IRC log for #kde on 20161121

00:04.38*** join/#kde hoglatwo (~baraba@unaffiliated/baraba)
00:05.01ultrixxhi! is kmail a qt 4 application?
00:05.14genstormin the past yes
00:05.20genstormin the present qt5
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00:17.48ultrixxoh no - gmail rejects kmail as an  "insecure app"
00:18.02genstormworks for me
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00:26.25canllaithI'm using it with gmail - do yo have the right server settings?
00:27.34canllaithI did find kmail didn't have the right ports automatically for me.
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00:32.30ultrixxcanllaith: you are right! now it works  thank yo
00:33.51ultrixxthe automatic configuration chose the wrong settings
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01:59.44James0ra breeze dark hexchat theme would be pretty sexy
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02:24.26James0rthe new preview pane in kate is classy
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06:45.31MayzieSeems whatever's in 5.28.0 broke my Plasma session :-(
06:50.59einar77Mayzie: wallpaper handling?
06:51.18MayzieNo, the Panel's frozen.
06:51.41MayzieAnd the process `plasmashell --shut-up` has 80% CPU usage.
06:51.54MayzieAnd `kactivitymanagerd start-deamon`, 20% CPU usage.
06:52.55MayzieI don't even know where to begin to debug.
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06:54.07einar77Mayzie: did you try restarting plasma?
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06:56.20einar77Mayzie: including your whole session?
06:56.53einar77Mayzie: first I would suggest to kill plasma and start it from the terminal, the output is super noisy but there might be some clues
06:57.02MayzieWhat was upgraded:
06:57.14MayzieAnything from that list that sticks out that I could revert to see if that was the issue?
06:57.41Mayzieeinar77: Yeah I tried that (kstart plasmashell), but it did not produce much output.
06:57.45einar77Mayzie: there's a known regression with kpackage that has been fixed (but requires a recompile of plasma-workspace), but from your description doesn't look like it
06:57.53MayzieRun it without the `kstart` part?
06:58.15einar77try without kstart, if not, fire up "kdebugsettings" and enable debug for plasma
06:58.32MayzieYou mentioning that reminded me that I turned off all that. Thanks.
06:59.06MayzieHmm, seems like it has all been enabled again
06:59.50Mayzieeinar77: How can I get more verbose output?
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07:03.31einar77Mayzie: technicallly kdebugsettings, but it sets environment variables, it may require a restart / rerun
07:04.04MayzieI enabled everything and restarted -- shows the exact same output as before.
07:04.24MayzieUnless you mean restarting my session?
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07:09.00Mayziebrb restarting session
07:11.42AnatzumIn the new 5.8 release, they added the use of the meta key by itself to open the menu launcher. Is there a config file somewhere so I can edit it since it is not shown in the shortcuts app. I have removed the default shortcut to open the menu and that temporarily removes it but does not save on next restart. any ideas?
07:11.44*** join/#kde Mayzie (
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07:12.20Mayzieeinar77: Nope, no difference.
07:13.21einar77Mayzie: attaching gdb and grabbing a backtrace, perhaps, would find where it's stuck
07:14.13einar77run plasmahsell, then gdb -p `pidof plasmashell` followed by "bt" inside gdb (would help to have the debug packages at hand)
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07:14.58MayzieMy distro (Arch) doesn't ship debug symbols, so it
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07:15.01Mayzieit'd kinda be useless.
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07:20.20MayzieStuff it, I'm just gonna revert.
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07:30.02*** join/#kde Mayzie (
07:30.20MayzieReverted to 5.27, issue is still happening :-/
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07:31.28MayzieNeed to go back in time more
07:32.08MayzieOh, no, my bad
07:32.10MayzieIt's working again
07:32.50MayzieJust had a little freeze on login that I've never experienced before the upgrade today.
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11:57.49nellahi all
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13:02.35alaa_I have a problem with kde neon and I am hoping someone can help me with.
13:02.52alaa_How can I change the "system" font ?
13:03.57rdieteralaa_: what do you mean by "system" exactly?
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13:04.34rdieterassuming you're not meaning user fonts in systemsettings->font->fonts
13:05.07alaa_I changed the fonts in the system settings but some applications still use noto sans,...when I see screenfetch it says that the font is noto
13:05.58alaa_So I changed them to ubuntu but screenfetch says that they are actually noto sans
13:06.00rdieteralaa_: ok, so "some applications" are which ones?
13:06.11rdieterguesses these are not qt/kde apps
13:06.28alaa_like android studio
13:06.39rdieteryou may be out of luck there
13:07.01alaa_I know android studio has its own settings and fonts I changed them but they dont apply
13:07.03rdieterthere's integration with gtk-based apps at least to for consistent theming.  other toolkits lack that
13:07.32rdieteralaa_: if android studio doesn't work as expected, I'd suggest you contact them about it (it's not a kde issue most likely)
13:09.43alaa_oh, I changed the GTK application style ubuntu and now screenfetch and android studio are getting the ubuntu font.
13:09.51alaa_that solved the problem
13:10.04alaa_thanks alot :) folks
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14:06.48weabothi, is there a way to disable history/autocomplete in krunner?
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14:14.08rdieterweabot: as far as I can tell, there's only a "clear history" button, but no way to fully disable it
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14:14.21weabotaw alright
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14:52.09BluesKajHiyas all
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15:47.43doyleHey. I've lost the task bar. How can I get it back? Add panel, default panel does nothing.
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15:49.41BluesKajdoyle, right clicking on the desktop doesn't show add panel or...?
15:49.55doyleYep, it shows add panel
15:52.41BluesKajdoes it work?
15:55.17doyleadd panel, default panel does nothing
15:55.19doyleI can click it
15:55.21doylebut nothing
15:55.41doyleI can add pieces, like the tray, but they appear very large
15:56.02doyleI moved .kde to .kde.old and re logged
15:57.03BluesKajinstall plasma-workspace
15:57.23BluesKajor reinstall
15:57.53genstormdoyle: plasma does not use the .kde dir anymore
15:58.12doyleah, what's the new one?
15:58.37genstormdoyle: .config, together with plenty other packages
15:58.48genstormso be aware that removing this will reset all kinds of other stuff
15:59.13genstormand don't do any of such operations from within your running session
15:59.30doyleFresh install. The task bar vanished after setting up external monitors
15:59.38genstormplasma version?
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16:02.31genstormmeh, nothing newer available?
16:02.39genstormideally 5.8.4 with several backports
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16:16.15doyleI'll try to get 5.8.3 or better going
16:16.53genstormdoyle: as said, 5.8.3 needs several backports from .4 to really make a difference
16:17.06genstormbut that is going to be released only tomorrow
16:17.28genstormI've seen very positive reports from multiscreen users
16:17.31doyleFor the f25 release?
16:17.38genstormno idea about fedora
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16:17.50doyleWell, f25 goes GA tomorrow also
16:17.54genstormspeaking of Plasma release
16:17.55doylethought it might be related
16:18.25genstormand then your version of Qt matters
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16:19.17gryffusHello, recently my kontact and kmail started crashing. First it crashed right when i selected a particular e-mail, but now it crashes instantly after init - the mail on which it crashed is selected on the startup. Is there anything i can do to get to my emails again?
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16:21.57gryffusAkonadi console crashes also, when i try to select that mail in akonadi console browser
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16:30.53gryffusThis is error i get in console: [1121/] Check failed: 0 == IGNORE_EINTR(close(fd)). : Bad file descriptor
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16:50.53veqzanyone here using kolabnow?
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17:33.45nemysishello how to delete from KAddressBook aconadi_vcard_resource_0? Right click not delete, I not wish this to see. I use only addressbook.vcf
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18:06.59edgyHi, I am trying use this rating in dolphin, when I click a pdf and rate it, F5, and there is no rating, what's wrong?
18:11.44FLHerneedgy: You need to have Baloo installed (it shouldn't let you poke the rating if not, IIRC), and the filesystem the PDF is on has to support xattrs
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18:12.41FLHerne(I assume you're using something recent-ish and this isn't a Nepomuk issue)
18:12.43edgyFLHerne: I have baloo installed and running as verified by balooctl and the fs is ext4 which I guess supports xattrs
18:14.12FLHerneedgy: Do tags/comments work? I'd assume not
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18:19.02edgyFLHerne: strangely enough, I tried other pdf's and rating works but only this pdf, it doesn't, does this make any sense to  you?
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18:23.30FLHerneNot really
18:23.37FLHerneIt's not a symlink or something?
18:24.11FLHerneSome weird name? I've noticed Dolphin gets very upset about doublequotes in filenames
18:24.12edgyFLHerne: no, but it's a 91M pdf which is a scan.
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18:24.55edgyFLHerne: I renamed the file to a.pdf but still same problem
18:25.19edgyFLHerne: moved it to other folders or filesystems but no use
18:25.22FLHerneHm, there is a limit on the number of xattrs and on their total combined size
18:25.37edgyFLHerne: can I do this from cli?
18:25.48FLHernePerhaps your scanner sets creation-date, paper-size, whatever as xattrs for some reason?
18:27.51FLHerneCan't find a CLI interface
18:28.01FLHernegetfattr -d <file> will list existing xattrs
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18:29.37FLHerneSince there doesn't seem to be anything special about them, you could probably set them with setfattr by copying the syntax from other files
18:30.16FLHerneuser.baloo.rating="6"  seems straightforward, except that it's twice the number of stars displayed in Dolphin
18:32.08genstormFLHerne: "6" may translate to 3 stars and "7" would be 3.5...
18:32.25genstormbut I can only guess
18:32.26FLHernegenstorm: I assume so, but the interface doesn't allow setting half-stars
18:32.33FLHerneI wonder if it can display them
18:32.41genstormiirc it could
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18:32.54edgyFLHerne: getfattr -d a.pdf shows no result at all
18:33.47FLHerneIt can
18:33.54FLHerne-> afk for a bit
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18:35.32edgyFLHerne: Oops! It's my fault sorry for that
18:35.45edgyFLHerne: the file has 444 permissions ;)
18:37.57edgybut I only manage to figure it out after trying setfattr which clearly states permission denied. dolphin should have saved FLHerne the precious time, feel free to file a bug ;)
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18:39.24karolherbstis konqueror the qtwebkig based webbrowser for plasma5 or was there something else as well?
18:40.03genstormkarolherbst: it is the only browser in kde applications
18:40.06karolherbstor qtwebengine
18:40.23karolherbstgenstorm: yeah well, I try to reproduce those nouveau issues with plasma5, but currently I fail pretty hard doing that
18:41.55demmkarolherbst: from 16.12 on konqueror is qtwebengine based
18:42.17karolherbstdemm: k, thanks and I guess that should crash nouveau if I disable the nouveau detection bits
18:43.04genstormkarolherbst: 16.12 branch is available in kde overlay ;)
18:43.08karolherbstyeah, saw it
18:43.55karolherbstnow how was that env variable called again :(
18:45.09karolherbstokay, now the last bit: kwin
18:45.57karolherbstkwin 5.8 fails to use the nouveau opengl stuff, is there a flag as well?
18:46.42genstormoh nice, konqueror insta-crashes on page load :)
18:46.58karolherbstwith the GLX backend enabled, I get a "No provider of glXBindTexImageEXT found."
18:47.07karolherbstallthough glxinfo lists GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap
18:47.17edgykarolherbst: isn't qupzilla much better than knoqueror
18:47.32genstormit is also qtwebengine based
18:47.34karolherbstedgy: I want something that crashes the nouveau driver, I don't care about anything else :O
18:48.07edgykarolherbst: ah! sorry then
18:48.44karolherbstI will ask in the kwin channel about the kwin issue
18:49.23*** part/#kde edgy (~quassel@
18:49.29FLHerneedgy: Qupzilla is a better simple browser
18:50.20FLHerneKonqueror uses KParts, so it's a combined browser/file manager/PDF viewer/text editor/image viewer/ebook reader
18:50.24*** join/#kde danmackay (~danmackay@unaffiliated/danmackay)
18:50.31FLHerneWhich is all very well if you like that sort of thing
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18:55.38demmkarolherbst: just an FYI, but this branch (3 commits) used for patching mesa fixes the nouveau/qtwebeingine crashes here
18:56.00demmcommits from June 4, 6 & 21
18:56.13karolherbstdemm: I am aware of thos
18:57.10karolherbstthose kwin error prints are indeed useless
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20:16.18rangergordHi. I'm using the latest Neon. How can I move the windows in the taskbar at the bottom, left or right? I'm a bit OCD about having the left-most window be a terminal window. But Neon opens newer windows  to the left. Clicking and dragging the Konsole entry to the left doesn't move it like it does on other desktops with taskbars.
20:16.43rangergordI'm also wondering if I can make KDE put new apps to the right
20:16.46rangergordinstead of to the left
20:17.01rangergordaka the Windows behavior
20:17.19rangergordwell, not just Windows. Everyone else does that way. It's the first time I see it done to the left.
20:17.25Sho_right-click the task manager, go to settings, switch sorting from alphabetic to e.g. Manual
20:17.41Sho_it doesn't sort to the left, that's probably just what you interpreted alphabetical sorting as
20:17.49rangergordnice! thanks
20:18.04Sho_manual means right-side-append + being able to move with DND
20:18.24rangergordit's this sort of customization that made me want to switch to KDE
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21:18.38ZrenSho_, I've modified taskmanager to see if pressAndHold has fired before allowing a drag. I've gotten annoyed at accidently dragging the launcher into chrome/sublime.
21:19.22x7C3hi all, quick question - any chance i can increase the time that notification popup stays on the screen for?
21:19.51Zrenwhich notification popup x7C3 ?
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21:20.29x7C3kde plasma app/system notifications
21:20.40x7C3usually appear @ top-right of screen
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21:21.28Zrenthe ones that stick around in the notification tray? eg: files moved?
21:22.09x7C3will try & take a screenshot
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21:23.17x7C3not the ones in the notification tray widget
21:23.20x7C3but the actual popup itself
21:27.17Zrenx7C3, well, the app (dolphin/irc client/etc) specifies a specific time, or it uses a default (I forget where it's set)
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21:27.53x7C3hm, best place to look for that setting?
21:28.31ZrenI'm not sure if it's hardcoded or not.
21:28.47ZrenBut I know where it's set in QML.
21:30.34x7C3The notification usually disappear before I've had a chance to read them, hence me wanting to increase length :)
21:31.07ZrenWell here's where it's set in c++ (default)
21:31.15Zrenbut you can edit a plain text qml file here
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21:32.26ZrennotificationTimer.interval is in milliseconds (1000ms = 1 second)
21:32.56ZrenEither just change it to `notificationTimer.interval = notification.expireTimeout * 2` to double the default or do whatever.
21:33.06Zrenrestart plasmashell for it to take effect.
21:33.36ZrenThere might be a GUI thing somewhere, but iunno where.
21:33.44x7C3yeah i can't find it in a GUI :p
21:34.26x7C3would be useful if it was in system settings -> notifications
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