IRC log for #ldstech on 20130409

00:08.52*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (
00:47.09*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
01:00.48*** part/#ldstech jpglaspie (
01:14.54*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
01:14.54*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
03:18.31*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (
04:32.52*** join/#ldstech ekeating (
05:07.50*** join/#ldstech jpglaspie1 (
13:50.40*** join/#ldstech VickiHaws (
14:19.14*** join/#ldstech smootar (
14:19.15*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
14:44.27*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (
14:48.06*** join/#ldstech JedBlack (
14:51.35*** join/#ldstech josephscott (~josephsco@
14:59.21*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
14:59.21*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
14:59.28*** join/#ldstech ekeating (
14:59.52ekeating~meetstart <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
14:59.52infobot********** Start of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2013.04.09 14:59:52 **********
14:59.57ekeatingmoin all
15:00.14ekeatingTimRiker, let's begin with you today
15:00.50*** join/#ldstech KFitz (
15:01.02TimRikerdidn't make much progress on access to work on cookies. will try to track that down today.
15:01.05*** join/#ldstech Teddie (47d71b55@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:01.27TimRikertalked to smootar about doing a strategy meeting today, I don't see one scheduled yet.
15:01.57TimRikergot caught up on email / etc after vacation. that's it for me
15:01.58ekeatingG'day KFitz
15:02.10ekeatingthank you TimRiker
15:02.36smootarTimRiker: forgot to hit the send button on the appointment.
15:02.40ekeatingsmootar, I tried scheduling a sprint but the first time I see available for you is the 16th
15:02.47TimRikernow I see one. thx smootar :)
15:03.12smootarekeating: Can you join us today?
15:03.54smootarIt would be at 1:00 pm Mountain Time.  Noon your time.
15:03.55ekeatingscgallafent, your report?
15:04.02scgallafentYesterday: Worked on Git stats and CPAS.
15:04.03scgallafentToday: Test Swarm against internal JIRA.
15:04.03scgallafentTest project was created yesterday.
15:04.03scgallafentThat is all.
15:04.50ekeatingTeddie, ?
15:04.51TeddieContinuing to finish summary on Lesson Schedules.  That is all.
15:06.07ekeatingKFitz, anything you'd like to add to this meeting?
15:06.27KFitzjusts lurking today
15:06.38ekeatingthanks for being here
15:06.43ekeatingzakzakattack, ?
15:06.51KFitzAlan R. Smoot 9:04 AM
15:06.51KFitzAre you able to join us on IRC this morning?
15:07.01KFitz*wonders if Smootar ever looks*
15:07.21zakzakattackWorking on community hours and missioanry hours getting a good response latly
15:08.32ekeatingJedBlack, ?
15:08.34JedBlackI have completed the notes and comments related to our meeting with GSC and Allegiance management. I need to over over them with Alan at our 11:00 meeting. I also need to talk about getting the people in colorado going.
15:09.04JedBlackshould be "go over"
15:09.51JedBlackTalked with john harrington yesterday and got some interesting comments
15:09.52TimRikerKFitz, that's cause you say G'Day instead of moin. throws us all for a loop. =)
15:10.04JedBlackthats all.
15:10.17*** join/#ldstech jasona (
15:10.33KFitzI had to get all aussie on everyone in rememberance of Anzac day that is coming up this month
15:11.26ekeatingare there any other reports for today or issues we need to discuss?
15:11.28*** join/#ldstech jonmull (
15:11.33smootarOnce internal jira testing of SWARM is complete we will be ready for a pilot.
15:11.33smootarWanted to discuss with KFitz who would be best to pilot our internal Jira integration.
15:11.35smootarKFitz, maybe we can discuss how to proceed as you are working with other teams on SWARM.
15:11.36smootarLooking forward to a strategy meeting for the LDSTech site at 1:00 pm today.
15:11.37smootarSpent most of my day with potential missionaries yesterday.
15:11.38smootarThat is all.
15:12.13smootarKFitz: maybe
15:12.32smootarMaybe there is another project that you would suggest.
15:12.36KFitzI can talk to Ron and Jeff
15:12.53ekeatingsmootar, where will the meeting take place, Ruth or irc?
15:13.09smootarLDSTech channel.
15:13.21smootarCurrently TimRiker's office.
15:13.26ekeatingokay, I'll try to be there
15:13.40smootarBut we could move to Ruth if it is available.
15:13.58*** join/#ldstech jasona (
15:14.04ekeatinganything else today?
15:14.05smootarRuth isn't available.
15:14.50ekeatingokay, we'll end this meeting so you can get set up for the staff meeting at 10
15:15.04ekeating~meetend <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
15:15.04infobot********** End of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2013.04.09 15:15:04 **********
15:32.43smootarTimRiker: Have you recently spoken with Stephan H.?
15:34.19smootarTimRiker: He was wanting to setup a restful service to be used to force an upgrade to beta software.
15:34.52smootarThat was on Thursday of last week I believe.
15:35.29smootarTimRiker: I told him that you and scgallafent were out until Monday.
15:36.53smootarTimRiker, could you touch base with him today?  It sounded like he was going to do a quick fix for last week.  But we need to provide a long term solution for him.
15:37.45smootarTimRiker: I think he wants to do this for all iOS applications.  I'm guessing the Android guys may want a similar thing.
15:40.30*** join/#ldstech RedWork (~dmaker@
15:43.58*** part/#ldstech jasona (
15:51.37scgallafentsmootar, I tried calling Stephan H the day I talked to you and left message. I never heard back from him.
15:52.11smootarok, maybe he ran off and took care of it in some way.
15:52.12scgallafentI traded text messages with KFitz, but never managed to find out if we should start any development, so I didn't proceed any further.
15:52.49smootarI'll try to connect with Stephan today sometime.
16:01.49*** join/#ldstech smootar_ (
16:01.50*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar_] by ChanServ
16:11.05smootarTimRiker: Staff Meeting
16:28.36*** join/#ldstech ekeating (
17:05.02*** join/#ldstech jonmull (
17:06.25*** join/#ldstech smootar (
17:06.25*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
17:58.47*** join/#ldstech TimRikerMK802II (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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18:15.47*** join/#ldstech JedBlack (
18:44.41*** join/#ldstech josephscott (~josephsco@
19:30.32*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (
19:30.33*** mode/#ldstech [+o scgallafent] by ChanServ
22:08.32*** join/#ldstech cpitt (
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22:21.01*** join/#ldstech scgallafent- (
22:21.01*** mode/#ldstech [+o scgallafent-] by ChanServ

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