IRC log for #kde on 20190905

00:10.15*** join/#kde thiago (~thiago@kde/thiago)
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00:22.23*** topic/#kde is KDE Plasma 5.16 and KDE Applications 19.04 are out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde,~/.kde4,~/.local or ~/.config
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00:29.46magic_ninja_workseems I'm having issues with kde connect after suspend
00:30.05magic_ninja_workIs there any way to restart it? i tried kdeconnectd and it doesn't seem to be there
00:32.45VLMCmagic_ninja_work: logs?
00:33.16*** join/#kde lakitu (~lakitu@unaffiliated/lakitu)
00:33.33magic_ninja_workI can see my desktop running it, just not my phone. Strange.
00:33.49magic_ninja_workVLMC, I'll have to see if I can recreate it I suppose.
00:33.56magic_ninja_workis there a way to restart the service?
00:35.26VLMCmagic_ninja_work: I think it's a daemon and not a service
00:38.33*** join/#kde magic_ninja_work (~sparkie1@
00:39.38magic_ninja_workokay, so I've been connected before and it worked fine, but for some reason the phone and this laptop are not seeing each other. My desktop is working fine.
00:39.43magic_ninja_workWhat logs would I want to look at?
00:39.54magic_ninja_workI've had these two connected and working just fine before.
00:40.15VLMCCheck that your machine and the phone is on the same network
00:41.26magic_ninja_workokay they are on hte same network, but for some reason I can't ping my phone
00:43.46magic_ninja_workso they can't ping each other. Very strange.
00:43.53VLMCah that's a network issue now and not a kdeconnect issue
00:44.07VLMCreboot your phone
00:44.10magic_ninja_workKind of weird though given it is on my home wifi. I wonder what changed.
00:44.14magic_ninja_workI just rebooted both devices.
00:44.39magic_ninja_workCan try restarting the router next
00:45.04magic_ninja_workI'm not getting timeouts,though. I'm getting host unreachable.
00:46.28sarnoldany chance it's a security setting on your router to prevent devices from talking to each other?
00:49.29*** join/#kde GerbilSoft (
00:52.10*** join/#kde magic_ninja_work (~sparkie1@
00:52.43magic_ninja_workSo the router restart did it.
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00:52.51magic_ninja_workMy wireless latencies are all over the place. I think it may be time for a new router.
00:53.12sarnoldman I've heard this so many times today..
00:53.21magic_ninja_workWe are talking 10 ms to 400ms, 700ms all over the place.
00:53.45magic_ninja_workOn both 2.4gHz and 5gHz
00:56.29magic_ninja_workand sarnold were you talking to me?
00:56.57sarnoldmagic_ninja_work: yeah, more than one person (myself included) wound up rebooting routers because latencies seemed crazy. I didn't do any measurements..
00:58.17magic_ninja_workwell, I know pinging a wireless router that is about 11 feet away with a clear line of sight and roughly the same elevation should shield less than 1ms response.
00:58.39magic_ninja_workperhaps there is some kind of solar interference if it is wide spread. Or perhaps we all just replaced our routers around the same time and it is time for new radios.
01:03.57SpeakerToMeatThere's no way to make the task switcher loop between more than 2 windows for an application?
01:06.37*** join/#kde magic_ninja (~sparkie1@unaffiliated/magic-ninja/x-4708782)
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04:42.52*** topic/#kde is KDE Plasma 5.16 and KDE Applications 19.04 are out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde,~/.kde4,~/.local or ~/.config
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08:01.19mahenHi everyone ! Trying to use Activites in Plasma after leaving them for a few years... Some apps are not restored when restarting, like LibreOffice (which is important in my workflow). Any piece of information about this ?
08:10.50*** join/#kde vivid (~ViViD@unaffiliated/vivid)
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08:52.20morbidmindHi, is reported fixed but I hit that again.
08:52.21morbidmindI copied World of Warcraft folder to an external, exfat USB, it took it's time, I saw files in progress, but today when I plugged it to my laptop, there are just empty folders.
08:53.55morbidmindShall I ask to reopen it?
08:53.55morbidmindI will try to reproduce it when I get home to see if wasn't a one-time problem. Also, if it wasn't just issue that Dolphin thought it finished when all files got to RAM cache and didn't sync to device.
08:55.04*** join/#kde GWM (~GWM@unaffiliated/gwm)
08:57.56xyquadrat-MMorbidMind: If you can reproduce it, then yes, reopening is fine
09:01.38*** join/#kde }ls{ (~kalle@unaffiliated/ls/x-8089558)
09:04.33CarlSchwanMorbidMind: nooo not this bug again ☹️
09:05.08morbidmindAt least I have a set of data I can share, so will be easier to test ;)
09:06.31*** join/#kde kukuruku (dmisharo@nat/redhat/x-sdywcfxxbrjvjayc)
09:18.52JanKusanagithat happened after using Dolphin's "Safely remove" action?
09:19.43JanKusanagi(or the Eject button in Plasma's Device Notifier widget)
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09:26.24morbidmind<JanKusanagi "that happened after using Dolphi"> No
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09:50.00JanKusanagiso you didn't unmount it properly?
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10:02.11morbidmind<JanKusanagi "so you didn't unmount it properl"> No, didn't think it's still required. I will check it when I come back from work.
10:03.35*** join/#kde Worf (
10:07.54JanKusanagithat's just how USB works
10:08.34JanKusanagiyou OS can be tuned to use a different "performance mode" that can almost make sure you don't need to unmount properly, but it's still the right thing to do
10:09.06JanKusanagi(plus, if you setup your OS like that, you'll probably be annoyed)
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10:20.43MarlocovHow can I kill a process in KDE?
10:21.02MarlocovMy phpstorm is stuck and I don't know how to kill it
10:21.11MarlocovIt's a snap application
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10:23.39JanKusanagiin Plasma Desktop, ctrl+esc (by default) shows the "System Activity"
10:23.49JanKusanagiyou can kill processes from there
10:24.10MarlocovThx :)
10:24.45JanKusanagibut if the program is sane (that means, no CSD, and being properly managed by Plasma's window manager), clicking the X will result in KWin asking to kill it after a few seconds of it not responding
10:25.09MarlocovI clicked X and nothing happend
10:25.20MarlocovNo message nothing
10:25.30JanKusanagiI wouldn't be surprised if the program is not sane, and uses CSD
10:26.31MarlocovWhat do you mean by Sane?
10:26.43JanKusanagithat it doesn't use CSD, in this case
10:29.10*** join/#kde mahen (
10:31.17MarlocovAh okay
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10:35.56MarlocovI'm also using 3 monitors but on my left one there is always a gap on the bottom part like if there were a systembar
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10:50.27safinaskari just installed wayland kde to my debian stretch
10:50.33safinaskarthen i clicked "switch user" from my usual X kde session and switched to wayland kde
10:50.38safinaskarand all fonts start to look bigger
10:50.49safinaskarnow they look like i configured hi-dpi
10:51.02safinaskarbut i didn't configured it
10:51.12safinaskar"force hi-dpi" in "fonts" in settings is off
10:51.24safinaskarhow to get back to normal fonts in wayland?
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11:21.01BluesKajHey folks
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12:24.50SpeakerToMeatI guess if I really want this, I'll have to patch my distro's version of kde myself.
12:31.02raghukamathhey guys
12:31.21raghukamathdoes choqok support mastodon yet?
12:32.41CarlSchwanIf you compile from source and use the mastodon branch, yeah
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12:37.33raghukamathCarlSchwan: i checked the branch last commit was from 2017, feels a bit dead, do you know the reason why it was not merged into master?
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12:52.24fraxinashi guys, i've got an easy question: i need to set QT_IM_MODULE=xim for my Telegram desktop client in order to get dead keys working. i've added this to the KDE menu entry for Telegram. however, telegram automatically starts thanks to a saved session where it's open but then it's missing this  environmental, even though i've re-saved the session. how can i make this persist for every restart?
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12:55.01CarlSchwan<raghukamath "Carl Schwan: i checked the branc"> The maintainer don't have a lot of time :( He wanted to release a new version before the end of summer but I think he didn't got the time for it.
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13:12.25MayeulC-MNot sure where to report that. Plasmashell doesn't reap zombie processes. To reproduce: add a system monitor plasmoid in the panel. Left click to launch ksysguard. Close ksysguard, which becomes a zombie process.
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13:25.25jaggzdoes dolphin have a way to have a panel to view file contents?
13:25.35jaggzI'm browsing a ton of source and seeing the source content quickly would be handy
13:28.43fraxinasyes, the regular "preview" sidebar
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13:31.34VLMCHey, not a KDE-specific question, but back when I had the GNOME desktop, I was using Evolution for my mail needs. Under KDE, I keep getting errors that it can't unlock the keyring (because, presumably, it used the GNOME keyring with goa). I'm on Manjaro, what should I do?
13:34.28jaggzfraxinas, hrm.. I lost my preview sidebar
13:34.39jaggzbeen trying to get that to show up
13:34.42[Enrico]VLMC: install seahorse and check if you can unlock the keyring. If you don't remember the password just delete the keyring and create a new empty one
13:34.54fraxinasturn it back on in the "view" menu
13:35.20fraxinasor with F11
13:35.35fraxinasView -> Sidebar -> Information
13:36.38CarlSchwanVLMC: Do you have gnome-keyring installed?
13:37.41VLMCCarlSchwan: yes, just checked
13:38.15fraxinashas anybody got a clue about my autostart environmental variable issue?
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13:38.36fraxinas(i mean, did i explain it well enough so that it was understandable?)
13:39.12CarlSchwanfraxinas: Maybe check in the system setting autostart to see what is executed at the start
13:39.27fraxinasit's not listed there
13:40.47fraxinasi suppose i could put it there, with the correct ENV and then check what this does
13:40.58VLMC[Enrico]: I just checked Seahorse and I can't see anything wrong.
13:41.08VLMCEvolution still appears to work, it just nags me with all these messages.
13:42.17[Enrico]VLMC: can you discover about what keyring is Evolution complaining about? It should be unlocked, if it is Evolution should not complain about it
13:42.23fraxinasno good
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13:50.32fraxinasokay now it works, apparently the Telegram instance without the environmental set from the saved session "won" and loaded before the autostart one. i quit Telegram, resaved the session and relogged. now it loaded Telegram with the correct env \o/
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13:57.25jaggzfraxinas, thanks.. looks like I'm going to have to use an ide to get enough ability to preview the stuff
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13:59.51fraxinasi suggest kdevelop or vs code
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14:11.23d42jaggz: ranger is nice , fzf with preview, or fancy code editor thing indeed :^)
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14:16.59VLMCThanks for reminding me that kdevelop is a thing
14:18.29jaggzhrm.. "This command requires the Debian -> Windows10 Subsystem"
14:19.12jaggz(That's a joke, for any of you that have seen windows' "ubuntu subsystem" thingy.. which I've not used still.. I do use cygwin in windows)
14:19.26VLMCjaggz: It's not bad tbh
14:19.34VLMCBetter than using straight windows lol
14:22.58jaggzVLMC, not having my unix commands is debilitating. I'm sure cmd has come quite far, but there's no way it compares to the unix toolset foundation
14:23.09VLMCjaggz: Learn PowerShell
14:23.12VLMCWorth it, trust me
14:23.30jaggzvlmc, and .. it's a lot nicer to set up my reminders for my family with cron
14:24.01jaggzI now have my little scripts which store the audio volume+mute setting, set it to a volume, play an mp3, and restore the settings
14:24.14jaggzneeded for keeping on top of complex family health issues
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14:24.46jaggzmedicine reminders for those periods of time.  turning over "the patient" .. reminders to the patient or any caregivers around to not forget periodic important tasks
14:25.13jaggztoo many things that, if overlooked, are life-threatening.. and configuring those things as various tasks instead of as simple lines in a crontab ..
14:27.25VLMCjaggz: install Medisafe on your phone
14:27.35VLMCHelps with my ADHD meds haha
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14:31.00jaggzVLMC, thanks.. I started looking at that app but had to handle something else
14:31.12jaggz^^ adhd joke
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14:39.55Richlvlooks like recent konsole has changed the default shortcut (at least in opensuse tumbleweed) to move tabs from shift+ctrl+arrows to ctrl+alt+arrows. anybody with an idea why so?
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14:41.41nhayecucwra_kz-MI feel like a paranoia when the first thought after hearing a useful app is “Is it sell data?”
14:45.49VLMCnhayecucwra_kz-M: That's a good reflex to have
14:45.54VLMCKnow the developer's intent\
14:46.35VLMCEvery developer has an intent. For me, here's my real intent when I make free (and often FOSS) software: Grow my portfolio.
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14:47.00VLMCBetter portfolio = Better paying job. In the end, it's still a monetary intent lol
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14:50.58jaggznhayecucwra_kz-M, yeah, all these free ones.. makes you wonder
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14:52.31jaggzI wanted to make an app to help people.. but also need to support it and myself.  for ads to be useful it would have to be really popular.
14:53.16jaggzand for a health-related one that could be vital to people's lives, I wouldn't want to require payment
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14:53.49jaggzso, then trying to divide features into ones appropriate for individuals or commercial environments.. sometimes that's easier than other time
15:00.01jaggzVLMC, I rarely use my windows box, btw.
15:01.14VLMCMine's virtualized
15:01.20SpeakerToMeatThere's... by chance, no kwin developer here.... is there?
15:01.53nhayecucwra_kz-MMine waiting for new harddisk
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16:16.35forgottenI cannot get any extra display to function with kde plasma.  Every time i plug something in i can see the device in the Displays manager, but when i try to Enable/Apply, i get this in the messages log:
16:16.42forgottenany help would be extremely appreciated
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16:21.48forgottenif i switch over to gnome, it works fine. so i know its something specific with KDE
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16:31.46VLMCforgotten: set it manually using xrandr?
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16:47.22forgottenVLMC: yes
16:47.40forgottenVLMC: i tried 4 different displays and xrandr still shows them all, tho disconnected now.
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16:55.53psprintI'm running Spotify from an urxvt terminal, because when I'm running it from Alt-F2, it then starts dysfunctional (images are missing and the sound doesn't play).
16:56.32psprintCan I somehow more radically hide the urxvt window? So that it doesn't popup on Meta+<Num> and Alt-Tab?
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17:55.09AloisJanicekHi, is it possible to configure how offten should Discover check for updates? I would like to check every 2 or 3 hours. I looked at /etc/PackageKit and ~/.config/discoverrc and nothing there looked relevant. I am on latest everything , stable Arch, Plasma 5.16.5 KDE Applications 19.08.1
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18:04.14madpropshmm my panels have a 1px border on top now ...
18:04.18madpropsdon't think that was there before
18:04.25madpropsnot sure if it's a glitch
18:04.52madpropsoh wait my desktop is glitched out
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20:15.12SpeakerToMeatOk... task switcher is working like I wanted it to now... out of its own
20:15.16SpeakerToMeatI'm so done with computers
20:15.19SpeakerToMeatI'm done with everything
20:15.27SpeakerToMeatI'm gonna douse them all in gasoline and light them
20:15.34SpeakerToMeatI did nothing. it just started working
20:16.21xyquadrat-M<SpeakerToMeat "I'm gonna douse them all in gaso"> Good idea
20:16.36xyquadrat-MThat's the only way a computer will be bug-free, ever
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20:20.01SpeakerToMeatIs there any way to copy settings between different versions of kde 5?
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20:41.46asturmversions of what?
20:43.11SpeakerToMeatkde 5
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