IRC log for #kde on 20170220

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02:14.49utackHi. Is the plasma5.9 global menu currently not working in gimp or firefox, or is my config wrong?
02:15.50txglobal menu eh? I need to check out 5.9
02:17.18utackwell it is very much not global for me yet in many programs
02:17.49txperhaps it's gtk(2) stuff?
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02:42.06Chris_R1986I could use some help with a problem I am having with chromium/chrome in kde
02:42.09Chris_R1986...what it is, and i cant seem to find it on google, although I may be phrasing it wrong, too.  Please help if you can...
02:43.37JucatoChris_R1986: do you mean they're grouped as one in the taskbar or do you mean they're appearing as tabs in chrome?
02:49.08utackcan i set the screen to get both locked and turned off when closing the lid? that would be the obvious choice?
02:50.09utackright now i can either lock it, and make it illuminate the keyboard while closed, or turn it off and not lock...
02:51.08Chris_R1986Jucato: they are grouped as one in the taskbar
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02:51.16Chris_R1986appearing as chrome tabs
02:51.32Chris_R1986in the taskbar^^
02:51.57Chris_R1986thanks for answering back
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02:53.33JucatoChris_R1986: not sure i'm understanding since there are no "chrome tabs" in taskbar. you do have settings for grouping taskbar entries under the same label when the taskbar is full. right-click on the task bar and see Task Manager Settings.
02:54.17Chris_R1986i know it is something with the x11 window class
02:54.31Chris_R1986sorry i didnt mean tabs
02:55.09Jucatohm not sure then. i just started using chrome on linux a week or so ago. apps appear as separate entries in the task manager (and i have grouping by program name enabled)
02:55.30Jucatoi don't have special window rules for anything other than the system tray it seems
02:55.32Chris_R1986the word is escaping me, but entries on the taskbar...  in ubuntu unity for example, you can have gmail, saym open as its own window, treated like an application, but in kde, on the taskbar, it looks like its chrome
02:56.04Chris_R1986its alright, i do appreciate the prompt response
02:56.47Jucatosorry can't be of much help
02:57.10Jucatonot sure if it's because i use chrome from google's repo. i'm on fedora btw, if that's also relevant
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03:22.50Chris_R1986Jucato: i hsve learned that if i use google chrome, i wont have this problem
03:23.13Jucatohm ... curious
03:23.18Chris_R1986it is with the other chromium based browsers that this problem comes in, but as of recently, how recently i am not sure, chrome has fixed it
03:23.22Chris_R1986so i installed chrome
03:23.45Jucatoi wonder what's the (technical) difference ...
03:24.08Chris_R1986it has to do with the way that chrome handles x windows or soething
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03:24.51Chris_R1986it is a shame, becase i am really starting to love using opera
03:24.52Jucatosorry i can't be of much help there
03:24.58Chris_R1986its ok i am all helped
03:25.12Chris_R1986but i appreciate the response and the attempt at help
03:25.22Jucatomaybe opera will have it fixed some time as well
03:25.30Chris_R1986that would be cool
03:25.36Chris_R1986what browser to you like?
03:25.39Jucatoif a bug has already been reported
03:26.16Jucatoi just switched from firefox to chrome about 2 weeks ago. maybe i should give opera a spin some time
03:26.25Chris_R1986i also like firefox, i really like being able to use web apps with their own window, though, and firefox has traditionally sucked at that..
03:26.31Jucatohaven't used it since ... hm ... opera on nokia phones :)
03:27.08Chris_R1986however, the app called ice from peppermint os has added firefox functionality to it...  again though, in kde this would not work, but other desktops maybe
03:27.15Chris_R1986peppermint os is pretty nice too
03:27.52Chris_R1986i was playing with it for a few days, but i am playing with kde neon now...  i think it might be my new daily driver.  i have never used a kde distro long term, though.
03:27.58Chris_R1986but this may change now
03:28.00Jucatofirefox can be a bit of a hog sometimes, especially on Windows (which i still use). the last straw was when it messed up my bookmarks for the Nth time
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04:59.36kishore96Iit it possible to make a panel change colours based on whether any window is maximized or not?
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05:01.50kishore96I want to make the panel transparent when no window is maximized. I've figure out how to modify the svgs, but I can't get plasma to automatically switch themes.
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09:04.58lordievaderGood morning
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10:22.32libreuseris that true that Googl is your principal sponsor?
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10:35.32Sho_libreuser: no
10:36.21libreuseruh, so do you agree with freesoftware philosophy?
10:37.26libreuserand you know that Ggl is working against it, right?
10:38.18Sho_we don't turn away donations we can use to make free software
10:38.33Sho_most of KDE e.V.s income is from individual donations, should we ask an ethics quiz to thousands of people?
10:38.43Sho_it doesn't scale
10:38.57Sho_what we do have control over is that our stuff is free software
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11:04.56kevin123I upgraded the packages on my distro (arch linux) yesterday, since then when I click anything (application launcher, nofications, panel settings, volume. time. etc) but a program on the panel there is a 2-3 second delay before it appears, here's a list of the packages that were upgrade (I use X with a Intel GPU)
11:06.33kevin123tried making a new user, but same issue
11:06.44kevin123also tried a different kernel
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11:18.47BluesKajHi folks
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11:45.38utackis someone forum admin here? " Client rejected by automatic spammer detection system" is not the best way to register..
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11:57.14BluesKajutack, join #freenode for registration issues
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11:59.22*** join/#kde Sanderski ( is where i wanted to register
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12:08.03toskyutack: unfortunately the forums and generally faced massive spam attack, so some of the required rules to not have people working 24/7 on removing spam can be too restrictive
12:09.30toskyutack: is the registration on that it is failing? Please send an email to sysadmin at kde org
12:09.43BluesKajmy username and pw aren't accepted anymore on the kde forums
12:10.01BluesKajso it seems broken
12:10.06toskyit is not
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12:10.25toskydid you login recently?
12:10.57BluesKajnot for a long time
12:13.49toskyhow much long time? forum switched to but it was quite some time ago
12:14.01toskyswitched to only for authentication
12:14.26BluesKajdon't remember
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12:14.50lordievaderLogging in with my KDE identity worked fine here.
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12:16.05alphaHow should I install nvidia-drivers in KDE Neon ?
12:16.32BluesKajodd , that it says my emai adress is already taken then when I got to change the pw, it tells me the email address is invalid/doesn't exist
12:18.08BluesKajso i guess the my kde ID isn't that important since I haven't logged in for yrs, most likely ;-)
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12:19.44alphaDoes anyone have any idea how to install nvidia-drivers ?
12:19.58alphaGPU: Nvidia GTX 960m
12:20.51lordievaderalpha: Since it is based on (K)Ubuntu, is the 'additional drivers' utility available?
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12:21.13alphaNegative lordievader.
12:21.31toskyBluesKaj: so for you too, please send an email to sysadmin@
12:22.04alphaI was going through settings and couldn't find anything relevant to Graphic Drivers.
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12:22.39libreuserSho_: hum, but why Parabola developers have always to check and modify your packages (to make them libresoftware)?
12:22.41lordievaderalpha: What 'nvidia-*' packages are available? (apt-cache search nvidia
12:23.29BluesKajalpha, system settings>driver manager?
12:23.35Sho_libreuser: dunno what Parabola is
12:23.38toskylibreuser: do you have exact pointers to the changes that they perform? We take care of the licenses used
12:23.57libreuserSho_: If you are truly agree with freesoftware, please don't hesitate to be in contact with them.
12:24.32Sho_libreuser: If they make changes maybe they should contact us to upstream them
12:25.16toskylibreuser: we have mailing lists for distributions; when there are issues like this, they are usually reported
12:25.23alphaBluesKaj, that's the thing there is no driver-manager
12:25.41BluesKajalpha, OS?
12:25.49toskyalpha, BluesKaj: there is no driver manager module provided by, it could be a custom module by some distribution
12:26.13utacktosky okay
12:26.17toskylibreuser: we changed/fixed the license on data files, or on code, or even changed the names of some programs
12:26.56alphaKDE Neon 5.
12:27.10libreuserbut you are still packaging Ggl nonfree things
12:28.00toskylibreuser: where?
12:28.03utackanother question: in the control panel list of running programs, can the positions be changed? simple drag and drop does not work
12:28.09Sho_I don't know what 'Ggl nonfree things' are
12:28.16libreuserand freesoftware people are who take care of check about freesoftware.
12:28.29alphaSo what do you people suggest ?
12:28.31toskylibreuser: we do take care
12:28.33Sho_utack: go to the settings and change sorting to Manual
12:28.53libreuserI really wish that.
12:28.54lordievaderalpha: I'd install the  'ubuntu-drivers-common' tool and let that figure out which version of the driver is best suited for your card. (Or stick with nouveau )
12:29.00Sho_libreuser: stop mindless trolling/attacking and be specific about what the issues are
12:29.24utackSho_ sytem settings or some kind of option through right click on the panel?
12:29.42toskyalpha: did you check the ubuntu wiki for suggestions on how to install nvidia drivers?
12:29.50alphaSo I will install ubuntu-drivers-common and then see where it takes.
12:29.53Sho_utack: the latter
12:29.55libreuserthera are a lot of freedom issues.
12:30.01alphaNo. tosky .
12:30.26utackawesome, thanks Sho_
12:31.06toskylibreuser: which ones? Really, we do check it, but like there could be bugs in the code, there could be bits which were not noticed
12:31.28toskylibreuser: now, if you would be nice and help reporting those issues, it would be useful for everyone
12:31.35alphaAlso how can I check which Graphics Card Iam using.
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12:32.24toskyalpha: this is going a bit OT here; also, do you mean the graphic card or the driver? Unless you have an hybrid system, you have one card
12:33.00lordievaderalpha: 'lspci -k|grep -A2 Graphics'
12:34.13alphaI have integrated graphics Intel HD 550 or 530 and Dedicated Nvidia GTX 960m
12:36.37alphaINTEL HD 530 & Nvidia GTX 960m.
12:37.58libreuseryou're recommending right now nivdia drivers?!?
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12:38.42alphaThis is a fresh install. And I wish to use NVIDIA  instead of Intel.
12:39.03lordievaderalpha: You'd want to read '' too.
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12:39.33alphaI have to do a nomodeset to boot. As there are some problems with Optimus Cards.
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12:41.43BluesKajahh Optimus ..that's problematic
12:41.58toskyalpha: nomodeset is not really what you want long-term; but anyway, I'd suggest to move this to a distribution channel
12:42.25alphaIs there a work around for nomodeset
12:42.50alphanouveau.noaccel=1 freezes at boot time.
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13:47.29DocScrutinizer05I have a problem with kmail: a sub-sub-sub-subdir (actually 4 of them) show mails incl threads and all in the list, but none of the mails shows body content. Trying to archive the dir gives me  Error How to proceed to recover?
13:48.30DocScrutinizer05sorry, Kontact Version 4.11.5
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14:27.40xeois powerdevil needed if im not using hibernation or doesnt running laptop?
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14:38.44rdieterxeo: yes
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14:39.51kishore96I presume it also takes care of the screen locking after some time, &c.
14:41.01asturmalso, screen suspend etc.
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14:42.13toskyasturm: the khotkeys patch was backported
14:42.29asturmtosky: I've seen that, thx
14:42.45asturmdid send the mail yesterday after looking at the schedule
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14:43.13toskyI reminded people this morning during the weekly meeting on #plasma
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14:44.05asturmwe'll see for how long we support 5.8, right now I don't have a system left
14:44.20asturm5.9 just works too good
14:44.44kishore96Those interactive screenshot notifications are just amazing. <3
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15:42.51ashkahi, I upgraded from KDE4 not too long ago. Are lockscreen widgets dead?
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15:45.29rdieterashka: it's all plasma/qml now, if that's what you're asking
15:45.58leszekashka: basically yes. But look at rdieters answer you can code your own lockscreen in qml if you wish
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15:46.31ashkaah alright. thank you rdieter and leszek for the answers, I'll look into that
15:49.49libreusernvidia drivers are proprietary software. They don't respect users rights. (against freesoftware)
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15:56.07TaokiIs anyone else getting a weird bug with the task manager? If you move anything on it, it automatically pins it...
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16:07.49dontknowi am seeing there is "opengl 3.1" for renderer. by default it is "opengl 2.0". should i switch to "opengl 3.1"?
16:09.15leszekdontknow: by default it uses 2.0 for almost all hardware as it seems to be the safest. You can try out 3.1 and see if it also works fine. Usually I don't see any urge to switch if the one version you are running with is working just fine
16:10.19dontknowi see
16:10.29dontknowi want to try it :D
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17:27.21Guest81173How can I change the default mouse behaviour from action to select?
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17:28.56toskyGuest81173: do you mean whether to use single click or double click?
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17:29.49Guest81173tosky, yes
17:30.05toskyGuest81173: systemsettings, input devices, mouse
17:30.17tosky(it should not be much different from other environments)
17:32.25Guest81173tosky, found it thanks
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17:34.33Azzyzzhello people
17:36.16AzzyzzI want to start helping with the  KDE project but i`m pretty lost
17:36.41Azzyzzhave no idiea where to start
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17:43.22JZAhi anyone here uses the KDE native IM
17:43.39JZAcalled 'Instant Messaging' (my guess is telepathy)
17:43.42JZAI wonder if there is an OTR for it
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18:41.00wschlichdoes anyone know how I can prevent the plasma 5.9.2 task manager from automatically pinning frequently used applications? :(
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18:51.33dontknowwschlich, you mean the area where sound, wireless icon section?
18:52.37wschlichdontknow: nope, I mean the task manager :)
18:53.58dontknowi didn't know task manager has such feature lol
18:54.03dontknowbut i use 5.8
18:54.51j_korethDoes right clicking an application in the task manager, going to move to desktop, say : Move to Current Desktop, All Desktops 1 Desktop Desktop 1, 2 Desktop Desktop 2, etc for you all?
18:58.02j_korethThank you Throgkt
18:58.10ThrogktWelcome, j_koreth
18:58.26j_korethDoes anyone know what happened to It used to have a different theme that fit in with the forums
18:58.43asturmj_koreth: too big to port to new bugzilla version
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19:01.50j_korethasturm : Sorry but will this change be permanent?
19:02.04asturmno idea#
19:02.32j_korethasturm: alright thank you
19:02.37dontknowthere are lots of configuration in plasma but my local language translation is a mess
19:03.11asturmdontknow: what's the problem?
19:03.32dontknowi just yelling to translation
19:03.48asturmoh, it's just bad?
19:05.26wschlichdontknow: solved by applying
19:05.31wschlichkthxbye :-)
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19:06.59dontknowasturm, they translated "tearing" as something related to water
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19:08.25sakibhello !!
19:08.36asturmdontknow: the good thing about translations is, you don't have to be into programming to join and improve your language
19:09.01dontknowasturm, yeah :p
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19:09.48asturmI though about doing the same for German translations, but then I find translated interfaces just awkward
19:09.59asturminstead going with en_GB
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19:14.31sakibcan anyone guide me on how to become a kde contributor
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19:27.35dontknowhow can i create a custom shortcut to run custom command?
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19:39.02rdieterdontknow: systemsettings->shortcuts->custom shortcuts->edit->new->global shortcut->command/url
19:39.44dontknowrdieter, i mean the icon shortcut
19:40.10dontknowi want to create an icon and it will launch my command
19:40.34rdieterdontknow: oh, easier :)   right click desktop (folder containment) -> create new ->  link to application
19:40.40rdieter(is one way)
19:42.15rdieterI guess it doesn't have to be a folderview containment, the desktop one should work the same
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19:44.13rdieterdontknow: if the command you run is not a gui application, there's a little extra work (need to set advanced option to run it in a terminal)
19:45.37dontknowrdieter, i solved it. thanks
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20:02.09d1rewolfhi guys. anyone know if it's possible to make KDE Connect work across a usb cable (ethernet over usb or something similar)?
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20:13.37rdieterd1rewolf: as far as I know, it only works via wifi
20:14.16rdieter(I've thought similar in the past, was interested if bluetooth was possible, for example)
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20:22.03d1rewolfrdieter: ok, great, thanks. But it does work locally? (i.e., no proxy of any sort)
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20:29.52rdieterd1rewolf: what does work locally mean?
20:30.29rdieterall I know is that it only works via wifi, and even then, you need to be on the same subnet (broadcast discovery)
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20:36.39d1rewolfrdieter: i meant it only stays on the local network. Doesn't go through some cloud community kde server
20:37.27rdieterd1rewolf: ok, then yes
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20:40.31quupHi, how come keyboard settings are ignored after about 1s?  For instance I go to Keybaord Hardware and Layout -> Advanced -> Position of Compose key -> Caps Lock   check it and click apply, and I have about 5s to use it to make an "Ã¥" but then it doesn't work until I uncheck/check and click apply again
20:40.39quupthis is on ubuntu 16.10 with kubuntu-backports
20:40.53quupsame thing happens frequently with keyboard layout and I have to use setxkbmap to change layout
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21:00.27HoffmanI'm running Plasmashell 5.9.1, and the search capability of the default launcher (kickoff) isn't there anymore.  The expected behavior is that I'd open the launcher and just start typing, but nothing happens when I just start typing.
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21:00.46HoffmanDoes anybody know if this is a setting of some sort?  I've searched online for it, and searched through system-settings
21:00.51Hoffman(to no avail)
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21:09.17dontknowHoffman, have you looked the search settings?
21:10.03HoffmanActually, I just tried adding a different launcher, and that launcher had search
21:10.10Hoffmanbut as soon as I added it, both had search
21:10.19Hoffmanthen I removed the newly added one, and the first one had search restored.
21:11.23Hoffmandontknow: thanks though!
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21:12.22dontknowit must be a bug
21:12.52dontknowHoffman, alt+f2 works?
21:13.30Hoffmandontknow: yeah, alt-f2/krunner always worked
21:13.40Hoffmanotherwise I'd have been crippled! :P
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21:22.46dontknowplasma is really buggy
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.