IRC log for #ldstech on 20140114

03:16.46*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
03:59.00*** join/#ldstech josephscott (
13:42.58*** join/#ldstech TyDon (
13:49.23*** join/#ldstech josephscott (
14:54.29*** join/#ldstech jonmull (
15:07.04*** join/#ldstech josephscott (
15:17.02*** join/#ldstech donohtyl93_ (
15:29.53*** join/#ldstech anderwest (
16:28.51*** join/#ldstech ekeating (
16:30.26ekeating~meetstart <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
16:30.27infobot********** Start of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2014.01.14 16:30:27 **********
16:30.31ekeatingG'day mates.
16:30.32ekeatingWho's on board today (or who's awake)?
16:31.07ekeatingjonmull, what does your day look like?
16:31.53jonmullwell im doing the D&C stories photos for the childrens section in gospel library 3
16:32.12ekeatingsounds like fun
16:32.32ekeatinganderwest, what are your plans for today?
16:32.51anderwestwell, theres a meeting
16:33.05jonmullits teadius because there is a lot of photos and it is going to take me a while to finish putting all of the telescope id numbers into the spreadsheet
16:33.23anderwestand then I'm not sure
16:33.32ekeatingokay, thanks
16:33.54ekeatingjonmull, wow, sounds like a challenge
16:34.13ekeatingas I understand, there is no staff meeting today, correct?
16:34.24jonmullit is and i have already done over 200 of them and already did the NT ones
16:34.28*** join/#ldstech LDSTech (
16:34.29*** mode/#ldstech [+o LDSTech] by ChanServ
16:35.41ekeatingjonmull, that's amazing, good job!
16:36.02jonmullthanks. i learned a trick that saves me a bunch of time
16:36.52*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
16:36.52*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:36.56*** join/#ldstech wearnshaw (
16:36.57ekeatinganderwest, is it the all-hands meeting?
16:37.05anderwestat 10?
16:37.10*** mode/#ldstech [+o wearnshaw] by ChanServ
16:37.31TimRikersounds like there is a staff meeting today.
16:37.41ekeatingyou mean the staff meeting anderwest ?
16:37.50anderwestyes, that one
16:38.01anderwestis there another one I should be going to?
16:38.01TimRikerI have a canceled one and a non-cancelled one on my calendar. smootar says he is planning on having a staff meeting at 10.
16:38.02ekeatingTimRiker, okay, I had it cancelled on my calendar
16:38.11TimRikerekeating, I have both. :)
16:38.53ekeatingAs you report today, please add anything I should cover during our staff meeting.  Thanks
16:39.06ekeatingTimRiker, let's move on to your report for today.
16:39.25TimRikerekeating, re-sent the non-canceled one to you.
16:40.01TimRikergot buried yesterday. didn't get to hvc or re-login at all. :(
16:40.05TimRikerwill try again today.
16:40.08TimRikerthat's all
16:40.19ekeatinggood luck  ;)
16:40.26ekeatingwearnshaw, your turn
16:40.32wearnshawAgain, tomorrow I will not be here in the morning, I should be in around noon or so.
16:40.32wearnshawYesterday I resolved LDSTECH-517, adding a way for users to leave feedback about why they have left a project.
16:40.32wearnshawToday I will probably be hooking that in with the site more and creating an interface to view the data.
16:40.32wearnshawThat is all I have.
16:41.17ekeatingwonderful thanks, and I'll forgive you for tomorrow  ;)
16:41.30TimRikeras a side note: I did get my oil changed. and I have a new phone prototype I'm debugging.
16:42.12ekeatingthat's good to hear and what prototype are you debugging?
16:42.13TimRikerwearnshaw, what happens to the data? does it get emailed as part of the "joe has left the project" emails?
16:42.25wearnshawI added a table to the database
16:42.32TimRikerekeating, side venture. saygus vphone
16:43.09wearnshawSpeaking of, you will probably need to update your local database or the next svn update will probably bring a bunch of errors as well.
16:43.10TimRikerwearnshaw, does it get sent as part of the "joe has left" email?
16:43.21TimRikerit should, no?
16:43.43wearnshawI suppose. I wasn't looking for the hook that sends that, I will look for it.
16:43.56ekeatingwearnshaw, I think it should, as well.  It would make it easier to keep track of why people are leaving.
16:44.31ekeatingokay, before we close, anything I should cover during our staff meeting?
16:44.40ekeatingany blocking issues, etc.
16:46.12ekeatingI see dhoward has 2 blocking issues for capz.  Any idea where that stands?
16:47.04TimRikercommunity app zone
16:47.58ekeatingUnfortunately we're over time so I'll end this meeting but you're welcome to stay on and continue chatting.
16:48.12ekeating~meetend <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
16:48.12infobot********** End of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2014.01.14 16:48:12 **********
16:51.49anderwestdoes anyone know what the sensing Christ thing at 12 is?
16:52.44wearnshawAlan was talking about an object lesson that had a great effect on him recently.
16:53.11wearnshawSomehow we got to the point of him getting the stuff necessary to do this object lesson.
16:53.17wearnshawI can't remember exactly how we got there, but now its here.
16:53.29anderwestah, ok
16:53.56donohtyl93_it is where you put on a blind fold and don't talk. listenning to music and your own thoughts and prayers
16:55.09wearnshawI believe Alan has a script he will read and pass around some objects representing major points of Christ's life.
16:55.38wearnshawAnyhow, staff meeting in 5 minutes.
16:56.04*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
16:57.22*** join/#ldstech anderwest_ (
16:59.46*** join/#ldstech wearnshaw_ (
17:00.53*** join/#ldstech clbj_ (
17:58.41*** join/#ldstech wearnshaw_ (
18:52.01*** join/#ldstech josephscott (
19:10.13*** join/#ldstech tannerk (
20:38.08*** join/#ldstech clbj__ (
21:11.50*** mode/#ldstech [+o wearnshaw_] by ChanServ

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