IRC log for #kde on 20180926

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02:34.44*** topic/#kde is KDE Plasma 5.13 and KDE Applications 18.04 are out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde,~/.kde4,~/.local or ~/.config
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02:44.01AciD`hey guys, I was using korganizer A LOT until 2013, when akonadi and some annoying bugs 'broke' my old calendars. Now, I'm trying to use korganizer again after a 5.5 years stop, and I can see it still has the same problems. Would you have a fix/workaround for those ?: 1) Task/event tags are duplicated (or even copied 5 times), 2) all my old event/task are showing the correct color, however when
02:44.23AciD`I make a small change (like the description) then apply, the tags are 'removed'
02:44.56AciD`If I open an event and try to edit the tags, none are selected by default (while the agenda view showed me that event with the correct color)
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02:45.55AciD`If I were to remove the duplicated tags from the tag manager, what would happen to all the event/tasks which have that tags? Will korganizer asks me to replace the deleted tags with another one?
02:46.29*** join/#kde aguilbau (~aguilbau@
02:46.44AciD`is it possible to asks the devs directly, since it seems the problem is pretty technical (and the bug I opened 6 years ago haven't been touched)?
02:49.44AciD`perhaps the correct translation is 'categories' instead of 'tags'
02:52.38jankusanagi_I think there's a #kontact channel you could use for that
02:52.54jankusanagi_though I imagine this is not the best time-frame to go ask
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03:01.11AciD`jankusanagi_ : why is that?
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03:27.57jankusanagi_it's late
03:28.15jankusanagi_unreasonable late in Europe, specifically :D
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08:26.14yann-kaelighi. Ok so I get at dolphin startup a window message about a same shortcut use two times. "It's probably a bug" Ok, why not it's probable a bug, but let me verify if it's not  right ? So, .... where is the next step ? show me the shortcuts used two times, or open the shortcut window and highlight them . No, nothing like that, no interaction with the user .... So this window is for what  ?
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09:38.40MikaelaHi, can I somehow stop KDE from underlining every word? Today it's preventing me from autocompleting nicks in Gajim with the tab button unless I first press space and then also backspace. I am on Debian Testing.
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09:46.02toskyMikaela: uhm, Gajim is a GTK+ application, not Qt; I don't think that Plasma does anything about uunderlying words inside that application
09:46.41MikaelaSo it cannot be Sonnet?
09:47.19Mikaelawhich I would have attempted to remove, but it wants to remove KDE and X and everything, so I have been suffering whatever it is starting randomly time to time and I think it's some KDE Spellchecking shortcut, but I have no idea what.
09:47.21toskyif the application is not linked against Sonnet, no - and only Qt applications can
09:48.00toskySonnet is a basic depencency of many other applications, including various components of the Plasma desktop
09:48.33MikaelaWeird, do you have any idea what could cause this issue or where I should ask? #debian-next at OFTC?
09:48.35toskybut again, Gajim seems to be still GTK+-based
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09:48.44toskyGajim developers
09:49.06MikaelaThe problem is not Gajim-specific, it happens in every not-terminal-app in KDE
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09:49.49toskyI can most likely exclude that the problem of Gajim is related to Qt or Frameworks
09:50.08toskyabout the other applications, it does not matter if they run inside Plasma or not
09:50.21toskyif they use sonnet, it only depend on the their settings
09:50.26toskywhich are those applications?
09:50.51MikaelaI think at least Telegram and Firefox, maybe Kate
09:51.31toskyFirefox again is not Qt based
09:51.55toskyTelegram iirc is based on a forked version of Qt (it depends on how it is installed) and most likely does not use Sonnet
09:52.37toskyKate is the only one which uses Sonnet for sure in that list, but you can disable the spell checking
09:53.10MikaelaThe issue seems to be only in Gajim at the moment when I try to type random text. Telegram, I am not sure which Telegram am I running, but it's either downloaded from or flatpak (somehow I have ended up having three different Telegrams from three places)
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09:54.12toskythen I'd nag Gajim developers; if you want to double check, you can try to run Gajim in a desktop different than Plasma (if you have another one, you can select it from the login manager)
09:54.26toskyand then ask to Gajim developers
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09:55.27MikaelaNow the issue also disappeared from Gajim after I restarted it. Thanks for the help, I am happy to know that it's not KDE and I will ask either Gajim or Debian when it happens again :)
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09:56.29toskyjust a small terminology note (I need to do that :): KDE is the name of the community, while Plasma is the desktop
09:57.18MikaelaOh, I will keep that in mind, thanks. I do same terminology commenting when people interchange relay and bridge
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13:45.34evngAnyone else has problems with touchpad and kde with laptops? When i close the lid and then reopen it my touchpad stops working :(
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14:49.39evngI have a problem with KDE 5.13.5 ... when i close the lid of my laptop and then open it again i see a "Touchpad disabled" icon in the center of the screen that disappears shortly and leaves my touchpad unusable
14:50.03evnghow can i tell KDE to not mess with the touchpad when i close the lid ?
14:50.06ngrahamPlease file a bug
14:50.17ngrahamare you using Wayland or X11?
14:50.33evngI'm not sure... how can I check it ?
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14:51.09ngrahamif you don't know, you're using X11 :)
14:51.13jankusanagi_I'd say if you don't....
14:51.16ngrahamwhat distro?
14:51.22evngyeah pretty sure it's Xorg
14:51.26jankusanagi_damn, ngraham literally stole my line word by word xDDD
14:52.02inkbottleOkular, (app. 17.12), very often crash when doing some mouse selection together with "annotations" (as a consequence each of my annotation actions are followed by a [C-s])
14:52.13AndrewCrouthamelManjaro guy here - You're using X11 unless you purposely installed plasma-wayland-integration
14:52.17jankusanagi_when you log in, you can choose a session type (in other words, the desktop environment you want to use), and you probably have "Plasma" there
14:52.32AndrewCrouthameland selected it in SDDM
14:52.33jankusanagi_the Plasma-on-Wayland session is usually clearly specified with "Wayland"
14:53.39toskyinkbottle: get okular from sid and try again; it should not drag too many dependencies from sid
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14:55.20inkbottletosky: It's already the sid version which I have
14:55.52toskyinkbottle: sorry; experimental
14:56.01inkbottleI was just asking myself if the bug has already been reported and if it's already been fixed in 18.08
14:57.30inkbottleI really thought experimental was not meant to be used ;)
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14:59.21jankusanagi_why would it exist if it's not meant to be used? xD
15:01.07inkbottlejankusanagi_: well, read the last posts on debian-kde-list; it seems it is there for developers to experiment; not actually to be used
15:01.23darpixhence "experimental"
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15:01.48jankusanagi_I'd say it exists for anyone willing to... well, experiment xD
15:02.05inkbottle"As I said before - the experimental version is not for use." []
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15:02.18jankusanagi_anyway, way offtopic =)
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15:04.42inkbottleI'll wait for 18.08, which is where many fixes have been made; and if the issue remains, I'll then file a bug.
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15:07.28jankusanagi_KDE Applications 18.08.x, which includes Okular
15:11.29evngI'm not sure if my problem is actually related to KDE or not... the fact the touchpad gets disabled when i close/open the lid might be something else not KDE.... right ?
15:12.09toskyinkbottle: that email about experimental is *only* for KDEPIM
15:12.13toskyinkbottle: it does not apply to Okular
15:12.32toskyKDEPIM is a large, defined subgroup shipped with KDE Applications
15:12.52toskyOkular is shipped as well with KDE Applications, but it is otherwise unrelated to KDEPIM
15:13.21jankusanagi_evng: it might not be related to Plasma, indeed
15:13.24toskyso do not use KDEPIM from experimental *right now*, KDEPIM from 18.08 it's going to land soon; Okular is a different story
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15:13.41jankusanagi_might be an OS issue related tu suspend/hibernation/etc
15:16.01inkbottletosky: OK, roger that ;) (I thought it was a general statement)
15:16.27evngjankusanagi_: the thing is i disabled suspension when lid is closed... also when i manually suspend the system without closing the lid it works
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15:35.36inkbottleI've read (and s/08/04/); there is a whole lot of improvements, including "Did not meant to commit that", which must be huge. I give a try to 18.04 ASAP; I'll give feedback ;)
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16:00.31evngOkay i have an update on my touchpad problem... I went to Kde settings -> Touchpad -> Enable/disable -> Shortcuts and then cleared out the global shortcut "Touchpad off" .... now when i close/open the lid the touchpad keeps working without problems
16:01.01evngso it looks like when i close the lid the "Touchpad off" global shortcut is triggered somehow
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16:02.22evngand so putting a blank value for it.. disabling the global shortcut... fixes the problem for me
16:02.32evngbut still i wonder why it triggers it when i close the lid
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16:31.46inkbottlePresently doing okular 18.04 upgrade (experimental)
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16:36.21daniel218.04?  Aren't we on 18.08 now?
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16:38.20inkbottlewe are, we are, well it depends if you can put your hand on it or not
16:39.06inkbottleOkular 18.04: so far no green spots and no funny ears ;)
16:39.24inkbottleI'll be away
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17:22.13madLyfeis it possible to make visual studio code workspace files open in VSC rather than kate but not have all text files open in VSC?
17:22.49madLyfeso `.code-workspace` files open in VSC?
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17:53.03JanKusanagiyuck, VSC
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18:18.26ngrahammadLyfe: Yes, go to System Settings > Applications and define a custom mapping to have .code-workspace open in VSC
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18:26.11madLyfethanks ngraham!
18:26.26ngrahamno problemo
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18:30.29madLyfengraham: is this something that VSC should be doing automatically?
18:30.58ngrahamcould be. If so, it swould be their bug
18:31.04ScuniziPrinting dialogue from Okular to PDF does not respect the "Letter" settings in Cups-pdf or Print to File defaults. It defaults to A4. How do I change the default?
18:31.34toskyScunizi: which version of Qt you use?
18:31.54ngrahamScunizi: you can't, it's a bug:
18:32.09Scunizingraham: thanks
18:32.30Scunizitosky: kubuntu 18.02..
18:32.55Scunizitosky: I realize that's not the version of Qt. but I'm running a default system with all the updates
18:33.08toskyScunizi: it may still be the version of Qt
18:33.21ngrahamKubuntu 18.04 has Qt 5.9.5
18:33.30toskythat bug was checked last year for the last time, and many printing fixes landed in Qt 5.11
18:33.48Scunizitosky: could be.. how do I verify my version?
18:34.05ngrahamtosky: I can check it again with Qt 5.11
18:34.20toskyScunizi: ngraham just checked, but you can see it from the About dialog, Libraries tab
18:34.27toskyScunizi: or from the package manager
18:34.28Scunizitosky: it appears if I use "document viewer" a gtk viewer, The dialogue respects the "Letter" settings.
18:34.41toskyScunizi: yes, yes, sure, but does not use Qt
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18:35.59madLyfeis this not correct?
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18:36.44Scunizitosky: when in Synaptic I search for quicktime? qt or ??
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18:37.10toskyScunizi: qt is qt, it's not quicktime
18:38.08jackyScunizi: you'll want vlc
18:38.43toskyjacky: no, that's not related
18:38.52toskythe discussion was about finding the version of Qt
18:38.52jackyohh lol
18:38.57jackyI just came in and saw "quicktime"
18:38.59jackymy bad
18:39.02jackyslinks into shadows
18:39.09SourceSlayer"qmake -v"?
18:39.22toskythat assumes that you have development libraries
18:39.44ngrahamto find your version of Qt, just open the Info Center program on your machine
18:39.52Scunizitosky: looks like there's a number of qt5-something  typically versions 5.9.5
18:39.57ngrahambut anyway, Kubuntu 18.04 ships with Qt 5.9.5
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18:43.15madLyfealso, application preference order doesnt stick after you hit apply. any that are added just disappear.
18:44.03SourceSlayerCan anyone recommend me a good XMPP client?
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18:46.16SourceSlayerAlso, anyone know of a decent VoIP/Video-chat application that supports self-hosting?
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19:10.20ngrahamtosky: Verified that is still a problem with Qt 5.11.x, even with all of its printing fixes.
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19:20.58toskyngraham: so both print to file and cups-pdf?
19:21.43ngrahamreproduced with Okular's "Print to PDF" feature, whatever technical backend that uses
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19:23.54madLyfei think there is a bug in the file associations settings for not remembering default applications.
19:24.17madLyfeunless im doing it wrong.
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20:45.58madLyfeanyone have that issue or is it just the plasma version im running.
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20:46.26madLyfe5.12.6 on kubuntu with backports.
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20:52.43JanKusanagiI have no issues with what I think you mean
20:53.15JanKusanagiwith Plasma 5.13.4 and Frameworks 5.49
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20:53.30JanKusanagi(Mageia 7 repos)
20:57.54madLyfeya its probably my version
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21:15.47JanKusanagiI didn't have such issues when Mageia had Plasma 5.12 either
21:16.04JanKusanagibut changing the order or preferred applications is not something I do every day, of course xD
21:17.26madLyfewell im just trying to add a new file association and then add default applications to it. those dont stick and every time i open that type of file it asks me for a default application.
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21:41.58ngrahamthis may sound stupid, but have you tried rebooting?
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22:20.02digital-_-mystikhello.. I currently have a mouse that can cycle through open applications with a side button in my windows VM.. is there a way to enable this for the KDE environment or is that functionality proprietary to Windows/Logitech in this case?
22:22.55muesliyou can just add it as a secondary global shortcut for window switching
22:23.30mueslimost logitech mice i've seen actually emulate a key event for those side buttons
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22:26.05digital-_-mystikmuesli: thanks, I'll try that out.. the other side buttons work for going back and forward on pages just that one built into the frame doesn't do anything yet
22:26.30mueslidigital-_-mystik: it probably emits ctrl-alt-tab
22:26.47muesli(at least that's what my logitech mice do)
22:28.22digital-_-mystikmuesli: how do I go about adding that shortcut? I'm in global keyboard shortcuts
22:29.00mueslidigital-_-mystik: kwin component, "toggle present windows", global alternate shotcut
22:30.08digital-_-mystikmuesli: thank you so much!! I appreciate you helping a noob out
22:30.22mueslithen click the button saying "None" and click your mouse button
22:30.32mueslithat should do the trick
22:30.48digital-_-mystikit was outputting ctrl-alt-tab
22:30.54mueslithought so :)
22:31.05digital-_-mystikhave a good one
22:31.10muesliyou too
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23:28.45moosnatDoes KDE's desktop portals implementation support the FileChooser protocol?
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