IRC log for #kde on 20191102

00:05.53*** part/#kde ShadowKyogre (7358dd25f8@gateway/shell/jabberfr/x-idfpnhcmqxvfkovn)
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00:55.12mattflyQtDesigner suddenly bugged and im not able to open it on kubuntu 18.04
00:58.10*** join/#kde Darkclaw (~andre@unaffiliated/darkclaw)
00:58.22DarkclawI am trying to run kde5 through tightvnc but there's no startkde
00:58.50SGOravastartplasma something ?
00:59.11Darkclawstartplasma-x11 ?
01:00.43SGOravaor startplasma-wayland it depends on you
01:01.35jankusanagi_sounds like a question for #kubuntu, mattfly
01:01.50mattflyokay.. i already asked there
01:02.08Darkclawit didnt work with x11, I'll try with wayland
01:03.26Darkclawinteresting. it says vncconfig not found
01:04.28DarkclawI dont think im doing this right. running kde5 with tightvnc might not work
01:05.00jankusanagi_there's nothing called "kde5", for the record
01:05.15Darkclawtrue, it's a metaname
01:05.35Darkclawall I want is to have whatever kde is called back up and running again with vnc
01:06.32jankusanagi_KDE is called KDE, and the desktop environment made by KDE is called Plasma
01:06.53Darkclawin my case, none of it is working
01:07.06jankusanagi_there must be some error messages...
01:07.14DarkclawI run vncserver and it starts a process. when I look at the logs, gives all sorts of error
01:07.58Darkclaw** (process:93228): CRITICAL **: 01:02:17.860: polkit_agent_listener_register_with_options: assertion 'POLKIT_IS_SUBJECT (subject)' failed
01:10.16Darkclawall the articles on this topic are obsolete
01:10.25Darkclawdated from 2002, 2008
01:10.59Darkclawthey all reference starting startkde
01:11.37Darkclawso im here at the crossroads and have to make a decision to dump kde because it wont play with tightbnc
01:11.38jankusanagi_well, there was no Plasma in 2002 xD
01:12.09jankusanagi_you can't use other desktop sharing software? like KRDC and such?
01:12.32DarkclawI can try, never had. always used tightvnc
01:14.08Darkclawi dont think this is the same as tightvnc
01:15.39Darkclawim trying to run kde in a completely virtual way
01:16.11jankusanagi_VM's like QEmu and VirtualBox exist for that
01:16.18jankusanagi_(run Plasma)
01:16.55*** join/#kde ShadowKyogre (7358dd25f8@gateway/shell/jabberfr/x-idfpnhcmqxvfkovn)
01:17.27Darkclawsee that is the way it's been done practically forever
01:17.51Darkclawnow it's all fubered
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01:31.30Darkclawim still stuck here not sure what to do
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02:10.56Darkclawso basically to ask the question a different way. I want to know if it's possible to run KDE plasma with tightvnc
02:11.55DarkclawI've googled it to hell and I havent been able to get a solution
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02:21.36jankusanagi_  apparently this person had success with "TigerVNC"
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02:31.45DarkclawI wish they explained how they did it lol
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02:33.27Darkclawhmm it seems that with tigervnc, it requires to run a full blow version of it on the server
02:34.41Darkclawhonestly I dont even mind. I'm going to install tigervnc and see where the sails take me
02:38.51sarnoldwhat OS and package management system are you using? or are you building erverything from source?
02:39.45Darkclawit's freebsd. I think I was building the wrong thing. I am now building tigervnc-server instead of all of it
02:40.11Darkclawokay so that's done
02:41.26Darkclawalright so it's done
02:41.34sarnoldaha nice :)
02:42.05DarkclawI have no idea what to do next
02:43.04Darkclawall the articles are still saying startkde and I dont have that
02:43.50Darkclawnot sure if switching to tigervnc changed anything
02:44.24jankusanagi_01plasma.desktop has Exec=/usr/bin/startplasma-x11
02:44.32jankusanagi_so a regular DM would run that to start Plasma Desktop
02:45.18Darkclawthis is what I have in xstartup
02:45.19Darkclawvncconfig -iconic &
02:45.19Darkclaw# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
02:45.19Darkclawunset SESSION_MANAGER
02:45.19Darkclawexec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
02:45.21Darkclaw[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
02:45.23Darkclaw[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
02:45.25Darkclawxsetroot -solid grey
02:45.27Darkclawexec ck-launch-session startplasma-11 &
02:45.55sarnoldyou overuse exec
02:46.20sarnold'exec' means 'please replace the current shell and execute this next thing'
02:46.27jankusanagi_startplasma-11? xD
02:46.55sarnoldso your xstartup, xrdb, xsetroot, ck-launch-session, none of them are ever executed, because your shell no longer exists :)
02:47.24Darkclawsarnold, I have no idea what to do lol
02:47.45Darkclawit was easy before. startkde and boom all worked. now nothing
02:48.11sarnoldDarkclaw: me neither; jankusanagi_'s suggestion of using startplasma-11 seems like a good idea, but I'm not sure if that's to *replace* everything you're doing there, or if it's just something to use in that file instead ..
02:48.25DarkclawI fixed that to x11 but still nothing
02:48.39sarnoldbut removing all but the last 'exec' wouldn't be a bad start
02:48.42Darkclawthere simply isn't instructions on how to do this
02:48.52sarnoldprobably remove the xinitrc line entirely
02:49.36jankusanagi_xsetroot certainly is irrelevant xD
02:49.42Darkclawomg it works
02:49.51DarkclawI dont believe it
02:50.12Darkclawdeleting the xinit line seems to have fixed it. everything is showing and working
02:50.46Darkclawim going to try switching back to tightvnc and see if it works
02:51.48Darkclawit's exciting guys. been struggling with this for hours
02:53.15Darkclawnope tightvnc does not work with it
02:53.18Darkclawso tigervnc it is
02:55.07Darkclawthank you guys greatly. since it's up and running, I can take it from here
02:55.20sarnoldnice :) have fun!
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03:11.42valoriegosh, guys, guys guys
03:11.49valoriewe're not all guys
03:12.07jankusanagi_indeed =)
03:12.38valorieI'm american and no, "guys" is not all of us
03:13.05valoriealthough lots of men seem to think otherwise
03:13.16jankusanagi_adding that to the sentence makes it longer and incorrect xD
03:14.20valorieI'm always good with 'people'
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03:14.33valoriefolks, humans, peeps, etc
03:15.33jankusanagi_humans is discriminatory against bots
03:15.42jankusanagi_people is good =)
03:15.51jankusanagi_or just, no additional word in most cases
03:15.56valoriewell, some bots are quite good
03:16.03valoriebugbots for instance
03:16.18jankusanagi_all the more reason no to discriminate them!
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03:16.41valoriesentient beings?
03:16.41callipygousI have latte dock...when I change desktops the icons move position for some reason
03:18.44sarnoldohey it's a valorie here too :)
03:18.59valoriepretty much everywhere
03:19.05sarnoldI'lll say, hehe
03:19.05valorieat least sometimes@
03:19.13callipygousI don't want this behavior
03:19.15valorieI learn new things here all the time
03:20.21valorieand occasionally can point someone in the right direction
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03:32.30jankusanagi_callipygous: what icons move, how?
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03:49.18callipygousjankusanagi_, the icons rearrange themselves when I click on them
03:49.26callipygouslike they'll move positions relative to one another
03:50.28callipygousvery weird, very random
03:50.33callipygousunless there is some sense behind it
03:50.39callipygousbut...I don't like it
03:51.17sarnoldmaybe make a few screenshots and circle the parts you don't like
03:51.30sarnoldit can be hard to explain gui things across irc
03:51.35callipygousdoesn't sound like you understand
03:51.38callipygousit's hard to describe
03:51.46sarnolddefinitely :)
03:51.50callipygousbut I put my icons in a certain order in the dock
03:51.59callipygousand that changes...depending on what program I click
03:52.09callipygousanyway...plasma is doing my head in
03:52.21sarnoldwhich is why I'm suggesting the screenshots; there's a reasonable chance I'm not the only one who doesn't understand
03:52.45callipygouswell, I could only really make it easier if I actually showed you with a video
03:52.57callipygousbut I'm not sure I can
03:53.57sarnoldi've heard good things about recordmydesktop -- apt cache search also suggests peek might work
03:54.07sarnoldI've got to go make dinner
03:54.11sarnoldso I'm off :) good luck
03:54.14callipygoustoo much work
03:54.17callipygousI'll just live with it
03:54.24callipygousor change back to e
03:54.28sarnold(you're not losing much without me though, the only gui thing I run is firefox..)
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04:02.06jankusanagi_sounds like the launchers rearrange in order of last used, or more often used?
04:02.29jankusanagi_(never used Latte Dock, just a guess)
04:02.41callipygousit's something weird like that
04:02.46callipygousbut I cannot pin down the logic
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04:06.10jankusanagi_I'd imagine there's something in its settings for that
04:06.52callipygousmmm, can't find it
04:07.08callipygousclicked a bunch of settings, no change
04:11.23valoriecallipygous: you can see the configuration files in ~/.config
04:11.44valorieprobably something like lattedockrc
04:12.51valoriethey're just text files
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04:25.15callipygousyes, valorie
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04:28.13callipygousI'm looking at it now
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09:04.06shreenivasn1Hi guys, I'm new to linux and kde. I joined here for a doubt on titlebar buttons customisation. How do I have those buttons without a separate horizontal bar in an app?
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09:10.33xyquadrat-Mshreenivasn1: Hey, welcome to linux/KDE then :) I assume that you are talking about the horizontal bar separators. In this case, you can usually right-click the titlebar (at least in Dolphin it works for sure) and select "Configure Toolbars". In the dialog that opens up you will see "-- separator --" items on the right side. If you remove those, the bars should disappear.
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09:37.24andrewr33__Hi, sorry, noob question - I have a (kde5) task manager bug that I've been trying to find details on for the last 2 years with no luck. Where might be a good place to ask?
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09:49.53FelixErnst-MHi andrewr33__! You can definitely ask here. If you are looking for a bug you can also search for it on .
09:51.03andrewr33__Hi FelixErnst-M, many thanks, turns out I found the issues in, will report/see if I can help out
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12:17.36Belialis there an issue in 5.17 where the touchpad doesn't disable until you go to the touchpad settings in system settings? so far i've had to do it every time i log or boot into the desktop.
12:17.43Belialif i don't the touchpad runs the entire time.
12:18.22Belialdistribution is opensuse tumbleweed
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13:52.40qwedfg_can I change windows list in plasma shell to the graphical squares like in windows 10
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13:52.47qwedfg_please tell me I can! :)
13:57.03xyquadrat-Mqwedfg_: Do you mean the thing that shows up when you switch between windows? Then yes, you certainly can
13:58.25xyquadrat-MMake sure you have kwin-addons installed, and go to System Settings -> Window control (or similiar, I don't know how it is translated) -> Application switcher -> choose the animation you like the most in the dropdown
13:58.40xyquadrat-Myou can also download new ones or create your own
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14:03.48BluesKajHi folks
14:07.08SGOravaBluesKaj: Welcome
14:08.47qwedfg_xyquadrat-M: not this one, the ones on the bottom of default kde
14:09.19xyquadrat-MAh, the panel
14:09.24qwedfg_but ill figure it out
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14:11.33qwedfg_oh it was easy
14:15.20qwedfg_I just changed into icon-task-manager
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15:14.22jankusanagi_for the record, "Default Plasma"
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15:43.43DelvienKmail - Is there working functionality for Exchange web services? I cant seem to find any info on it
15:44.24thiagothere's a functionality, but it didn't work well enough for me
15:44.31thiagoso I still access my work email via IMAP
15:44.43Delvienmy work doesnt support imap sadly
15:45.31Delvienthiago: do you have any howto posts on this, been playing with adding my work account for a while, but cant seem to get it to connect, timeouts
15:46.11thiagoI added the akonadi agent for EWS, then tried to use
15:46.16thiagoI got some emails shown
15:47.49Delvienit appears akonadi-ews was merged with PIM
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15:52.51rlf1which distribution do yo suggest for desktop usage
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15:53.18rlf1kde neon, opensuse leap 15, opensuse argon, kubuntu lts
15:53.22DelvienManjaro imo
15:53.25Delvienor kubuntu
15:53.54rlf1have you tried kde neon
15:54.09SGOravarlf1: That depends on what you want, I would go for some *buntu lts if it is not my machine and for Artix on my machine
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19:11.10kinghatif i use regex to differentiate between two chrome popup windows using regex and set remember for size/position, they remember where the other one was last and not where it was last only.
19:11.27kinghatanyone else get that?
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20:38.02fuzeis there a way to use plugins in gwenview so i cant draw on images?
20:38.15fuzei installed kipi-plugins but it does nothing
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21:45.24jaggzanyone use kde connect's send sms?
21:45.30jaggzTrying to find how to do it.. where the option is
21:46.06JanKusanagiI guess it's not in the KDEconnect plasmoid menu, in the system tray?
21:46.42jaggzthat shows me only "ring my phone | browse this device"
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21:47.14jaggzmaybe I need to repair after giving the access on the phone
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21:48.23jaggzno.. hrm
21:51.24jaggzmaybe it's not in debian official (buster)  Installed: 1.3.3-2
21:52.46*** part/#kde mattfly (~matheus@
21:54.09jaggzE: Unable to locate package indicator-kdeconnect
21:54.49jaggzeven after installing the ppa
21:57.47jaggzsms support .. " If you are interested in trying or developing it, you can build it from source."
22:01.45JanKusanagiguess it's pretty new
22:03.58asturmJanKusanagi: I think it was phoronix'd as soon as it was committed
22:04.20jaggzcan't even get it to build..
22:04.22jaggzbleh.. nevermind
22:05.00asturmit is probably enabled with EXPERIMENTALAPP_ENABLED
22:05.23asturmnot sure at all though
22:05.44jaggzafter my cmake line it's not even producing a makefile so..
22:05.55jaggzno mental energy to figure it out right now :)
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22:07.44jaggzcmake gives some errors
22:07.55jaggzdon't bother yourselves with it though.. need nap :}
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22:09.22jaggzthanks a bunch buds
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