IRC log for #ldstech on 20130506

04:29.30*** join/#ldstech pdayton (
11:33.53*** join/#ldstech jpglaspie (
12:17.29*** join/#ldstech marquicus (~mrojas@
13:04.58*** join/#ldstech pdayton (
14:00.45*** join/#ldstech smootar (~smootar@
14:00.46*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
14:09.59*** join/#ldstech VickiHaws (
14:31.45*** join/#ldstech jonmull (
14:45.51*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (
14:54.46*** part/#ldstech jpglaspie (
14:59.05*** join/#ldstech ekeating (~Dennis@
14:59.13*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (
14:59.13*** mode/#ldstech [+o scgallafent] by ChanServ
15:00.20ekeating~meetstart <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
15:00.20infobot********** Start of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2013.05.06 15:00:20 **********
15:00.21ekeatingGood Morning.  I hope everyone had a good weekend.  Mine went way too fast.
15:00.46ekeatingscgallafent, let's start with you today
15:00.51scgallafentMostly broadcast on Friday, but worked on a few items.
15:00.51scgallafentPlanning to talk with SDS today about deploying Git stats scripts and work on wrapping those up and getting ready for production.
15:00.51scgallafentThat is all.
15:00.57*** join/#ldstech JedBlack (
15:01.14*** join/#ldstech TimRikerXoom (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:01.15*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRikerXoom] by ChanServ
15:01.25ekeatingthank you
15:01.35ekeatingTimRikerXoom, ?
15:02.30ekeatinghow did the presentation go last week?
15:03.08TimRikerXoomgreat. need to try the video
15:04.18ekeatingI will, maybe tonight after we get to our motel
15:04.54smootarTimRikerXoom: did a very nice job.  We had some good comments afterward.
15:05.06smootarThanks for your work on that TimRikerXoom
15:05.51ekeatingI talk with several brothers yesterday at my sons ward about ldstech.  I'm sure several will take a look
15:06.07ekeatingwhat's your plans for today? TimRikerXoom
15:06.40TimRikerXoomback to ios installer
15:08.02ekeatingJedBlack, your turn
15:08.14JedBlacksmootar Besides putting in the changes we talked about on Friday I am going to add 2 or 3 new slide which will change the flavor of the presentation.If you want more information before tomorrow let me know when I can meet with you for 15 minutes.
15:09.33smootarJedBlack: let's meet at 9:30 tomorrow morning.
15:09.45smootarI had Sister haws setup an appt.
15:10.06*** join/#ldstech Teddieie (d831b5fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:10.29TeddieieGood morning
15:10.33ekeatingthanks JedBlack
15:10.44ekeatingTeddieie, ?
15:11.02TeddieieWorking w/Sister Haynes and allred to get their technology up and running
15:11.12TeddieieThat is all
15:11.30ekeatingsmootar, ?
15:11.47smootarStill working with Dave C. on finalizing our 2013-14 planning.
15:11.47smootarLearning more about CRM's including licensing.
15:11.49smootarWorking on our audit items with the Security Team.
15:11.50smootarI have a few other misc. items that I am working on as well.
15:11.50smootarThat is all.
15:12.18ekeatingthank you
15:12.34ekeatingare there any other issues or reports for today?
15:13.48ekeatingWe'll go ahead and end this meeting a little early.  I have to finish packing and get things loaded up
15:14.10ekeatinghave a great day.  It's raining here in Roseville today
15:14.27ekeating~meetend <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
15:14.27infobot********** End of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2013.05.06 15:14:27 **********
15:28.18*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:28.19*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:41.51*** join/#ldstech bi0s (
15:55.09*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
16:16.44*** join/#ldstech josephscott (
16:23.13*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
16:23.14*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:01.45*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (
17:01.45*** mode/#ldstech [+o scgallafent] by ChanServ
17:21.05*** join/#ldstech smootar (~smootar@
17:21.05*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
17:43.41*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (
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18:44.51*** join/#ldstech robotarmy347 (~robotarmy@
18:47.00*** join/#ldstech robotarmy347 (~robotarmy@
20:04.19*** join/#ldstech RedWork (~dmaker@
20:07.33*** join/#ldstech cpitt (
20:07.33*** mode/#ldstech [+o cpitt] by ChanServ

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