IRC log for #kde on 20170309

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00:32.13HoffmanHow would I get kde to support UCS-4 or UTF-32
00:32.30Hoffmansuch that, for instance, konsole can spit out emojis
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01:21.57*** topic/#kde is KDE Plasma 5.9 and KDE Applications 16.12 are out! See | | | Don't flood the channel, use | Distro related questions go in your distro channel | Offtopic in #kde-chat | State your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde,~/.kde4, ~/.local or ~/.config
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01:42.51pepoHoffman, do you have a font that has those? It works here.
01:54.47Kendos-KenlenHoffman: emojis are part of utf-8 I think. Try to install noto emoji or emojione fonts :)
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02:37.07CrimsonSunriseIs there a command to run kcm-wacomtablet separate from the configuration panel?
02:49.11JucatoCrimsonSunrise: i don't have it installed but here's the general process. run "kcmshell5 --list" to get the list of available modules, look for what you want, then run "kcmshell5 <name>"
02:49.31cynapseHas anyone encountered issues with hotkey bindings for a window disapearing after minimizing a window?
02:51.12CrimsonSunriseJucato, Isn't kcm-wacomtablet a Plasma 4 thing?
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02:51.47JucatoCrimsonSunrise: then substitute kcmshell5 with kcmshell4
02:52.34Jucatoeither way, anything in System Settings (kcm modules), kde4 or plasma5, can be run like that.
02:55.19Jucatosorry gotta go
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08:24.07lordievaderGood morning.
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08:36.26mike-zalmorning lordievader
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11:15.30BluesKaj'Morning folks
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11:56.50themagmaforcei'm trying to use the new global menus, i've activated on "widget style">"fine tunning" but on applications like sublime text 3, i the menus are always on top, is that known ,and suposed to happen or is there something i need to do aswell?
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13:05.25CrimsonSunriseI am unable to configure my wacom tablet on Plasma 5.9 after installing kcm-wacomtablet. It says that my tablet is not connected, but Wacom Tablet Finder detects it normally. Running under Arch.
13:06.45CrimsonSunriseThe tablet is also recognized in KInfoCenter
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13:10.51JucatoCrimsonSunrise: sorry have to go quickly, but try to double check that the wacom tablet daemon/service is running. if it's not in System Settings -> Startup & Shutdown -> Background Services, run "kcmshell4 kcmkded"
13:12.07Jucatosorry, gtg
13:14.38CrimsonSunrisethe wacom tablet daemon is running.
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17:22.06horuxanhi all
17:22.22horuxanplasmashell use 53 % of cpu ?
17:22.25horuxanits normal ?
17:22.29horuxangood afterning
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17:34.17holgerssonhoruxan: Nope, it’s a feature for premium KDE customers! :Þ
17:34.17holgerssonhoruxan: I had some issues like these in later versions (IIRC last time with 5.7.x, now at least on 5.9 on Gentoo not anymore -- but I think they were gone with 5.8).
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17:36.47horuxanholgersson, So I'm using the mainline version and it's just like that ..
17:36.57horuxankkkkk premium kde
17:37.01horuxanits good premium
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17:38.43holgerssonhoruxan: Sorry, I can’t really help you. But as a workaround you can kill and restart plasmashell: "killall plasmashell; plasmashell -s"
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17:39.18horuxani reboot
17:39.23horuxanupgrade kde
17:39.27horuxankde apps
17:39.36horuxanand ones "fix"
17:39.54horuxanmore using 53, 62% of cpu
17:41.47leszekhoruxan: are you drunk ?
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17:42.11horuxanleszek, no, why ?
17:42.21leszekI got the impression somehow :P
17:42.36leszekso high cpu usage for what exactly ? Which process uses 62% of cpu ?
17:42.51horuxanMy English is a drunk, it's not enough to understand.
17:43.11horuxanplasmashell leszek
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17:45.08leszekhoruxan: thats strange then. Plasmashell does use nothing here. Do you have any widgets on the desktop or in the panel that might cause that issue ?
17:45.14leszekso anything non default ?
17:46.24*** join/#kde Spike29 (~SpiKe@unaffiliated/spike29)
17:47.07horuxanOn the desktop there are no widgets, in panel volume control, networkmanager, time, hexchat "systray" icon and transparent theme, I was advised to create another user but it is not possible, linux with so many features, I have to change my entire home , Create a new user, there must be some solution.
17:47.25horuxanno .. leszek
17:47.41horuxanwallpaper and docky
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17:48.27leszekmaybe its docky or do you mean the default panel ?
17:49.53redeyedmanhoruxan, you can check for hogging process by top
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17:50.32redeyedmanit is strange
17:50.47redeyedmanmay be broken cache issue
17:51.21redeyedmanor dirty plasma's config files
17:52.46horuxandocky no kde aplication
17:52.51horuxanredeyedman, new user ?
17:53.05asturmalways worth to check
17:53.05horuxancreate new user ?*
17:53.06redeyedmanI had bad behavior for plasma 5, but it's gone after cleaning ~/.cache
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17:54.07redeyedmansorry for my bad English :)
17:54.08leszekhoruxan: then please try cleaning the cache like advised
17:54.33leszekhoruxan: and don't forget to relogin after that
17:54.36horuxani remove .cache now
17:54.45horuxanone minute please
17:54.53toskywell, trying a new user is the same
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17:56.38redeyedmanwell, in my case I didn't want to change user
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17:59.41asturmredeyedman: just for a test, why not?
18:00.04asturmsometimes there's more to it than ~/.cache
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18:01.44horuxanon moment, ok
18:02.00horuxanin primary login, error
18:02.05horuxanlogout and re login
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18:02.16horuxanmy configs ok, wallpaper, docky
18:02.23asturm_horuxan: you clear cache when _not_ inside your running session
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18:06.56horuxanno removed wallpaper and configs
18:07.10horuxanmore, i delete cache
18:07.16horuxanis normal, wallpaper
18:07.25horuxanits cache, not .configs
18:07.27horuxancorrect ?
18:07.44leszekyeah cache
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18:08.16horuxanleszek, thanks ..
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18:11.12horuxanall thanks ..
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18:20.39horuxanthanks for all*
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19:10.19aesthetikFinish Quest and get $110!
19:10.20aesthetik- Make 1,5% Daily profit !
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19:10.21aesthetik- Comissions of 10% !
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19:14.12f4th0mThere are problems with the hungarian translation in plasma5, where should I indicate these problems?
19:14.29f4th0m(and also give suggestion for good translation)
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19:15.24f4th0mis it handled as normal bugs?
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19:18.31f4th0mok it seems yes.
19:19.15asturm_f4th0m: you could also join translation team if you have the motivation to improve it
19:20.51f4th0masturm_, who to contact?
19:22.09asturm_f4th0m: maybe mention it in the bug. otherwise there is
19:22.32asturm_f4th0m: each language team has their own mailing list
19:23.35f4th0mthough hungarian list last update is from 2010
19:23.47toskyf4th0m: the language is active iirc
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19:27.46f4th0mtosky, what is the channel?
19:28.34toskyf4th0m: I don't think that there is an IRC channel for the hu translation team
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19:28.51f4th0mtosky, then what did you mean by iirc?
19:29.03toskyf4th0m: If I Remember Correctly
19:29.07toskyand it is active indeed
19:29.52momkenIf I want to change theme of firefox in KDE which theme should I change? GTK2 Theme or GTK3 Theme?
19:30.18asturmmomken: gtk2 is more or less dead, so if you want to be future proof...
19:30.43f4th0mtosky, active you mean, that this site shows it's active?
19:31.00f4th0mcause then maybe they are active, but not the talkative types:
19:31.11toskyf4th0m: I checked the commits, there have been recent updates
19:31.18f4th0mJust checked the archives of the mailing list
19:31.38toskyf4th0m: for example:
19:31.43f4th0mand now too much :D in fact ppl wants to join and noone answers them, maybe they work private:)
19:31.44momkenasturm: So should I change GTK2 theme for darkening firefox?
19:31.49hendrixmomken: if you haven't got an older version of firefox, it uses gtk3 theme.
19:32.12momkenhendrix: Thank you
19:32.25asturmthat's what I meant
19:32.41momkenI am searching for a good dark theme for GTK3 so that firefox could look good in dark mode
19:32.44asturmfirefox-52 can still be built with gtk2 but the default will be gtk3
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19:33.04momkenBreeze dark is not that bad but has some minor bugs
19:33.11hendrixasturm: yeah
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19:34.05momkene.g. The selected tab in Breeze Dark for firefox has light background while the text is white too, so nothing is readable on an active tab
19:34.37momkenIsn't Zion (Reversed) available for GTK3 too?
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19:34.59momkenThat color scheme seems very good on my low quality monitor
19:35.47mike-zalI gave up on dark themes. too much mess... they look great on screen shots, but are not practical.
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19:37.23momkenmike-zal: The main reason I migrated to KDE was its wide range of themes, specially dark themes. Xfce (my previous DE) lacked in that field
19:38.00momkenLight backgrounds make my eyes tired sooner in long use
19:38.03mike-zalyeah, but it bothers me that using dark theme requires so much tweaking and problem solving
19:38.22mike-zalI think it's just a matter of getting use to it
19:38.57momkenmike-zal: Unfortunately it is true, but in KDE it is much less hassle. And except some minor bugs everything is ok
19:39.18mike-zalswitching to dark theme after using light for so long is a shock. it takes some time to get use to it. then changing to light is a shock again... and time is also needed.
19:43.07momkenmike-zal: Unfortunately the panel of my current laptop (2012 HP Elitebook 8470p) is really bad. Every other spec of my laptop is acceptable but the panel is really shit with very low contrast. So for increasing the contrast and reading the texts clearly I have to increase the brightness. In this situation I get blind in long run. My only solution seems using dark themes
19:44.30*** join/#kde allizom (
19:44.35momkenBut except from that, the FullHD IPS 100% AdobeRGB panels of recent laptops doesn't seem to need dark themes
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19:45.12kishore96It's a matter of taste.
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19:45.34kishore96I can't stand anything light, for instance.
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19:46.14kishore96Unless it's a screen I'll need to read with the sun shining against it.
19:46.17mike-zalmy screen is too nice for dark themes. I'm on great IPS screen. alienware 17. a pleasure to use.
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19:48.55mike-zalI would never buy a laptop without IPS screen now. it's painfull to use old ones without it
19:49.34asturmmike-zal: depends on your use case
19:50.17asturmthough I wouldn't buy non-ips these days either
19:51.40mike-zalI bought a new screen for my work. I thought it's enough to buy some cheapest one.... oh boy I was so wrong...
19:51.52momkenmike-zal: I needed a powerful configurable laptop with lots of ram. So those laptops with intel U cpus didn't suffice me. And new laptops with powerful i7 cpus were expensive. So I had to buy an old powerful laptop which was also very cheap
19:52.14mike-zalwhen I turned it on and my eyes were hurt and tired in a seconds...!!! I barely could focus on everything
19:52.20mike-zalit was horrible
19:52.54mike-zalso I returned the screen and bought IPS one for twice so much and now I'm happy with it
19:54.09momkenWith a dark theme on KDE you can be productive even on old CRT displays :))
19:54.27mike-zalunfortunatelly I need windows at work :(
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19:58.00momkenmike-zal: I almost replaced everything on my HP EliteBook 8470p: RAM->16GB, SSD->256GB, HDDCaddy instead of DVD-ROM with 768GB HDD and soon I want to replace its cpu with an i7-3630QM. But for the display I searched a lot and it seems that no good 14" panel exists for LVDS connection, because LVDS is a very old connection.
19:58.45asturmyour elitebook has a socketed cpu?
19:58.47d42i'm on the same boat with 2570p :^)
19:58.54d42it does :3
19:59.32mike-zalmomken: that's a hacktop, not a laptop now ;)
19:59.51d42although threads on the internets with people trying to cool quad processors are ripe with photos of really terrible mods
20:00.35mike-zalat the moment I have i7-6700HQ, cannot complain
20:01.04mike-zalplasma runs like on a butter
20:01.27momkenThe laptop + upgrades costs ~300$ in total! When you are on tight budget you have to hack everything according to your needs
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20:02.23d42also egpu and you're set :^)
20:02.25mike-zalI bought a good laptop with instalments. that way I could go for a really fancy one.
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20:03.09NahiyanHey. I want to file 2 bugs for KMix. I was wondering if it was actually in KDE5 or not
20:03.22asturmNahiyan: kmix is part of kde applications
20:03.26momkenAh, I had the SSD and HDD previously, but anyway it was good for me to buy a new laptop w/ rams with under 300$
20:03.35asturmNahiyan: it can be built either based on kdelibs-4 or kf-5
20:03.38Nahiyani think it's part of kde multimedia?
20:03.46mike-zalmaybe next time I will but system76 laptop? but they have to improve batteries before I decide for that
20:04.06Nahiyanusablity "bugs" actually. or rather improvements
20:04.31Nahiyani'm not sure where to file it. in the forums or the tracker
20:04.50Nahiyanbut i'll tell you 'cause i think you're better informed where I should file them
20:04.50asturmNahiyan: bugs are filed at
20:05.07d42kmix is getting kind of superseded by plasma-pa i think? ,_,
20:05.15asturmif you use pulseaudio, yes
20:05.27asturmbut some people are still missing features in plasma-pa
20:05.42d42interesting, it seems to do everything i'd expect
20:05.50d42like changing volume
20:06.08mike-zalpavucontrol-qt is a must
20:06.19Nahiyan1. the sliders have different heights according to the text above the sliders. I have like 1 slider with 3 lines of text, shortest. others with 1 or 2 lines of text which get progressively taller due to more area to expand
20:06.24mike-zalsome volume controls are missing in plasma
20:06.35mike-zalit's visible when you have more then one sound devices
20:06.53mike-zalsystem settings simply doesn't work
20:07.06d42i see :^)
20:07.32Nahiyanif you have all the sliders at 50%, the 'bullets' are positioned differently according to each other
20:08.49Nahiyan2. with my soundcard (CA-0106... my built-in one got fried long ago), it supports upto 150% volume. the thing is that in kmix, that 150% mark is 100 (points?) and 100% mark is ~66
20:08.55Nahiyani'm comparing with pavucontrol
20:11.00ZrenTry win7 volume mixer if you want a vertical volume control
20:11.07ZrenI limit the text label to 2 lines
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20:11.56NahiyanSo yeah. My soundcard unfortunately easily clips at audio >150%. Thing is, you can set programs like smplayer to output at 150% too (their sliders in kmix also go upto 150%). So that amplification + soundcard's 150% setting can lead the soundcard to get 150%*150% = 225% audio easily, hence lotsa clipping with loud music
20:12.22Nahiyani set kmix to vertical display... actually
20:13.13NahiyanThe reason I can set kmix sliders to 150% volume is because I've enabled "Volume Overdrive" in kmix's settings
20:13.33NahiyanAlso of course I've set kmix's "Slider Orientation" to Vertical
20:13.41NahiyanOk so where do I file
20:14.27NahiyanOr do I not even bother because kmix will be replaced
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20:16.30Nahiyanok so in the bug tracker...
20:17.00Zrenmake sure the bugs don't already exist first though
20:20.53NahiyanOh man... Plasma widgets are really good now. Some of these system monitor widgets are really good. Love this
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20:23.14ZrenNahiyan, try installing the win7 volume mixer, it addresses both of your issues
20:24.27Nahiyanwow that's pretty nice
20:25.23Zrenthe one con is that it doesn't work in the system tray
20:25.25Nahiyanhmm i'm trying to find a package for arch but can't
20:25.57mike-zalwow, Zren what's widget is that?
20:26.52mike-zalfrom widgets, I love active window control, it completes globa menu panel nicely
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20:27.08Nahiyani love your desktop too
20:27.10mike-zalso it works more or less like on unity
20:27.49mike-zalmaximized window looses title bar and buttons are placed on panel next to global menu.
20:27.49Nahiyanthank you
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20:29.11mike-zalah, that reminded me, when they are going to fix widget installs?
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20:29.55Zrenwidget installs?
20:30.20Zrenas in it resetting every version?
20:30.52mike-zalI mean, installing widgets from the system from kde store is broken
20:31.44mike-zalat least that's what I heard. I forgot about it and then I tried to install one widget and it was crap, didn't work. so I removed it and installed from repo and now it's working fine
20:32.06mike-zalthat is one of know bugs of plasma 5.9
20:32.40Zrenoh that was a bug in the tool that installed stuff
20:32.59Zrenit was installing it to the wrong directory
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20:33.40mike-zalZren: how did you do this small video to show the desktop with this widget?
20:34.28mike-zalZren: simplescreenrecorder?
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20:37.05Zrenmike-zal, yep
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20:38.45ZrenI edited the launcher so it starts minimized, then hit Ctrl+R to start/stop recording.
20:39.53mike-zalinstalled the widget from AUR, working well
20:45.20mike-zalNahiyan: just type win7, it's in AUR
20:45.44Nahiyani was getting side-tracked on learning on how to install plasmoids heh
20:46.51mike-zalthe easiest way is to find them in repo or AUR. if no luck, then manual install is a musy, but rarely comes to that. usually AUR has it.
20:47.20mike-zaltrying to figure out how to hide system sound icon
20:47.54mike-zalah, I found instructions
20:48.11toskyZren: (I have to ask it) can you please fix the terminology (KDE -> Plasma)?
20:48.15NahiyanI just installed plasma-pa instead heh
20:49.18Nahiyanit has a read out of the current volume reading which is exactly what I was looking for.
20:49.52Zrentosky, in the "minimum version"? I Guess.
20:50.07toskyZren: no, no; there is no "KDE 5.5", it should be "Plasma 5.5"
20:50.09toskyand so on
20:50.24mike-zalZren: what is this speech-dispatcher I see on my volume bars?
20:50.56ZrenYeah I know, I didn't really know the difference when I wrote the description.
20:51.27toskymike-zal: if I remember correctly, accessibility stuff, jovie; not related to that applet
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20:51.48mike-zalwould like to hide it. it does nothing.
20:52.18toskyI don't remember if it exists after a while
20:52.21toskyor just kill the process
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20:53.23toskyhopes mike-zal didn't kill the wrong process
20:54.43Zrenhmmm, it's text=>speech, cool
20:55.52ZrenBleh, `spd-say Hello!` has 4 different streams...
20:57.37ZrenI wonder if it's 4 different languages?
20:58.42toskyI don't really know, you should check how speech-dispatcher works
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20:59.42mike-zalweird, killing speech dispatcher closed konversation...
21:00.12toskyuhm, strange
21:00.28toskythen I don't know how the accessibility stuff works
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21:00.30toskysorry for that
21:00.42mike-zalit lowever sound volume a bit but other then that, all is fine ;P
21:00.56mike-zalmaybe I will remove that package. I don't need it
21:01.09ZrenI might add a "filter" feature
21:01.18Zrendepends how much work it is
21:01.18NahiyanAh well. It seems others have filed multiple reports for (1):
21:01.26Nahiyanall closed without resolution lol
21:01.29demmmike-zal: see the instructions here :)
21:02.06demmtosky: ^
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21:02.12Nahiyanwell there were a bit not too much. well i'm using pulsa-pa anyway so hey
21:02.16Nahiyanthanks guys
21:02.17mike-zalthanks demm, I can just uninstall package the usual way
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21:02.34demmmike-zal: not on all distros
21:02.42demmbut yours might be
21:02.58mike-zalit came by default with some others. manjaro usually installs all optional packages when a those show during update
21:03.29mike-zalyeah, I see package in octopi, so I should be able to remove it from it, or terminal
21:04.08mike-zaldemm: what does it really do? reads text? so is it for those with eyesight deficiency?
21:04.32toskymike-zal, demm: so basically
21:05.48mike-zalmanjaro has speech-dispatcher package so I guess it's just a matter of removing it the ususal way
21:07.31mike-zaldemm: is it activated by "screen reader" or at least I found something like that in accessibility options
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21:10.13demmmike-zal: don't know about your distro, here it is required by qt5-speech (and kmouth)
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21:10.32mike-zaldemm: I do have qt5-speech
21:11.05mike-zaldemm: also I don't understan why it loads at startup, when all my accessibility options are off
21:11.51demmmike-zal: see my previous link with instructions, default settings of speech-dispatcher are autostart
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21:55.24benlueheyas together, can anyone tell my why i get an red arrow if i chnage the position from my kursor?
21:57.12benlueIm using Breeze-dark Theme, Workspace Design = Breeze-Dark and cursor design = Breeze
21:58.04benlueThats sometimes in Chrome Browser area or Terminal
21:58.47QuetzalLike a second cursor theme appearing sometimes?
21:59.33benlueyes, sry for my language
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22:01.24zuiss1does okular read .epub files?
22:01.39benlueLike cursor from shutter
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22:03.15QuetzalMaybe the gtk cursor theme is not set correctly.
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22:03.51benlueQuetzal, can you give me an example?
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22:04.38QuetzalWhat is «Application style > Gnome application style > Cursor theme» set to?
22:07.09pepozuiss1, if it is compiled with libepub support, yes
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22:08.49benlueQuetzal, sry i dount understand! Im using KDE Plasma
22:09.51zuiss1pepo: ok thanks. not sure i just use the one in neon
22:09.56QuetzalNo problem. :·) Open the system settings, and then go to «Application style > Gnome application style > Cursor theme».
22:10.28benlueahhhh handhelds
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22:10.50benlueneed change to Breeze too?
22:11.10QuetzalYup! :·)
22:12.14benlueCool that was the point! Thx for info Quetzal
22:12.50QuetzalYou're welcome! :·) Have a good day!
22:13.22pepozuiss1, check if you have the file in qt5 plugins
22:13.26benlueyou too
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22:15.46zuiss1pepo: how do i check qt5 plugins?
22:16.11zuiss1i just found a settings option called backends and it has something called mobipocket so i'm guessing it can read .mobi based on that
22:17.17pepoto list all, use: find /usr/ | grep okularGenerator
22:17.24pepozuiss1, ^
22:17.41pepoin Konsole
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22:20.04zuiss1pepo: thanks that found several fles, but not an epub one. it has things like,,, etc
22:20.11zuiss1guess i don't have it
22:22.53pepothat is worth a bug report, epub is rather common
22:24.07toskyzuiss1: a bug report for neon, but first, did you try to check for all packages containing okular in the name?
22:24.38zuiss1tosky: no, let me check to make sure there isn't another package
22:25.33zuiss1ok i found a package called "okular-extra-backends"
22:25.40zuiss1maybe it's in there
22:25.47toskyyes, it is
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22:26.06toskyit's the same structure in debian (I thought it was changed)
22:26.13zuiss1ok, thank you and thanks pepo
22:26.23zuiss1i'm glad i can just install a package instead of compiling
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22:27.28zuiss1that did it. i have now
22:30.06pepooh, fine grained packages... something I miss so often in openSUSE
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22:34.19zuiss1was wondering what you used
22:35.25zuiss1anyways i'm glad i can use okular. i installed fbreader and didn't care for it too much
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