IRC log for #lugot on 20080327

00:55.17flybaerhey guys
00:55.26flybaerI am bored
00:55.41flybaerhubby is watching UFC and has the remote.  Men with remotes suck
00:55.48guypathow is that possible?
00:56.00guypatbeing bored
00:56.09flybaerI dunno
00:56.20flybaerI usually have the tv on while I play with the computer
00:56.27flybaerI like to multi-task
00:56.39guypatas do I :)
00:56.50guypatwhat's your distro of choice?
00:56.54flybaeryou should try it......just doing one thing at a time
00:57.01flybaerI am playing with Ubuntu
00:57.04guypateh, impossible
00:57.30flybaermy family thinks I am crazy
00:57.41flybaerthey want me to SIT down with them to watch tv
00:57.47flybaerI can see it from here
00:58.02guypatI'm on three servers, managing an adwords campaign, analyzing azoogle earnings, trying to figure out something on my server, responding to emails, helping my g/f reload her os
00:58.05guypataahh, madness
00:58.27flybaer<sigh> blissful isn't it :-D
00:58.38guypateh, in the long run, hopefully
00:58.44flybaerhow'd you find our small group
00:59.12guypata friend of a friend mentioned something about a linux group here in tally that idles on freenode
00:59.34guypatfew google queries later and here I am
00:59.44flybaerwe definitely idle on this channel, unless someone needs some help
01:00.08guypatlol, I asked a question either yesterday or the day before and no one responded :(
01:00.37flybaeryou have to address a knowledgeable person by name to get our attention
01:00.58flybaersince it has been so inactive, we don't usually monitor it unless we see it flashing
01:01.56flybaerlinuturk and macluvjay usually answer my questions
01:02.09flybaerif goozbach is around, he is a plethora of info
01:02.17flybaerbut he moved and doesn't monitor much
01:04.34Linuturkyeah, his question stumped me
01:05.45flybaerwonder if gooz could have help
01:06.12Linuturkgoozbach is the worst idler of us all :)
01:06.32flybaerbut every now and then he is around
01:07.00guypatgooz = tall guy with black hair?
01:07.27Linuturkhe moved away and left us
01:07.27guypathe wrote an article on his blog on how to automount an ipod as a non root user
01:07.32guypatwas pretty hot
01:07.45flybaerhe is pretty knowledgeable
01:07.54guypatalthough I don't run automount :P still a cool little write up
01:08.45guypatof all the networks I've been on, efnet seems to split the most..
01:09.57LinuturkI got Arch installed on my new cloudbook
01:11.56flybaerinteresting, comes preinstalled with Rocket?
01:12.15Linuturkyeah, but the guy I got it from put windoze on it
01:12.57flybaerwhat was he thinking?
01:13.36Linuturkit ran pretty well ... just not well enough
01:27.32goozbachguypat: I'm around, and stumped on your question
01:27.57goozbachif netstat -taupe doesn't show it, you may have to do some twiddling with php itself.
01:32.15Linuturkare these php files that you wrote, or are they part of a package
01:32.33guypatgoozbach - i've been forcing myself to not accept that as a solution, but it looks like i'm running out of options
01:33.05guypatno, I'm not fluent in php. i dabble, change stuff, customize to my liking, but yes, they're part of a package.
01:33.37LinuturkI'm assuming you've been to see the developers of that package, and asked them what might be causing it?
01:37.19guypatwell, that's the thing - I can't even isolate it to a specific package
01:37.25guypator script
01:37.44guypatwell, shouldn't say can't
01:37.47guypatI don't know how :P
01:41.37flybaernewbie with a simple question here <waving her hands>
01:42.10guypatg0g0g0 :)
01:42.41flybaerdoing a server install and am coming up on the choice of what do I want to install
01:43.02flybaerdns server, lamp server, mail server, printer server, samba, open sshh
01:43.08flybaerwhat do I do???  :-D
01:44.18Linuturkwell, what do you want to do with the server?
01:44.39flybaerget to it from home
01:45.07Linuturkyou'll want openssh then
01:45.19Linuturkare you going to be sharing files with windows boxes
01:46.14Linuturkyou'll want samba too
01:46.33Linuturkthat's a good start
01:46.44flybaerI thought so about the samba and SSH but wasn't sure if I could select multiple
01:46.57Linuturkyep, you can :)
01:47.17guypatdepending on the distro, you can drill down even further
01:47.38Linuturkshe's using ubuntu
01:47.54guypatare you planning on running just cli or a window manager?
01:48.02flybaerit only lets me select one app
01:48.15guypatisn't really familiar with ubuntu :-/
01:48.19flybaerI am assuming I can go back and install Samba later
01:48.24Linuturkyeah, you can
01:48.31guypatsudo apt-get
01:48.31flybaerthat's ok, I am not either
01:49.51flybaerI just haven't played with the server before and am not sure what to expect
01:50.21guypatthe ability to run services :)
01:50.25Linuturkwell, it is all cli (and there really isn't a good reason for a gui unless you are doing vmware or something)
01:50.26guypatstreaming radio is kewl
01:50.48guypatstream your personal mp3 collection and listen wherever you can access the internet :)
01:50.57guypatsetup a web based queue/dj system
01:51.07Linuturkrtorrent server :)
01:52.00flybaerok guys
01:52.05guypatwow, so unbuntu server doesn't come with a windowmanager?
01:52.10guypatby default?
01:52.11flybaerremember me, the newbie<waving my hands>
01:52.21Linuturknope, gui on server == fail
01:52.26Linuturkyou can install one easy though
01:52.32flybaerI have reboot and have signed in
01:52.39guypatLinuturk : don't have to tell me, tell redhat :P
01:52.40flybaernice letters
01:53.36Linuturkwell, you'll have to setup port forwarding on your router for the ssh part
01:53.41Linuturkbut, I'd change the default port
01:53.55Linuturkthat config is in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
01:54.06LinuturkI suggest nano as the text editor
01:54.23guypatyes, somewhere above the 20,000 range
01:54.34Linuturkafter you make your changes to that file, you'll have to restart the service to make the changes effective
01:55.49Linuturkalso, setting a static ip on the server is important
01:56.28Linuturkyou'll have to make sure your dhcp server (your linksys router) has a certain range of ip's that doesn't give out, so you don't get an ip conflict
01:56.46Linuturkonce you are sure you are secure, you can setup port forwarding
01:57.26guypatno iptables 101 this eve? :)
01:57.45Linuturknat firewall is good enough
01:58.06Linuturkbut, if you do want to dig into iptables, vuurmuur is a great little config tool
01:58.17Linuturka bit difficult to understand, but once you get it, you are gold
01:58.20flybaerthis is what I have been following
01:58.29Linuturkisn't a fan of the howtoforge articles
01:58.34flybaerI just installed vim is better
01:58.57flybaerit has step-by-step instructions
01:59.13LinuturkI don't agree with some of their practices
01:59.38Linuturkenabling root, and such
01:59.49flybaerdifferent strokes
02:00.06guypati'm logged in as root all the time, other than when signing onto irc :P
02:00.26guypat166 days of continues service :)
02:00.37flybaerdifferent strokes
02:01.08Linuturkprinciple of least priveledge
02:01.17guypatthnk that's why I never pursued ubuntu. i liked that it was based on debian, but sudo everything???? that's just crazy talk
02:01.26Linuturkonly run with the bare minimum priviledges
02:01.30flybaerit is killing me
02:01.30Linuturkthat you need
02:01.32Linuturkto function
02:01.33flybaerI hate doing that
02:01.36guypatkind of like vista asking three times if you want to connect to a wireless network :P
02:01.46Linuturkyou don't have to enable root to use root
02:01.56Linuturkjust go "sudo su"
02:02.08Linuturkand you're gold for that terminal
02:02.27guypattrew - does ubuntu offer a 32mb installation cd? :)
02:02.27Linuturkbut running X and such as root is just asking for trouble
02:02.39guypatyes, i agree with that
02:02.49guypatnow that's crazy haha
02:02.59Linuturknot that I know of about the 32mb cd
02:03.07Linuturkpoints to DSL
02:04.45guypathere's one:
02:05.20Linuturkyou like small? Tom's Root Boot floppy
02:05.37LinuturkI once recovered a system using that floppy and netcat
02:06.02guypati run a vps so small is key for me at the moment
02:06.45flybaerok, how do I save and exit in vi
02:07.06guypatisn't sure
02:07.16Linuturkthat's why I say use nano
02:07.18Linuturkmuch easier
02:07.22guypatlol, im a pico/nano guy.. never took the time to learn vi
02:08.30guypatladies and gents, it's been a pleasure. i'm off to get some much needed sleep. try not to acquire to many korean r00t shells while i'm gone :P
02:10.32flybaerthe stupid file is read-only
02:11.33flybaernight to you, too
02:11.41flybaerI will play more tomorrow
02:13.07flybaerhow do I sign off
02:13.29flybaerI promise to look up server info tomorrow so i won't ask a thousand questions
02:15.07Linuturkflybaer: exit
02:15.14flybaerthat is what I did :-D
02:15.22flybaerthanks though
13:21.33flybaerI am assuming I have to change the permissions on the interfaces file before I can edit it
14:12.39*** join/#lugot guypat (
15:35.43guypatgot a simple question today :)
15:35.49guypatwhat's the command to remove a user?
15:39.26macluvjaydoes loonix use pw?
15:39.37macluvjayguess not
15:47.30guypatah, NM. deluser
16:21.22goozbachI like userdel -r
17:03.47guypatCureDream: you make linkbaiting sound easy :P i've yet to have any positive results
17:03.54guypaterm, wrong channel lol
17:50.47goozbachguypat: are you the guy who linked to my "ipod" article on my blog?
17:50.58goozbachI reconize the URL

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