IRC log for #kde on 20200602

00:15.07*** join/#kde Uter (467ca176@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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00:24.11Logomachistexec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-x11
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02:51.28*** join/#kde andai (~andai@unaffiliated/andai)
02:52.33andaiDoes KDE use GTK's text color by default? I have a QT program which looks good when I have light theme, but with a dark gtk theme the text is light grey (background remains white).
02:52.40andaiIt seems to inherit the foreground but not the background color
02:54.20andaiOK, I can change the QT theme separately, thankfully
03:04.06*** join/#kde wsky (~sexyboy@gateway/tor-sasl/sexyboy)
03:11.02JanKusanagiunder Plasma, and for Qt programs in general, widget style and color palette are two separate things
03:13.55*** join/#kde KindOne (kindone@freenode/father-christmas/kindone)
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04:58.06WenzI have a security related doubt
04:58.14WenzIs it wise to use the only account on our PC ( Kubuntu ) ?
04:58.18*** join/#kde ragedragon (~ragedrago@2a01:e34:eda0:3170:91cc:6f03:9cd6:156a)
04:58.24Wenzie, the account with admin powers
04:58.34Wenzcan websites see our user name and system name ?
04:58.44WenzI use Kubuntu 20.04
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06:41.14JohnMS_WORKIs there a way to move the time shown in the screen saver from the centre to the lower right?
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07:21.06jouleshi i lost my tray audio mixer and mix doesn't work
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07:25.11contrapunctusjoules: are the necessary packages installed?
07:25.28joulesjust tell me the packages dude
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07:26.11joulesalready done apt --reinstall install phonon
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07:27.17contrapunctusjoules: I'd try doing that with the kmix package
07:27.53joulesi thought kmix was seperate to the tray mixer?
07:28.29contrapunctusjoules: I have no idea, I'm just guessing at the usual suspects. :)
07:28.40joulesyeah I know don't.
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07:34.28joulesinstall linux in 98
07:35.21joulessometimes its the really small stuff that wastes away at your life with linux. Linus agrees.
07:36.11joulesand don't tell me to get involved like an unpain volunteer, can't stay in university forever and not everyone is recipient of grants and funding (stop lying about OS communities)
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08:07.49nod0n-MHi, I would like to run KDE on a 20 year old computer which was very expensiv back then. I will have to check the specs. What hardware requirements are there for Plasma if I deactivate all animations and transparent stuff?
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08:59.57KasonDoes Knetattach ever work? Every search I do seems to give results from other people who can't get it working?
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11:35.23BluesKaj'Morning all
11:37.57rindolfBluesKaj: hey, how goes?
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11:39.00waylandquestionhey! does rectangular region screenshot work on wayland plasma yet?
11:39.11BluesKajhi rindolf, ok here, and you?
11:39.51rindolfBluesKaj: i finally solved this riddle:
11:41.10rindolfBluesKaj: my first solution didn't finish after hours of runtime and used about a 1GB of RAM. my second solution finished after 11s when run using pypy3.
11:41.52BluesKajI see
11:41.56rindolfBluesKaj: but i came up with the faster algo afterwards
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12:08.03JohnMS_WORKIs there a way to move the time shown in the screen saver from the centre to the lower right?
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14:23.26DwarfWhen running the kontakt flatpak I get "Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50c03) with this library (version 0x50c07)" when it's trying to start akonadiserver - That's with org.kde.kontact 19.04.1
14:23.33DwarfAny clue on steps I can take to prevent this?
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14:59.25BitterblueDwarf: I don't really know how "flatpak" works, but it sounds like it wasn't packaged correctly.
14:59.41BitterblueYou should probably tell whoever made it.
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15:00.44DwarfIt's likely dvratil_
15:00.45asturm19.04.1? that kind of defeats the purpose of using flatpak
15:01.56DwarfTrue, but getting kontakt from flatpak makes it so that I don't have to compile qtwebkit and that's great
15:03.06dvratil_unfortunately updating the Kontact flatpak takes a lot of time and effort and I somewhat gave up on that
15:05.01dvratil_however if you would feel like tackling the beast, I'll be happy to assist/guide you :)
15:05.31DwarfI don't think I'm qualified to do so haha
15:05.59DwarfI fear it'd be faster to just compile everything
15:06.54*** join/#kde BluesKaj (Blues@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/blueskaj)
15:07.05dvratil_however if you would feel like tackling the beast, I'll be happy to assist/guide you :)
15:07.11dvratil_eh, typo :)
15:07.19dvratil_it's mostly packaging work, no programming or so
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15:15.27DwarfI can't say I've ever packaged something before really
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19:18.09mc14Looking for help with kdenlive 20.04.1 on Windows, is this the right place?
19:19.09JanKusanagiI guess...
19:21.03mc14I dragged an mp3 to my timeline.  when I drag the cursor to the begining of the timeline, the track never 'rewinds' it keepd playing from where I hit pause.
19:25.40wb235hey anyone know how to use the Kate text editor's search/replace so that you can replace with the regex you used in the search part? for example if i do a find for \d{3}kate how do i replace with \d{3}kwrite and have those 3 numbers carry over and stay the same?
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19:34.42JanKusanagiif you use a subpattern like in "asd(.*)qwe", using \1  would reuse the characters between asd and qwe
19:35.06wb235ah, \1
19:35.09wb235thank you
19:35.15JanKusanagiit's probably similar for your example, or you can put yours inside a subpattern
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22:55.44bullshark-MIs there anything like this for Linux that I can use to scan apps for trackers?
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23:16.33Justin`bullshark-M: Not really scan for trackers but you can use Wireshark to see all network traffic and see where your data goes.
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23:17.18chrisklingerHi all... trying to help my parents. On their user (yes, they share one), menus on multiple apps are visible but do not function. Hamburger click returns nothing either. Firefox, Chrome, Thunderbird are this way. Writer is functioning correctly. Searches haven't helped me so far (themes, widget styles). Any pointers?
23:18.44Justin`chrisklinger: I'd install them another desktop environment (maybe a GTK based one) to test and see if it's a Plasma issue. Then if it is, I'd re-install all Plasma packages after deleting your package cache.
23:20.49chrisklingerJustin - Plasma works perfectly under my login; it's only theirs. I was thinking to reste to defaults. Or import my user setting to overwrite thirs (mine haven't been altered). Does this sound like a reasonable fix?
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23:26.59JanKusanagidid you happen to tweak the Focus Stealing Prevention settings?
23:27.22JanKusanagi(or they)
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23:38.45Justin`I'd see if you can reset to default or if that fails you could recreate their user account.
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23:40.09acelogicAnyone here?
23:41.25Justin`acelogic: No.
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23:41.52Justin`Anyone know why Compositor defaults to OpenGL 2.0 for Rendering backend?
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23:43.50acelogicSo I have a multimonitor setup and I'm trying to get my panel on multiple monitors
23:44.33Justin`I'm far from a Plasma guru but what's the problem so far?
23:44.34acelogicI tried to add it by right clicking pressing "Add panel" > "Default Panel" and it adds it to the first monitor
23:44.45acelogicI have no idea how to move these panels to other monitors
23:45.35acelogicOh I'm stupid LOOOOL I moved with by dragging screen edge
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23:48.40Justin`Anyone know how we go about proposing changes to a page on ?
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23:57.42Justin`Ahh it seems I can edit it with my Phabricator account.
23:58.09Justin`Seems a little risky allowing the public to edit it but it's done.
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