IRC log for #ldstech on 20130325

14:53.43*** join/#ldstech infobot (
14:53.43*** topic/#ldstech is LDSTech Broadcast - April 5 @ Noon MDT: || LDSTech: || Public IRC Logs: || CIA was: #ldstech-commits but now offline || see also #utah and ##lds
14:53.43*** mode/#ldstech [+o infobot] by ChanServ
14:54.23*** join/#ldstech JedBlack (
15:00.21JedBlacknothing to report
15:00.29*** join/#ldstech scgallafentEvo (~scgallafe@
15:00.29*** mode/#ldstech [+o scgallafentEvo] by ChanServ
15:00.51*** join/#ldstech ekeating (
15:01.10*** join/#ldstech Teddie (d831b5fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:01.21ekeating~meetstart <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
15:01.21infobot********** Start of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2013.03.25 15:01:21 **********
15:01.40smootarthinks JedBlack has something to report and he is hiding what he has been working on. ;)
15:01.48ekeatingmoin all. my computer is running a little slow this morning or is it me>>>>:)
15:02.12ekeatingJedBlack, let's start with you
15:02.37*** join/#ldstech TimRikerMK802II (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:02.37*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRikerMK802II] by ChanServ
15:02.37TeddieGood morning
15:02.51JedBlackIf I have been hiding it is becuase I am not wearing a white shirt and tie.
15:02.58*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:02.58*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:03.02*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (
15:03.22JedBlackContinue to work on support isses and look at Allegiance problems
15:03.31JedBlackthat it.
15:03.53ekeatingTimRiker, what's happening on your side?
15:03.54TimRikerughs... password change time, updating every device and application with new credentials. fun fun
15:04.29TimRikermore looking into ldstech test cases. Do we have a bug review meeting scheduled?
15:04.51TimRikerhoping to ship early this week. not sure when the conf lock down starts.
15:04.55TimRikerthat is all
15:05.13ekeatingnot yet. as soon as the test casses have been reviewed I'll release the team to go throught them and schedule a release meeting.
15:05.19*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (
15:05.19*** mode/#ldstech [+o scgallafent] by ChanServ
15:05.48scgallafentWe wontorium if we do that.
15:05.50scgallafentroe ly won't make the moratorium if we do that.
15:05.52ekeatinghopefully we can have it done by Wednescay
15:06.05scgallafentOuttyped the computer. Heh.
15:06.20scgallafentWe probably won't make the moratorium if we work through test cases like that.
15:06.26*** part/#ldstech scgallafentEvo (~scgallafe@
15:06.33ekeatingany suggestions?
15:06.46scgallafentTest as is without the test cases this time around.
15:07.04scgallafentElder zakzakattack has made pretty good progress on them, but there is still some work before they're ready for public consumption.
15:07.24smootarLimited Change Period:
15:07.27smootarThe general conference limited change period is here. Non-critical changes that may affect production systems must be postponed to support our ecclesiastical leaders during this busy time.
15:07.28smootarThe limited change periods begin and end on the following dates:
15:07.29smootarMessaging Products and Services
15:07.31smootarBegins: Saturday, March 23 at noon MDT
15:07.32smootarEnds: Friday, April 12 at 5:00 p.m.  MDT
15:07.33smootarAll Conference Related Systems
15:07.35smootarBegins: Saturday, March 30 at noon MDT
15:07.36smootarEnds:  Friday, April 12 at 5:00 p.m. MDT
15:07.36smootarFor more information, please see the following document:
15:07.50scgallafentThen we definitely won't make the moratorium.
15:07.59scgallafentAKA limited change period.
15:08.42ekeatingas per jira, all issues have been tested and closed so should we release?
15:08.44smootarI think we are ok if we do it by March 30th.
15:09.09smootarIn fact we aren't messaging products, or conference related systems.
15:09.46ekeatingso should we go back to plan A?
15:09.47smootarI will confirm that it doesn't apply to LDSTech.
15:10.40TimRikerwe need to be up in case we're mentioned off hand in some conference talk. I would not want to be making changes towards the end of this week.
15:11.20ekeatingI'll put together an email for theteam and send it to TimRiker, smootar and scgallafent for approvaql and send it out when okayed
15:12.14ekeatingany other reports for today?
15:12.18TeddieNothing new to report but I am at ROB today through Wednesday
15:12.28scgallafentShould I go?
15:12.31TeddieThat is all
15:12.35smootarMy daughter Jenna spoke in Sacrament Meeting yesterday as she leaves on her mission, we had a great day with family and friends.
15:12.36smootarShe enters the MTC on Wednesday.  I will be out on that day.
15:12.38smootarLooking forward to the release meeting for
15:12.39smootarWe need to get the test cases finalized so that we can get the community to help us test.
15:12.40smootarLet's focus on getting deployed, then we can get the latest SWARM changes finished.
15:12.41smootarThat is all.
15:13.23ekeatingthanks, where is your daughter going?
15:13.31smootarWe are two weeks from conference, I'm ok to make changes toward the end of the week.
15:13.49smootarWe have next week to make sure everything is solid for conference.
15:13.57smootarPhilippines, Bacolod
15:14.04smootarSpeaking Hilgaynon
15:14.27ekeatingthanks a very popular language :)
15:14.38smootar:) Hiligaynon
15:14.46smootar3 other people speak it :)
15:14.56ekeatingIt's all greek to me  :)
15:15.16scgallafentPlus 8.2 million natives. ;)
15:15.26ekeatingokay, I'll get the letter setup and wait for the okay to send it out.
15:15.39ekeatinganything else today?
15:15.58jonmullnothing to report for me
15:16.06TimRiker~x en gr it is all greek to me
15:16.24TimRiker~x en es it is all greek to me
15:16.50ekeatingsame to ya buddy  ;)
15:17.05ekeatingsee you tomorrow
15:17.18ekeating~meetend <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
15:17.18infobot********** End of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2013.03.25 15:17:18 **********
15:17.28smootarThanks you guys.
15:17.33TimRiker~x en el it is all greek to me
15:17.42TimRikerooh. lovely
15:24.34*** join/#ldstech ekeating (
15:24.34*** join/#ldstech KFitz (
15:25.30ekeatingTimRiker, I went to the cdev joomla, signed in and went to SWARM but didn't see any ldstech test cases.  what am i missing?
15:25.47scgallafentThey're in production Swarm.
15:26.18ekeatingno wonder I couldn't find them. thanks
15:26.32ekeatingI assume they use their normal sign in then?
15:26.49ekeatingthanks zakzakattack
15:28.17*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
15:29.58KFitzsmootar did you see my IM reply about the limited change period
15:30.18smootarYes, thanks.
15:30.49smootarI would like to get tested and deployed this week.
16:15.06*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
16:58.20*** join/#ldstech JedBlack (
17:00.06*** join/#ldstech VickiHaws (
17:10.30*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack_ (
18:34.15*** join/#ldstech JohnnyFive (62da2735@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:14.01*** join/#ldstech JedBlack (
20:16.54TimRikercpitt, how come the flow style does not show up on a local install?
22:26.19cpittTimRiker, Not sure did I forget to commit it?
23:04.03*** join/#ldstech RedWork (~dmaker@
23:16.08TimRikerI think I see the directory there, but I don't see it in the admin panel to enable it.
23:16.52TimRikerscgallafent, you around? Henry's robotics team wants to head up to spokane (well, cheney) for regionals. They are looking for housing options. I'll drop you an email with more details.
23:51.01*** join/#ldstech cpitt (
23:51.01*** mode/#ldstech [+o cpitt] by ChanServ

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