irclog2html for kiss on 2001.12.31

00:04:11flypiperhmmm  that's interesting...every time I boot it...I get a printout of the kernel msgs
00:05:00Disconnectconsole=ttySA0 isn't set..? won't recognize the sleeve
00:05:21Disconnectflypiper: btw checked that site. nothing in dc/md/va unfortunately :(
00:05:50flypiperOK....have some friends that work there....great benifits....and pay
00:07:22flypiperwould like to get some consulting for lilly...someday!1
00:08:25Disconnectis building that web browser (in theory, as a gtk app) to test it out a bit
00:08:41flypiperDisconnect: this hh8 kernel seems to be OK on the 3700....but looks like it has some problems on the 3800
00:09:17flypiperIm reflashing it....can't really cool the 3800 like I can the 3700...cause it has to sit in the cradle
00:09:54flypiperis away
00:11:21Disconnectis gonna do food, bbl..
01:24:40flypiperhmmm  no sleeve driver...ect for 3800
01:38:21Disconnect: Baltimore, Baltimore-Washington International Airport, MD, United States; (KBWI) 39-10-00N 076-41-00W 59M; last updated: Dec 30, 2001 07:54 PM EST; Dew Point: 6.1 F (-14.4 C); Pressure (altimeter): 30.1 in. Hg (1019 hPa); Relative Humidity: 51%; Sky conditions: clear; Temperature: 21.0 F (-6.1 C); Visibility: 10 mile(s); Weather: Light snow showers; Wind: from the W (280 degrees) at 4 MPH (4 KT); Windchill: -16 F (-27 C)
01:38:21Disconnectibot: weather kbwi
01:38:21Disconnecthears rumours we're getting snow
01:38:53Disconnecthrms. evidently it -is- snowing.
01:39:06Disconnectshould go outside more ;)
01:42:31flypiperyou gotta little snow already don't ya??
01:54:00Disconnectnone at all
01:56:27flypiperhow's the browser comming? were right the 3800 does just run linux...^^
03:24:32sgodsellhey kissers, how is it going
03:49:07bipolar_ZzZzis away: I'm going to sleep... You know, sleep. Like a normal person... :)
04:17:04flypiperis headed to the batch-processing area.....gotta work tomorrow...have a good evening
05:40:43sgodsellis away: I am tired, and need sleep
13:19:03flypiper# ls -l
13:19:03flypiper-rw-r--r--    1 0        0           14381 Feb 13 06:47 installer
13:19:12flypiperis that correct?
16:09:32bipolaris back (gone 12:20:21)
21:51:28bipolaris away: On my way home... bbl...
23:10:09flypiperwishes everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR....cause if he gets disconnected..he is to intoxicated to do the reconnect thing!!

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