IRC log for #kde on 20171117

00:00.40AristarRedrield: well GNOME does a lot of weird and nonstandard things. your system could be setting caps lock from ACPI also or something and gnome is somehow overriding it (just a guestimate but i've seen similar things in other stuff)
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00:01.27Aristarlike on laptops where Fn key is often controlled via bios for the most part
00:02.13Aristarlike sure i could remap it but it won't stop the hardware from detecting it being pressed
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00:02.36Aristarbut in your case, there has to be some method of disabling acpi's grabs on the caps lock if that's the case
00:02.45Aristaror whatever it is, maybe acpi is the wrong word
00:03.21AristarANYWAY...i forgot what i came here to ask
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00:13.46Aristarbut regarding the cursor changing issue from yesterday; I think it's either A: since wayland stuff was added, KDE explicitly sets it's cursor on every app which impacted X11 (strace'ing Konsole showed cursor file loading) B: security concerns with loading cursors in some situations so all window grabs and such fallback to stock x11 cursor? C: any type of gtk integration enabled activates some strange codepaths that make
00:13.46AristarAPP windows do a check for cursor?  OR D: perhaps something with KDE_Classic cursor existing makes it fallback? (seems to be same cursor)... or do I need a "default" symlink in /usr/share/icons ?
00:15.17Aristar...or mime stuff perhaps? there's no default cursor defined anywhere on my system except in sddm, kde, and kde's gtk options (which i've tried setting them all to the same.)
00:16.59Aristarregardless of cursor set, hovering over window titlebar or window borders changes to the ugly stock xorg cursor it seems
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00:17.38Aristaror maybe it's something with using the Oxygen5 widget/decoration style
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00:19.24Aristar...guess i should first try and reproduce on kde neon and other distros and investigate
00:19.28JanKusanagiI use Oxygen theme for Qt widgets, Plasma theme and Kwin decoration, and I don't have such issues
00:19.55JanKusanagiPlasma 5.11.2, KF 5.38, Qt 5.9.1
00:20.43AristarJanKusanagi: do you have any "default" or "default.[FOO]" symlinks in /usr/share/icons ? (that's where my cursors are)
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00:21.59Aristari've had tihs issue for as long as i came back to KDE which was like 5.11.0, which i'm now on Plasma5.11.3/KF5.39/QT5.9.2
00:22.16JanKusanaginot a symlink, but a directory, with index.theme inside
00:22.22JanKusanagicontaining just:
00:22.25JanKusanagi[Icon Theme]
00:22.52Aristaryeah i tried that and i also tried making cursor.theme with same thing as well in the directories which ended up in infinite loop
00:22.59Aristarif the dir only contained a cursor
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00:23.41Aristari know my system blocks loading cursors from $HOME but it should allow loading from system dirs
00:24.10Aristar...could also be something weird with sddm
00:24.22Aristaror even some weird quirk in my old sddm theme
00:25.17Aristar(does upstream KDE still sort of recommend sddm or lightdm now?)
00:25.31Aristar(i did notice some kde greeters for lightdm but i dunno)
00:26.02Aristarnoticed my kcm_sddm is still stuck at 5.11.2 whereas the rest of my kcm's are at 5.11.3
00:26.21Aristarbut that's just to configure sddm which works fine
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00:27.40Aristarwonder if gsettings/gio or whaever gnome cruft is here might be also a possible cause of this cursor issue but it's not just in gtk apps, works fine if cursor set to same one but seems global in all of kwin on window frames
00:29.09Aristarah well, i'll have to fire up some vm's for testing on other distros when i have my workstations running again
00:29.44Aristar(also doesn't seem to be compositor related either)
00:30.40AristarX/O2/O2ES or off = same thing
00:32.34Aristarspeaking of... KDE wiki doesn't list an opengl 3 option for KWIN_COMPOSE - i assume KWIN_COMPOSE=O3 exists now? if so, probably needs updating (but i've also tested unsetting that and setting from system settings)
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00:33.28Aristarwayland results in spectacular nouveau crashes, naturally :)
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00:34.04Aristarand speaking of nouveau, i'm glad the recent QtWebEngine libs have nouveau detection now, though it'd be nice if more things in plasma did
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00:35.29Aristarno multithreaded rendering in nouveau (yet), and has pretty poor vram management
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00:39.22JanKusanagigood to know... launching QtWebEngine here used to be dangerous
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01:13.28AristarJanKusanagi: yeah, seems qupzilla, falkon, and konqueror (using "webengine" backend) all use that lib which detects nouveau, however i don't know if kde frameworks uses QtWebEngine backend in some of their stuff such as kdepim stuff
01:15.38AristarJanKusanagi: might only be on most recent ones tho, not sure about <5.9.2, my version here is libqt5-qtwebengine-5.9.2-2.1.x86_64
01:16.32Aristar(rpm versioning, deb/ubu has different versioning and may have it further split into different packages or included in another)
01:17.26Aristarthuogh unsure about webenginepart-17.08.2-2.1.x86_64
01:17.39Aristarmaybe uses qtwebengine or maybe not, idk
01:18.29Aristari tihnk kdeparts are plasma 4.x stuff tho to integrate some functionality into other stuff, but i could be wrong
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01:53.28JanKusanagikparts still exist in Plasma 5
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03:55.12oneforall2what file would stop konqueror asking for the username/passwoed qhen using ftp:// ?
03:56.26oneforall2when I do ftp:/ftp/ it doesn't prompt me for the  username/password
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04:02.05oneforall2weird I had to do hiw do I get it to have the dialog again ?
04:03.28thiagoso you used the site once, typed the password, and no you don't need to use it
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06:06.30GeneralZodshould I get KDE Neon user or LTS? It's for everyday normal office work along with RDP
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07:24.41universalpackagei think my connection is stable now
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09:39.50oneforall2thiago yeah rgar way stores the username/password But I don't want it to I want it back like it used to be type and the dialog came up
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09:43.22oneforall2I can get rid of the username/password in filemanagement and the url too . But again no dialog and I see it saying sending login and it sits there for ever
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09:57.50younkyHi, Anyone has the issues of plasma freeze the whole desktop but mouse cursor still works?
09:58.05younkyI had encountered the problem several times in these days.
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09:58.50younkyfor example I launch an application from konsole, then suddenly the whole desktop hang, but the cursor still work, not just movalbe, but also change the shape depends on where it moves
09:59.06younkyI am on nvidia card
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10:02.13hateballyounky: nouveau or blob?
10:02.26hateballyounky: anything in ~/.xsession-errors ?
10:02.31younkynvidia driver, not nouveau
10:02.36younkyon X 11
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10:03.15younkyhateball: no errors on .xsession-errors
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10:05.52hateballyounky: what plasma version?
10:06.02hateballI havent had a freeze on my nvidia in... years
10:06.10hateballgot more issues on my intel machine
10:06.59younkyI think this may related to opengl
10:07.40younkyfor example, in konsole with sudo /opt/vscode/code
10:07.45younkyit freeze the whole desktop
10:08.20younkyalso sometimes I launch krita, after create a new document, and use mouse to draw something, it freeze the whole desktop except the mouse
10:08.23Blizzzis it possible to not have notification popups, just a decently changed icon in the tray?
10:08.48Blizzz(not taskbar)
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10:23.29hateballyounky: tried changing compositing settings? opengl 2 vs 3.1 etc
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13:59.44pie_any idea where i can find the source code for the kde file picker dialog? i want to replicate the icon size slider, the one at the top right
13:59.54HorusHorrendusAkademy 2018 - Vienna, Austria - Saturday 11th to Friday 17th August 2018 - and
13:59.58pie_not the look but the behaviour
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15:29.50physketsHi! This is a little issue I'm seeing with KMail:
15:30.24physketsWhen there are messages that are pure HTML with no plaintext parts, KMail displays such a message:
15:30.36physkets"Note: This is an HTML message. For security reasons, only the raw HTML code is shown. If you trust the sender of this message then you can activate formatted HTML display for this message by clicking here."
15:31.03physketsIt says that, but it does not show any raw HTML code.
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16:28.46schallusionhi, since apps 17.12 wil no loger support kde4libs .. does this mean amarok will be unusable from this point on?
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18:41.29pepopie_, (grep for iconSizeSlider)
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18:48.57pie_ah yeah, i managed to find it meanwhile! sorry i forgot to say so
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18:49.09pie_took a bit of searching though :P
18:49.25pie_apparently kde libraries are at 4.x even though plasma is called 5?
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18:49.57konradosHi. In short, I right - clicked the "task bar", i.e. the "panel", and clicked panel options ->  remove  this panel. So the "panel" disappeared, so I right-clicked on the desktop and then add panel -> default panel. I hoped to get my old panel but it didn't work like that :(
18:50.22konradosHow to restore my "panel" or "task bar" however it is called?
18:51.18konradosBTW, should I ask here or on #ubuntu?
18:51.25konradosI hope it's here :P
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19:30.36JanKusanagipie_: current KDE Frameworks is 5.40, and current Plasma is 5.11.x
19:31.45JanKusanagikdelibs 4.x were used in Plasma 4.x, and based on Qt 4.x
19:31.59JanKusanagi4's go with 4's, 5's with 5's =)
19:32.49JanKusanagikonrados: you can add a "default panel"
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19:49.51pie_JanKusanagi, well thats what i originally figured but managed to confuse  myself down the line when for some reason i wasnt able to find kde 5 libs:P
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20:02.29konradosJanKusanagi, thanks, but... I just did it. I want my old panel back :P
20:04.47JanKusanagithere's no "kde 5", that's why
20:05.18JanKusanagithere are "KDE Frameworks", there's "Plasma", and there are "KDE Applications", all versioned differently and released independently
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20:54.32dTalum, is "inspect element" in konqueror supposed to do bugger all
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22:04.57Muhammad_ZHi! I'm using kmail for outlook account. I can't send emails from it getting this error message:
22:05.00Muhammad_ZFailed to transport message. Your SMTP server does not support PLAIN. Choose a different authentication method. The server responded: "5.7.4 Unrecognized authentication type [LO2P265CA0047.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM]
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