IRC log for #kierra on 20070730

00:05.51AdmirarchWhiskey, now there's an idea
00:07.33AdmirarchAnd probably a necessary one to make it through a gentoo install
00:21.21CBG#51 too. :)
00:23.12CBGkierra: where's the most troublesome of your sons?! :)
00:24.29CBGI was _really_ surprised to see I had a positive zelo
00:24.39ndim308 in total, so I am still in the better half or something. :)
00:28.08kierralol, which one
00:28.32CBGof course.
00:28.53CBGI mean, they're all extremely troublesome, but TRB is clearly the leader of the pack.
00:31.39kierrahe is gf busy
00:42.56kierraits true
01:05.13kierraeek, dont say i told
01:12.55AdmirarchI'll blame it on catay somehow
01:30.45*** join/#kierra a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
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01:34.27kierraits done!!!
01:34.45kierrayep :)
01:34.52eplol, cool.
01:35.02kierradidnt take much ;)
01:35.08epi was begging to worry nobody would join
01:35.17kierranow i go gu
01:35.22kierrawe chat tomorrow
01:59.41*** join/#kierra hiya (
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06:44.12*** part/#kierra anteater (n=Administ@about/essy/TheAardvark/anteater)
06:45.43*** join/#kierra LongDon (
06:59.22*** part/#kierra LongDon (
08:02.02*** join/#kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
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09:31.51*** join/#kierra ndim (
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10:06.34*** join/#kierra kierra (
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10:09.34ndim~coffee kierra
10:09.35ibotACTION steals some of Admirarch's special coffee and gives it to kierra on a silver platter.
10:28.02kierragood morning
10:28.19kierra~wake menotume
10:28.20ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on menotume and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
10:30.48kierraty for the coffee
11:02.35*** join/#kierra Pimpi_ (
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11:33.50*** part/#kierra kierra (
11:34.05*** join/#kierra kierra (
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12:52.13*** join/#kierra moriah (i=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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13:03.07moriahep ster!!!!!
13:16.04*** join/#kierra TheRedBaron (
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13:16.56Pommes~coffee TheRedBaron
13:16.57ibotACTION steals some of nanoc's special coffee and gives it to TheRedBaron on a silver platter.
13:17.16TheRedBaron~blame ndim
13:17.16ibotACTION blames ndim (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
13:20.09ndim~coffee TheRedBaron
13:20.10ibotACTION steals some of Gilly's special coffee and gives it to TheRedBaron on a silver platter.
13:24.22ndim~weather UUDD
13:25.04TheRedBaronndim: oh no, you are the troublemaker
13:25.12TheRedBaronmischeif maker
13:26.51ndimThe way you're writing it looks just weird.
13:28.33TheRedBaronso much for I before E except after C
13:30.38moriahor when sounded like 'a' as in neighbor or weigh
13:32.20TheRedBaronTo prepare for the upcoming "What Sort of Moo!(TM) are you?"
13:32.35eptheir where's the 'c'.  It's a conspiracy!
13:32.52epi just woke up
13:33.30TheRedBaron~silence ep
13:33.31ibotACTION shoves an apple in ep's mouth, shoves a spit through ... well, uhm, anyway ... then builds a nice fire and starts roasting
13:34.12moriahcant trust that day!
13:34.38moriahmust be nice, ep to just be waking up
13:34.48moriahi been up since 0545
13:35.41epi'm impressed.  Good morning.
13:35.56epyour'e and hour later too
13:36.19*** join/#kierra Thonolan (n=n@unaffiliated/thonolan)
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13:36.27TheRedBaronThonolan !
13:36.38ThonolanTheRedBaron: !
13:39.25TheRedBaronoh what horrors and travesties we commit and bless in the name of art!
13:39.31moriahhello thonoman!
13:40.49TheRedBaron~blame ndim
13:40.49ibotACTION blames ndim (and Canada) for all the evil in the world
13:41.04ndim~ice TheRedBaron
13:41.05ibotACTION sneaks up behind TheRedBaron and slides a single piece of ice down the back of his/her shirt and then dumps the entire bucket of ice down TheRedBaron's back
13:41.07TheRedBaronand way too many monday mornings
13:42.19TheRedBaronndim: just you wait - you'll read em and weep yet :D
13:43.23ndimMy brain says "semantic error".
13:43.55Pommesswitch it off
13:45.18ndimOr stop parsing TRB sentences.
13:48.26TheRedBaronndim: I need an estimation - a professional one
13:50.01ndimTheRedBaron: 13.543
13:51.29TheRedBaronok, how about an opinion?
13:53.41ndimTheRedBaron: If you tell me what htis is about, I may be able to give you an answer.
13:55.41TheRedBaronndim: tis very simple
13:55.56TheRedBaronHow many basic/base emotions would you say there are?
13:56.01*** join/#kierra Winny (
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13:57.03ndimDepends on the definition.
14:01.14ndim...of the definition.
14:01.30CBGTheRedBaron: see number 52 & 53 at :P
14:02.44ndimTheRedBaron: Are you sure they are countable?
14:03.45ndimYou may enumerate a few distinct ones, but there are mixed and in-between ones, and no clear definition of what constitutes a new one and what is still the old one but just a little different.
14:03.58ndimI guess you cannot count that.
14:06.18moriah~seen quantum dot
14:06.22iboti haven't seen 'quantum dot', moriah
14:06.50Thonolanbye bye
14:06.57*** part/#kierra Thonolan (n=n@unaffiliated/thonolan)
14:11.55TheRedBaronCBG: bah!
14:12.20CBGTheRedBaron: :D :P
14:18.24*** join/#kierra mvironwork-away (
14:19.51*** join/#kierra LongDon (
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14:21.36TheRedBaronthis is bad...
14:21.38TheRedBaronthis is very bed
14:22.16TheRedBaronit is ndim's fault
14:23.12CBGI'm better than the baron, I'm better than the baron... Ner ner na ner ner!
14:23.22CBGAND I am his boss! :D In the Planet M--- League :P
14:23.43CBGI should start playing again just to boss you around, TheRedBaron.
14:27.12Pommescbg: number 33 and 52
14:27.21Pommesbe nice to TheRedBaron! ;-)
14:28.15TheRedBaronndim: ping
14:28.23CBGPommes: Ducati/1vs1 Style was always my worst style, that's why I am amazed to be at 52. I also quit bz a long time ago. :P
14:29.11CBGI suggest we don't take ranks from that site _too_ seriously. See places 4, 12 and 17.
14:29.20PommesI know ;-)
14:32.37ndimTheRedBaron: What?
14:33.19TheRedBaronndim: phear the power of the Moo!
14:33.43TheRedBaronndim: What Sort of Moo!(tm) are you?
14:36.32epDONT DO IT!
14:39.05TheRedBaronep: I dont' know... perhaps you've not read -
14:39.31epi shall do that
14:39.48ep(if it's not long :-)
14:41.48TheRedBarononly about a full page of text
14:43.32*** topic/#kierra by TheRedBaron -> Welcome :) : "Any woman who still thinks marriage is a fifty-fifty proposition is only proving that she doesn't understand either men or percentages" || "Your position never gives you the right to command. It only imposes on you the duty of so living your life that others can receive your orders without being humiliated." || "Suspicion is the cancer of friendship." || What Sort of Moo!(tm) are you?
14:49.17*** join/#kierra BZ_Win (
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14:49.32ndimToo much text.
14:56.52TheRedBaronndim: right, pardon the pleonasm
14:56.57*** join/#kierra RedBaron2 (i=44c154d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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14:57.51menotumeeww a two moo
14:58.56RedBaron2yikes! where?
15:03.07ndimOh. My. God.,
15:05.39ndimMy father was just outside. A car driver stopped and asked him for directions to $STREET_STARTING_400m_AWAY. He pointed her into the opposite direction, because he honestly did not know where the street was.
15:05.44menotumeboo, do shoo the two who moo'ed
15:06.11ndimHe's only been living here since 1980, after all.
15:08.09menotumetwo belongs in a zoo
15:09.00ndimI hope so much that I won't be like my father as I get older.
15:18.14*** join/#kierra Rb2 (i=44c154d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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15:27.52*** join/#kierra moriah (i=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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15:32.40moriahmy computer locked up .....argh
15:32.55moriahso ep, I missed the pms :)
15:34.18*** join/#kierra anteater (n=Administ@about/essy/TheAardvark/anteater)
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15:35.24epi'll repaste em
15:37.02RedBaron2send some to me too!
15:37.05RedBaron2hey ant!
15:40.44TheRedBaronanteater: What Sort of Moo!(tm) are you?
15:42.25epneologism:  2: A meaningless word coined by a psychotic
15:43.39TheRedBaronep: what sort of dictionary are you using?!
15:44.37epum Merriam Webster :
15:47.57epwhat is "KLF"?
15:48.05eplets make something up
15:48.37eptough to do
15:51.00gn00bieKhalistan Liberation Force
15:51.14epthanks gnoobie
15:52.28anteaterhello :-D
15:52.37RedBaron2*poke* ant
15:52.49anteaterTheRedBaron, i am winning my auction =D
15:53.00RedBaron2lol ep
15:53.25TheRedBaronanteater: yay
15:54.10moriahgood one, ep
15:55.27gn00biebusy mom :)
15:55.42epdoes gnoobie ping gn00bie?
15:56.07gn00bieep: not currently, no
16:07.53*** join/#kierra mvironwork (
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16:08.36*** join/#kierra LongDon (
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16:09.51catayIt's actually Mu Mu ;)
16:10.01moriah~icecream anteater
16:10.02ibotACTION takes anteater's order and goes off in search of anteater's favorite icecream.
16:10.37catayhey moriah :)
16:11.39moriahor should i say 'one of my favorites' ;)
16:11.51RedBaron2hey catay :)
16:11.59catayhey RedBaron2
16:12.11moriahhey, toozit
16:12.12gn00bieand shakierra
16:12.12catayI loved KLF
16:12.25RedBaron2rofl gn00bie
16:12.40gn00bieyw Arbitoo :P
16:12.50catayhey mr gn00bie
16:13.09gn00biehello catay :)
16:13.50moriahso RedBaron2 , what are you up too
16:14.32gn00biecatay: is that link something I should watch?
16:14.42catayIt's KLF!!! :P
16:14.51gn00biethen I should not :P
16:14.53RedBaron2waiting for jaym
16:14.54cataybeen ages since I heard that music :)
16:15.29cataygn00bie: I look for something more suitable for you :p
16:15.54catayI also found that on youtube a while ago
16:15.58gn00biecatay: :P  thanks
16:16.04cataya performance of Ravi Shankar :)
16:16.15gn00bieRavi Shankar is a loser
16:16.24gn00bieHariprasad Chaurasia
16:16.26catayat Monterey
16:16.27gn00bieor Dagar
16:16.48gn00bieRavi Shankar is a talentless publicity hungry musician
16:16.50catayit's on a festival back in 1967 , Monterey Pop
16:17.02catayI like it very much :P
16:17.06epor Sugar Dagar
16:17.27gn00bieshower time
16:17.56gn00bieI will watch it later catay :P
16:18.05catayok :)
16:18.16gn00biehave to boot up the Windows laptop that DoDA has, 64 bit linux and youtube do not like each other
16:18.46cataythe sixties, those were the years!! :)
16:19.20gn00biethe guy on the right is RedBaron2
16:19.44cataygn00bie: install a 32bit firefox :p
16:19.55gn00biecatay: nah, 64 bit forever! :P
16:20.48catayi'm also on x86_64 , but I wanna enjoy also flash sites: )
16:21.11cataysame for my xine player
16:21.44catay32bit binaries that is
16:22.58gn00biecatay, I just do it the hard way :P
16:23.24gn00biethere is a python scrip that allows you to download youtube vids in .flv format
16:23.32gn00biethen I cycle it through ffmpeg
16:23.37gn00biethen I play the avi
16:23.40gn00biebut it takes some work
16:23.54catayhave fun doing that :P
16:24.28catayway to lazy to do that :)
16:24.49moriahonly guys smell each other's gross is that
16:24.52ndimI have also once used a packet sniffer to get the URL the youtube flash thingie requests, and then just downloaded that with wget.
16:25.05ndimstraight wget does not work, though. you need --user-agent :)
16:25.26*** join/#kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
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16:25.39RedBaron2hey [suave] :)
16:25.42catayyoutube can be really adictive
16:27.28[suave]hey all :-)
16:27.36[suave]hey RedBaron2 :-P
16:29.52gn00biendim: thanks for the tip!
16:30.16ndimthe --user-agent?
16:30.54ndimHmm, I should check whether I am committing a felony by possessing a packet sniffer.
16:30.55gn00biemade me man wget
16:31.04ndimI guess I am.
16:31.07gn00biehave been using it for a long time, never RTFMd it
16:31.41TheRedBaronis there a bounty for turning in those possessing a packet sniffer?
16:32.39ndimAs a matter of fact, the idiots who wrote and passed that paragraph explicitly suggested not to enforce it.
16:33.25moriahwho can add to gu spawn list?
16:33.32moriahTheRedBaron: can you?
16:34.51anteaterTheRedBaron: can i use your paypal account to pay for my auction when i win it? :-D
16:34.58anteateror maybe a siblings?
16:35.10moriahare you serious, ant?
16:36.10RedBaron2ant, if he says no, i'll give it to you :D
16:36.19anteatermoriah: nope :-D
16:36.28anteaterRedBaron2: ty! ;-)
16:36.45moriahi would have helped you if you didnt have paypal
16:36.48anteatermoriah: can i use your's? ;-)
16:36.56moriah<---is nice
16:37.03gn00bie<---is nicer
16:37.13anteateri have paypal i just have to figure out what my name and password was
16:37.46moriahoh brother....i never have that problem computer is being really slow
16:48.33RedBaron2cool, i can type faster then my computer can put  the letters on the screen
16:50.32ndimWelcome to 1978.
16:59.38*** join/#kierra mvironwork (
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17:17.25gn00bieshower check
17:18.38gn00bieworking on it
17:18.43gn00bieclean undies check
17:19.58gn00biematching socks check
17:22.05gn00bieall systems go
17:22.09gn00bieso on that note folken
17:22.11ibotACTION shakes his booty all over town
17:22.14gn00bieover and out
17:29.57catayyay shake !!
17:30.47anteateri need to check that spelling
17:31.42anteatercan we add mollycoddle!? that sounds like a fun word
17:33.53RedBaron2did someone say shake? :D
17:34.26ibotACTION shakes his booty all over town
17:37.23*** join/#kierra Lagdog (i=466e3509@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:43.14moriahLagdog: :)
18:07.41*** join/#kierra RoMy (
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18:09.32*** join/#kierra WinnyMac (
18:14.45moriahTheRedBaron: is it storming at home?
18:15.24RedBaron2not storming here :(
18:15.33*** join/#kierra WinnyMac (
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18:23.10*** join/#kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
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18:26.13moriahGrumpfy: howdy girl
18:36.40GrumpfyHeya moriah
18:41.23RedBaron2~bonk grumpfle just for fun
18:41.23ibotACTION bonks grumpfle just for fun over the head
18:43.50mvironwork~lart RedBaron2
18:43.50ibothooks into a hydrant and hoses RedBaron2 down
18:44.36Grumpfy~lart RedBaron2
18:44.36ibotputs on a hockey mask and jumps out at RedBaron2
18:44.45RedBaron2lol ndim
18:46.24moriahRedBaron2: you should poll folks here on that issue
18:56.00RedBaron2very funny :p
18:58.06ndim~weather EDDS
18:58.14ndimNot storming.
18:58.26ndim~weather KTLH
18:58.36ndimat ...
18:59.32ndimKTLH 301853Z 24007G14KT 1SM TSRA ...
18:59.50ndimA little wind, thunderstorm, and rain.
19:10.04*** part/#kierra Birdie (n=Birdie@unaffiliated/birdie)
19:10.04*** join/#kierra Birdie (n=Birdie@unaffiliated/birdie)
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19:16.31moriahwould you add huh to gu spawn list
19:18.31TheRedBaronfor a small fee
19:18.44TheRedBarona beer or three, most likely
19:23.02Birdieeh let me see
19:24.28RedBaron2make it 4more
19:26.29Birdiekierra: added
19:35.06moriahty birdie
19:35.15Birdiewhat do i get now?
19:38.35RedBaron2toodledoo folks :P
19:40.46TheRedBaronRedBaron2: moo!
19:41.03TheRedBaronRedBaron2: What Sort of Moo!(tm) are you?
19:41.50moriahbye 2
19:46.24TheRedBaronmoriah: What Sort of Moo!(tm) are you?
19:47.17moriaha special one :)
19:58.07moriahthe one with no clothes???
19:58.25moriahask me no questions, i'll tell you no lies
19:58.41*** mode/#kierra [+v WinnyMac] by moriah
20:05.40*** join/#kierra anteater (n=Administ@about/essy/TheAardvark/anteater)
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20:09.00TheRedBaronmoriah: only if you're an emporer
20:15.45moriahemperor :)
20:16.47Birdiehomeschooled trb?:)
20:18.04moriahdoes emperoress count?
20:18.52ndimUhm. There are only two rectangle-shaped US states?
20:20.27TheRedBaronBirdie: nah, dyslexic
20:20.34TheRedBaronswitched the 'o' and the 'e' :)
20:20.47Birdieyou really are actually?
20:20.54TheRedBaronits a good excuse :)
20:20.57Birdieand what do you think of my pm?:)
20:21.02Birdieanswer in pm btw!
20:25.44moriahcolorado is rectangular
20:27.13ndimWyoming also looks rectangular.
20:27.42ndimBut given the american obsession with 90 degree angles and straight lines, I would have assumed more.
20:31.48moriahwhat states constitute the 4 corners????
20:35.47catay!google  what states constitute the 4 corners
20:36.06cataybah, lousy bots :P
20:39.10moriahhint: colorado is one
20:41.42*** join/#kierra Pommes_ (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
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20:42.07ndimmoriah: I can't tell, because I have,-111.884765625&z=6&t=m&fg_server=mpserver02:5000,,5001&pilot_label=always&icon_mode=normal open.
20:44.11TheRedBaronhe's gonna crash!
20:45.21moriahits ok, ndim :0
20:45.38ndimTheRedBaron: Maybe. It's my first time landing the thing.
20:50.30ndimcatay: Hahaha. Good luck chasing an SR-71 with anything.
20:50.35catayand yes, it's armed ;)
20:51.22ndimSR-71 Blackbird. Fasts aicraft ever built..
20:52.12cataygah, you ruined my joke!!! :P
20:54.26ndimYou need to start slowing down and descending about 500nm with this thing.
20:54.33ndimYou need to start slowing down and descending about 500nm from the target with this thing.
20:54.43ndimI.e. ~900km.
21:06.41TheRedBaronndim: looks like you missed the airport
21:06.53ndimTheRedBaron: Yupp. I started the descent 350nm out.
21:07.20ndimNext time I will start 350nm + the distance from the airport where I reach 10000ft out.
21:07.28ndimI guess that will be 550nm out.
21:07.44ndimI.e. when flying to San Francisco, start braking in Salt Lake City.
21:08.36AdmirarchThis makes remarkably little sense when you read nm as nanometres
21:31.10*** join/#kierra nanoc (n=conan@about/essy/nairabrab/nanoc)
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21:51.00*** join/#kierra nanoc (n=conan@about/essy/nairabrab/nanoc)
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21:51.55anteaterthe sr-71 has never been shot down i think.
21:52.02anteatersry lil slow on that one
22:08.12*** part/#kierra LongDon (
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22:09.21TheRedBaronah ndim just took off
22:11.25anteaterhello kiera :-)
22:11.38TheRedBaroni think he crashed
22:11.44ndimTheRedBaron: It's the default airport. And with some scenery.
22:11.53ndimTheRedBaron: The program crashed, not my plane :)
22:12.05anteaterTheRedBaron: i want to try far cry online :-D
22:12.14ndim"nan nan nan nan nan nan segment ignored.."
22:16.01TheRedBaronIts the Prequel
22:16.05TheRedBaronor sequel
22:16.31TheRedBaron"So, you want to oink(tm) eh?"
22:17.34TheRedBaronto be done in the spirit of "What Sort of Moo!(tm) are you?"
22:18.09TheRedBaronand with that, i'm off :)
22:32.00anteaterbirdie: u awake?

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