IRC log for #lugot on 20080510

17:28.52*** join/#lugot guypat (
20:07.24*** join/#lugot Linuturk (
20:54.16*** join/#lugot flybaer (
21:06.45flybaermy hard drive died while I was out of town and I am trying to retrieve two files off if it.  Everything else is backed up
21:06.56flybaeryes, it is windows
21:07.16flybaerDSL said lots of ugly things about NTFS drives while booting
21:07.31flybaerI can't seem to find the drive on DSL
21:07.47guypatmount the drive in an external hard drive enclosure
21:10.37flybaerdon't have one....
21:15.23flybaersystem stats says it can see the NTFS
21:15.36flybaerhow do I mount it preferably using a gui
21:34.57guypat[ flybaer:#lugot] don't have one....
21:34.59guypatget one
21:35.01guypatthey're like $20
21:37.49flybaeryeah, I know
21:38.43guypatonce in the enclosure, boot to your OS and attempt recovery
21:39.14guypati've had success with Active Partition Recovery 5
21:39.18flybaerI was hoping I could get those files without doing that
21:39.21guypatand Spinrite 5
21:39.38guypaterm, Spinrite 6*
21:39.53flybaerwindows says that drive info doesn't exist and it needs to be reformatted
21:40.09guypatof course.. windows is not a data recovery tool
21:40.21flybaer:-D I wouldn't have caught the version discrepancy
21:40.37guypatanyway, don't format that drive if you want your data
21:41.04guypatget another windows box, plug in the usb enclosure, run active partition recovery
21:41.16guypatdepending on the size, could take anywhere from 4-24 hours, maybe longer
21:41.36flybaerI would have gone to compusa
21:41.49flybaerdoes the other box stores have them?
21:42.05flybaerCircuit city, best buy, staples, office dept, max
21:42.09guypathave what?
21:42.52flybaerthe hd enclosure
21:43.01flybaerusb enclosure
21:43.02guypatyea, i'm sure they do
21:43.08guypathowever.. if your'e in tally
21:43.13guypatgoto kbshopper
21:43.21guypatlowest in town... $26
21:43.26guypatboth ide & sata
21:43.45guypatanywhere else you'll pay over $30
21:43.47flybaernever heard of it
21:43.59guypatcorner of magnolia + tennessee/mahan
21:44.12guypatacross from jen's pancake shop or whatever that crap is
21:44.14flybaeri hope they are open
21:44.32guypataccording to their site no, they're not open today.
21:44.41guypatyea, they closed @ 3pm
21:44.55flybaerI see that
21:44.57flybaerthat sucks
21:45.10flybaerI just need by quicken, really
21:45.22flybaermy calendar would be nice and could wait until monday
21:45.24flybaeroh, well
21:46.17flybaerthanks for the info
21:46.34flybaerI am going to beat away at it until then and maybe i will get lucky
21:46.46guypati've restored over 150gb of MP3s and my g/f laptop drive before
21:46.52flybaerI know, fat chance...or would that be ntfs chance
21:46.59guypatboth were ntfs
21:47.15flybaerI just need two stinkin files
21:47.19flybaerthat is it
21:47.21flybaerjust two
21:47.28flybaerI have everything else backed up
21:47.28guypathaha, bummer
21:47.31flybaerlike a good girl
21:47.49flybaerthere has got to be a way
21:47.51guypati have over 300gb spread across 4 drives i need to recovery
21:48.05guypatrecover* but i guess it's not important atm.. as long as i have the data all is well
21:48.36flybaerthat is what is important

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