irclog2html for kiss on 2001.12.29

00:46:49bbrox was last seen on 3 days, 10 hours, 41 minutes and 6 seconds ago, saying: 'lo [Tue Dec 25 14:05:43 2001]
00:46:49Disconnectibot: seen bbrox
01:50:47sgodsell_nbHello kissers ;)
01:50:51sgodsell_nbHow is kiss
02:07:30sgodsell_nbHow is kiss?
02:07:42sgodsell_nbHow are you flypiper?
02:07:59flypipergood now are you?
02:08:22sgodsell_nbPretty good
02:08:42sgodsell_nbSo how are your iPAQs these days? linux on my 3850...last all is well
02:09:08sgodsell_nbAll right
02:09:26sgodsell_nbSo you have 2.4.16-hh7
02:09:33sgodsell_nband 2.17.13 bootldr
02:10:30sgodsell_nbSorry or -hh8
02:10:34flypiperkiss runs on it...but I don't have the hh7 kernel for display yet
02:11:13flypiperhave been doing config on 3670 to go to serv tech...then I be down to 2..again
02:12:06flypiperhey Im going to Tampa next weekend...hope to pick up that Risc may have to help me get linux running on it
02:12:22sgodsell_nbNo problem is the condit comming?
02:12:51sgodsell_nbbtw if you want to get the touchscreen working on your 3800 series iPAQ well it should work with -hh8 now
02:13:07sgodsell_nbgetting there
02:13:15flypiperexcellent...thanks..........your allways on top of things
02:13:37sgodsell_nbI am trying to get the dam explorer to work just like windows explorer
02:13:57sgodsell_nbSo linux and windows will have the same thing
02:13:57flypipersounds like fun!!
02:15:09sgodsell_nbSo how is kiss?
02:15:21flypiperreally tho...sounds like a much as they change things
02:15:58sgodsell_nbWell I am not going to have it exactly like explorer, but pretty close to
02:16:17flypiperkiss is tech's love the tools....and booting intimate...
02:16:20sgodsell_nbI want people to have an easy time
02:17:20flypiperIm gonna config my 3700 here in a little while....and put as many debs on it as I can...just to see what it will take
02:17:24sgodsell_nbThat is the problem with linux stuff, people get something working, but never really complete it to the point of prettiness
02:17:48flypiperyour right.....
02:21:15flypiperhow's your worn the flash out of it yet?
02:25:40sgodsell_nbJust went to get a drink, no I have not worn it out yet
02:25:48sgodsell_nbI am trying though  ;)
02:27:22flypiperaaaahhh  that's good
02:29:36sgodsell_nbHey I just noticed that -hh8 is in lorien feed 2.4.16
02:31:30sgodsell_nbMan we are only talking minutes here  ;)
02:31:59flypiperyou must monitor that.....all the time.
02:32:14flypiperthat's OK though...don't get me wrong!!!
02:33:28sgodsell_nbI last check that about 6 days ago.  So if that is all the time.  Then charge me with guilty
02:34:19sgodsell_nbI always build my own stuff.  I never use the stuff on lorien  ;)
02:34:34flypiperthat's what I need to do...
02:35:00sgodsell_nbIt is easy once you have everything set up on your PC
02:35:09sgodsell_nbnot to mention so much faster  ;)
02:35:18sgodsell_nbWell that depends on the speed of you PC
02:35:44flypiperI mostly got 500mhz stuff.....need something 2G
02:39:24flypiperstuff at home that is..
02:40:40sgodsell_nbMy quickest is a 1.2Ghz system.  I need some faster stuff as well
02:42:39sgodsell_nbLooking at the 2.4.16 kernel
02:43:10sgodsell_nbI would recommend putting on -hh8 on your 3800 series iPAQ
02:43:36sgodsell_nbA lot of your problems will disappear
02:44:25flypiperthat would be nice....OK thanks
02:45:13flypiperhave to check with see if it will run with kiss...
02:45:51flypiperkiss has spoiled me....I put Fam on 3650..before I gave it back to tech.....just boring
02:46:14sgodsell_nbWell if you are running 2.4.16 now.  Then going to -hh8 is a minor change  ;)
02:46:19flypiperdidn't give it to him with Fam ......Kiss-intimate
02:47:03flypiperyea should be able to zmodem the new image in and porolly have to make zImage ..right
02:48:41flypiperaggggg....Ill need modules for it
02:49:52sgodsell_nbWhat are you talking about, there is modules and a zImage.  If you look at the lorien feeds 2.4.16.  Everything is there
02:50:07flypiperlemme look
02:52:11flypiperyour right!!1 thanks
02:52:13sgodsell_nbHey even the lirc-modules
02:54:41sgodsell_nbWell I came on to look an see what was happening
02:54:46sgodsell_nbSo I found out
02:55:00sgodsell_nbNow I am going to spend a little time with the wife
02:55:03flypiperthat you did...thanks
02:55:06sgodsell_nbTake care
03:22:57flypiperDisconnect: how are you doing on new bootstrap ??
07:29:54DragonEagleis away: night all
19:37:27flypiperis leaving to do the merry whatever thing with the other side of the family...should be back later tonight
19:38:13Disconnectok cya
19:38:13Disconnectis busy all day prolly.
19:38:13Disconnectbut I'll get that bootstrap together now
19:38:41flypiperyour the getting ready for the party yet?
19:38:46Disconnecthas to do another cvs update, since hh8 is out
19:39:23flypiperkewl....hh8 should run everything on 3800.....that will be sweeet
19:39:27Disconnectworking on it - fake stock certificates (its the Dot Bomb New Years Launch Party) ;)
19:39:50flypiperthat sounds kool.....cya

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