IRC log for #ldstech on 20111222

00:42.40TimRikeroff for the evening. cya
02:12.06*** join/#ldstech mailman0 (
02:17.05*** join/#ldstech TimRikerEvo4G (~timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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03:50.05*** join/#ldstech the_faulkenator (
04:58.13*** join/#ldstech aebrown (
04:59.16aebrownWe have a wiki user with an unusual problem. I'm wondering if TimRiker or SmootAR could take a look at it.
04:59.49aebrownThe user changed his skin and now reports HTTP 500 errors and can't change it back to the ldstech skin.
04:59.51RedBeardI don't think either of them are around right now
05:00.05RedBeardoh, that's a cute one...
05:00.31aebrownOk. thanks. I'll send them an email.
05:00.48RedBeardhope you can get it sorted out
05:00.57aebrownBut if anyone sees this session and is curious, the problem is reported on the forum at
06:30.46*** join/#ldstech onlinecop (
06:31.31onlinecopIs there a wiki page for LDS Tools iOS?
06:31.50onlinecopI'm looking under but don't see anything "wiki"-named...
06:34.31onlinecopI'm thinking maybe or similar?
07:43.40*** join/#ldstech rstegeby (
08:00.26*** join/#ldstech the_faulkenator (
08:01.03*** join/#ldstech the_faulkenator (
08:51.13*** join/#ldstech rtclark (4bc47021@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:25.33*** join/#ldstech darkmens (c4c93314@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:44.55*** join/#ldstech Spennig (
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15:14.02*** join/#ldstech tccastaldo (d831b5fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:14.19tccastaldoGood morning, everyone.
15:17.50tdeforesttccastaldo: howdy
15:36.29*** join/#ldstech JoshBang (
15:36.43tccastaldoGood morning, JoshBang.
15:36.52JoshBangWhats up tccastaldo
15:37.02tccastaldoI didn't see you come in.
15:37.29JoshBangI was trained by ninjas
15:37.53JoshBangI know right?
15:42.00tccastaldoI wonder where TimRiker is.
15:42.19*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (
15:43.16JoshBangHe decided to hide under the name GvzEvxre
15:43.36smootarTimRiker may be traveling from St. George this morning.
15:44.50*** join/#ldstech aamonson (80bb6105@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:46.40*** join/#ldstech macnewbold (~macnewbol@
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15:49.29tccastaldoAh. Ok.
15:53.49*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (
15:54.00tccastaldoHi there, zakzakattack.
15:54.54tdeforestanyone familiar with vbulletin. i'm trying to give myself access to the admincp on my local machine
15:56.33tdeforestand for some reason my local vbulletin login form is pointing the production server. sheesh.
15:57.11tccastaldoJoshBang and zakzakattack, what projects are you working on?
15:57.38JoshBangRight now, I'm reading the Book of Mormon until the 9:00 meeting
15:57.56tccastaldoThat sounds like a great use of time.
15:58.13tccastaldoI read on the bus this morning.
15:58.54JoshBangHeck yeah, thats always a good place to read. Someone might end up asking about it
16:00.30smootar***** Begin - LDSTech Meeting - 22 DEC 2011 ****
16:00.32smootarWho is here?
16:00.38tccastaldoI am.
16:01.18smootarGreat.  Did anyone hear whether TimRiker was driving last night or this morning?
16:01.44smootartccastaldo, do you want to start this morning?
16:02.08tccastaldoWhat would you like me to talk about?
16:02.12smootarwhat did you do yesterday, and what are you plans today.
16:03.19tccastaldoOkay.  Yesterday I helped finish up the resynching with JIRA and did some testing for Mormon Channel on Android devices.
16:03.42tccastaldoToday, I'm hoping to get dev tools set up on my machine.
16:03.58tccastaldoI'm really hoping TimRiker comes by sometime today to help with that.
16:04.11smootarTimRiker sounded like he would be here as soon as he could.
16:04.41tccastaldoI understand.  Driving that far in winter conditions is not fun.
16:05.20tccastaldoAnyway, if I can't get the dev environment set up, I'll probably do more MC testing until the planning meeting this afternoon.
16:05.39smootarSounds great.  Anything else?
16:05.51tccastaldoFrom me?
16:06.26tccastaldoI don't think so.  Although I do need to figure out Clarity before tonight.
16:06.37tccastaldoAnd I have a question:
16:06.42smootarCan you shee the timesheet link yet?
16:06.47tccastaldoYes, I can.
16:06.55smootarOk, I can help you then.
16:07.02smootarOn clarity.
16:07.06tccastaldoAm I expected/invited to come in to work next week?
16:07.28smootarYou can come into work, but I will not be here and I don't think TimRiker will be either.
16:07.48smootarI think most will be out next week.
16:07.54smootarIt is up to you.
16:08.04tccastaldoK. Thanks.
16:08.10smootarLet me know your plans.
16:08.17tccastaldoWill do.
16:08.22tccastaldoThat's all I have for today.
16:08.29smootarThanks tccastaldo
16:08.30smootarJoshBang, what did you do yesterday, and what are your plans today?
16:09.09JoshBangI helped with the resyncing of jira roles as well. I did that until I left yesterday and I will do whatever you ask me to do today. I dont have any assigned projects at the moment
16:09.54smootarGoogle Groups and SVNRM integration is the high priority.  We need to make sure that is working.
16:10.21smootarIf it isn't, we need to work with TimRiker and scgallafant to get it working.
16:10.22tccastaldoI know TimRiker was trying to get that working yesterday.
16:10.22JoshBangPerfect, is the svnrm thing syncing properly yet?
16:10.46tccastaldoJoshBang, I don't know if he got it working.
16:10.56smootarJoshBang, I would suggest testing it and you can determine that yourself.
16:10.58JoshBangOk I will checkk
16:11.00smootarThat is what testing is all about.
16:11.33smootarI want you to become that expert and let us know whether it is working.
16:11.42JoshBangIm on it
16:11.53smootarAnything else JoshBang ?
16:12.03smootarzakzakattack, what did you do yesterday, and what are your plans today?
16:13.08zakzakattackjosh showed me how to resync the jira.
16:14.04zakzakattackand i dont know how to do anything besides that. so what do you want me to do today?
16:14.30JoshBangsmootar, I just checked and the svnrm still wont sync with cdev
16:14.32smootarI want you to become and expert with Josh on SVNRM and Google Groups.
16:14.49smootarOK, let's get with TimRiker ASAP on the SVNRM.
16:14.58smootarAnd get with scgallafent with the Google Groups.
16:15.13JoshBangwell sync properly, it does somethings but not all
16:16.30smootartdeforest, ?
16:17.04tdeforestattended birthday party yesterday. also attended ldstech conf mtg.
16:17.43tdeforesttoday i am back to banging on the forum to make customizations. i am making progress there every so slowly
16:18.11tccastaldoI forgot to mention that I went to that meeting, too.
16:18.23tccastaldoProgress is progress, though, right?
16:18.33*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (614ba0eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:18.36tdeforesttrying to convince the forum to give me admin access.
16:18.40tdeforesttccastaldo: :)
16:19.00smootartdeforest, I can provide that.
16:19.10smootaror TimRiker
16:19.21tdeforestsmootar: k
16:19.34tdeforestthat would be great
16:20.05tdeforesti'll be out tomorrow and monday
16:20.27smootarI will be out after today until Jan 3rd.
16:20.53tdeforestif i get the forum for testing I'll work with ted Boren to move that forward
16:20.55smootarBut can be accessed via cell, but will try to pop into IRC often as well.
16:21.08smootarThat sounds great.
16:21.44smootarAnything else?
16:21.46tdeforesti'll start working on artwork for ldstech conference next week
16:22.03tccastaldoSounds like fun.
16:22.06smootarWe need to send an invite out for our broadcast ASAP.
16:22.19JoshBangDid we ever get the temple picture for that card approved?
16:22.20smootarCan you make that a high priority?
16:22.32smootarThe card will be sent today.
16:22.35tdeforesti haven't heard back
16:22.40JoshBangHeck yeah
16:22.56tdeforestoh wait
16:22.59smootarThe Merry Christmas card should be sent to all.
16:23.35tdeforesti got a semi ok on the photo but never heard back from the acronym for approving stuff
16:23.42tdeforestforgot the guys name too
16:23.50smootarKurt Hills
16:24.15tdeforestshall i ping him again?
16:24.41smootarI sent him the card yesterday with a request to send it to both Kurt H. and Kurt O.  They plan to send it today.
16:24.53smootarI'll let them respond if they have any issues.
16:24.59smootarOtherwise the plan is to send it today.
16:25.04tdeforestok. sounds like we're all set then.
16:25.16smootarKurt Hills represents ICS to correlation.
16:25.30smootarHe is our gate.
16:25.37tdeforestdoes correlation have an acronym?
16:25.54smootarI'm not sure what you mean.
16:26.12smootarIP and Correlation is what I hear for those groups.
16:26.16smootarKurt represents both.
16:26.21tdeforestthat works
16:26.52smootartdeforest, anything else?
16:26.57tdeforestthat is all
16:27.27smootarI am meeting with Prokarma in a couple of minutes about LDSTech Scheduler.
16:27.33smootarThey are making good progress.
16:27.52smootarI was hoping the dlhace would be on to report on the continuous integration.
16:28.05tdeforestwas sad to hear that Swarm will be a Java app
16:28.06smootarI would like that working so I can report that this morning.
16:28.19smootarI think I want to change that and request that they do it in php.
16:29.09tdeforestthat would be good. i don't think we want to take on a java app, especially for something this small
16:29.20smootarOK, anything else from anyone?
16:29.32smootarWe will plan to meet at Noon MST today.
16:29.37smootarFor those that can.
16:29.54smootarHave a great day.
16:29.55smootar***** End - LDSTech Meeting - 22 DEC 2011 ******
16:29.58JoshBangHow long will that be? I have a doctors appointment at 2:00
16:30.28smootarJoshBang, you are fine to go to your appt.
16:30.55smootarWe will do business at the beginning and it will turn into a more relaxed event at the end.
16:31.04smootarLunch will be provided.
16:32.33zakzakattackim leaving at 12:30. so i can go for half an hour
16:33.53tdeforestsmootar: let me know when i have admin access to the forum
16:41.29macnewboldswarm will be a java app?!? really?
16:41.32macnewboldcries softly
16:42.17tdeforestmacnewbold: don't give up hope
16:42.38smootarSWARM will be php.
16:42.44macnewboldoh, good.
16:42.57macnewboldSWARM in PHP, but Swarm is different?
16:43.08*** join/#ldstech johnsonth (
16:43.48macnewboldnevermind, i re-read above and think I get it now
16:44.33macnewboldSomeone™ wanted to do it in Java™ but We™ will ask to do it ourselves in PHP
16:46.04*** join/#ldstech josephscott (~josephsco@
16:46.25macnewboldwaves to josephscott
16:47.07josephscottwaves back
16:54.56tdeforestsmootar: can you give me admin access to the forum?
16:57.09JoshBangDoes anyone have anthing for me to do?
16:57.37tdeforestJoshBang: do you have admin rights to the forum on cdev?
16:58.03JoshBangI dont know how can I find out?
16:59.22JoshBangIs that just
16:59.35tdeforesttry signing in here
17:00.25JoshBangIt didnt let me sign in with my name, but it automatically brought up jadmin
17:00.55tdeforestlooks like i can sign in with a generic user. thx
17:01.19JoshBangI do what I can for people
17:01.51tdeforestJoshBang: i've got a group in New hampshire that are interested in doing testing for us
17:02.06JoshBangWonderful, what do you want me to do?
17:02.18tdeforestthey will need test cases for svnrm and google groups.
17:03.22JoshBangI still havent done anything with GG
17:03.46tdeforestme either.
17:04.33JoshBangCool, so what do you want me to do?
17:04.49tdeforestmake a list of the key features for svnrm and write a test case for each one.
17:05.20JoshBanghahaha um... whats a test case?
17:05.50tdeforestfor example, it should auto-provision a user so write out what should happen and how they can evaluate whether it is working properly
17:06.06tdeforestbasically you putting together a checklist of stuff for them to review
17:06.39tdeforesttry to keep each case as simple as possible - let the tester do the work of breaking the tool if they can
17:07.01JoshBangK, I still dont know a lot about svnrm. I just know how to add projects and people from cdev. And then make sure that it syncs with svnrm.  I have never really had any of it explained to me.
17:07.56tdeforeststart with that. the people that will be doing testing will know less than you do so any instruction we can provide will smooth out the way for them to engage
17:08.21JoshBangOk, where do I start writing the test case?
17:08.47JoshBangDo I tell them to sign into jadmin?
17:10.10tdeforesthere is an example of software requirements
17:10.31tdeforestwith these requirements, can you see how you would write test cases for each item?
17:11.01*** join/#ldstech Spennig (
17:12.55JoshBangI think I can do it.
17:13.05JoshBangI will have to try it and then show it to you to make sure that it looks alright
17:13.14JoshBangBut it seems simple enough
17:13.24JoshBangI just go through each step for each thing to test correct?
17:13.54*** join/#ldstech Spennig (
17:14.02tdeforestgreat. yes, it's a step-by-step instruction to make sure the software/site works as intended
17:14.25tdeforestit might seem like you're writing instructions for a 4 yr old
17:14.39tdeforestbut this helps us avoid assumptions
17:14.45JoshBangok cool
17:15.15tdeforesti'm taking a break for lunch but will be back soon.
17:15.25JoshBanghahaha I cant make any promises that it will be good, But I will definitely try
17:15.43JoshBangok, where do I start writing it down?
17:15.51JoshBangDo I do it in the Wiki or what?
17:18.24*** join/#ldstech rstegeby (
17:22.14JoshBangtdeforest, when you get back I might not be here, I am going to a service missionary devotional.
17:27.51*** join/#ldstech smootar (
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18:11.48tccastaldotdeforest, I'm in the middle of setting up my development environment, and while I'm waiting for the repository to finish checking out, I'm reading the README file in /trunk.  It says I need to create some files (the first one is joomla/configuration.php).  Where do I create these files?
18:16.31tdeforesttccastaldo: just where it says - joomla > configuration.php
18:17.17tdeforesti have a configuration.php-dist in my joomla dir. you probably have the same that you can copy from.
18:17.31tccastaldoWithin the same /joomla directory where I checked out the repository?  Or do I need to create a /joomla directory elsewhere?
18:17.36tccastaldoYeah, I found the template.
18:17.51tdeforestcreate it the same place as the template
18:18.06tccastaldoK. Thanks.
18:19.57tdeforesthmmm…now I am unable to login to the admin with jadmin
18:20.04tdeforestworked fine an hour ago
18:29.44josephscottwhen worlds collide:!/iamdiddy/status/149670615685677056
18:31.12*** join/#ldstech JoshBang (
18:31.17*** join/#ldstech zakzakattack (
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18:33.29tdeforestjosephscott: you didn't know Elder Perry was one of his peeps
18:33.47josephscottwas news to me :-)
18:34.26*** join/#ldstech JoshBang_ (
18:35.00tdeforestanother connection that would not have been possible without the internet.
18:42.27*** join/#ldstech smootar (
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18:46.14*** join/#ldstech tccastaldo (d831b5fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:54.30*** join/#ldstech JoshBang (
19:00.16tdeforestsmootar: gonna need a mtg number to dial in
19:08.36*** join/#ldstech johnson_tom (
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19:16.54*** join/#ldstech tccastaldo (d831b5fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:12.25*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (
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23:13.38tccastaldotdeforest, I'm not quite sure what else I need to do to get the dev environment set up.  I installed XAMPP, I've got the repository checked in to my local directory, and I have the files mentioned in the README in the right places (I think).
23:13.44tccastaldoWhat else do I need to do?
23:17.35*** part/#ldstech macnewbold (~macnewbol@
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23:22.42tdeforesthave you set up your db
23:23.47tccastaldoHow should I do that?
23:28.52tdeforestso each app has an sql file that you can use to set up and populate your db with. in joomla it is joomla/db/joomla15.sql
23:51.03tccastaldoI need to pack up so I can catch the bus home.
23:51.24tccastaldoMerry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone!

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