IRC log for #ldstech on 20110418

21:22.16*** join/#ldstech infobot (
21:22.16*** topic/#ldstech is
21:22.16*** mode/#ldstech [+o infobot] by ChanServ
21:32.54*** join/#ldstech infobot (
21:32.55*** topic/#ldstech is
21:32.55*** mode/#ldstech [+o infobot] by ChanServ
21:48.56CIA-17ims: lundjr * r2278 /trunk/core/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/service/transfer/ From ROAST: contact is removed from study group when contact is referred to local missionaries (as well as when they select "I don't know" from local to local transfer).
21:54.51*** join/#ldstech mheath1 (~mheath@
22:05.17CIA-17ldstech: Aebrown * r0 /wiki/Team_Members: Previous name too generic
22:07.37CIA-17ldstech: Aebrown * r23018 /wiki/Accessibility_Testing_mormonorg: Standardize headings; fix Team Members link
22:08.56CIA-17ldstech: Sheffieldtr * r23019 /wiki/Answers_about_Meetinghouse_Webcast: /* Audio */
22:08.57CIA-17ldstech: Aebrown * r0 /wiki/Team_Members: Remove overly generic redirect
22:10.19CIA-17scriptures: jasonaworkman * r2902 /android/trunk/ldssa/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
22:12.47CIA-17mobilemember: wwilcox182 * r1277 /iphone/trunk/Classes/ (Event.m EventDetails.m ViewEventVC.m): removed the all day adjustment. It is not needed here.
22:19.28*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
22:19.28*** mode/#ldstech [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
22:22.09*** join/#ldstech smootar (~smootar@
22:22.53CIA-17ims: lundjr * r2279 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/contact/contactDetails/ From ROAST: 16. Remove asterisk for household members required on change status.
22:22.57TimRikerjoshrees, where are we on svn integration?
22:27.01CIA-17ims: treganderson * r2280 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/contact/teachingComment/tile.addEditCommitment.jsp: The start of moving the commitments kept to radio buttons.
22:31.37TimRikerjoshrees, howard does think it's a good idea for us to spin up our own dev instance of jira and probably svn, wsvn, etc.
22:32.16TimRikernot sure that that might look like yet. sure wish I could get joola to cooperate with reverseproxy setup. ugh
22:34.32CIA-17ims: treganderson * r2281 /trunk/web/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/view/popup/ Re-organized some code. No actual code changes.
22:35.39joshreesyeah. I have been trying to get removal of jira permissions working agian. It was working last week but isnt now. I have to go take care of something at school before they close at 5, but I will work on the svn integration when I get back.
22:43.50CIA-17ldstech: Dayak * r23020 /wiki/Introduction_to_Servlets:
22:45.20CIA-17scriptures: jasonaworkman * r2903 /android/trunk/ldssa/ (11 files in 4 dirs): Fixed the colors on the images used by the annotation dialog.
22:57.02smootarjoshrees: You shouldn't check-in your svn integration before we release.  Our new goal for the release is Wednesday.
22:57.16smootarKevin Fitz is available on that day.
22:58.01TimRikerPHP Notice:  Undefined property:  stdClass::$organizationTypeId in /srv/www/htdocs/bsir/web/form_leaders.php on line 115, referer:
22:58.10TimRikernot that kathryn is in here. :(
23:03.04CIA-17scriptures: jasonaworkman * r2904 /android/trunk/ldssa/src/org/lds/ldssa/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Fixed the error notification for wifi only mode.
23:03.20CIA-17ims: treganderson * r2282 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/contact/teachingComment/tile.addEditCommitment.jsp: No real change, just got rid of a console.debug() leftover.
23:06.10CIA-17ldstech: Dayak * r23021 /wiki/Introduction_to_Servlets: /* Lab 1: Simple Servlet */
23:07.55*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (~Adium@
23:16.26CIA-17ldstech: Dayak * r23022 /wiki/Introduction_to_Servlets: /* Lab 1: Simple Servlet */
23:17.42CIA-17ldstech: Dayak * r23023 /wiki/Introduction_to_Servlets: /* Lab 1: Simple Servlet */
23:23.46CIA-17ldstech: timriker * r541 /trunk/joomla/administrator/index.php: ws
23:43.50CIA-17ldstech: Dayak * r23024 /wiki/Introduction_to_Servlets: /* Lab 1: Simple Servlet */
23:46.46CIA-17ims: lundjr * r2283 /trunk/web/src/main/ (4 files in 4 dirs): From Roast: 15. When status update to multiple individuals in household, then save, the other household members are not clickable.
23:56.27CIA-17ldstech: Dayak * r23025 /wiki/Introduction_to_Servlets:

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.