IRC log for #kde on 20160315

00:01.19*** join/#kde ivanich (
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00:57.11Guest90633ah, nice one
00:58.26AciD`if you set kgpg to open .asc files, then you are _obliged_ to use kgpg as the default app for .txt, .doc, etc. with no way to move this entry down..
00:58.31AciD`really nice one.
01:00.01*** join/#kde johnmilton (~johnmilto@
01:03.47mefistofelesAciD`: that doesn't happen here
01:04.17AciD`lucky you!
01:05.37mefistofelesAciD`: unlucky you
01:05.57*** part/#kde menace (~knorr@unaffiliated/menace)
01:06.32AciD`that and the way most service/plugins for dolphin just don't appear in the app
01:07.23AciD`if you right click on an encrypted file, do you get the kd4 menu "Actions > show unencrypted file" mefistofeles?
01:07.38AciD`(or any actions for that matter)
01:10.50mefistofelesAciD`: I don't
01:10.58*** join/#kde kadosh (~christoph@
01:11.42AciD`ok, so it's a 'not ported' feature, and not a 'it does work for everybody but you' one
01:11.59AciD`adds it to its 500 pages grief
01:21.36*** join/#kde break19 (~break19@unaffiliated/break19)
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02:06.22porkslapchopanyone know a good comic library/reader for kde? QT preferred
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05:30.44Elephant454Soooo... I had a random thought. What's the difference between a Folder View and a Desktop. Why aren't they one in the same?
05:34.03valorieElephant454: my desktop is just a slideshow of some of my favorite images, mostly astropix
05:34.11valorienot a folder to be seen
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06:13.28AbsTradELichi again... greetings
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09:12.31JyZyXELmy kmail has been offline for two weeks and i only notice it now...
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09:12.41JyZyXELwhere can i get the error log?
09:12.51JyZyXELto see why it is offline
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09:17.22JyZyXEL_nothing_ happens when i press Go online
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09:27.11SchrostfutzIn the kde bugtracker, can I change my e-mail address or name?
09:29.55*** join/#kde ravior (~ravior@
09:30.23iron_houziI have the weirdest problem with my external monitor on plasma5 & i915: Suddenly my office monitor stopped working after weeks of stability and I didn't even upgrade any packages. The external monitor looses its signal and the laptop monitor is black, only showing the cursor, which can only be moved in the vertical axis. I tried it again on my external monitor at home and that works just fine. I've even brought
09:30.26iron_houzithe cable I use at home to work and this didn't help. Is there anywhere plasma5 is storing hw information about the external monitor and resuing some bad settings?
09:30.55*** join/#kde tdfischer (~tdfischer@kde/tdfischer)
09:31.13iron_houziI've tried to set the vsync to full redraws BTW
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10:23.51iron_houziAhh! I am so happy now. Removed all cached screen settings from ~/.local/share/kscreen and my monitor works!
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12:20.17BluesKajHiyas all
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12:21.56veduHello. My Dolphin is not saving custom "places". It shows the entries I have created as long as the dolphin window is open but once I close and re-open, the entries are gone :(
12:22.29veduDo we have a channel like #dolphin or similar?
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12:37.03mefistofelesvedu: if you run it in a terminal it says something?
12:39.44vedumefistofeles: okay its working now... I'm sure I was facing it sometime. But now I know what to do if I face it again
12:42.15mefistofelesvedu: what was the problem? or how did you solve it?
12:43.12vedumefistofeles: The custom entries were being deleted after re-starting dolphin. Now they aren't
12:43.25veduMay have been fixed by deleting the .config dir
12:43.53vedumefistofeles: I think I had incorrect permissions in that dir
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12:45.28mefistofelesvedu: I see, ok
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15:00.27elvisangelacciohi, is anyone here using tmux with konsole? the default ctrl+b prefix doesn't seem to work
15:00.47elvisangelaccioI suspect there is another keybind which conflicts
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15:02.15elvisangelaccionever mind, I figured it out
15:02.19elvisangelaccioI was doint it wrong, lol
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15:09.37KWhat4how do you re-enable desktop icons after they go away on their owl?
15:09.41KWhat4own *
15:10.21KWhat4oh i have to unlock widgest
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15:27.32mnordswow kde has improved a lot compared to when I tried it some years ago
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15:44.25Sho_mnords: cool to hear!
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17:08.52tobiasBoraI have a problem with a Windows Switch (in Configuration -> Windows behaviour -> Task Change) : when I install another switch with the star button, I have an error ""The Window Switcher installation is broken, ressources are missing.""
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17:09.09tobiasBoraevery time I switch my windows
17:09.20tobiasBoraAny idea to solve this annoying problem ?
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17:18.32tobiasBoraI(m using kwin 5.4.3
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17:19.25tobiasBoraI am the only one to have this probleme ?
17:21.39anonkunhey guys, is there a way to make kde4 "not ugly"?
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17:23.40rdieteranonkun: for starters, you'll have to define what "not ugly" means to you, or at least what about kde4 is ugly (of course, beauty is often very subjective)
17:25.01anonkunrdieter: plasma 5 is pretty :)
17:25.05rdietermentioning your distro may help too, could be their defaults aren't great for youeither
17:25.17rdieteranonkun: then use plasma5, done :)
17:25.24anonkunI'm using plasma5 maia theme on manjaro right now. But opting for debian stable
17:25.30anonkunDebian stable doesn't have plasma 5
17:25.50rdietertoo bad :(
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17:27.07rdieterplasma-breeze style can be built for kde4 too, but since your distro doesn't have plasma, that's probably not an option either
17:27.50anonkundo you know of any flat themes for kde4?
17:28.09anonkunSomething not 3Dish and shiny will be fine for me
17:29.48mnordsnot everything has to be flat
17:30.38anonkunI don't like windows vista or windows 7 style stuff
17:31.07anonkuni'm actually okay with 3d too
17:31.14anonkunjust that it shouldnt have that glossy look
17:31.29anonkunthis will work right?
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17:51.21mnordsI tried the numx themes on xfce before but they had some issues
17:51.28mnordsthat one works alright though
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18:00.11HamRadioIs there a KDE alternative to Pidgin?
18:01.06rattkingkopete is a good IM client for KDE
18:02.07HamRadioCool thanks rattking
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18:05.55BlaXpiritOK people, I'm going crazy with this. Basically some of my applications are bugged out when they are started from KDE autostart but if I run them manually they always work fine
18:06.12BlaXpiritI even tried adding  gtk-launch whatever  to autostart and that didn't help
18:08.23BlaXpiritfor example, in Steam its browser doesn't work at all, just a black screen with infinite loading
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18:13.10thiagoBlaXpirit: Qt and KDE applications only
18:13.26BlaXpiritthiago, what do you mean?
18:13.42thiagowe can't help you with non-KDE applications
18:13.50BlaXpiritthiago, but this is about KDE autostart
18:14.05BlaXpiritthe application aren't broken by themselves and aren't broken in other environments
18:15.22thiagoI understand, but we still can't help you
18:15.36thiagocan you tell us what the application is expecting to see but isn't seeing?
18:15.54thiagodid it even draw something?
18:16.18BlaXpiritthiago, Steam works completely fine, other than its embedded browser (which seems to be Chromium)
18:16.39BlaXpiritSkype shows its inresponsive tray icon and does nothing, can only be killed forcibly
18:16.52BlaXpiritwell the pattern seems to be proprietary 32bit apps :|
18:17.12BlaXpiritwhen I open them manually it's all good
18:17.43BlaXpiritthis has been happening for a long time, but never in KDE 4
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18:18.52thiagodo you have xembedsniproxy?
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18:21.21BlaXpirituh I have a lot of things related to tray icons: sni-qt(32,64 bit), libappindicator, but this is not about tray icons
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18:24.21rdieterBlaXpirit: they seem to be apps that provide systray icons
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19:05.18rfkI've set okular to use memory 'greedily' in the performance pane which is supposed to mean the larger of 50% of total or free memory; but it's using over 80% of memory - possible bug?
19:05.42rfkabout 16g of total memory in this system
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21:49.30HamRadioBreeze dark or light theme?
21:59.06mike-zal2neither, made my own compilation.
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22:23.52heybyeKate and Kwrite do not support [Shift]+[Space] in Persian:
22:24.16heybyeمی روم ---> می‌روم
22:24.43heybye[Shift]+[Space] removes the space between می and روم
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