IRC log for #kde on 20150902

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00:09.21GreeningGalaxyhi, I'm using Plasma 5.4 on Arch Linux, and I'm having a lot of trouble getting the Telepathy widget/anything to work.
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00:10.14GreeningGalaxyI've added my google account to it, but the button on the widget still says "It appears you have no accounts configured, click here to configure" or whatever
00:10.40GreeningGalaxyif I reboot, that becomes the usual "go online" button, but it does exactly nothing when I click it (no spinning icon, no indication that it's doing anything)
00:11.24GreeningGalaxythe KDE IM Contacts application lets me set my status to 'online' but that also does nothing and makes no apparent attempt to actually connect
00:14.11GreeningGalaxybah, nevermind, I found it. telepathy-gabble isn't installed. :v
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06:32.38diyfupecoIs there a way to get a signal in a kwin script when a window is unminimized?
06:32.55mgraesslindiyfupeco: yes, let me check
06:33.45mgraesslindiyfupeco: there is on workspace the signal clientUnminimized which carries the client as argument
06:34.14mgraesslindiyfupeco: and the client itself has a minimizedChanged signal
06:35.20diyfupecomgraesslin: Thanks. :)
06:35.32mgraesslinI need to update the docs
06:37.36*** join/#kde Cymew (
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06:47.43diyfupecoHm, ok, I don't think kwin scripting can help me with that problem: If I use krunners module for window managagement to unminimize a window sometimes it won't get active. : (
06:48.14diyfupecoOr bring a window to the front. :/
06:50.42*** join/#kde cjdmax (
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07:00.05lordievaderGood morning.
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07:08.39rjsaltsDoes anyone know if there is a way to change the application launcher from application description to application name if you're using the mouse action in kf5?
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07:09.00valoriethere are alternate launchers
07:09.09valorietry them and see if they are what you want
07:09.10rjsaltsas mouse actions?
07:09.32valorienot sure what you mean, but try the alternates
07:10.43rjsaltsYou go to desktop settings and "Mouse actions" and then change right click to "Application Launcher"
07:11.10rjsaltsand it has a finite number of plugins
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07:16.42rjsaltsIf I'm using a plasmoid or whatever they're called now, there is a preference "Use description" or "Use name" and for example I'll get "Web browser" for description or "Firefox" for name
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07:22.15rjsaltsIs there a live CD that's as close as possible to KDE upstream without any distribution modifications?
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07:23.47valoriethat's a matter of individual judgement, rjsalts
07:24.02valoriethat's why I use kubuntu, but others see it differently
07:25.04rjsaltskubuntu have done a fair few changes afaik
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07:27.44valorieas few as possible
07:28.00*** join/#kde techsayan_ (~techsayan@
07:28.00valoriebut I think each distro says that, tries to do that
07:28.13*** join/#kde FenDanT (~FenDanT@unaffiliated/fendant)
07:28.32FenDanTHey all ;)
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07:46.16FenDanTI have a small problem with kde5 using Oxygen theme... I dont know how to get rid of that kind of icons with strange deco as you can see here :  Any idea ?
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08:11.26diyfupecoIs there a way to show the date in the default digital clock plasmoid on the same line?
08:11.40diyfupecoOr use a custom format completly?
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08:26.49blackflowHello. I've just installed 5.4 on Gentoo. I have pm-utils and I can suspend from the command line just fine. But I have no idea how to enable the suspend button through the Leave menu. Also restart and shutdown are not available there, only in sddm.
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08:46.36VirHi guys! I'm on Kubuntu 15.04 with KDE backports. I experience bad hangs and lockups the more screens I connect. It's bearable with 2 displays. With 3 displays session login takes ~10 minutes. It seems like some IPC issue. Is there a known issue that was fixed in the meantime?
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10:23.09granitosaurusDoes Kate text editor has javascript highlight?
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10:28.17toskygranitosaurus: yes
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11:37.59tomboy64is there a way to have kdewallet not ask for permission to open for specific entries? e.g. single wifi-keys networkmanager wants
11:38.21tomboy64(kde plasma 5.4/applications 15.08)
11:38.41tomboy64oh, and gentoo distro
11:39.00BlaXpirit_tomboy64, if you have them in a separate wallet with empty password
11:39.26BlaXpirit_but i'm not sure if it's possible to pick a wallet per application
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11:46.34tomboy64okay, thanks
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11:58.12jaffersAhh, I came from xfce. anyone wanna tell me if there is a quick fix to get the menu similar? someone in a voip server told me there is a "classic" restore setting in a menu somewhere? cant find it... :( srry4thehelpdeskshit
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12:01.24hateballwho even uses a menu when you have krunner
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12:04.20jaffersi just want my right click to application back
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12:10.56hateballjaffers: are you using 4.x or 5.x?
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12:11.47hateballjaffers: in 4.x you can rightclick the workspace, edit "settings for default etc", change rightclick mouse action to Launch program
12:12.53jaffersplasma 5
12:13.25Markus_KMijaffers: Unlock Widgets -> Right click on K button -> Alternatives -> select Application Menu
12:13.35jaffersoh jeez
12:13.39jaffersthats perfect
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12:13.42jafferscheers dude
12:13.53jaffersexactly what i wanted
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12:15.08jaffersalso, whats up with the clock? once you scale down the bottom bar it starts clipping
12:15.47Markus_KMijaffers: Let me guess: You don't have Plasma 5.4 yet?
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12:16.37jaffersahah, i do. just got it off the arch repos
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12:24.48jafferslul wat. fucked up repo. dw solved
12:24.57Markus_KMithe clock should work better in 5.4. if you have problems, better file a bug report
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12:39.46Markus_KMiOh great. The latest Intel GPU driver update on Fedora seems to mess up either EGL support in KWin. Some Plasma widgets just stop updating after a while.
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12:40.16Markus_KMiChange back to GLX and it seems to work again
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12:42.34rdieterMarkus_KMi: intel/egl has never worked reliably for me, fwiw
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12:45.14Markus_KMirdieter: Just had a look and apparently there was no update since 3 months but I could have sworn to have received an update yesterday
12:45.57rdieterMarkus_KMi: there was a mesa one about ~1 month ago, plus there's always new kernels coming
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12:47.50Markus_KMirdieter: could it be that dnf update missed it because yesterday I used distro-sync to remove the "fixed" kf5-frameworkintegration I manually installed from Koji because of ?
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12:49.17BluesKajHi all
12:49.20rdieterMarkus_KMi: doubtful
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12:51.14Markus_KMiwell, EGL worked fine until yesterday. :D
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13:00.39rdieterMarkus_KMi: try booting to an older kernel ?
13:05.10jafferskde makes me want to fucking cry TBH. im sure its really good its just really really irritating me. there was a calender thing that popped up and would refuse to go away. so in my attempt to remove it i accidentally removed the bottom panel and now ive spent the last 25 minutes trying to get a panel back without sucess. please please please. i want to give kde a go, i do, but this makes me want to go back to xfce. how do you add a panel? anyone please
13:07.06toskyjaffers: the hamburger-like menu on the upper-right corner, it should allow you to recreate the default panel
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13:07.29tosky(but also right click on the desktop, depending on the container)
13:09.48jaffersits not in the widget or an option
13:09.56jaffersthere is a menu
13:10.19jaffersdefault ~add widgets ~activites ~shortcuts ~etc
13:13.58BluesKajright click
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13:14.41BluesKajuh oh , KB battreies are bad here
13:15.43jaffersuhh, i turned my right click into open application
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13:19.44Markus_KMirdieter: Not yet. I'm currently on the go. Before I left my house, I downgraded the Intel driver. I'll investigate further in 30 or so minutes
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13:21.24BluesKajuhm, that's not a good move , jaffers , surely a less used and less important device input would be easier and less intrusive.
13:21.59jaffersahah, i was just so used to xfce....
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14:30.06kuanyuiCan I adjust animation speed in Plasma 5?
14:32.42Markus_KMikuanyui: Yes, in System Settings under Display -> Compositor
14:35.03kuanyuiMarkus_KMi: Wow! Thank you! (I didn't think it can be categorized under it at all)
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15:45.15ashkanullwhat's the shortcut for opening terminal in a directory ?
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15:48.27vedu_Hello. I ran out of disk space in /home and now the Taskbar and desktop aren't showing up even after freeing space and rebooting
15:48.52vedu_I'm using kubuntu with plasma 5.3
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15:49.05jaffersextend your home partition
15:49.09vedu_Not funny :P
15:49.15jaffersuse fdisk
15:49.26jaffersextend it, should be fine
15:49.32vedu_I have freed space. Have 20gb free
15:49.37jaffersprobs just temp files or somehting otehr
15:49.40jaffersughs ...
15:50.12jaffersi actually got angry with kde and just went back to xfce
15:50.13vedu_But now the Taskbar and desktop aren't showing up
15:50.28jaffersso, xorg doesnt start?
15:50.50vedu_No. Things start. Windows open. Yakuake works
15:51.07vedu_But no Taskbar or wallpaper
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16:11.04Markus_KMivedu_: Pretty much everything fucks up when they can't write config files etc
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16:11.18vedu_So now?
16:11.38vedu_Markus_KMi ^
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16:12.48vedu_Markus_KMi I freed the space. Now how shall fix these issues
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16:16.34Markus_KMilaunch a terminal
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16:16.41Markus_KMikquitapp plasmashell
16:16.59Markus_KMirm ~/.config/plasma*
16:18.00Markus_KMithen run plasmashell from krunner
16:18.43vedu_Markus_KMi just a second. Starting my computer
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16:22.05veduMarkus_KMi: it works :)
16:22.07Ingarcan anyone tell me where plasma saves display/monitor settings?
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16:22.30IngarI"m having serieus issues with a multi-monitor setup and atm I jsut get a black screen when I start the desktop
16:22.38veduMarkus_KMi: I just started my computer and it worked. didn't need to clear the config
16:23.20Markus_KMieven better
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16:27.18Ingaror are there any reported issues with plasma and the latest nvidia drivers ?
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16:35.02Phrk_It's me or the new sound mixer of kde can't show per application mixer ?
16:35.24Phrk_new kde = gnome ?
16:36.07Ingarno, worse
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16:36.43Phrk_why did i upgrade to plasma5
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16:39.12ariatsuniHi, I’ve serious problems with Plasma 5.4. It’s CPU-intensive (20% of my CPU) and sometimes it become so slow I need to kill it.
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16:40.27ariatsuniI don’t think I can’t downgrade to Plasma 5.3 on Arch Linux without ton of work.
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16:41.13ariatsuniright now I’m just using KDE without Plasma, which is pretty annoying
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16:41.27ariatsunianybody has an idea how to fix this?
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16:42.29toskyPhrk_: the "old" program is still available (kmix), just use it; the new one is at the first release, give it some time
16:42.37Markus_KMirdieter: it's the xorg driver. let's see what happens to
16:42.53Phrk_tosky: yes that what i did
16:43.11rdieterMarkus_KMi: I take it back, therer was an update this past week too that I noticed
16:43.52rdieterthat's the one :)
16:44.31toskyariatsuni: does it work with a fresh profile (with a basic panel, etc)? Changing the type of kwin acceleration?
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16:45.48ariatsunitosky: well it seems that after a while the problem come back again
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16:47.13ariatsuniI tried starting with a fresh profile, changing plasma theme, disabling compositing
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16:48.21Markus_KMirdieter: lists the 3 months old update. :D
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16:49.29ariatsuniright now it’s just some kind of freezed regardless of how many time I restart it
16:49.41ariatsuniI tried to change to XRender, doesn’t change anything
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16:50.13ariatsuniMaybe it’s because I put it to the side?
16:50.22ariatsuni(my Plasma is on the right side of the screen)
16:50.27rdieterMarkus_KMi:    shows all
16:50.51rdieterthe "apps" webapp is definitely out-of-date it appears
16:51.40zoldyckis it normal that baloo throws this line (warning level) into system journal every few seconds?
16:51.41zoldyckbaloo_file[715]: QProcess: Destroyed while process ("/usr/bin/baloo_file_extractor") is still running.
16:51.49zoldyckit adds some chaos into my logs
16:52.26zoldyckI disabled file search but baloo_file is still running!
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16:53.52zoldyckI'd also like to delete file indexes
16:54.30zoldyckbut it looks like baloo has other indexes:
16:54.32zoldyckls .local/share/baloo/
16:54.33zoldyckcalendars/  collections/  contacts/  email/  emailContacts/  index  index-lock  notes/
16:55.06toskyariatsuni: plasma handles all the screen; you mean a panel? Is there anything in the (Xorg) logs, or into xsession-errors?
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17:00.21strayPuppyzoldyck: balooctl disable
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17:01.30zoldyckstrayPuppy: and then I can completely delete .local/share/baloo/ ?
17:02.00strayPuppyI would say so, I disabled baloo long ago.
17:06.28BluesKajno ned to remove it
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17:18.05nemysisyes only disable baloo
17:19.53Phrk_how can we reduce the ram usage ?
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17:20.06Phrk_like don't start krunner ( i dont use that)
17:21.08ira_what is krunner?
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17:21.52_Jaffers_krunner is kde's type and run thing
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17:24.24ivanvpso I have installed a KDE app in a different environment and wish to have thumbnails in file dialogs
17:24.33ivanvpdo I have to install the KDE desktop for this?
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17:24.55ivanvpall I see are placeholder icons
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17:26.57thiagothere should be an option in the file dialog to turn it on
17:27.05thiagobut you also need kio_thumbnail installed
17:27.08strayPuppyivanvp: there is a place to enable that in konqueror
17:27.32strayPuppyunder General > preview
17:27.59strayPuppyprobably other places to turn it on too
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17:29.14ivanvpstrayPuppy: I found it in konqueror, but my "open" dialog is still without them alas
17:29.56strayPuppyyeah, you probably need some plugins installed.
17:30.46ivanvpthiago: ah, I'll take a look at that one
17:31.18strayPuppylike for videos you would need: libffmpegthumbnailer4
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17:33.55MCMicHello, since last update of kde and plasma, it seems kwin is crashing after session login (windows have no borders, I can’t change focus or anything. I use Archlinux)
17:34.11MCMicIs there log somewhere that would help me?
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17:40.49silver_hookHow can I format something in KDE nowadays? I don’t see the option in the right-click menu in Dolphin anymore, if I click on e.g. the SD card icon in the Device list.
17:43.13Phrk_i think they made there gedit alternative
17:43.36cb400fkde partition manager.. or command line tools... or distro specific tools like e.g. yast
17:44.02cb400for gparted for that matter...
17:46.17silver_hookthanks :)
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17:49.09ivanvphm, no cigar
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19:50.12Markus_KMisilver_hook: personally I was a big fan of Gnome Disks before they adopted those CSD crap. It still serves its purpose, though.
19:51.16silver_hookMarkus_KMi: That wasn’t be
19:51.33silver_hookMarkus_KMi: That wasn’t bad, no. But KDE’s Partition Manager had (and still has) potential :)
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20:06.00silver_hookIs KTorrent still useful or is it too outdated?
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20:08.00Sho_silver_hook: still works great for me personally
20:08.08Sho_i don't see any problems with datedness
20:08.23silver_hookSho_: OK, then I just haven’t used it in ages and found a crappy torrent.
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20:08.40Sho_i still use it very regularly
20:08.49ira_i use qbittorrent
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20:10.48kaddihi, what's the new location where konversation stores it logs? It doesn't seem to be .kde/share/apps/konversation/logs anymore?
20:11.09Sho_.local/share/ etc
20:11.17silver_hookkaddi: You can set it in the Settings.
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20:11.51silver_hookSho_: Cool, I’ll just leave it on during the night. :)
20:12.28kaddiSho_: is it created by default?
20:12.39kaddii don't have konversation under local/share
20:12.51Sho_it should be yes
20:13.42kaddisilver_hook: thanks, apparently the path is set to ~/logs o.0 Well I have my logs :)
20:14.12silver_hookkaddi: Cool. You probably did that some day, to find them more easily in one place. I did the same ;)
20:14.34kaddiyeah.. but it must've reactivated after i upgraded to kde5.. which is surprising :p
20:16.34silver_hookis still waiting for 5.4 to reach Mageia and very much looking forward to it :3
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22:07.16Tazmainsigh systemsettings5 still has a segfault in
22:07.56Markus_KMiTazmain: There are several problems with Qt 5.5.
22:08.11Markus_KMiCan you downgrade?
22:08.34TazmainI could potentially, but it was the same with 5.4
22:09.20Tazmainand my screen started to flicker, so I changed the compositor render backend to xrandr, shortly after watching a few videos the whole pc froze again. Saw the same with opengl3.1
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22:13.48Markus_KMiah, ok
22:14.41Tazmainyeah not sure what is causing the fault though, when I get around to recompiling to include debug symbols for a backtrace I can have a look
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