IRC log for #kde on 20170117

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02:10.38AnatzumArch with plasma 5.8.5. I was wondering if there is a way to set the thresh hold / sensitivity for the panel since I have it set to auto hide. I have it placed at the top and if im not carefull, when trying to hit the close button it will drop the panel down when my cursor barely touches the top.
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07:30.58tdnHow can I migrate digikam SQLite db to MySQL internal db? When trying to use the migrate function in settings, it says: "Error while opening the target database." Terminal error says: igikam.dbengine: ConnectOptions  "UNIX_SOCKET=/home/tdn/.local/share/digikam/db_misc/mysql.socket" --- digikam.dbengine: Error while opening the database. Error was QSqlError("2002", "QMYSQL: Unable to connect", "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/home/tdn/.local/share
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07:44.58ntzI have new suse 42.2, does anybody know, why there are broken icons in konqueror ??
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07:55.16thiagontz: my guess is that no one tests konqueror anymore
07:55.20thiagoI see the same problem
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08:01.25lordievaderGood morning.
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09:14.16canllaiththiago: is konqueror maintained ?
09:15.42*** join/#kde martin3 (~martin@
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09:16.53martin3Hello there. I have kde plasma 5.8 and I have a question. I do have an application (vivaldi browser) which always open itself in "all activities" mode. Is there a way to say "just on current activity" which is the default behaviour for all the other windows?
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09:22.50toskymartin3: you could try with a kwin rule; click on the application menu (top left), more actions, special application settings
09:23.06tosky"size & position" has an "activity" setting
09:23.23toskythat said, it would be interesting to know why it opens that way
09:25.15martin3tosky: yeah but with a rule I can only force it to be on a specific activity or all of them. Not say, please do not open on all
09:25.29toskymartin3: uhm, right
09:25.32martin3And I'm curious as well. This is the only application that does this
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09:25.49toskymaybe it sets some X properties and kwin reacts
09:25.56toskybut I don't know how it works internally
09:26.58toskyis it proprietary, right?
09:27.10martin3sadly yes
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09:27.16toskyif they have a bugtracker, I would report there - maybe they would bounce it, but maybe not
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09:27.52martin3yeah I'll try. Thanks!
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09:35.08martin3tosky: Okay so I googled the thing, and youhou you have to ask vivaldi to comply to the windows manager in the settings
09:35.13martin3and then all is well
09:35.30toskyso why by default it should not comply?
09:35.38martin3that my sir is a good question
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09:36.13martin3whatever thanks for the help! have a nice day!
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13:35.47bogdanHello people! I am trying to yse Kontact with Google services and Google it's keep telling me that I use an "unsafe application". Does anyone have experience with this?
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13:37.59einar77_workbogdan: you need to generate an application password
13:38.13einar77_workor use "legacy" ("Unsafe", I think) access
13:38.30einar77_worknext Applications release will actually use Google's OAuth mechanism
13:40.05bogdaneinar77_work how can I do that? What is that?
13:40.23einar77_workbogdan: I can't help you more than that I as I don't use Google's services
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13:40.51bogdaneinar77_work O.K. Thank you!
13:40.54einar77_workbogdan: as far as I understand, you need to set a password for Kontact to use when accessing gmail
13:41.21bogdaneinar77_work yes and the password is for my google account
13:42.33bogdaneinar77_work even in this case Google is telling me that KMail is not a safe application, means is not secure. This message doe not apper when I use Thunderbird
13:44.18einar77_workbogdan: it is secure, it just doesn't use google's preferred authentication mechanism
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14:42.00BluesKajHey folks
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14:52.51tneoHi can fish connect over a specific port?
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14:55.36ChemBrojust add a ":<portnumber>"
14:55.48ChemBroto the ip-address
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14:56.19tneoThanks ChemBro, and a specific identity file
14:56.467F1AAIVRVWoah, what's up with my username?
14:58.11tneoThanks got it working with a ssh config file.
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15:28.49mas886I was playing a bit with the kde style and there's a thing I didn't manage, how can I hide the task manager automatically?
15:31.06hateballmas886: rightclick the panel -> settings -> autohide
15:31.43leszekmas886: you can only hide the whole panel not only the task managing widget see above answer
15:31.48hateballmay need to unlock widgets in case you have them locked
15:34.20mas886leszek: I'm trying to select the whole panel, but I only manage to select the task manager
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15:35.04leszekmas886: right click on the panel no matter where and one option should be a submenu allowing you to change the panel settings
15:35.34mas886Yep, at the end I selected the little menu
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15:49.37baniyaHi... I am trying to build cantor but i am getting this error
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15:56.38toskybaniya: reading the logs from compilation is important if you want to compile; do you get any information from that?
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15:57.16toskybaniya: it says that you are missing something from Qt5, and it ends saying 'If "Qt5" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.'
15:57.57toskywhich means: do you have the packages which contains the development headers for Qt5?
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16:00.36baniyatosky : how to check for headers
16:00.46baniyai have not installed qt5
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16:01.32toskybaniya: so start with installing Qt5 and the related development packages; distributions usually call the packages as <library>-dev or <library>-devel
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16:03.13tedelhi. when kOrganizer was still version 4.11, I could drag and drop tasks in the to-do list to organize them. in kOrganizer 16.12, I can't. is this a know issue, or I am having a bug?
16:04.20baniyatosky : thanks
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16:55.33MDTech-us_MANHello, I have Konversation installed and I love it, but is there a widget for it?
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16:56.03poisondhi ^^ Is the file-size view not available in dolphin?
16:56.15MDTech-us_MANlike to I gould get notifications from the panel?
16:56.29MDTech-us_MAN*like so I could get notifications from the panel?
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18:56.56gbswhy is baloo_file using almost 30% of my memory?
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19:04.50FLHernegbs: Is it currently indexing?
19:05.41gbsbalooctl says "Indexer state: Idle"
19:08.29FLHerneHuh, that seems a bit excessive then...
19:08.59FLHerneDoes it keep doing that if you restart it?
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19:09.18FLHernenot really going anywhere with these questions :-/
19:11.17gbsalso, "Current size of index is 14.27 GiB"
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19:12.57FLHernegbs: Oh, do you have some large collection of <stuff> in your homedir? Source-code repos, say
19:13.26FLHernegbs: You might want to exclude some dirs under Search -> File Search -> Do not search in these locations:
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19:14.04FLHernenot very sure which types of file baloo creates much metadata for
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19:34.16gbsFLHerne, fine, but I've never seen windows search take up so many resources, for example
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19:40.24FLHernegbs: No, baloo isn't perfect :-(
19:40.44FLHerne(It's much better than nepomuk ever was, though...)
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20:13.59ntzone more disturbing problem with plasma ....
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20:15.01ntzwhen I wake up my laptop from sleeping there displays for something like 300ms the entire workspace before lockscreen starts ..... omg, is that worth to report since this is really wtf
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20:16.01FLHernentz: I reported that years ago, it's not really fixable with Xorg :-/
20:16.10FLHernentz: (works fine under Wayland)
20:16.34timofonicI'm able to upload images with Spectacle after doing a screenshot, but I can't copy the imgur link. Am I missing something?
20:16.46ntzFLHerne: is that a xorg issue ????
20:17.16ntzI'd guess that lockscreen shall start before the box sleeps so in the time of waking up it shall be already running
20:17.20FLHerneUnder X11, the lockscreen is (and can only be) just a normal window, KWin has to ask the Xorg server to be forced on top
20:17.38ntzthanks for an explanation
20:17.50FLHerneIf the server doesn't stack the windows suitably initially, you get a short delay before it gets around to reshuffling them
20:18.02ntzok, fair enough
20:18.05FLHerneUnder Wayland, the lockscreen is part of the compositor
20:18.21timofonicHere's the Spectacle window. URL are shown, but no way to copy them
20:18.24ntzI have suse 42.2 and we have a default Xorg .....
20:18.28FLHernentz: Other interesting effects - you can't lock the screen with a menu open
20:18.48FLHernentz: Because menus *also* insist on being the top window
20:18.50ntznot sure if the wayland is available for us (suse users)
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20:21.23FLHernetimofonic: What version is that, and how did you get there?
20:21.28FLHernetimofonic: I get this
20:21.36FLHerneWhich has a *different* obvious problem :P
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20:25.39timofonicFLHerne: Print Screen. How to know the version? I'm new at KDE
20:25.50timofonicFLHerne: I'm using the one supplied with Arch
20:26.32timofonicextra/spectacle 16.12.1-1 (kde-applications kdegraphics) [installed]
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20:28.37FLHernetimofonic: Exactly the same as me then, what actions are you taking to get that dialog?  (I'm using Export Image -> Share -> Imgur, and I get an unreadable link)
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20:29.08timofonicFLHerne: That one. I get a link but it's showed in that window. I did the same as you
20:29.21timofonicBut I logged in and clicked upload instead
20:29.54timofonicAnyway, I did it in your way and the same result: URL shown but no way to copy it. Why not? It doesn't make sense :P
20:31.03FLHernetimofonic: Are the ones you get clickable links? Mine is
20:31.21FLHerne(it's also selectable, so I could select it and hit ctrl-c)
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20:32.21rdieterFLHerne: mines clickable, but not selectable
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20:32.39rdieter(selectable after I click and open in a browser though)
20:33.02FLHernerdieter: Is yours in a window like timofonic, or in the unreadable green blob?
20:33.47rdieterFLHerne: like timofonic (no blobs)
20:34.26rdieteronly after exporting it to imgur (of course)
20:35.02FLHernerdieter: Yeah, when I do that (Export Image -> Share -> Imgur) I get the result in the screenshot a few lines up :P
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20:45.06timofonicFLHerne: Mine is in a window
20:45.34timofonicrdieter: But despite of that, it makes no sense not be able to copy the url link. Is this expected? Why?
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23:35.43Richlvhas anybody successfully used konsole as a replacement for cssh ? one thing that seems to be more cumbersome - when selecting tabs to copy input to, all tabs from al windows are shown, cannot arrange/manage them by window
23:38.24canllaithSounds like you really want something like puppet or ansible.
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23:38.36canllaithWhich doesn't answer your problem with Konsole, I know, but golly that's not a good way of doing things.
23:38.55Richlvcanllaith, nono, already using both across the env :)
23:39.26Richlvthis is for those cases when manual, smaller tasks still have to be done across a bunch of hosts
23:39.53Richlv(which does include a few that haven't been puppetised yet for whatever reasons ;) )
23:39.57canllaithIt would probably be quicker to write a playbook / manifest than make Konsole behave :P
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23:40.21canllaithI'm afraid I've never tried to use Konsole as a cssh replacement. Cssh may be a better option for you there.
23:41.03Richlvnah, some of those hosts are a bit older and not even enrolled in puppet
23:41.14Richlvkonsole has split view and can copy input to multiple tabs, so it is close...
23:41.22Richlvjust that ome aspects are a bit less convenient
23:41.51Richlvoh well, will continue with cssh + xterms then :)
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