IRC log for #kde on 20170808

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00:34.13kishore96_You can select the number of cores before starting the render (in the place where it asks for filename, quality &c.
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07:05.19timofonicHow would you adapt the following script for KDM (KDE Display Manager)?
07:07.02hiyaWhich is the best distribution that offers the best KDE experience?
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07:09.13agurenkohiya: Fedora KDE offers a pretty good experience, OpenSUSE is very good too
07:09.57agurenkohiya: have not tried KDE Neon myself, but I see a lot of problems with it on a colleague's computer
07:10.22timofonicI'm a rebel, I use Archlinux :P
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07:23.34hiyaagurenko, KDE works pretty good for me on Debian Stretch too
07:23.54hiyaI would install a fresh copy w/e I get it so that I don't get any Gnome dependencies
07:25.35*** join/#kde blackdev1l (
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07:27.32agurenkohiya: I have not tried Debian in a loong time and never tried Debian with KDE :)
07:29.03hiyaDebian with  Gnome is damn slow for me
07:29.20hiyait freezes almost even on i5-4210U based laptop with 4GB ram
07:29.38hiyabut with KDE, it is butter smooth as of now.
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07:42.35agurenkohiya: funny how that turned out despite common opinion :)
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07:43.09agurenkoIs there a way to force laptop on a dock with external monitor to either show sddm on external screen only or at least mirror it?
07:43.34agurenkoSo annoying that by default you type your password on laptop screen that is closed and you don't see whether you're typing at all or not
07:44.33*** part/#kde elichai2 (uid212594@gateway/web/
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08:02.19timofonicagurenko: It's not a bug, it's a feature. I'm so used to blind touch typing, I don't care. But I understand it, I often use a monitor or a big LCD as secondary monitor for movies/reading
08:04.15*** join/#kde raghukamath` (~raghu@
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08:18.01agurenkotimofonic: I don't have problem with blind typing at all, I have only US english and I type in 3 languages :) BUT! I have a bluetooth keyboard (don't ask...) and I don't know whether it's already connected or not at this point, THAT'S why it's annoying :)(
08:18.31agurenkotimofonic: and if it's not configurable it's more like a bug than a feature :)
08:19.09*** join/#kde raghukamath (~raghu@
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08:24.22Electroidkde is great :P
08:26.29*** join/#kde doek (~doek@2a02:1205:34f0:1fb0:ba27:ebff:fe80:6ca9)
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08:27.22agurenkoI really have only two problems with KDE, really only two. 1) This login screen issue above 2) No missed notification collection
08:27.43agurenkoApart from that, I cannot think of better customizable and good looking DE
08:27.57agurenkoCinnamon was really good, but they are so understaffed
08:28.35*** join/#kde toscalix (
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08:39.03linarcxhi dudes. i have a question about dolphin. can i ask it in this room?
08:39.30svuorelalinarcx: sure
08:39.55svuorela(not that i can help, but it is definitely on topic)
08:40.35linarcxi want to pin tabs in dolphin like browsers(firefox, chrome, etc) for further it possible?
08:43.01*** join/#kde rriemann (
08:43.56leszeklinarcx: you can not pin tabs. You can however create "bookmarks" in the left panel if you wish
08:44.21leszeklinarcx: in general by default kde plasma restores all applications. This includes dolphin with all its open tabs
08:44.53leszekhowever if the session crashes somehow it might silently fail and cannot restore the open dolpphin windows with its tab
08:45.00linarcxleszek: indeed.i know it. but i want to keep tabs alive whenever, i come back see theme again.
08:45.28leszeklinarcx: this is not implemented as far as I am aware
08:46.06leszeklinarcx: you could try using konqueror. It has a session storing function and restoring function built in. This one can help you restore your file tabs
08:47.37linarcxthanks. i just now go to github page of dolpin in: "". but there is no issues section to report this improvement.
08:48.00linarcxI'll try it:) thanks for suggestion.
08:49.21*** join/#kde Nekojimi (~jimj316@2a02:c7d:1d34:7600:edb9:9b83:c684:ac63)
08:50.26leszeklinarcx: please use the kde bugtracker for such feature requests
08:50.53linarcxleszek: thanks.
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09:44.18yeehihow do we make all files on drive contiguous?
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12:42.58cousin_luigiThe font size in the tray clock applet appears to change with the font, bar height being constant.
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12:43.18cousin_luigiHow could I find out more about this?
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13:11.04BluesKajhowdy all
13:11.20jensreuhowdy howdy
13:11.31fatalerrorshi everyone
13:25.24*** join/#kde yeehi1 (~n@unaffiliated/yeehi)
13:25.30fatalerrorsi have a system administration concern with solid on NFS mounted profile
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13:27.23fatalerrorseach time one of my users change computer the solid dialog about new and old devices appears
13:27.52fatalerrorsis there a way to hide this, or an automatic management of this?
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13:33.44toskyfatalerrors: I would ask on the enterprise mailing list:
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13:34.55fatalerrorstosky: thank you
13:34.58fatalerrorsi will
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14:48.26ziltiWill the "camera:/" KIO ever get fixed? It's broken since half a decade
14:50.44crazyzilti: is there any bug report about ?
14:53.56zilticrazy: There are many. They all start with a discussion and then die down. Back in KDE 4 with the reason that "it works in digiKam, just use that" (which it doesn't anymore)
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14:55.23ziltiAlso, Kamera crashes instantly when I select "Test", "Configure" or "Information"
14:56.07toskyat least the person who ported it to Frameworks could do some stuff
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14:58.01ziltiI mean, I thought camera:/ and mtp:/ share code, and kiomtp at least has been working, although about as stable as a barrel filled with nitroglycerine rolling downhill
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14:59.35einar77zilti: IIRC they don't share that much code
14:59.43toskyI doubt that they share code, and some issues with MTP depends on the implementation on the phone (like for example some Samsung in the past)
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15:34.34willerhi all! i just set up kde-connect on arch linux. indicator is installed but i can't find a way to open the settings menu where i can enable plugins...any help?
15:37.05kishore96willer: right-click the indicator.
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15:37.34willerkishore96: and then?
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15:37.54kishore96There should be an option to open the settings thingy.
15:38.15willerkishore96: i can only open visibility/sms settings from there
15:40.15kishore96willer: You don't get something like this?
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15:40.53willerkishore96: no, that's the menu i'm looking for :)
15:44.27kishore96willer: Try 'kcmshell5 kcm_kdeconnect'.
15:44.37kishore96At least, that's what's executed here.
15:45.25willermaybe i need to install something? i don't use kde, just i3-wm
15:46.02kishore96You shouldn't have to install anything apart from the indicator, AFAIK.
15:46.09willeri would think that the packages i installed would have pulled all dependencies
15:46.19toskywiller: even if you don't use plasma (not kde), you should be able to access that config option
15:46.57toskywiller: can you please take a screenshot of what you see if you right click on the indicator and select "KDE Connect Settings..." (which should be the only option)?
15:48.54willersure, just a sec...
15:48.58demmwiller: probably missing kde-cli-tools (UI options)
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15:49.21kishore96willer: What happens if you run that command (kcmshell5 kcm_kdeconnect)
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15:52.27willerkishore96: i don't have that command installed
15:54.38kishore96willer: Try installing kcmutils.
15:55.07kishore96It's a dependency of kdeconnect, though. I don't understand how it isn't installed.
15:55.19demmkishore96: see my comment above
15:55.35demmwiller: install kde-cli-tools
15:55.45demmthat will get kcmutils too
15:56.04willerinstalled kde-cli-tools and i'm able to run that command to bring up the menu
15:56.13kishore96demm: Ah yes.
15:56.23willeri'll restart kdeconnect to see if it comes up in the right-click menu
15:56.51*** part/#kde Yamakaja (
15:57.00kishore96Oh. kde-cli-tools is an optional dependency.
15:57.47willerperfect, it works now. thanks a bunch guys
15:58.02willerkdeconnect is fantastic
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16:08.40willershould have read the install logs more carefully, my bad
16:08.55willeranyway, thanks bye!
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16:12.21alavarreDelving into qdbus tutorials: all say I should be able to list a bunch of services with "qdbus" from a terminal. It runs but only returns org.freedesktop.DBus, none of the org.kde services...
16:16.07alavarreI'm under Linux Mint 18
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16:44.17iAnonGuyDoes anyone know how to make Konversation put timestamps in their own column?  hard to read IRC chat with the text appearing under the time stamps
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16:52.45oprypiniAnonGuy, can't
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16:59.11Sho_iAnonGuy: you can't
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17:23.23iAnonGuyWell, I need to see where I can put in a feature request or something
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17:35.46crazyiAnonGuy: what do you mean by text under 'timestamps' ? .. I have here an format of : [day_name , full_date ] [time] message...
17:36.37Sho_he means column alignment
17:36.50iAnonGuywhen teh text wraps in the window, it is under the time stams.  Other client I use on macOS leaves the timestamps in thier own column (no other way to describe it) in the chat window, so nothing appears under them (except other timestamps)
17:36.59iAnonGuymakes it less cluttered to read
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17:38.00crazySho_: ach ok :) got that now
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17:46.12linarcxhello. i try to set image as wallpaper in dolphin. but there is no option for this action.why?
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17:52.30crazylinarcx: probably bc is not implemented ? maybe use this ?
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18:06.12linarcxi install it now. but is not appear in my services tab in dolphin. also when clicl on any image it not show that option.
18:10.24linarcxcrazy: i install it now. but is not appear in my services tab in dolphin. also when clicl on any image it not show that option.
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18:13.38crazylinarcx: working here .. I just followed install howto from the author .. here is what I did :
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18:14.12crazymkdir -p ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus && cd ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus && wget
18:14.19crazyrestart dolphin
18:14.45crazyright click on some image and you should see 'Set as walpaper'
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18:25.30linarcxcrazy: it's work.thank you :)
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18:43.51linarcxanothr question. i have to ntfs drives(C: and D:). i automount theme in kde.but every time login to kde, i cant go into theme because dolphin ask me to enter root password. ho prevent this?
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18:45.18cousin_luigilinarcx: Dunno if there's a kde solution, but I would mount them in fstab.
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18:46.47linarcxcousin_luigi: how?
18:47.34cousin_luigilinarcx: man fstab
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18:47.57linarcxthanks :)
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19:21.28GBiscuitquestion: I've just installed Centos 7.3.1611 w/ KDE as a guest OS on my Windows 10 machine using VirtualBox. I've got 2 displays, and - for the life of me - when I go into KDE's 'Display Configuration' GUI, then set 'VGA-1' (my 2nd display) to be the 'Primary Output' - the setting does NOT persist over reboot. Its strange and frustrating.
19:21.36GBiscuitno matter what I do VGA-0 is always set back to being my 'Primary Display' after I restart the VM.
19:21.39GBiscuitany ideas?
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19:58.10oprypinGBiscuit, question: why CentOS?
19:58.43GBiscuitit's what we use as servers all over my organization.
19:58.46oprypinand uh I don't think KDE can affect what's happening on the host OS
19:59.02GBiscuit'Display Configuration' is a KDE thing.
19:59.17oprypindo you give 2 displays to the guest OS?
19:59.43GBiscuityeah - the guest OS sees both displays... it's not a problem w/ the virtualization I don't think....
20:00.13GBiscuitit's that - while in KDE - I go into it's 'Display Configuration' - then hit the little start to make the 2nd display the 'Primary Output' that that setting does not persist over reboots.
20:02.00GBiscuitedit: "... hit the little *star*..."
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21:40.15CounterPillowHello, it looks like KDE isn't honouring xdg-screensaver to suspend the lockscreen for me. It worked with xscreensaver but mpv removed support for that
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22:06.21CounterPillowpowerdevil seems to immediately decide that "powerdevil: By the time we wanted to enforce the inhibition it was already gone; discarding it"
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22:17.39CounterPillowOpened a bug
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23:29.12VasisthaI'm (finally) switching from Trinity Desktop to KDE, because I'd like to run the pyCharm IDE. When attempting to run pycharm, I'm getting errors referencing tde-config and TDECrash. Any idea how to ensure I'm only running KDE stuff? I can't find reference to tde-config in any of my /etc or home config files.
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23:48.41barteks2xwhy would ksysguard show "unknown" cpu usage!?
23:56.27demmbarteks2x: this?
23:57.03barteks2xno it literally said "unknown" for cpu usage column in one process
23:57.10barteks2xthe process was frozen
23:57.31barteks2x(java decided to hang to the point of not responding to debugger)

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