irclog2html for #kierra on 20070216

00:06.16*** join/#kierra Pimpinella (
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00:08.08*** part/#kierra LongDon (
00:18.52*** join/#kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
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00:28.36NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 00:17 => [F]usion:6, [BoOm]:1 @ /index.php?link=fights
00:38.41*** join/#kierra mviron (
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00:57.01NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 00:36 => T42:5, [ForestForce]:3 @ /index.php?link=fights
01:37.27NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 01:18 => [ForestForce]:5, T42:1 @ /index.php?link=fights
01:37.52gn00biewaits for the free four
02:13.17NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 01:58 => T42:7, [ForestForce]:2 @ /index.php?link=fights
02:13.17NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 01:59 => T42:8, [ForestForce]:2 @ /index.php?link=fights
02:47.51*** join/#kierra plasma_kaz (n=evanmele@about/essy/MeanieBeanie/plasmakaz)
02:47.51*** mode/#kierra [+v plasma_kaz] by ChanServ
02:52.04TheRedBaronA new comer
02:52.10TheRedBaron~intruder plasma_kaz
02:52.12ibotACTION points at plasma_kaz and bawks "Intruder! Intruder! Intruder!"
02:52.38plasma_kazhey :p
02:52.49plasma_kazthx for the warn welcome :)
02:53.16TheRedBaronoh thats my job :D
02:53.30plasma_kaz~lart theredbaron
02:53.37gn00bie~paint plazma_kaz
02:53.39ibotACTION rains a tape stream of paintballs on plazma_kaz
02:53.44plasma_kazthere is my warm welcome :)
02:54.26gn00biehello CRT_kaz
02:55.26gn00bieoh no!
02:55.31NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 02:40 => T42:6, [ForestForce]:1 @ /index.php?link=fights
02:55.42CRT_kazplasma all the way!
02:56.31gn00bieTheRedBaron: 24 lines in the ode, should we run a first print?
02:57.18gn00bieshould I paste it here? or will I get kicked for flood?
03:15.00*** join/#kierra Blue_Eyes (
03:15.00*** mode/#kierra [+v Blue_Eyes] by ChanServ
03:22.56NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 03:21 => T42:10, [Links]:2 @ /index.php?link=fights
03:33.02*** join/#kierra Thonolan (n=Thonolan@unaffiliated/thonolan)
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03:41.06*** join/#kierra fatso (n=fatso@about/essy/fan/CBG)
03:41.06*** mode/#kierra [+v fatso] by
03:47.24*** join/#kierra Quol (
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04:13.54gn00bieoh well
04:14.05gn00biemanaged to get myself banned from ##essy :P
05:42.32*** join/#kierra plasma_kaz (
05:42.58*** mode/#kierra [+v plasma_kaz] by ChanServ
05:56.04*** join/#kierra Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
05:56.04*** mode/#kierra [+v Flash] by ChanServ
06:31.42TheRedBaronoh my
06:31.48TheRedBarontalented gn00bie
06:35.47gn00biefearless leader :D
06:35.57gn00bieTheRedBaron: thanks :D
06:37.51jh`why'd you get banned
06:38.00gn00biejh`: no idea
06:38.10TheRedBaronyou used the acronym wtf
06:38.30TheRedBaron<gn00bie> in the old cygwin install at work, wtf is expanded as "pray tell, why/what are you doing"
06:38.30TheRedBaron* SportChick sets ban on *!*
06:38.30TheRedBaron* SportChick has kicked gn00bie from ##essy (This is a "family friendly" channel, on which foul language is not permitted.  You have been autokicked.  If you persist, you will be autobanned. If you have any questions, please ask.)
06:38.38gn00bieTheRedBaron: yeah, but I did get jbot kicked out too, now that was bad gn00bie
06:38.50TheRedBaronoh no,
06:38.54TheRedBaronmost amusing gn00bie
06:39.20gn00biedid not mean to make any trouble, but I guess I will take credit for it now that it has happened
06:40.28gn00bieTheRedBaron: was the gnoobie++ for the ode for getting banned from essy?
06:41.27TheRedBaronit will make a most amusing bllad
06:41.42gn00bieI just hope that I do not get into trouble with kierra :P
06:41.56gn00bieI came up with another good idea
06:42.05gn00bierb2 eats at arby too
06:42.10gn00bieso should you
06:42.36gn00bieor something like along those lines
06:43.12TheRedBarongn00bie: i will protect you from kierra :)
06:43.18TheRedBaronher bark is worse than her bite :)
06:43.46gn00bieTheRedBaron: I know you will try :)
06:45.06gn00bieI had not listened to the final cut in a couple of years.. had forgotten how good it really is
06:45.26TheRedBaronthe final cut of?
06:45.51gn00bieit is an unpopular pink floyd album from 1982 - themed around WW-II and the Falklands war
06:46.00gn00bieeither you love it, or hate it
06:46.59gn00biethey disembarked in 45, and no one spoke and no one smiled, there were too many spaces in the lince
06:47.23gn00bieand gathered on the cenotaph, we all agreed with hand on heart, to sheath the sacrificial knives
06:47.45gn00bieand now, she stands upon, Southampton dock, with her handkerchief and summer frock
06:47.54gn00bieclings to her body in the rain
06:48.12gn00bienow with quiet desperation, and knuckles white upon the slippery rails, she bravely waves the goodbye again
06:48.54gn00biewe spent what they had made, but in the bottom of our hearts, we felt the final cut
06:49.12gn00biethrough the fish eyed lens of tear stained eyes, I can barely define the shape of this moment in time
06:49.31gn00bieand far from flying high in clear blue skies, I am spiralling into the hole in the ground where I hide
06:49.56gn00bieif you negotiate the minefield in the drive, and beat the dogs and cheat cold electronic eyes, and if you make it past the shotguns in the hall
06:50.19gn00biedial the combination, open the priesthole, and if I am in, I will tell you what is behind the wall
06:51.07TheRedBaronthat is some amazing lyrics
06:51.36gn00bieoh yeah, I stopped because past this point, they get a little graphic... I do not want to be banned from here too :P
06:53.07gn00bieit was the first pinkfloyd album I listened too... back in August 98
06:53.08TheRedBaronbrad and [dmp] are asleep, along with pimpinella
06:53.17TheRedBaronI"m not going to kick you :)
06:53.19TheRedBaronor ban
06:53.23gn00bieeh :P
06:53.53gn00biethere is a kid who had a big hallucination
06:53.59gn00biemaking love to girls in magazines
06:54.08gn00biehe wonders if you are sleeping, with your new found faith
06:54.24gn00biecould anybody love you(him), or is it just a crazy dream?
06:54.47gn00bieand if I show you my dark side, will you still hold me tonight?
06:55.05gn00bieand if I open my heart to you, show my weak side, what would you do?
06:55.26gn00biewould you story to rolling stone? Would you take the children alone?
06:55.37gn00bieAnd smile in reassurance as you whisper down the phone?
06:56.27gn00bie<guitar solo> thought I ought to bare my naked feeling, thought I ought to tear the curtain down
06:57.04gn00bieI held the blade in trembling hands prepared to make it then, just then phone rang, I had never had the nerve to make the final cut
06:58.20gn00biethank you thank you
06:58.43gn00bieit is sad really, this album was a commercial disaster. And so was the quasi-followup amused to death
07:06.03TheRedBaronit sounds amazing
07:09.02gn00biein my opinion, it is. But that is strictly my opinion, not the statement of a fact
07:12.30gn00bieMeddle, The Final Cut, Animals - the essential floyd according to gn00bie
07:19.14TheRedBaronI've heard animals
07:20.39TheRedBaronand High hopes is good
07:21.48gn00bieHigh Hopes is average
07:22.05TheRedBaronI really like the cover Nightwish performs of it :)
07:22.15gn00bieoooh, is there one? now there is promise
07:22.26TheRedBarondoes gn00bie need an e-mail? :)
07:22.59gn00bieumm.. how big is the file? if small enough, I will take it
07:23.07NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 02:10 => Enough Is Enough!:5, [PG] Pure Gold:4 @ /index.php?link=fights
07:23.33TheRedBarona few megs
07:23.51gn00biesend it then, thanks :P
07:24.11gn00biebut if it takes too long to upload (up speeds suck everywhere in the US pretty much), then don't bother
07:24.29TheRedBaronuploading now :)
07:24.40TheRedBaronand  yes, up speeds do suck...
07:24.54TheRedBaronalthough one could strain, and try to make the pun, that they dont' suck hard enough
07:24.58gn00biethey dont from work (T1 pipes, ah ah ah)
07:25.09gn00bieah, nice pun. Not much of a strain actually
07:28.33TheRedBarongn00bie: e-mail sent
07:28.40gn00bieTheRedBaron: thank you very much
07:35.25jh`no new singer for nightwish yet i guess?
07:35.25gn00bieumm.. a little disappointed
07:35.37gn00bieI was hoping for some Tarja time, none here I think
07:37.43gn00biebut thanks for sending it across fearless leader
07:38.03TheRedBarongn00bie: ah, sorry :(
07:38.12TheRedBaronno tarja time :(
07:38.14gn00bieTheRedBaron: oh no no, don't be :(
07:38.22TheRedBaroni actually like the marco's voice so :)
07:38.41gn00bieTarja could have done a better job than the male singer
07:39.01gn00bieTarja singing the ode to bz_BL, imagine!
07:39.18TheRedBaronshe can make anythign sound divine
07:39.55TheRedBarongn00bie: surely you know lacuna coil right?
07:40.13gn00bielacuna coil yup.. decentish band, but Within Temptation is the real thing :D
07:40.18TheRedBaronoh yes
07:41.28gn00biehow do I put it without sounding crass.. the lead singer is adorable
07:42.07gn00bieMaster of puppets
07:45.06TheRedBaronits her voice
07:45.10TheRedBaronyou want to hug her voice :)
07:45.36gn00bieeh, I can agree with that
07:46.20TheRedBaronhrm march 12, new album from within temptation
07:46.33gn00bieany US tour dates?
07:48.05TheRedBaronsadly, no :(
07:49.18gn00biethey do like a good live act from google video
07:50.47TheRedBaronwhy does europe have all the good bands?
07:51.23gn00biewell, I guess we have all the good .. well pickup trucks, the US pickup trucks rock
07:51.47gn00bieI am with you L.E.M, thought it is a shame that it had to be you
07:52.11gn00bieJethro Tull - For Micheal Collins, Jefferry and Me
07:55.39gn00bieTheRedBaron: My records show that you may have an mp3 of cross eyed mary from me? had a chance to listen to it?
07:55.46TheRedBaronyes :)
07:55.54TheRedBarongood song
07:56.15gn00bieTull from late 60s early 70s was really really good, but eclectic. Glad you liked it
07:56.25gn00biemenotume, Mur are big Tull guys
07:56.29TheRedBaronoh yes
07:56.37TheRedBaronespecially meno and the stache
07:57.05gn00bieI wish I had seen them live in their prime, but I was not even born then
08:01.18gn00bieok then, time to hit the sack
08:01.24gn00bietalk to you later fearless leader
08:03.13TheRedBaronyou too El Presidente
08:04.38gn00bieover and out
09:40.09*** join/#kierra quantumdot (n=jmlopez@about/essy/Charm/quantumdot)
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09:49.43*** join/#kierra LongDon (
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11:36.55*** join/#kierra Grumpfy (n=Grumpf@about/essy/Happy/Grumpfy)
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11:37.46*** join/#kierra blackrose (
11:59.04*** join/#kierra kierra (
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12:00.32*** mode/#kierra [+v blackrose] by kierra
12:00.40*** join/#kierra Upsetter (
12:00.40*** mode/#kierra [+v Upsetter] by ChanServ
12:00.52kierrahey Upsetter ")
12:00.59Upsetterheya kierra
12:10.55SportChickhi k
12:11.03kierrahello sc
12:11.10kierraearly morning for you?
12:11.19SportChickhaving trouble sleeping
12:11.29*** join/#kierra [suave] (n=totte@about/essy/MadonnaFan/suave)
12:11.29*** mode/#kierra [+v [suave]] by ChanServ
12:11.33SportChickhave trouble breathing when I lay down
12:11.41SportChickbut if i sit up, i feel like coughing
12:11.43kierrahello [suave] :)
12:12.02kierrasc, i hate that feeling
12:12.16jh`hi sc
12:12.33SportChickhi jh`
12:12.36SportChickkierra: yeah me too :(
12:12.46SportChickmakes it hard to "rest and recuperate" when you can't sleep
12:13.13jh`how long will it take to heal`?
12:13.23SportChickjh` too long, apparently
12:13.55[suave]hey kierra :-)
12:14.27kierra~wake mviron
12:14.29ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on mviron and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
12:24.39*** part/#kierra LongDon (
15:00.51*** join/#kierra quantumdot (n=jmlopez@about/essy/Charm/quantumdot)
15:00.51*** mode/#kierra [+o quantumdot] by ChanServ
15:20.53kierrahola quantumdot
15:43.26*** join/#kierra nanoc_ (n=conan@
15:50.48*** join/#kierra TheRedBaron (
15:50.48*** mode/#kierra [+o TheRedBaron] by ChanServ
15:51.04*** mode/#kierra [+v nanoc_] by TheRedBaron
15:58.07TheRedBaronUpsetter: howdy :)
16:44.28*** part/#kierra Upsetter (
17:01.43NessyBot::ducati:: Feb 16 16:58 => Bz-Incorporated:2, [FMJ] Full Metal Jacket:1 @
17:59.04NessyBot::ducati:: Feb 16 17:33 => The BARbarians:4, Bz-Incorporated:2 @
17:59.04NessyBot::ducati:: Feb 16 17:54 => Bz-Incorporated:4, The BARbarians:0 @
18:22.44*** join/#kierra essy (n=essy@about/essy/stouterik/pdpc.base.SportChick)
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18:25.00*** part/#kierra essy (n=essy@about/essy/stouterik/pdpc.base.SportChick)
19:32.29*** join/#kierra CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
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19:38.44ndimHmm... a slight turn here, a slight turn there... and pretty soon you have U-turn.
19:53.13SportChickhehe ndim
20:10.52mvironwork~tea SportChick
20:10.53ibotACTION realizes it's time for high tea and gets busy in the kitchen.  He brings out tea, crumpets, scones and an assortment of delectable goodies and serves them properly to SportChick and others
20:44.08NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 20:39 => [ForestForce]:6, Auld Lang Syne [ALS]:5 @ /index.php?link=fights
21:00.47*** join/#kierra fatso (n=fatso@about/essy/fan/CBG)
21:00.47*** mode/#kierra [+v fatso] by ChanServ
21:14.27*** join/#kierra CBG (
21:14.28*** mode/#kierra [+v CBG] by ChanServ
21:25.46NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 21:11 => Auld Lang Syne [ALS]:9, [ForestForce]:4 @ /index.php?link=fights
21:35.21TheRedBaron~pinch CBG
21:35.24ibotACTION scuttles after CBG, pinches him, and then scuttles away
21:35.33CBGnot right now, hunny buns.
21:35.56TheRedBaron~slap CBG
21:35.57ibotACTION slaps CBG, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
21:38.23NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 21:34 => Enough Is Enough!:7, T42:5 @ /index.php?link=fights
22:11.16NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 22:09 => T42:4, Enough Is Enough!:2 @ /index.php?link=fights
22:20.12cataykierra kierra !
22:20.36kierracatay catay....doesnt have the same ring
22:20.47catayit does to me :p
22:44.24*** join/#kierra Manu (n=jujibo@about/essy/JujiboHunter/Manu)
22:44.24*** mode/#kierra [+v Manu] by ChanServ
23:00.59NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 22:47 => T42:4, Enough Is Enough!:1 @ /index.php?link=fights
23:29.54*** join/#kierra RedBaron2 (n=kalen@unaffiliated/redbaron2)
23:29.55*** mode/#kierra [+o RedBaron2] by ChanServ
23:49.37NessyBot::gu:: Feb 16 23:40 => T42:5, Highlanders:3 @ /index.php?link=fights

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.