IRC log for #kicad on 20160911

00:01.51decimadoh, there's a third option
00:01.56decimadsave to a temp-file
00:02.34decimadthat would get rid of the whole message box
00:06.23cyborg_arthat could actually work better
00:06.31cyborg_arjust dump the board to a temp file
00:06.33cirilotemp files in this case would cause even more problems, like WTF did *that* 3d model come from
00:06.48cyborg_aryou know where the original file lives
00:06.52cyborg_arpass it to the tool
00:08.55decimadaren't there autosaves?
00:09.03decimadyou could trigger on and use the autosave file
00:09.40decimadbecause that will probably have logic *not* to reset the m_dirty flag
00:19.59ciriloI don't know if there's an autosave
00:20.06cirilolemme grep
00:21.16ciriloah oh - does have autosave
00:22.09cirilook - thanks for all the tips.  I'll get working on that Export Item one day. :O
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01:28.55*** join/#kicad tom_fig (602556db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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01:36.27tom_figFreecad can go to hell. What are your guy's preferences for CAD?
01:36.46xzcvczxautodesk fusion 360
01:36.56xzcvczxbut i would prefer to use opencad
01:40.10tom_figBy opencad, do you mean openscad? Or just open-source cad software?
01:40.20xzcvczxwoops nah i meant freecad
01:41.29tom_figI just can't stand the undo on there. There are other things, like crashes, but that one really irks me.
01:42.00xzcvczxtom_fig: what os?
01:42.32tom_figWindows, although I'd run it on an Ubuntu VM if it were markedly better
01:42.35xzcvczxtheres another one like openscad thats based on python script instead of some made up language
01:42.49xzcvczxtom_fig: autodesk fusion is free if you make < 100k/yr with it
01:43.06tom_figAh, nice to know
01:44.03xzcvczxor whatever the windows version is called.... it might be just autodesk 360 or something, i am not sure if fusion is osx related
01:44.13xzcvczxas vmware calls their osx version vmware fusion
01:44.41xzcvczxoh nvm it is called fusion 360
01:47.01tom_figI was hoping for a polished experience like KiCad
01:47.32tom_figI know you guys are always badgering it, but it's pretty good compared to many, many other pieces of software
01:48.36xzcvczxtwo wrongs don't make a right :P
01:49.16tom_figlol, oh come on
01:49.56tom_figHave you ever tried to use gEDA?
01:50.06xzcvczx7 lefts don't make a right either :)
01:57.27*** join/#kicad Novus (~Novus@2605:e000:628b:1400:e9da:147c:2a59:59bb)
02:14.59xzcvczxdecimad: very nice
02:16.01c4757pof /course/ I ask if anybody wants the version numbers in the title bar and people say yes
02:16.04c4757pfuckin /users/
02:16.12xzcvczxi didn't
02:16.29c4757pthank you :p
02:16.52mroszko__verion in title bar?
02:17.01c4757pbecause users
02:17.23mroszko__are said users autists?
02:17.33c4757pno, just dumb
02:17.51mroszko__rule #2512515
02:17.55mroszko__never give users an option
02:18.02xzcvczxdecimad: but yeah the new algorithm looks good
02:18.15xzcvczxmroszko__: i would consider that rule like #4
02:18.15c4757pooh, yes, I was going to try that out
02:18.25c4757pgot the remote url on hand quickly?
02:18.55mroszko__i started writing a gerber viewer in qt
02:19.47decimadAnother step taken on my way to xzcvczx's <3 !
02:20.02c4757pxzcvczx <3s nobody
02:20.44decimadusually he's quicker in answering ;)
02:21.03xzcvczxc4757p: lrn2 <3/
02:21.07xzcvczxc4757p: lrn2 </3
02:21.17xzcvczxwow that was a c4 level failure
02:21.24c4757pmaybe you should lrn2 <3
02:21.36xzcvczxbut <3 is for weenies
02:21.36decimadFeel the <3!
02:21.39xzcvczxand icecream lovers
02:21.58c4757pbut icecream is goo
02:22.37mroszko__qt5 docks are like anti-userfriendly
02:22.38xzcvczxc4757p: i was going to post the instructions you posted but my history isn't long enough in irc
02:22.42mroszko__they hide deprecated classes
02:22.55mroszko__and dont link obscure defines and enums
02:22.57c4757pI just asked for the url :p
02:22.58mroszko__requiring more google searching
02:23.21xzcvczxc4757p: well blame history | grep git
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02:40.08c4757phigh-fives decimad
02:40.24c4757pI didn't even know the blurry text bothered me! :D
02:40.26xzcvczxthat was a stupidly quick build
02:40.48c4757pbuild finished like five minutes ago and I've been playing with it :P
02:40.50xzcvczxbzr always shafted incremental for me
02:41.23c4757phm, I should probably remove his commits though, before I end up accidentally pushing them
02:41.31c4757pput them on master so as not to confuse his build script
02:41.56xzcvczxc4757p: lol by build script just builds whatevers in kicad/
02:42.05c4757p(it automatically wipes the build dir if I switch branches, as that's been a problem point in the past with incrmentals)
02:45.12c4757pI wonder if pns should route around mask expansions
02:45.22c4757pI don't like that trace cutting under the mask opening like that
02:45.58xzcvczxit should but it doesn't
02:46.21xzcvczxc4757p: so does pcbway or whoever it is work over teh weekend?
02:46.35c4757pyup, it got mask and silk today
02:52.21c4757pyo decimad, not sure if this is part of the code you touched or not, but I just noticed it -
02:52.28c4757pprobably overline should factor into the font height calculation?
02:53.14decimadYo' c4757p ;)
02:53.46c4757palso maybe we should make these all face the same direction :p
02:53.52decimadThe current implementation of font rendering thinks the texelbox size of the character
02:55.08decimadSince I wrote the tool for the atlas and have all the true type font information, I can export way more information, including kerning pairs etc.. But I would prefer to negotiate with Orson on this
02:56.35decimadThat's also why the character spacing is a bit larger and the chars a bit smaller currently
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04:37.22xzcvczxis surprised that noone has responded about getting rid of old bzr shit
04:37.31xzcvczxand we really need to scrap svn stuff as well
04:38.01*** join/#kicad nitrousnrg (
04:38.50c4757p...we still have svn stuff?
04:40.41xzcvczxi don't think its even referenced anywehre
04:40.53xzcvczxmight even be a FindSVN.cmake as well
04:41.39c4757pI'll probably rip that shit out later then
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07:08.55cyborg_ardamn someone hit a dog with their car outside, now i'm wide awake
07:08.59cyborg_arpoor doggy
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07:31.29GyrosGeierwhat if I add an AVR-ISP into my CPLD design?
07:32.25GyrosGeierupside: I don't need so many connectors
07:32.42GyrosGeierdownside: I need to write VHDL for it
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07:44.27cyborg_aror you could use an avr that supports jtag
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07:47.35ziongatehi all, just to be sure, there is no "curved track" option in kicad right ?
07:48.12ziongate(i have seen some threads it is in a wish list)
07:48.15ziongateok thanks
07:48.18cyborg_arkicad can only do straight tracks
07:48.49ziongateyeah good for me.
07:48.50cyborg_arwhat i do is i make a circle or arc in the comments layer, and then trace it by hand with the track tool
07:49.25ziongateah ok. thanks. well don't have any need of curved tracks, was just wondering
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09:07.28xzcvczxcyborg_ar: the comments layer?
09:09.28*** join/#kicad decimad (
09:09.47xzcvczxthats user comments not designer comments :P
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10:30.36GyrosGeiertries to find coffee
10:32.10cyborg_arGyrosGeier, did you check the cabinets?
10:32.56archivistfound it in the kitchen... and drinking it
10:42.52*** join/#kicad stelarcf_ (~stelarcf@
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10:47.59archivistnow where is some free space on shelves
10:51.27*** join/#kicad mgottschlag (~quassel@reactos/tester/phoenix64)
10:58.02decimadahhh, coffeee
10:58.08decimadthis warm feeling in the stomach
10:59.43gordonjcpI'm going to have more coffee
11:04.19cyborg_ari just had some hazelnut roast
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11:15.22GyrosGeiercyborg_ar, I'm travelling today
11:15.36GyrosGeieras in, I have already dismantled the tent
11:21.20leizhouhello everyone
11:24.03decimadhello leizhou
11:24.41*** join/#kicad mixdio (
11:26.26leizhouGlad to be here
11:26.35leizhouHoping to have friends here.
11:28.43decimadEspecially xzcvczx is the one who's making friends here!
11:29.04*** join/#kicad berjan (
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11:45.37Sujithhello leizhou
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11:50.13cyborg_arleizhou, we're very friendly here, even when it doesnt seem like it
11:50.48cyborg_ardecimad, hmm i wonder how complicated it would be to set up cmake for this thing
11:51.01cyborg_ari can give it a small try for compiling on linux
11:51.40gordonjcpcyborg_ar: friendly?  Wtf, how dare you say that, I ought to kick your backside for that
11:51.44gordonjcpcyborg_ar: friendly indeed
11:51.50decimadProbably not very complicated, but I don't know enough about CMake and my motivation to learn it thoroughly for setting up a single project before some other tool shows up is very low
11:52.13gordonjcpI should really learn cmake
11:52.18gordonjcplots of stuff seems to use it
11:52.20cyborg_ari'll  give it a short try, gotta learn some cmake
11:52.31cyborg_arif i suceed i'll send you a PR
11:52.52decimadthe complication is adding freetype
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12:02.34decimad(the added complication being that cmake doesn't help at all with visual studio, it rather makes it harder to work with)
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12:03.48cyborg_arthe original makefile is sillty
12:03.56cyborg_arseems to only compile the commandline tool
12:04.04cyborg_arwhat files go for the library?
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12:10.25decimadcyborg_ar: hrm?
12:10.59decimadeverything in the libmsdf directory goes to libmsdf.lib
12:11.05cyborg_ari got libmsdf.a to compile
12:11.29cyborg_arnow to get your bit to compile
12:11.56decimaddependencies are boost and that lib
12:12.11cyborg_arthis is fun :)
12:12.21cyborg_ari might get something that works on linux soon
12:22.31cyborg_arok everything compiles, nothing links
12:23.11xl0There is a feature request about procedural footprints somewhere, right?
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12:24.54cyborg_arit is a sought after feature yes
12:25.27decimadthe church over the street is currently indoctrinating helpless children again...
12:25.51erichvk_Free windows PCs for the poor?
12:29.25cyborg_ardecimad, SUCCESS!!
12:29.32cyborg_argot it to compile and link on linux
12:30.02cyborg_arnow gotta clean things up a little bit
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12:36.39decimadcyborg_ar: great!
12:40.10cyborg_arhmm i get a black square as the output
12:40.47decimad:) What were the options?
12:41.17cyborg_ar./msdf-atlasgen --font=../sampflefonts/UbuntuMono-R.ttf
12:41.23cyborg_arusing char height 0.
12:42.25decimadchar height should default to 32?
12:43.26decimadoh, you found a bug ;)
12:43.33decimadI used auto-height lately
12:43.48cyborg_ari just saw it
12:43.51cyborg_arit does range.first
12:43.55cyborg_arit should be the last
12:46.05cyborg_aranyway i'm giving it a test forcing the value in the code
12:47.51decimadi updated the repo, did not test though ;)
12:47.54cyborg_arlooks like it's working like it should
12:47.57cyborg_aroh ok
12:48.23cyborg_ari'm almost done with the cmake thing
12:49.25cyborg_ardecimad, does it look correct?
12:49.43decimadlooks good to me!
12:50.01cyborg_arwe have it working on linux
12:50.09decimadGreat, thank you! :)
12:50.14cyborg_arit took 20 minutes lol
12:50.27decimadyou knew what you were doing, at least approximately ;)
12:50.38cyborg_arlet me clean up the cmakelists a bit and commit things
12:50.49cyborg_arnah, i just banged on the keyboard for a bit
12:51.14cyborg_aralso i noticed you put freetype binaries in there
12:51.47decimadIt's simpler on windows this way
12:51.58cyborg_ardo you have msys2?
12:52.21cyborg_arit'd be nice to see if this simplistic cmakelists work well on windows/msys
12:52.38cyborg_arthat's the platform kicad officially supports anyway
12:52.39decimadYou can leave out the binaries then, only used by the msvc project
12:53.26cyborg_arcould you move include/freetype to lib/freetype or lib/include/freetype
12:53.49decimadgimme a sec
12:54.03cyborg_arthough lib does have some valid compilable things
12:54.16cyborg_ari'd like to move it outside stuff that has real code
12:54.40cyborg_ari guess you could just add a freetype folder
12:54.47decimadwell that's all 3rd party stuff
12:54.48cyborg_arand put the precompiled binaries and includes there
12:55.05cyborg_arbut the only precompiled one is freetype
12:55.14cyborg_arthe others we build ourselves so it's fine
12:55.44cyborg_arthere's also libmsdf.lib which it might be a mistake because you build that one
12:56.02decimadokay, I would recommend you put it where you want it and I'll update the project then ;)
12:56.31cyborg_ari'll pull in your changes, do what i need to do, and send you a PR
13:06.47nickoexzcvczx: fyi, i have been away for the weekend  still trting to caych up
13:23.20alphaferretcyborg_ar, are you a real cyborg or is that just a nickname
13:25.33cyborg_ardecimad, sent PR
13:25.50cyborg_ari separated it into two commits
13:26.02cyborg_arthe first one implements cmake, the second one does all the file moving
13:26.31cyborg_aryou might want to fixup that commit with the changes you do to get it to compile again on mscs
13:27.48cyborg_ar(ie you might not want to do the merging on github)
13:27.54decimadI will add them later, thank you, merged it
13:28.12decimadPeople will have to live with it, I'm currently onto something different ;)
13:40.47cyborg_arwell the cmake thing should work fine on all platforms that have the libraries
13:42.39c4757pnickoe: woo, got vnc up
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13:46.50c4757pooh, I feel clever
13:47.34c4757pinstead of "ssh -L portforward host &; PID=$!; script...; kill $PID" or something similar, just do "(script) | ssh -L portforward host cat"
13:52.05cyborg_ari did a cmake
13:57.57c4757pnickoe: okay, jre is installed
13:58.04c4757pnickoe: are you around now?
13:58.41c4757pnickoe: let me know when I can shut it down for about ten minutes, I'd like to clean up the cable clutter around where I set it up now that I've got proper remote access >_>
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14:16.18GyrosGeierc4757p, I just leave the port forward open
14:16.29GyrosGeierwith ssh -NL ...
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14:28.11c4757pwell, I hardly want to keep it open forever :p
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14:30.47GyrosGeierwell, it does have the advantage of allowing two parallel instances of the script to work
14:31.14c4757pto be clear, this script forwards vnc to the mac and launches a vnc client :p
14:31.18c4757pI wouldn't run two of them :P
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15:09.14archivistsomeone needs a new password
15:09.17Aylons_awayoh, god
15:09.19Aylons_awayi do indeed
15:09.22Aylons_awaysilly me
15:11.58Aylons_awayWell, not so bad actually. This was not my password, this was actually just the email verification. The password is still safe, but I changed it anyway.
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15:19.55c4757pheh, pro tip
15:20.15c4757pif you need to type something like that with a password, see if your IRC client has a dedicated window just for the IRC /server itself/, and type it /there/
15:20.25c4757pif you mess up and accidentally "speak" it, it won't go anywhere :p
15:23.24AylonsI was doing it, got distracted by the verification mail and didn't realize this was the kicad channel
15:24.43c4757plol, fair enough :)
15:25.49*** join/#kicad scubasonar (
15:29.25c4757pah, I installed the wrong thing. derp
15:29.30c4757pproper java incoming :p
15:32.50c4757pnickoe: okay, java'd
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15:34.48decimadGosh, I think there is no way I could calculate the du/dx in the vertex shader or even in the drawchar-routine, as I'd need the window dimensions for this. They can change but GAL records everything and recreates it only in change-events. So unless that happens I have no way to get to the current window dimensions :(
15:35.39decimadI wonder why there is no way to access the render target sizes in vertex/pixel shader
15:39.02GyrosGeierAylons, protip: on most servers, you can also use /quote NickServ ...
15:39.45GyrosGeierbut tab-completion is still a bitch, because /qu<tab> gives /quit, which posts the remainder of the line into all channels you're in
15:39.52AylonsI actually did a /query nickserv and has a dedicated windows for it on XChat. But copying and pasting from the mail was too enticing for me to resist :cP.
15:40.36Laksenc4757p, where are you getting it produced?
15:41.38c4757pnickoe: how frequently does jenkins retry? seems to still not be working
15:41.56c4757pI see nothing in the log
15:43.00AylonsI didn't like xchat much, actually. Later I'll look for another client, if anyone has any suggestions, I'm open.
15:43.19c4757phuh. xchat would definitely have been by first recommendation
15:43.29c4757punfortunately my only other recommendation is a text-mode client :|
15:51.21AylonsI'm not unconfortable with text. I found the xChat GUI to be a bad one, and maybe a text-mode would be better. I'm a regular emacs user, maybe I'll look onto an emacs implementation. I'm sure there is more than one.
15:51.45c4757pthere is :)
15:53.19AylonsBut, for now, I'll do my first dive on the Kicad code. Any recommendations on that? I was thinking on patching any of these bugs:
15:54.42decimadcyborg_ar: okay, project files are updated, if you like you can announce unix support ;)
16:01.07GyrosGeierbuys a few more reels of various hardware
16:01.22cyborg_ardecimad, sent to the list :)
16:01.47c4757pblinks at jenkins
16:01.50c4757p"Ping response time is too long or timed out.
16:02.01c4757pwell yes, you dumb shit, that's because my fucking router doesn't respond to ping
16:02.05c4757pjust fucking ssh in, you pile of shite
16:02.11c4757pgrumbles, pokes iptables
16:02.21decimadcyborg_ar: nice, thank you!
16:03.41c4757poh no, it /does/ respond to ping, I had to enable that for something else
16:03.45*** join/#kicad Eli2_ (~Eli2@pdpc/supporter/professional/eli2)
16:03.47c4757pand it's responding like 25ms
16:03.48nickoec4757p: I think every ten minutes or so, but I am not sure it does that infinitely, but there is a button I can hist.
16:03.50c4757pwtf, jenkins
16:03.52cyborg_ardecimad, the magic of open source
16:04.10c4757pnickoe: it's saying "Ping response time is too long or timed out.", but I have no problem pinging the server
16:04.17c4757pnickoe: can you confirm what you have the host set to?
16:04.26*** join/#kicad sandeepkr_ (~sandeepkr@
16:08.43decimadcyborg_ar: When there's not a sh*tload of platform specific fixes and hacks a cmake setup actually seems reasonably simple :D
16:11.21decimadMaybe Orson can find a way to supply the render target dimensions, otherwise I fear I cannot really accelerate it, c4
16:13.07decimadOtherwise one could remove the edge filtering altogether. The edges would still be good, just the extra tad of AA-faking would be gone.
16:19.31Yatekiihey did anyone here doe anything wit audio and bluetooth/netwark already by coincindence?
16:20.56Yatekii*network ofc :P
16:21.18YatekiiI am sorry my brain just suks
16:21.32nickoeit could be some random new REST API for iiiinnnnneeeteeerneeets oooooffff THinGSS
16:22.14cyborg_ardecimad, there's performance issues?
16:22.16nickoeYatekii: what do you mean with anything with bluetooth?
16:22.53Yatekiinickoe: yeah :D
16:22.57decimadcyborg_ar: Well, c4757p mentioned he felt zooming being a bit less responsive
16:23.13c4757pI tried to emphasize it was /slight/, and on a /huge/ board
16:23.17c4757pit doesn't matter :p
16:23.18decimadNothing quantifyable though
16:23.19Yatekiinickoe: I want to build my own class D amp and if it's not toooo much trouble I would like to have Bluetooth and Network streaming
16:23.41nickoeI think that should be sort of easy with the proper bluetooth module.
16:23.46decimadAnd I am aware of a possible optimization, just that I don't know how to do it in Orson's framework
16:23.56mgottschlagYatekii: <- like that one? :D
16:24.00cyborg_ari dont see how it would slow down zoom though
16:24.03nickoeYatekii: I suspect you can get bluetooth modules where you can get PCM out of it directly
16:24.16decimadby rendering a little bit slower, I guess
16:24.20cyborg_arif anything zooming in should reduce the amount of texels
16:24.27Yatekiinickoe: I guess for bt I can take an nrf52832 which just gets the data ove rthat stupid BLE profile and transforms it into I2S.
16:24.36mgottschlag(no bluetooth though, and I still didn't get enough time to work on the software... the hardware supports USB input and wifi)
16:24.48cyborg_arit could be than the sharper visuals play with your perception of movement
16:24.53Yatekiinickoe: I was googling a bit and I felt like tehre is only some shady stuff I can't trust
16:25.02Yatekiimicrochip for example has the worst doku world imo
16:25.15decimadcyborg_ar: but it also increases the amount of blends, smoothsteps and sqrt's and differentiations
16:25.43decimadthe sqrt's and diffs are really not needed at pixel level
16:25.43Yatekiiahh mgottschlag yep that's right :D but it has no network :P
16:25.59Yatekiidoes the pi have BT?
16:26.18mgottschlagyeah, I planned to use wifi and use OpenWRT + MPD or something like that
16:26.28Yatekiimgottschlag: oh it has wifi :) I want cable :) how do you do network streaeming?
16:26.30mgottschlagwired network is easier
16:26.36Yatekiiis it?
16:26.42mgottschlagI don't yet, the software isn't done yet :)
16:26.45YatekiiI never did anything with PHY/MAC ICs :S
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16:27.00mgottschlagwell, if you use linux, then it's all the same
16:27.17Yatekiiwho in their right mind would not use unix :P ;)
16:27.25mgottschlagPCB layout-wise, wifi is easier if you use a prebuilt module (which I'd certainly would)
16:27.44mgottschlagI planned to use some realtime kernel, but that turned out to be too much work, so it's going to be linux :)
16:28.10mgottschlagmy main problem is that the CPU does not have any FPU, so I'll have to rewrite some of the audio processing stuff
16:28.18mgottschlage.g. resampling
16:29.14mgottschlagthe pi would be much better, with an FPU and builtin bluetooth (on the pi 3), but then at least older pi's would not have both wifi and USB-input :)
16:30.13decimadif the values are within a fixed range, which they tend to be in such apps, it's not too bad with fixed point at least
16:30.29mgottschlagyeah, but most audio applications just use floating point
16:30.43mgottschlagYatekii: whatever you do, just make sure that your CPU module provides a I2S MCLK :D
16:31.01mgottschlag(not all do, but most amps seem to expect a synchronized MCLK)
16:32.50Yatekiimgottschlag: well the nrf52832 supports all the possible I2S stuff I feel
16:33.16Yatekiiwell for wifi I would use a done module I guess, but for network I rather want it wired
16:33.43Yatekiihow do you do USB sound?
16:34.06mgottschlagthe CPU module provides USB OTG, and I use the linux gadget-audio driver
16:34.09YatekiiI would rathe rnot use sth like a pi but I feel like I need to :S
16:34.13mgottschlagdoesn't work perfect either though
16:34.28mgottschlagYatekii: is BLE the same as regular bluetooth 4.0, performance wise?
16:34.45mgottschlagapart from that, well, you can probably add 10MBit ethernet to that module, via SPI
16:35.07mgottschlagnot much, but might be enough for 48kHz/24Bit
16:35.27*** join/#kicad bgamari (~bgamari@2001:470:e438::1)
16:36.02Yatekiimgottschlag: that's the fact about BT that I didn't figure out yet. there is a BT profile for audio but some guy from nordic semi said that BLE is not fast enough for audio. so I ask myself how other devices do it then lol
16:36.17mgottschlagBLE probably is just a subset of BT 4.0
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16:36.32nickoeYatekii: audio with BLE??
16:36.32Yatekiiyeah 10mbit should be enough, I just don't know what chips are nice and what ae not
16:36.47nickoeI mean for audio there are profiles like SPP, A2DP, AVRCP, GVADP a
16:36.50Yatekiinickoe: I aint got no clue man, why'd you ask me? :D
16:36.51nickoebut they are part of classic bluetooth
16:36.57Yatekiiyeah A2DP I read about
16:36.59Yatekiiah ok
16:37.15Yatekiibut I think nrf52832 should be capable of doing BT
16:37.24mgottschlagthe docs explicitly say BLE
16:37.35Yatekiialso I read that Android thinks it's cool and doesn't use A2DP, not sure tho
16:37.47nickoeYatekii: if it can do A2DP I suspect it can also output audio directly
16:38.27*** join/#kicad Novus (~Novus@2605:e000:628b:1400:e9da:147c:2a59:59bb)
16:38.32Yatekiiyeah well seems to be BLE only
16:38.45nickoemgottschlag: BLE is BLE. But if you have a bluetooth smart module it supports both.
16:39.23nickoeI am still a bit new to this bluetooth stuff
16:39.32Yatekii1 Mbps, 2 Mbps supported data rates
16:39.43Yatekiiwell bluetooth is retarded beyond belief
16:39.51c4757phuh, I wonder what "response time" Jenkins measures
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16:39.57c4757pit claims 4.2 seconds to my mini
16:40.02c4757pI can ssh into it much faster :P
16:40.11c4757p(and that's from an external server, not on my local network >_> )
16:40.31nickoeI ssh to it fine, but it seems a bit sluggish when entering chars
16:40.38nickoebut nothing too bad
16:40.42nickoegit a very tiny bit
16:40.47Yatekiimgottschlag: what made you choose the TI chip? and how satisfied are you with it's performance?
16:40.50c4757phuh, it's very responsive for me
16:41.15mgottschlagYatekii: I think it's quite good, but I don't have anything to compare to
16:41.28Yatekiihmm ok
16:41.42Yatekiiwell because I would have gone with the MAC9709 now
16:41.50Yatekiiit's filterless
16:41.51mgottschlagI chose based on price vs. noise/harmonic distortion based on the datasheet
16:42.15Yatekiibut it has no I2S, I need a separate codec for that
16:42.57Yatekiiwell, well THD+N is very deceptive. paying attention to the power level on which it was measured is key I feel
16:43.39Yatekiiwhat are you going to do with that board and what do you need the pi zero for? :)
16:43.43mgottschlagyeah, it's usually measured at 1W, and that's approximately what I used most often :)
16:44.01mgottschlagthat's not a pi zero, that's a Atmel CPU board... a bit older than the pi :)
16:44.08Yatekiihuh?! I have seen many graphics that have it measured at random values like 22W
16:44.23Yatekiioh, looked like a pi zero :D
16:44.44mgottschlagthe CPU board is running a full linux and runs an MPD server for network audio, and connects the USB gadget driver with the codec, etc etc
16:45.03mgottschlag400MHz ARMv5, no FPU, 256MB RAM :(
16:45.13mgottschlagbut: much more USB compared to the pi
16:45.14Yatekiisome mates said: "just use a Pi3 for all the BT/Network/Controlling stuff and just build the amp"
16:45.26Yatekiimaybe that's the right approach, not sure
16:45.39Yatekiiwhy do you need more usb?
16:45.46mgottschlag2x host, 1x device, so USB input and USB wifi (or bluetooth?) is possible at the same time
16:46.13Yatekiiah kk
16:46.14mgottschlagit's basically supposed to be connected to a computer to act as a USB sound card
16:46.26Yatekiiyeah I want to do that too
16:46.35YatekiiI just want USB/BT/Network/Analog
16:46.38mgottschlagbut then, I just need to get the software finished so that it can actually be used :/
16:47.02decimaddon't you know, software is the easy part!
16:47.16decimadat least that's what people told me way too often
16:47.22mgottschlagmaybe just wired network + BT works as well, and then some network sound system on top of that (Pulseaudio/Airplay via network)
16:47.26mgottschlagdecimad: haha
16:48.11Yatekiidecimad: it IS the easy part. if it is on a pc or a well documented chip. so pretty much every chip but the nrf52
16:48.42Yatekii*so it is not the easy part on pretty much every chip but the nrf52
16:48.53decimadI tended to have less hassle with the hardware than with the software, because everything is left for the software - because software is so easy to write!
16:49.36mgottschlagYatekii: it's much more work than the hardware, most of the time :D
16:49.38Yatekiihard ware lis like: it doesn't work, well good luck finding the mistake. software is like: oh that value is wrong, well so the mistake must be in that addition, and done
16:49.43mgottschlag(I am a software engineer)
16:49.45decimadoh, can't you do that as well...? because it's software, it's easy? And maybe that?
16:49.51gordonjcpYatekii: horseshit
16:50.09gordonjcpYatekii: it's no harder to debug hardware than it is software
16:50.17Yatekiiyeah ofc
16:50.27Yatekiigood luck finding that short
16:51.09mgottschlagI've made the experience that hardware debugging gets easier over time as you adapt proper procedures when assembling everything, just like with software and getting used to various types of debuggers :)
16:51.40mgottschlag(e.g., don't assemble all at once, start part by part and test as you go... and use a current limited power supply so that you notice before chips start to burn due to shorts)
16:52.20Yatekiiwell yeah ofc
16:52.51Yatekiibut software is very verbose (at least if you make it that way and use proper tool (e.g. NO MICROSOFT)) whilst hardware is not
16:52.57Yatekii(e.g. short)
16:54.39gordonjcpYatekii: so, what, do you think every electronics manufacturer has a huge pile of abandoned projects, because they couldn't get them to work somehow?
16:54.40mgottschlagtrue, but software usually also is a lot more complex :)
16:54.56gordonjcpYatekii: it's actually easier to debug hardware than software
16:55.08Yatekiigordonjcp: who said that? so you implay that if sth is hard to do it wont get done?
16:55.11gordonjcpYatekii: it's almost always incredibly obvious what's wrong with hardware
16:55.22gordonjcpYatekii: it's impossible to work out what's wrong with software
16:55.36YatekiiI guess everyone will agree with that lol
16:55.39gordonjcpif it doesn't work, it doesn't work, good luck working out why your function falls over
16:55.57gordonjcpetc etc
16:56.09gordonjcpYatekii: I have literally no idea why you'd think hardware would be any harder to debug
16:56.26mgottschlagI don't think it's possible to say that either is more difficult... it always depends on the complexity
16:59.15decimadI mean it on a level where chips are connected together with a few opamps and voltage dividers and some filtering.
16:59.40decimadOf course designing a chip is very difficult
16:59.49nickoec4757p: or maybe it is just the OSX feel where it feels sluggish :P
16:59.56Yatekiidesigning a chip is easy again. it's very verbose.
16:59.58decimadBut that's actually comparable to software
17:00.15nickoec4757p: ping times about 140 ms for me
17:00.27gordonjcpdecimad: designing a logic chip is
17:00.36Yatekiibut when I have an XTAL that seems perfectly soldered but has a broken solderjoint and software runs fine 99.9% of the time and just sometimes gets stuck, who would uppose its that?
17:00.37gordonjcpdecimad: designing an analogue chip isn't though :-)
17:00.38c4757pping will be slightly faster than ssh, you're pinging the router but sshing through it
17:00.41Yatekiieven after you soldered it a few times
17:00.47decimadgordonjcp: yeah, granted
17:00.53decimadbut few people do such stuff
17:00.58gordonjcpYatekii: well, it would be fairly obvious
17:01.04Yatekiiyeah ofc
17:01.05nickoec4757p: yeah, I know
17:01.14nickoejust to have some metric to compare with :)
17:01.21gordonjcpYatekii: if you've got a shitty clock, you'd see it straight away
17:01.29Yatekiibecause it couldn't be AURT or I2C or SPI devices blocking the proper execution
17:01.44Yatekiithe clock was NOT shitty 99.9% of the cases
17:01.45gordonjcpbecause you'd see the clock wasn't there
17:01.47YatekiiI just told you
17:01.54Yatekiiyou don't even read
17:01.57gordonjcpthe clock will be shitty 100% of the time
17:02.09gordonjcp99% of the time it will be un-shitty enough for the chip to work
17:02.16gordonjcpdon't you even have an oscilloscope?
17:02.41mgottschlaggordonjcp: the average hobbyist does not have an oscilloscope
17:02.44Yatekiiwont argue with you anymore., you are obv. the biggest pro on earth that can see even the tieniest clock-skew.
17:02.45gordonjcpmgottschlag: uhm
17:02.53mgottschlagI diidn't have one when I designed that audio board
17:02.58Yatekiiand we have a fucking 8.5k agilent osc
17:02.58gordonjcpmgottschlag: why not?
17:03.01gordonjcpthey're cheap
17:03.04gordonjcpYatekii: yeah, me too
17:03.13Yatekiiand I know how to use it
17:03.18gordonjcpYatekii: I prefer using my 30-year-old analogue 'scope
17:03.20Yatekiiand I can tell you when a clock is ok.
17:03.28mgottschlaggordonjcp: I have one now, but I just bought stuff when I really needed it, and I could build that board without one :)
17:03.28Yatekiinice for you
17:03.32nickoemgottschlag: you are not a hobbyist if you don't have an oscilloscope!
17:03.35gordonjcpmgottschlag: fairy nerf
17:03.53gordonjcpYatekii: the Agilent lives at work :-)
17:04.38Yatekiiwell we have one in our students lab. and I feel lucky to have one ... when I see the tectronics at my PhD mates lab ... ohm
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17:05.08gordonjcpYatekii: tbh a 20MHz dual-trace analogue is the most useful thing you can have on the bench
17:05.30gordonjcpYatekii: an expensive DSO is *great* when you need to exactly characterise something
17:05.49nickoegordonjcp: most usefull?  You mean, that you can use it for 99% percent of the debugging you need?
17:05.50gordonjcpa lot of the time, you just want to take a look and see if the signal *right there* is what you expect it to be
17:05.56decimadChuck Norris could get it done with a Multimeter though
17:06.11nickoedecimad: but I like graphic stuff
17:06.17nickoelike oscopes
17:06.22gordonjcpnickoe: it's not so great if you're investigating complicated digital signals
17:06.33Yatekiigordonjcp: I lack the experience to be able to judge that I feel. I always just worked with agilent ones (appart from the crappy HP and Tectroix ones I saw in a few labs I visitted) and I feel they're great :)
17:06.47gordonjcpYatekii: it comes with practice
17:06.57gordonjcpYatekii: you'd spend a lot of time setting up a DSO
17:06.59nickoegordonjcp: we all know that.  But you just used the strange wording "most usefull thing you can have"
17:07.16nickoeanyway, just a side comment.
17:07.29gordonjcpnickoe: okay, a really good cup of tea is the most useful thing to have on your bench
17:07.37gordonjcpYatekii: sometimes you just want to take a quick look
17:07.38nickoec4757p: so anything interesting happeing in here during the weekend I missed?
17:07.50gordonjcpyou don't much care what the signal *is*, but you reckon it ought to be a train of pulses
17:07.52nickoegordonjcp: ohh well...
17:08.05gordonjcpYatekii: lo and behold, when you 'scope it, it's sitting stuck high
17:08.22Yatekiiwell I use the osc for pretty much every measurement ... I hardly use a multimeter ever. I have some mates that prefer the multimeter if it's possible.
17:08.25gordonjcpYatekii: you don't need much accuracy to work out that this is Just Plain Wrong
17:09.27Yatekiiwell oftentimes it's obv. whats wrong. what I feel hard to find out is why.
17:09.48decimadDeep neural networks
17:09.54Yatekiidamn and I still don't know how to do my audio :D need to google some more I guess
17:09.56decimadYou never know why, but glad that
17:09.59gordonjcpYatekii: just like software, there's a chain of events that leads up to it
17:10.04gordonjcpYatekii: oh, what audio are you doing?
17:10.45Yatekiigordonjcp: and you have a stacktrace that tells you the steps and in ever ytsep you can at least doa print and print all the values. you can easily determine in what layer it's broken :) I don't feel the same for hw IMO
17:11.01gordonjcpYatekii: practice...
17:11.01Yatekiibut I do software for 15yrs now, HW is more like 5
17:11.29Yatekii(if you don't count the cosmos building box at the age of 6 :D)
17:12.08gordonjcpI don't really need a fast 'scope because audio isn't very fast
17:12.23gordonjcpand if I'm measuring RF I don't really need to see the waveform's shape
17:12.29gordonjcpI just need to see the height of the trace
17:12.48archivistwonders why fault finding is usually missing from all the course
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17:13.14gordonjcparchivist: indeed
17:13.15Yatekiigordonjcp: I wanna do a Class D amp (done chip is ok for me) that can receive Bluetooth, Network and USB as well as analog audio sources. maybe I even could decide on the amp (after a few semester I can now make smthing out of those values) but I got no clue how hard network/bt/usb will be. on a PC it would be terribly easy for me. not with bare HW. I don't even knowif it could be trivially achieved ...
17:13.53gordonjcpwell you do get chips for class D audio
17:14.04gordonjcpit's incredible how much power you can get out of them
17:14.21gordonjcphundreds of watts out of a little module the size of a packet of noodles
17:14.28gordonjcpdoesn't even get hot
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17:15.49gordonjcpYatekii: essentially it sounds like you're building a network media player
17:17.34archivista bunch of inputs, a switching device, a remote control interface(network or infra red), an output stage
17:20.51decimadnickoe: I like Osc's too ;)
17:21.05gordonjcpso you need an analogue 'scope
17:21.20gordonjcpwhat you also need is something to generate Lissajous figures on it, when you're not actually using it
17:22.10archivistnot made a lissajous figure for a very long time :)
17:23.30nickoexzcvczx: whats up? How to build on osx for a newbie :P
17:24.02nickoexzcvczx:  Can I just execute Adams scripts or do I need to brew stuff?  (I have not reread the osx instructions yet)
17:24.19GyrosGeierYatekii, BT: depends on what you want
17:24.53GyrosGeierthere are readymade audio solutions, including the dual stack approach that allows you to connect a phone and a computer at the same time
17:25.48GyrosGeierif you want to really learn this stuff, get a simple radio chip, and write your own stack
17:25.59GyrosGeierif you want WiFi, get a dual WiFi/BT IC
17:26.21GyrosGeierseparate ICs are difficult to use because they tend to overload each other
17:26.30nickoeGyrosGeier: ... back to the raytracing rendering issue. I mean what variables to inspect. I suspect it might have something to do with him makeing it render bins outside the atual window size and then it might sometimes not cound them all or something.
17:26.55nickoeGyrosGeier: do you know why kicad was deleted for debian testing?
17:27.10nickoe2 secs
17:27.28cyborg_arnickoe, looked at the bug tracker?
17:27.44GyrosGeiernickoe, points at
17:27.48nickoekicad 4.0.2+dfsg1-4 is marked for autoremoval from testing on 2016-09-19   It is affected by these RC bugs: 834246: kicad: FTBFS in testing
17:28.40nickoeGyrosGeier: Does 4.0.4 build without that patch?
17:28.52nickoeon debian testing?
17:29.09GyrosGeierprobably not
17:29.27GyrosGeieror is the boost patch in 4.0.4?
17:29.40nickoeyeah, that was the part I did not remember.  decimad do you remember?
17:29.46GyrosGeiermoves to the train
17:29.51GyrosGeierone hour until it leaves
17:30.02nickoeI might try to test it then
17:30.06GyrosGeier\o/ night trains
17:30.14nickoeGyrosGeier: where are you now?
17:30.17nickoeit is not night here!
17:30.36nickoeit is not night there either
17:30.41decimadThe boost patch cannot be in 4.0.4 if that was not lifted to c++11
17:30.41GyrosGeierthere is no night train Berlin->Munich
17:30.53GyrosGeierso I went to Hamburg for the day
17:30.55nickoedecimad: ok
17:31.07GyrosGeierthe train leaves at 20:26, and arrives at 7:30ish
17:31.15nickoeahh, I see.
17:31.24GyrosGeierthen quick shower in central station, and off to the customer
17:31.45nickoeGyrosGeier: gl
17:32.09GyrosGeierif you have a rail pass, a tent, a sleeping bag and a bike, being homeless isn't that bad in Europe
17:32.33GyrosGeierexcept it's going to get cold soon, I should possibly move towards Spain
17:33.01alphaferretping c4757p
17:33.32nickoealphaferret: he might have left his keyboard for some hours now
17:33.34alphaferreton your computer project, i assume you had a mobo, daughterboards, any grandaughter?
17:33.59decimadIs that some kind of experiment?
17:34.11alphaferretmoi? no i have some questions
17:34.22decimadNo I meant Gyros
17:34.29alphaferretcarry on...
17:35.32c4757pno, no granddaughter :p
17:35.50alphaferreti'm curious how you would approach something modular like that
17:35.51GyrosGeierdecimad, nah, just too many jobs in too different places
17:35.58GyrosGeierso there is no point in having a flat
17:36.00c4757palphaferret: very carefully :p
17:36.13alphaferretorganizing it in kicad
17:36.55decimadIt seems to me you might be living in the danger of burning out!
17:36.58alphaferretlet's says for example a modular nested board with 5 sub-boards
17:37.26cyborg_aralphaferret, my gut feeling would be "NO."
17:37.26nickoedecimad: ?
17:37.38decimadBut that is with my own abilities in mind, so subjective ;)
17:37.38cyborg_areach connector you add is unreliability piling up
17:37.43alphaferretno as in don't do it in kicad?
17:37.51nickoeSomething tells me alphaferret likes many PCB boards instead of one monolith
17:38.02alphaferretit's a hypothetical
17:38.03cyborg_aralso cost
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17:38.09cyborg_arconnectors are fucking expensive
17:38.14alphaferretpure kicad question, possibly my only one
17:38.18c4757palphaferret: sub-boards are separate projects
17:38.34alphaferretok that's how i did, was just curious
17:38.37c4757pcompletely discrete entities
17:39.00alphaferretand then would you link schematics in a main board for ease of navigation?
17:39.25nickoec4757p: wee build complete on the osx box
17:39.52cyborg_arGyrosGeier, i'm too sedentary to do that ha
17:40.11c4757pbuild of kicad entirely? I didn't think it had been long enough
17:40.15nickoefor those too lazy to click the link I was not really building anything...
17:40.26nickoejust ran sw_vers -productVersion
17:40.57c4757pthat's what it looked like, but I just figured the build might be silent if no errors :p
17:41.15c4757pwoo, still
17:41.28c4757pnice that it's working :)
17:41.30cyborg_ari've been thinking on moving to the middle of nowhere where i can own a house for peanuts, as most of my work is through the internet/mail
17:41.54decimadthat'd be so great
17:42.03decimadI hate all the freaking noise
17:42.10cyborg_ari do not mind the noise
17:42.15alphaferretamen to that
17:42.33cyborg_arand i quite enjoy that i have pretty much every single thing available at a short walk/bike/train ride away
17:42.42cyborg_ari just dislike the cost
17:42.52cyborg_arrent went up twice this year
17:43.24c4757psome noise is okay. some annoys me, but I hate not being near things, so it's worth it
17:43.34Plughcyborg_ar: twice? :P
17:43.40cyborg_ari've got a train going by every 3-15minutes
17:43.46c4757pI'd much rather be in a small city than the middle of nowhere. large cities can fuck off though
17:44.02decimadI was thinking maybe noise cancelling headphones/earphones might help me with the traffic sound at least
17:44.11Plughcyborg_ar: If you don't mind me asking, what sort of work do you do that only requires the net/email?
17:44.12cyborg_arwell it was just a $200/mo increase in total, but it still hurt
17:44.19c4757pI'm in Utica NY now, that's perfect size :)
17:44.29Plughdecimad: Just what I was about to say
17:44.48cyborg_arwell the total rent is $1350
17:45.10cyborg_arfor A 2.5 BED 2 BA we share with a friend
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17:45.28alphaferretcity noise is cumulatively damaging to your soul. one day you're ok with it, next day you will sell your momma to get away
17:45.36decimadWas it actually an increase of 400$?
17:45.44cyborg_arno, 200
17:45.59cyborg_arand i think there will be another before winter
17:46.08c4757palphaferret: I've had a bit of city noise most of my life :p
17:46.11cyborg_arapartment next door is smaller and rented for $1700
17:46.17alphaferretsome people can handle it
17:46.19Plughthree increases in a year? That doesn't sound right.
17:46.22cyborg_arit's easy as c4757p has no soul to damage
17:46.36alphaferretutica isn't beijing though
17:46.49c4757pcyborg_ar: haha
17:47.00c4757palphaferret: yeah, like I said - small city okay
17:47.04c4757plarge city bad
17:47.06cyborg_aranyway, i've got a 90-100dB train going by every 3-15 minutes 24/7
17:47.16cyborg_arit is surprisingly easy to tune out
17:47.35c4757pugh, trains
17:47.40decimadI find it actually quite antisocial that you can inherit a flat (as if space had an owner) and then rent it to people anyways ;)
17:47.46alphaferretworse than noise are.... hipsters
17:47.47cyborg_arbut it makes it hard to skype with clients
17:48.00cyborg_aryeah that's the cause of the 3 rent increases
17:48.07cyborg_arfucking hipsters
17:48.28cyborg_arfor some reason they are paying ungodly amounts of money to live in this latino neighborhood
17:48.30alphaferretit used to be called gentrification now it's hipsterfication
17:48.35cyborg_arsoon to be formerly latino
17:49.53cyborg_arto be fair our landlord is a really nice guy, and that's why we keep staying
17:50.07cyborg_arhe only increased rent 20%
17:50.09Plughcyborg_ar: I'm heading out for the afternoon. You can reply, or PM me, later once I've returned.
17:50.17cyborg_arproperty taxes went up about that much
17:50.34cyborg_arother landlords just doubled the price and evicted everyone
17:50.46cyborg_ardoubled the price in one go*
17:52.09cyborg_arit makes no economic sense to keep poor people here if there are hipsters lining up to pay absolutely silly money to live here
17:55.39cyborg_aranyway small city indeed sounds great, i've lived on a smallish city all my life. though i thought i wouldnt be able to adapt to this bigger one i got by fine
17:56.12Yatekiigordonjcp: exactly :) but the question is how I link them all :) and if I use a ready made board + amp or some different ics :) I didslike the board solution
17:56.52YatekiiGyrosGeier: well I was looking for some ready made ics but I was not able to judge if they are any good. and I don't want wifi :) I want cable network ;)
17:57.01alphaferretif you have the sensibility for a rural area, and you think you can make a go of it do it sooner than later
17:57.08Yatekiisorry was a way talkin with my dad ^^
17:57.20c4757peww, rural
17:57.38c4757pI like there to be more people than cows around me
17:58.10alphaferretthat's why i said 'if you have the sensibility for a rural area'
17:59.10cyborg_army requirements are: All utilities (including internet with at least a few megabits), grocery store, post office and hardware store at biking distance, preferably at least 2 or 3 different chains of groceries without having to go into the highway
17:59.26cyborg_arthat rules out most suburbs
17:59.40cyborg_aroh also, i prefer if the houses are mostly different from one another
18:00.20cyborg_arsmall (complete) towns and big cities are pretty much the only places i'd be comfortable in
18:01.03YatekiiGyrosGeier: could be an option. not sure
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18:19.21reportingsjrI live in the middle of a fairly large city and besides a /very/ faint whirring noise from cars way off in the distance all I hear is birds and crickets :P
18:27.06cyborg_aractually the only noise that annoys me a bit is drunken people screaming from the bars around the corner
18:27.18cyborg_arsomehow i can tune out the train but not that
18:27.53cyborg_arooh i didn't know the fermilab was in the chicago suburbs
18:28.01c4757pthe noise that annoys me is the loud motorcycles owned by the people at the pizza shop across the street
18:28.13c4757pI fantasize about pouring things in their gas tanks
18:29.45cyborg_ari assume what you want to pour in is not gas
18:30.22c4757pusually it's pure essence of loathing
18:30.36c4757psadly I haven't found that in liquid form
18:31.53cyborg_aryou could try screaming into one of these
18:33.42cyborg_arit will probably be almost pure water, but according to homeopaths it contains a memory of the essence of loathing, which should infuse it with hate properties
18:44.51alphaferrethas not fired up the brand new wep 858d+ yet
18:45.54alphaferretonly uses heteropathy
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18:55.34xzcvczxnickoe: you need to brew shit
18:55.39xzcvczxnickoe: do you want my osx build script?
18:55.46nickoexzcvczx: sure
18:55.57nickoeI have installed brew now
18:56.06nickoethat is essentially all I have done...
18:56.10nickoeand tmux of course
18:56.24nickoenothing more
18:56.33nickoeor.. I did install some xcode stuff
18:56.37nickoeto get git
18:56.44nickoeI think it was called xcode command line tools
18:57.00nickoeI don't have a complier I think
18:57.09xzcvczxxcode command line tools == ompiler
18:57.25nickoeahh, great, clang is indeed available
18:57.30nickoeI just misread...
18:57.34nickoethe output
18:57.55xzcvczxcheck_wx should probably be run under screen/tmux the first time
18:58.09xzcvczxas i expect c4757p to be unreliable
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18:58.15xzcvczxwoops i mean c4757p's connection
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18:59.49nickoelooks stable enough to me so far
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19:01.57c4757pmy connection is pretty good, actually
19:02.09c4757pit's not fast, but it stays up reliably
19:02.25nickoexzcvczx: is $HOME/.bashrc not used on osx?
19:02.26c4757pand I was even charitable and bought the hardware to give you a wired connection ;)
19:02.53xzcvczxc4757p: i just wanted the oppurtunity to call you unstable :)
19:03.00xzcvczxor unreliable
19:03.07xzcvczxnickoe: ummmm shrug
19:03.14xzcvczxi never really bother with .bashrc
19:04.05c4757pI haven't even put qos limits on you...yet >:)
19:04.07c4757pxzcvczx: haha
19:04.09c4757pI know :)
19:04.51xzcvczxsure ya did
19:05.29nickoehe is not even polish and nor is he on the right half plane
19:05.30reportingsjrI find it so bizarre how out of date arduino is on basically every package manager
19:05.51nickoebecause arduino
19:06.15c4757phuh, Arch doesn't even /have/ Arduino in the mainrepos
19:06.18c4757pmain repos
19:06.20c4757pjust AUR
19:06.39c4757plooks like it's the latest version though
19:09.20nickoexzcvczx: mm Checking Dependencies... Error: No such keg: /Users/kicad/homebrew/Cellar/gettext
19:09.51nickoeohh, it has help text to resolve ..
19:10.27xzcvczxnickoe: if/when i eventually finish it off i will have it ask for permission to do it iteself
19:10.35nickoeError: No available formula with the name "oce"     looks like it is named   homebrew/science/oce
19:10.45xzcvczxoh woops
19:10.54xzcvczxwell when its poured it responds to just oce iirc
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19:11.09nickoeit does not as for anything
19:12.12nickoexzcvczx: What does pour mean in brew terminology?
19:12.21nickoeis that dependency resolution?
19:12.41nickoebtw, I am talking about the check_deps step
19:12.44xzcvczxmeh installed
19:12.47xzcvczx== poured
19:12.53reportingsjrc4757p: fedora only has 1.6.4 which is a year and a few months old :(
19:24.39alphaferretchanged ground symbol from agnd to gnd, cvpcb but the old net name still persists
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19:33.10xzcvczxnickoe: so hows the progress?
19:40.15nickoe==> ./configure --prefix=/Users/kicad/homebrew/Cellar/libngspice/26 --with-ngshared --enable-cider --enable-xspice
19:40.41nickoealphaferret: did you regenerate the netlist?
19:40.49alphaferretyes like 50x
19:40.53xzcvczxnickoe: oh you don't need check_spice
19:41.00xzcvczxnickoe: spice is now a brew recipe
19:41.05xzcvczxdid you not read the instructions :P
19:41.31alphaferretwhen i tried to refill ground zone it lists agnd as the only ground net
19:41.46nickoexzcvczx: I ran ./ check_deps    and it gave me a line for deps to install, which I did. So I am pretty sure I followed all the instructions I got...
19:41.52nickoemaybe I should have ignored some of them :O
19:42.08xzcvczxnickoe: oh you are still at check_deps stage?
19:42.17xzcvczxhaha i misread that
19:42.28xzcvczxi assumed you had run check_spice (don't bother running it though)
19:42.57nickoeit is only a dual core box it seems
19:45.59alphaferreteven deleted agnd symbol, the old net still persists
19:51.59nickoemaybe there is another
19:52.15nickoealphaferret: also, what is your actual problem?
19:52.33alphaferreti think i found it, had invisible pin named to old name
19:53.21nickoeyeah, invisible pins are evil
19:53.54nickoexzcvczx: are your scripts "related" to adams scipts? are you intending them to replace/update adams?
19:53.56alphaferretyes they are
19:54.54xzcvczxnickoe: i wrote mine because i wanted git and something "cleaner" than what he had
19:55.01xzcvczxhe has like 10 scripts hwere a single one would work
19:55.35nickoexzcvczx: .. well, that does not say much. I mean, his scripts could also be just one...
19:55.36xzcvczxnickoe: whats line 27 in the script you have?
19:55.46xzcvczxnickoe: they could, but they aren't
19:56.15xzcvczxah cool
19:56.23xzcvczxwasn't sure if i had updated it since i made those changes
19:56.34xzcvczxi really have to finish it off and get it put in a git repo somewhere
19:56.55nickoeit is making oce now
19:57.11nickoecan'y you just make adam adopt it?
19:57.11xzcvczxit shouldn't need to make it
19:57.15xzcvczxit should be poured
19:57.22nickoewhat do you mean?
19:57.41xzcvczxnickoe: its not quite so simple, as his stuff requires a fair bit of hacking so its usable on osx 10.9-10.10
19:57.59nickoecan't you make yours compatible to that to?
19:58.07nickoedidn'y you talk about dropping 10.9?
19:58.15xzcvczxnah we dropped 7/8
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20:01.03nickoeBut what do you mean, that is should be poured?
20:01.06nickoeI have not installed oce before
20:01.09nickoethis is the first time
20:01.11nickoewith brew
20:01.23xzcvczxnickoe: well it shouldn't be building it
20:01.33xzcvczxit should just be using a pre-built package
20:01.37nickoewho is "it"?  your script or brew?
20:02.02nickoeI choose ==> Installing homebrew/science/oce    maybe that was wrong?
20:02.24xzcvczxnah that was right
20:02.50xzcvczxhmmm if you type "brew edit oce" does line 7 say "bottle"?
20:03.11nickoebottle do
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20:03.27xzcvczxc4757p: oi what version of osx is that box running
20:04.01nickoeor 10.11.6 to be a bit more precise
20:05.11xzcvczxhmmm thats defintely the right oce
20:05.16xzcvczxoh well
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20:11.24c4757pyup, latest
20:11.35c4757pit's all up to date :p
20:11.53xzcvczxeven the 0-day update?
20:16.48nickoexzcvczx: so the building from source should be updated to mention 10.9 instead of 10.7?
20:17.03nickoeand also in the first paragraph on the page
20:17.54nickoexzcvczx: c4757p and what about ?
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20:18.46xzcvczxwell stable(4.0) is still 10.7
20:18.54xzcvczxthats why kicad nightlies are currently broke
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20:20.41nickoeBecause adam updated the machine?
20:20.52nickoeIs there any users using 10.7 or 10.8?
20:21.30xzcvczxnah adams machine runs 10.11
20:21.37xzcvczxbut the sdk versions differ
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20:23.54nickoeyeah, but I don't understand why it is suddenly broken.
20:24.13nickoeCould you elloborate a bit more on that?
20:25.05xzcvczxwell all the brew stuff was built with the 10.7 sdk, and then when kicad moved to c++11 (which 10.7 wasn't really compatible with) shit broke
20:25.18xzcvczxas you were mixing 10.9 built kicad with 10.7 deps
20:25.47nickoehmm, ok, so it is the c++11 that is the "culprit" here?
20:26.03nickoebut why not just build nightlies for 10.9 as minver?
20:26.40xzcvczxthats the problem..... the brew deps are built with 10.7 as the minver
20:26.43xzcvczxand it doesn't like mixing
20:26.44nickoeI mean, as I see it you can have multiple homebrews to coexist, it is just a matter of selecting the correct one in the envirnment you are trying to build
20:27.13xzcvczxwell you can only do that by default with different versions of homebrew packages
20:27.27xzcvczxbrew doesn't really support 2 seperate installs of homebrew packages
20:27.44nickoeit seems so to me
20:27.52nickoejust don't install it on the root fs
20:28.10c4757pnickoe: it's basically a fresh system. I don't know how much of the requirements you need me to install and what can go in the user context
20:28.28c4757pyou have admin now, so.. :p
20:28.33nickoec4757p: I don't need you to install anything.
20:28.38c4757pokay :)
20:28.52nickoeI just installed brew in the kicad user home and I guess that is good (hopefully)
20:29.12c4757pI don't care if you install things system wide, that's fine too
20:29.30c4757pjust don't break it ;)
20:29.38xzcvczxnickoe: oh, in which case you might have to hack the script a bit, as its designed for brew to be installed in the normal place
20:29.58nickoexzcvczx: what dependencies in there expect that?
20:30.21xzcvczxline 37
20:30.51nickoethey mention:  "Multiple installations: Create a Homebrew installation wherever you extract the tarball. Whichever brew command is called is where the packages will be installed. You can use this as you see fit, e.g. a system set of libs in /usr/local and tweaked formulae for development in ~/homebrew."
20:32.29nickoexzcvczx: I guess a prefix variable for /usr/local is in order then :P
20:33.20xzcvczxif people are going to start using seperate brew installations i would prefer to see if there is a way to get brew to say where shits installed
20:33.25xzcvczxi will need to look into that
20:33.33nickoelike HOMEBREW_PREFIX
20:33.36xzcvczxthen you just provide it with which brew
20:35.31decimadwho's hosting that btw?
20:36.04reportingsjrdecimad: Chris Gammel
20:37.02nickoehe looks like
20:37.21nickoeohh, it is two l's, I always used one .. :P
20:37.57thardin_baofeng in the background
20:40.27decimadI think I'm too old for the visual design. My eyes search any structure to follow, but there's only white
20:40.54decimadAnd the colourful logo with aggressive red tilted INFO
20:45.29decimadI need to go cry... soo old... :(
20:50.51reportingsjrimagines decimad saying this and being 28 years old
20:59.32nickoedecimad: are you talking about ?
20:59.35nickoethere is a shadow!
20:59.50reportingsjrnickoe: is the spice stuff available in the windows nightly yet?
20:59.56nickoereportingsjr: no
21:00.04xzcvczxnickoe: so progress?
21:00.05reportingsjrOk, are they going to be?
21:00.16nickoeI have not even tried to build ngspice on windows
21:00.31nickoeI have not even tried it on linux either
21:00.59nickoexzcvczx: it took 90 minutes to do brew install boost gettext cmake glew cairo glm automake libtool libngspice homebrew/science/oce
21:01.18xzcvczx87 of those minutes building oce most likely
21:01.29xzcvczxwith another 2.5 building libngspice
21:01.43nickoexzcvczx: check deps are good now,
21:01.49nickoenow building wx I think
21:02.02xzcvczxthat will probably take ~40mins
21:02.56nickoeit errored
21:03.12xzcvczxoh what error?
21:03.31nickoeI think it was becasue I cancled it earlier during download
21:03.41nickoeI just removed the wx folder to retry, so wait a bit.
21:03.48xzcvczxah yeah that would cause issues
21:04.22nickoehmm, no still failing
21:04.56nickoeI guess I need to have that script relative to the kicad source...
21:05.16xzcvczxthe came with a folder called patches
21:06.16xzcvczxah lol you nuked the patches folder when you nuked the wx folder
21:06.27xzcvczxyou should have just nuked the downloaded file
21:06.36nickoeah, hehe
21:06.48nickoethat file structure was bad
21:06.58nickoebut are the patches the same as those from kicad?
21:07.30xzcvczxummmm not sure
21:07.40xzcvczxbut there is no guarantee the ones in the kicad tree will stay around
21:12.04nickoeanyway, it is building wx not with the original kicad-app patches.
21:12.48nickoedunno how long that will take, any estimate xzcvczx?
21:14.41xzcvczx30ish mins
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21:38.38xzcvczxdamn microsoft isn't giving me the anniversary update
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21:42.50decimadxzcvczx feel your priviledge!
21:42.52nickoexzcvczx: hmm, not done yet, but I am going to sleep now.
21:43.40xzcvczxdecimad: is that a pun about the new ms browser?
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21:55.29decimadxzcvczx: is there a new browser?
21:55.47xzcvczxmicrosoft edge
21:55.59decimadI'll look that up
21:56.45c4757pI'm slightly disappointed, I won't be able to use "Internet Exploder" anymorwe
21:56.57xzcvczxc4757p: yeah you can, don't worry
21:57.06xzcvczxits still in the default win10 install
21:59.13decimadI wonder what they're trying to achieve
21:59.36xzcvczxget rid of the horrible reputation that IE had through 6-7 and part of 8?
22:00.02decimadIsn't it a bit late for that?
22:00.55xzcvczxstill if you want to refer to shitty browsers standards wise these days you still spout ie typically without mentioning specific versions
22:01.08xzcvczxso its still a good way to get a clean slate amongst idiots
22:01.14decimadThe try seems doomed... like any other tries of big companies that have a big product A and trying desperately to create B, C, D ... Z
22:02.02xzcvczxthose who use windows don't typically have a high enough iq to associate them
22:02.16decimadOtoh a lot of engineers would be unemployed otherwise, so it probably serves a use
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22:03.30decimadand of course, a few good ideas can be copied into browsers that are actually used
22:06.48mroszko__i cant get the grid to show in pcbnew
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22:09.22xzcvczxmroszko__: check layer widget->render
22:09.29xzcvczxmake sure its a sensbile colour
22:09.37xzcvczxtry switching to legacy and see if it appears
22:09.39mroszko__why was it off by default
22:09.49xzcvczxits not
22:09.50mroszko__theres the disable grid button on the left
22:09.53mroszko__and the fucking render grid
22:09.58decimadxzcvczx: don't take my current opinions too seriously though... I seem somewhat exhausted, in which case I tend to worship my pessimism ;)
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22:11.07mroszko__there shouldnt be too fucking options
22:11.39xzcvczxblame legacy
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22:15.15decimadbtw, does anyone actually know when orson will show up again?
22:15.49xzcvczxprobably in about 12ish hours/
22:16.08decimadI wasn't too sure if he went on a business trip
22:16.33xzcvczxi am not sure how often/if he is ever sent on business trips
22:17.30decimadWell, he said there were busy times and that he'd be off on friday.
22:17.52decimadOr rather "from" friday? So I wondered if anybody knew
22:18.07decimadI will totally let me surprise ;)
22:18.59mroszko__i fucking hat eit when someone says, lets make Ctrl-Y into cut
22:19.03mroszko__instead of redo often do people say that?
22:19.38c4757pdoes /anything/ use ctrl-Y for cut?
22:19.44c4757pemacs uses it for paste...
22:19.47mroszko__something definitely does
22:19.54mroszko__i keep hitting it in stupid things
22:19.56mroszko__like CLion
22:19.58decimadWouldn't it make sense to have undo and redo be integral part of the keyboard layout?
22:20.00xzcvczxmroszko__: so you want redo to actually cut? thats just weird
22:20.00mroszko__and i think eclipse does too
22:20.09mroszko__i want redo to redo what i just undid
22:20.13mroszko__not remove the line
22:20.21mroszko__and then ruin any attempt at actually doing a redo :(
22:20.42decimadNeed to revert this branch and redo the other!
22:21.36decimadand then you could rebase the changes of a feature branch to your master
22:21.45cyborg_ari keep hitting M-w and C-y into t things -_-
22:22.29decimadWouldn't it actually be cool to not have the undo system be a simple stack, but a tree?
22:22.43c4757pI'd like that very much
22:22.43cyborg_aryeah just like emacs
22:22.53cyborg_arinstead of redoing you undo the undo
22:23.09cyborg_ari got scarily used to that
22:23.28cyborg_ari am too afraid to undo in kicad so i rarely do it
22:23.38decimadI mean, not really to use it all the time, but less data loss
22:24.23cyborg_arsomething in the back of my head keeps screaming that the data structures are gonna get fucked up and crash
22:24.23decimadAnd then hop between the revisions to compare... Should actually not be hard to implement if the COMMIT system is there now
22:24.54c4757pI don't think I've ever had an undo crash
22:24.57c4757pwhich frankly is stunning
22:25.07decimadI only had it do the wrong thing, yeah
22:25.14c4757pthe undo code is horrifying.
22:25.30decimadwill soon be the past!
22:25.56decimadThen it's the straight forward thing with an object holding the diff and commit and revert methods
22:29.26decimadalthough Tom implied this would also be used for observing changes, where I would disagree that's a good choice
22:31.00decimadI'll try to catch some sleep to entertain you with my beloved humour again.
22:59.35NoGodDamnIdeahello guys
23:00.08NoGodDamnIdeai want to practice my pcb making skills ( more like learn ) so i want to do very simple ( but fun :D ) circuits
23:00.19NoGodDamnIdeadid some amplifiers and a synth
23:00.24NoGodDamnIdeaanyone have any other ideas?
23:01.10cyborg_arhave you done SMT or just through hole?
23:05.15cyborg_arNoGodDamnIdea, ^
23:05.33NoGodDamnIdeaboth smt and through hole
23:05.47NoGodDamnIdeabut just a smt cap
23:08.18NoGodDamnIdeacyborg_ar ^
23:08.42cyborg_artry making a boart with all smt components :)
23:08.47*** join/#kicad ferdna (
23:11.35NoGodDamnIdeaoh but i dont want to practice my soldering skills , just the board making skills
23:11.46NoGodDamnIdeaso im looking for simple stuff to make
23:33.27*** join/#kicad scubasonar (
23:36.30xzcvczxif any fucking spacebar heaters respond to that email i am going to make you rue the day!!!
23:41.01*** join/#kicad kow_ (
23:42.57decimadHrmmm, do you think too, that we should have version strings in the toolbar? I think I'll drop Wayne a Reply
23:43.22c4757pgrah, I hate it when I upgrade and it breaks my kicad build
23:43.24c4757pdecimad: the toolbar?
23:43.31decimadTitlebar, sorry!
23:43.36xzcvczxlol do that and i will revoke your ability to use a computer :P
23:43.36c4757pI'm replying with a proposed compromise too
23:43.41c4757pI want them gone
23:43.55c4757pbut if people like them, there's a better option than just leaving them as it
23:43.58c4757pas is
23:44.15xzcvczxwhich is?
23:44.18decimadMy cause should be clear by now c4 ;)
23:44.37c4757p1) make them consistent - in all apps or none
23:44.45c4757p2) simplify them, it should just be "4.0.5" etc
23:44.51c4757pno fucking /git hashes/
23:44.56c4757pbut versions are...okay, if not ideal
23:45.06xzcvczxhow does that work on master?
23:45.23c4757pdunno, I'll have to think of a fallback when there's no build version string set
23:45.35c4757pthat's an implementation detail though, I don't really care what happens on devel
23:45.36xzcvczxtbh that just sounds worse
23:45.46xzcvczxi prefer just a single place to look
23:45.53decimadNo worry xzcvczx, I will personally volunteer to make nice version strings into the titlebar!
23:45.57xzcvczxaka, look in about
23:46.00c4757pwell, yes
23:46.07c4757pI don't see how that's /worse/ than what we have now, though.
23:46.19c4757pI still want them gone, but I'd rather compromise than give in completely ;)
23:46.25xzcvczxc4757p: nah more trying to find a solution for master
23:46.34c4757pwell, that's because master doesn't matter
23:46.37xzcvczxwell wayne seems relatively happy removing it
23:46.42c4757pon devel builds, we do it the xz way and check the about box
23:46.42xzcvczxso quickly do it before anyone noticed
23:46.54c4757pit'll be in the title bar, but only because you need a fallback when there's no build verstring
23:47.01c4757pyou don't even look at that :P
23:47.13c4757pusers don't want to see the long-ass version info in the about box, though.
23:47.17c4757pthey just want "this is kicad 4.0.5"
23:47.18xzcvczxc4757p: but then you get somebody making a bug.... "in stable i could see version in the titlebar now its not there, how do i get it back"
23:47.23decimadWe could use latin numbers too, they look cool
23:47.28c4757pyou get that either way
23:47.33c4757pyou get that if you rip them out entirely too
23:47.38c4757pclosed, notabug, wontfix
23:48.05xzcvczxc4757p: you will also get *shudder* js-reynauds repo doing weird shit seeing as he is convinved its 4.1
23:48.09decimadisn't there a talk-to-the-hand?
23:48.23c4757pxzcvczx: we need to tell js-reynaud to stop fucking doing that
23:48.28c4757pin fact I mean to /either way/
23:48.31c4757pit's /not/ 4.1
23:48.41c4757pthat's asinine
23:49.08xzcvczxthe best one if it neeeds a version is 4.9 or 4.99
23:49.14xzcvczxso people know its master for 5
23:49.23xzcvczxbut i don't like that when its not even rc'd anyways
23:49.26c4757pin any case, an arbitrary, biased selection of individuals is unanimous:
23:49.28decimadc4757p: xzcvczx said I was able to use a computer!
23:50.40decimadcan't talk yourself out of that, dude! :D
23:52.55c4757pwell, okay
23:53.03c4757pyou raise a good point - wayne seems in favor of removing
23:53.13c4757pif I propose a compromise I'll probably tilt things in favor of keeping
23:53.19c4757psits on it until people start to disagree
23:54.54decimadMaybe it would be better to place the name of the last committers there, linked with git blame
23:55.13xzcvczxi actually dislike it there as it encourages people to only give that version information not the copy-to-clipboard stuff
23:55.26xzcvczxso many bug reports are like "Please copy version ifno"
23:55.33c4757pthough a lot of people don't know about that
23:55.45xzcvczxthey need to learn to read the documentation
23:55.54c4757pit'd be cool if we could have an in-app bug report mechanism that attached all the relevant info
23:55.56xzcvczxits a pity that launchpad doesn't allow for formatted bug reports
23:56.00c4757pit could even grab backtraces >_>
23:56.32decimadyou open a can of security problems there... though it's cool if done well
23:57.07cyborg_arxzcvczx, i use the spacebar in winter, you insensitive clod!
23:57.19decimadbut seriously, i don't think there are enough devs to handle that storm of crash reports :D
23:57.30c4757pawards cyborg_ar points for "insensitive clod"
23:57.43xzcvczxcyborg_ar: i will cut off your arms and legs reducing how cold you get and stopping you from using the damn spacebar :P
23:57.57c4757pI worry about you sometimes
23:57.58cyborg_ari can still use my nose
23:58.09*** join/#kicad alphaferret (
23:58.40cyborg_arc4757p, i have been seeing that less and less in slashdot, the comments have gotten less funny lately
23:58.57c4757pslashdot's been pathetic for years now
23:59.41c4757pthe comments are getting stupider too, hold your nose if you read anything hardware-related in particular

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