IRC log for #ldstech on 20110324

00:00.13CIA-112ldstech: Techgurufloyd * r22019 /wiki/Template:Social_prototyping: Add Social Gumbo link
00:00.26kathryngzI don't see a message, I see the approval form, which I shouldn't be seeing since no approval is pending.
00:00.29techgurufloydlikes infobot
00:10.26CIA-112ldstech: Techgurufloyd * r22020 /wiki/General_Conference_stats: Add Project Resources section
00:10.48CIA-112ldstech: Techgurufloyd * r22021 /wiki/Social_Gumbo: Add Project resources section
00:16.34CIA-112ldstech: Techgurufloyd * r22022 /wiki/General_Conference_stats: /* Project resources */ Add
00:16.38CIA-112ldstech: Techgurufloyd * r22023 /wiki/Social_Gumbo: /* Project resources */ Add
00:19.25CIA-112bsir: timriker * r3621 /trunk/web/ (form_leaders.php form_ward.php includes/MLUService.php): minor MLU tweaks to allow both 1.7 (coda) and 1.8 (stage, prod)
00:20.53CIA-112recprop: scgallafent * r55 /trunk/web/property.php: Change to property number matching routine
00:23.18CIA-112ldstech: Techgurufloyd * r22024 /wiki/Social_Dashboard: /* Development Resources */ Prettify the list and add
00:25.13*** join/#ldstech sshaw (
00:25.58CIA-112ldstech: Techgurufloyd * r22025 /wiki/Thinking_socially: Add Project resources section
00:29.14CIA-112recprop: scgallafent * r56 /trunk/web/property.php:
00:29.14CIA-112recprop: Trying to fix the property display page
00:29.14CIA-112recprop: I don't like debugging through SVN....
00:39.04*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (
00:39.34scgallafentTim, are you around?
00:48.48TimRikerscgallafent, did you have LDSAccount.php working with coda at some point? I can get MLU working, but not LDSA with coda. any pointer would be nice.
00:49.25TimRikerI added some small 1.7/1.8 checks in dealing with MLU so I can still test against the old interface.
00:52.08CIA-112bsir: timriker * r3622 /trunk/web/form_ward.php: space
01:02.32TimRikerscgallafent, can't you run recprop locally instead of debugging through svn?
01:03.21TimRikerjust put it on the same path locally as it's ends up remotely as you had quite a few absolute path issues last I looked.
01:14.14scgallafentJust get back.
01:14.21scgallafentLDSAccount should work fine with CODA.
01:14.48scgallafent... got back.
01:18.12TimRikerknow what connect string I should be using? I'm not getting any results from any searches now.
01:18.29scgallafentJust a second. I'll look it up.
01:19.38TimRikeryep. same one. no results on any searches.
01:19.47scgallafentLet me test a couple of calls.
01:19.58scgallafentWhich method are you calling?
01:20.10TimRikerseems to connect ok, but then searching by cn finds nothing.
01:21.32TimRikerLDSAccount::queryLDAP('ou=people,o=lds',(cn='pholder')); for example.
01:22.22scgallafentLet me pull a copy from BSIR and see what it looks like. I just tested authenticateUser and it works fine.
01:22.45TimRikeras pholder/password for example?
01:23.19scgallafentNo. I tested with an account I know is good. Let me try that.
01:24.58scgallafentWhere is the member in CODA?
01:25.51TimRikerUtah/Layton Northridge Stake/Grouse Creek 28th Ward
01:26.02TimRikerMRN: 0083419004078
01:31.52scgallafentWould help if I typed the username correctly. Works fine for me.
01:32.09TimRikersearching or just authenticating?
01:32.35scgallafentAuthenticating. I haven't pulled in the copy of the class with searching yet. Still doing that.
01:32.51TimRikeryeah, authenticating works for me too. just added a test interface for that.
01:33.31TimRikerwoah! searching works too now. what the heck? dunno what happened.
01:34.42scgallafentI think it was bad data. I've had that happen before with CODA. Sometimes you have to go in and change the record and then change it back so that it updates the LDAP directory.
01:34.53TimRikerdoes it use the __LDSAccount* vars when searching? /me browses the source some more.
01:35.09TimRikerdid you change that user? I didn't
01:36.10scgallafentI did when testing. I was getting an error authenticating (I had put the user ID in as holderp instead of pholder) and didn't see a match in the directory, so I was trying to see if it was corrupted. It probably was and I fixed it when I updated it.
01:36.58TimRikerhmm. but no searches were working, and now they all are.
01:37.08TimRikerie: try vholder for example.
01:38.32scgallafentThat one comes back fine, too.
01:39.07TimRikerneither worked for me till i did a valid authenticateUser
01:39.25scgallafentI can look through the query code later and see if there is something funky going on.
01:40.09TimRikerwell, thx anyway. now I'm running I can try the next step. trying to get joomla/wiki/forum running with coda
01:40.32scgallafentI have some debugging code in recprop that isn't being called. I can't see what the server is doing with it.
01:41.01scgallafentIt's not a path issue, because I've tested both with and without the path and it works fine on my machine. Plus, I'm not getting to the point where a path issue would be involved.
01:41.58scgallafentThis URI ( ) should spit out a page that shows 387834 and then exits. It's redirecting. I don't know if it's not updating correctly from subversion.
01:44.25scgallafentI've got to run to a school concert. If you can check and see if the server is pulling properly from subversion, it would be helpful. The file in question (property.php) should have an exit call on line 9.
01:44.39scgallafentI'll stay connected so I can see a reply when I get back.
01:46.03TimRikerno it's not. fixing...
01:51.20CIA-112ldstech: Knudsensj * r22026 /wiki/Recreation_Properties_Application: /* Introduction */
01:59.46CIA-112ldstech: Dstaheli * r22027 /wiki/LDS_Tools_for_Windows_Phone:
02:08.04*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (~Adium@
02:10.25CIA-112ldstech: Dstaheli * r22028 /wiki/Mormon_Channel_for_Windows_Phone: Created page with '{{MormonChannelIndex}} == Introduction == The Mormon Channel for Windows Phone application is a streaming radio player that plays the [ Mormon Channel] conte???'
02:12.39CIA-112ldstech: Dstaheli * r22029 /wiki/Mormon_Channel_for_Windows_Phone:
02:16.51CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r5 /trunk/LDSAccount.php: updates
02:18.28CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r6 /trunk/ (6 files): eol
02:18.55CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r7 /trunk/LDSAccount.test.php: test
02:19.15techgurufloydTimRiker - there's a PHP stack?
02:19.47TimRikeryes. was old, you're on it. I'm updating it and setting it to auto-update. pointing at coda
02:21.53CIA-112ldstech: Dstaheli * r22030 /wiki/LDS_Youth_for_Windows_Phone: Created page with ''''LDS Youth''' provides featured content from the Church's Youth website on the Windows Phone. With this application, you can get mobile access to videos, articles, music, and ???'
02:24.13CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r8 /trunk/index.php: start here
02:25.50CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r9 /trunk/ (LDSAccount.test.php MLUService.test.php): more tests
02:26.57CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r10 /trunk/MLUService.defines.php: callings
02:28.42CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r11 /trunk/MLUService.php: 1.8 stuff
02:31.47CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r12 /trunk/SampleTable.php: trivial
02:35.32CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r13 /trunk/Recordset.php: whitespace, allow editing ID
02:40.03CIA-112ldstech: Dstaheli * r22031 /wiki/LDS_Youth_for_Windows_Phone:
02:47.25CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r14 /trunk/LDSAccount.test.php: debug
02:48.22CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r15 /trunk/Database.php: utf8
02:53.38CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r16 /trunk/Recordset.php: try again.. allow editing ID
02:54.41CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r17 /trunk/ (4 files): no ?> and end
03:14.49techgurufloydSo I assume PHP is available for the social projects we just set up, right?
03:26.04*** join/#ldstech sshaw (
03:26.24TimRikerlooks like ldap-cpas is the only coda ou=Apps,o=lds
03:26.51CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r18 /trunk/LDSAccount.test.php: allow editing dn
03:27.44CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r19 /trunk/LDSAccount.test.php: _REQUEST ok
03:28.14CIA-112phpstack: timriker * r20 /trunk/MLUService.test.php: _REQUEST ok
03:28.17techgurufloydWhat about if we use the Java Stack - I'm not as familiar with websites built with Java - is there anything special we need to do to run Java apps or webapps?
03:28.47TimRikerwell, you need a build system and someone too deploy them.
03:29.10TimRikerldstech does not support that well, but I expect we will fairly soon.
03:30.33TimRikercoda is a java stack app. I keep meaning to download and build that to get some new features in. not taken the time yet. also, svnrm is a java app. same thing there.
03:31.35TimRikerthe phpstack has ldsaccount and mlu interfaces already. course you want to use WAM too I expect. that's just looking at the apache headers.
03:32.31TimRikersee here for example: (vpn and ldsaccount required)
03:33.47TimRikersee the "HTTP Headers Information" and notice the policy-* entries.
03:34.28techgurufloydYah - Christian and Clint like Java, so we'll probably need the Java Stack… Who do I talk to get the auto build system setup?
03:34.56TimRikerdhoward. he's swamped with other things too...
03:35.21TimRikerbut you can download the stack and start. see the wiki. fill me in on your progress. :)
03:41.13scgallafentBack. Thanks for fixing the recprop issue.
03:42.13CIA-112recprop: scgallafent * r57 /trunk/web/property.php: Remove debugging code
03:44.32CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3623 /trunk/web/ (3 files in 2 dirs): fix approve inv screen
03:47.55TimRikerscgallafent, have you signed the license agreement on tech in the last 2 weeks?
03:48.14scgallafentNot in the last two weeks.
03:48.36TimRikerhit the site and see if you can get to the projects page.
03:49.05scgallafentWorks fine for me.
03:49.39TimRikerlooking up your nick shows an empty row for me. means you likely need to re-sign the agreement. perhaps filling in your profile first, phone, address, etc.
03:50.25TimRikerjoin the php stack project. :)
03:50.36scgallafentResigned. I signed the license agreement well before this system was in place.
03:51.11TimRikermy network is freaking out. I can't get to the site.
03:51.18scgallafentMy user profile is complete -- at least the required fields -- and it won't let me get to the projects page.
03:52.02TimRikerneed something in phone, street, state, country, etc.
03:52.17scgallafentThen they should be marked as required.
03:52.32TimRikeragreed. I think there's an open JIRA on that.
03:53.03TimRikerjsut as asterisk next to them perhaps? or text above?
03:53.22scgallafentJust filled them in. It's just one more annoyance.
03:53.23CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3624 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php: bulk rounding calculations
03:53.55TimRikerugh... network dropping again. sheesh
03:55.06TimRikerwonders if there's some cleaning staff unplugging routers so they can plug in a vacuum.
03:57.10TimRikerhey, I'm back! :)
03:58.18TimRikerwelcome to phpstack techgurufloyd. :)
03:58.51techgurufloydPHP is great - say are there many international developers signed up on LDSTech?
03:59.34TimRikertechgurufloyd, check through the forums. I know we have a few non-us folk coming to the conference. I don't know the exact count.
04:00.26techgurufloydHopefully we get a few more… I'll see if I can't recruit my friends in brazil.
04:01.11TimRikerBSIR could use some help with the Portuguese translation work.
04:02.19TimRikerhead here: and pick one of the test login accounts. hq. area, and storehouse each get different pages. choose the language on the login page.
04:02.23CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3625 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php:
04:02.46techgurufloydYah - there was  a forum post about that, but I didn't see a follow up on what exactly they were looking for help on. Is there something in the wiki about BSIR translation?
04:02.47TimRikeron production it will use WAM and your profile language settings and just log you right on.
04:03.12TimRikerdon't think so. but there are pages about the project.
04:05.22TimRiker263 users in coda with ldsaccount names.
04:05.52CIA-112ldstech: Techgurufloyd * r22032 /wiki/Bishops_Storehouse_Inventory_and_Reporting: /* Issue tracking */ Fix link to JIRA
04:11.30TimRikerah yeah, missing browse.
04:12.15TimRikerwell, better head home. nite all!
04:13.34CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3626 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php:
04:15.36CIA-112ldstech: Techgurufloyd * r22033 /wiki/Social_Dashboard: Add the last of my notes about this project to the page.
04:59.33CIA-112recprop: scgallafent * r58 /trunk/web/property.php: Handle line breaks in property description
05:31.12*** part/#ldstech scgallafent (
06:24.02CIA-112mormonchannel: welchtc * r926 /trunk/radio/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Fixed MCR-270 for good now ;)
07:03.45CIA-112gcv: davidweiss * r110 /trunk/Conference/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Ordered languages
08:32.24*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (
08:39.56*** join/#ldstech sshaw_ (
09:34.23CIA-112recprop: scgallafent * r59 /trunk/web/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Replace standard Google Maps marker with tent icon
13:26.24CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3627 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php: order comm bulk calcs
13:41.40*** join/#ldstech sshaw (
14:10.45*** join/#ldstech tdeforest (
14:15.53CIA-112stack: campbellbd * r4991 /modules/db-spring/trunk/src/main/java/org/lds/stack/db/oracle/context/ Adding Javadocs for STACK-3266 (STACK-1569)
14:39.35*** join/#ldstech sshaw (~decriptor@
14:54.04CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1896 /trunk/web/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/model/security/ New role of READONLY
14:54.56CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3628 /trunk/web/ (assets/lang/eng.php storehouse.php): translation
14:56.34CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3629 /trunk/web/assets/lang/eng.php:
14:58.00CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1897 /trunk/web/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/model/security/ New role of READWRITE
15:18.03CIA-112mobilemember: mccurdydl * r1172 /android/trunk/ Updated.
15:20.34CIA-112mobilemember: mccurdydl * r1173 /android/trunk/ Updated.
15:39.39CIA-112ims: lundjr * r1898 /trunk/web/src/ (25 files in 4 dirs): CONNECT-715 First stab at new assignment roles.
15:45.35*** join/#ldstech mheath1 (~mheath@
15:50.24CIA-112gcv: davidweiss * r111 /trunk/Conference/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Better ordered languages
15:53.06CIA-112stack: campbellbd * r4992 /modules/db-spring/trunk/src/main/java/org/lds/stack/db/oracle/context/ (7 files): Adding Javadocs for STACK-3266 (STACK-1569)
15:59.58CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r22034 /wiki/LDS_Java_Stack_training:
16:03.53*** join/#ldstech mheath1 (~mheath@
16:15.39*** join/#ldstech scgallafent (
16:16.29*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (~Adium@
16:28.26*** join/#ldstech kathryngz (
16:30.20CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3630 /trunk/web/assets/lang/eng.php:
16:45.20CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3631 /trunk/web/ (index.php storehouse.php):
16:47.36CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r22035 /wiki/Intermediate_Spring: Created page with '{{Under construction|The videos for this training module have not yet been approved for public consumption. Stay tuned.}} = Intermediate Spring = == Prerequisites == * Must have???'
16:51.21CIA-112ims: tylerrussell * r1899 /trunk/web/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/ (2 files in 2 dirs): CONNECT-506 View changes to pull email address/phone from dash
16:57.23*** join/#ldstech aamonson (d831b5fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:59.10CIA-112stack: wheelermm * r4993 /training/spring/:
17:02.30CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1900 /trunk/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml: Commented out some access stuff. Roles not being used yet.
17:03.36CIA-112ims: lundjr * r1901 /trunk/web/src/test/java/org/lds/connect/service/security/ CONNECT-715 Additional tests.
17:07.06CIA-112gcv: davidweiss * r112 /trunk/Conference/ (6 files in 3 dirs): Fixed crash on download
17:07.26CIA-112ims: billwitt * r1902 /QA/LoadScripts/AjaxAddNewContact.bdf:
17:09.31CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3632 /trunk/web/ (4 files in 2 dirs): translation cleanup
17:09.42CIA-112ldstech: Knaptonks * r22036 /wiki/Brown_bag_sessions_(meetinghouse):
17:11.56CIA-112ims: lundjr * r1903 /trunk/web/src/ (3 files in 2 dirs): CONNECT-715 Additional tests to test impersonation.
17:13.43*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
17:14.19TimRikerscgallafent, coda interface is down. any idea where to look to get it back up? ldsaccount seems to work, mlu does not.
17:14.34scgallafentHold on and I'll take a look.
17:15.22scgallafentCODA is returning an internal server error. I get to use my famous quote: "CODA is down."
17:15.34scgallafentYou need to talk to someone internally, but I'm not sure who that is now.
17:15.43scgallafentI think it used to be Tom Valetta.
17:16.12TimRikerok. I'll try Tom. I'd like to learn how to be that person myself.
17:17.28scgallafentCODA just needs replacement. It's had issues like this for a long time where it will start throwing an internal server error.
17:20.28*** join/#ldstech joshrees (~joshrees@
17:26.22CIA-112scriptures: jasonaworkman * r2793 /android/branches/v2/ldssa/assets/ldssa.js: added javacript to be able to scroll to element by id.
17:30.04CIA-112scriptures: jasonaworkman * r2794 /android/branches/v2/ldssa/src/org/lds/ldssa/ Fixed a bug in the refs dialog where content wasn't being displayed. It was the same problem with other webviews. You have to close <script> with </script> instead of <script xxxx />
17:31.01*** join/#ldstech joshrees (~joshrees@
17:36.08CIA-112si: heilnersb * r41 /scripture_mastery/iphone/trunk/LDS Text/ (458 files in 24 dirs): added languages
17:36.10CIA-112stack: campbellbd * r4994 /modules/db-spring/trunk/src/main/java/org/lds/stack/db/oracle/context/ (4 files): Refining Javadocs for STACK-3266 (STACK-1569)
17:36.53CIA-112ims: jewelljh * r1904 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/includes/init.jsp: Set access flag based on ROLE_READONLY
17:38.25*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
17:39.02TimRikerldstech meeting starting in ROB-ZionB. there's food. :)
17:39.18TimRikertechgurufloyd, are you around? drop in!
17:39.48CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3633 /trunk/web/ (5 files in 2 dirs): translation cleanup
17:39.56techgurufloydZionB? Is Zion on the first floor?
17:44.52*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (~Adium@
17:48.09CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3634 /trunk/web/ (3 files in 2 dirs): trans cleanup/inventory date diff
17:51.21CIA-112ims: billwitt * r1905 /QA/LoadScripts/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
18:00.16*** join/#ldstech mheath1 (~mheath@
18:09.38*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (~Adium@
18:20.18CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3635 /trunk/web/ (8 files in 2 dirs): translation cleanup
18:21.15CIA-112ims: tylerrussell * r1906 /trunk/web/src/ (9 files in 5 dirs): CONNECT-484 Anonymous incoming texts now stored in database
18:29.53CIA-112stack: campbellbd * r4995 /modules/db-spring/trunk/src/main/java/org/lds/stack/db/oracle/context/ (4 files): Refining Javadocs for STACK-3266 (STACK-1569)
18:42.50CIA-112ldstech: Fullmercb * r22037 /wiki/Mobile_Water_App: /* App menu */
18:53.37CIA-112ims: ncheshire * r1907 /QA/ConnectAutomation/Connect/ (3 files in 3 dirs): merged OR changes and updatest to linked contact tests
18:54.07CIA-112gcv: davidweiss * r113 /trunk/Conference/Conference.xcodeproj/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Changed 4.2 to be our deployment target
18:57.07CIA-112stack: wheelermm * r4996 /training/spring/spring-training/: Initial import.
18:58.24CIA-112stack: wheelermm * r4997 /training/spring/spring-training/ (18 files in 12 dirs): Commit of training project with completed Introduction to Spring labs
19:04.49CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3636 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php:
19:07.13*** join/#ldstech mheath1 (~mheath@
19:08.20CIA-112si: heilnersb * r42 /scripture_mastery/iphone/trunk/LDS Text/Spanish/ (5 files in 5 dirs): removed spanish
19:08.57CIA-112si: heilnersb * r43 /scripture_mastery/iphone/trunk/LDS Text/Portugese/ (4 files in 4 dirs): remove portugese
19:09.49CIA-112si: heilnersb * r44 /scripture_mastery/iphone/trunk/LDS Text/ (102 files in 2 dirs): added correct book of mormon files for spanish and portugese
19:12.04CIA-112ims: jewelljh * r1908 /trunk/web/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/model/security/ Added ROLE_IMPERSONATE
19:12.27*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (~Adium@
19:12.56CIA-112ims: jewelljh * r1909 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/contact/contactDetails/ (4 files): Hide buttons if user has read-only privileges
19:13.22CIA-112ldstech: Heathma * r22038 /wiki/LDS_Profile:
19:17.20CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1910 /trunk/web/src/main/ (6 files in 3 dirs): CONNECT-723 create read only display for Teaching Comment tab.
19:18.28CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3637 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php: translation cleanup
19:18.59CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1911 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/scripts/connect.listbuilder.js: Fixed a problem in the javascript when run in Firefox.
19:19.51CIA-112ims: lundjr * r1912 /trunk/web/src/ (39 files in 17 dirs): CONNECT-715 Switched ConnectUser to use the new assignment roles. Removed all references to MissionaryUser. Removed MissionaryUser. Nothing to see here...move along.
19:24.29*** join/#ldstech TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
19:26.04CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3638 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php: count inv validation
19:30.59CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1913 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/contact/teachingComment/tile.addEditPrinciple.jsp: Got rid of a console.debug statement
19:36.23CIA-112ims: jewelljh * r1914 /trunk/web/src/main/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Showing missionary position in impersonate list and only show mission selector if admin or developer
19:40.11CIA-112ldstech: timriker * r396 /trunk/joomla/db/Joomla15.sql: smaller base
19:40.42CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1915 /trunk/web/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/model/experience/ Update to match db changes.
19:40.58CIA-112ims: jewelljh * r1916 /trunk/web/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml: Allow access to Impersonate page for users with ROLE_IMPERSONATE
19:49.05CIA-112ldstech: Heathma * r22039 /wiki/LDS_Profile:
19:54.40CIA-112ims: ncheshire * r1917 /QA/ConnectAutomation/Connect/ (4 files in 3 dirs): OR fixes
19:58.19CIA-112ldstech: Smithgw * r22040 /wiki/Ward/Branch_Monthly_Financial_Report:
19:58.33CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1918 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/contact/messages/ (tile.emailmessage.jsp CONNECT-724 readOnly stuff
20:04.28CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3639 /trunk/web/ (6 files in 4 dirs): language cleanup; inventory form validation
20:24.49CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1919 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/contacts/ (tile.contactList.jsp tile.contactsWelcome.jsp): CONNECT-724 readOnly stuff
20:25.21CIA-112ldstech: timriker * r397 /trunk/joomla/ (4 files in 4 dirs): ws
20:25.45CIA-112ldstech: timriker * r398 /trunk/joomla/components/com_talentpool/views/profile/tmpl/default.php: oops
20:27.37CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3640 /trunk/web/ (7 files in 3 dirs): form validation
20:30.44*** join/#ldstech mheath1 (~mheath@
20:32.36CIA-112ldstech: the_ccandy * r399 /trunk/joomla/db/update8.sql:
20:33.10*** join/#ldstech mheath1 (~mheath@
20:36.44CIA-112gcv: heilnersb * r114 /trunk/Conference/Conference/ (GCItem.h GCItem.m): revert
20:37.10CIA-112gcv: heilnersb * r115 /trunk/Conference/Conference/GCMediaController.m: show controls when playing video
20:37.18CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1920 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/contact/linkedContacts/ CONNECT-724 readOnly stuff
20:37.39CIA-112gcv: davidweiss * r116 /trunk/Conference/ (7 files in 3 dirs): iTunes Screenshots
20:40.43CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3641 /trunk/web/ (4 files in 2 dirs): form validation
20:41.36CIA-112ldstech: timriker * r400 /trunk/joomla/db/talentstorehouse.sql: new utf8 dump. thx elder monson!
20:42.12CIA-112gcv: davidweiss * r117 /trunk/Conference/ (12 files in 3 dirs): Renamed for iPhone and iPad screenshots
20:46.19CIA-112ldstech: the_ccandy * r401 /trunk/joomla/db/jupdate1.sql:
20:47.04CIA-112ims: jenkinset * r1921 /trunk/web/src/ (10 files in 7 dirs): Work on refer to local logic.
20:49.46CIA-112ims: lundjr * r1922 /trunk/web/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/model/security/ (6 files): CONNECT-715 Added getPosition() to ConnectUser.
20:52.52CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3642 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php: form validation
20:57.15*** join/#ldstech mheath1 (~mheath@
20:59.59CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3643 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php:
21:01.06CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r0 /wiki/File:IntermediateSpring.pptx:
21:02.36CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r22042 /wiki/Intermediate_Spring: /* Namespace Handlers (Xml Configuration Extension) */
21:04.39CIA-112gcv: davidweiss * r118 /trunk/Conference/ (3 files in 3 dirs): App Store metadata
21:05.21CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r22043 /wiki/Intermediate_Spring:
21:06.42*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (~Adium@
21:10.48CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r22044 /wiki/Intermediate_Spring: /* Prerequisites */
21:12.08CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r22045 /wiki/Intermediate_Spring: /* Prerequisites */
21:12.38CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r0 /wiki/
21:13.11CIA-112ims: jewelljh * r1923 /trunk/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/admin/impersonate.jsp: Showing mission list until roles issues are resolved
21:14.06TimRikercrap crap crap. /me wiped out the talent pool by mistake... looking for a more recent backup now. :(
21:17.58CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r22047 /wiki/Intermediate_Spring:
21:18.22CIA-112ldstech: Wheelermm * r22048 /wiki/Intermediate_Spring: /* Xml Configuration Extensions Presentation */
21:21.52CIA-112ims: allenrc * r1924 /trunk/web/src/main/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Connect-340: Work so far on determining the ProsArea when referring to Local Missionaries
21:30.46CIA-112ims: jewelljh * r1925 /trunk/web/src/main/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Handling alerts for ward mission leaders (returns empty list). Hiding Alerts section on dashboard if empty.
21:41.28CIA-112ldstech: Fullmercb * r22049 /wiki/Mobile_Water_App: /* App menu */
21:45.51TimRikerscgallafent, argh.. I nuked some data. re-sign the agreement on tech. k?
21:53.01CIA-112ims: jenkinset * r1926 /trunk/web/src/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Updated test; fixed saving of org name/id when adding a new contact initiates a transfer by picking a unit not in the user's pros area.
22:06.59*** join/#ldstech Nafai (
22:13.04CIA-112ims: jewelljh * r1927 /trunk/web/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/service/experience/ Fixed issue with messages not displaying for unit leaders
22:15.17*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (~Adium@
22:20.50CIA-112ims: jenkinset * r1928 /trunk/web/src/ (3 files in 3 dirs): On an add new contact where a transfer would happen, refresh the entire contents on a save so that contact doesn't show on right hand side.
22:27.47CIA-112ims: treganderson * r1929 /trunk/web/src/main/java/org/lds/connect/service/experience/ Fixed problem with a draft saved by misionary not being marked as read to WML
22:40.12CIA-112mobilemember: mccurdydl * r1174 /android/trunk/ Added android directory.
22:41.42CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3644 /trunk/web/ (5 files in 3 dirs): translation cleanup, inventory form validation
22:44.13scgallafentTimRiker, done. (Actually done a while ago, but I've been on the phone.)
22:47.35CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3645 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php:
23:00.38CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3646 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php:
23:08.21CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3647 /trunk/web/storehouse_inventory.php:
23:39.42CIA-112gcv: davidweiss * r119 /trunk/Conference/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Changed merge policy and removed overriding of dealloc in NSManagedObject subclass
23:45.20CIA-112ims: lundjr * r1930 /trunk/web/src/ (6 files in 2 dirs): CONNECT-715 Added web argument resolver for specifying Authentication objects as method parameters on controllers.

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.