IRC log for #kde on 20160729

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05:17.06uebera||Hi. Is it possible to change the Konsole profile via the command line (i.e., whenever using ssh to connect to certain hosts)?
05:17.10zeltakhi all. my kde 5 (5.7) plasma panel always appears on the wrong screen (non primary). is there anyway to force a panel to a specific screen?
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05:27.35uebera||"konsole --new-tab --profile "myPrettyProfile" -e ssh -Y remoteMachine" will open a new instance--however, I'd like to change the properties of the current one instead.
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05:45.36MrokiiHello. How can I assign tags to files/folders in Dolphin? I see the column for tags, but I don't see any way to actually assign tags...
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07:12.21yeehiPROBLEM: ical files (to populate one's calendar). When one tries to open/download them, the browser attempts to connect to "".
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07:46.50embarassmentcan someone help me? i cant make the top right screen edge activate desktop cube. nothing happens
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08:45.18e-animaanyone here has 4 monitors arranged as 2x2 and has no problems with the current taskmanager applet and no probem haveing a taskbar on every monitor? i thinking about replacing one of my monitors (currently one of the three has a different resolution and that may fuck up things)
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09:42.57Sho_e-anima: what problem are you having?
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09:45.18e-animasince i use kde i always have problems with the taskbars. currently monitor 3 taskbar shows the windows running on monitor 4 and 4 shows these on 3
09:47.05Sho_e-anima: which version?
09:48.30e-anima5.24 QT 5.7.0
09:48.41Sho_no, of plasma :)
09:48.43Sho_those are kde frameworks and qt
09:49.17e-animaplasmashell 5.7.2
09:49.26e-animai did plasmashell --version
09:50.46Sho_e-anima: are you able to test git code?
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09:51.05Sho_e-anima: the master branches of plasma-workspace and plasma-desktop contain some fixes that probably address your problem
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09:52.11e-animawell in theory i would. but i fear patching my workstation
09:52.33e-animai am not a linux master yet. only using it for 6 months
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11:47.20ntzI've asked for this some time ago, it was without a reply so I'd try again now:
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11:48.12ntzI have kde 4.x which are pretty fine, tuned, working - no problem with them - they are stock suse 13.1 kde (so fully up-to-date and maintained) .. I have one little problem with them with akonadi
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11:49.04ntzas far as I am using laptop every time I change network (eg sleep computer and go from office to home or so) I have after waking up `pkill akonadi' otherwise my kmail is unable to connect to imaps
11:49.29ntzdo I miss something ? this manual akonadi pkilling is annoying
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12:13.44kdepepoand you tested a newer version to make sure it is still not fixed?
12:25.09ntzkdepepo: to me ?
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12:27.26leszekntz: I don't think someone other than distributions are maintaining that code.
12:28.59ntzleszek: iirc akonadi is discontinued in kde5, correct ?
12:30.17leszekntz: no. Akonadi is part of KDE Applications
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12:30.59ntzthen I guess these symptomps will affect kde5 also
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12:32.54leszekguess is no prove
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12:41.47ntzleszek: haha .... the world still exists even if you close your eyes :D
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13:44.12zeltakhmm i have an annoying issue. i binded all my change work space keys to win-1,win-q, win-e, win-a etc
13:44.32zeltakall works but the win-q one that seems binded but refuses to work. any clue?
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13:49.33e-animazeltak, i have something similar i have bound win+d to show the desktop. it doesnt work sincle the latest updates
13:50.12e-animait shows meta+d but meta+d doesnt work. so i guess you are not alone here
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14:32.48zeltake-anima: thx. is there a place to report this?
14:34.13zeltakthx. did you repoty already so i can confirm?
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14:51.53zeltakmm what product do i file it under
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15:36.08agoHello all. After updating from plasma-5.5.5 to plasma-5.6.5 I noticed a big graphical change. It seems that I losed what kstyles did and the behaviour seems what I had in kde4 instead of plasma5. Is this supposed to be like here or I am missing packages?
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15:45.21pierre^1/ first reboot
15:46.00pierre^2/ if not change , change the icon set, valid, and choose again beeze icons
15:46.04pierre^et relog
15:46.08leszekago: I don't understand what you actually mean
15:46.29pierre^he have a mis of breeze and oxygen icons
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15:48.59agoleszek: I mean that after the update 1) seems kde4 instead of plasma5  2)I losed the oxygen style
15:49.57leszekago: and that is what I don't get. How does it seem to be kde4 ? plasmashell --version tells you 5.6.5 right ?
15:50.23leszekoxygen style might need to be installed. Its a seperate package
15:51.24agoleszek: yes , it is 5.6.5, oxygen is installed...this is how to looks the menu for example:
15:52.21agoleszek: the menu of 5.5.5 look very supposed to be as is here?
15:52.27leszekago: looks to me like plasma-integration is missing
15:52.45leszekjudging from the font size being too big
15:53.06agoleszek: yeah,. it is not installed, let me check
15:53.11leszekas for oxygen plasma theme I am not sure
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15:55.43agoleszek: looks good now. thanks!
15:56.12agoleszek: I'll suggest to packagers to add it in the base install
15:56.28rdieterago:  what distro ?
15:56.31leszekyeah that would be best
15:56.37rdieter(if you care to name names :) )
15:57.00leszekI think last time upstream (kde) did not include a dependency because of looping dependency issues of some kind
15:57.15leszekbut there was an info for all distros to ship it
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15:57.56agordieter: gentoo
16:00.44agoleszek: since you are around, after the upgrade I have another terrible bug...I'm unable to edit file over samba :/
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16:01.41agoleszek: After edit the file, as usual the system asks me if I want to upload the new version ( ) fine....
16:01.45leszekago: kio is at the newest version ?
16:01.58agoleszek: then, there is the error ( )
16:02.26agoleszek: kio-5.23.0
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16:02.46leszekago: strange never saw this.
16:02.50agoleszek: kio-extras-15.12.3
16:02.57leszeknormal copying of files to samba share works ?
16:03.15agoleszek: yes
16:04.06leszekthen I don't know. Did you search already ? Maybe it was fixed with KDE Applications 16.04 already or kf5 5.24
16:08.20agoleszek: yes I didn't see anything related
16:08.38agoleszek: do you have a way to get more info about the error?
16:08.56leszekago: maybe there is something in ~/.xsession-errors about it
16:09.05leszekotherwise not.
16:10.54agoleszek: it seems to do not happen anymore-°
16:11.15agothanks anyway
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16:16.35jackneillis there a kde developer chat?
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16:25.51Zrenjackneill, #kde-devel #plasma
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16:35.23pierre^in plasma-pa where is the left right balance ?
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16:39.33pierre^ok i keep kmix :p
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17:14.30inkbottleHi, in kmail 16.04, I can't seem to be able to select sender identity
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21:35.49salamanderrakewhat is a good mail client for kde/plasma based DE's?
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21:40.35ahjolinnasalamanderrake: have u tried trojita or kmail?
21:42.51salamanderrakewill try now
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21:47.11salamanderrakeahjolinna: kmail won't install, this is on kde neon,
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21:48.13ahjolinnasalamanderrake: I would complain to #kde-neon -channel about that
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22:08.06pierre^kamil is un multi bal , trojita an imap one bal
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22:09.22pierre^kmail  works well, even if there are qq problems being resolved
22:10.54pierre^i use kmail with 8 bal , and , for exemple, the search on all the bal, on many years is ok
22:11.27pierre^the letter boxes
22:11.40pierre^email count
22:11.55genstormemail accounts
22:12.22pierre^sorry for my english
22:12.42genstormno reason to be sorry
22:14.08pierre^the problem with kmail, is for each search it is necezsseray to erase folder of search
22:14.29pierre^normaly this are solved on the next version
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22:17.08pierre^but kmail find an email 5 years old among my 8 email accounts ....
22:17.20pierre^thunderbird dont find
22:20.05pierre^by against kmail uses akonadi and QT5 webengine ... it's really heavy and it's everywhere
22:20.16pierre^thunderbird use 1 folder
22:20.48pierre^trojita is a new project, and actually it simply a toy
22:22.13pierre^and for the more audacious .. mutt :)
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22:32.56salamanderrakepierre^: thunderbird is slow as hell, that is my problem with it, I used to like it but its boggy.
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22:35.28pierre^try kmail
22:36.44pierre^take a few days to get used to it
22:37.31pierre^and try the different possibilities
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22:38.08pierre^in fact , it is necessary  to respect an order
22:38.25pierre^first create identity
22:39.05pierre^second create emails accounts and accounts sender
22:40.04pierre^and it,'s possible to have many identity
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22:47.18pierre^good night, it is late in Paris
22:49.49salamanderrakeseems that the new pim isn't working in neon yet
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