irclog2html for #kierra on 20060320

00:17.08*** join/#kierra kierra (
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02:26.26*** join/#kierra kierra (
02:26.26*** join/#kierra CBG (
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02:26.27*** join/#kierra catay (
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02:52.15kierramenotume ping
07:35.56*** join/#kierra Blue_Eyes (
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08:27.41*** join/#kierra Blue_Eyes (
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09:58.39*** join/#kierra quantumdot (
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12:23.33kierramenotume ping
13:42.35*** join/#kierra Pimpinella (n=frank@
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13:42.55kierramy pimpinella !!!!!
13:43.22Pimpinellahi kierra :)
13:43.47Pimpinellahope you're fine :)
13:44.10kierrai am
13:44.22kierragood to see you
13:45.06Pimpinellai've been a little busy latey, not much time for bz-buizness
13:45.25kierraspring planting
13:45.33kierrafields to prepare
13:46.02quantumdotorange ping
13:46.45Pimpinellanot  yet, we're boing to build something here though, and i had a lot to prepare and plan for it
14:17.48*** join/#kierra AlexandrTheGreat (
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14:17.57kierra-awayit would seem to me that if you cant take a joke, you shouldnt read the logs
14:21.19*** part/#kierra AlexandrTheGreat (
14:22.23*** join/#kierra spooch (
14:22.28spoochhui :-)
14:33.21*** join/#kierra conanhom1 (n=conan@
14:33.35Pimpinellawho should read the logs? alex?
14:36.59orangequantumdot: pong
14:37.10orangehi all
14:38.35kierra-awayhi O
14:42.00quantumdothey orange
14:42.16orangehi qd, what's up?
14:42.20quantumdotjust wanted to thank you for the ducati post
14:42.46orangeoh, sure... it wasn't all me.  I had several others back me up before I posted it.
14:43.17quantumdoti will be announcing it on GU forum. I wish the games played on Molez's server to be deleted from the official list
14:43.38orangeyeah, it's *so* weird how people are treating molez
14:43.41quantumdotsome people have matched there and I do not feel is correct to consider matches from non official servers
14:44.09orangewhat on earth do you do about historical matches involving (now known) cheaters, too?
14:44.12orangenothing, I guess
14:44.16quantumdotyour post opens me the path to delete those matches
14:44.20orangethe whole 1vs1 tournament, for example
14:44.33Pimpinellahm, news about molez?
14:44.56orangepimpinella, not surprising news about molez
14:45.05*** join/#kierra AlexandrTheGreat (
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14:45.08orangemore surprising is carnage, but even that not too surprising, since he cheated before
14:45.15quantumdoti am considering banning carnage form GU league too, molez is already since Xmas insident as well as DB
14:45.25*** join/#kierra eXtreme (i=bradd@unaffiliated/brad2901)
14:45.39orangePimpinella: the logs in question are from the end of january, the discovery was recent
14:46.04quantumdoti think the only way to proceed with league if we want them to continue and be fun, it is to ban non trusted players
14:46.07Pimpinellaoh, yes. i knew that
14:46.22Pimpinellahe was also cheating using another callsign
14:46.28orangequantumdot: that's my goal, is to get known cheaters banished
14:46.32orangeit's the ONLY way to stop them right now
14:46.59orangeif people let cheaters back in, that sends the message that it's OK
14:47.10quantumdoti think, as far as leagues are concernned, we should try to be based on trusted
14:47.17orangemolez, db
14:47.22quantumdotnot trusted players should be removed
14:47.40orangemolez came back, as blazer, and started the same old thing
14:47.48Pimpinelladb payed a price, so i allowed him to come back
14:47.49quantumdotDB, Molez are banned since Xmas as i sad (from GU league)
14:48.15Pimpinellamolez is different, it seems he just likes to cause trouble
14:48.19orangeI still believe db never used the subtle cheats (which I consider to be FAR worse than god-mode)
14:48.23quantumdotnow i will set canage as untrusted
14:48.35orangecarnage's global login is already disabled
14:48.40orangeso he can't play as carnage anyway
14:49.11orangebut for all the mess db caused, I find it very hard to forgive him, though I don't think he cares
14:49.17Pimpinellayeah, i don't think db used subtle either, and at least he had a (stupid) reason to start the cheating offenses
14:49.25orangeI haven't spoken to him a single time since the christmas fiasco
14:49.39quantumdoti have talked to him
14:49.42orangeridiculous number of hours wasted on their mess, and they had just a little too much fun being rude and ugly to people
14:49.43quantumdotit was disappointing
14:50.11orangeif he was just trying to make a point about the cheating, he didn't need to come to irc and spew filth, and join servers just to be ugly
14:50.27*** join/#kierra JBdiGriz (
14:50.30quantumdoti just wanted to point out that, since a Karma system is not implemented or forseen, we should build up one ourselves
14:50.51orangequantumdot: I understand... banning them from the league is certainly the first step
14:52.03quantumdotleagues are based on trust or it is hopeless, so why not ban molez from ducati?
14:52.32orangeyeah, I'm not clear on why people trust him even a little
14:52.43orangeI guess people can change, but he clearly has no desire to do so
14:54.39quantumdotand then there is more, the tintank client is being ditributed
14:54.56quantumdotthis can only be aimed at harming the leagues
14:55.02Pimpinellamolez uses dynamic ip and dynamic hostmark
14:55.20Pimpinellabanning him isn't easy at all
14:55.40quantumdotgot to run - i have to lecture
14:56.05Pimpinellaand other than db he doesn't respect the ban
14:57.45*** join/#kierra SportChick (
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14:58.06orangePimpinella: you're right molez can't be banned
14:58.22orangebut if he comes back to the league he can be recognized
14:59.03Pimpinellasure, but what can you do if the teams accept him as opponent?
14:59.24orangeif they know he is a cheater and match against him anyway?  Nothing.
14:59.24Pimpinellathey _knew_ it was him and still played matches
14:59.45orangebut how do we know that everyone knows?  Isn't there a responsibility to somehow let people know, like new folks?
15:00.21Pimpinellayes, there is
15:00.42orangethat's what quantumdot was saying... there's no karma system, so doesn't the league itself have a responsibility to kick out the cheaters?
15:00.58eXtremeeven janis is ther
15:01.28*** mode/#kierra [+v JBdiGriz] by kierra-away
15:03.09CBGkierra-away: yes?
15:03.56CBGearlier you called my name...
15:04.00CBGI just got back from college...
15:04.12CBG[11:27am] <kierra> cbg?
15:04.16kierra-awayyes, i heard about you yesterday
15:04.29CBGthat sounds bad :(
15:04.43kierra-awayit wasnt positive
15:04.52CBGcan't think what I did yesterday, didnt play much bz at all
15:05.03CBGsaturday I played a lot, maybe that's what you mean?
15:05.05kierra-awaymaybe the day before then
15:05.37CBGeXtreme: what is that?
15:06.15eXtremejanis asking for cheats..
15:06.26eXtremefrom whoever lolcheats is
15:07.25CBGkierra-away: what did I do this time? I can't remember much at all that happened this weekend.
15:08.49AlexandrTheGreatwell, for one thing you lost 15 matches in 1.5 days, a new world record
15:09.09CBGAlexandrTheGreat: man
15:09.12kierra-awayhave you received any bzmails about it , cbg
15:09.18AlexandrTheGreati've called the guiness people
15:09.28CBGkierra-away: i'll check in a bit
15:17.33*** join/#kierra CBG_ (
15:17.45CBG_back. :/
15:17.52CBG_what was the last thing I said?
15:21.16orange10:09:28 <CBG> kierra-away: i'll check in a bit
15:21.23CBG_k, ty orange
15:23.46CBG_AlexanderTheGreat, I did not accuse stum of cheating, unless I have a completely twisted recollection of what happened.
15:23.49CBG_I just didn't understand how he didnt die - I did not accuse him of cheating!
15:23.51CBG_I was actually suspecting that the lagstats are totally wrong which has occurred to me before...
15:24.30orangethe hysteria begins... and no, I'm not picking on you CBG, but this is how it's going to start
15:24.45orangesuspicions, lies, allegations
15:25.25orangepeople don't realize the true damage that molez has done yet
15:25.42orangeand still he's being welcomed back by some with open arms
15:30.00*** join/#kierra tokimi (
15:30.54orangehi tokimi
15:32.44tokimihey orange
15:32.50CBG_hey :)
15:32.55kierra-awayhi toki
15:35.46SportChickorange: the fact is, molez never really left.  Even without the ability to use his known nick, he's been here the whole time.
15:35.56orangehe's not bannable
15:36.03orangebut he is recognizable
15:36.17kierraonly by admins who can see ip
15:36.42kierrai didnt know till yest that bzfire is molez
15:36.53orangeme either, but I never had reason to look
15:36.55CBG_I didn't know till just now.
15:39.01SportChickI didn't know for sure until yesterday, but had my suspicions
15:39.20kierrai didnt know ducati-style was molez's server till yest
15:39.21tokimihmm, my lack of being on is showing... never seen bzfire
15:39.30CBG_Couldn't his IP be banned?
15:39.37orangehe's dynamic
15:39.39SportChickI remember when he first showed up, thinking it was molez...but over time, he was nice and friendly and helpful so I assumed I was mistaken
15:39.40orangeaol uk
15:39.51SportChickCBG_: no, he's on a dynamic ip
15:39.53orangemolez is playing the "I'm a good guy" game
15:39.58SportChickCBG_: he never has the same IP twice
15:40.06CBG_SportChick: ok, fair enough.
15:40.16CBG_But in that case, how can someone tell it is him by his IP?
15:40.27tokimiits a UK ip
15:40.34orangeCBG_: a skilled "new" player shows up on an AOL UK IP, it's molez
15:40.48CBG_heh, ok
15:41.03kierrathe first 2 sets of numbers are the same
15:42.44*** join/#kierra |zongo| (
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15:42.58AlexandrTheGreat"stump never dies"  "all shots go thru" "WTF"
15:43.08CBG_AlexandrTheGreat: I'm typing a long bzmail-reply...
15:43.15AlexandrTheGreatgenzo accused him of cheating
15:43.39AlexandrTheGreati'll skip the profanity one
15:44.12AlexandrTheGreatstum is an honest guy
15:44.42tokiminot only do we have real cheat clients out there, but now every one is spooked and jumping at shadows
15:44.51Pimpinellathere's at least _one_ hint that he might use a customized client, he makes viper crash whenever he joins
15:45.18AlexandrTheGreati thought you worked that out with stum, pimpi
15:45.20orangetokimi: yep, that's molez *real* legacy
15:45.42kierrahe said he would destroy bz
15:46.02kierraand he is coming close to destroying the community
15:46.08tokimia world of fear and suspicion... sounds oddly familiar
15:46.14PimpinellaAlexandrTheGreat: yeah, but could never solve it, or lrts say, i never found time to track the bug
15:46.15orangeyeah, well, bz *is* the community, to most of us
15:46.43Pimpinellathere's another player from australia killing viper on join
15:46.46AlexandrTheGreati would be extremely surprised if he customized his client in any way
15:47.10Pimpinellaat least he seems to be a very nice guy
15:48.28AlexandrTheGreati'm prejudiced, since he's my team leader, but i trust hiim completley
15:52.58AlexandrTheGreathe doesn't even use ME
15:53.29*** join/#kierra JBdiGriz (
15:53.37PimpinellaME isn't quite as popular on GU, is it?
15:53.41tokimibrb coffee
15:53.48CBG_Pimpinella: right.
15:54.01AlexandrTheGreati thought it was
15:54.06CBG_I don't think it is such an issue.
15:54.18CBG_We don't have accel limits, anyway.
15:54.24orangemmmm, coffee
15:54.28Pimpinellait's much harder to handle
16:00.04tokimimmm, super thick coffee
16:00.44AlexandrTheGreati will be back. i have some things i have to do
16:00.50AlexandrTheGreati still love u cbg
16:00.50CBG_AlexandrTheGreat: bzmail just sent.
16:01.02AlexandrTheGreatsheep or no sheep
16:01.21AlexandrTheGreatcu later
16:01.24tokimito sheep, or not to sheep
16:01.36*** part/#kierra AlexandrTheGreat (
16:02.28tokimihave the devs said any thing other than the latest graphics?
16:05.06orangeit comes down to who has time to make this effort
16:05.17orangeseveral devs are complaining quite vocally about timriker's lack of involvement and direction
16:05.34orangenot quite that explicitly, mind you, but quite obviously
16:05.51tokimiare there even any good ideas on how to combat it?
16:05.57orangesure, just take it all server-side
16:06.02orangeall the collision stuff
16:06.10orangepoof, no thin tank cheats
16:06.17tokimican the servers handle the traffic?
16:06.46orangeI'd say yes... currently the load from a bzflag server is about 0, even on the very oldest hardware
16:07.09orangeyeah, it's bandwidth that's the killer for servers
16:07.11tokimiok, so it boils downt to teh question of time
16:07.12orangeand this won't increase it
16:08.55JBdiGrizThe devs have been complaining about Tim's lack of involvement and direction for a couple of years.
16:09.15orangeseems to be getting more open and ... not quite hostile, but close
16:09.45JBdiGrizI can point you to a couple of logs from 2 years back, which were far more open and hostile.
16:10.08orangehehe, OK :-)
16:10.10orangenothing changes though
16:11.10JBdiGrizyeah, that's the truth.
16:11.58tokiminothing ever really changes any way
16:13.18*** join/#kierra Guu` (
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16:13.28JBdiGrizAlthough, JeffM did try to start a separate project with the idea of fixing a number of these problems.
16:13.29orangehe's still working on it
16:13.29orangewell, he's still working on some new project.. I see commits on a regular basis
16:13.50*** join/#kierra kierra (
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16:21.19*** join/#kierra CBG (
16:21.23PimpinellaJeffM has always some side projects
16:22.21Pimpinellahowever having all collision control serverside would make lag problems much worse
16:22.38Pimpinellaand lag is still much more a problem than cheaters
16:23.13PimpinellaMon Mar 20 16:06:22 2006
16:23.13PimpinellaReported by dd if=/dev/urandom: Someone found a bug in bzflag, i don't know if its already reported, but anyway...
16:23.26Pimpinellai love helpful reports...
16:28.10tokimii think i should get some pet project too ;)
16:48.29*** part/#kierra tokimi (
17:05.44JBdiGrizHaving the collision detection at the server wouldn't make lag worse, just different. It would appear in your radar that you can dodge shots, but in fact you would be hit, because of the lag difference.
17:06.27JBdiGrizThe thought is this would punish people with worse lag, as opposed to now when the people with better lag are at a disadvantage.
17:06.39orangethink of the shots as become proximity shells instead of requiring a direct hit
17:06.52orangeand the higher your lag, the more the shots 'notice' you :-)
17:07.49JBdiGrizI'm not sure if you would be equally 'noticed' on all sides. It may be that you are just displaced.
17:08.04orangeyeah, I'm sure you would not be
17:08.32orangebut the server can use some very minor predictive stuff to help, I'd think
17:09.24JBdiGrizThe predictive stuff assumes that you haven't changed direction (e.g. dodged to avoid an incoming bullet).
17:09.59orangeif direction changes aren't instantaneous, then the predictions won't be as bad
17:10.16orangei.e., if it takes 100ms or so to go from full forward to full reverse
17:10.26JBdiGrizOTOH, the lag difference wouldn't be between client and client, it would be between client and server. That should appear to be better.
17:10.49orangeand it will be the lag difference, not the lag sum
17:10.55orangeif I'm thinking of this correctly
17:10.56JBdiGrizHeh, constant momentum flag. I'm sure people would be appreciative.
17:11.06orangeJBdiGriz: that's what all the -a settings are doing now
17:11.40JBdiGrizI'll have to look at those settings.
17:14.18JBdiGrizIt is tempting to add in some code to do collision detection for my own bullets and other tanks in my client. I'm not sure what I would be able to determine from those statistics yet.
18:03.44*** join/#kierra Birdie (
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18:07.09*** join/#kierra mahdi (
18:09.22kierrahi birdie , mahdi
18:09.41mahdihi kierra
18:09.51kierrahello :)
18:10.52mahdiHow are you kierra?
18:11.31*** join/#kierra CBG (
18:31.03kierrai'm fine
18:41.11*** part/#kierra quantumdot (
19:23.20*** mode/#kierra [+vv mahdi JBdiGriz] by kierra
19:41.31*** part/#kierra spooch (
19:56.15*** part/#kierra mahdi (
21:13.58*** join/#kierra tictok (
21:14.52*** mode/#kierra [+vvv tokimi CBG eXtreme] by kierra
21:14.52*** mode/#kierra [+v conanhom1] by kierra
21:15.02tokimiwhats up
21:16.34kierranothing much
21:16.49kierrajust flaked oatmeal for the week
21:17.07tokimi(good thing zantac and prilosec is non-addictive keirra)
21:17.33kierrafresh oatmeal is to die for
21:17.55kierramakes the best pancakes
21:18.14tokimii like oatmeal cookies
21:18.26kierrait was fun feeding our guests last week
21:18.49kierrawe had 9 extra teens here
21:18.52tokimihow did that go
21:18.59kierrait wnet great
21:19.07kierrathey loved my cookihng
21:19.21kierra:) typical teen boys
21:19.22tokiminice compliment
21:19.35kierrafeed them and they're happy
21:19.46orange9 extra, wow
21:19.51tokimii must not be a typical guy
21:19.52orangethat's a big jump
21:20.06kierraandthey played paint ball out the whazoo
21:20.22kierrathey thought it was cool that i played an internet game
21:20.25tokimiheard they liked to hit JJ's car
21:21.10tokimibrb, cookies
21:21.11kierrayes, paintball splotches all over
21:21.33kierraorange, they ate like no tomorrow
21:22.35tokimisee, i dont get that
21:22.36kierraa great group of boys though
21:22.43kierravery respectful
21:22.51tokimiwhen i was on my highschool tennis team, i still couldnt eat that much
21:23.24kierraone kid was 6 ft, built and only 13
21:23.44kierramaybe 5'11"
21:24.00kierranot quite as tall as rb2
21:24.14tokimiugh, i feel short now
21:24.59kierrathey liked the way i drove   :)
21:25.34tokimiyou a fast reckless driveR?
21:25.41kierraask trb sometime
21:25.51kierraand take his answer with a grain of salt
21:26.09kierrazongo said i would be at home on the autoban
21:26.14kierrabut i dont speed
21:27.38kierrai have this mercury that handles nicely, has great pickup
21:28.31kierraplus i learned to drive in NYC
21:29.39tokimiyou mean, the permament parking lot?
21:32.22tokimimy muter made me penut butter chocolate chip cookies :-D
21:32.30tokimishe's great
21:37.16CBGmy mother makes normal chocolate chip cookies - no yucky peanut butter - YuM! :)
21:40.17*** join/#kierra Blue_Eyes (
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21:40.26kierraciao principe
21:40.28CBGyo Blue_Eyes
21:41.25CBGkierra: if you see GreatAlex, let him know that I'll check my bzmails tomorrow if he wants to send me anything, I have to go work now, won't be on for about 18 hours...
21:42.48CBGthanks :D
21:42.54kierramessenger kierra at your service :)
21:43.00CBGheh :)
21:43.11CBGtoday I played 3 matches, think I did ok.
21:43.28kierrajeez cant type
21:43.42CBGno swearing, no leaving matches earlier, nothing that people may think of as "accusing them of cheating"
21:45.42kierraa banner day for cbg
21:45.59CBGbetter than saturday fo' shizzle
21:46.03CBGwhat? no cookie?
21:46.22kierrafresh oatmeal?
21:47.03CBGI'll take an 'Innocent Smoothie
21:48.50tokimihey k
21:49.04tokimido you know how long it would take for prilasec to aborb in the stomach?
21:54.37*** part/#kierra tokimi (
22:09.19*** join/#kierra Thonolan (
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23:21.27*** join/#kierra AlexandrTheGreat (n=Alexande@
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23:23.35kierrameno is working somewhere
23:23.50kierraalex, did you read the  forums
23:24.20*** part/#kierra Thonolan (
23:24.51SportChickI'm wondering the same thing
23:24.56kierraorange pind
23:25.02kierraorange ping
23:25.06SportChickkierra: are you talking about the gu or the ducati forums?
23:25.58*** join/#kierra quantumdot (
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23:27.53kierraqd pm
23:28.40CBGAlexandrTheGreat: get my bzmail?
23:29.19AlexandrTheGreatyes sir
23:29.22AlexandrTheGreati answered
23:29.26CBGk :)
23:29.29SportChickAlexandrTheGreat: aim
23:31.58*** part/#kierra JBdiGriz (
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23:38.36quantumdotorange ping!
23:38.46kierrahe isnt around
23:38.58kierranor meno
23:40.19CBGwhats funny? :P
23:40.35kierrayou're cute
23:40.41CBGI'm not.
23:40.55CBGask AlexandrTheGreat ...
23:41.06kierraas a man thinks in his heart, thats the way he is
23:41.18kierrai refuse to think you a bad person, cbg
23:41.39kierrabiggest room in the house is the room for improvement.......for all of us
23:42.01CBGnow, _thats_ cute :P
23:42.39AlexandrTheGreatoh, cbg is my mate
23:43.02*** join/#kierra ghjkghjk (
23:43.13kierrai miss being captain of a gu team
23:43.24CBGwho is now?
23:43.31kierrai dismissed it
23:44.43kierramy statement to gu on official matches and how they treat newbs
23:45.15CBGeek, dismissed? :(
23:45.33kierrano one wanted the captainship
23:46.10CBGI see,
23:46.18CBGBye bye AC...
23:46.26kierrai couldnt see dumping on someone
23:47.20CBGyou're too kind, you're bad.
23:47.40kierrawhich one is it
23:47.46kierrakind or bad
23:49.49CBGboth ;)
23:49.57ghjkghjksee yah cbg love u!
23:50.01CBGyou kinda went around in a circle
23:50.06kierraand not either/or
23:50.13ghjkghjkyeah bye..
23:50.18ghjkghjkhave fun...
23:50.21ghjkghjkenjoy the irc chat..
23:50.24ghjkghjktake care..
23:50.28kierrahi there
23:50.30ghjkghjksee yah soon.. :P
23:50.34kierrawhere you going?
23:50.38ghjkghjkgotta go..
23:50.54ghjkghjklove you kierra and cbg
23:51.08kierralove you too,
23:51.31CBGwho was that? o.O
23:51.31kierraiknow who it was
23:51.32CBGI don;t...
23:52.01CBGwell? :(
23:52.08kierrano need to tell
23:52.18CBGkierra: pffff :(
23:52.21kierraread up a little
23:52.34quantumdothehe kierra
23:52.38quantumdotyou are bad :)
23:52.50kierrai am?....why so?
23:53.20CBGI read up... I dont see who it is...
23:53.25CBGor was
23:54.33CBGwelcome back AlexandrTheGreat
23:57.42kierraquantumdot ping

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