IRC log for #kde on 20151012

00:18.06*** join/#kde daiasaka (~daiasaka@
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01:11.17Giraffe_is still valid?
01:11.39*** join/#kde dietr1ch (
01:11.39Giraffe_#ubuntu / #kubuntu may be more appropriate channels
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01:12.59dietr1chAnyone knows why balooctl may be reporting a smaller index size than ~/.local/share/baloo/index?
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05:10.47metresHello, I am a gentoo user under kde 5.4.2 and konqueror is still 4.14.11 konqueror is not able to connect throught ftp... anyone know something about that..? Do konqueror stil under development?
05:24.21*** join/#kde jalalsfs (~jalal@unaffiliated/jalalsfs)
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05:45.30valoriemetres: last I looked, konqueror was looking for a maintainer
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06:42.37excalibrso apparently plasma 5 clipboard is unable to handle url copied from chrome addressbar
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06:46.11valorieexcalibr: it seems that chromium also screwed that up
06:46.45valorienot sure what change they made, but it wreaks havok with clipboard
06:47.27*** join/#kde Haudegen (~quassel@
06:47.38valorieI find that if I use control + C AND find the URL in the clipboard history, and select it, I can control+V it
06:48.02valoriebut that is almost as bad as the windows situation
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06:54.32excalibrneither ctrl+c works for me. Once copied, the url shows up as icon with play symbol in clipboard
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08:04.46*** join/#kde aario (~quassel@
08:11.32lordievaderGood morning.
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08:23.25mitch0anyone got a workaround / quick idea how to fix kscreen4? after some update not long ago, it keeps forgetting the multi-monitor configuration, reverts to some insane default
08:25.27*** part/#kde hnsz2002 (
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08:34.04bcxHi can I set the color scheme from the command line ?
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10:05.40Tuxick"unconfirmed" after 3 years
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11:08.23BluesKajHiyas all
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12:16.34JyZyXELafter restarting from a frozen Xorg, all my kmail messages are gone
12:17.37JyZyXELshows 0 folders
12:17.53JyZyXELwhat should i do?
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12:24.54ashkahi, I have an issue with konsole, whenever there is a bell in a window it sends a desktop notification that's named "Activity in session « Used profile's name »", I use the same profile on every konsole window so I cannot know which konsole window had a bell. Can I have the terminal name shown in the notification instead ?
12:25.10leszekJyZyXEL: restart akonadi. Or see if its database is broken
12:25.21JyZyXELrestarting akonadi brought the emails back
12:27.01Kendos-KenlenIs there a GUI for LVM managment in KDE ?
12:27.32leszekashka: did you enter a custom name for the konsole session ? (Doubleclicking the Tabbar and enter a name)
12:27.55leszekKendos-Kenlen: kvpm is a nice gui application for managing lvm
12:28.32ashkaleszek: no (I use seperate windows), but the applications I run change the name that's in the window top bar
12:28.34Kendos-Kenlenis it still maintained ?
12:29.11leszekKendos-Kenlen: I think yes
12:29.49Kendos-KenlenNo updates since one year on source forge
12:30.14leszekKendos-Kenlen: it doesn't mean it isn't maintained
12:30.44leszekits working fine still as there were not many changes regarding lvm in the last year
12:30.47Kendos-Kenlenleszek: I don't believe the "We don't update it because there is not bugs" ;-)
12:32.05leszekthere aren't many bugs reported which are open
12:32.24leszekbut if you are afraid to use this app. Ask the devs if they are still maintaining it
12:33.03leszekI also have apps that are 'feature complete' that I did not update about 1 year. They still work great :)
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12:35.08Kendos-Kenlenmouais, i'll try it, but i'm still sceptical about app not updated since a log time
12:36.07JyZyXELwhere can i find the syntax for .kde/share/config/akonadi_imap_resource ?
12:36.17JyZyXELi want to see if the file can store my email password for me
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13:25.28bcxHello, can I use kdeglobals for customizing kde apps on gnome ?
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13:46.11regeditmgraesslin: hello
13:46.57regeditmgraesslin: i was told you might know a thing about kscreen and what config it uses from local/share/kscreen
13:47.14mgraesslinsorry no
13:47.18lordievaderregedit: Perhaps it is usefull to describe the actual problem ;)
13:48.07regeditKubuntu (15.04) does not seem to remember the right dual-monitor settings/configuration across shutdowns/reboots
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13:49.04regediti see multiple configs in ~/.local/share/kscreen, and it sometimes uses the wrong one
13:52.12regeditmgraesslin: any ideas? ^
13:54.46regeditim'a try moving some wrong ones out & rebooting...
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13:59.13regeditnope, it still insists on a completely unusable configuration with both viewports almost completely off screen
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13:59.48mgraesslinregedit: as I wrote above: sorry, no I do not know anything about kscreen configuration. You got the wrong name
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14:00.06regeditmy apologies then
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14:14.33regeditanyone any ideas please? my dual monitor gets auto detected completely wrong and previous config is ignored upon shutdown/reboot. Kubuntu 15.04 Frameworks Version 5.9.0
14:15.30lordievaderregedit: The EDID information your monitors output is correct?
14:18.14regeditlordievader: how do i tell?
14:18.48regeditlordievader: is it bad that only 1 monitor seems to show up in there?
14:20.10lordievaderregedit: What command did you use?
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14:20.47regeditlordievader: sudo get-edid | sudo parse-edid
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14:21.35lordievaderHold on, let me compile read-edid.
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14:25.14lordievaderregedit: Ok, change dir to /sys/class/drm/card0(<-probably)-<some connection type>, then run 'sudo parse-edid < edid' and give me the output.
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14:31.38regeditlordievader: i did for the 2 currently relevant monitors, even though there are others in the drm/ folder there
14:32.35lordievaderAs you can see both monitors report that there is just one supported resolution.
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14:33.35regeditlordievader: is that a problem? maybe that just means its the currently active/selected resolution?
14:34.16lordievaderregedit: The resolution of the first is 1366x768 and the second 1680x1050, is this correct?
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14:34.31lordievaderregedit: Edid should report all supported modes.
14:35.02lordievaderregedit: is from my monitor
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14:35.46regeditlordievader: those resolutions are correct yes, and the HDMI one does seem to show (in comment?) other supported resolutions
14:36.05regedithm i see
14:36.19lordievaderregedit: Hmm, and kscreen doesn't select those resolutions?
14:37.16regeditlordievader: it doesnt seem to be an issue with resolution, as much as it seems to be about enabling and positioning the monitors as i last configured them
14:38.07lordievaderAh, I thought resolutions was also a problem. Then I don't know.
14:39.37regeditthis is a brand new quirk, wonder if it has to do with the new nvidia 355.11 drivers
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14:44.45regeditjust unplugged & replugged the monitor, again it messes up the entire config
14:44.49regeditwithout even restarting
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14:47.22Kendos-Kenleni've the following error : "The font for use in the terminal has not been matched exactly. Perhaps it has not been found properly." with konsole. Someone know how to solve it?
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15:02.08thiagoKendos-Kenlen: change your font to something else
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15:10.12Kendos-Kenlenthiago: i tried using profil settings and the message appear with all of thems
15:10.19Kendos-Kenlenlike Deja vu mono, Monospaced or foxed
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16:40.21regeditcan anyone please help with dual monitor problems? not being configured/displayed correctly, and doesn't remember manually set configuration
16:40.45regeditis there a kde log i can view/tail to see any potential errors with xrandr or whatever?
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17:03.26Giraffe_hi, so I hit something
17:03.40Giraffe_and now theres a shadow at the corner of my screen
17:03.42Giraffe_er, wrong word
17:03.51Giraffe_like a vignette
17:04.46Giraffe_any ideas?
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17:06.46cb400ftried clicking some random systray icons and see if the graphics glitch goes away?
17:07.26cb400fanyway, it'll definitely be gone after plasma workspace restart
17:09.26Giraffe_yeah but id rather it never happened again d:
17:09.38Giraffe_oh could be my screenshot program; I think it adds a vignette when taking a pic
17:09.55Giraffe_thanks cb400f
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17:45.45JyZyXELhow do i connect a bluetooth device via a command?
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17:56.55Josh|SYNi wonder why kde decided to use phonon instead of pulseaudio?
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17:58.16lordievaderJosh|SYN: Phonon is a layer above PA.
17:58.37Josh|SYNwhy so many abstraction levels
17:58.52Josh|SYNalsa > pulseaudio > phonon or vlc?
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17:58.54lordievaderJosh|SYN: Good question.... Wish I knew.
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18:20.04rdieter_workJosh|SYN: phonon abstracts media frameworks (vlc, gstreamer, windows directx, mac quicktime)
18:21.10rdieter_worktheoretically, if phonon would be removed, then kde apps would have to code to use those frameworks directly on each platform
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18:21.51rdieter_workwhich I hope you would agree.. would be bad
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18:38.34Josh|SYNmakes sense but i would disagree. But i wonder how gtk does this
18:39.58rdieter_workJosh|SYN: gtk doesn't handle media, apps fend for themselves (using media frameworks directly, but gtk apps generally use gstreamer exclusively)
18:41.42rdieter_workkde apps don't *have* to use phonon either, they are free to use whatever media libraries make the most sense.. oftentimes for simple things, the simplest one that makes sense is phonon
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18:43.22Josh|SYNI see, I think a DE leave audio best to app themselves rather than making another abstraction levels
18:43.53Josh|SYNbesides they are simple enough, aren't they
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19:50.07ot7bzhi, does anyone know where to possibly report a bug where setting KDE Locale settings away from en_US causes non-ASCII input to Steam not work?
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21:23.24typhoon_2099Hi guys, I'm having an issue with the subwoofer on my Asus N56VM laptop. I can test it successfully but none of my programs output anything through it.
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21:33.23typhoon_2099If I set my audio to 4.0 I get output on rear right via the subwoofer but this is not ideal.
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21:55.46typhoon_2099Do I need to something special to get my subwoofer working properly? I can hear the test signal but it doesn't work anywhere else.
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21:59.48typhoon_2099I've tried testing with "speaker-test -c 6" and I can hear an output on LFE, so the subwoofer appears to be working, I just don't know how to tell Amarok et al to use it properly.
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22:04.12typhoon_2099Should I be using GStreamer as the backend? I've tried playing a 5.1 audio file in VLC but I am still only getting output from the 2 main speakers.
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22:08.32typhoon_2099Fuck it, I can't get it t work.
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22:30.37Justicedoes dolphin 15.08.1 have issues with icons ?
22:31.01Justicemissing video thumbnails and allot of type icons
22:34.08archetechsee arch forum
22:34.58Justicethe plasma thread orr?
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22:43.45Justicearchetech: hm found a solution
22:44.36Justicenow atleast it shows icons, now to find why i dont have thumbnails :P
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22:58.36junfanHi, I'm distro shopping. What distro(s) offer the most up to date and unmodified KDE experiences? I'd kind of like something with a little more package stability than arch, but it's certainly near the top of my list right now.
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23:11.41Justicejunfan: probably arch or arch based distros
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23:36.22jfmcarreirajunfan: ever considered gentoo? ;)
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