IRC log for #kde on 20210404

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02:56.49HaMsTeRshi all, i'm very happy with my de setup, but I'm having one thing annoys me.  I'm always having difficulties to select and drag the edge to reize a window.  is there anythig I could tune about it?  Thanks in advance.
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03:12.32jankusanagi_you could make window borders bigger
03:14.53mefistofelesyeah, that would be the window snap zone under window behavior settings
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03:24.59HaMsTeRshm... that will look ugly
03:25.17mefistofelesHaMsTeRs: it shouldn't affect the looks, try it
03:26.06mefistofelesI'm not sure if that's the actual option, tbh
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03:28.49HaMsTeRsseem increasing boarder size isn't available fo rme
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03:40.35HaMsTeRsIs there a way to extend my window board to 1000px?
03:40.42HaMsTeRsso I wouldn't be able to miss it
03:40.53HaMsTeRswhen I drag extend the size of the window
03:46.47qydwHaMsTeRs "Configure Special Window Settings"-Add Property-Size
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03:47.32HaMsTeRsqydw: no result when i try to search Configure special window setting ...
03:48.30qydwRight click on the title bar-More Actions
03:52.54mefistofelesqydw: I don't think that's what HaMsTeRs is asking for, that's the size of the actual window
03:53.02mefistofelesisn't it?
03:59.00HaMsTeRsright, i only want to increase the boarder size
03:59.19HaMsTeRsso that I easily click and drag to resize the window
03:59.40mefistofelesHaMsTeRs: but you don't get the option I told you?
03:59.44mefistofelesHaMsTeRs: what version of plasma?
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04:06.27HaMsTeRsmefistofeles: I couldn't find it anywhere
04:08.23mefistofelesHaMsTeRs: same, should be there, window management > window behavior > movement
04:08.42mefistofelesHaMsTeRs: but again, not sure if that's only for snapping or if it works for resizing... I think it's only for snapping
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04:13.42HaMsTeRsmefistofeles: that's, that works.  that'll resize the entire window.
04:14.00HaMsTeRsi can do it with shortcut like Super+U[
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11:58.07jdarnley"For security reasons, launching executables is not allowed in this context."
11:58.21jdarnleyWhat is the point of the alt-f2 runner if it won't allow that?
11:59.54FelixActuallyDoes the executable have the permission to be executed?
12:01.19FelixActuallyWhat Plasma version?
12:02.16jdarnleyplasma-desktop is 5.21.3-1
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12:02.45FelixActuallyPerhaps it's a bug?
12:02.48jdarnleyand krunner itself is 5.80.0
12:03.01jdarnleybeats me
12:03.07jdarnleyI'm looking online
12:03.11FelixActuallyWhat kind of executable?
12:03.36jdarnleypwsafe: graphical password manager
12:03.57FelixActuallyWas that downloaded from your package manager or the Internet?
12:04.20jdarnleypwsafe?  Built from source
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12:04.27FelixActuallyThat could be the reason
12:04.35FelixActuallyCan you launch programs that you installed from your package manager?
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12:04.39FelixActuallyWith KRunner
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12:04.52jdarnleydolphin works fine
12:05.02FelixActuallyIt could be the directory it was installed to then
12:05.10jdarnleyIt is able to lauch dolphin without complaint
12:05.12BluesKaj'Morning all
12:05.30jdarnleyIt isn't installed anywhere.  I am runnign it from the build directory
12:05.43FelixActuallyIn your home?
12:05.55jdarnleyMore to the point: it worked on the last version of plasma/kkrunner I had before updating yesterday.
12:06.08FelixActuallyWhat permissions does the folder it's in have?
12:06.47jdarnleyuser and group are me
12:07.23FelixActuallyI would suggest filing a bug on the issue tracker
12:07.33FelixActuallyIf it worked before and doesn't now
12:08.42jdarnley it might already be known
12:09.54FelixActuallyApparently it's resolved, so presumably the next Plasma update will have the fix
12:10.26FelixActuallyOr, wait
12:10.36FelixActuallyIt was fixed in 5.21.1 but it's a regression?
12:11.54jdarnleyI don't know.  I hadn't updated anything in weeks, months, so I'm not sure what I was using before.
12:12.14FelixActuallyWell if it's known about then hopefully it'll be resolved soon
12:12.54jdarnleyI rhetorically ask what the point of making a computer say "no" is for.
12:13.46FelixActuallyWell since this is a bug it's not intentional
12:13.58FelixActuallyBut there must be some valid reason why that would show up in some cases
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13:30.52pileusHello, I have installed Garuda Linux and KDE 5.21, but I am unable to properly setup kvantum. Anybody have any tips? I can see a few kvantum themes under 'Application Style', but I can't see anythong about widgets.
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13:52.12HaMsTeRs   could someone tell me how to fix the dark pixels in here?
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14:02.54Technodromeis still working on an old qt3 app :(
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17:14.19enigma9o7Hello.  Anyone ever succesfully solve a puzzle in kmines from focal repository?
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18:21.28enigma9o7I suspect you'll never get the timer to stop if you try.  But I'm about to see if same beahvior in kde neon.
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18:50.35enigma9o7Yeah neon has updated version works fine.  But to new QT to install on regular focal based distro so can't use that as solution.
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19:02.23kb9mlhAnyone else having issues with Fedora 33 connecting to hidden networks over wifi?
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19:13.52enigma9o7well bionic version still works under focal.  will just use that.
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19:15.34aminvakilmy baloo_file process crashed on boot (i'm not sure if this is the first one, but this is the first time i saw that) and got this in journal:
19:16.52aminvakili wasn't sure if this is worth to file a bug in, but didn't know what to fill
19:17.45aminvakili would appreciate if someone could guide me
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19:20.31aminvakili just rebooted and it happened again
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19:51.03maks12345GNOME BETTER KDE
19:51.42Fuchsmaks12345: could you kindly drop the spamming
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