IRC log for #kde on 20170704

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00:19.16*** topic/#kde is KDE Plasma 5.10 and KDE Applications 17.04 are out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde,~/.kde4,~/.local or ~/.config
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00:48.24torsteinhow can i get kate to restore tabs on close then reopen?
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00:57.49chealerhi. is it now possible to bring up Konsole with a keyboard shortcut, without yakuake? I use Plasma 5.8.
01:00.07*** join/#kde cotko (~ahmed@
01:00.44demmchealer: that has always been possible, one way to do it > right click the menu >  "edit applications"
01:01.20demmselect konsole in the left list > advanced tab on right > set shortcut key
01:04.25torsteinout of curiousity, what shortcut do you use for that
01:04.45chealerdemm: huh, thank you, I thought that had disappeared
01:05.29chealerbut what I mean is replacing Yakuake's F10 (only start an instance if needed)
01:06.50chealeractually, I say F10, but it may be different by default (I seem to remember it conflicted with another shortcut I used a lot)
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01:15.16demmchealer: yakuake is F12 as default, but reassigning to konsole overrides that
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02:09.40MrSassyPantsok I have 2 monitors right? And both have a task bar and their own flipping menus.
02:10.07MrSassyPantsIs it possible to make at least the menus just references to the same thing? So I don't have to add stuff to my favorites twice and the like?
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06:52.32tdnI use Debian 8 with KDE and Chromium as my browser. Everytime I start Chromium, it says "Chromium isnt your default browser. Set as default?" No matter how many times I press Set as default, it keeps saying this. I also set Chromium as default via update-alternatives. How do I fix this?
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07:12.17ml47I am experiencing unsatisfying behaviour from konsole, hope this belongs here: Ich have custom keymap, which contains `keycode  45 = k K                       at at                           Up Up` for the k-key. The "Up"-bindings to not work in konsole, but works in all other terminal-emulators I have tried yet. When hitting the key-combination it just prints "A" and thats it.
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08:00.18TuxtorielHey! :·)
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08:03.49Tuxtorielraghukamath: I give you that, it's a hacky thing to do and it's not a final solution, but by taking the «/usr/share/X11/xkb» folder from live usb with kde neon dev unstable and copying it over to my manjaro install (I backed up the original folder, obviously ;·) ) The indian keyboard layouts now work, as well as the german neo layout. I'll have to investigate why, but for the moment it works :·)
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08:10.47raghukamathTuxtoriel: thanks for the hack
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08:11.12raghukamathTuxtoriel: then i guess it is the problem with the mosing of the descriptions to base.extra
08:11.37raghukamathTuxtoriel: i might be wrong i think i also saw some german neo descriptions in base.extra.xml
08:11.50raghukamathbase.extra.xml doesn't get read
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08:12.48Tuxtorielraghukamath: you're welcome :·)  Ah! It doesn't get read? Ok, that explains quite some things! Thanks!
08:13.03Tuxtorielgets back to Meld
08:13.46raghukamathyes the redhat guys requested to hide the indian input since it has too many keyboard layouts and there are alternatives in redhat , to reduce the clutter in gnome control center
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08:13.54raghukamaththey moved it to base.extra.xml
08:13.57raghukamathto hide it
08:14.23TuxtorielAnd it there a way to activate it?
08:14.43TuxtorielOr is it like some ~~~.old file?
08:14.46raghukamathi dont know
08:14.54raghukamathsee the funny bug report
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08:15.42raghukamathTuxtoriel: this is reverted now,
08:16.08raghukamathTuxtoriel: the mystery is that this was released in february , if this affects the keyboard layout in kde it should have affected in february itself
08:17.58TuxtorielYes, but you had no problems back then until recently, did you?
08:18.12*** part/#kde holgersson (~quassel@unaffiliated/holgersson)
08:18.31raghukamathyes i have definitely used indian keyboard input since february
08:18.57TuxtorielMaybe recent update of the distro?
08:19.17raghukamathi was on arch so it updated many times since february
08:19.27Tuxtorielheh :·)
08:19.38raghukamathTuxtoriel: I even tried to manually copy the relevant files but it didn't work
08:19.48raghukamathbut you said you copied the entire folder right
08:19.59raghukamathso there is something that is different
08:20.04TuxtorielI made a back up just in case
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08:20.12raghukamathmay be the symbols need to get generated again
08:20.17Tuxtorielyes, maybe some config file
08:20.20raghukamathi am just guessing
08:20.21Tuxtorielmanaging it all
08:20.31raghukamathand may be an update to xorg triggered it
08:20.31Tuxtorielmaybe too, yes.
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08:20.53Tuxtorielcould be
08:21.12Tuxtoriellike something like a symbol cache
08:21.24anugdo i need to install ati driver after clean install?
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08:22.28Tuxtorielanug: Don't know about ati, but for nvidia, I did, yes.
08:22.51Tuxtorielraghukamath: and what about those base and base.extras.xml?
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08:23.20Tuxtoriel(maybe the «xorg» and «xorg.lst» files are involved too)
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08:24.39raghukamathTuxtoriel: the keyboard input layouts and its variants are listed in base.xml file, base.extra.xml is where rarer keyboard input files are stored, i think kde doesn't read it
08:25.01raghukamathtere are evdev.xml and evdev.extra (or something) files as well
08:25.34raghukamathI am not that well versed in the technicalities :) so can't deduce which file is the culprit
08:27.25Tuxtorielok :·) Still, we are getting somewhere. If you compare the two xkb folders though, there are a lot of differences, and if you concentrate on the rules folder you have:
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08:27.55TuxtorielAll the base and base.* as well as evdev and evdev.* that differ
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08:28.30Tuxtorielnew files called xfree86 and xfree86.lst and xfree86.xml
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08:28.58TuxtorielFinally, xorg, xorg.lst and xorg.xml differ too.
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08:30.04raghukamathTuxtoriel: in leap the .lst files point to evdev.lst
08:30.09TuxtorielGoing through them, I had the sense that xorg is not responsible.
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08:30.14raghukamathwhich has the list of input layouts
08:30.24Tuxtorieloh, ok.
08:30.42raghukamathmay be something reads the relevant inputlayouts and lists them in this file
08:30.59raghukamathcan you check the evdev.lst file in the broken install
08:31.07raghukamathdoes it have hin-wx in it
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08:32.55Tuxtorielno «hin-wx» here! :·)
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08:34.06raghukamath:) and in tumbleweed it is the opposite evdev.lst is pointed to base.lst
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08:35.57raghukamathTuxtoriel: so i think that is the issue
08:36.23TuxtorielWhat exactly? the «hin-wx» thing?
08:36.36raghukamathit is like the neo 2
08:36.41raghukamatha variant
08:37.03raghukamathof hindi
08:37.26Tuxtorielyes, true, in the working folder, it's listed!
08:37.49raghukamathTuxtoriel: not just that there is no indian section in it self
08:38.03raghukamaththere are half a dozen keyboard layouts in indian subsection
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08:39.00TuxtorielThose that where migrated to the extras…
08:39.34raghukamathdo you know how does this .lst file gets generated?
08:40.34Tuxtorielno. maybe some setxbkmap generation command.
08:40.48Tuxtorielreads the setxkbmap man
08:42.14TuxtorielDidn't find any generation command.
08:42.27TuxtorielBut I found ways to include new source files.
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08:50.59Tuxtorielraghukamath: maybe it's more something with xkbcomp.
08:52.26Tuxtorielraghukamath: there might be something interesting here :
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08:56.36raghukamathTuxtoriel: thanks for the links
08:57.05raghukamathTuxtoriel: now I think it may be related to the indian layouts getting in the extra files
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08:57.46TuxtorielThe neo thing is something else. It's in the layout definition that something's gone wrong.
08:58.04*** join/#kde Tuor (~Tuor@unaffiliated/tuor)
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08:58.10TuxtorielI like that quote “There is also evdev.xml, but I couldn't figure out its role.” :·)
08:58.48TuxtorielWe're not the only ones to be lost in that file structure :·)
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09:10.45yeehiKmail problem: All the mail seems pale. The body can be read easily enough, once it has been selected. Why is it all grey? Is it because it isn't downloaded permanently?
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09:21.29Tuxtorielno idea, can't help on that one, sorry. yeehi
09:23.05Tuxtorielraghukamath: do you still have your initial setup or did you already put in place a working one? Or are you testing, changing file after file?
09:26.19raghukamathTuxtoriel: I am using a different machine with leap for the time beap
09:28.00TuorHi, is there an plasmoid which displays I/O status? (read/write/s, read/write cache, free space on disks)
09:30.29Tuxtorielraghukamath: ok. When you'll make the change on the other keyboard, if you could only change the «evdev.lst» file, and then, if it still doesn't work, file by file (evdev, evdev.* and so on), maybe you'll be able to find what's involved and what's not? I'll do this on my second install, and keep you informed about what happened.
09:30.50TuxtorielTuor: yep, generally it's in the widget list.
09:31.56TuxtorielDid you «Add Widgets…» ? There's a «Hard Disk I/O monitor».
09:32.32TuxtorielAnd a «CPU Load Monitor» too.
09:33.14*** join/#kde jarifibrahim (~Ibrahim@
09:33.29TuorTuxtoriel, i'll search, maybe I just searched with the wrong words...
09:33.50Tuxtorielok :·)
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09:39.58raghukamathTuxtoriel: thank you so much for putting so much time in this :)
09:40.08raghukamathi'll do a file by file paste later in the evening
09:40.34Tuxtorielyou're welcome! :·) Actually, thank you too :·)
09:40.54TuxtorielThe good news is, it can work.
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09:42.28TuxtorielThe last thing to do is to find out how. I'll doo a file by file too, and ping you tomorrow, if I did find nothing new on the Internet.
09:42.59TuorTuxtoriel, thx found it. :)
09:43.18TuxtorielTuor: no problem! :)
09:44.34Tuxtoriel's learning how to use that new layout
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09:55.58raghukamathTuxtoriel: why thank me ?
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09:57.51Tuxtorielraghukamath: well, you tested on other computers, and tested the neo layout too, with which I had problems on my installs :·)
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09:59.08TuxtorielSo it's almost two problems, one initial issue, and one solution to solve them all :)
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10:06.49Tuxtorielok, I have to go. See you! :·)
10:14.22raghukamathsee you! :)
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10:19.26MrSassyPantsthe graphical tablet settings don't show up in the system settings, what do
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10:23.10raghukamathMrSassyPants: i think the kcmtablet is not yet ported to kf5, i assume you are using plasma5
10:23.31MrSassyPantskubuntu 17.04
10:23.36MrSassyPantsI guess that is plasma5
10:23.37raghukamaththere is xsetwacom cli utility
10:24.30MrSassyPantsyeah and that works I guess
10:24.34MrSassyPantsbut it's a lot less helpful
10:31.02raghukamathMrSassyPants: yes
10:31.30raghukamaththere is a somewhat WIP (I guess) port in the git for kcm tablet
10:31.55raghukamathI had tried it when i was in arch it work well for most of the part
10:32.05MrSassyPantswell let me try, where is it
10:33.18MrSassyPantskcmshell4 kcm_wacomtablet sorta works, but I need to enable something
10:34.10raghukamathi dont know if the git version is available for kubuntu, but i guess you can build from source which is here ->
10:34.58raghukamathIn comming days when all distribution move to libinput then it will be tough , as far as i know xsetwacom is not ported and there is no similar tool in libinput
10:35.30raghukamathalso libinput will become default driver and xf86-input-wacom wont be default. like it is in arch now.
10:36.12MrSassyPantsdo you have an idea how I can enable the daemon that "kcmshell4 kcm_wacomtablet" requests?
10:36.21raghukamaths/comming days/coming months
10:36.37raghukamathMrSassyPants: i don't know that sorry
10:37.24MrSassyPantsThe documentation of the daemon is just about detection problems
10:38.16MrSassyPantsYes, I understand the plan is to stop supporting all input whatsoever and have linux become a fully autonomous AI that works without users
10:38.26MrSassyPantsI probably won't take the upgrade
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10:45.38BluesKajHey folks
10:45.50shtrbMorning BluesKaj
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10:52.14MrSassyPantsraghukamath, can't build it
10:52.35MrSassyPantsprobably a lot of kde4 material missing
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10:55.18LazyGnollraghukamath: wacomtablet has been ported to kf5 but there are no ubuntu packages for it
10:55.34LazyGnolloh, I meant, MrSassyPants
10:55.42MrSassyPantsLazyGnoll, oh
10:55.46LazyGnollbut the wacomtablet kcm is unmaintained
10:55.52MrSassyPantsI don't know what that means
10:55.55LazyGnollit kinda works but you'll have to build it from source probably
10:56.07raghukamathLazyGnoll: that is good news
10:56.07MrSassyPantsI just CLI'd that the tablet is slaved to one screen
10:56.15MrSassyPantswhich already solved 50% of my problems
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10:56.26raghukamathi mean the news about kf5 port
10:56.37LazyGnollyeah there's a releng3.0 branch
10:56.38raghukamathnot that it is being unmaintained
10:56.41MrSassyPantsLazyGnoll, where is the kde5 gui
10:56.55MrSassyPantspoint me towards it, I'll see if I can compile it
10:57.05raghukamathMrSassyPants: you should checkout david revoys xsetwacom scripts
10:57.24MrSassyPantsI'd really get a gui working first
10:57.35LazyGnollMrSassyPants: raghukamath posted the link, specifically you need this branch
10:58.21MrSassyPantsI already tried to compile raghukamaths link
10:58.35LazyGnolldon't use master branch because it's kde4 version
10:58.45MrSassyPantsyah, I figured
10:58.52MrSassyPantscmake complained about missing kde4 stuffs
10:59.47MrSassyPantsok but how...
11:00.54MrSassyPantshow do I clone the right branch with git?
11:01.46LazyGnolladd "-b branch-name" option to git clone
11:02.46MrSassyPantsok, what is ECM
11:03.29MrSassyPants[Could not find a package configuration file provided by "ECM"]
11:05.52LazyGnollthere probably is some kind of guide on building kde apps from source
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11:09.16MrSassyPantsyeah, looking into that.
11:10.53MrSassyPantsI found such a guide
11:10.56MrSassyPantsinstalled the packages
11:11.04MrSassyPantsbut it seems the list is incomplete
11:12.00MrSassyPantsprobably was libqt5x11extras5-dev
11:12.21LazyGnollyeah, you need "dev" versions of dependencies too
11:12.26MrSassyPantsand now I have a couple pages of stuff missing
11:12.38MrSassyPantsshouldn't there just be a somethingkde-dev metapackage that installs all that stuff?
11:12.59MrSassyPantsseriously faster to install all of it than figure this out one by one
11:14.02LazyGnollMrSassyPants: you can get a more or less accurate list of names of dependencies for wacomtablet from here, for example (see CDEPEND)
11:14.17MrSassyPantshah, gentoo to the rescue
11:21.35MrSassyPantsalright, it's building
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11:26.53MrSassyPantsLazyGnoll, same as before. It complains about some service (daemon?) not running
11:27.14LazyGnollpost the error message to pastebin pls
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11:28.05MrSassyPantsLazyGnoll, on the plus side, a defunct graphics tablet thingy is now showing up in the system settings
11:28.20MrSassyPantsit says a dynamic library couldn't be found
11:28.28MrSassyPantsofc it doesn't tell me which one
11:30.42LazyGnollcan you post the actual error please, did it build and install ok?
11:32.21MrSassyPantsit did build and install ok
11:32.53MrSassyPantsfirst picture is the result of the kcmshell4 kcm_wacomtablet
11:33.00MrSassyPantssecond is whats going on in the system settings
11:33.23MrSassyPantsin english, first says "KDE service for tablets not found"
11:33.35MrSassyPantssecond says "The dynamic library wasn't found" (doesn't say WHICH)
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11:34.05LazyGnolluh, kcmshell4 is a kde 4 command
11:34.40LazyGnollyeah the readme is outdated :/
11:34.49LazyGnollbut ideally you should just restart kded5
11:35.53LazyGnolland then run kcmshell5 kcm_wacomtablet… weird that you have kcmshell4 in your system
11:36.12MrSassyPantsif I run it with kcmshell5 it actually tells me whats missing, kcm_wacomtablet
11:38.01MrSassyPantsI think the make install installed it into the wrong path, yeh I can sort that out in a sec
11:38.33LazyGnollyou should have and in /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/ (I think) as a result of installation
11:40.18MrSassyPantsI should
11:40.25MrSassyPantsbut the make install put it in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/plugins/
11:40.36MrSassyPantsanyhow, now I get the same error again, service not found
11:41.09MrSassyPants"please start the wacom tablet service"
11:41.36LazyGnollrestart kded5
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11:42.43MrSassyPantsI think I did, no change
11:43.04MrSassyPantskquitapp kded5 ; kded5 & right?
11:44.07LazyGnollyeah, check systemsettings → services, there should be a wacom tablet service on the list and it should be enabled/running
11:44.37MrSassyPantskf5.kded: Could not load kded module "wacomtablet":"Die dynamische Bibliothek konnte nicht gefunden werden." (library path was:"wacomtablet")
11:45.31MrSassyPantsah, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/plugins/
11:45.33MrSassyPantsstill wrong
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11:46.35MrSassyPantsthere was 2 files
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11:47.11MrSassyPantsyep, the UI is there
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11:49.35LazyGnollI honestly don't know what's the correct install path on kubuntu, it should be with other plugins I'd assume, but how to configure it you'll have to ask someone else or find a guide for kubuntu
11:51.10MrSassyPantsok now the thing is that apparently I can't map the tablet to a screen (like I did before with the CLI thingy)
11:51.24MrSassyPantsI mean the buttons are there
11:51.28MrSassyPantsbut they're not doing it
11:54.08LazyGnolldoes xsetwacom work? any errors in kded log?
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11:54.35MrSassyPantsAfter a couple tries, it "stuck"
11:54.39MrSassyPantsI think it is working
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11:58.52MrSassyPantsWait... no, I can't draw anymore.
12:00.38MrSassyPantsI think the module futzed up the pressure sensitivity or something
12:01.42MrSassyPantsIm just gonna restart
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12:11.07MrSassyPantsnope, pen touch isn't working anymore
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12:14.21n4muHi, I'm trying to help a friend with their laptop, I'm trying to get it to autoplay CDs, I've seen a few things that seem to either not work or appear way too complicated to be for real for KDE/Plasma
12:15.12n4muSo far; I just upgraded to Debian/testing/Stretch, and now Plasma "ask" to launch Dragon Player, I can't even get that back to VLC
12:15.52n4muAny help would be great as I can't see, to find anything online.  : ]
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12:18.13n4muSorry, I got VLC back..
12:18.54n4muThe remaining question is, is it possible for Plasma to automatically play a CD or DVD using VLC upon disc insertion ?
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12:24.00tomazn4mu: system-settings, external devices, there's something there.
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12:24.36n4mutomaz: hi
12:25.10n4muYes, Since I installed VLC, VLC is there (multiple times, for CD, DVD, etc)
12:25.50n4mutomaz: now when I put a CD in the computer, I have a notification proposing 3 actions; including using VLC
12:26.49n4muI mean 2 actions, Dragon or VLC.  Ideally, it would directly open VLC (for CDs and DVDs)
12:29.48MrSassyPantsAH I had to bind button 1 to button 1. of course.
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12:34.40MrSassyPantsNow the only thing that doesn't work is touch mode
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12:41.56tomazn4mu: please, go to system settings, removable storage, device actions.
12:42.03tomazthe option you want is there.
12:43.01anughow to disable workspace switching with mouse wheel
12:43.57n4mutomaz: I AM there, since a while; I am perhaps not seeing the option, but I have searched. Or I don't understand the optoins
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12:46.31tomazn4mu: okay, so, device actions, click in Add, create a name for it like "Play CD with VLC", and configure the vlc command line to open the CD.
12:47.01tomazthere should be a few actions there already like 'Downoad Photos with Gwenview', you can click on Edit to see how it's done and adapt to your usecase.
12:47.24tomazand yes, I do realize that it's something we should improve on KDE.
12:47.37n4mutomaz: I tried that, let me try again. BTW, the action I did add was correctly added to the notif-menu.
12:47.56n4muI'm looking for "put the cd in and VLC launches"
12:49.45tomazn4mu: I can find the auto mount, but not 'execute command'
12:50.08n4mutomaz: BTW; there are no predefined actions or anything; a GUI-only user could not do this. I can't even without popping out the man for VLC. But also; there's no "do this auto"
12:50.44n4muanyway I don't want to spend the day on this, I will just tell the user it's not possible. I'm tired and I understand everyone's POV so don't worry.
12:50.50tomazn4mu: that's what I refered when I said "I do realize that's something we should improve on KDE"
12:51.02tomazand I do belive we should create something for that.
12:51.16tomazsorry that I can't help :/
12:52.07n4mutomaz: I know, I read that and I am sometimes sad with how KDE, or Plasma, has lost me a bit. I know it's a huuuuuge project that makes the desktop very easy to use, but sometimes, like with every project; growth means losing a few things here and there.
12:52.50tomazn4mu: manpower is needed. I would love to help kde more than I currently do (not much, to be fair)
12:52.57n4mutomaz: no worries. I really do hope you guys manage to break through, I know I am not contributing to code/design, so I've not much to say
12:55.16tomazyou can always try, we have tons of easy to fix bugs
12:55.33n4muA good example of something strange, not poking just saying as a user, is the "Activities" button. I install Deb/KDE for noobs, and I want to remove that button because it confuses them so bad, but it's not possible. So I started to suggest using Cinnamon or something.. . and then I'm like, fuck it, I'm going back to Window Maker  : ]
12:56.00tomazWM is the first project that I ever submited code.
12:56.10n4mutomaz: \o/  nice
12:56.29tomazn4mu: but activities are a nice concept, i use it here for a while without issues.
12:56.51tomazI do understand the concept of users not understand the concept, hell, my mom uses linux and sometimes hell breaks loose.
12:56.56n4muI loved WM back in the day, my old laptop was fast with it and it did only what I asked.  : ]
12:58.56n4mutomaz: I am not arguing if activities is good or bad; it's that it's imposed, can't be removed. Noobs will accidently click it and everything changes and they end up rebooting because they don't know what happened and then they want to go back to MS or buy a Mac...
12:59.59n4muso if I want to convince users to use "Linux", I have to offer a good environement that's easy, good looking and so on. I've always loved KDE because it's all of that, still is, even though sometimes it's just too much for a normal user on 7 year old laptop.
13:00.14toskyn4mu: uhm, the button for activities in the Plasma panel?
13:00.37tosky(and a 7 year old laptop is a small beast, unless it was an Atom laptop)
13:01.45n4mutosky: I'm just testing the latest KDE (deb testing) and i think the plasma/activties button (on the desktop)) has perhaps changed behaviour..
13:02.18toskyn4mu: do you mean that you could remove it before and now you can't, or the other way?
13:02.22tosky(and please, Plasma)
13:02.39n4mutosky: I agree, any non-atom PC is a beast. : ]
13:03.31asturmany webbrowser is taxing your system more than a DE these days
13:03.45n4mutosky: I don't know on the latest; just testing it out (on foreign keyboard). On Kde/deb-stable I couldn't remove the "activities" icon
13:03.56n4muasturm: +&
13:03.58n4muasturm: +1
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13:04.20toskyn4mu: that's strange, I'm pretty sure that you can remove any button (if you enable the edit mode)
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13:04.42n4mutosky: BRB, let me try:
13:05.14toskyn4mu: edit mode first (click on the icons on the right side)
13:05.58n4mutosky: nope; can only move it. But it's okay, I put a sticker on that part of the screen to avoid clicking (I'm kidding of course)
13:07.36tomazn4mu: tested here that and I can indeed remove it.
13:07.44tomazI'm using latest compiled from sources.
13:08.19toskyn4mu: you can remove it
13:08.24toskyn4mu: did you enter the edit mode?
13:08.56n4mutosky: I tried on my deb-stable. Let me try it here on my friend's computer (deb-testing)
13:09.13tomazn4mu: that's not the plasmoid, that's another thing.
13:09.14toskyn4mu: so you are not talking about the activity icon *in the panel*
13:09.27tomazI do belive me and tosky where thinking about the panel icon
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13:09.58n4mumy bad. I don't even know if I'm using kde or plasma  :]
13:10.11tomazyou cant use kde as it's the name of the community
13:10.11toskythat's easy: you are using plasma
13:10.15tomazso you are using plasma. :)
13:10.40toskyanyway, about that menu
13:10.42n4muI see. But I did used to use KDE right ?
13:10.45tomazthis picture you showed us is from plasma 4, but on 4 and 5 it's tha same thing: you cannot move remove that.
13:10.50toskyn4mu: until 9 years ago, yes
13:10.54n4muyes; tell me if I can remove it actually  : ]
13:11.15n4mutosky: well, I used debian stable, so I was using KDE untill 5 years ago  ;]
13:11.16toskyso, you can 1) hide it behind the panel or 2) remove with a less documented procedure
13:11.24toskyn4mu: neither, that was Plasma too
13:11.40tomazplasma 4 & 5. before that it was kde 3.
13:12.10n4mu(I was trolling on debian being old, but indeed; i remeber kde4, or should I say, Plasma1 )
13:12.15toskyn4mu: if you don't want to go for 1) (hide that button behind the panel, which is the fastest way), there is 2) this
13:12.38n4mu1, if it's fastest and most supported; that could work.
13:12.49n4muI don't want to do crazy workarounds that
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13:13.11n4muah; the "cashew" ;)
13:13.16tomazn4mu: one thing you may is to forbid the usage of that via kiosk
13:13.30tomaz(now, I'm not sure if kiosk supports the cashew icons'
13:13.52toskygood question
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13:14.25n4musee, this is the issue, a whole blog post to remove a button that confuses noobs, while it's something noobs might want to do.  :/
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13:15.27n4muanyway, I don't want to sound bitter or anything. I really like too many things with KDE, I mean Plasma.
13:15.28asturmbut that's, erm old info
13:15.51asturmconfigure desktop -> tweaks -> [ ] show the desktop toolbox
13:16.22asturmit's not even called cashew anymore :p
13:16.25toskyoh, good to know
13:16.28toskythanks asturm
13:16.33toskyn4mu: follow asturm ^^
13:16.46tomazTHATS MAGIC
13:17.00n4mutosky: I'm trying, this is computer is FR_fr so... .
13:17.08n4muasturm: and thanks 111!!!
13:17.33asturmyw :)
13:18.40n4muasturm: I can't find this button, if you tell me the icon number/order ?
13:19.12tomazn4mu: third button on the left of Desktop Settings, first combobox on the right.
13:20.12toskyuhm, was it in 5.8 too? I'm not on Debian right now and I can't check
13:20.25tomaznot sure. I'm running 5.10
13:21.51n4muI can't find it. I'll come back, I really got to go.
13:22.06n4muthanks all of you, I do love KDE.  :]
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13:31.19asturmfor sure it was in 5.8
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14:29.16KOLANICHHi everybody. Where can I get the full reference for all dbus interfaces of kde components?
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14:34.00shtrbKOLANICH , running qdbus will list all open
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14:37.23KOLANICHshtrb: i need a reference, documentation
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14:44.21toskyKOLANICH: I doubt that there is a reference for all applications and services
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14:55.03KOLANICHtosky: I haven't found. But desktop envuronment is a kit closely-related of programs, so I expect each DE to have the docs for the programs which are part of it in single place. I especially mean parts of envuronment: login manager, window manager, power manager, network manager, tray manager, indexer - all the apps which define DE.
14:55.30KOLANICH*a kit of
14:56.10toskyKOLANICH: so you want the reference for Plasma components; ask the Plasma team, but again I doubt that there is a reference list of dbus interfaces
14:56.26toskynot just for Plasma, but for the other applications developed by the KDE community
14:56.51toskysome of them may have that in their documentation, but definitely not many
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14:58.02muesliwhat's the best way to figure out why my plasmashell suddenly uses crazy amounts of memory?
14:58.27tomazmuesli: profilling. do you compile by source?
14:58.46mueslinot on this system i'm afraid, just a user here
14:59.01tomazhm, do you know if you have the debug symbols installed there?
14:59.05muesli(latest archlinux)
14:59.36tomazI'm on arch but I compile by hand.
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14:59.59tomazbecause the amount of things that can go wrong on plasma depends directly by your plugins it's hard to say for sure
15:00.26tomazare you using a lot of plasmoids?
15:00.49muesliyeah, doesn't seem trivial to debug it
15:00.53mueslino plasmoids whatsoever
15:01.34muesliwell, none on the desktop. the usual things in the taskbar. activity picker, virtual desktop overview, task manager, tray, time/date
15:01.56tomazand the app with the massive amount of memory is plasmashell, right?
15:02.06tomazjust to compare, mine here is 168M of memory, archlinux.
15:02.18mueslimuesli   25480  6.3 10.6 273380424 854100 ?    Sl   16:52   0:34 /usr/bin/plasmashell
15:02.48mueslithat's 260G for VIRT, 834M RES and 423M SHR
15:03.05tomazthat indeed seems too much
15:03.43tomazmaybe you can use an application that records memory usage for a bit so we have data to analize?
15:03.55shtrbmuesli , pmap -d
15:04.25shtrbjust don't paste here (to see the entire map) , but I don't think it will help you that much
15:05.00mueslishtrb: thanks, didn't know that one
15:05.22muesligonna start it in the shell for now, maybe i can gather some more info
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15:05.34mueslion restart it already uses half that memory at least
15:05.35shtrbmuesli , is it one of the plasmoid that load sqlite dbs ?
15:05.57mueslishtrb: none that i'm aware of. any typical "offenders" here?
15:06.18shtrbmine is gtfs
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15:08.52mueslithe amount of TypeErrors it spits out on shell is a bit scary, but i don't think that's related. i've seen them for years now
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15:15.17mr_sm1thIs KDE mobile dead?
15:15.19mr_sm1thPlasma mobile*
15:15.38tomazmr_sm1th: it's not.
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15:29.55eagleis there a method to use breeze-dark with sddm before login?
15:31.13shtrbselect that them for sddm ?
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15:31.38shtrbIf it's listed for you , just select it
15:31.53eagleit's not that easy
15:31.54asturmthere probably is just no theme for that
15:32.11asturmat least I just have one regular breeze theme available
15:32.12eaglethat'S the case...
15:32.17eaglebut how to select another qt theme
15:32.28eaglemaybe a question for #sddm
15:32.41eaglewithin the sddm-breeze theme
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15:37.30asturmwell, someone's got to make one
15:37.36asturmyou can change it in systemsettings...
15:38.44shtrbhe said it's not listed for him , but If he will update /usr/share/sddm/themes/sddm-breeze-dark there will be one
15:39.03asturmshtrb: update what?
15:39.21shtrb*create that (that's the path of themes for sddm in debian )
15:39.52asturmbut the question was how to select - that's in systemsettings
15:40.12eaglemy question was, how to edit an sddm theme, so that it adapts the breeze-dark theme
15:40.29asturmit can't adapt breeze-dark, because it is before anything plasma
15:40.42shtrbeagle , I think you can just edit the files in the sddm theme directory
15:41.06eaglebut it is not that easy to get it to adapt to breeze-dark
15:41.07asturmso what you do is create a look-alike theme
15:41.24asturm...and many people will applaud you for that
15:41.48shtrbI think there was a public site for kde artwork
15:42.00eagleit does not work that way
15:42.07shtrbkdelook or something like that
15:42.08eaglelet me try to explain
15:42.23eaglethe sddm login screen adapts breeze-dark, as soon as you have logged in
15:42.34eaglebut doesn't if you are logged out
15:42.54asturmeagle: you mean when you lock your screen?
15:43.02asturmbecause that's not sddm
15:43.09asturmthat's kscreenlocker...
15:43.18shtrbbtw for soe existing sddm themes
15:43.22eaglethen I should try to find its config and adapt it to sddm
15:43.53eagleshtrb: none of those listed adapt a design similar to kscreenlocker with breeze-dark
15:44.27shtrbmy message was supposed to be sent after me mentioning kdelook
15:44.50eagleanyways, thanks shtrb, asturm, for the hints
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20:20.53torsteinhow can i disable volume change sound?
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20:23.27Grahfhi. Anyone know of a color scheme thats good for your eyes? Ive tried a LOT.
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20:23.46oprypinGrahf, default
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20:24.03oprypintorstein, Configure KMix > Volume Feedback
20:24.05oprypinGrahf, yes
20:25.00torsteinoprypin: I have no such app. Fedora 26
20:25.02Grahfeveryone said black text on a white background is best but it seems to strain my eyes for some reason. maybe I just need to adjust from using dark themes for years
20:26.03oprypintorstein, what do you mean  you dont have KMix?
20:26.17asturmoprypin: it's probably plasma-pa
20:26.48torsteinno result in start menu
20:26.50oprypinGrahf, i can attest that black background is terrible
20:27.11oprypinwell im not gonna install plasma-pa to check what's the difference
20:27.17oprypini would recommend kmix in any case
20:27.47oprypininstall that and uninstall plasma-pa, then you'll have this setting - that's all i can gurantee.  maybe there's the same setting in what you have now
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20:28.52oprypin...and you need to restart it then, for some reason
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20:55.30Zrentorstein, just right click the volume icon
20:55.45Zrenaudio volume settings
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22:02.28digupWhy does mouse speed and acceleration settings still do nothing in KDE 5.8.6? Every time I want to change mouse speeds or disable mouse acceleration, I have to lookup "Mouse Acceleration" page on the Arch Wiki and scroll down to libinput section,
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22:11.37oprypinshoulda sticked with evdev
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22:17.49JACKSONMEISTERwhen i launch kde-partitionmanager i get:
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22:17.54JACKSONMEISTERWarning: You do not have administrative privileges.
22:17.56JACKSONMEISTERIt is possible to run KDE Partition Manager without these privileges. You will, however, not be allowed to apply operations.
22:17.57JACKSONMEISTERDo you want to continue running KDE Partition Manager?
22:18.17oprypinJACKSONMEISTER, OK, what is not clear?
22:18.17JACKSONMEISTERthe only choice is to run it without admin privilegs then
22:18.31oprypinor, you know, running it with admin privileges
22:18.33JACKSONMEISTERthe problem is that kdesu asks me for sudo pw
22:18.54JACKSONMEISTERso i dont understand why it cant keep it
22:19.41oprypinJACKSONMEISTER, OK, this clears up the problem. you entered root password but it still says that there are no privileges
22:21.09JACKSONMEISTERto clear this up further: 1. i launch partitionmanager from the menu 2. popup appears that asks for root pw - i type it in 3. partman launches with root (white theme and my default user has a dark theme) 4. i make changes to a hdd or sdcard and want to commit 5. error above is shown
22:21.54oprypinJACKSONMEISTER, the error shows up only when you want to commit it, no earlier?
22:22.00oprypinwhat distro is this?
22:22.01JACKSONMEISTERyes sir
22:22.21JACKSONMEISTERmanjaro - its arch linux under the hood
22:22.50oprypinanother day, another thing broken on manjaro
22:23.17JACKSONMEISTERi mean this is really weird i can even reproduce this on another machine
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22:23.47stikonashi, did somebody ask about partitionmanager?
22:23.49oprypinI'm guessing with manjaro as well
22:24.29stikonasoprypin: I just joined, can you repeat the question?
22:24.41JACKSONMEISTERto clear this up further: 1. i launch partitionmanager from the menu 2. popup appears that asks for root pw - i type it in 3. partman launches with root (white theme and my default user has a dark theme) 4. i make changes to a hdd or sdcard and want to commit 5. error above is shown
22:24.54oprypinwanna check if polkit works ok
22:24.55JACKSONMEISTERdistro: manjaor x64 kde
22:25.16oprypinJACKSONMEISTER, could you go to a terminal and type:   systemctl reload dbus
22:25.41oprypinthe purpose of this is not to do anything with dbus, but to check whether the library that escalates permissions works ok
22:26.22oprypinthen `systemctl status dbus`  should contain   [system] Reloaded configuration   - press Q to quit the status window
22:27.03JACKSONMEISTERpopup appeard typed in pw, status says reloaded
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22:27.10oprypinwell what do you know... that's in order then
22:27.36stikonasJACKSONMEISTER: there was a bugfix release of kpmcore 3.1.2
22:27.41stikonasyou might want to get it
22:28.10stikonassomehow getlogin() function from glibc library is not able to obtain your login name on Arch and derivatives...
22:29.09stikonasthis was causing partition manager to crash...
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22:29.55oprypinI confirm that 3.1.1 is broken on Arch and that 3.1.2 is available to install
22:30.06oprypin(reproduced the same problem)
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22:31.52JACKSONMEISTERaccording to this:  - i use sudo instead as a workaround for now because manjaro does not yet offer 3.1.2 as i saw in pacman... so issue solved thanks for helping and clearing this up!
22:33.38stikonasJACKSONMEISTER: took me half a day to fix it...
22:33.51stikonasmostly getting up Arch (actually parabola) running on virtualbox...
22:33.57stikonasso that I could reproduce the problem
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22:34.25JACKSONMEISTERwell, which distro would you guys recommend for a up-to-date kde ?
22:35.22JACKSONMEISTERor do you use any distro and build kde all on your own
22:35.23oprypinJACKSONMEISTER, nah building KDE is nuts
22:35.39oprypinJACKSONMEISTER, I recommend Arch, what to say
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22:36.09oprypinGentoo if you actually want to build stuff, it supports that, but I don't see a good reason to do so
22:36.14toskyalso because building a community is complicated (ba dum tss!)
22:43.10stikonaswell, I myself use Gentoo :)
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22:48.11almostdvshow can i import color schemes in konsole
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22:49.35oprypinalmostdvs, do you have a particular color scheme that you want to import?
22:49.51almostdvsa few i want to try out
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22:50.16almostdvsI can't find the files
22:50.27oprypinalmostdvs, if those you have a colorscheme file, you put it in  $HOME/.local/share/konsole/
22:52.56almostdvsah, it has to have a .colorscheme extension.  thanks oprypin
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23:17.59arminoprypin: it's just a modification of the breeze color scheme for konsole that i did somewhen, but i find it so useful that i want to link it.
23:22.45arminbtw the only thing that i miss in konsole is the configurability of the selected text bg color
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23:36.24oprypinarmin, here's my stuff
23:36.44oprypinim pretty sure you can configure selected text bg
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