IRC log for #ldstech on 20120405

01:12.09*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (
03:06.33*** join/#ldstech infobot (
03:06.34*** topic/#ldstech is LDSTech Conference Mar 28-30: || LDSTech: || Public IRC Logs: || CIA: #ldstech-commits
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03:11.14*** join/#ldstech rpflo (
03:20.54*** join/#ldstech marquicus (~mrojas@
04:12.49*** join/#ldstech jpglaspie (
04:54.33*** join/#ldstech jdavid26 (
05:59.13*** join/#ldstech rpflo (
14:03.35*** join/#ldstech tdeforest (tdeforest@conference/ldstech/x-pjinkksnwlukrsik)
14:06.32*** join/#ldstech hackman42 (Adium@nat/novell/x-wijxgryyxdurhvvk)
14:07.12*** join/#ldstech rpflo (
14:17.54*** join/#ldstech rpflo (
14:20.57*** join/#ldstech tccastaldo (tccastaldo@conference/ldstech/x-bnnhmkqdgevowibe)
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14:35.43*** join/#ldstech kim27 (~kim27@
14:37.51tccastaldowonders where everyone is
14:44.27*** join/#ldstech macnewbold (~macnewbol@
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14:48.39*** join/#ldstech carmony (
14:49.06*** join/#ldstech tdeforest (tdeforest@conference/ldstech/x-oefaxdndmeseovti)
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14:53.16*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (zakzakatta@conference/ldstech/x-citueotvtyyeyjja)
14:53.48*** join/#ldstech macnewbold (~macnewbol@
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14:55.52*** join/#ldstech smootar (smootar@conference/ldstech/x-nrbzygfixlzgtyiq)
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14:57.41*** join/#ldstech scgallafent-Evo (
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14:59.07*** join/#ldstech dennisk (63362e0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:59.32smootarmoin dennisk
14:59.57tccastaldoGood morning, smootar.
15:00.07smootarmoin tccastaldo and all.
15:00.16smootar~meetstart LDSTech
15:00.17infobot********** Start of the LDSTech Meeting on 2012.04.05 15:00:17 **********
15:00.24smootarWho is all here?
15:00.30tccastaldoI am.
15:00.32scgallafent-Evois on I-15 and will be at the ROB ~9:30
15:00.37denniskI'm here
15:01.01smootarGreat, is scgallafent-Evo driving?
15:01.05tccastaldosmootar seems to be speaking from the dust...
15:01.07smootarAnd IRC'ing?
15:01.16*** join/#ldstech fullmercb (ae1bf231@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:01.48smootartccastaldo, do you want to start? (note: I'm at home because I need to take my son to the dr. today).
15:01.58*** join/#ldstech KFitz (KFitz@conference/ldstech/x-qnmpuqppgnswbpek)
15:02.01tccastaldoAdd shaving and eating and scgallafent-Evo is doing the commuter's quadrathlon.
15:02.13scgallafent-EvoDriving no time to chat
15:02.33tccastaldoI should know better than to say I'm "almost done" with something.
15:02.57tccastaldolooks around and doesn't see TimRiker...the coast is clear!
15:03.20tccastaldoTimRiker changed one of the database keys on me without me noticing,
15:03.56*** join/#ldstech josephscott (
15:04.04tccastaldoand I ended up using the last hour of my shift trying to figure out why perfectly good code was all of a sudden throwing an exception.
15:04.26smootar:( :(
15:04.28tccastaldoAnyway, I figured it out and fixed that this morning.
15:05.27tccastaldoI'll work on the feedback viewer today and anything else that really needs to be done with Scheduler, and then hopefully put that project behind me for now.
15:05.45tccastaldoIn other news, I turned in my internship journal and my report last night.
15:05.57smootar:) and :(
15:06.01tccastaldoOnly one week left before I leave for school. :(
15:06.09tccastaldoAnd :).
15:06.24tccastaldoAnyway, that's my update.
15:06.34smootarThx tccastaldo
15:06.40smootartdeforest, ?
15:06.45tccastaldosees TimRiker come in and wonders if he'll read the back-log
15:06.54tdeforestInfographic - making headway. Might have draft today.
15:06.54tdeforestSwarm - found on cdev that bug report is submitting on bug report page instead of test case list submit. Smootar would like to have test case status reported on selection via ajax instead of the submit button. This request will go in a later release. For now, test cases should not be submitted until the submit button is clicked on the test case list page.
15:07.28tdeforestWorked with fullmercb and timriker on planning for silicon valley chapter work
15:08.10tdeforestfullmercb trimmed down the scope of the next sprint a little so our work will only affect a single page.
15:08.10*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
15:08.17tdeforesti.e. - the project list page
15:08.18smootarSounds good
15:08.42tdeforesti got my laptop yesterday :)
15:08.46*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (LDSTech@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:08.46*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by
15:08.51tdeforestbut no monitor :(
15:09.04tdeforests/monitor/external monitor/
15:09.17smootarwaves at TimRiker
15:09.17tdeforestthat is all
15:09.21TimRikersteals LDSTech's irc session.
15:09.22smootarthx tdeforest
15:09.23tccastaldotdeforest, in a week you might be able to steal at least one of mine.  Maybe.
15:09.50smootarfullmercb, ?
15:09.51tccastaldoI know another intern is coming in, but I have an extra monitor, anyway.
15:09.59fullmercbI looked into 3rd party conference management solutions yesterday – there’s a solution that is free for free events that we could make work but would be very clunky in terms of sessions & tracks … there’s also an 800 lb gorilla ( that seems like it can do all we need & would cost around $5k per year for the Tech conf ... I want to shop it a bit OR try to get us a discount, but its still way cheaper than enhancing
15:10.02TimRikerwhat database key did I change?
15:10.02*** join/#ldstech carnageboy (
15:10.18fullmercbI worked with Tom & Tim yesterday & finished the wireframe for the new Projects page for the S. Valley chptr … Now Tom will make it in photoshop & we should be ready for them by their mtg on the 12th
15:10.33fullmercbWill be working on Jira today to add detail to their tasks and to organize the backlog.  Will also reach out to E. Keating to coordinate with our new recruits we got from the conference & make sure we’re helping them get up to speed with initial tasks etc  That’s it for me
15:11.09tccastaldoTimRiker, you changed it so "source_id" would be written to the DB instead of "sourceId".
15:11.10smootarThx fullmercb
15:11.14TimRikertdeforest, I think undoing the failure save to jira is a step in the wrong direction. I would discourage any action on that. leave it as is.
15:11.16smootarTimRiker, ?
15:11.41tccastaldoSo everything worked fine until I added a new feedback entry. :)
15:11.44TimRikertccastaldo, ah! yep. guilty as charged.
15:11.49tdeforestTimRiker, so only the passes will be recorded on clicking submit?
15:11.56tccastaldoI changed it back and we're good now. ;)
15:12.42TimRikertdeforest, state of failures should be recorded on submit, but failure messages should get recorded when they are submitted.
15:13.04TimRikercaching them till the rest is submitted seems like a step in the wrong direction.
15:13.27TimRikerI'm still trying to get svnrm working in cdev again. no real progress there yet.
15:14.08tdeforestTimRiker, ok. sounds good.
15:14.15TimRikerspent some time on icp yesterday. looking into fortify scans as run by anthill. don't know what would be needed to get a php project to do a fortify scan on commit
15:14.38TimRikersounds like the scans don't ever expire so they fill up the machine quickly if run automatically.
15:14.53TimRikerin other words, we have outdated security information by design.
15:15.37smootarLet's chat with the fortify guys, or have you already?
15:15.47TimRikermore hacking on coda to try to get unit generation working on the new trunk.
15:15.48smootaryou I mean.
15:15.59TimRikersmootar, nope, not chatted yet.
15:16.12smootarok, we ought to address that with them.
15:16.21smootarchad or david
15:16.30TimRikericp went from thousands of issues down to tens of issues now that the developers have be emailed the reports.
15:16.50TimRikerthey should see the value of making them available
15:17.33TimRikerthat's it for me I guess. glad I got my chair back yesterday. shot a 9mm and a 45 last night.
15:18.24KFitzI'm sorry TimRiker
15:18.26tdeforesti prefer revolvers
15:18.27smootarWas that his birthday wish is to shoot?
15:18.58smootardennisk, ?
15:18.59TimRikerjust turned out that way. grandpa and uncle were both there and both have pistols
15:19.01denniskSpent the last two days either getting ready to travel or traveling.  Seems we can't travel light.
15:19.12denniskAt fullmercb suggestion I will set up a google spreadsheet with those team members that are not observers
15:19.23dennisklisting their availability, skills/talents and interests
15:19.33denniskIt will take a little while to figure out how to add a google spreadsheet but that's a minor issue.
15:19.42denniskI still haven't heard back from the observers as to their interests, availability and time, but haven't read my emails for a couple of days
15:19.53smootarwonders if we should consider funcationilty for project managers be added into LDSTech?
15:20.23dennisksounds good to me
15:20.27smootarThanks dennisk, are you back in CA now?
15:20.29TimRikerconsider, yes. open jiras on any solid designs
15:20.55denniskyep. slept in my own bed last night
15:21.15smootarWith scgallafent-Evo driving, I don't want to ask him any questions.  We will get updated when he gets in a chair somewhere.
15:21.19denniskI won't be available tomorrow as we will be joining the "trek" with our youth
15:21.29smootardennisk, sounds awesome.
15:21.31tdeforestdennisk, our family motto is, "It's always good to be home."
15:21.41*** join/#ldstech rpflo (~rpflo@
15:21.52TimRikerhas a text to chat module on his linux xchat. would be nice to find an android irc client with that option. :)
15:21.55smootarzakzakattack, ?
15:22.48zakzakattackworking on test cases and other things... kinda lost my train of thought
15:22.58smootarthinks there should be a law against IRC'ing while driving, or typeing on your phone, or reading stuff, etc.
15:23.24tdeforestnew york has a new law against texting and driving
15:23.24zakzakattackum i think thats it there is other things just cant think of them right now
15:23.47denniskOn the way back I noticed a lot of signs on the highway say $159 fine for texting and driving
15:23.53smootarzakzakattack, how are test cases coming?
15:24.01tccastaldoIn Rexburg, you can't text and drive, and you can't "operate an electronic device while in a crosswalk."
15:24.08smootarWhich project are you working on?
15:24.22zakzakattackThey are going pretty good
15:24.54smootarzakzakattack, is for the LDSTech project?
15:25.06smootars/is for/is it for/
15:25.19zakzakattackyes fit is or kfitz
15:25.31zakzakattackyes it is for kfitsz
15:25.51smootarIt will benefit the team as well, thanks.
15:26.00smootarKFitz, ?
15:26.17smootarDo you have anything?
15:26.32smootarAre you happy with the SWARM progress?
15:26.45TimRikernow recommends xchat builds for windows. free and a few more features.
15:26.51tccastaldo~give KFitz something
15:26.51infobotACTION gives something to KFitz
15:27.00KFitzlol, I really havent looked at since the conference
15:27.10KFitzI just want to be negative today
15:27.24*** join/#ldstech GxvXxxxx (timr@conference/ldstech/x-xwmuljocdlvvwsee)
15:27.26KFitzI am planning on spending some time today or tomorrow on it, logging bugs against it
15:27.37smootarVery cool.
15:27.49KFitzBeen busy trying to find Asiel 2.0
15:28.08smootarI mentioned earlier I will be taking my son to the dr. this morning.
15:28.11*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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15:28.17smootarI'm hoping to get back into the office later today.
15:28.30smootarI'm hoping to connect with scgallafent-Evo
15:28.54KFitzI did, however, help my son build his pinewood derby car last night... its ready for final sanding and painting
15:28.56smootarMonday is our offsite.
15:29.29fullmercbsmootar: did you use all of the derby speed tricks?
15:29.29tccastaldoKFitz, I had fun at my Pinewood Derbies.  I won them both.
15:29.31smootarAny other burning issues this morning?
15:30.12denniskdoes that mean no irc meeting on Monday?
15:30.25smootarCorrect, no IRC on Monday.
15:30.34smootar~meetend LDSTech
15:30.34infobot********** End of the LDSTech Meeting on 2012.04.05 15:30:34 **********
15:30.37tccastaldoI used a "doorstop" design both years.
15:30.37TimRikergirls are doing a pinewood derby in our ward.
15:30.37KFitzI will be enjoying my kids (or at least attempting to) next monday.  Ya'll have fun
15:30.45denniskwoo hoo...sleep in
15:30.51smootarGood luck on the pinewood derby.
15:31.16smootarfullmercb, when I did the pinewood derby (now done with all my kids) we used as many speed tricks as we could.
15:31.28KFitzits not for a couple of weeks... we just had to jump on it since we are gone all next week
15:31.42smootarWe won most of the races. 3 boys, 3 races each, 9 cars.
15:32.29smootardennisk, :)
15:33.47denniskWe had a bishop that had all girls so he started a girls pinewood derby in our ward so he could build one
15:33.58smootarThat is way funny
15:34.10denniskThat was Ken Fench
15:34.23denniskFinch not Fench
15:34.27smootarWe had an Elder's Quorum race that had no limits.  
15:34.39smootarKen Finch, that is way funny
15:34.43KFitzthis is our third (and final) son, and this year I am happy just to survive it.
15:34.53fullmercbput a bottle rocket on it :)
15:35.11smootarKFitz, did you dennisk was a Counselor to Ken Finch when he was Bishop?
15:35.20KFitzI'm sorry
15:35.23tccastaldoLOL If I could do that, smootar, I'd totally use CO2 cartridges.
15:35.32TimRikerfriend's kid built a co2 powered car. triggered canister when the pole dropped. it literally flew to the finish line.
15:35.57denniskWed night were fun.  at church after mutual late, sometimes after midnight
15:36.00smootarI want to see that trigger for that.
15:36.30KFitzI think all my 8 year cares about, is that he has a cool car to play with after the race
15:36.31smootarTimRiker, do you have a design or picture?
15:39.27*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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15:40.32scgallafent-Evostarts reading through the log while walking to the ROB lobby
15:41.01*** join/#ldstech rpflo_ (~rpflo@
15:42.55scgallafent-Evosmootar, someone should come let me in
15:43.50*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:43.57*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
15:43.58*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:44.13smootarFront door.
15:44.45smootarscgallafent-Evo, I am not in the office this morning.  I plan to be there after lunch.
15:45.44*** join/#ldstech tleish (
15:46.33scgallafent-EvoOK. I'll be here.
15:47.06*** join/#ldstech rpflo (~rpflo@
15:47.28smootarIt looks like we have a meeting with John at 1:30 pm today.
15:48.07tccastaldoWe all?  I don't see anything yet.
15:48.16scgallafent-EvoMy afternoon is pretty open. :)
15:48.43smootarI'm not sure who all is supposed to be there.
15:52.13*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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15:53.56*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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15:57.21*** join/#ldstech dennisk (63362e0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:57.35denniskI'm back
15:57.56denniskare you there smootar?
15:58.52denniskdid you see that whois?
15:59.06smootarNo, you are the only one to see the whois.
15:59.45tccastaldoGood morning, tleish.  I just noticed you were there.
15:59.54tccastaldoAre there, I guess.
15:59.56denniskthanks. not that that one did any good I used carmony
15:59.59*** join/#ldstech jdavid26 (
16:00.07tleishmorning, just checking in for a bit
16:00.15smootarmoin tleish
16:00.26tccastaldoHey there, jdavid26.
16:00.33denniskthanks smootar
16:00.33jdavid26good morning
16:02.53scgallafent-EvoMoin tleish and jdavid26.
16:03.27*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (scgallafen@conference/ldstech/x-cicgmpuqvehhwpce)
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16:04.04tleishDoes anyone know who wrote the jquery functions for the com_talentpool?
16:04.04*** join/#ldstech rpflo_ (~rpflo@
16:04.11scgallafentWhich functions?
16:05.04tleishthe which replaces all the submit buttons with styled a href buttons and hides the original submit buttons
16:05.19scgallafentI'm not sure. TimRiker might know.
16:06.52*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
16:14.34LDSTechprobably either josh rees or perhaps even tom welch. I like converting them back to normal submit buttons. simpler is better.
16:26.49*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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16:27.00TimRikercan anyone see this?
16:27.47tccastaldoI can see everything except for the video.
16:28.02tccastaldoThere's a big white void where the video should be.
16:28.02*** join/#ldstech tiwula (
16:28.14TimRikeryep. that's what I see
16:30.15jdavid26Same here. big white void.
16:30.51TimRikerembedded here:
16:31.45TimRikerthis one seems to work.
16:31.48*** join/#ldstech tomjohnson (JohnsonTH@conference/ldstech/x-niuajzacuvslmzfl)
16:38.55*** join/#ldstech coderjeff (
16:42.01*** join/#ldstech jdavid26 (
17:01.02tdeforesthave i mentioned how much i love fresh pineapple? it's truly amazing.
17:01.59tccastaldoDid you buy a pineapple recently?
17:02.56jdavid26Thanks to LDSTech (I think tdeforest) I saw mangos last night and had to buy them. mmm
17:03.07tomjohnsontccastaldo, do we have any stats on the conference that I can compile into a follow-up report about the conference?
17:03.27tccastaldoIn the Philippines, the vendors would use a special tool for taking the spines out.  I wish I'd bought one while I was there.
17:03.43tccastaldotomjohnson, what stats are you looking for?  I don't really have a lot.
17:03.57tdeforesttomjohnson, i'm putting together an info graphic that will include stats from the conference
17:04.30tomjohnsontdeforest, Yes, that's what I'm looking for.
17:04.42tomjohnsontdeforest, when you have that finished, let me know and I'll post it.
17:05.38tdeforesti should have a draft today or tomorrow. it is for a mtg smootar has next week reporting on the conference with John Edwards and unmentionables
17:09.38tomjohnsontedeforest, thanks.
17:15.28*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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17:20.50*** join/#ldstech JoshBang (JoshBang@conference/ldstech/x-jcuzqhjwnptqgtpj)
17:23.54*** join/#ldstech rpflo (~rpflo@
17:51.01*** topic/#ldstech by scgallafent -> LDSTech Broadcast - May 4 @ Noon MDT: || LDSTech: || Public IRC Logs: || CIA: #ldstech-commits
18:08.44tdeforestTimRiker, tccastaldo do we have a list of product launches, version releases, or other milestones for this year?
18:09.26TimRikersvnrm is working in cdev again
18:09.29scgallafenttdeforest, smootar had some of that in his weekly summary email he sent. Do you have those?
18:09.45TimRikertdeforest, I don't keep a list, sry.
18:10.03tdeforesti have the latest one. i'll see if i can find others. thx!
18:10.12scgallafentI can forward them to you if you need them.
18:12.06tccastaldoWe hit 1024 registrants for LDSTech Conference on Friday, March 9.  That's a milestone, right?
18:16.48tomjohnsonscgallafent, Hey Steve, how's the wiki skin upgrade looking? Have you had more time to work out the remaining issues?
18:19.15scgallafenttomjohnson, I haven't had a chance to look at it since a couple of days before the conference.
18:19.42scgallafentI'm working on some LDSTech items right now, but I might get some time later this afternoon, depending on how much time I spend with smootar.
18:19.47tomjohnsonscgallafent, I have bandwidth right now to work on it. Why don't you just send me the skin you've worked on, and I'll see if I can make more progress on it?
18:21.14scgallafentI'll switch over and get my files in a couple of minutes to see what I've modified.
18:21.57tdeforestscgallafent, tomjohnson maybe this is something jdavid26 can help with, the wiki skin i mean
18:22.31scgallafenttdeforest: Great idea.
18:22.43scgallafentjdavid26, are you around?
18:24.33jdavid26just got back
20:01.49*** join/#ldstech infobot (
20:01.49*** topic/#ldstech is LDSTech Broadcast - May 4 @ Noon MDT: || LDSTech: || Public IRC Logs: || CIA: #ldstech-commits
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22:06.21*** part/#ldstech smootar (smootar@conference/ldstech/x-txgksqkmxxykdpas)
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22:11.32tdeforestsmootar, the batchgeo map shows registrants. is that what you want to show on the report? or do you just want to show attendees' locations?
22:12.30smootarCan you easily get City, Province and Country for attendees?  If you can, that would be preferred.  
22:13.02smootarThe other is just an indicator of those interested.
23:34.17*** join/#ldstech hackman421 (~Adium@
23:47.44*** join/#ldstech carmony (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.