irclog2html for #kiss on 20030101

00:02.42*** topic/#kiss by Disconnect -> Happy New Year! Streaming partycam (9pm Eastern till whenever)
00:02.42*** topic/#kiss by ChanServ -> I'm not dead, I'm just arguing with my tivo.
00:03.09*** topic/#kiss by Disconnect -> Happy New Year! Streaming partycam (9pm Eastern till whenever)
03:37.21*** join/#kiss flypiper (~M^
04:02.05*** join/#kiss flypiper (~M^
19:16.23*** join/#kiss flypiper (~M^
20:35.17*** topic/#kiss by Disconnect -> Happy New Year!
20:47.44*** join/#kiss Disconnect (
22:38.48*** join/#kiss Disconnect (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.