IRC log for #ldstech on 20111025

00:58.40*** join/#ldstech tdeforest (
00:58.41*** mode/#ldstech [+o tdeforest] by ChanServ
02:19.06*** join/#ldstech josephscott (~josephsco@
02:22.49*** join/#ldstech coderjeff (
03:09.33*** join/#ldstech aceraspire (~jls@
07:14.17*** join/#ldstech JohnGalt2600 (
13:34.35*** join/#ldstech dhazar (
14:13.24*** join/#ldstech thaddeusq (
14:26.24*** join/#ldstech macnewbold (~Adium@
14:39.06*** join/#ldstech JohnGalt2600 (
14:51.34*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
14:51.34*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
14:51.49*** join/#ldstech dbkjar (
14:53.24*** join/#ldstech tdeforest (
14:53.24*** mode/#ldstech [+o tdeforest] by ChanServ
15:01.55*** join/#ldstech dhazar (
15:03.02smootarWe will be having staff meeting at 9:30 AM this morning...  We will not be having our normal 9AM LDSTech meeting today.
15:03.11tdeforestwhat mtg should I join? the 1357 mtg didn't work
15:08.51tdeforestsmootar: i get an error in meeting place website when i attempt to join the site
15:08.58tdeforesti mean mtg
15:09.40tdeforestmaybe it's too early to join
15:15.44TimRikertdeforest, smootar canceled today's meeting as we had a devotional instead.
15:16.12tdeforestoh. ok
15:16.13TimRikerit was good. and quick, which is also good.
15:17.09TimRikeroh, looks like there is another for 9:30?
15:18.16smootarYa the meeting is 1357, but at 9:30 AM MST.
15:18.16tdeforestlooks like it was moved to 9:30.
15:18.46smootarSorry about the confusion, that is what happens when people over schedule meetings.
15:21.29*** join/#ldstech dhazar (
15:32.58*** join/#ldstech smootar_ (
15:32.58*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar_] by ChanServ
15:44.21*** join/#ldstech dlhace (d831b5fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:32.54*** join/#ldstech josephscott (~josephsco@
16:43.53macnewbold~welcome josephscott
16:43.54infobotWelcome to the party, josephscott!
16:43.54macnewbold~seen ibot
16:44.03infobotibot <> was last seen on IRC in channel #opie, 174d 19h 16m 37s ago, saying: 'Okay, I'm here. (courtesy of angelox_123)'.
16:44.03macnewbold~ping infobot
16:44.03infobotpong infobot
16:44.03macnewboldnice work on swarm
16:44.03macnewboldand thanks for the heads up on bootstrap - sounds awesome - what were your thoughts on your first spin with it?
16:44.03josephscottoverall I'm liking it
16:44.03josephscottthere are a few minor things that I tweaked (I think they are in kib.css)
16:44.27josephscottI've actually taken to it much more than most css frameworks
16:45.46josephscottso far I'm pretty happy with the improved simplification in swarm
17:49.19*** join/#ldstech TimRiker| (
17:51.01smootarIs TimRiker and TimRiker| the same guy? :)
17:51.16TimRikeryep. one is on my nook
17:51.50TimRikertalked the nook into using the proxy to get out
17:59.45smootar~welcome nook
17:59.45infobotGood to see you, nook!
18:01.00*** join/#ldstech TimRiker- (
18:09.30*** join/#ldstech smootar (
18:09.30*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
18:10.26*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (
18:10.29*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
18:10.29*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
18:12.48*** join/#ldstech infobot (
18:12.48*** topic/#ldstech is LDSTech || Public IRC Logs: || || CIA is in #ldstech-commits || web server on l5109 shutdown || contact TimRiker for new #ldstech-* channels
18:12.48*** mode/#ldstech [+o infobot] by ChanServ
18:45.02*** join/#ldstech smootar (
18:45.02*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
18:49.41*** join/#ldstech dhazar (
18:53.14*** join/#ldstech smootar (
18:53.14*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
18:56.28*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
18:56.28*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
18:58.18*** join/#ldstech aamonson (80bb6105@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:58.18*** mode/#ldstech [+o aamonson] by ChanServ
18:59.20smootarhello aamonson
18:59.39smootar~welcome aamonson
18:59.39infobot[all in unison] Hi, aamonson!
19:00.17*** join/#ldstech johnsonth (
19:06.16*** join/#ldstech smootar (
19:06.16*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
19:07.20TimRikerfinds and makes his life easier
19:36.30*** join/#ldstech thaddeusq (
19:59.14*** join/#ldstech smootar (
19:59.14*** mode/#ldstech [+o smootar] by ChanServ
20:00.21tdeforesti've taken a pass at incorporating the design work for swarm. still needs work but feedback welcome.
20:00.28*** join/#ldstech dhazar (
20:01.41tdeforestthe input boxes for login will go away when wam is enabled. also, it will have a login button like the main ldstech site
20:01.59tdeforestreports doesn't do anything yet.
20:02.13tdeforestno admin interface yet
20:28.38tdeforestsmootar: were you able to find a contact for getting japanese hymn pdfs?
20:33.23smootarfailed to remember to do that.
20:33.31smootarwill try now.
20:43.56smootartdeforest, why japanese first?
20:45.41tdeforestsmootar: they're actually focusing on spanish, portugese and french right now i believe but they want to do whatever they can
20:50.17smootartdeforest, I talked with Diane Bastian over music.
20:50.32smootarShe doesn't have access to Japanese.
20:50.38smootarShe can get Italian and German.
20:50.53smootarShe sounded like she could them to us in about 2 weeks.
20:51.12tdeforestsmootar: you mean the italian and german ones?
20:51.12smootarShe is going to have to request her team to create the pdf from the format that they are in.
20:51.45smootarItalian and German pdfs for all the hymns.
20:52.15smootarShe will inquire about the Japanese and Korean versions, but they are done within each respective country.
20:52.26smootarIt will be a longer process to get them.
20:52.29tdeforesti suspected that might be the case
20:52.38smootarBut she said she would do that.
20:52.44tdeforestvery cool
20:53.03smootarJust to confirm, this is for the music iOS app, correct?
20:53.21tdeforestour japanese name tags as elders are a little different that the ones the elders where in the US
20:53.41tdeforestwear not where
20:54.18smootaruhhhhh ya.  Is that supposed to be a trick question?
20:55.02tdeforesti was correcting my misspelling
20:55.41smootarWhat do name tags have to do with the hymn book?
20:56.26TimRikeradded a TOC to his bookmark. that's just tags. :)
20:57.56tdeforestsorry. so i was trying to explain that my missionary name tags were also made in japan, similar to how the hymnals are produced in other countries.
20:58.08smootarI'm caught up now.
20:58.38smootarSo the pdf's are for the Music iOS app, correct?
20:59.20smootarDiane said that there are 10 languages for the internet.
20:59.32smootarThose are the languages that she plans to provide in an electronic format.
21:00.10smootarIt sounded like beyond those 10 languages it wouldn't be done.
21:00.15smootarOr there are no plans to do them.
21:01.31tdeforestdid she say  what those lagguages are?
21:02.31smootarI asked her what they were, she couldn't remember.  She went to and found only 6 languages so far.
21:03.13smootarThose are German, English, Spanish, French, Portugues,  and Italian.
21:03.21smootarSo that is 6 of the 10.
21:03.31smootarOh, she did say Japanese was one of the 10 as well.
21:03.33smootarSo there is 7.
21:04.25TimRikersomeone emailed me a replacement for hymn 60, but I can't find it anywhere. alas, old emails are auto-delete here, yes?
21:05.15tdeforestsmootar: thank you
21:05.17smootar90 days emails are deleted.
21:05.38smootar~goodbye tdeforest
23:37.31*** join/#ldstech marquicus (~mrojas@

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