irclog2html for #lugwv on 20061108

03:11.14*** join/#lugwv DaCa (n=danny@lugwv/member/DaCa)
03:33.52*** join/#lugwv PoTs (
04:01.45*** join/#lugwv DaCa (i=danny@lugwv/member/DaCa)
06:32.54*** join/#lugwv fluxi (
11:38.35*** join/#lugwv Enoxs (
11:39.06*** join/#lugwv yanu (
11:40.20EnoxsHallo,ik ben nieuw op dit kanaal. Ivm de lugwv, zijn er nog bijeenkomsten? Ik las op de site dat deze tijdelijk gedaan zijn door gebrek aan vrijwilligers.
12:23.52EnoxsJesus, saaie bedoening hier..........
12:24.21*** part/#lugwv Enoxs (
12:24.39yanuoei, 't is ier saai, :)
12:33.27*** join/#lugwv fluxi_ (
18:48.36*** join/#lugwv FreeBsdBeni (n=FreeBSD@
19:34.14*** join/#lugwv Netlynx (
21:09.02*** join/#lugwv Autie (i=autie@lugwv/member/autie)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.