.
20:08.39bef0rdyep, I've noticed that latest liqbase is a bit unstable compared with the previous version
20:08.40melmothare you able to catche core on the tablet ? and use them ?
20:09.24lcukbef0rd, agreed - its not crapping out on first unknown error anymore and is trying to be more of a hildon app, if you can be more specific i should be able to cure it
20:10.21lcukthat is something brand new and known to be not 100% yet
20:10.40RST38hlcuk: If you manage to fuck up X11, then you are doing something wrong =)
20:11.04melmothno, that s spotting a X bug, that s good news.
20:11.39melmoththat is..if somebody can do something about it :)
20:11.40lcukRST38h, im not - and its not reproducable, but very rarely i get an error and it freezes, in a few weeks if i reproduce it ill save you the error
20:11.46bef0rdlcuk, i've got two crash at least, the screen went black and got no response
20:12.13lcukand since x shouts on stderr it wont be in the log
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20:14.19suihkulokkiStskeeps ?
20:14.23Stskeepssuihkulokki: mm?
20:14.53suihkulokkiI'm cleaning 0xffff for debian inclusion
20:15.16lcukRST38h, this is the type of error it raises when it completely locks (this is not the specific one i just did a google on the keywords)
20:15.16lcukX Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
20:15.16lcukMajor opcode of failed request: 142 (XVideo)
20:15.16lcukMinor opcode of failed request: 17 ()
20:15.20Stskeepssuihkulokki: alright, sounds good
20:15.33suihkulokkias the first package in main dir :P
20:15.49lcukyet it has been running happily for hours prior to this and continues to run happily afterwards
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20:16.51RST38hIs 2008.38 available for update?
20:17.14suihkulokkiStskeeps: so the question remains how to manage the process
20:18.08Stskeepssuihkulokki: i have no particular interest in 0xffff, atleast - if we make interesting packages, clean up, mention deblet somewhere, retain copyright of package with your copyright notice addition, then i'm fine with it
20:18.29RST38hlcuk: Oh I know what it is
20:18.33Stskeeps(i'm a bsd license person, so as long as i'm credited, i'm fine)
20:18.51lcukenlighten me then
20:18.54suihkulokkiStskeeps: well, 0xffff is just a example packaging in this case
20:18.55lcukplease :$
20:18.58Stskeepssuihkulokki: yep
20:19.00suihkulokkijust needed to start somewhere ;)
20:19.15suihkulokkiso eventually we want everything in debian
20:19.31Stskeepswe'll see - some of the packages are direct hacks
20:19.37Stskeepsbut this is fun working with anyway
20:19.47Stskeepsyou having it in sid/lenny just lessens our bw load ;)
20:20.00RST38hlcuk: You are making some XVideo API call and provide bad image attributes
20:20.14RST38hlcuk: Should I look up those numbers?
20:20.22lcukbut i dont ever change the attributes and it works for MANY thousands of millions of calls
20:20.25Stskeepssuihkulokki: just as long as i don't get into any discussions with debian-legal, had enough of those :P
20:20.28lcukno, thats NOT the actual error
20:20.42lcukill store it when it happens again - like i said , its happened just a couple of times
20:21.21lcukthat was the type of error and i just remembered seeing the major and minor opcode bits
20:22.08suihkulokkiStskeeps: well d-l should be irrelevant for all the main/contrib packages
20:22.26Stskeepsi've tried to put them into main/contrib after guidelines atleast
20:22.37lcuki would understand if i changed the way i called it and got a reproducable failure - (like i get if i try to only update part of the xv plane) - but this just fails on the spot - i never worried about it cos i remember reading something about it from the original "sdl tearing mplayer" thread thingy
20:22.42RST38hlcuk: this means that the context of that call execution somehow changes
20:22.49RST38hlcuk: And you have to check for it somehow
20:23.01Stskeepssuihkulokki: i'm just happy developing and making interesting things - so just pull upstream whatever you find interesting :)
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20:23.52Stskeepsthen when the package is availiable in unstable or the likes, we pull from our repo, and so on (i prefer to stay on lenny base for now as .. unstable did funny things while we developed)
20:24.12lcukRST38h, all i can do is check the result of the 1 call made to XvShmPutImage, which i do, but the error has occured and locked
20:24.16lcukbefore that returns
20:24.19lcukso i can never check it
20:24.57suihkulokkiStskeeps: well I'd prefer you guys would still keep maintaining them in after they get into debian
20:25.08suihkulokkiI have to mentor but not so much to maintain
20:25.11RST38hlcuk: Ok, so you are doing ShmPutImage
20:25.17Stskeepsalright, then deblet repo would serve as development ground i guess :P
20:25.21RST38hand that call fails?
20:25.29suihkulokkiyeah, that's fine
20:25.32Stskeepsi will take patches gladly (and if you want svn commit, you're more than welcome)
20:25.56suihkulokkido you have a mailing list?
20:26.10lcukRST38h, no, somewhere within that call it outputs that message and locks
20:26.24lcukbut only once in a bluemoon
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20:26.43Stskeepssuihkulokki: for commits? no, just trac's timeline / rss, - most discussions happen here on irc or on ITT
20:26.46lcukand i call it the same every time
20:26.47RST38hlcuk: X11 receives that call (remember, it is client server architecture) and fails to execute it
20:26.57RST38hlcuk: Because it has been doing something else at that moment
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20:27.26moontigerwonders where she can send a SQL Scripting For Dummies book so the guys can learn how to do databases
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20:27.36moontigerso slow ... always so slow
20:27.46suihkulokkiStskeeps: well something to drop as the maintainer address
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20:28.48Stskeepssuihkulokki: set
20:29.20lcukRST38h, thats all well and good, but any idea how to prevent it?
20:29.28lcukdo i need to obtain a lock around it or something?
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20:38.50GeneralAntillesmoontiger, the server move is still in progress. . . .
20:39.44Stskeepswasn't this supposed to be done months ago? :P
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20:40.12GeneralAntillesStskeeps, the Finnish summer vacation pushed things back a lot.
20:40.20GeneralAntillesMore like weeks ago realistically.
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20:47.34cyrus___when connecting my n810 to desktop computer through USB, only the internal memory card shows up. Anyone know why?
20:48.07Stskeepscyrus___: maybe external card is in use
20:48.13macoute_cloned os?
20:48.18Stskeepsor that
20:48.27cyrus___Stskeeps - no..I just rebooted it
20:48.37macoute_and no cloned os?
20:48.43Stskeepsmetacrawler crawling in places it shouldnt? :P
20:48.50macoute_can you use it normally?
20:49.01cyrus___cloned os? - not sure what you mean by that
20:49.07cyrus___yes I can
20:50.04macoute_cyrus___: then you prolly dont have it :)
20:53.19moontigerGeneralAntilles, really?? it takes me an hour to set up a web server from start to end
20:53.32GeneralAntillesmoontiger, yeah, one server.
20:53.50moontigerthey have more than one?
20:53.54GeneralAntillesLots more
20:54.01moontigera cluster of n770's?? wow! ;)
20:54.02GeneralAntillesThey also have lots and lots of heavy applications
20:54.25GeneralAntillesBugzilla, the wiki, Garage, Midgard, Downloads, the mailing lists, the repositories, etc, etc.
20:54.35moontigerwhy dont they just have the web server running on its own as a web server?
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20:55.10GeneralAntillesAnyway, think whatever you want, it's not a simple thing. :)
20:55.52moontigerim not saying it is but i have written and maintained a few large websites and they were a lot faster with a lot less hardware
20:55.52moontigerjust puzzling is all
20:56.05GeneralAntillesAs large as and with as many services?
20:56.08GeneralAntillesI somehow doubt it.
20:56.25moontigerwell 2 load balanced apache servers talking to a video server and a db server
20:56.43moontigerserving over 1tb of video each month to close on 500k uniques
20:57.13moontigerand an average of 15million page views per month
20:57.18moontigerso not trivial
20:58.05GeneralAntillesThe stuff running _is_ open source, I'm sure they'd be happy to have additional help. :)
21:00.42moontigeri would be happy to help :)
21:01.02moontigerim not saying im some big expert or anything ... just i have built and run sites bigger than
21:07.28Stskeepsmycat.. pornsite or cat site, .. good question
21:09.23macoute_lets test
21:09.38macoute_Access Forbidden - pornsite
21:10.10lcukheh, firefox saying "waiting for"   - i wait for mycat as well and the lazy fecker just sits outside the front door meowing
21:10.26macoute_GeneralAntilles: is maemo large?
21:10.41macoute_how many page loads you have a day?
21:12.02macoute_lcuk: not in archive?
21:12.10lcukmacoute_, its not the page loads, its the underlying CMS thats simply outgrown its design spec and is running lots of things it really shouldnt have to but has ended up doing
21:12.11macoute_oh, found
21:13.06macoute_lcuk: well, even the worst CMS should manage some pageloads a day, so it surely is about the page loads :)
21:13.14lcukthrows more iron at the problem
21:13.36lcukmacoute_, yes, it handles its core audience of 3 perfectly
21:13.43lcukit just doesnt scale very well beyond that
21:14.05macoute_lcuk: you are talking about midgard?
21:14.27lcukyes, runs midguard on an n770 according to legend
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21:15.31macoute_midgard should scale ok
21:15.50macoute_as i think that is not that big site after all
21:16.03macoute_tablets never were a box office hit :)
21:16.19lcukits all in progress anyway, i think this discussion occured last year something
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21:21.40mgedminso, is liqbase in extras-devel yet?
21:22.31lcuk_inshedno mgedmin, i only just added support for osso and handling events properly, they need a bit of ironing out first.  it is available from though
21:22.59lcuk_inshedor is that the point of -devel?
21:23.28mgedminthat's my interpretation of -devel: beta stuff
21:24.09RST38hdevel should be ok for it already
21:26.06lcuk_inshedRST38h, i really want to sort out the x11 event handling first and get the first run experience nice and smooth.  as soon as thats done it will be in -devel
21:27.24lcuk_inshedbut i will trust your judgement on one condition ;) install and run it yourself and tell me then if you think i should
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21:37.18GAN800lcuk_inshed, does it cause massive data loss?
21:38.05lcuk_inshedthe most ive ever lost is an inprogress hyper detailed rendition of a human being.  or to put it bluntly, it crashed when i was drawin a stick man
21:38.28lcuk_inshedno GAN800 it doesnt
21:38.35GeneralAntillesThen it's ready for Extras-devel.
21:40.54mgedminso, no uploading yourself into the tablet for the time being
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21:41.43lcuk_inshedheh mgedmin im not afraid of uploading into the tablet, its when i escape and run amokck on the wider internet
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21:43.19GK^LKAcan i ask some lame questions about installing and setting up the maemo 4.1.1 sdk?
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21:43.59GK^LKAthe documentation mentions some rootstraps
21:44.13GK^LKAbut I can't find any for diablo
21:44.28GK^LKAwhere can i find them?
21:45.47mgedminhave you looked on
21:45.55lcuk_inshedhave you tried following the instructions
21:45.57mgedmin... which is still unbelievably slow :(
21:46.08GK^LKAof course, but there aren't any links in the sdk's page
21:46.19mgedmindidn't it get a new more powerful server recently?
21:46.28lcuk_inshedwhich instructions are you reading
21:46.40GK^LKAyes, i'm following what's written in the maemo diablo reference man 4.1 pdf
21:46.44lcuk_inshedmgedmin, not yet live
21:46.52lcuk_inshed    so you arent following this one is down again, according to
21:47.01lcuk_inshedor is that a different thing
21:47.10mgedminmaemo-sdk is an experimental half-working thing
21:47.13mgedminit's not the official sdk
21:47.22mgedminshame about the name similarity
21:47.23GK^LKAthen what's the offical sdk?
21:47.50GK^LKAto tell you the truth i need only a working php+webserver combo for my n810
21:48.08GK^LKAso the sdk is for compiling some php+lighttpd
21:48.25lcuk_inshedmgedmin, ahhh i just noticed that, SDK+...
21:48.28mgedmin has a broken link to the release notes
21:48.31mgedminboo, nokia webmasters, boo!
21:48.35GK^LKAmgedmin: yes, this guide is the other thing i've seen
21:48.47GK^LKAi've installed the sdk with the given shell script
21:48.50mgedminGK^LKA: the official SDK is a pain to install, but it works
21:49.03mgedminthe SDK+ is easy to install (if you've got debian/ubuntu), but it's not fully functional
21:49.16mgedmine.g. last time I checked you could not apt-get install additional -dev packages inside the scratchbox
21:49.16GK^LKAthen which one is which?
21:49.24mgedminthe official SDK is on
21:49.40mgedminthe unofficial new one based on scratchbox 2 is
21:49.51GK^LKAhm, i've not realized that there are two different sdks until you told :)
21:50.00mgedminyou were looking for the 4.1 rootstrap, right?
21:50.02RST38hstill cant afaik
21:50.05mgedminaccording to my notes it's at
21:50.05GK^LKAthen I've got the offical one
21:50.15mgedminalthough I suppose the INSTALL.txt has that url
21:50.35mgedminI like this shorter set of instructions for installing the sdk:
21:50.47GK^LKAhm, sure
21:50.49mgedminlets you have multiple maemo SDK versions in a single scratchbox
21:50.54GK^LKAsorry, i didn't see it
21:52.03GK^LKAthen i'm following this txt further, and after compiling some test files I'll be back for asking help to compile lighttpd :)
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22:41.46AStormwhere I can get a log of maemo-mapper's updates?
22:43.19GeneralAntillesOr the garage project.
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23:22.26*** join/#maemo simboss (n=simone@
23:27.02*** join/#maemo Raytray25 (n=raytray@unaffiliated/raytray)
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23:58.43Stskeepsponders idly what to use his dead-battery ipaq 3630 for, with familiar on it

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