IRC log for #ldstech on 20120424

01:00.48*** join/#ldstech hackman421 (
02:12.32*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
02:16.21*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
02:17.40*** join/#ldstech rpflo (
02:44.37*** join/#ldstech J_Voracek (
02:44.57*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
02:51.39*** join/#ldstech chrxn_ (
02:59.03*** join/#ldstech rpflo (
03:34.13*** join/#ldstech JimANicolet (1871c255@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:36.20*** part/#ldstech JimANicolet (1871c255@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:45.06*** join/#ldstech rpflo (
08:38.44*** join/#ldstech kirkdude (ade41308@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:27.26*** join/#ldstech Suge (~lunch@unaffiliated/suge)
13:23.17*** join/#ldstech siamesecougar (455c1e46@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:55.24*** join/#ldstech cpitt (cpitt@conference/ldstech/x-wknpkwitjmrfajyc)
14:10.50*** join/#ldstech cpitt (cpitt@conference/ldstech/x-aoekftbdknekotuc)
14:18.12*** join/#ldstech coderjeff (
14:27.20*** join/#ldstech tdeforest (tdeforest@conference/ldstech/x-mcfxmmcunohdxffc)
14:27.20*** mode/#ldstech [+o tdeforest] by ChanServ
14:31.15tdeforestsmootar, pro karma has two more items to complete. those will take 2 hours and then UAT can begin
14:31.34smootartdeforest, thx
14:31.49smootarWill you not be at our meeting this morning?
14:31.58smootarYou just declined my staff meeting.
14:32.22tdeforesti declined the invite that was sent to my gmail
14:32.32smootarAhhh :)
14:32.38tdeforesti accepted the invite sent to my account
14:38.15tdeforestsmootar, did you get to talk to scott wells about PK?
14:39.00*** join/#ldstech cpitt (cpitt@conference/ldstech/x-gszoxqgmlhaabvls)
14:45.55*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (Adium@nat/novell/x-dsdoyiaiaindfzhj)
14:50.26*** join/#ldstech cpitt (cpitt@conference/ldstech/x-rhohwzrkhhxrnzoq)
14:59.22*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (zakzakatta@conference/ldstech/x-nhyxbthamtrgutap)
15:09.43*** join/#ldstech tdeforest (tdeforest@conference/ldstech/x-dhmvxkwlxqvjdgzy)
15:09.44*** mode/#ldstech [+o tdeforest] by ChanServ
15:09.52tdeforestsmootar, i'm back
15:10.10smootartdeforest, I haven't yet.  I still need to do that.
15:13.05smootarI just sent an email to him to get something lined up.
15:17.09*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:17.09*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:18.35*** join/#ldstech rpflo (~rpflo@
15:22.03*** join/#ldstech cpitt (cpitt@conference/ldstech/x-neapazzykflieyrq)
15:23.47*** join/#ldstech smootar_ (smootar@conference/ldstech/x-gsoazwhgrkqstscm)
15:23.47*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar_] by ChanServ
15:28.26*** join/#ldstech tdeforest_ (tdeforest@conference/ldstech/x-vmbkphlsxpjkqlqv)
15:29.48*** join/#ldstech nage (~nage@
15:29.48*** join/#ldstech nage (~nage@unaffiliated/nage)
15:44.19*** join/#ldstech Daniel_BR (c9092da0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:44.21*** join/#ldstech BroSki (62c8d4d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:45.05BroSkiElder K are you coming to staff meeting?  are you here?
16:03.18scgallafentsmootar: Lost audio
16:18.54*** join/#ldstech jpglaspie (
16:19.31*** join/#ldstech Jazzee8845 (
16:19.39*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
16:20.03Jazzee8845hi all
16:40.59*** join/#ldstech tomjohnson (JohnsonTH@conference/ldstech/x-mtiobmrbhzinkpuc)
16:41.34*** join/#ldstech cpitt (cpitt@conference/ldstech/x-lhkzsrlityjncdnq)
16:44.50*** join/#ldstech JoshBang (JoshBang@conference/ldstech/x-rgjuplbtximccobt)
16:54.26*** join/#ldstech smootar (smootar@conference/ldstech/x-xrqhdezaddkuapgs)
16:54.26*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
17:01.57*** join/#ldstech johnsonth (JohnsonTH@conference/ldstech/x-zlktbjzzrbanqmtm)
17:02.10*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (Adium@nat/novell/x-itwyvifiexdzwwuv)
17:04.38*** join/#ldstech KFitz (KFitz@conference/ldstech/x-gtitlseeuurbugav)
17:07.40*** join/#ldstech ekeating (
17:15.34JoshBangTimRiker or smootar, I dont know how the Non-member Sign-up Process was before, so I dont know how to test this. Should I close it, or have somebody else test it?
17:15.44JoshBangfor this
17:20.53*** join/#ldstech jdavid26 (
17:21.08*** join/#ldstech J_Voracek (
17:31.10*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (zakzakatta@conference/ldstech/x-dfwcaimynsursdpc)
17:45.03*** join/#ldstech smootar (smootar@conference/ldstech/x-iccjsjhubzcsbbbm)
17:45.03*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
17:46.41*** join/#ldstech cpitt (cpitt@conference/ldstech/x-akimyuygjakjbjin)
17:47.28*** join/#ldstech carmony (
18:06.26*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (Adium@nat/novell/x-afhhteerrikykpjq)
18:17.39*** join/#ldstech carmony (
18:18.57smootarJoshBang, I think you can close it.  It has been sufficiently addressed at this point.
18:19.14JoshBangperfect, thanks smootar
18:22.58scgallafentsmootar, I just sent you a starting spot for the report on code security issues.
18:23.09smootarscgallafent, thank you.
18:23.15scgallafentI copied kfitz. Do we need more detail than that?
18:24.18smootarI wonder if we should show a copy of the report of each project and show current number of issues.
18:24.35smootarThen show progress on those issues as a report on them.
18:26.23scgallafentMaybe I should produce a biweekly report that shows outstanding issue counts and progress?
18:26.43scgallafentWe could add that to this explanation and then that would give us a way to show the movement.
18:26.51smootarThat would be helpful.  I could include that in my report to John.
18:27.06scgallafentCan I get the issue list on a recurring basis?
18:27.13scgallafents/issue list/summary report/
19:17.49*** join/#ldstech rpflo (~rpflo@
19:21.21*** join/#ldstech tomjohnson (JohnsonTH@conference/ldstech/x-zxlcdcogdsopbuqo)
19:23.06*** join/#ldstech chrxn_ (
19:42.43*** join/#ldstech rpflo (~rpflo@
20:02.44*** join/#ldstech tdeforest (tdeforest@conference/ldstech/x-lvvrloptemsxlmrc)
20:02.44*** mode/#ldstech [+o tdeforest] by ChanServ
20:04.47tdeforestTimRiker, gary says that he will add a comment to instructing the india team to hide the user filter input and checkbox for testers
20:07.43TimRikertdeforest, that's not the issue.
20:08.25TimRikeror to be more clear: please do NOT have the team do that.
20:08.31tdeforesti misunderstood
20:09.18TimRikerthe issue is that if you are a tester/admin is project foo, but are not a member of project bar, you should not see stats, builds, or testcases for project bar.
20:09.22*** join/#ldstech johnsonth (JohnsonTH@conference/ldstech/x-nicghyfvfqywrrtc)
20:15.44*** part/#ldstech jpglaspie (
20:16.12TimRikertdeforest, please remind them that JIRA ticket numbers should be included in commit messages
20:17.18tdeforestwill do
20:30.34*** join/#ldstech Jazzee8845 (
20:33.14Jazzee8845hi smootar
20:33.22Jazzee8845~hi infobot
20:33.22infobotMany greetings, infobot, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
20:46.20TimRikertdeforest, what do we think about security issues in swarm? there are all kinds of sql injection holes.
20:53.22*** join/#ldstech Spennig (
20:57.49smootarhowdy Jazzee8845
20:58.16*** join/#ldstech hackman421 (~Adium@
20:58.39Jazzee8845long term volunteer form is getting sent in tomoz
21:02.04tdeforestTimRiker,  sql injection should not be possible when we launch swarm
21:10.36tdeforestTimRiker, i've got a friend asking about the status of a web-based home teaching app. is their any such project, internal or community-based, in the works?
21:10.55scgallafenttdeforest: That's like asking about Hamlet while standing on stage. :)
21:14.16smootarJazzee8845, that is great.  We have many Tom's which one are you sening it to?
21:15.36smootar"cms" confuses me.
21:15.52smootarcsm = church service missionary
21:15.57smootarIs that what you mean?
21:16.24Jazzee8845what do you mean by last sentece?
21:16.46smootarrepeat: Jazzee8845, that is great.  We have many Tom's which one are you sending it to?
21:17.26Jazzee8845what do you mean by tom's?
21:18.01smootarYou said: "long term volunteer form is getting sent in tomoz"
21:18.09smootarinto tomoz?
21:18.13smootarin Tomorrow?
21:18.40smootarIs that Tom or tomorrow or what?
21:18.40Jazzee8845tomorrow = tomoz
21:19.10Jazzee8845uk slang sorry
21:19.17smootarNot up on my internet slang.
21:19.30TimRikertdeforest, I hear there is a ht/vt app in the works, but I do NOT think the brethren have approved it yet, so we don't know what the scope will be.
21:20.13Jazzee8845i got it completed
21:20.22smootarTimRiker, it is probably best to say 'no' on ht/vt since every attempt has been declined so far.
21:20.33smootarThen we can surprise people if it ever gets approved.
21:20.42TimRikernods at smootar
21:21.24smootarJazzee8845, that is great.
21:21.52Jazzee8845its going to be working as a community manager
21:22.17Jazzee8845which i am doing no already
21:23.16smootarJazzee8845, which project are you working on?
21:23.40Jazzee8845LDS ART and LDS Music for ios
21:24.20tdeforestTimRiker, thank you. I hear lots of different things so I never know what reality is.
21:24.21smootarGreat, so you are working with BroSki?
21:24.54TimRikereven when we know what reality is, it's likely to change again.
21:25.45Jazzee8845he's a great person :)
21:26.15tdeforestTimRiker, :D
21:30.30Jazzee8845right i am off
21:30.50Jazzee8845i am trying to organize a morning meeting for people in the uk ?
21:31.06smootarJazzee8845, good luck with your endeavers.
21:31.40Jazzee8845chat tomoz
21:33.28*** join/#ldstech chrxn_ (
21:33.39smootarThey have approval to do a HT/VT proof of concept, and they are hoping to get approval to go live at some point in the future.
21:36.46tdeforestthx smootar.
21:38.43scgallafentsmootar: Are you OK with me slipping a couple of additional enhancements to GGroups into 2.6.3 as I'm finishing other changes?
21:45.00smootarscgallafent, I'm good with that as long as it doesn't slow down our release for the dashboard release.
21:45.11smootarI'm guessing there wouldn't by any issues with that.
21:45.17smootartdeforest, yw
21:45.41scgallafentNo. I'm just working through the 2.6.3 items and ran into something that I'd like to tweak while I'm in there.
21:46.05scgallafentAnything big I can push off, but this is a reasonably quick improvement.
21:52.00*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (~Adium@
22:10.56scgallafentTimRiker: Fun. Or not. What brings you to that joy?
22:23.40TimRikercpitt working on full metric scraping
22:29.51*** join/#ldstech rpflo (~rpflo@
22:30.51*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (Adium@nat/novell/x-itwegwogycyrcexw)
22:45.52*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (~Adium@
22:50.47tdeforestTimRiker, i want to remove the edit button for users in swarm who don't have permission to edit or add test cases. any reason we can't do that?

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