IRC log for #ldstech on 20120621

02:50.44*** join/#ldstech ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
02:50.44*** mode/#ldstech [+o ChanServ] by
03:51.54*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
08:15.30*** join/#ldstech RedWork (~dmaker@
11:10.05*** join/#ldstech jpglaspie1 (
11:13.59*** join/#ldstech jpglaspie (
11:45.12*** join/#ldstech lochgo (
14:22.36smootarMoin all
14:24.11*** join/#ldstech josephscott (
14:36.58*** join/#ldstech marquicus (~mrojas@
14:43.43*** join/#ldstech Turbolds (
14:44.35*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (zakzakatta@conference/ldstech/x-atfzhmjweczovhok)
15:01.39*** join/#ldstech ekeating (
15:01.41ekeating~meetstart <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
15:01.42infobot********** Start of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2012.06.21 15:01:42 **********
15:01.52ekeatinggood morning
15:02.05*** join/#ldstech JoshBang (JoshBang@conference/ldstech/x-dtrocsvxmevybtvh)
15:02.35ekeatingwho's awake this morning?
15:02.48JoshBangIm awake
15:02.57zakzakattacksort of...
15:03.09*** join/#ldstech ChadF (ChadF@conference/ldstech/x-nawelkcxnagahxsq)
15:03.31ekeatingoksy, let's get started
15:03.43ekeatingTurbolds, let's start with you
15:04.04TurboldsNothing new to report - sill trucking....
15:04.35ekeatingthanks, keep on trucking :)
15:04.43ChadFcan we help you with anything while steve is out Turbolds ?
15:05.27TurboldsI'm in touch with Steve, but I'll let you know if I can use some help.
15:06.02ekeatingjdavid26 sent me this report:
15:06.05ekeatingHere's my report for today's 9am scrum:
15:06.05ekeatingI've submitted a mockup and emailed tdeforest with more comments.
15:06.11*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:06.11*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:06.13*** join/#ldstech guest32 (ae34f521@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:07.13ekeatingTimRiker, why don't you give us your report
15:07.40TimRikertrying to figure out out sso login/out issues
15:07.52TimRikerproduction has made some changes, that we don't have.
15:08.10TimRikerwishing we could stay logged in to cdev and production.... :/
15:08.34TimRikerwaiting on rhel conversions to get staging and production moves in progress.
15:09.04TimRikerapparently there now is a in the cdmz?
15:09.11TimRikerthis is the first I've heard of it.
15:09.18TimRikerwill get more info today.
15:09.21TimRikerthat's all.
15:10.18ekeatingjosephscott, how are you progressing?
15:11.04josephscottwell, slowly making progress with familysearch
15:11.26josephscottnothing to report specific to ldstech though
15:11.44ekeatingthank you
15:11.56ekeatingJoshBang, what are you working on?
15:12.28JoshBangToday im going to test the magazine online orde rsystem
15:13.00JoshBangthats it from me
15:13.05*** join/#ldstech dlhace (d831b5fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:13.26ekeatingzakzakattack, what's on your schedule?
15:14.04zakzakattackWorking on SWARM-519  and others , and teaching myself HTML in my spare time
15:14.25zakzakattackthats it for me
15:15.17ekeatingdlhace, welcome on board. would you like to give your report now?
15:15.36dlhaceI have nothing new to report.
15:16.09ekeatingwhat are you working on at present?
15:16.46dlhaceWAM stuff, Redhat upgrades, Fortify for Community install
15:16.56*** join/#ldstech johnsonth (JohnsonTH@conference/ldstech/x-vfynxmtamvgdcgzs)
15:16.58dlhaceWaiting on stuff from other groups
15:17.06ekeatinggreat, thanks
15:17.41ekeatingjohnsonth, welcome to the meeting.  Do you have anything to report?
15:17.55johnsonthnothing to report
15:18.26ekeatingwhat are you working?
15:19.11johnsonthekeating, where you asking me what I'm working on?
15:19.56johnsonthWe almost have the developer documentation finished. That should be completed today.
15:20.19ekeatingwonderful, thanks
15:20.20*** part/#ldstech jpglaspie (
15:20.21ChadFcool - thx johnsonth
15:20.22johnsonthI could report more on the articles and content, but this scrum is now focused on software development rather than content development.
15:20.41ekeatingJust a reminder for everyone, when you begin work on an issue be sure to change the status to “In Progress”.
15:20.42ekeatingThat way it will be easier to know what you're working on.
15:20.52johnsonthmainly I am focusing on migrating help content from the wiki to our server.
15:21.24johnsonthI have some content about testing that I'm working on. That should be relevant to many teams.
15:21.31ChadFplease keep me in the loop on that effort johnsonth
15:21.44johnsonththe migration or the testing content?
15:23.10johnsonthsure, here's the migration of Lesson Schedules:
15:23.56ekeatingsmootar, would you like to add anything to this meeting?
15:24.04smootarWe have 34 Days before my son comes home from Teresina, Brazil.
15:24.04smootarI'm anxious to hear from Tom K. about the ldap sync with the CDMZ.
15:24.04smootarWe have many of the testing managers interested in engaging the commuinty for,, and all the Local Unit Apps.
15:24.04smootarKFitz and I had a good meeting with thos managers and they want to use swarm, and other LDSTech tools.
15:24.04smootarThanks for the dedicated afforts and great work.
15:24.05smootarThat's all.
15:25.16ekeatingIs a new web site  ;)
15:25.31ekeatingChadF, ?
15:25.35ChadFTightened up the Photoshop “create project page” with Tom yesterday … he appears to be on target to finish the hi-res mock ups of the 3 core screens for the new system by the end of June as promised (create project page for ICS managers, project shopping page for volunteers, and team selection page for ICS managers).
15:25.38smootarmomron is kind of like mormon
15:25.46ChadFWe will show the team these soon & seek feedback.
15:25.55ChadFElder Keating or I will send everyone a Jira list of their open and reopened sprint items for this sprint today.  As a team, we are a bit behind and will have to really focus and work hard this last week in order to make our release date of next Thursday for “Steve” and 2.7
15:26.01ChadFMore CSM work for me today – that’s my report – thanks everyone for the great work that is going on.
15:26.47ekeatingthank you
15:27.17ekeatingin the last few minutes is there anything anyone would like to add?
15:28.53ekeatingalright, have a productive day and see you tomorrow.
15:28.56ekeating~meetend <LDSTech Dev Scrum>
15:28.56infobot********** End of the <LDSTech Dev Scrum> Meeting on 2012.06.21 15:28:56 **********
15:30.16ekeatingChadF, I was working on getting the lists from jira this morning listed by assignee so I can email each of them their list fairly easily
15:30.49ekeatingI'll cc you with each list
15:35.58*** part/#ldstech Turbolds (
15:36.26zakzakattacksomeone drew horns on my android guy on my whiteboard............
15:47.03TimRikerit's an evil plot
15:51.26zakzakattackand it was on my MT dew logo too....
15:53.15TimRikerjohnsonth, when you remove a page from the wiki, please update the pages that refer to it.
15:53.50johnsonthdid i forget to do that with the swarm requirements page?
15:53.55TimRikerjohnsonth, the coda pages refer to htvt and lua pages that were deleted. This leaves a bunch of dangling links.
15:53.55johnsonthor are you referring to a different page?
15:54.08johnsonthoh, sorry about that.
15:54.14TimRikerI presume there are many other pages that refer to htvt. I've not looked.
15:54.57TimRikerdid you move htvt someplace? lots of folks ask about that. Perhaps it would be better to fill in the current status rather than just removing the content?
15:55.32johnsonthI can go through and look for the links.
15:56.24TimRikerlooks like talk pages are still there, even though the actual pages were removed. feels awkward. ie:
15:57.29johnsonthI thought the discussion page would automatically be removed when the article page was removed.
15:57.39johnsonthit looks like they are not, unfortunately.
15:58.36TimRikerI'd suggest creating one page with project status, and redirecting internal links to that page. perhaps even redirecting old pages to that page.
15:59.16johnsonthI don't like the idea of leaving a lot of outdated content on wiki pages. Searches for HT/VT will go to that page. The wiki becomes more and more unreliable.
15:59.31TimRikerthis means that google, etc would still help people find the current status, though the details are tracked SomeplaceElse™
16:01.04johnsonthChadf, it would be great to have a CSM go through and clean up the wiki.
16:01.41TimRikerI'm not at all suggesting we leave outdated information. I'm suggesting we provide what we know. "This project is now internal. More information is not currently available." or perhaps "please contact (so and so)" or even better "if you are internal, go to"
16:02.14johnsonthso you mean, blank the page and just put status info at the top?
16:02.16TimRikerjust deleting the page is not very helpful. then folks will ask someplace else.
16:02.49johnsonthi can see value in doing that.
16:03.00TimRikerremove what's outdated. replace with what is current. if all we can say is "we can't say" then say that.
16:03.14johnsonthokay, i'll do that.
16:17.01TimRikerjohnsonth, might as well make other pages just redirect to the "this is not the project you're looking for" page
16:22.11*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
16:22.12johnsonthgood point, even though i already restored those deleted pages.
16:22.39TimRikeredited them to redirects. :)
16:23.15TimRikerany links in the wiki that link explicitly to<something> should be changed to [[this style]]
16:25.59johnsonthright, that's the best practice. i don't know how many links are hard-coded as direct links like that.
16:30.48TimRikerfound a few. not many. :)
20:29.43*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
20:51.33*** join/#ldstech jdavid26 (
21:14.59*** join/#ldstech johnsonth (JohnsonTH@conference/ldstech/x-iainzcuwlpvntyiw)
21:35.36*** join/#ldstech tiwula (

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