IRC log for #kierra on 20070518

00:15.20*** join/#kierra kierra (
00:15.20*** mode/#kierra [+o kierra] by ChanServ
02:50.23*** join/#kierra Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
02:50.23*** mode/#kierra [+v Flash] by ChanServ
02:51.58*** join/#kierra Quol (
02:51.58*** mode/#kierra [+o Quol] by ChanServ
10:16.33kierra~wake menotume
10:16.45ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on menotume and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
10:20.22Birdiethat poor guy never gets any sleep
10:20.35Birdieis this a free day also in usa?
10:21.11kierrawas he up all night?
10:22.24Birdiedunno, i slept:)
10:22.31Birdieand idle over 30hours so i doubt
10:22.59kierrahmm, his aim says idle 41 min
10:23.24Birdiehis irc says otherwise:)
10:23.43Birdiecould just be his internet that went down and up for making his aim say that he is idle 41min
10:24.13kierraok, thx
10:25.04*** topic/#kierra by kierra -> Welcome:"Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, everyday, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity." || “We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.”
11:06.45*** join/#kierra Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
11:06.45*** mode/#kierra [+o Thonolan] by ChanServ
11:07.08*** part/#kierra Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
11:09.11Birdiehow is kierra doing today
11:09.11*** join/#kierra jh` (
11:09.11*** mode/#kierra [+v jh`] by ChanServ
12:27.44*** join/#kierra TheRedBaron (
12:27.44ibotpours MD down a drain and makes trb watch.
12:27.45*** mode/#kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
13:09.08ndim~wake TheRedBaron
13:09.18ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on TheRedBaron and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
13:09.31ndim~wake ndim
13:09.36ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on ndim and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
13:09.49ndimNow I am awake.
13:10.54TheRedBaronndim: you wake up mighty late :)
14:50.33Manubuenos días TheRedBaron :)
14:51.53TheRedBaronbuenos dias Manu :)
14:54.42TheRedBaronManu: what are you up to this morning :)
14:56.33Manumorning? it's 16:56 ;)
14:57.11TheRedBaronbah :D
14:57.15TheRedBaronmornign for me :)
14:57.25ManuI know ;)
15:13.15*** join/#kierra Blue_Eyes (
15:13.15*** mode/#kierra [+v Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
15:44.35*** join/#kierra Pimpi (
15:44.35*** mode/#kierra [+o Pimpi] by ChanServ
15:52.17*** join/#kierra Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
15:52.17*** mode/#kierra [+o Thonolan] by ChanServ
15:52.30*** part/#kierra Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
16:01.23*** join/#kierra brad (
16:01.23*** mode/#kierra [+o brad] by ChanServ
16:10.49*** part/#kierra jh` (
16:11.56*** join/#kierra Birdie (n=Birdie@unaffiliated/birdie)
16:11.56*** mode/#kierra [+v Birdie] by ChanServ
16:12.02TheRedBarondo linux an scsi get along nicely?
16:16.08kierra~lart scott
16:16.08ibotshoves a crumpet down scott's throat, happy now?! Huh? Want some JAM with that?
16:16.35TheRedBaron~pickle scott
16:16.45ibotACTION crams scott in a barrel, adds some brine and seasoning, and lets scott sit for a long while in a dark room until scott is ripe
16:16.53kierra~seen quantumdot
16:17.30ibotquantumdot <n=Juan@about/essy/Charm/quantumdot> was last seen on IRC in channel #kierra, 9d 16h 34m 5s ago, saying: 'pff'.
16:17.31TheRedBaronkierra: he's fermented and gone fruity?
16:17.48kierrayep! thats him
16:18.02kierrai see fruitflies on hijm
16:47.55gn00biemy computer is called epsilon
16:48.13gn00bieand DoDA's laptop is called agni (fire in Sanskrit)
16:48.35TheRedBaronndim: ditto :)
16:49.01TheRedBaroni'm contemplating naming my other computer: aphrodisia
16:50.11gn00bieagni runs Win32 on amd64 though :(
16:52.23gn00bieepsilon runs 64 bit gentoo on amd64
16:52.47gn00bieepsilon of yore was a 64 bit Sun machine back in school
16:53.26TheRedBarongn00bie: meno won't let me run a wamp server :(
16:54.18gn00biewhat is a wamp server?
16:54.36TheRedBaronWindows Apache MySQL PHP
16:54.37gn00bieah, windows + amp instead of linux + amp?
16:54.54gn00biewell, how is meno going to enforce his will?
16:55.45TheRedBaronby withholding information?
16:55.54gn00bieon amp?
16:56.10gn00biethere is boatloads of info out there on amp
16:56.15gn00biebut any rate
16:56.28TheRedBarongn00bie: i would go with nix
16:56.35TheRedBaronbut I'd also like an exchange server :)
16:56.58gn00bieeh, what about opengroupware or something like that?
16:57.31TheRedBaronwhat is that?
16:57.45gn00bieexchange type software
16:58.09gn00biethough I think real men do postfix, exchange and domino are for weenies
16:58.46TheRedBaron~spell aphrodisia
17:00.04gn00biecall it Hades
17:01.59TheRedBarongn00bie's name for all win OSes ?
17:02.18TheRedBaronHa, I should call it Sir_Gn00bie
17:02.24TheRedBaronjust for you :)
17:09.56gn00bieor call it tractor!
17:10.00gn00biefor bz_BL
17:10.45gn00biethat way bz_BL can safely drive a tractor and not run anything over (give her a limited user account)
17:13.34TheRedBarongood idea
17:13.37TheRedBaronguest account
17:18.33TheRedBaronan IDE cable too, thats a bonus
17:18.44TheRedBaron~lart Men O. Tume
17:18.44ibotpushes the wall down onto Men O. Tume whilst whistling innocently
17:30.56scotti took about 6 old at cases to the dump the other week
17:31.07scottsome guy was loading them all up as i was leaving
17:32.14TheRedBaronscott: i have that many cases lying around here
17:32.48scottand you want to keep them?
17:33.40scottdoes ti work?
17:33.59scotti have a 486 dx board but all the caps went bad
17:34.07TheRedBaronstill in static bag
17:34.10TheRedBaronit might
17:34.31TheRedBarongots the 486 dx2 cpu in it too, with fan
17:34.53scottwhy bother? :)
17:35.16gn00bieAlpha AXP 21064 came out at about the same time as the 486, right?
17:35.36scottdunno much about alphas
17:35.44gn00bie~bonk scott
17:35.49ibotACTION bonks scott over the head
17:35.57scotta little delay there
17:36.04scottibot: are you running on a 486?
17:36.21gn00biethought intel seems to have done a real good job with the Core 2
17:36.37scottit saved their bacon
17:36.43gn00bieyeah, it did
17:37.03gn00biebut looking back, the sort of crap they have pulled on the unsuspecting public is amazing
17:37.24scotti think dell still sells p4's
17:37.33gn00biethere is no shortage of suckers
17:37.47gn00bieMIPS and Alpha are both dead
17:38.20scottgn00bie: PARisc too
17:38.48scottwe still have a parisc here
17:39.16gn00biePARisc is dead too, thanks to Itanic
17:39.33gn00bieI had a quad IP27 Mips box at work
17:39.48gn00biefor something that was manufactured in late 98, that thing can still haul ass
17:40.55gn00biedual socket dual core netburst xeon with 4 GB of RAM takes 15 minutes to crunch something, that box still does it in 2 hours with half the ram and same number of cores running at less than 10th the speed
17:43.09scottis itanium still an option?
17:43.21gn00bieno such thing as too much capacity in the number crunching world - I have a quad dual core opteron box w/32 G of RAM to do the real heavy lifting
17:43.48scottcomforts even
17:43.51TheRedBaronwhy must they insist on re-organizing things?
17:43.58gn00biethe Itanium is not a bad number crunching chip, it is not just the RISC killer that chipzilla wanted us to believe it was
17:44.08gn00bieTheRedBaron: you got re-organized?
17:44.28scottprobably didnt even see it coming
17:44.41scottpoor bastard
17:44.59gn00bieyeah, I feel for him
17:46.42TheRedBaronbah, no pics of the 486 then :(
17:47.03scottTheRedBaron: get some balls and say no!
17:48.47TheRedBaronscott: to 5 different women?
17:48.55TheRedBaronno man on this earth has that much balls
17:49.07TheRedBaron1 mom, 4 sisters
17:49.29gn00biewait till you get a $WIFE or two
17:59.06*** join/#kierra Baroness (i=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
17:59.06*** mode/#kierra [+o Baroness] by ChanServ
18:03.08TheRedBaronthis is sitting under a desk here -
18:07.12*** join/#kierra Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
18:07.12*** mode/#kierra [+o Thonolan] by ChanServ
18:07.25scotthi dreammate
18:07.53Thonolanhi smartass
18:08.09gn00biethis scotty cannot beam me up, so he is either fake, or handicapped
18:08.20TheRedBaronthonolan sure is a good judge of character :)
18:08.20scottgn00bie: im special
18:08.29gn00bieoh, are you?
18:08.36gn00biedo you go to the special olympics? :D
18:09.00scottgn00bie: i wish
18:09.21TheRedBaronpentium mmx anyone?
18:09.27scottmy wife says that im challenged
18:10.08gn00bieoh all wives say that
18:10.21gn00biemy wife says that I am challenged too
18:10.25scottsee, you're special too :)
18:10.47gn00bieI tell her that she is vertically challenged (all of 5 feet), and then I run hard
18:11.14gn00biebut do not try that at home
18:11.29Thonolan~seen jh'
18:12.44iboti haven't seen 'jh'', Thonolan
18:12.46TheRedBaronI have that under another desk here
18:12.47Thonolan!seen jh'
18:12.47scottibot is dead
18:13.01TheRedBaron1 sec Thonolan
18:13.24TheRedBaron(12:10:33) jh` left the room.
18:13.32TheRedBaron2 hours ago
18:13.37Thonolanty TheRedBaron
18:14.44TheRedBaronnp Thonolan :)
18:14.49gn00bieanother one bites the dust :(
18:14.59gn00bie3.5 year old shirt collar is about to go :(
18:15.33TheRedBarongn00bie: :(
18:16.00gn00biejust as it was getting broken in :(
18:16.42TheRedBaronwhat happened to the shirt?
18:16.50gn00biethe collar is frayed
18:16.59gn00bieanother 3-4 months and it will have to be put to rest
18:17.47*** join/#kierra moriah (i=d8ada652@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:17.47*** mode/#kierra [+o moriah] by ChanServ
18:17.54moriahTheRedBaron: ping
18:18.57*** part/#kierra Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
18:18.58gn00bieat any rate
18:19.39TheRedBaronmoriah: pong
18:19.45TheRedBarongn00bie: late start today
18:20.15gn00bieyeah, boss will probably politely point that out too
18:20.43gn00bieI am trying to think of a good sob story
18:21.14gn00biemaybe I will put in half a vacation day
18:22.13gn00bieover and out
18:22.52catayshake it, baby! :p
18:23.12ibotACTION shakes his booty all over town
18:23.17TheRedBaroncatay: do you need an 486 mobo with processor?
18:23.29cataythere he goes .. before he starts writing down movies again :p
18:23.41catayTheRedBaron: no thanks :p
18:23.59TheRedBaronmoriah: pingy pongy
18:32.17moriahgeez, they expect me to work
18:32.25moriahunlike the barons ;)
18:33.11mvironwork~lart TheRedBaron
18:33.11ibotfrags TheRedBaron with his BFG9000
18:34.19TheRedBaronmoriah: you pinged first :)
18:35.56moriahi know then I was called away
18:36.13mvironwork~pamper moriah
18:36.16ibotACTION pulls out all the stops, and arranges a 2-hour massage, manicure, pedicure, facial and a full day at the spa for moriah.  In addition, food is catered from the local 5-star restaurants, prepared especially for moriah.  An army of people are available to do anything moriah might wish for!
18:36.38scott~pamper gn00bie
18:36.40ibotACTION pulls out all the stops, and arranges a 2-hour massage, manicure, pedicure, facial and a full day at the spa for gn00bie.  In addition, food is catered from the local 5-star restaurants, prepared especially for gn00bie.  An army of people are available to do anything gn00bie might wish for!
18:39.43moriah~lart scott
18:39.43ibotruns at scott with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut
18:50.31TheRedBaronget him moriah!
18:51.05scottshe made me bleed
18:54.44TheRedBaronscott: all women make a man bleed - you should know, you're married
18:55.21scottyou are wise for not being married
18:57.01TheRedBaron5 sisters and a mom - will do that to you :)
18:57.20scott5 sisters now!
18:57.26scottyou said 4 before
18:57.28TheRedBaroni know
18:57.39TheRedBaronbut we got rid of the oldest
18:57.41TheRedBaronmarried her off ;)
18:57.57TheRedBaronso know i'm stuck with 4
18:58.04Baroness~bonks TheRedBaron
18:58.12TheRedBaronand there's one of them
19:03.18*** join/#kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
19:03.18*** mode/#kierra [+v [suave]] by ChanServ
19:05.49moriahyou are blessed above most men to have 5 sisters AND a mom!!!!!!
19:06.18scottpoor mom, though
19:22.09moriahi like hugs from my boys
19:37.55moriah~protect moriah
19:38.05ibotACTION sees a grenade rolling toward moriah, and leaps onto it.
19:41.51moriahthe grenade is scott
19:42.23TheRedBaron~ferment scott
19:49.49*** join/#kierra mvironwork-away (
19:50.44*** mode/#kierra [+v mvironwork] by ChanServ
20:35.37*** join/#kierra Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
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20:38.44*** join/#kierra LongDon (
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21:15.06*** join/#kierra mvironwork-away (
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21:45.39*** join/#kierra kierra (
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21:45.48TheRedBaron~pinch gilly
21:45.56ibotACTION scuttles after gilly, pinches him, and then scuttles away
21:49.07*** part/#kierra Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
21:51.30*** join/#kierra Koziol (
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21:51.59kierrayes dear
21:52.07*** part/#kierra Koziol (
22:13.36*** part/#kierra LongDon (
22:51.53*** join/#kierra mviron (
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23:35.44*** join/#kierra ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:35.44*** topic/#kierra is Welcome:"Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, everyday, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity." || “We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.”
23:35.44*** mode/#kierra [+v ibot] by ChanServ
23:48.21*** join/#kierra ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:48.21*** topic/#kierra is Welcome:"Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, everyday, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity." || “We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.”
23:48.21*** mode/#kierra [+v ibot] by ChanServ

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