IRC log for #lugot on 20080802

00:53.35*** join/#lugot bsdadmin-tim (
00:54.55bsdadmin-timHey Linuturk, you around?
01:19.25Linuturkbsdadmin-tim: ?
01:22.28bsdadmin-timsorry to drop off early. Had a client *crisis that had to be dealt with.
01:22.35Linuturkno worries
01:22.42LinuturkI understand that kind of stuff
01:22.45bsdadmin-timYou know how it goes.
01:23.02bsdadmin-timWhat versions of linux do you run at home?
01:23.07LinuturkUbuntu 8.04
01:23.19bsdadmin-timThe lts
01:23.29bsdadmin-timAny good?
01:24.36Linuturki enjoy it
01:24.51bsdadmin-timDoes it have support for cdma cards?
01:25.35Linuturknot built in . . . at least, not that I know of. might have something
01:25.42LinuturkI don't have one
01:26.15bsdadmin-timThats kinda of why I switched to fedora. The rpm hell problems are gone and networkmanager 7 is just sweet.
01:26.51Linuturkwho do you use ? Verizon?
01:26.53bsdadmin-timmy cdma card just works out of the box, and the do a lot of stuff ubuntu just doesn't do.
01:27.02bsdadmin-timcompany paid for so I have no idea the cost
01:27.22bsdadmin-timI used to love ubuntu though, it all went downhill after dapper. Maybe it's just my hardware.
01:27.57Linuturkdon't know
01:28.18LinuturkI can't afford that stuff, so it doesn't concern me
01:28.23bsdadmin-timAre you trying to bring *nix to you're workplace or is it simple not worth it?
01:29.00Linuturkwell, it has it's place in the server room
01:29.02bsdadmin-timjust courious, cause the company I work for is basically just windows field techs and not amount of trying to convert them will work.
01:29.25Linuturkbut, we run some proprietary stuff that won't run in wine
01:29.29Linuturk.NET based
01:29.46bsdadmin-tim.NET = horrid code
01:30.05bsdadmin-timI wont even run mono. That stuff is just weird to me.
01:30.49LinuturkI'm trying to learn python
01:30.59bsdadmin-timpython is pretty simple.
01:31.09bsdadmin-timPersonally one of the ruby fanboys
01:32.57LinuturkI do php/mysql stuff do
01:34.31bsdadmin-timI freaking hate php
01:34.53bsdadmin-timnot because of the language which I think is fine. But because they seem to break compatablity with there code every point release.
01:36.23Linuturki haven't noticed
01:37.05bsdadmin-timmost don't. Sysadmins have to work around it at the server lvl. The last big hit was 5.1>5.2. They fixed a annoyning bug that broke compatablity. Made my life hell for a while.
01:38.52bsdadmin-timIn any case what kind of presentation are you looking for at the meeting. If I remember properly you have been doing them all.
01:39.08Linuturkbasically, a linux 101 class
01:39.14Linuturkand, not all of them, but most
01:39.46bsdadmin-timAre you teaching cross-distro or just ubuntu?
01:40.01Linuturkwell, cross distro to an extent
01:40.10Linuturkmost of my knowledge is Ubuntu
01:40.37bsdadmin-timok, it's you gig man. I don't want to bring in something that would mess up you're presentations. Most of what I know is server based though.
01:40.45bsdadmin-timI'm not sure that would go well with new people.
01:41.23LinuturkI've got experience with Arch though
01:41.28Linuturkthat was a learning experience
01:41.54bsdadmin-timo ya, I used it for all of day and gave up. If you stuck with it, congrats to you.
01:42.16bsdadmin-timI used to use gentoo back before drobbins left.
01:42.16LinuturkI ran it for a while, but the version control was troubling
01:42.40Linuturk.pacnew files were annoying b/c I never could figure out an easy way to merge them
01:42.44bsdadmin-timI was too used to bsd for arch.
01:43.09LinuturkI tried gentoo once
01:43.19LinuturkI gave up when it took 4 hours to compile something
01:43.50bsdadmin-timI was stubborn. Did a stage one install my first time and stuck with it for about 6 months. Man did that suck.
01:44.22LinuturkI basically got sick and tired of having to fiddle so much to get things working
01:44.31Linuturkand then, them breaking 2 weeks later
01:44.36Linuturkso, back to Ubuntu
01:44.42bsdadmin-timpretty much, thats why I use fedora, and I suspect why you're using ubuntu
01:45.35bsdadmin-timfbsd is actually really good on the desktop so long as you don't need things like 'bluetooth audio' 'cdma connections' etc etc. So long as you stay away from the fringe bsd is awsome.
01:46.01Linuturkwell, I use a fujitsu tablet, so I have some exotic needs
01:46.08bsdadmin-timno doubt.
01:46.13bsdadmin-timthat would be exotic
01:46.17bsdadmin-timhow does that work for you?
01:46.39Linuturkworks really well, actually
01:46.45LinuturkACPI works good
01:46.54Linuturkafter a few settings, tablet pen works great
01:47.07Linuturkeven auto rotation and tablet buttons
01:47.26bsdadmin-timI did not think those things worked at all.
01:47.30bsdadmin-timThats news to me
01:47.41bsdadmin-timI'd like to see a demo of that someday.
01:47.47Linuturkthe only issue isn't with the software, but with the hardware, and it runs hot
01:48.00Linuturkwell, come to the meeting, I'll be doing a presentation on it
01:48.10Linuturkdoing the* presentation
01:48.42bsdadmin-tim6:30 on tuesday right?
01:49.02bsdadmin-timhang on, let me go find my phone and check my schdule.
01:54.12bsdadmin-timI'm clear tuesday night so far.
01:55.03bsdadmin-timany other good irc channels you know of. I've been out of irc for a while now. Been too busy to chat
01:55.45Linuturkwell, I idle in here, #fluxbuntu, and #ubuntu-us-fl
01:57.41bsdadmin-timflux is awsome if you have the time to configure it
01:57.56Linuturkwell, fluxbuntu does a lot of the work for you
01:58.53bsdadmin-timI'd run it, but I cant find a good reason to now. Gnome works just fine and none of my servers run gui's at all.
01:59.11bsdadmin-timSpeaking of which, I'll never understand why people run gui's on servers. Any opnions?
01:59.25Linuturkwell, I can tell you why I do
01:59.44bsdadmin-timgo ahead
01:59.46Linuturkthere are two reasons I run a gui on the one server at my office
01:59.59Linuturka) I run vmware on it
02:00.35Linuturkso, I use the gui to view the windows servers on it
02:00.56Linuturkb) I work with windows admins, and they like gui's to use
02:01.11bsdadmin-timI guess that makes sense. I guess i"m lucky in that all my servers are fbsd and they virtualize them self's just fine.
02:01.15Linuturkand, they have to be able to back me up when I'm on vacation
02:01.31bsdadmin-timplus I'm the only admin right now so what I say goes.
02:01.50bsdadmin-timI have a windows admin friend of mine that would like to come to the meeting if thats ok
02:02.00Linuturksure, everyone is welcome :)
02:02.25bsdadmin-timWhy do you host it at you're office?
02:02.56Linuturkwell, we were having it in a community center, but it was small and hard to meet at will
02:03.21Linuturkplus, we have a classroom at my office, with projectors and tables and chairs and plenty of room
02:04.04bsdadmin-timthat makes sense
02:04.28bsdadmin-timPerhaps I'll invite you all over to my house someday. Plenty of room, though no projector yet.
02:06.12Linuturksounds fun
02:06.32bsdadmin-timat my house, it is. There is always beer available.
02:06.49Linuturkheh, I don't really drink, but yeah
02:06.55bsdadmin-timthat and it's a 3 bedroom/2 living room house and I'm the only one that lives here.
02:07.20bsdadmin-timso I got rooms I never go into. Might as well put them to use
02:07.41Linuturkwhy do you have big house?
02:08.56Linuturksuch a*
02:09.09bsdadmin-timFunny joke that. I used to live in a studio (read one room with kitchen, bathroom, etc ) all in one. So when I moved I got a decent house. It's not huge or a rich guys house at all, but its a lot more then I need.
02:10.46bsdadmin-timNice place to hang out though there is not wild partys or anything. Most of my neighbors are very watchful and I like it that way.
02:11.21bsdadmin-timyou live in killaren?
02:11.33Linuturkheh, I wish
02:11.41bsdadmin-timya me too
02:11.43LinuturkI live on the NW side of town, off of Mission
02:11.46bsdadmin-timthats a rich neighborhood
02:12.12bsdadmin-timI used to live by there. I was actually living in bainbridge clube over on fred george at one time.
02:12.46Linuturkmission might used to have been rich, but it isn't rich now LOL. renters galore
02:12.58LinuturkI'm south of the interstate
02:13.09bsdadmin-timya, thats not a rich area at all
02:13.15bsdadmin-timneither is were I am
02:13.18bsdadmin-timover by indian head
02:15.58bsdadmin-timheh what?
02:16.29Linuturkjust "heh"

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