IRC log for #kde on 20170327

00:00.12a_p3rson|LQuick question, using Kleopatra on Win10x64 through GPG4Win. All of my keys are on a Yubikey, and it'd be nice to get a prompt when GPG is looking for the smartcard, and possibly stall until it sees it. Is there a way to do that?
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00:15.18cyberkdeWhen I scroll on the Widgets list the mouse scroll speed is very slow. Is there a way to make the scroll speed faster?
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00:22.41*** topic/#kde is KDE Plasma 5.9 and KDE Applications 16.12 are out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde,~/.kde4, ~/.local or ~/.config
00:30.29kishore96cyberkde: It's a known bug, but I don't think it has been fixed. IIRC, the maintainer said it was some problem on qt's side.
00:30.47cyberkdethanks kishore96
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01:18.26cyberkdeHow can I get Redshift to work in KDE?
01:20.13GreeningGalaxycyberkde: I just have key combinations bound to redshift -O [something] so I can set the color temp manually
01:20.18GreeningGalaxybut redshift-gtk should work.
01:20.37GreeningGalaxythere's also a KDE plasmoid "redshift control" for it, now that I think about it.
01:20.47cyberkdeGreeningGalaxy: thx, let me try the gtk
01:21.10GreeningGalaxycan you not get the plasmoid to work? that's probably preferable, IIRC it is better behaved.
01:21.19GreeningGalaxythe gtk one is annoying to configure.
01:22.25valorieuses the plasmoid
01:22.42valorieworks using the nvidia blob, not so well with nouveau
01:24.18cyberkdeGreeningGalaxy: the plasmoid works!
01:24.35Jucatoi forgot that i'm using it too. i guess after a while with devices that automatically implement it, you get so used to it that you forget it's there >.<
01:27.45cyberkdeIs there a way for me to hide the redshift control icon from the panel?
01:28.14GreeningGalaxyhmm... it's not a systray icon, is it?
01:28.33cyberkdeGreeningGalaxy: It's to the right of the clock
01:29.30cyberkdeyeah, i don't think it is in the system tray
01:29.52GreeningGalaxyno, I just installed it to see if it would show up as an entry there.
01:29.56GreeningGalaxyit doesn't seem to.
01:30.18cyberkdeugh.. another icon
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01:30.38GreeningGalaxyAlright, well, in that case the GTK applet might be the best, because that *will* be a systray applet. Provided your system has the necessary compatibility for non-qt systray applets.
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01:31.37cyberkdeGreeningGalaxy: there was also a redshift-qt app available in the AUR, should I try that instead?
01:31.38GreeningGalaxyYou could also pin it to the desktop or add it to a small auto-hiding panel or something
01:31.54cyberkdeGreeningGalaxy: good ponit
01:31.57GreeningGalaxycyberkde: you could, if you trust it...
01:33.05cyberkdehmm.. i think i'll manage with what i have for the time being. at least it's working. But gotta say I just came back on KDE after a while on Gnome and Xfce. The experience has been great so far. KDE has come a long way!
01:33.49GreeningGalaxyAye, it has indeed.
01:34.30GreeningGalaxyI finally migrated away from Manjaro (which had xfce, KDE, and a few other minor DEs/wms installed) and moved to Debian Testing with only KDE.
01:34.35Jucatoalternatively, maybe you can remove the plasmoid and just use the system tray icon instead and then hide that
01:34.54GreeningGalaxyJucato: the problem is there doesn't appear to be a systray icon installed with the plasmoid AFAICT
01:34.55valoriewell, KDE software
01:35.07JucatoGreeningGalaxy: strange. i have one
01:35.10valorie*we* have come a long way, for sure
01:35.12GreeningGalaxyokay fine, Plasma Desktop
01:35.16Jucatoit's just not enabled by defauult
01:35.27GreeningGalaxyJucato: oh, maybe I need to restart X to see it.
01:35.32Jucatohm no
01:35.45cyberkdeGreeningGalaxy: Isn't Debian Testing also rolling like Manjaro? Just curious why would you move away from Manjaro?
01:36.06JucatoGreeningGalaxy cyberkde System Tray Settins -> General page -> Extra ENtries list
01:36.21Jucatothe Redshift Control there was unchecked by default
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01:36.41Jucatoonce enabled, you can go to the Entries page and then set it to Auto or Hide
01:37.03GreeningGaloh nevermind, there it is. cyberkde, you'll need to restart plasma (I think specifically the system tray) before you'll see the redshift control system tray entry option if you just installed the plasmoid
01:37.32Jucato(restarting shouldn't be necessary)
01:37.37GreeningGalit was for me
01:38.06GreeningGalI installed the plasmoid, "redshift control" was not available in the list of applets in the systray; I restarted X, and then it was.
01:38.43cyberkdeforgot how to restart X
01:38.56Jucatoyou just log ouut and back in again
01:39.05JucatoOr you can probably just restart plasmashell
01:39.18Jucato(kquitapp plasmashell && plasmashell)
01:40.10GreeningGalthat's good. I just did systemctl restart lightdm, but that was excessive.
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02:03.31cyberkdeIf I click drag a Firefox tab onto the desktop it doesn't seperate the tab from its orginal Firefox window and create a new Firefox window as it normally should. Is anyone else having the same issue?
02:06.43valorieworks in Chrome
02:07.26valorieworks in FF for me
02:09.17cyberkdeahh.. have no idea why mine isnt'
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04:04.22rapizevent added by korgnaizer is not displayed in digit clock calender?
04:09.25rapizProblem solved. More configuratoin is  required by the widget.
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04:14.54aesycosif anyone knows how to change themes in kde5 could you please tell me how, i do not mean the plasma desktop theme, window decorations, themes or desktop widgets, i mean the widgets in actual applications, google apparently hates me because i cant find anything that answers my question and i cant seem to find an answer on
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04:23.50rapizaesycos: You may refer to Settings/Application Style
04:24.12rapizSettings/Application Style/Widget Style and Behavior
04:24.23aesycosrapiz, that is what im talking about
04:24.33aesycoshow do i install a widget style?
04:27.02aesycosive managed to get a theme called QtCurve from my gentoo repo but has 'configure' button greyed out, also everytime i search i only find results relating to window decorations, 'theme engines', or desktop panel/widget themes, but not 'Widget Style and Behavior', seems confusing to use 'widget' for both application design and desktop widgets
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06:14.10lordievaderGood morning.
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06:22.23Chetan_Hello,  I m interested in project:polkit support in kio. Can you tell me where to start
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06:27.02lordievaderI'd ask in #kde-devel
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08:00.31PBS[x]Anyone know anything about polarizing filters on monitors?
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09:19.43Corki a few times a day need to switch between compositors cause it stops updating windows
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09:20.09Corkis this a known problem, or are there a fix for it (that doesn't involve manually switching compositor)
09:25.18Blizzzis it known, that the window switcher since recently has the currently active window as background?
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10:23.11BluesKajHey folks
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10:49.19Soul_SampleKdialog crashes on me. It's my user profile specific because it works on other profiles and on mine when I run it or apps that cause the crash (such as chrome when saving files) through firejail. I tried deleting ALL of my settings and it still happens. Any ideas?
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11:04.54azidhakaHi, can you give me an advice on running KDE with 4k screens (55 inch)? I've managed to make the fonts readable and scale the interface, but i couldn't get the start menu and window decorations right
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11:12.56viengelmazidhaka: have you restarted kde after scaling the interface?
11:13.27viengelmI had that problem also until restarting kde
11:15.20tosky(restart plasma)
11:16.56BluesKajazidhaka, what is you gpu's  resolution capability?
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11:19.14azidhakaBluesKaj, its pretty high, geforce 950
11:19.33azidhakaBluesKaj, Unity and Windows are running fine on 4k
11:22.35BluesKajazidhaka,  what do you have the reolution set at in system settings>display and monitor>display?
11:23.36azidhakaBluesKaj, 3840x2160
11:24.55asturmI'm not sure what you would scale much, on a 55" screen 4k ain't much
11:25.20azidhakaasturm, just a little bit bigger widgets
11:25.34azidhakaasturm, the problem is tiny tiny fonts in the KMenu
11:25.43azidhakaand titlebars are tiny
11:25.51BluesKajazidhaka, what's the dpi in systems settings>fonts ?
11:26.00asturmI just increased font dpi on my 4k/24"
11:26.17asturmand icon size
11:26.53azidhakacurrent setting is 80 DPI, which is the native DPI of the screen
11:27.20azidhakashould i use higher or lower setting?
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11:29.49BluesKajazidhaka, you'll need to experiment til you can get the fonts and icons to fit
11:31.32azidhakawill do, thank you
11:33.38BluesKajazidhaka, you can increase/resize icons in system settings>icons>icons >advanced tab
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11:43.59themillktp chat windows don't display an actual chat window for me in Debian Stretch. I'm assuming that I'm missing some package but can't see which one. Any clues? "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable: Handler no longer available" pops up when opening the chat window
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14:15.58cyberkdeIs there a way to automatically lock widgets, say after 5 minutes?
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14:20.07rdietercyberkde: no (nothing obvious/simple anyway)
14:20.19cyberkdek thx rdieter
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14:21.33rdietercan't find any dbus methiod for lock/unlock widgets either
14:22.11rdieterprobably for the best, possible ^^ could be abused
14:23.51BluesKajthe hamburger on far right in the panel >more settings>lock/unlock widgets
14:24.46BluesKajno dbus method needed
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14:25.43BluesKajbut i guess tha's not what he wants :/
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15:41.46gunnarsnielsHello, I'm trying to track down where various kcmodules are storing their configuration so I can version them for myself, things like user_mangaer avatar settings. Where should I look for these in general?
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16:33.34Zrengunnarsniels, User avatars are stored to that user's ~/.face
16:34.13ZrenWe also link ~/.face to ~/.face.icon since there's two standards
16:34.29ZrenThis is the kcm file I think:
16:35.23ZrenI ususally google " something here" when looking for something.
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17:08.55thomasfustonHello, in kde 5.8 is there no wacom settings modul available in systems settings
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17:14.32BluesKajthomasfuston, looks like it was removed from startup&shutdown>background services
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17:20.25demmthomasfuston: you need wacomtablet for that, kf5 port
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17:24.12renn0xtk9I am on KDE neon , when I click on an imcomed email (any of those) it is very slow (like dozen of seonds) to open
17:24.21renn0xtk9anyone knows how to trouvleshooot it ?
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18:22.28zuiss1what webcam/recording software would you people recommend for kde?
18:22.53zuiss1(recording and organizing clips from the webcam)
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18:24.15toskyif you mean software produced by the KDE community, kamoso is a webcam recording software; for organization, gwenview or the more advanced image viewers and editors should be able also to manage videos
18:24.27toskyalso dolphin can show thumbnails and previews of video
18:24.44toskybut in general, if "for KDE" you mean for the desktop, my strict answer would be "anyone"
18:24.54toskythe desktop is called Plasma
18:25.00toskyKDE is the community
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18:25.24asturmalso, there's kdenlive for editing
18:28.44gunnarsnielsZren: Thank you sir! Do kcmodules generally do their own thing or are they standardized in any way? Are they just control modules?
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18:43.00ZrenDon't know gunnarsniels as I've never written one
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18:43.32ZrenI just skim the source code whenever I wonder how a thing works.
18:44.11ZrenMaybe ask in #kde-devel or in the mailing lists.
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19:00.47zuiss1tosky: thanks
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21:39.14snowkrashwhat is ksnapshots package?
21:42.05toskysnowkrash: package?
21:42.18snowkrashi can't find it
21:42.20snowkrashin the arch repo
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21:42.45Jucatomight have been replaced by Spectacle in arch
21:42.53toskythis should be a question for archlinux channels normally; in any case, ksnapshot has been replaced by Spectacle
21:43.04j605spectacle is in the repos
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22:00.35jerichowasahoaxWhat's the process name for KDE's hotkey daemon?
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22:02.04jerichowasahoaxps aux | grep -i hotkey returns no results, same with "shortcut", and my hotkeys aren't working, so I'm thinking it's crashed for some reason
22:07.50rindolfjerichowasahoax: hi
22:07.56rindolfjerichowasahoax: let me see
22:13.30Jucatoit would be a part of kded
22:13.35Jucato(kded4 or kded5)
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22:17.43jerichowasahoaxoh, i misdiagnosed it, it wasn't the kde hotkey system that wasn't running, it was what I was trying to run hotkeys for :V
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22:23.26jk4Hello. Is it possible to hide titlebars without hiding the frame too?
22:24.47jk4And can I get a smaller border than "Tiny"?
22:27.18jk4for the first question, thinking in terms of window rules or setting in system settings
22:27.25jk4or even a kwinrc setting
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23:18.07snowkrashhmm why does kde have another keyboard layout
23:18.16snowkrashcompared to my base setup
23:18.19snowkrashand where can i change it?
23:18.28snowkrashi can't in input devices
23:18.32snowkrashbut new kde looks awesome btw
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23:21.37snowkrashok got it
23:21.41snowkrashwow its so super great
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23:41.16kishore96jk4: There are window decoration themes without titlebars.
23:41.56kishore96For eg., yosemite and kde-gaps. There probably are others, too.
23:44.21kishore96As far as window rules are concerned, you can only hide or show the borders and titlebar together, so you'll have to go the window decoration route.
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