IRC log for #kde on 20170620

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00:20.10*** topic/#kde is KDE Plasma 5.10 and KDE Applications 17.04 are out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde,~/.kde4,~/.local or ~/.config
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00:59.42Zrenhalf font height or full font height?
00:59.52Zrendetails view
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01:07.56Zrenhmmm I think I'll settle for 80% font height with a 20% top margin
01:08.13ZrenSeems to put it at the baseline
01:09.16*** join/#kde Skeer (~bhart@
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03:14.42CRCinAUDoes anyone seem to have any issues with kmail not getting new mail after running for several hours without restarting akondi via akondictl restart ?
03:17.56thiagothat's been happening for 5 years or so
03:18.08thiagorun akonadiconsole and check the status of your agents. They should be in "Ready" state.
03:18.22thiagois any of them stuck in no state or "Connection established"?
03:19.08thiagoscratch that. It's not 5 years. More like 7.
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07:40.58lordievaderGood morning
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08:31.07TomyWorki clicked the K button, entered "desktop theme", went to the thing that popped up, clicked "Get New Themes...", then installed a theme
08:31.12TomyWorknow how do i use the themeE?
08:31.32TomyWorkthe theme list still only shows air, air for netbooks and oxygen
08:31.53leszekTomyWork: the theme should appear in the themes dialog were you can choose the different themes
08:32.07leszekso it is installed automatically
08:32.14TomyWorkthis is KDE 4.13.3 on kubuntu 14.04
08:32.46TomyWorkleszek what do i do if it doesnt appear?
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08:33.58leszekoh KDE SC 4.13 ? Or 4.14 ? It might be that this theme isn't compatible or the archive is wrong. You could go on search for the theme there and download it manually and take a look at installation instructions if there are any
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08:34.26TomyWorkleszek it does offer me to uninstall the theme within the "get new themes" dialog
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08:34.54TomyWork that's the theme
08:34.58TomyWork4.13.3, not 4.14
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08:35.14leszekTomyWork: can you take a look at ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme then if the theme files are there maybe. Usually they should be in a folder
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08:36.45TomyWorkwhich subdirectory?
08:37.19TomyWorki have Amarok-Mockup default internal-system-colors muon-contenttheme
08:38.16leszekit should've its own folder called the same as the theme
08:38.29leszekIf it isn't there it is strange
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08:40.29TuxtorielHello! :·)
08:41.24TuxtorielQuick question: Does Ctrl+Shift+U to insert unicode characters work in KDE?
08:41.53TomyWorknot in kwrite, no
08:42.50TomyWorkleszek ok, where else could it have ended up?
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08:43.34leszekTomyWork: for plasma themes thats the only place
08:43.50TuxtorielTomyWork: I fear it doesn't work at all. Just wanted to know if it's my install or general. Thanks! :·)
08:44.46TomyWorkleszek found it: /home/bstabel/.kde/share/apps/knewstuff3/plasma-themes.knsregistry
08:44.54TomyWorkthere's an entry in that file
08:45.12leszekTomyWork: thats just the config which holds installed themes I guess
08:45.36TomyWork<installedfile>/tmp/kde-<my user>///</installedfile>
08:45.44TomyWorkthat exists, too
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08:46.08leszekthe /tmp stuff usually is just the download location and the file gets extracted from there to the directory I mentioned
08:47.32TomyWorki did unzip /tmp/kde-<my user>/// in ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme
08:47.42TomyWorknow it shows up
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08:48.32leszek:) so extraction of the zip somehow failed. Strange knewstuff should handle errors of this kind. Ah ok maybe there is a bug in this ancient version 4.13 is not even the latest kde sc 4 :P
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09:09.16TomyWorkleszek ok now i'm trying to install an icon theme
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09:09.39leszekTomyWork: same error ?
09:09.45TomyWorksame thing, doesnt show up in application appearance -> icons, yeah
09:10.00TomyWorkdifference this time is, it got extracted
09:10.09leszekmaybe something is missing for it to successfully extract stuff
09:10.10TomyWorkto ~/.kde/share/icons///Winux10
09:10.17leszekah ok
09:10.25leszekso it can extract stuff
09:10.41leszekthe location seems correct though the /// look strange in the path
09:11.01leszekbut that can be something specific to that icon themes packaging/archiving
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09:12.40TomyWorkleszek maybe it's structured wrongly, internally?
09:13.35TomyWorkthere is ~/.kde/share/icons/Winux10/{icons,themes}
09:13.57TomyWorkthere is ~/.kde/share/icons/Winux10/{icons,themes}/Winux10
09:14.34TomyWorki already tried renaming ~/.kde/share/icons/Winux10 to something else and then moving ~/.kde/share/icons/Winux10/icons/Winux10 in its place
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09:20.14TomyWorklooks like this is  gtk theme
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09:21.32TomyWorkoh, now it showed up
09:21.38leszekTomyWork: yeah maybe the stuff is packaged wrongly.
09:22.02TomyWorki have no idea what i did to make it show up, and i'm not gonna find out :)
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10:43.45BluesKajhowdy folks
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11:50.37KodiakFiresmithcan anyone point me to the desktop lockdown guide if one exists?  We need to be able to enforce various settings (eg screen lock) via Puppet
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12:09.53tomazKodiakFiresmith: you are looking for 'kiosk'
12:10.22tomazsorry, old page,
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12:12.24KodiakFiresmiththanks tomaz!
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12:21.48romanggHey, my blog is linked to planet.kde, but only shows posts with the tag "kde". I'll write in the next months about my GSoC project on Xwayland, which should be of general interest to the KDE community as well, but these posts won't be tagged "kde". Can we change the tag based filtering in some way?
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12:28.57tomazromangg: you can put more than one tag on the posts, no?
12:29.49romanggtomaz: yea, I don't want to tag these posts "kde" though because they are not about kde specific topics.
12:30.53tomazbut they are of general interest to kde community - I don't see a problem about using tags "kde wayland gsoc" for instances
12:31.01tomazeven if they are not specifically about kde.
12:31.30romanggI can tag them "freedesktop" (as in for the freedesktop project), so maybe it could filter all posts with "kde" and "freedesktop".
12:31.51romanggbetter said: "kde" or "freedesktop"
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12:40.20KodiakFiresmithtomaz or anyone really - is there a place I could locate ~/.kde/share/config/kscreensaverrc where it would override individual user settings?  I'd add the [$i] tag to the .ini block within that file of course.
12:40.56tomazKodiakFiresmith: sorry, I know that kiosk exists but I personally have never had a use for it, so I can't help from here.
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12:41.42KodiakFiresmithno worries tomaz.  I'll experiment a bit.
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13:32.06tkzvHello. Can anybody explain how does "Grab Keys" work in KRDC? It doesn't seem to change anything. Righ now I can never predict if the next Alt-Tab will switch windows in the local or remote machine. Also, when I paste English text between 2 remote machines, I get Chinese hieroglyphs. To get it pasted correctly I need to open clipboard on the local machine, open the copied fragment for editing and press OK --
13:32.06tkzvafter that it is pasted as 1-byte ASCII. What's wrong with pasting? Gentoo Linux, KRDC 16.12.3; kdebase-meta-16.12.3.
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13:34.52tkzvPlasma 5.29.0.
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13:51.26KodiakFiresmithconfiguration file location question:  Is there an appropriate place where 'kscreensaverrc' can be located within the /etc folder structure to enforce global settings?  Right now putting it into "/usr/share/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/kscreensaverrc" is tested and working, but that's not an appropriate location for customized global configurations.
13:52.30KodiakFiresmith(This is work I'm doing for policy compliance, btw.  And while it also sucks to do it on Gnome, the directory structures for global overrides of configuration are a smidge easier and more standard :)  )
13:54.15KodiakFiresmithIMO KDE should look for this sort of stuff somewhere like /etc/kde/config
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15:21.00saptechKodiakFiresmith, I'm not sure exactly but I see something like this on my distro (Mageia) running Plasma5. Maybe it can help you find it
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15:21.13saptech"$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/kde4-config
15:21.13saptechlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Mar 12 14:36 /etc/alternatives/kde4-config -> /var/lib/mageia/kde4-profiles/common/kde4rc"
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15:21.57saptechKodiakFiresmith, which distro are you using?
15:22.07KodiakFiresmiththanks saptech - /etc/alternatives is more for playing tricks with what version of $app to run when /usr/bin/$app is executed IIRC
15:22.13KodiakFiresmithwe use RHEL 7
15:22.45KodiakFiresmithwe have a splinter faction of KDE 4 users that need policy management on par with Gnome 3 which is the OS default
15:22.45saptechok. again, I'm no big KDE user
15:23.29saptechah, ok
15:23.45KodiakFiresmiththanks anyhow saptech - I'm going to pop over into kde-dev and see if any of the core devs can fill me in on why KDE doesn't appear to use /etc for config files.  thanks again
15:23.56toskyKodiakFiresmith: you may write to the enterprise list -
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15:24.09toskyKodiakFiresmith: and make sure you are talking about the old Plasma
15:24.10saptechgood idea to check
15:24.35tomazKodiakFiresmith: I think e-mail is better for that, specially because it's an old (and unsupported) plasma.
15:24.42KodiakFiresmiththanks tosky and saptech and tomaz
15:25.04KodiakFiresmithsadly KDE 4 is still state of the art for the mainline RHEL which is in heavy global use
15:25.43KodiakFiresmithFedora 24(?) and beyond moved to KDE 5, so we can be pretty confident it'll also be in RHEL 8, but that's still ~2 years out
15:25.50toskyPlasma 5 :)
15:26.37toskyif you use RHEL, you may also file a ticket to RHEL support - it may take a while (definitely not urgent) but maybe it could help too
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15:46.36killowndoes hit openvpn from network manager works? openvpn --config myfile is working fine but from networkmanager the connect button does nothing
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15:58.13dontknowhi! when i open a text file, it opens the last, not the beginning with kate. can i fix that?
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15:58.47SporkWitchdontknow: some editors remember where you were in a document when you reopen it; check kate's settings
15:59.38dontknowSporkWitch, i scrool up and close text file. after open it, it still opens last section
16:00.10SporkWitchdontknow: scrolling doesn't move the cursor, that's likely what it bases on; still going to be a setting in kate
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17:53.17adymitrukugh. window switchers are all broken in kdeneon :/
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17:58.07ShimmyDefine broken.
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18:35.07adymitrukit gets that message for but a few
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18:37.32oprypinadymitruk, well did you contact your distribution about this?
18:39.29adymitrukno, still dealing with the smart asses first
18:40.37adymitrukCover and Flip are the only ones that work for some reason
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18:50.47datamaanHi, somewhere since Plasma 5.10 i sometimes have my multimedia-keys not working. I cannot find the reason nor any reproducibility that I can describe in a bug-report. At the moment the keys are not working. Is there anything I can do to find useful information?
18:51.20datamaanBTW: my problem was not fixed by this:
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19:36.10ahrsHas anyone ever encountered text alignment issues with widgets in plasma? Is this a bug?
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19:40.50ahrsdatamaan: I've had issues with the media keys too. I made a global shortcut for each of the mediakeys to the playerctl program as a work-around though. It seems to be working fine so far.
19:44.20datamaanahrs: my main incentive was to help find/fix the bug instead of working around it. but thanks for the tip nevertheless
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21:24.10ntzhow do I properly register a new (my custom app) in kde ? I'd like to register it within my $HOME but here ain't something like $HOME/.kde4/applications ... eg I'd like to NOT put it to system wide /usr/share/applications
21:24.12*** join/#kde rdieter (~rdieter1@fedora/rdieter)
21:24.16ntzhere's my file /home/dpecka/opt/modem-manager-gui/share/applications/modem-manager-gui.desktop
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21:27.17ntziirc I have to additionally run teh obscure kbuildsyscoca5 or such like, right ?
21:28.51demmntz: tried in ~/.local/share ?  (if you are on Plasma 5)
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21:35.54ntzdemm: okay, thanks .... preparing for you paste, it behaves a bit weird
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21:38.47ntzdemm: ok, it's okay ....I haven't do step #2 in here
21:38.57ntzin .desktop file ain't full path, resolved
21:40.09ntzeverything works like charm now ... :) I love KDE
21:41.10ntzonly what I don't love now is that KDE are grouping together more firefox instances (eg ran with --no-remote -P $profile_name) :P, grrr
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21:43.40scottchiefbakerIs there a way in modern KDE to integrate XScreenSaver?
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21:44.34ntzand I additionally don't like this minor issue bug .... they are simply NOT aligned properly
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