IRC log for #kierra on 20070723

00:28.23*** part/#kierra LongDon (
01:12.50*** join/#kierra RedBaron3 (i=47341050@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
01:14.55*** join/#kierra Pommes_ (n=Pommes@about/essy/frenchy/Pommes)
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01:18.49*** mode/#kierra [+o RedBaron3] by ChanServ
01:21.13ndimAdmirarch: mellitus or something. cf. "diabetes mellitus"
01:21.17Winnyyou ruined it!
01:21.32WinnySave our stuff!
01:21.41ndimSave Our Sleep!
01:21.50RedBaron3ndim's doing it again..
01:22.02Winnythe pull of IRC is srtong :p
01:24.47RedBaron3~badminton birdie
01:24.48ibotACTION keeps its eye on birdie, then lobs birdie over the net
01:25.04RedBaron3gotta do that once.
01:29.53*** join/#kierra redsoxfan90 (
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01:55.41*** join/#kierra hiya (
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02:14.08gn00bieAdmirarch: thanks :) Meliphilic is good enough
02:15.23gn00bieRedBaron3: heya
03:07.41*** join/#kierra RedBaron2 (i=44c154d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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03:35.48redsoxfan90counter strike is pretty cool
03:36.10gn00bieermm... no it is not
03:36.19redsoxfan90whys that...?
06:07.46*** join/#kierra Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
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06:20.21*** join/#kierra Thonolan (n=n@unaffiliated/thonolan)
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06:21.12*** part/#kierra Thonolan (n=n@unaffiliated/thonolan)
06:55.09*** join/#kierra RoMy (
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09:48.11*** join/#kierra LongDon (
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10:28.31*** join/#kierra moriah (
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10:31.50*** join/#kierra iCBG (
11:00.47*** join/#kierra Pimpi (
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11:34.18*** part/#kierra moriah (
12:22.59*** join/#kierra TheRedBaron (
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12:53.49*** join/#kierra Quol (
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13:06.33*** join/#kierra Baroness (i=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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13:23.00[dmp]thats too early. Mondays shouldnt start before tuesday 10am :)
13:26.14Pommesmonday, tuesday, wednesday ... all the same ... 8:00 am - switch to zombie-state ... 17:00 pm - real-life begins
13:27.13gn00biewebserver does not run on Windows I hope
13:29.15TheRedBaronmy webserver runs windows :)
13:30.13gn00biewin2k3 is 64 bit or not?
13:30.26TheRedBaronthey have a 64bit flavor
13:30.39TheRedBaronwin 2k8 is 64bit
13:30.48gn00biesame thing :P
13:31.28gn00biedanke ;)
13:31.33Pommes~linux TheRedBaron
13:31.42gn00bie~tux TheRedBaron
13:31.57ibotACTION pooh poohs Winny the Pooh
13:32.19Pommesopen your eyes!
13:32.45gn00bieI think I will go back to bed
13:32.49gn00biesleep for some more time
13:33.08Pommessleep is so underestimated
13:38.24*** join/#kierra LongDon (
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13:41.55[dmp]gn00bie: nope, freebsd
13:44.37ndim(for the windows hugging)
13:46.06AdmirarchYou don't need reasons for ~TheRedBaron--
13:49.51TheRedBaronoh the outrage!
13:50.17TheRedBaronbut oh so succinct
13:51.03Baroness~bomb mouse
13:51.04ibotACTION drops a humongous exploding nuke on mouse
13:59.28*** join/#kierra longhair (
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14:13.32*** join/#kierra longhair (
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14:17.59*** join/#kierra moriah (i=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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14:19.02moriah~wake menotume
14:19.03ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on menotume and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
14:19.16moriahprobably didnt work!
14:21.50TheRedBaronmoriah: offer him starbucks and donuts
14:22.29ndimI guess there is nothing left.
14:35.32moriahare you kidding, the staff room is FULL of goodies
14:37.55ndimPaid by someone's medical bills.
14:48.59moriah:PP ndim
14:49.12moriahpaid by drug companies
14:49.17moriahi didnt ask for it :)
14:49.50moriahTheRedBaron: I took your chips to work ;)
14:50.58ndimWell, where does a drug company get money from, if not from people's medical bills?
14:52.26Winnyndim: you should see "SiCKO" the movie
14:53.47ndimWinny: We have our own set of healthcare problems here, I don't need to import them from overseas.
14:59.48ndimStuff like "We should check whether your heart will still be working in two months? Well, why don't you come by in... 9 months? Oh, you're privately insured? How about tomorrow afternoon, then?"
15:01.50Baronesshmm..donunts with green icing...seems just a little scary..
15:02.43cataysounds toxic :p
15:03.15ndimIf I see something green on something edible which is not immediately recongnizable as some plant leaf, I bet on mould.
15:03.16catayndim: is  healhcare completly  privatized in Germany ?
15:03.33ndimcatay: There is obligatory insurance.
15:04.03catayah ok
15:04.35ndimcatay: Certain kinds of state employees and people in the top 5% or 10% income percentile are allowed to insure themselves outside the public insurance system.
15:04.48ndimThose private insurance plans pay more to doctors.
15:04.58ndim(per patient)
15:05.07cataybut it also gives them an advantage when they get hospitalized?
15:05.23cataylike, they get in first and suchs when there is not less room ?
15:05.25ndimYes, 1 or 2 bed rooms over 3 or 4 bed ones.
15:05.54ndimAnd access more senior doctors in the hospital and stuff.
15:06.20catayoh, that's not the case yet in Belgium
15:06.46ndimHowever, als 80 or 90% of people are insured via the obligatory public system, the largest part of total income for most doctors and hospitals still comes from those cheaper insurances.
15:06.49cataywell, you can also take extrea insurrances
15:07.24ndimSo basically, no one in the health care system could survive without those cheaply insured people, but they are still treated as second class citizens.
15:08.11cataybut sooner or later I think it will change like how it is in the US
15:08.29cataycompletly privatized
15:08.37ndimIf the doctor does the same thing to me as he does to my sister, he will bill me 2.3 times what he gets from my sister's insurer.
15:09.40TheRedBaroncatay: actually, here in the US - healthcare is not completely privatized
15:10.25cataybut most of it is no ?
15:10.32ndimAll in all the public system requires so much bureaucracy that if one could get rid of that one could pay doctors twice as much without raising the insurance planes.
15:10.48TheRedBaroncatay: most of it - yes
15:11.20ndimThe stupid thing about those public/obligatory insurances is that patients never get to see any bills.
15:11.46ndimI.e. they have no idea at all how much something may cost.
15:11.47TheRedBaronndim: half the time, they don't want to
15:11.51cataywell, in belgium you see bills, for what it's worth ofcousre
15:11.57catayfor example, if I go to the dentist
15:12.10TheRedBaronhere, they're just interested in paying the co-payment, and walking out with their treatment
15:12.14catayI will have to pay the full price
15:12.19ndimThe privately insured people are billed and will then be refunded by their insurer.
15:12.22cataybut I get more then half back afterwards
15:12.49ndimThat goes for doctors' bills and drug purchases.
15:13.17catayyeah it's the same here , but with the public system
15:13.27catayalso for medicine
15:13.59cataybut the system is under a lot of pressure lately
15:14.08ndimThey have been trying for years to beat a little sense into wasteful consumers of the public system, but that resulted in typical political results: Years of debate, and a new system whose drawbacks outweigh the benefits by far.
15:14.26longhairIs there any country that has a good system? I.E. most people are happy with it
15:14.38cataythe main problem here is that we have a lot of old people
15:14.55cataymore passive people compared to active ones
15:15.02ndimThe british NHS is supposed to be much better than it is reputed to be.
15:15.05cataywhich lays a huge pressure on the systme
15:16.46menotumethe wosrt part here is letigious people
15:17.06menotumeis probably 70% of health care
15:17.33moriahlitigious ;0
15:17.41menotumenot only the lawsuits, but the extra procedures hospitals do to try to avaoid them
15:17.50moriahand drs as well
15:17.54moriahdefensive medicine
15:18.15ndimDoctors customarily spend more than half their time on bureaocracy here.
15:19.35ndimOh, and young resident doctors in hospitals get to work 80+ hours a week for little more than the cleaners get. I guess someone has to pay for the head doc's collection of Porsches.
15:20.10ndimAs a result, many medical students do not become medical practitioners, but join the drug companies.
15:20.34ndimOr they leave to practise medicine in other countries. The UK and Norway seem to be quite popular.
15:30.19*** join/#kierra Quol (
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15:30.34catayOnly one solution, don't get sick :)
15:35.59longhairMy big problem with our current system is the burden it puts on the self-employed
15:36.16longhairIf you want insurance, you have to buy it yourself, or hope your spouse has it
15:37.02longhairAnd if a family member has a serious disease, you can't afford the insurance, so you now can't have your own business
15:44.28*** join/#kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
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15:46.18*** join/#kierra hiya (
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15:48.17*** join/#kierra RedBaron2 (i=44c154d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:48.27Baronessoh no! two inturders!
15:48.29*** mode/#kierra [+o RedBaron2] by ChanServ
15:48.40Baroness~intruder hiya & RedBaron2
15:48.41ibotACTION points at hiya & RedBaron2 and bawks "Intruder! Intruder! Intruder!"
15:49.18ndimBaroness: Nice typo.
15:49.29RedBaron2that's what i was thinking :P
15:49.46Birdiedont you love typos
15:49.47Baronessi typed to fast....:P
15:50.51RedBaron2i'm munching on blueberries, rasberries, and strawberries :)
15:51.22hiyawow, im doing the same, thats just odd
15:51.26moriah:P rb2
15:51.29hiyabout out of strawberries though
15:51.36RedBaron2good stuff
15:51.45hiyapicked them all yesterday :)
15:51.48RedBaron2nessy, they're REEEEEAALLLY good
15:51.54RedBaron2how's work?
15:51.54hiyalove overlapping berry seasons
15:51.58hiyathey are amazing ^^
15:52.18RedBaron2oh yea
15:52.44RedBaron2oh, and drinking pinnapple juice too :D
15:52.57hiyagrr, got me one-upped
15:53.06hiyaim drinking fake lemonade
15:53.10Baroness~bonk RedBaron2
15:53.10ibotACTION bonks RedBaron2 over the head
15:53.27Baronessmeanie! making me hungry...wishing i wasn't at work! and instead me visiting my Aunt!
15:53.51RedBaron2i should get some grapes too..
15:54.06hiyaooh, good idea
15:54.23Baronesshmph...and pineapple juice?!?!
15:54.48Baronessand Aunt's famous fruit salads?? so not fair :-/
15:55.00Baronessmom!!! its my turn to go visit them next! :-D
15:55.46gn00bie~bonk Baroness
15:55.47ibotACTION bonks Baroness over the head
15:56.03Baroness~poke gn00bie
15:56.04ibotACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind gn00bie, pokes gn00bie repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
15:56.08hiya<--- all out of grapes :(
15:56.12hiyau have it made up there rb2
15:56.15RedBaron2she went out and bought me a case of each :)
15:56.18gn00bieArby: good work!
15:56.28RedBaron2gn00bie; high-five!
15:56.33Grumpfyohhhhh..the mutant speaks french today! :P
15:56.51RedBaron2i do?
15:57.00RedBaron2go me!
15:57.02Birdiebonjour grumpfy
15:57.12Baroness~annoy RedBaron2
15:57.13ibotACTION dances around RedBaron2, poking whenever possible, tickling or doing whatever necessary to annoy RedBaron2 to the maximum amount
15:57.13GrumpfyTcho birdo! ;)
15:57.48Baroness~silence RedBaron2
15:57.48ibotACTION shoves an apple in RedBaron2's mouth, shoves a spit through ... well, uhm, anyway ... then builds a nice fire and starts roasting
15:57.56RedBaron2ooh, an apple to?
15:57.57Baronessoh my
15:58.02gn00bieBaroness: not eating is good for you, remember the 40 lbs?
15:58.12Birdieit was only 40?
15:58.15Baroness~bonk gn00bie
15:58.16ibotACTION bonks gn00bie over the head
15:58.21Baroness~badminton birdie
15:58.22ibotACTION keeps its eye on birdie, then lobs birdie over the net
15:58.35RedBaron2hey tweeter
15:58.44Birdiehey baronbuddybudicfbudbuddyboi
15:58.47Baroness*sniff* everyone is picking one me! :-/
15:58.52RedBaron2care for some strawberries?
15:58.53Birdieyea they are so mean
15:59.00Birdieof course!
15:59.08RedBaron2here you go! just don't give them to nessy..
15:59.14Birdiedont worry
15:59.20Birdiei always keep those to myself
15:59.23Birdiei'm not a brother!
15:59.33Birdiekeep that in mind!:)à
16:00.09RedBaron2~poke grumpfle
16:00.10ibotACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind grumpfle, pokes grumpfle repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
16:01.13Grumpfy~bad RedBaron2
16:01.14ibotBad RedBaron2, bad! No cookie for you!
16:01.27RedBaron2don't need cookies..i have fruit! haha
16:02.39Baroness~fight RedBaron2 for fruit
16:02.39ibotACTION laughs as RedBaron2 for fruit reboots gateway/web/cgi-irc/ sending baroness into the aether
16:02.41gn00bieBirdie: it might have been more
16:03.05Birdiei wouldnt be surprised
16:03.09Birdieas brother i see it every day:(
16:03.11RedBaron2well, that was interesting
16:03.31Baroness~shoot gn00bie & birdie
16:03.32ibotACTION shoots gn00bie & birdie in the foot with a frozen turkey cannon!
16:03.51RedBaron2frozen turkeys?
16:03.55Birdiea frozen turkey cannon?
16:04.38gn00bieyeah, turkey is good for you
16:04.45gn00bieit is a lean source of protien
16:04.48RedBaron2i like chikens better..
16:05.06gn00bieyou will scare Birdie
16:05.17Birdiei feel like baroness
16:05.21RedBaron2*BAWK BAWK!!*
16:05.26Birdieand thats not good:(
16:05.31gn00bieI suspect that Birdie is a chick(en)
16:05.39Birdiechick lol
16:05.50Birdielol and if you say "chick" sportchick get pinged
16:06.11Birdie<Birdie> chick lol
16:06.11Birdie-SportChick- I'm sorry, but I'm away (Away: Screen is detached, but messages are logged)
16:06.14gn00bieyup, she does
16:08.04*** join/#kierra LongDon (
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16:09.56gn00biethere is a pun somewhere, but it escapes me right now
16:10.33RedBaron2hmm..i wonder
16:10.38Baronesson no there isn' escapes you..because it just doesnt exist
16:10.57gn00biethat is an interesting proposition
16:11.36RedBaron2kind of a preposterous one as well..
16:13.05RedBaron2wait! nessy!!
16:13.19RedBaron2you're forgetting about your diet!
16:14.31hiyagot time to look for a match baron?
16:14.39RedBaron2i think so
16:15.17hiyago public bzf?
16:15.57RedBaron2ff on
16:26.20*** join/#kierra NTH (
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17:00.10RedBaron2bird, bzf 58
18:27.47*** part/#kierra hiya (
18:39.27*** join/#kierra LongDon (
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21:01.33*** join/#kierra moriah (i=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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21:56.18*** join/#kierra RedBaron3 (i=47341461@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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23:06.25*** join/#kierra moriah (
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23:07.03moriahmenotume ping
23:08.33*** part/#kierra moriah (
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23:09.45kierrahello cutie
23:54.57*** join/#kierra RedBaron2 (i=44c154d0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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