IRC log for #kierra on 20071009

00:13.24*** join/#kierra nanoc (n=conan@about/essy/nairabrab/nanoc)
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02:05.25*** join/#kierra Pommes (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
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02:14.53*** join/#kierra iWinny (n=kylevane@unaffiliated/winny)
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04:16.16*** join/#kierra TheRedBaron (
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07:34.31*** join/#kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
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08:22.52*** join/#kierra Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
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10:15.49*** join/#kierra kierr1 (
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10:42.23*** join/#kierra ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
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10:49.42kierra~wake menotume
10:49.43ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on menotume and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
10:49.48kierramorning ep :)
10:52.55ephi :)
10:53.20epearly here
11:02.18kierrayes you are
11:02.24kierraamazing :)
11:07.02*** join/#kierra Gilly (
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13:10.58ndimSounds like someone's having a lot of fun outside smashing things.
13:14.10TheRedBaronndim: go join them!
13:15.45orangeTheRedBaron: you liked my link?
13:18.26TheRedBaronorange: very much
13:46.51*** join/#kierra Baroness (i=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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13:52.20orangekierra: how do you feel about Joe Torre possibly being fired?
13:58.06TheRedBaronorange: oh please no!  Its taken us days to get her calmed down!
13:58.29orangeTheRedBaron: oh, sorry!
14:03.33*** join/#kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
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14:03.35kierrasteinbrenner hopefully is blowing off steam.....with no action
14:03.43kierrai like Torre
14:04.01kierrayanks haven't produced in the clinch
14:04.18kierraArod does great with weaker teams, early in season
14:04.35kierrabut .....when we really need his homers...... man jeter!!!!!!!
14:04.56kierrai just sigh
14:05.16orangeAtlanta has a similar problem... lots of post-season appearances, not a lot of post-season success
14:08.47gn00bieyankees suck
14:12.45kierrayou either love or hate them
14:15.23gn00biego red sox
14:15.45gn00bieok, did Sox make it to the post season, I have watched exactly 0 games in last 2 years
14:17.24gn00bieorange, ltns
14:17.49orangelonger than normal sentence?
14:18.03*** join/#kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
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14:18.18gn00bieyes, exactly
14:18.25gn00bieasharma@epsilon ~ $ wtf ltns
14:18.27orangelove to need stew
14:18.29gn00bieLTNS: long time no see
14:18.49*** join/#kierra Pimpi_ (
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14:19.00orangeahh, heh... how are you gn00bie?
14:19.57gn00bieI am round and fuzzy
14:21.12TheRedBarongn00bie: a peach?
14:21.18TheRedBaronyou're a peach?
14:21.49orangenope, he's tennis bally
14:25.26Baroness~bonk gn00bie
14:25.27ibotACTION bonks gn00bie over the head
14:29.01gn00bieTheRedBaron: exactly, a peach
14:29.15gn00bieyou don't bonk a peach
14:29.28orange~peel gn00bie
14:29.35gn00bieoh no
14:29.42gn00biepeach = atlanta, right?
14:29.58orangein some twisted way, yes
14:30.25Baroness~cook gn00bie
14:30.26ibotACTION throws gn00bie in a big pan with veggies inside and cooks gn00bie on 350 for an hour
14:30.33TheRedBarongeorgia peaches !
14:30.51gn00bieBaroness and 40 lbs! :D
14:31.06TheRedBarongn00bie: I hate to bring this up, but seeing as your a peach... and orange lives in GA, does that make you related?
14:31.23gn00bieTheRedBaron: by the looks of it, yes. I think we are brothers or something
14:32.00gn00biealternatively, since orange is in GA, not in FL, orange is really a peach who pretends he is an orange, because I am a rounder and fuzzier peach
14:32.14TheRedBaronah, fuzzy round envy?
14:32.35orangepeaches can be orange
14:32.39gn00bieI do have an Orange car though
14:32.54orangesomeone said your car was slow, gn00bie
14:33.10orangesomething about being beaten by a volkswagen bug
14:33.31gn00bieorange: 400 hp :D six speed manual
14:33.36gn00bieit is only slow in snow
14:34.08orangewatch out for those volkswagens
14:34.36orangemy wife can go round trip (12 miles) to work for a week on a gallon of gas :-)
14:34.41TheRedBaronbut I can't quite place it
14:35.25gn00biewell, there are bugs out there putting 530 to the ground, so it is possible
14:35.30orangeI'm not trying to start anything, I'm just saying what I might have thought I heard maybe
14:35.48gn00bieon that note folken, egg yolken, time to go
14:35.51gn00bielate for a meeting
14:35.53ibotACTION shakes his booty all over town
14:36.06orangeenjoy :-)
14:36.13orange530 in a bug?
14:36.34orangeTheRedBaron: does ogg have that?
14:37.00TheRedBaronorange: divide by ten
14:38.18orangeI doubt that
14:39.14TheRedBaron1.6L flat 4
14:44.48orangebut I'm sure it's more than 53hp
14:56.29kierra~seen quantumdot
14:56.33ibotquantumdot <n=jmlopez@about/essy/Charm/quantumdot> was last seen on IRC in channel #kierra, 5d 7m 41s ago, saying: 'hehehe'.
15:34.57*** part/#kierra kierra (
15:51.43*** join/#kierra anteater (n=jonathan@about/essy/TheAardvark/anteater)
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15:53.03anteater~lart TheRedBaron
15:53.03ibotnabs the moon and broadsides TheRedBaron with the sea of tranquility
15:55.15TheRedBaronug lart and run
15:56.59orangeyeah, that's just cold
15:57.11orangebut hey, you should feel special :-)
16:31.35ndimYay. Half a hundredweight of quince, and a hundredweight of apples.
16:48.00TheRedBaronndim: that could be alot of applesauce
16:48.22TheRedBaronorange: special in that he went out of the way to lart me?
16:49.28orangeTheRedBaron: yes... he joined irc just for that
16:54.06ndimTheRedBaron: And quince jelly.
17:41.13TheRedBaronorange: interested in some microsoft satire?
17:56.12*** join/#kierra kierra (
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19:12.54*** part/#kierra kierra (
19:32.53*** join/#kierra TheRedBaron (
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19:38.10*** join/#kierra kierra (
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19:38.17kierraep ping
19:38.17TheRedBaron~poof Pimpi_
19:38.18ibotACTION turns around to see Pimpi_ dissappear into thin air, never to be seen again.
19:39.18kierraep !
19:39.34TheRedBaron~poof ep
19:39.35ibotACTION turns around to see ep dissappear into thin air, never to be seen again.
19:39.42TheRedBaron~banish ep
19:39.43ibotACTION erases ep into ineffable bit aether
19:40.33kierraah, thats the problem
19:40.48kierrabe a nice young man and take your adderall
19:52.26orangejust drink 4 cups of coffee... it works better
20:01.59*** join/#kierra TheRedBaron (
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20:02.55ndim~weather EDDS
20:03.11ndim9C? Can't be. Feels more like 4C.
20:03.36TheRedBaron~weather KTLH
20:03.50ndimOr march?
20:20.50ep79.0 F here
20:21.25ndimminus 32 yields 47
20:21.43ndimdiv by 9 yields 5.4
20:21.45ep47 would be nice
20:21.57ndimtimes 5 yields 29 C
20:22.29epwell we got that straightened out
20:22.52ndim5.2 would be more like it.
20:22.58ndimAnd that gives 26C.
20:23.08ndimA number I can understand :)
20:24.36ndim(Yes, I know stuff like that by heart.)
20:30.50Birdielol we saw that on school last week
20:32.01ep3rd grade?
20:32.50Birdiewe dont work in grades
20:33.06Birdiei follow college (i think thats the name in usa)
20:34.06Birdieits stupid that americans always have differen things
20:34.11ndimAnother thing... I can't remember that 1 knot = 1.852 kph. But I *can* remember that the earth's circumference around the equator is annoyingly exactly 40000km, and the nautical mile is defined as 1 / (360*60) of that (one angular minute).
20:34.16Birdiekilometer <-> mile
20:34.16kierrabirdie goes to special class
20:34.26Birdiekelvin <-> celcius
20:34.34kierraIts only stupid to the rest of the world
20:34.35Birdiebritish are also difficult persons
20:34.41ndimYeah, the statute miles are a little stupid.
20:34.42Birdiesame for germans somethimes
20:35.05ndim1in=2.54cm, and 12in=1ft, and 3ft=1yd
20:35.18ndimBut I always forget how to get from ft or yd to mi.
20:35.25Birdieevery one wants something unique, i'm more for one same thing for the rest of the world:)
20:35.39kierraherd mentality
20:35.42epI'm from the U.S. and I think it's stupid Birdie.  The metric system is logical.
20:36.03Birdieif i was grown up like you i would think its logical to propably
20:36.08ndimAt least it is based on decimals.
20:36.18ndimEven the brits don't have 240 pence in one pound any more.
20:36.24Birdiewe also see few history about all that
20:36.27orangeit has nothing to do with logic, it has to do with what you're used to
20:36.33Birdieyou hear some guy in 1700 said it was ...
20:36.41Birdiethan another one somewhere else in 1800 said it was ...
20:37.10orangesure, metric system makes more sense... and in engineering and places where it truly matters, we use it
20:37.19ndimorange: Consistent conversion factors of 10, 100, 1000 are more logical than 12, 3, 144, 9, etc. pp. depending on what you're talking about.
20:37.24orangeof course
20:37.27epWhat temperature does water freeze at in celcius?
20:37.34Birdiebut its hard for technical stuff, all over the world different things, hard to serach stuff
20:37.37ndimep: 0
20:37.38orangebut we're not keeping the english system because it's more logical... nobody is stupid enough to say that
20:37.39Birdiewater freezes at 0
20:37.58Birdiewater cooks at 100
20:38.07Birdieand you aint gonna tell me that 273 is more logical:)
20:38.21Birdieyear boils sry
20:38.47ndim273K = 0C
20:39.01orangeit's all what you're used to... change is difficult, that's all
20:39.05Birdieyea thats what i meaned sorry
20:39.14Birdiekelvin fahrenheit..see how disturbing
20:39.27ndimDarn those stupid romans.
20:39.32orangekelvin is more logical than celsius
20:39.34orangelet's switch
20:39.40ndimWith those pesky 12 hours per day (and 8 per night).
20:39.43Birdiekelvin more logical??
20:39.44orangenow, do you set your thermostat on 303?
20:39.50orangesure, it's based on absolute zero
20:39.55orangebasing it on water is arbitrary
20:39.59ndimorange: No. 303 is too warm
20:40.16orangequick, it's 292 outside, do you wear a jacket today?
20:40.22Birdiehow can it be more logical than celcius, its all based on water, it freezes at 0, when it goes minus its ice
20:40.42orangecome on now, kelvin is a far more logical system than celsius... celsius *is* arbitrary
20:41.04orangelet's switch... jacket or shorts at 292?
20:41.48ndimAccording to wikipedia, the Fahrenheit scale was derived from (among others) 96deg being human body temperature.
20:42.18TheRedBaronorange is right :)
20:42.31TheRedBaroncelcius is as arbitrary as fahrenheit
20:42.41Birdiei totally disagree
20:42.41TheRedBaronfahrenheit uses the body as a scale
20:42.47Birdiebut i might have lost your point
20:42.48TheRedBaroncelcius uses water as a scale
20:42.57ndimGiven the prevalence of water ("it's freezing outside", "the water for your tea is boiling"), referring to water does make sense.
20:43.13TheRedBaronor the prevalence of humans?
20:43.31TheRedBaronits likeable because it deals with easy numbers
20:43.33TheRedBaron0 and 100
20:43.36orangeso... hmmm, do most humans live at sea level?
20:43.36Birdieyou SEE water freezing, i dont think you see your body freezing:)
20:43.38ndimTheRedBaron: homo non-sapiens
20:43.46orangebecause water doesn't boil at 100C everywhere
20:43.59ndimorange: Yupp. It depends on the weather.
20:44.01TheRedBaronorange: yup
20:44.06orangeI'm not saying celsius isn't better than farenheit... I personally think it is.
20:44.09orangeBut I don't think in celsius
20:44.11Birdiebut 100C is what it should be
20:44.27orangeand asking me to change how my weather reports come just because it's more logical is a fallacious argument
20:44.42orangejust as me asking you to change to kelvins is equally ludicrous
20:44.56Birdieyea cause its all logical to me in C
20:44.56TheRedBaronorange: unless conveince is logical (yes I botched the spelling)
20:44.59orangealthough kelvins make more sense than degrees celsius, because they are based on a logical standard
20:45.03Birdie+ it has easy numbers like one mentioned before
20:45.19Birdiemuch easyer to understand and count
20:45.25orangefor you... you grew up with them
20:45.27epAngelina Jolie ain't no 96 TRB
20:45.34Birdieand all low numbers, as for kelvin thats +200
20:45.51Birdieep: maybe 69:D
20:45.56orangeI have absolutely no problem knowing what's going on in degrees farenheit, because I grew up with it
20:46.12orangein engineering, farenheit isn't as good, but for weather reports, who cares?
20:46.13TheRedBaronimho, the bigger problem, is the complicated conversion
20:46.40TheRedBaronits all what you use, but having to do the complicated math just to relate to a temperature
20:46.54ndimThat is a relatively recent problem.
20:47.06orangeright, shrinking barriers
20:47.13TheRedBaronthe conversion is a revent problem?
20:47.22ndimTheRedBaron: Becoming common with the advent of everyday international communication.
20:47.28orangeand travel
20:47.28TheRedBaronit hasn't been around since the inception of either celcius or farenheit?
20:47.44orangeTheRedBaron: only in that most people just didn't care :-)
20:47.47ndim50 years ago, not many people besides airline pilots and ship captains had to worry about that.
20:47.49TheRedBaron~blame antlantic & pacific
20:47.50ibotACTION blames antlantic & pacific (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
20:48.04ndimSame as with time zones.
20:48.12ndimI'd love to abolish time zones.
20:48.44orangeyou'd have the same problem anyway
20:48.49orangeexcepting all the DST nonsense
20:49.04ndimThe DST nonsense is so stupid.
20:49.17orange"Excuse me sir, but at what gmtime do people generally go to work around here?"
20:49.34ndimWhy can't they just say "office hours oct-mar, apr-sep"?
20:49.38TheRedBaronorange: am I the only one that laughs at the puniness of humans, with the recent change in congress, moving DST around
20:49.52ndimMany ventures depending on daylight already do stuff like that anyway.
20:50.45orangeif you travelled you'd still have to find information similar to time zones
20:51.00TheRedBaronor, does anyone forsee a future, where time is measured in metrics?
20:51.01orangeso you could synchronize with the sun in different areas... time zones in and of themselves make sense
20:51.12orangeTheRedBaron: it is bizarre, the DST changes
20:51.22orangelol, yeah, let's move away from our stupid calendar and clock
20:51.24orangeit's not logical
20:51.47ndimTheRedBaron: there is no "metric" time. The SI unit for time is the second.
20:51.58TheRedBaronndim: its all relative :P
20:52.06TheRedBaronDo away with second
20:52.16orangendim: decimalized seconds are proposed
20:52.18TheRedBaronLets create something new.  Call "percules"
20:52.36TheRedBaronbased off of ZXY vibrations of some random material
20:52.44TheRedBaronand revamp the measuring of time :)
20:52.56TheRedBaronits all arbitrary
20:53.08TheRedBaronand depends on how you interpret the arbitrariness.
20:53.44ndimorange: the sun setting and rising at different times at different places is only an issue for travelers.
20:54.04orangendim: so are time zones, really
20:54.15ndimHowever, making an appointment for a telephone or IRC conference happens much more often and always requires time zone calculations.
20:54.24orangejust work in gm for those
20:54.45ndimSo why not use GMT for everything everywhere?
20:54.53orangebecause locally it sucks
20:56.00orangewoot... it's .872 21 UT
20:56.17orangewho brought up decimal time... I want to shake your hand :-)
20:56.30orangeit was TheRedBaron! :-)
20:57.57orangethat is the *IDEAL* example of why the USA hasn't switched to metric units for everything
20:58.24TheRedBaronbecause backwards-compatability is a pita? :)
20:59.27orangebecause everybody thinks in the crappy old 365-28/29/30/31-24-12-60-60 time
20:59.32orangewhich is ridiculous and completely illogical
20:59.39ndimA "pita" is a turkish kind of pizza btw.
20:59.39orangebut it's what we're used to
20:59.58TheRedBaronndim: correct.  It also stands for - Pain In The Ass
21:00.34ndimTheRedBaron: I was aware of that spellout, but unaware of you being aware of the pizza.
21:00.46Birdiehmmmmmmm pita food is so good
21:01.05Birdievery popular for students
21:01.05TheRedBaronok, just wasn't too sure how far spread the acronym was :)
21:01.31ndimUhm... ok Greek actuall. The Turks call it pide.
21:01.35Birdiebut they are in problems somethimes cause of the hygiene (good word?) :)
21:02.08TheRedBaronorange: like i said, backwards-compatability would be a pita.  Imagine 30 years from now, the next generation tryign to understand all the references to the old calendar
21:02.34orangeTheRedBaron: also true, but google to the rescue for all things conversion :-)
21:02.36ndimTheRedBaron: Have you recently looked up julian dates?
21:02.38*** part/#kierra kierra (
21:03.00TheRedBaronndim: when was the last time a julian date was used?
21:03.21ndimTheRedBaron: the last time an astronomer noted down the time of a sighting.
21:03.26ndimProbably around right NOW.
21:03.47TheRedBaronalong with every other morning
21:04.01orangeI use julian dates in all calculations for days
21:04.15orangebecause our calendar sucks... but input and output must convert to and from
21:04.21ndimhorrorscope? "You will be drawn into a resultless discussion of units today."
21:04.22orangebecause humans don't think in julian
21:06.00TheRedBaronwould tomorrow be a saturday by any chance in the julian calendar?
21:06.05TheRedBaronbecause that would be very handy right now
21:06.22orangeI just hope the result of this discussion is that people will be more tolerant and understanding
21:06.39TheRedBaronyou must convert!
21:06.44TheRedBaron~squeeze orange
21:06.44ibotACTION squeezes the juice out of orange until there just ain't nothin left
21:07.10orangeindeed, I must go... adios
21:07.39TheRedBaronaye, I've got to finish writing this document for work
21:08.26orangefruitful, hah!
21:49.51*** join/#kierra ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
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21:54.16catayturkish have kebab , which is way better then pita :p
22:18.04cataymvironwork: :)
22:18.24cataymvironwork: shouldn't you work instead of chatting ? ;P
22:18.42mvironworkcatay: not when working OT
22:18.56cataywhats OT mean ?
22:19.23mvironworkOT == Overtime
22:19.43catayextra money! :)
22:20.50catayit's different at my place
22:21.02cataytime worked = time paid
22:21.22catayhmmm, let me reprhase that :p
22:21.29cataythe time you work, you also get paid for it
22:22.08cataypretty good system, but very unique, don't know any other company in Belgian that is doing it that way
22:22.32catayand there is no limit on it
22:22.44catayevery hour I work extra I can save
22:23.04catayand I can decide if I let pay it out or if I take it up in vacation
22:23.11mvironworkwell, technically any OT I work, albeit unpaid, can come back as "flex time"
22:23.33catayI have atm more then 900 hours overtime :)
22:23.43catayall saved during the years I worked there
22:24.35catayI have a 36hour week so thats not that much either
22:24.39*** join/#kierra iWinny_ (
22:24.40mvironworkin a typical work-week, I work about 45 - 50 hours
22:24.46catayyeah same here
22:24.51cataydepends on my mood tho
22:25.00cataywell, motivation better
22:25.13cataysome projects can be real motivation killers eheh
22:25.17*** join/#kierra BZ_Win (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
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22:25.21cataywell, mainly the people in it :P
22:25.49cataybut , remember mvironwork !!!
22:25.52mvironworkaround now, with all the projects going on, I suspect it'll be more like 50 - 60 or more
22:25.57catayall work and no play makes mvironwork a dull boy! :)
22:26.03catayso , don't work to much :)
22:26.04mvironworklol catay
22:26.43cataybut If I would win the lotery I sure know what to do
22:26.50catayquit working immediatley :)
22:27.14ndimDepends on the amount of money.
22:27.15mvironworkcatay: could be worse
22:27.32mvironworkcatay: in 2002, I was working about 75 - 80 hours a week
22:27.38*** join/#kierra iWinny (n=kylevane@unaffiliated/winny)
22:27.38ndimYou can't live for very long on just winning a few 100.000 EUR.
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22:27.59catayndim: I mean the jackpot :P
22:28.05ndimAnd completely losing track of your field will make it difficult to get back into work.
22:28.14catayI wnat lots of zeros!
22:28.17mvironworkcatay: even the jackpot may not always be enough
22:28.35mvironworkcatay: if the jackpot is 1 million, then you can live off that for a while, but not forever
22:28.47ndimYou can live off the interest of a million.
22:28.55ndimNot in luxury, but you can.
22:28.58catayinvesting it wisely
22:29.05cataylike buying some houses and rent them
22:29.10catayrent them out
22:29.16ndimNot sure whether that is wise.
22:29.32cataydepends on the people living in it :)
22:29.39mvironworkcatay: that wouldn't work here -- there are over 6,000 houses on the market in the 2-county area
22:29.49ndim4 to 5% interest should be doable, and you can live off an annual income of 40 to 50 KEUR .
22:30.22ndimmvironwork: And not enough people who can afford buying one. But perhaps people can afford renting them?
22:30.34mvironworkndim: renting is just about as bad
22:30.44catayhere it's almost impossible at some places to buy a house
22:30.46catayway to expensive
22:31.14catayso some people dont have a choice then renting , and even these prices are very high for what you get
22:31.30ndimFor the price of a very modest house around here you can buy a grand villa in other areas of the country.
22:31.55catayit's a bit the same here
22:32.32cataynear Brussels everything is expensive
22:32.56catayspecially on the countryside that circles Brussels
22:33.11ndimThat is "around here".
22:34.28catayoh well, I only have to work 34 years and then I can retire :p
22:34.35cataythe future looks bright :)
22:35.13ndimNo idea whether you have picked it up on the news, but there are scientists suggesting that the German government pay people an incentive to move away from certain hardly-populated areas in the east, so the state could save the expenses for infrastructure.
22:35.33ndimWell... the area around here is where people are moving to :)
22:37.17ndimThere are vast areas in the east where the economic situation is so bleak, that most people in wage-earning age have moved away.
22:38.05ndimThe only people remaining are retired and unemployed people without a future.
22:38.20ndimNo children.
22:43.15Pimpi_whats interesting here is, that we have dutch "colonies" here by now
22:43.35Pimpi_houses are extremly expensive in the netherlands
22:44.12Pimpi_so many dutch move to germany near the border, where it's much cheaper
22:45.44Pimpi_ndim: i havn't heard of those suggestions so far
22:46.07Pimpi_doesn't really make sense though (imho)
22:49.00catayheya Pimpi_
22:49.42catayhere a lot of dutch (Netherlands) people come to Belgium for healthcare
22:50.12cataybecause in the Netherlands there are huge waitinglists in hospitals and suchs

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