IRC log for #kde on 20200427

00:04.27*** join/#kde eelstrebor (
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00:46.30valorieTatsh: have you ever thought of putting that into KDE Store?
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01:00.43clarjon1hi how do i make console STOP using ctrl+b for adding a bookmark, when there's no option in the keyboard shortcuts section? Konsole Version 20.03.90
01:00.50clarjon1it's very annoying trying to use tmux now
01:03.02*** join/#kde RingtailedFox (~User@unaffiliated/ringtailedfox)
01:03.39clarjon1meh maybe an update will have removed the annoyance.
01:05.08clarjon1Glad i've alternate terminal emulators for the meanwhile :)
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01:09.53jankusanagi_you either need Konsole 20.04 final, or Frameworks 5.69
01:10.01jankusanagi_I'm guessing the former
01:12.54clarjon1Yep, updating to that currently
01:13.39clarjon1also, i discovered that i can type in the shortcuts into the search box in the UI
01:13.41clarjon1LOVE that feature
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05:47.07*** join/#kde Mr_3ppozz (
05:47.18Mr_3ppozzHello everyone :)
05:48.25*** join/#kde bgruber (
05:49.14Mr_3ppozzCan I ask a question here? Or do I need to go to a different channel? Its about the rendering process. Im completely new to KDE and I managed to set up a project and get it synched but it seems I hit a wall when it comes to rendering (or maybe I dont and are just looking over something)
05:52.13*** join/#kde Hi-Angel (
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05:55.19freeman42x-Mcan a Gnome Shell extension be used under KDE?
05:55.30freeman42x-MI would like to use this under KDE:
05:55.42xyquadrat-Mfreeman42x: No, it is specific to GNOME
05:56.29*** join/#kde mkyral (~mkyral@
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05:59.45Mr_3ppozzJust to verify, since I can see my HDD is working at 100% xD When rendering, the rendering Job Queue shows "Waiting" Does that mean its rendering that project (its the only one in the queue) or does that mean I did something wrong? (Im using the version for windows straight of the website, downloaded 4 days ago :P and im a horrible noob when it
05:59.46Mr_3ppozzcomes to video editing)
06:00.50*** join/#kde Metamorphosis (~metamorph@unaffiliated/metamorphosis)
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06:02.18Mr_3ppozzoh snap.. its 8 am here xD I'll leave this screen open (and hope my system doesnt time it out) and hope someone will answer it while i try to get some ZzZz's (highlight would help ;)  ) have a great day everyone :)  :)
06:03.32*** join/#kde zulutango (
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06:32.05openbsdtai123Hi guys, if you have older hardware, you can try to make a fltk desktop with me, it looks like this:  the project src is to be on cvs. it should run on linux and bsd.
06:33.36asturm_fltk :D cvs :D
06:36.07*** join/#kde skyscater (
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06:41.19Mr_3ppozzdoes selecting more threads speed up the process of rendering?! I just found out that "waiting" meant that it was calculating how long the render would take... and its going to be a while xD Ive got an 8 core system... so can i boost that by using more threads?!
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06:57.08*** join/#kde hau63n (~nils@2a04:2746:d10:4c10:217:8ff:fe7d:4a5e)
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07:37.44xyquadrat-M<Mr_3ppozz "does selecting more threads spee"> Hey there, you might find more help in #kdenlive
07:38.18xyquadrat-MMultithreaded rendering should indeed bring a speed boost, but the people in #kdenlive are experts on that topic, so they can tell you more than I ever could
07:41.27*** join/#kde ruenoak (
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07:47.27sonnehello there :) it seems that the active edge feature only works on the edge of the virtual screen - e.g. if you want to use your top-left edge, it will only work on the monitor you have on your left. is there a way to make it work on /any/ screen?
07:50.26*** join/#kde rabliatu (~quassel@
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09:03.59d42sonne: what version you're on :v
09:04.08d42seems to work fine for me
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09:07.52sonned42, 5.14
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09:09.45d42i'm on 5.18, but i think it worked back then ;~;
09:10.08sonneheh, i'm tied to what debian is shipping on testing
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09:51.15TR2990WXwhere do I post feature requests?
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09:57.19TR2990WXwhich component is responsible for file extractin in Dolphin?
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10:22.17BluesKajHey folks
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10:47.16KuerbisKernI need to find out why kmail can't send any mails but eg. claws-mail an thunderbird can. I enabled debugging for everything with mail and kmail in kdebugsettings and the only 'error' I get is 'org.kde.pim.mailtransport.smtpplugin: Send started
10:47.35KuerbisKernbut then nothing happens. Instead it says sending failed after a while.
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11:05.55troffaskystart it from a terminal and see if anything is logged?
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11:13.12sonned42, are you running xorg?
11:13.21d42sonne: yes
11:13.29sonnei guess that explains it then.
11:13.44d42it could :^)
11:13.50sonnexorg exposes screens to clients as separate, wayland doesn't
11:14.25sonnethis furthers my thesis that any problem with computers can be traced back to ipv6, dns or wayland
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11:52.13xyquadrat-MJame: Hey Jame :)
11:56.18Jamehello xyquadrat-M
11:56.54JameI have a question. Extend monitor options pops up every now and then. Goes away if I kill KScreen 2
11:57.05JameAny idea what is causing the issue ?
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11:57.59xyquadrat-MHmm, let's have a look. What version of KDE Plasma are you running (you can start infocenter to find all relevant information)?
11:58.33JameI am using 20.04 and Kubuntu desktop. Installed yesterday
11:58.43JameI will try infocenter too
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11:59.26xyquadrat-Mah, that's already precise enough
11:59.27xyquadrat-Mlet me see
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12:01.10JameI permanently removed KScreen 2 from startup
12:01.35JameNow it is not happening. But I am not sure that was the fix. ( additional info ).
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12:02.28xyquadrat-MJame: Is the behavior you are experiencing the same as in ?
12:05.15Jameyes sir, the same
12:05.28JameBut I have a Dell laptop with i5 processor
12:05.53JameIt happened when I tried the Live USB session as well
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12:07.57JameThe Live USB was made from the ISO I got from on April 23
12:09.15xyquadrat-MJame: Okay. I do not have this behavior here, and I don't know a lot about the internals of KScreen... - so sadly the only thing that I can tell you is to add your information to the bug report I mentioned before. Oh, and removing KScreen from startup should help as a temporary solution, although that means that you cannot configure external screens/projectors if you don't start it manually first.
12:09.52Jamegot it
12:10.02Jamethanks for your time
12:13.13marcgizmocan i preset kwallet's user password in a non interactive way ?
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12:22.03Jamesuggest me some nice themes for KDE. The default is good, but simply to try something new
12:22.16JameIn Ubuntu I used to like Materia and Adapta
12:22.35Jamenow I am using Kubuntu
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12:34.20achilleasAnyone having issues with Yakuake's shortcuts?  It started yesterday with version 20.04.0.  Alt+1,2,3 (which I have set to switch sessions) warn that they're ambiguous shortcuts, but they don't show up anywhere else in the settings.  If I unset and reset them, there's no warning about a conflict.  If I clear the shortcut, it doesn't go through to the shell either.
12:35.05achilleasSeems like something's grabbing those key combos, but it has no visible effect and it doesn't appear in the shortcut list.
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12:40.25LBV_Userhello folks! My KDE Plasma is losing my widgets layout and desktop configuration evey once in a while, but the toolbars are ok. Any idea what can be happening? I'm using plasma-desktop 5.18.4 from archlinux repositories
12:43.52cmacq2-MKScreen may not be detecting/remembering your monitor setup correctly
12:43.54xyquadrat-M<Jame "suggest me some nice themes for "> Take a look at the KDE themes from r/unixporn, many of them are very nice
12:44.25xyquadrat-M<marcgizmo "can i preset kwallet's user pass"> possibly via DBus, yes
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12:45.33LBV_Usercmacq2-M: hmm, it was ok before I plugged my external monitor, but it was working fine, idk, 2-3 versions before. How could I check how it is being detected?
12:45.44cmacq2-MYour monitors get relabeled/reordered, Plasma gets confused and creates new mappings from monitor to desktop with a new default config.
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12:47.56cmacq2-MI dunno, but the output is availabe as files in ~/.local/share/kscreen IIRC, and opening the display management config kcm may also give you a clue things are wrong ( if monitor layout is also messed up)
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12:48.53LBV_Userno, monitors layout came out just right
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12:51.48LBV_Usercmacq2-M: yes, ~/.local/share/kscreen gave the clue that these same 2 monitors are getting different names eventually
12:52.26cmacq2-MYes if the ids change that would do it...
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12:53.33LBV_Useris there a way I can fix/force this?
12:54.18LBV_Userhdmi monitores go though udev rules?
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12:56.31LBV_Userwell, it seems they do, now just need to figure out how and what to change :-)
12:56.43cmacq2-MNot that I know... If you don't mind rebuilding your config *again*, you could wipe both that kscreen dir and also your plasma configs in ~/.config from a vtty (i.e. without a graphical session running)
12:56.50LBV_Userthank you cmacq2-M for pointing the problem out ;D
12:57.29LBV_Userwhat actually intrigates me is that the toolbars are correct
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13:03.39coxhow do i change things so that when i click on a URL it opens my web browser not the image editor. wnhy the hell would an image editor open for ?
13:05.37peetaurcox: haha I've seen that... gwenview was opening for urls I think. And now it says "Unable to create io-slave. Can not create socket for launching io-slave for protocol 'http'." which is much better actually.
13:06.16peetaurthere's a thing called "default applications" you can find searching in the kmenu...maybe that controls it
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13:06.35coxpeetaur, ANY url, no matter how it is experessed is opeing the image editor not the browser - dumb
13:06.42coxwill look ty
13:07.00peetauryeah you'd think it would ask the first time and not just assume something silly
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13:08.17coxi can not find anything about default applications anywhere
13:08.20coxin the menus
13:09.24peetaurbtw my error is because of apparmor:   apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/bin/konversation" name="/run/user/1000/#41359855" pid=15441 comm="konversation" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr"
13:09.27coxalso, on my task bar, how do i stopt it from mergint all instances of the same app into ONE item?
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13:10.13coxdont want to have to do click, drag, magic keypress click click click every time, i want to do "CLICK"
13:10.33coxreally annoying some of the defaults KDE has set
13:10.40peetaurcox: right click on task bar.....if you clicked on a program instead, click "more actions" after, and then "configure task manager" and go to "behavior" and then I would set "group: Do not group" and "Sort: Manually"
13:11.12peetaurand yeah that's an annoying default, but I'm not so annoyed since for some reason lots of users seem to actually like grouping and maybe even sorting
13:11.41coxpeetaur, lol ty! that would have taken me hours, days, months to find
13:12.07asturmdoes it really take that much imagination to make a right click to configure task panel?
13:13.02peetaurit sometimes does if they change everything around where's that hamburger icon thing that was there forever
13:13.32asturmwhich is not the case here
13:13.47peetaurthis was also something that changed, but it was a *long* time ago
13:13.53peetaur>3 years probably
13:14.49coxi only just started using plasma, i tried it when it was first released, looked great, kept destroying its own configs every 2 weeks or so lol.
13:15.02peetaurah so it's new for you then
13:15.25peetaurI haven't seen it destroy configs...but I have seen where a few similar machines installed nearly the same time the same way behave differently
13:15.37peetaurjust last week I finally figured out how to make my alt+f2 menu not have light grey on white background text :)
13:16.18peetaurall you have to do is hand edit your theme... update some button thing manually, and comment out a line, then switch to that theme, then uncomment it out again (but don't switch theme again) or screen locker is bugged.
13:16.34coxit might have been a gentoo bug with plasma not a kde bug
13:16.39coxvery long time ago
13:16.51asturmcox: we don't mess with the way how plasma does its configs
13:16.54peetaurwith arch based, it was buggy at the start too....but didn't see that :D
13:17.19coxi much prefer cinnamon desktop but that is no longer maintained in gentoo and is extremely buggy there so i installed plasma
13:17.38asturmcox: welcome, the grass is certainly greener on our side
13:17.56peetaurthe clock was pretty terrible...and with focus follows mouse there were some annoying things... like click the clock and it would pop up the calendar with a few pixels gap between where you click and where it when you try to move to it, you pass over the gap, and it closes :D
13:17.58coxmy MUCH MUCH prefered desktop is Windowmaker :) but thats so buggy its not usable and bugs i reported decades ago are still there
13:18.23coxyou didnt move fast enough :)
13:18.23peetaurit was actually just small stuff like that... plasma was always great
13:18.49coxplasma is bloatware - it has EVERYTHING in it including the kitchen sink lol
13:18.52coxthats not "hate"
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13:19.22peetaurit's supposed to be the most powerful though, so they do a good job at that. And it uses less cpu,ram,disk compared to kde4 ...unlike everything else that bloats as it ages.
13:19.23coxit has a lot of functionality but it also has an extreme amount of complexity that takes some getting used to
13:19.45coxlike how to tweak things, or more accurately, where to GO in the system to tweak them.
13:19.57peetaurI've heard gnome users complain more about what they have to get used to going from gnome to gnome :D
13:20.01coxplasma is less intutive than m$ windows in some ways
13:20.03peetaurmany went to MATE instead
13:20.13peetauror cinnamon
13:20.28coxi didnt like mate. its too gnome 3 ish with almost NO configurability
13:20.29asturmcox: I disagree
13:20.40coxcinnamon is better
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13:28.15coxi am not saying cinnamon is better than plasma there btw lol - both are great. cinnamon is better than mate
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13:31.48asturmso many gentoo users lately
13:31.55asturmI like it
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13:39.58jankusanagi_your world domination plan works!
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13:57.53blaisewait tilll they discover LiGurOS
14:05.50LBV_UserI only use cinnamon for weak computers, I have a (false?) sense that cinnamon is more lightweight than plasma, but I prefer Plasma all the way
14:06.11jankusanagi_probably false, yes xD
14:07.04LBV_Usermaybe I should install Plasma on some of my customer's pcs sometime
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14:08.06blaiseI have plasma desktop on a raspberry pi 4/4GB
14:08.11blaiseit's great
14:08.37LBV_Userrpi4 is rather powerfull, I'm talking about 2 core celerons
14:09.14jankusanagi_has Plasma on a Celeron 1000MHz netbook from 2009 =)
14:09.28LBV_Userhave no more excuses
14:09.33jankusanagi_with 1 GiB of RAM =)
14:09.39blaisejankusanagi_: that makes me wanna try putting plasma on a raspberry pi zero
14:10.13LBV_UserI have only a orange pi pc +, but it is really annoying to get anything inside it
14:10.52LBV_Useror I am too dumb to deal with SoCs
14:10.58blaiseI typically don't put the operating system on the sdcards of sbc's... just use the sdcard as a fat32 /boot
14:11.13blaisemakes life a lot easier
14:11.59LBV_UserI meant, make the system boot from it, it is "open hardware", but loads of outdated things and patched uboot and whatnot
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14:12.33blaisesounds like maybe it's time to start from scratch
14:12.43LBV_Usertried for like 3 days to get archlinux arm running on it, no luck at all
14:13.03LBV_Userthere is no way to debug it either
14:13.31blaiseI just git clone the eeprom contents directly to the sdcard vfat...
14:14.00blaisethen modify the cmdline.txt to point the kerenel at the root on the other block device
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14:14.09blaisethank god for root=UUID=
14:16.01LBV_Userwhen I have time, I'll go back to it
14:16.21LBV_Userit can be helpful for cheap POSs
14:16.41jankusanagi_no, thank OS developers
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14:24.05jankusanagi_I'd say they're just humans
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16:38.41robert_can I force konsole's tabs to wrap?
16:38.42angela-MGuys I can't use alt+number in konsole for ranger
16:38.49robert_in like a multi-line?
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16:39.28utopiahhi, is there a KDE tool to programmatically script the keyboard? I'd like to be able to paste a series of URL in a Firefox window. I checked klipper but that didn't seem adapted.
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16:42.43utopiahchecking kwin scripting, seems more appropriate
16:43.07LBV_Userutopiah: like pasting anywhere or opening in tabs?
16:44.04utopiahLBV_User: pasting a series of URLs anywhere in the active tab
16:44.30LBV_Userso, ctrl+v ?
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16:45.00utopiahyes but as a script
16:45.15utopiahsorry.. script the clipboard!
16:45.51LBV_Userthis seems more a XServer kind of utility than KDE's one
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16:47.52utopiahsure that would work too, any suggestion? though if I have to select which window to copy inside of maybe kwin scripting would be more appropriate (and I dabble in javascript)
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16:51.48rossvor-M1firefox already opens CLI provided URL as new tab by default
16:52.10rossvor-M1so for this specific use case you could just use something like CopyQ to set it up to run a CLI command.
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16:52.42rossvor-M1on the items selected in your CopyQ clipboard
16:54.23jankusanagi_Plasma's clipboard can already run things on copi, IIRC
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17:02.47rossvor-M1utopiah: I re-read your question I think what you actually want is something like
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17:50.10firebone-MHello, quick (newbie) question. Is there a way so KDE makes use of the GPU? Some stuff (Webcam for example) is a bit choppy?
17:50.46goodgerfirebone-M: are you using arch linux by any chance?
17:50.51jankusanagi_Plasma Desktop makes a lot of use of the GPU, unless you've disabled compositing
17:51.27jankusanagi_the webcam and other video source might actually benefit from *disabling* compositing, in some setups (worth a try)
17:51.46firebone-Mgoodger: Idd
17:52.19firebone-Mjankusanagi_: How can I disable compositing?
17:52.34jankusanagi_temporarily, via alt+shift+F12
17:52.56jankusanagi_several things will be much uglier and the desktop itself might work worse
17:53.11jankusanagi_but if that makes video work better, it could be a workaround
17:53.35firebone-MI am using Arch linux goodger
17:53.56firebone-MNo change actually jankusanagi_
17:54.14jankusanagi_well, there should be change, for better or worse
17:54.26jankusanagi_for starters, you won't have desktop effects, shadows, transparencies...
17:55.41firebone-MThats correct but the webcam is still as choppy
17:55.55jankusanagi_then your problem is probably not video performance
17:56.01BitterblueAre you sure it's not just a shitty webcam?
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17:56.29jankusanagi_if you play a decent-resolution video in a regular media player like mpv or VLC, and that's fine, then it's not a video performance problem
17:56.38jankusanagi_and probably not related to Plasma at all
17:56.45firebone-MCould be (its HD though)
17:57.18firebone-MI will try that
17:59.26goodgerthere is something wrong with arch's kwin_x11
17:59.31goodgerthe compositor performance is awful
18:00.50Velvetare you using an animated/dynamic wallpaper?  Animated Hue made my videos choppy
18:01.01Velvetturning it off solved it
18:01.23VelvetALL video
18:01.44rossvor-M1@goodger Can't say I experience any compositor performace problems on my arch system (AMD GPU)
18:03.15Bitterbluefirebone-M: You could use the qv4l2 utility to test the various image formats your webcam is capable of delivering. Maybe a smaller resolution works better?
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18:08.38clasickhey guys
18:08.51clasickwhen i want to build kde projects, i have all my source in ~/kde/src
18:09.00jankusanagi_before you continue...
18:09.10clasickoh cool
18:09.17jankusanagi_yw =)
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18:19.23psichiHello, I tend to read academic textbooks in pdf format in okular and was wondering if the cursor behavior can be changed a bit. So what I wanted was, that somehow the hand(browse) tool and text selection be combined, if possible. Like in evince, if I click and drag an empty area of a PDF, the page gets scrolled, and if I drag on some text, it gets
18:19.24psichiselected. Right now I have to switch between these two tools in Okular.  Is it possible to combine them like this?
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18:23.26LBV_Userpsichi: when you have the hand tool selected, and drag with the right mouse button, it makes box selecion
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18:25.32psichiOh! Thank you! This does ease my troubles a bit. However if I may, I would really like you guys to implement the functionality from evince. Because box selection doesn't really follow the text flow
18:26.07jankusanagi_this is not a developer channel, FYI
18:26.21jankusanagi_when you say "you guys", you're mostly talking to fellow users
18:26.32jankusanagi_either way, you should file a feature request at
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18:27.17LBV_Userbtw, ctrl+1 and ctrl+4 can make such quick change of tools
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18:27.50LBV_Userctrl+4 being the text selection tool
18:28.08psichijankusanagi_: I apologise if I came off as rude.
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18:28.20jankusanagi_ah, no, I didn't take it as rude =)
18:28.26psichiLBV_User: Yeah the shortcut keys are pretty nice too. Thank you
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18:28.46jankusanagi_just know that most people here are not developing the software you're using, just... using it, like you
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18:29.30jankusanagi_btw, there's an #okular channel you might want to join
18:29.41jankusanagi_before filing issues at
18:29.45psichiI posted my qurey on that channel too
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19:57.54convolut3000Are you guys using KDE's internal nightmode for bluefilter or something else like f.lux?
19:58.47asturmI don't see a reason not to use Plasma integrated night colour
19:59.45convolut3000asturm: Ok thanks. Both are the same and act the same?
19:59.57asturmno idea what f.lux does
20:00.21asturmpreviously I'd been using redshift/plasma-redshift-control
20:01.30convolut3000asturm: Will look that up...
20:04.07convolut3000asturm: This?
20:04.22asturmyes, please the redshift daemon
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20:43.03SpeakerToMeat_Hello all.
20:43.11SpeakerToMeat_Question, is there any way I can add preview to dolpg
20:43.18SpeakerToMeat_dolphin for files like .ai and .psd?
20:46.29jankusanagi_what's ".ai"?
20:46.39asturmadobe illustrator
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20:47.30SpeakerToMeat_Hmmm I think what I need is different, I need a quick recursive image library displayer.
20:48.30jankusanagi_I don't think even you understand what that is xD
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20:49.27demmSpeakerToMeat: nomacs supports psd
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20:50.33SpeakerToMeatjankusanagi_: Well, yes, yes I do
20:51.11SpeakerToMeatdemm: Great start, thank you
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20:53.42SpeakerToMeatI wonder how many weeks of work it'll take to make it recursive :D
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20:57.43jankusanagi_I can see my Dolphin previews PSD, no magic involved
20:58.17jankusanagi_maybe not modern PSD? the only file I have is from 2006 xD
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20:59.05jankusanagi_and of course, Gwenview can display it too
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22:45.46TechmanCan someone tell me how to reset kde powerdevil stuff?
22:46.23TechmanI think it's bugging out somewhat hard, it keeps dimming my screen to 0, turning off my keyboard backlighting, and making my laptop suspend.
22:46.49TechmanI got a Thinkpad T460 with two batteries installed, both are nowhere near critical level.
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23:02.15jankusanagi_you could rename/move ~/.config/powermanagementprofilesrc, but why not just disablig screen dimming in the Plasma's system settings?
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